Package: PWMEnrich 4.43.0

Diego Diez

PWMEnrich: PWM enrichment analysis

A toolkit of high-level functions for DNA motif scanning and enrichment analysis built upon Biostrings. The main functionality is PWM enrichment analysis of already known PWMs (e.g. from databases such as MotifDb), but the package also implements high-level functions for PWM scanning and visualisation. The package does not perform "de novo" motif discovery, but is instead focused on using motifs that are either experimentally derived or computationally constructed by other tools.

Authors:Robert Stojnic, Diego Diez

PWMEnrich.pdf |PWMEnrich.html
PWMEnrich/json (API)

# Install 'PWMEnrich' in R:
install.packages('PWMEnrich', repos = c('', ''))

On BioConductor:PWMEnrich-4.43.0(bioc 3.21)PWMEnrich-4.42.0(bioc 3.20)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


5.08 score 60 scripts 411 downloads 16 mentions 34 exports 22 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:23d86400e5. Checks:1 OK, 7 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 29 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEJan 29 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEJan 29 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEJan 29 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 29 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 29 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 29 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 29 2025


Overview of the 'PWMEnrich' package

Rendered fromPWMEnrich.Rnwusingknitr::knitron Jan 29 2025.

Last update: 2015-10-01
Started: 2013-10-21

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Normalizes the motifs input argument for multiple functions.inputParamMotifs
Normalize the sequences input argument.inputParamSequences
Check the frequency matrix input parameter for motifSimilarity.inputPFMfromMatrixOrPWM
check consistency of bg.seq input
Input parameter normalization for PWMUnscaled.normargPfm
Input parameter normalization function for PWMUnscaled.normargPriorParams
Get the background for a subset of PWMs[,PWMCutoffBackground-method
Get the background for a subset of PWMs[,PWMEmpiricalBackground-method
Get the background for a subset of PWMs[,PWMGEVBackground-method
Get the background for a subset of PWMs[,PWMLognBackground-method
Calculate total affinity over a set of sequencesaffinitySequenceSet
Convert a MotifEnrichmentReport into a data.frame,MotifEnrichmentReport-method
Calculate the Clover P-value as described in the Clover papercloverPvalue1seq
Calculate the Clover score using the recursive formula from Frith et alcloverScore
Calculate medians of columnscolMedians
Calculate standard deviations of columnscolSds
Concatenata DNA sequences into a single character objectconcatenateSequences
Z-score calculation for cutoff hitscutoffZscore
Z-score calculation for cutoff hits for group of sequencescutoffZscoreSequenceSet
Divide each row of a matrix with a vectordivideRows
Convert DNAStringSet to list of DNAString objectsDNAStringSetToList
Calculate the empirical P-value by affinity of cutoff.empiricalPvalue
Empirical P-value for a set of sequencesempiricalPvalueSequenceSet
Get the four nucleotides background frequenciesgetBackgroundFrequencies
Get the promoter sequences either for a named organism such as "dm3" or a BSgenome objectgetPromoters
Apply GEV background normalization per every sequencegevPerSequence
Generate a motif enrichment report for the whole group of sequences togethergroupReport groupReport,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
Replace all infinite values by 0keepFinite
Calculate the P-value from lognormal distribution with background of equal lengthlogNormPval
Lognormal P-value for a set of sequenceslogNormPvalSequenceSet
Make a background for a set of position frequency matricesmakeBackground
Make priors from background sequencesmakePriors
Make a cutoff backgroundmakePWMCutoffBackground
Make an empirical P-value backgroundmakePWMEmpiricalBackground
Make a GEV background distributionmakePWMGEVBackground
Make a lognormal background distributionmakePWMLognBackground
Construct a cutoff background from empirical backgroundmakePWMPvalCutoffBackground
Construct a P-value cutoff background from a set of sequencesmakePWMPvalCutoffBackgroundFromSeq
Divide total.len into fragments of length len by providing start,end positionsmakeStartEndPos
Obtain z-score for motif column shufflingmatrixShuffleZscorePerSequence
Returned the aligned motif partsmaxAligned
Differential motif enrichmentmotifDiffEnrichment
Calculate the empirical distribution score distribution for a set of motifsmotifEcdf
Motif enrichmentmotifEnrichment
A report class with formatted results of motif enrichmentMotifEnrichmentReport-class
A wrapper class for results of motifEnrichment() that should make it easier to access the results.MotifEnrichmentResults-class
Information content for a PWM or PFMmotifIC
Calculate PR-AUC for motifs ranked according to some scoring schememotifPrAUC
Get a ranking of motifs by their enrichment in the whole set of sequencesmotifRankingForGroup motifRankingForGroup,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
Get a ranking of motifs by their enrichment in one specific sequencemotifRankingForSequence motifRankingForSequence,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
Calculate Recovery-AUC for motifs ranked according to some scoring schememotifRecoveryAUC
Motif affinity or number of hits over a thresholdmotifScores
This is a memory intensive version of motifScore() which is about 2 times fastermotifScoresBigMemory
Calculates similarity between two PFMs.motifSimilarity
Names of variables$,MotifEnrichmentReport-method names,MotifEnrichmentReport names,MotifEnrichmentReport-method [,MotifEnrichmentReport-method
Names of variables$,MotifEnrichmentResults-method names,MotifEnrichmentResults names,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
Names of variables$,PWM-method length,PWM-method names,PWM names,PWM-method
Names of variables$,PWMCutoffBackground-method names,PWMCutoffBackground names,PWMCutoffBackground-method
Names of variables$,PWMEmpiricalBackground-method names,PWMEmpiricalBackground names,PWMEmpiricalBackground-method
Names of variables$,PWMGEVBackground-method names,PWMGEVBackground names,PWMGEVBackground-method
Names of variables$,PWMLognBackground-method names,PWMLognBackground names,PWMLognBackground-method
Convert frequencies into motifs using PWMUnscaledPFMtoPWM
Plot the motif enrichment reportplot,MotifEnrichmentReport,missing-method
Plotting for the PWM classplot,PWM,missing-method
Plot the raw motifs scores as returned by motifScores()plotMotifScores
Plot mulitple motifs in a single plotplotMultipleMotifs
Plot a PFM (not PWM) using seqLogoplotPFM
Plot the top N enrichment motifs in a group of sequencesplotTopMotifsGroup plotTopMotifsGroup,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
Plot the top N enrichment motifs in a single sequenceplotTopMotifsSequence plotTopMotifsSequence,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
A class that represents a Position Weight Matrix (PWM)PWM-class
Hit count background distribution for a set of PWMsPWMCutoffBackground-class
Background for calculating empirical P-valuesPWMEmpiricalBackground-class
Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) background for P-valuesPWMGEVBackground-class
Lognormal background distribution for a set of PWMsPWMLognBackground-class
Create a PWM from PFMPWMUnscaled
A helper function for motifRankingForGroup and motifRankingForSequence with the common coderankingProcessAndReturn
Read motifs in JASPAR formatreadJASPAR
Read in motifs in JASPAR or TRANSFAC formatreadMotifs
Read in motifs in TRANSFAC formatreadTRANSFAC
Register than PWMEnrich can use parallel CPU coresregisterCoresPWMEnrich
Reverse complement for the PWM objectreverseComplement,PWM-method
Scan the whole sequence on both strandsscanWithPWM
Draw a motif logo on an existing viewportseqLogoGrid
Generate a motif enrichment report for a single sequencesequenceReport sequenceReport,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
show method for MotifEnrichmentReportshow,MotifEnrichmentReport-method
show method for MotifEnrichmentResultsshow,MotifEnrichmentResults-method
show method for PWMshow,PWM-method
show method for PWMCutoffBackgroundshow,PWMCutoffBackground-method
show method for PWMEmpiricalBackgroundshow,PWMEmpiricalBackground-method
show method for PWMGEVBackgroundshow,PWMGEVBackground-method
show method for PWMLognBackgroundshow,PWMLognBackground-method
Convert motifs into PWMstoPWM
Try all motif alignments and return max scoretryAllMotifAlignments
If to use a faster implementation of motif scanning that requires abount 5 to 10 times more memoryuseBigMemoryPWMEnrich