Package 'PSMatch'

Title: Handling and Managing Peptide Spectrum Matches
Description: The PSMatch package helps proteomics practitioners to load, handle and manage Peptide Spectrum Matches. It provides functions to model peptide-protein relations as adjacency matrices and connected components, visualise these as graphs and make informed decision about shared peptide filtering. The package also provides functions to calculate and visualise MS2 fragment ions.
Authors: Laurent Gatto [aut, cre] , Johannes Rainer [aut] , Sebastian Gibb [aut] , Samuel Wieczorek [ctb], Thomas Burger [ctb]
Maintainer: Laurent Gatto <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.11.0
Built: 2025-03-08 05:34:59 UTC

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Adds MS2 Fragments


Adds MS2 Fragments


addFragments(x, tolerance = 0, ppm = 20, ...)



An instance of class Spectra of length 1, containing a spectra variable "sequence" with a character(1) representing a valid peptide sequence.


absolute acceptable difference of m/z values for peaks to be considered matching (see MsCoreUtils::common() for more details).


m/z relative acceptable difference (in ppm) for peaks to be considered matching (see MsCoreUtils::common() for more #' details).


additional parameters (except verbose) passed to calculateFragments() to calculate fragment m/z values to be added to the spectra in x.


Return a character() with fragment ion labels.


Johannes Rainer, Sebastian Gibb, Laurent Gatto



sp <- DataFrame(msLevel = 2L, rtime = 2345, sequence = "SIGFEGDSIGR")
sp$mz <- list(c(100.048614501953, 110.069030761719, 112.085876464844,
                117.112571716309, 158.089569091797, 163.114898681641,
                175.117172241211, 177.098587036133, 214.127075195312,
                232.137542724609, 233.140335083008, 259.938415527344,
                260.084167480469, 277.111572265625, 282.680786132812,
                284.079437255859, 291.208282470703, 315.422576904297,
                317.22509765625, 327.2060546875, 362.211944580078,
                402.235290527344, 433.255004882812, 529.265991210938,
                549.305236816406, 593.217041015625, 594.595092773438,
                609.848327636719, 631.819702148438, 632.324035644531,
                632.804931640625, 640.8193359375, 641.309936523438,
                641.82568359375, 678.357238769531, 679.346252441406,
                688.291259765625, 735.358947753906, 851.384033203125,
                880.414001464844, 881.40185546875, 919.406433105469,
                938.445861816406, 1022.56658935547, 1050.50415039062,
                1059.82800292969, 1107.52734375, 1138.521484375,
                1147.51538085938, 1226.056640625))
sp$intensity <- list(c(83143.03, 65473.8, 192735.53, 3649178.5,
                       379537.81, 89117.58, 922802.69, 61190.44,
                       281353.22, 2984798.75, 111935.03, 42512.57,
                       117443.59, 60773.67, 39108.15, 55350.43,
                       209952.97, 37001.18, 439515.53, 139584.47,
                       46842.71, 1015457.44, 419382.31, 63378.77,
                       444406.66, 58426.91, 46007.71, 58711.72,
                       80675.59, 312799.97, 134451.72, 151969.72,
                       3215457.75, 1961975, 395735.62, 71002.98,
                       69405.73, 136619.47, 166158.69, 682329.75,
                       239964.69, 242025.44, 1338597.62, 50118.02,
                       1708093.12, 43119.03, 97048.02, 2668231.75,
                       83310.2, 40705.72))
sp <- Spectra(sp)

## The fragment ion labels

## Annotate the spectum with the fragment labels
plotSpectra(sp, labels = addFragments, labelPos = 3)

Convert to/from an adjacency matrix.


There are two ways that peptide/protein matches are commonly stored: either as a vector or an adjacency matrix. The functions described below convert between these two format.


  split = ";",
  peptide = psmVariables(x)["peptide"],
  protein = psmVariables(x)["protein"],
  score = psmVariables(x)["score"],
  binary = FALSE

makePeptideProteinVector(m, collapse = ";")

  protColors = 0,
  pepColors = NULL,
  layout = igraph::layout_nicely



Either an instance of class PSM or a character. See example below for details.


character(1) defining how to split the string of protein identifiers (using strsplit()). Default is ";". If NULL, splitting is ignored.


character(1) indicating the name of the variable that defines peptides in the PSM object. Default is the peptide PSM variable as defined in psmVariables().


character(1) indicating the name of the variable that defines proteins in the PSM object. Default is the peptide PSM variable as defined in psmVariables().


character(1) indicating the name of the variable that defines PSM scores in the PSM object. Default is the score PSM variable as defined in psmVariables(). Ignored when NA (which is the default value unless set by the user when constructing the PSM object).


logical(1) indicates if the adjacency matrix should be strictly binary. In such a case, PSMs matching the same peptide but from different precursors (for example charge 2 and 3) or carrying different PTMs, are counted only once. Default if FALSE. This also overrides any score that would be set.


A peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix.


character(1) indicating how to collapse protein names for shared peptides. Default is ";".


Either a numeric(1) or a named character() of colour names. The numeric value indicates the protein colouring level to use. If 0 (default), all protein nodes are labelled in steelblue. For values > 0, approximate string distances (see adist()) between protein names are calculated and nodes of proteins that have names that differ will be coloured differently, with higher values leading to more colours. While no maximum to this value is defined in the code, it shouldn't be higher than the number of proteins. If a character is used, it should be a character of colour names named by protein identifiers. That vector should provide colours for at least all proteins in the adjacency matrix m, but more protein could be named. The latter is useful when generating a colour vector for all proteins in a dataset and use it for different adjacency matrix visualisations.


Either NULL (default) for no peptide colouring (white nodes) or a named character() of colour names. It should be a character of colour names named by peptide identifiers. That vector should provide colours for at least all peptides in the adjacency matrix m, but more peptides could be named. The latter is useful when generating a colour vector for all peptides in a dataset and use it for different adjacency matrix visualisations.


A graph layout, as defined in the ipgraph package. Default is layout_as_bipartite().


The makeAdjacencyMatrix() function creates a peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix from a character or an instance of class PSM().

The character is formatted as x <- c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtA;ProtB", ...), as commonly encoutered in proteomics data spreadsheets. It defines that the first peptide is mapped to protein "ProtA", the second one to protein "ProtB", the third one to "ProtA" and "ProtB", and so on. The resulting matrix contain length(x) rows an as many columns as there are unique protein idenifiers in x. The columns are named after the protein idenifiers and the peptide/protein vector namesa are used to name to matrix rows (even if these aren't unique).

The makePeptideProteinVector() function does the opposite operation, taking an adjacency matrix as input and retruning a peptide/protein vector. The matrix colnames are used to populate the vector and the matrix rownames are used to name the vector elements.

Note that when creating an adjacency matrix from a PSM object, the matrix is not necessarily binary, as multiple PSMs can match the same peptide (sequence), such as for example precursors with different charge states. A binary matrix can either be generated with the binary argument (setting all non-0 values to 1) or by reducing the PSM object accordingly (see example below).

It is also possible to generate adjacency matrices populated with identification scores or probabilites by setting the "score" PSM variable upon construction of the PSM object (see PSM() for details). In case multiple PSMs occur, their respective scores get summed.

The plotAdjacencyMatrix() function is useful to visualise small adjacency matrices, such as those representing protein groups modelled as connected components, as described and illustrated in ConnectedComponents(). The function generates a graph modelling the relation between proteins (represented as squares) and peptides (represented as circes), which can further be coloured (see the protColors and pepColors arguments). The function invisibly returns the graph igraph object for additional tuning and/or interactive visualisation using, for example igraph::tkplot().

There exists some important differences in the creation of an adjacency matrix from a PSM object or a vector, other than the input variable itself:

  • In a PSM object, each row (PSM) refers to an individual proteins; rows/PSMs never refer to a protein group. There is thus no need for a split argument, which is used exclusively when creating a matrix from a character.

  • Conversely, when using protein vectors, such as those illustrated in the example below or retrieved from tabular quantitative proteomics data, each row/peptide is expected to refer to protein groups and individual proteins (groups of size 1). These have to be split accordingly.


A peptide-by-protein sparce adjacency matrix (or class dgCMatrix as defined in the Matrix package) or peptide/protein vector.


Laurent Gatto


## -----------------------
## From a character
## -----------------------

## Protein vector without names
prots <- c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtA;ProtB")

## Named protein vector
names(prots) <- c("pep1", "pep2", "pep3")
m <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(prots)

## Back to vector
vec <- makePeptideProteinVector(m)
identical(prots, vec)

## ----------------------------
## PSM object from a data.frame
## ----------------------------

psmdf <- data.frame(psm = paste0("psm", 1:10),
                    peptide = paste0("pep", c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8)),
                    protein = paste0("Prot", LETTERS[c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6)]))
psm <- PSM(psmdf, peptide = "peptide", protein = "protein")

## Reduce PSM object to peptides
rpsm <- reducePSMs(psm, k = psm$peptide)

## Or set binary to TRUE
makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm, binary = TRUE)

## ----------------------------
## PSM object from an mzid file
## ----------------------------

f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
psm <- PSM(f) |>
       filterPsmDecoy() |>
adj <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm)
adj[1:10, 1:4]

## Binary adjacency matrix
adj <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm, binary = TRUE)
adj[1:10, 1:4]

## Peptides with rowSums > 1 match multiple proteins.
## Use filterPsmShared() to filter these out.

## -----------------------------------------------
## Binary, non-binary and score adjacency matrices
## -----------------------------------------------

## -------------------------------------
## Case 1: no scores, 1 PSM per peptides
psmdf <- data.frame(spectrum = c("sp1", "sp2", "sp3", "sp4", "sp5",
                                 "sp6", "sp7", "sp8", "sp9", "sp10"),
                    sequence = c("NKAVRTYHEQ", "IYNHSQGFCA", "YHWRLPVSEF",
                                 "YEHNGFPLKD", "WAQFDVYNLS", "EDHINCTQWP",
                                 "WSMKVDYEQT", "GWTSKMRYPL", "PMAYIWEKLC",
                    protein = c("ProtB", "ProtB", "ProtA", "ProtD", "ProtD",
                                "ProtG", "ProtF", "ProtE", "ProtC", "ProtF"),
                    decoy = rep(FALSE, 10),
                    rank = rep(1, 10),
                    score = c(0.082, 0.310, 0.133, 0.174, 0.944, 0.0261,
                              0.375, 0.741, 0.254, 0.058))

psm <- PSM(psmdf, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
           protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")

## binary matrix

## Case 2: sp1 and sp11 match the same peptide (NKAVRTYHEQ)
psmdf2 <- rbind(psmdf,
                data.frame(spectrum = "sp11",
                           sequence = psmdf$sequence[1],
                           protein = psmdf$protein[1],
                           decoy = FALSE,
                           rank = 1,
                           score = 0.011))
psm2 <- PSM(psmdf2, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
            protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")

## Now NKAVRTYHEQ/ProtB counts 2 PSMs

## Force a binary matrix
makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm2, binary = TRUE)

## --------------------------------
## Case 3: set the score PSM values
psmVariables(psm) ## no score defined
psm3 <- PSM(psm, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
            protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank",
            score = "score")
psmVariables(psm3) ## score defined

## adjacency matrix with scores

## Force a binary matrix
makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm3, binary = TRUE)

## ---------------------------------
## Case 4: scores with multiple PSMs

psm4 <- PSM(psm2, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
            protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank",
            score = "score")

## Now NKAVRTYHEQ/ProtB has a summed score of 0.093 computed as
## 0.082 (from sp1) + 0.011 (from sp11)

Calculate ions produced by fragmentation


These method calculates a-, b-, c-, x-, y- and z-ions produced by fragmentation.

Available methods

  • The default method with signature sequence = "character" and object = "missing" calculates the theoretical fragments for a peptide sequence. It returns a data.frame with the columns mz, ion, type, pos, z and seq.

  • Additional method can be defined that will adapt their behaviour based on spectra defined in object. See for example the MSnbase package that implements a method for objects of class Spectrum2.


## S4 method for signature 'character,missing'
  type = c("b", "y"),
  z = 1,
  modifications = c(C = 57.02146),
  neutralLoss = defaultNeutralLoss(),
  verbose = TRUE



character() providing a peptide sequence.


character vector of target ions; possible values: c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"). Default is type = c("b", "y").


numeric with desired charge state; default is 1.


A named numeric vector of used modifications. The name must correspond to the one-letter-code of the modified amino acid and the numeric value must represent the mass that should be added to the original amino accid mass, default: Carbamidomethyl modifications = c(C = 57.02146). Use Nterm or Cterm as names for modifications that should be added to the amino respectively carboxyl-terminus.


list, it has to have two named elments, namely water and ammonia that contain a character vector which type of neutral loss should be calculated. Currently neutral loss on the C terminal "Cterm", at the amino acids c("D", "E", "S", "T") for "water" (shown with an ⁠_⁠) and c("K", "N", "Q", "R") for "ammonia" (shown with an *) are supported.

There is a helper function `defaultNeutralLoss()` that returns
the correct list. It has two arguments `disableWaterLoss` and
`disableAmmoniaLoss` to remove single neutral loss options. See
the example section for use cases.

logical(1). If TRUE (default) the used modifications are printed.


The methods with oject = "missing" returns a data.frame.


Sebastian Gibb [email protected]


## calculate fragments for ACE with default modification
calculateFragments("ACE", modifications = c(C = 57.02146))

## calculate fragments for ACE with an addition N-terminal modification
calculateFragments("ACE", modifications = c(C = 57.02146, Nterm = 229.1629))

## calculate fragments for ACE without any modifications
calculateFragments("ACE", modifications = NULL)

                   type = c("a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z"),
                   z = 1:2)

## neutral loss

## disable water loss on the C terminal

## real example

## disable neutral loss completely
calculateFragments("PQR", neutralLoss=NULL)

Connected components


Connected components are a useful representation when exploring identification data. They represent the relation between proteins (the connected components) and how they form groups of proteins as defined by shared peptides.

Connected components are stored as ConnectedComponents objects that can be generated using the ConnectedComponents() function.


ConnectedComponents(object, ...)


connectedComponents(x, i, simplify = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents'

## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents'

## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents'

## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents'

## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents,integer,ANY,ANY'
x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE]

## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents,logical,ANY,ANY'
x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE]

## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents,numeric,ANY,ANY'
x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE]



## S4 method for signature 'ConnectedComponents'



For the ConnectedComponents class constructor, either a sparse adjacency matrix of class Matrix or an instance of class PSM.


Additional arguments passed to makeAdjacencyMatrix() when object is of class PSM().


An object of class ConnectedComponents.


numeric(), integer() or logical() to subset the ConnectedComponents instance. If a logical(), it must be of same length as the object is subsets.


logical(1) if TRUE (default), the output is simplified to sparse matrix if i was of length 1, otherwise a List is returned. Always a List if FALSE.






The ConnectedComponents() constructor returns an instance of class ConnectedComponents. The Creating and manipulating objects section describes the return values of the functions that manipulate ConnectedComponents objects.



The sparse adjacency matrix (class Matrix) of dimension p peptides by m proteins that was used to generate the object.


The sparse connected components matrix (class Matrix) of dimension m by m proteins.


A List containing adjacency matrices of each connected components.

Creating and manipulating objects

  • Instances of the class are created with the ConnectedComponent() constructor from a PSM() object or directly from a sparse adjacency matrix of class Matrix. Note that if using the latter, the rows and columns must be named.

  • The sparse peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix is stored in the ConnectedComponent instance and can be accessed with the adjacencyMatrix() function.

  • The protein-by-protein connected components sparse matrix of object x can be accessed with the ccMatrix(x) function.

  • The number of connected components of object x can be retrieved with length(x).

  • The size of the connected components of object x, i.e the number of proteins in each component, can be retrieved with ncols(x). The number of peptides defining the connected components can be retrieved with nrows(x). Both can be accessed with dims(x).

  • The connectedComponents(x, i, simplify = TRUE) function returns the peptide-by-protein sparse adjacency matrix (or List of matrices, if length(i) > 1), i.e. the subset of the adjacency matrix defined by the proteins in connected component(s) i. i is the numeric index (between 1 and length(x)) of the connected connected. If simplify is TRUE (default), then a matrix is returned instead of a List of matrices of length 1. If set to FALSE, a List is always returned, irrespective of its length.

  • To help with the exploration of individual connected Components, the prioritiseConnectedComponents() function will take an instance of ConnectedComponents and return a data.frame where the component indices are ordered based on their potential to clean up/flag some peptides and split protein groups in small groups or individual proteins, or simply explore them. The prioritisation is based on a set of metrics computed from the component's adjacency matrix, including its dimensions, row and col sums maxima and minima, its sparsity and the number of communities and their modularity that quantifies how well the communities separate (see modularity.igraph(). Note that trivial components, i.e. those composed of a single peptide and protein are excluded from the prioritised results. This data.frame is ideally suited for a principal component analysis (using for instance prcomp()) for further inspection for component visualisation with plotAdjacencyMatrix().


## --------------------------------
## From an adjacency matrix
## --------------------------------
adj <- sparseMatrix(i = c(1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5),
                    j = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5),
                    x = 1,
                    dimnames = list(paste0("Pep", 1:5),
                                   paste0("Prot", 1:5)))
cc <- ConnectedComponents(adj)


adjacencyMatrix(cc) ## same as adj above

connectedComponents(cc, 3) ## a singel matrix
connectedComponents(cc, 1:2) ## a List

## --------------------------------
## From an PSM object
## --------------------------------
f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")

psm <- PSM(f) |>
       filterPsmDecoy() |>

cc <- ConnectedComponents(psm)


(i <- which(ncols(cc) == 4))
ccomp <- connectedComponents(cc, i)

## A group of 4 proteins that all share peptide RTRYQAEVR

## Visualise the adjacency matrix - here, we see how the single
## peptides (white node) 'unites' the four proteins (blue nodes)

## A group of 4 proteins formed by 7 peptides: THPAERKPRRRKKR is
## found in the two first proteins, KPTARRRKRK was found twice in
## ECA3389, VVPVGLRALVWVQR was found in all 4 proteins, KLKPRRR
## is specific to ECA3399, ...

## See how VVPVGLRALVWVQR is shared by ECA3406 ECA3415 ECA3389 and
## links the three other componennts, namely ECA3399, ECA3389 and
## (ECA3415, ECA3406). Filtering that peptide out would split that
## protein group in three.

## Colour protein node based on protein names similarity
plotAdjacencyMatrix(ccomp[[3]], 1)

## To select non-trivial components of size > 1
cc2 <- cc[ncols(cc) > 1]

## Use components features to prioritise their exploration
pri_cc <- prioritiseConnectedComponents(cc)

plotAdjacencyMatrix(connectedComponents(cc, 1082), 1)

Describe protein and peptide compositions


It is important to explore PSM results prior to any further downstream analysies. Two functions, that work on PSM() and ConnectedComponents() objects can be used for this:

  • The describeProteins() function describe protein composition in terms of unique and shared peptides.

  • The describePeptides() function describe unique/shared peptide composition.






Either an instance of class Matrix, PSM() or ConnectedComponents().


describePeptides() invisibly return the table of unique and shared peptides. describeProteins() invisibly returns a data.frame with logicals indicating the unique/shared peptide composition of proteins. Both functions are used for their side effects of printing a short descriptive output about peptides and proteins.


f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
psm <- PSM(f) |>
       filterPsmDecoy() |>


Filter out unreliable PSMs.


Functions to filter out PSMs matching. The PSMs should be stored in a PSM such as those produced by PSM().

  • filterPsmDecoy() filters out decoy PSMs, i.e. those annotated as isDecoy.

  • filterPsmRank() filters out PSMs of rank > 1.

  • filterPsmShared() filters out shared PSMs, i.e. those that match multiple proteins.

  • filterPsmFdr() filters out PSMs based on their FDR.


  decoy = psmVariables(x)["decoy"],
  rank = psmVariables(x)["rank"],
  protein = psmVariables(x)["protein"],
  spectrum = psmVariables(x)["spectrum"],
  peptide = psmVariables(x)["peptide"],
  verbose = TRUE

filterPsmDecoy(x, decoy = psmVariables(x)["decoy"], verbose = TRUE)

filterPsmRank(x, rank = psmVariables(x)["rank"], verbose = TRUE)

  protein = psmVariables(x)["protein"],
  peptide = psmVariables(x)["peptide"],
  verbose = TRUE

filterPsmFdr(x, FDR = 0.05, fdr = psmVariables(x)["fdr"], verbose = TRUE)



An instance of class PSM.


character(1) with the column name specifying whether entries match the decoy database or not. Default is the decoy PSM variable as defined in psmVariables(). The column should be a logical and only PSMs holding a FALSE are retained. Filtering is ignored if set to NULL or NA.


character(1) with the column name holding the rank of the PSM. Default is the rank PSM variable as defined in psmVariables(). This column should be a numeric and only PSMs having rank equal to 1 are retained. Filtering is ignored if set to NULL or NA.


character(1) with the column name holding the protein (groups) protein. Default is the protein PSM variable as defined in psmVariables(). Filtering is ignored if set to NULL or NA.


character(1) with the name of the spectrum identifier column. Default is the spectrum PSM variable as defined in psmVariables(). Filtering is ignored if set to NULL or NA.


character(1) with the name of the peptide identifier column. Default is the peptide PSM variable as defined in psmVariables(). Filtering is ignored if set to NULL or NA.


logical(1) setting the verbosity flag.


numeric(1) to be used to filter based on the fdr variable. Default is 0.05.


character(1) variable name that defines that defines the spectrum FDR (or any similar/relevant metric that can be used for filtering). This value isn't set by default as it depends on the search engine and application. Default is NA.


A new filtered PSM object with the same columns as the input x.


Laurent Gatto


f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
id <- PSM(f)

Amino acids


Returns a data.frame of amino acid properties: AA, ResidueMass, Abbrev3, ImmoniumIonMass, Name, Hydrophobicity, Hydrophilicity, SideChainMass, pK1, pK2 and pI.






Laurent Gatto



Atomic mass.


Returns a double of used atomic mass.




A named double.


Sebastian Gibb



A class for peptide-spectrum matches


The PSM class is a simple class to store and manipulate peptide-spectrum matches. The class encapsulates PSM data as a DataFrame (or more specifically a DFrame) with additional lightweight metadata annotation.

There are two types of PSM objects:

  • Objects with duplicated spectrum identifiers. This holds for multiple matches to the same spectrum, be it different peptide sequences or the same sequence with or without a post-translational modification. Such objects are typically created with the PSM() constructor starting from mzIdentML files.

  • Reduced objects where the spectrum identifiers (or any equivalent column) are unique keys within the PSM table. Matches to the same scan/spectrum are merged into a single PSM data row. Reduced PSM object are created with the reducePSMs() function. See examples below.

Objects can be checked for their reduced state with the reduced() function which returns TRUE for reduced instances, FALSE when the spectrum identifiers are duplicated, or NA when unknown. The flag can also be set explicitly with the ⁠reduced()<-⁠ setter.


  spectrum = NA,
  peptide = NA,
  protein = NA,
  decoy = NA,
  rank = NA,
  score = NA,
  fdr = NA,
  parser = c("mzR", "mzID"),
  BPPARAM = SerialParam()

reduced(object, spectrum = psmVariables(object)["spectrum"])

reduced(object) <- value

psmVariables(object, which = "all")

reducePSMs(object, k = object[[psmVariables(object)["spectrum"]]])

## S4 method for signature 'PSM'



character() of mzid file names, an instance of class PSM, or a data.frame.


character(1) variable name that defines a spectrum in the PSM data. Default are "spectrumID" (mzR parser) or "spectrumid" (mzID parser). It is also used to calculate the reduced state.


character(1) variable name that defines a peptide in the PSM data. Detaults are "sequence" (mzR parser) or "pepSeq" (mzID parser).


character(1) variable name that defines a protein in the PSM data. Detaults are "DatabaseAccess" (mzR parser) or "accession" (mzID parser).


character(1) variable name that defines a decoy hit in the PSM data. Detaults are "isDecoy" (mzR parser) or "isdecoy" (mzID parser).


character(1) variable name that defines the rank of the peptide spectrum match in the PSM data. Default is "rank".


character(1) variable name that defines the PSM score. This value isn't set by default as it depends on the search engine and application. Default is NA.


character(1) variable name that defines that defines the spectrum FDR (or any similar/relevant metric that can be used for filtering). This value isn't set by default as it depends on the search engine and application. Default is NA.


character(1) defining the parser to be used to read the mzIdentML files. One of "mzR" (default) or "mzID".


an object inheriting from BiocParallelParam to control parallel processing. The default value is SerialParam() to read files in series.


An instance of class PSM.


new value to be passed to setter.


character() with the PSM variable name to retrieve. If "all" (default), all named variables are returned. See PSM() for valid PSM variables.


A vector or factor of length equal to nrow(x) that defines the primary key used to reduce x. This typically corresponds to the spectrum identifier. The defauls is to use the spectrum PSM variable.


PSM() returns a PSM object.

reducePSMs() returns a reduced version of the x input.

Creating and using PSM objects

  • The PSM() constructor uses parsers provided by the mzR or mzID packages to read the mzIdentML data. The vignette describes some apparent differences in their outputs. The constructor input is a character of one more multiple file names.

  • PSM objects can also be created from a data.frame object (or any variable that can be coerced into a DataFrame.

  • Finally, PSM() can also take a PSM object as input, which leaves the PSM data as is and is used to set/update the PSM variables.

  • The constructor can also initialise variables (called PSM variables) needed for downstream processing, notably filtering (see filterPSMs()) and to generate a peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix (see makeAdjacencyMatrix()). These variables can be extracted with the psmVariables() function. They represent the columns in the PSM table that identify spectra, peptides, proteins, decoy peptides hit ranks and, optionally, a PSM score. The value of these variables will depend on the backend used to create the object, or left blank (i.e. encoded as NA) when building an object by hand from a data.frame. In such situation, they need to be passed explicitly by the user as arguments to PSM().

  • The adjacencyMatrix() accessor can be used to retrieve the binary sparse peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix from the PSM object. It also relies on PSM variables which thus need to be set beforehand. For more flexibility in the generation of the adjacency matrix (for non-binary matrices), use makeAdjacencyMatrix().


## ---------------------------------
## Example with a single mzid file
## ---------------------------------

f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")

## mzR parser (default)
psm <- PSM(f)

## PSM variables

## mzID parser
psm_mzid <- PSM(f, parser = "mzID")

## different PSM variables

## Reducing the PSM data
(i <- which(duplicated(psm$spectrumID))[1:2])
(i <- which(psm$spectrumID %in% psm$spectrumID[i]))
psm2 <- psm[i, ]

## Carbamidomethyl modifications at positions 1 and 28.
DataFrame(psm2[, c("sequence", "spectrumID", "modName", "modLocation")])
reduced(psm2) <- FALSE

## uses by default the spectrum PSM variable, as defined during
## the construction - see psmVariables()
rpsm2 <- reducePSMs(psm2)
DataFrame(rpsm2[, c("sequence", "spectrumID", "modName", "modLocation")])

## ---------------------------------
## Multiple mzid files
## ---------------------------------

PXD022816 <- PXDataset("PXD022816")

(mzids <- pxget(PXD022816, grep("mzID", pxfiles(PXD022816))[1:2]))
psm <- PSM(mzids)

## Here, spectrum identifiers are repeated accross files
psm[grep("scan=20000", psm$spectrumID), "spectrumFile"]

## Let's create a new primary identifier composed of the scan
## number and the file name
psm$pkey <- paste(sub("^.+Task\\\\", "", psm$spectrumFile),
                  sub("^.+scan=", "", psm$spectrumID),
                  sep = "::")

## the PSM is not reduced
reduced(psm, "pkey")
DataFrame(psm[6:7, ])

## same sequence, same spectrumID, same file

## different modification locations

## here, we need to *explicitly* set pkey to reduce
rpsm <- reducePSMs(psm, psm$pkey)
reduced(rpsm, "pkey")

## the two rows are now merged into a single one; the distinct
## modification locations are preserved.
(i <- which(rpsm$pkey == "QEP2LC6_HeLa_50ng_251120_01-calib.mzML::12894"))
DataFrame(rpsm[i, c("sequence", "pkey", "modName", "modLocation")])

## ---------------------------------
## PSM from a data.frame
## ---------------------------------

psmdf <- data.frame(spectrum = paste0("sp", 1:10),
                    sequence = replicate(10,
                                         paste(sample(getAminoAcids()[-1, "AA"], 10),
                                               collapse = "")),
                    protein = sample(paste0("Prot", LETTERS[1:7]), 10,
                                     replace = TRUE),
                    decoy = rep(FALSE, 10),
                    rank = rep(1, 10),
                    score = runif(10))

psm <- PSM(psmdf)

## no PSM variables set

## set PSM variables
psm <- PSM(psm, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
           protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")


PSMatch: Handling and Managing Peptide Spectrum Matches


The PSMatch package offers functionality to load, manage and analyse Peptide Spectrum Matches as generated in mass spectrometry-based proteomics. The four main objects and concepts that are proposed in this package are described below, and are aimed to proteomics practitioners to explore and understand their identification data better.

PSM objects

As mentioned in the PSM() manual page, The PSM class is a simple class to store and manipulate peptide-spectrum matches. The class encapsulates PSM data as a DataFrame (or more specifically a DFrame) with additional lightweight metadata annotation. PSM objects are typically creatd from XML-based mzID files or data.frames imported from spreadsheets. It is then possible to apply widely used filters (such as removal of decoy hits, PSMs of rank > 1, ...) as described in filterPSMs().

Adjacency matrices

PSM data, as produced by all proteomics search engines, is exported as a table-like structure where PSM are documented along the rows by variables such as identification scores, peptides sequences, modifications and the protein which the peptides originate from. There is always a level of ambiguity in such data, as peptides can be mapped to mutliple proteins; they are then called shared peptides, as opposed to unique peptides.

One convenient way to store the relation between peptides and proteins is as a peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix. Such matrices can be generated from PSM object or vectors using the makeAdjacencyMatrix() function.

The describePeptides() and describeProteins() functions are also helpful to tally the number of unique and shared peptides and the number of proteins composed of unique or shared peptides, or a combination thereof.

Connected Components

Once we model the peptide-to-protein relations explicitly using an adjacency matrix, it becomes possible to perform computations on the proteins that are grouped by the peptides they share. These groups are mathematically defined as connected components, which are implemented as ConnectedComponents() objects.

Fragment ions

The package also provides functionality to calculate ions produced by the fragmentation of a peptides (see calculateFragments()) and annotated MS2 Spectra::Spectra() objects (see addFragments()).


A couple of vignette describe how to several of these concepts through illustrative use-cases. Use vignette(package = "PSMatch") to get a list and open them directly in R or read them online on the package's webpage.


Maintainer: Laurent Gatto [email protected] (ORCID)


Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links: