Package 'MsCoreUtils'

Title: Core Utils for Mass Spectrometry Data
Description: MsCoreUtils defines low-level functions for mass spectrometry data and is independent of any high-level data structures. These functions include mass spectra processing functions (noise estimation, smoothing, binning, baseline estimation), quantitative aggregation functions (median polish, robust summarisation, ...), missing data imputation, data normalisation (quantiles, vsn, ...), misc helper functions, that are used across high-level data structure within the R for Mass Spectrometry packages.
Authors: RforMassSpectrometry Package Maintainer [cre], Laurent Gatto [aut] , Johannes Rainer [aut] , Sebastian Gibb [aut] , Philippine Louail [aut] , Adriaan Sticker [ctb], Sigurdur Smarason [ctb], Thomas Naake [ctb], Josep Maria Badia Aparicio [ctb] , Michael Witting [ctb] , Samuel Wieczorek [ctb], Roger Gine Bertomeu [ctb] , Mar Garcia-Aloy [ctb]
Maintainer: RforMassSpectrometry Package Maintainer <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.17.2
Built: 2024-09-24 19:51:48 UTC

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Aggreagate quantitative features


These functions take a matrix of quantitative features x and aggregate the features (rows) according to either a vector (or factor) INDEX or an adjacency matrix MAT. The aggregation method is defined by function FUN.

Adjacency matrices are an elegant way to explicitly encode for shared peptides (see example below) during aggregation.


colMeansMat(x, MAT, na.rm = FALSE)

colSumsMat(x, MAT, na.rm = FALSE)

aggregate_by_matrix(x, MAT, FUN, ...)

aggregate_by_vector(x, INDEX, FUN, ...)



A matrix of mode numeric or an HDF5Matrix object of type numeric.


An adjacency matrix that defines peptide-protein relations with nrow(MAT) == nrow(x): a non-missing/non-null value at position (i,j) indicates that peptide i belong to protein j. This matrix is tyically binary but can also contain weighted relations.


A logical(1) indicating whether the missing values (including NaN) should be omitted from the calculations or not. Defaults to FALSE.


A function to be applied to the subsets of x.


Additional arguments passed to FUN.


A vector or factor of length nrow(x).


aggregate_by_matrix() returns a matrix (or Matrix) of dimensions ncol(MAT) and ⁠ncol(x), with ⁠dimnames⁠equal to⁠colnames(x)andrownames(MAT)'.

aggregate_by_vector() returns a new matrix (if x is a matrix) or HDF5Matrix (if x is an HDF5Matrix) of dimensions length(INDEX) and ⁠ncol(x), with ⁠dimnames⁠ equal to⁠colnames(x)andINDEX'.

Vector-based aggregation functions

When aggregating with a vector/factor, user-defined functions must return a vector of length equal to ncol(x) for each level in INDEX. Examples thereof are:

Matrix-based aggregation functions

When aggregating with an adjacency matrix, user-defined functions must return a new matrix. Examples thereof are:

  • colSumsMat(x, MAT) aggregates by the summing the peptide intensities for each protein. Shared peptides are re-used multiple times.

  • colMeansMat(x, MAT) aggregation by the calculating the mean of peptide intensities. Shared peptides are re-used multiple times.

Handling missing values

By default, missing values in the quantitative data will propagate to the aggregated data. You can provide na.rm = TRUE to most functions listed above to ignore missing values, except for robustSummary() where you should supply na.action = na.omit (see ?MASS::rlm).


Laurent Gatto and Samuel Wieczorek (aggregation from an adjacency matrix).

See Also

Other Quantitative feature aggregation: colCounts(), medianPolish(), robustSummary()


x <- matrix(c(10.39, 17.16, 14.10, 12.85, 10.63, 7.52, 3.91,
              11.13, 16.53, 14.17, 11.94, 11.51, 7.69, 3.97,
              11.93, 15.37, 14.24, 11.21, 12.29, 9.00, 3.83,
              12.90, 14.37, 14.16, 10.12, 13.33, 9.75, 3.81),
            nrow = 7,
            dimnames = list(paste0("Pep", 1:7), paste0("Sample", 1:4)))

## -------------------------
## Aggregation by vector
## -------------------------

(k <- paste0("Prot", c("B", "E", "X", "E", "B", "B", "E")))

aggregate_by_vector(x, k, colMeans)
aggregate_by_vector(x, k, robustSummary)
aggregate_by_vector(x, k, medianPolish)

## -------------------------
## Aggregation by matrix
## -------------------------

adj <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
                1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
              nrow = 7,
              dimnames = list(paste0("Pep", 1:7),
                              paste0("Prot", c("B", "E", "X"))))

## Peptide 4 is shared by 2 proteins (has a rowSums of 2),
## namely proteins B and E

aggregate_by_matrix(x, adj, colSumsMat)
aggregate_by_matrix(x, adj, colMeansMat)

## ---------------
## Missing values
## ---------------

x <- matrix(c(NA, 2:6), ncol = 2,
            dimnames = list(paste0("Pep", 1:3),
                            c("S1", "S2")))

## simply use na.rm = TRUE to ignore missing values
## during the aggregation

(k <- LETTERS[c(1, 1, 2)])
aggregate_by_vector(x, k, colSums)
aggregate_by_vector(x, k, colSums, na.rm = TRUE)

(adj <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), ncol = 2,
               dimnames = list(paste0("Pep", 1:3),
                           c("A", "B"))))
aggregate_by_matrix(x, adj, colSumsMat, na.rm = FALSE)
aggregate_by_matrix(x, adj, colSumsMat, na.rm = TRUE)

Range helper functions


These functions help to work with numeric ranges.


between(x, range)

x %between% range



numeric, input values.


numeric(2), range to compare against.


logical vector of length length(x).


Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other helper functions for developers: isPeaksMatrix(), rbindFill(), validPeaksMatrix(), vapply1c(), which.first()


between(1:4, 2:3)
1:4 %between% 2:3



Aggregate values in x for bins defined on y: all values in x for values in y falling into a bin (defined on y) are aggregated with the provided function FUN.


  size = 1,
  breaks = seq(floor(min(y)), ceiling(max(y)), by = size),
  FUN = max,
  returnMids = TRUE,
  .check = TRUE



numeric with the values that should be aggregated/binned.


numeric with same length than x with values to be used for the binning. y must be increasingly sorted, or else an error will be thrown.


numeric(1) with the size of a bin.


numeric defining the breaks (bins). See breaks_ppm() to define breaks with increasing size (depending on ppm).


function to be used to aggregate values of x falling into the bins defined by breaks. FUN is expected to return a numeric(1).


logical(1) whether the midpoints for the breaks should be returned in addition to the binned (aggregated) values of x. Setting returnMids = FALSE might be useful if the breaks are defined before hand and binning needs to be performed on a large set of values (i.e. within a loop for multiple pairs of x and y values).


logical(1) whether to check that y is an ordered vector. Setting .check = FALSE will improve performance, provided you are sure that y is always ordered.


Depending on the value of returnMids:

  • returnMids = TRUE (the default): returns a list with elements x (aggregated values of x) and mids (the bin mid points).

  • returnMids = FALSE: returns a numeric with just the binned values for x.


Johannes Rainer, Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other grouping/matching functions: closest(), gnps()


## Define example intensities and m/z values
ints <- abs(rnorm(20, mean = 40))
mz <- seq(1:length(ints)) + rnorm(length(ints), sd = 0.001)

## Bin intensities by m/z bins with a bin size of 2
bin(ints, mz, size = 2)

## Repeat but summing up intensities instead of taking the max
bin(ints, mz, size = 2, FUN = sum)

## Get only the binned values without the bin mid points.
bin(ints, mz, size = 2, returnMids = FALSE)

Sequence with increasing difference between elements


breaks_ppm creates a sequence of numbers with increasing differences between them. Parameter ppm defines the amount by which the difference between values increases. The value for an element i+1 is calculated by adding size to the value of element i and in addition also the ppm(a, ppm), where a is the value of the element i plus size. This iterative calculation is stopped once the value of an element is larger than to. The last value in the result vector will thus not be equal to to (which is in contrast to the base seq() function) but slightly higher.

A typical use case of this function would be to calculate breaks for the binning of m/z values of mass spectra. This function allows to create m/z-relative bin sizes which better represents measurement errors observed on certain mass spectrometry instruments.


breaks_ppm(from = 1, to = 1, by = 1, ppm = 0)



numeric(1) with the value from which the sequence should start.


numeric(1) defining the upper bound of the sequence. Note that the last value of the result will not be equal to to but equal to the first number in the sequence which is larger than this value.


numeric(1) defining the constant part of the difference by which numbers should increase.


numeric(1) defining the variable part of the difference by which numbers should increase (expressed in parts-per-million of the values).


numeric with the sequence of values with increasing differences. The returned values include from and to.


Johannes Rainer


res <- breaks_ppm(20, 50, by = 1, ppm = 50)

## difference between the values increases (by ppm)

Relaxed Value Matching


These functions offer relaxed matching of one vector in another. In contrast to the similar match() and %in% functions they just accept numeric arguments but have an additional tolerance argument that allows relaxed matching.


  tolerance = Inf,
  ppm = 0,
  duplicates = c("keep", "closest", "remove"),
  nomatch = NA_integer_,
  .check = TRUE

  tolerance = Inf,
  ppm = 0,
  duplicates = c("keep", "closest", "remove"),
  .check = TRUE

  tolerance = 0,
  ppm = 0,
  type = c("outer", "left", "right", "inner"),
  .check = TRUE,



numeric, the values to be matched. In contrast to match() x has to be sorted in increasing order and must not contain any NA.


numeric, the values to be matched against. In contrast to match() table has to be sorted in increasing order and must not contain any NA.


numeric, accepted tolerance. Could be of length one or the same length as x.


numeric(1) representing a relative, value-specific parts-per-million (PPM) tolerance that is added to tolerance.


character(1), how to handle duplicated matches. Has to be one of c("keep", "closest", "remove"). No abbreviations allowed.


integer(1), if the difference between the value in x and table is larger than tolerance nomatch is returned.


logical(1) turn off checks for increasingly sorted x and y. This should just be done if it is ensured by other methods that x and y are sorted, see also closest().


numeric, the values to be joined. Should be sorted.


character(1), defines how x and y should be joined. See details for join.




For closest/common the tolerance argument could be set to 0 to get the same results as for match()/%in%. If it is set to Inf (default) the index of the closest values is returned without any restriction.

It is not guaranteed that there is a one-to-one matching for neither the x to table nor the table to x matching.

If multiple elements in x match a single element in table all their corresponding indices are returned if duplicates="keep" is set (default). This behaviour is identical to match(). For duplicates="closest" just the closest element in x gets the corresponding index in table and for duplicates="remove" all elements in x that match to the same element in table are set to nomatch.

If a single element in x matches multiple elements in table the closest is returned for duplicates="keep" or duplicates="closest" (keeping multiple matches isn't possible in this case because the return value should be of the same length as x). If the differences between x and the corresponding matches in table are identical the lower index (the smaller element in table) is returned. There is one exception: if the lower index is already returned for another x with a smaller difference to this index the higher one is returned for duplicates = "closer" (but only if there is no other x that is closer to the higher one). For duplicates="remove" all multiple matches are returned as nomatch as above.

.checks = TRUE tests among other input validation checks for increasingly sorted x and table arguments that are mandatory assumptions for the closest algorithm. These checks require to loop through both vectors and compare each element against its precursor. Depending on the length and distribution of x and table these checks take equal/more time than the whole closest algorithm. If it is ensured by other methods that both arguments x and table are sorted the tests could be skipped by .check = FALSE. In the case that .check = FALSE is used and one of x and table is not sorted (or decreasingly sorted) the output would be incorrect in the best case and result in infinity loop in the average and worst case.

join: joins two numeric vectors by mapping values in x with values in y and vice versa if they are similar enough (provided the tolerance and ppm specified). The function returns a matrix with the indices of mapped values in x and y. Parameter type allows to define how the vectors will be joined: type = "left": values in x will be mapped to values in y, elements in y not matching any value in x will be discarded. type = "right": same as type = "left" but for y. type = "outer": return matches for all values in x and in y. type = "inner": report only indices of values that could be mapped.


closest returns an integer vector of the same length as x giving the closest position in table of the first match or nomatch if there is no match.

common returns a logical vector of length x that is TRUE if the element in x was found in table. It is similar to %in%.

join returns a matrix with two columns, namely x and y, representing the index of the values in x matching the corresponding value in y (or NA if the value does not match).


join is based on closest(x, y, tolerance, duplicates = "closest"). That means for multiple matches just the closest one is reported.


Sebastian Gibb, Johannes Rainer

See Also



Other grouping/matching functions: bin(), gnps()


## Define two vectors to match
x <- c(1, 3, 5)
y <- 1:10

## Compare match and closest
match(x, y)
closest(x, y)

## If there is no exact match
x <- x + 0.1
match(x, y) # no match
closest(x, y)

## Some new values
x <- c(1.11, 45.02, 556.45)
y <- c(3.01, 34.12, 45.021, 46.1, 556.449)

## Using a single tolerance value
closest(x, y, tolerance = 0.01)

## Using a value-specific tolerance accepting differences of 20 ppm
closest(x, y, ppm = 20)

## Same using 50 ppm
closest(x, y, ppm = 50)

## Sometimes multiple elements in `x` match to `table`
x <- c(1.6, 1.75, 1.8)
y <- 1:2
closest(x, y, tolerance = 0.5)
closest(x, y, tolerance = 0.5, duplicates = "closest")
closest(x, y, tolerance = 0.5, duplicates = "remove")

## Are there any common values?
x <- c(1.6, 1.75, 1.8)
y <- 1:2
common(x, y, tolerance = 0.5)
common(x, y, tolerance = 0.5, duplicates = "closest")
common(x, y, tolerance = 0.5, duplicates = "remove")

## Join two vectors
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 6)
y <- c(3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

jo <- join(x, y, type = "outer")

jl <- join(x, y, type = "left")

jr <- join(x, y, type = "right")

ji <- join(x, y, type = "inner")

Coerce functions


  • asInteger: convert x to an integer and throw an error if x is not a numeric.





input argument.


Johannes Rainer


## Convert numeric to integer


Counts the number of features


Returns the number of non-NA features in a features by sample matrix.


colCounts(x, ...)



A matrix of mode numeric.


Currently ignored.


A numeric vector of length identical to ncol(x).


Laurent Gatto

See Also

Other Quantitative feature aggregation: aggregate(), medianPolish(), robustSummary()


m <- matrix(c(1, NA, 2, 3, NA, NA, 4, 5, 6),
            nrow = 3)
m <- matrix(rnorm(30), nrow = 3)

Extract the common file path


Find the common part of the path up to a provided set of files. Be aware that the last element (after the last file separator) is treated as a file. Thus, if only directories, without files are submitted, the common path containing these directories is returned.


common_path(x, fsep = .Platform$file.sep)



character with the file names (including paths).


character(1) defining the file separator to be used in the returned common path. Defaults to the system platform's file separator.


character(1) representing the path common to all files in x.


This function uses "(\\\\)|/" to split the provided paths into the individual directories to support both Windows-specific and unix-specific separators between folders. File and folder names should thus not contain these characters.


Johannes Rainer


## Find the common part of the file path
pths <- c("/tmp/some/dir/a.txt", "/tmp/some/dir/b.txt",
    "/tmp/some/other/dir/c.txt", "/tmp/some/other/dir/d.txt")


## If there is no common part
common_path(c("/a/b", "b"))

## Windows paths; note that "/" is used as file separator in the result
common_path(c("C:\\some\\path\\a.txt", "C:\\some\\path\\b.txt"))

## No input

## No path
common_path(c("a.txt", "b.txt"))

## Same path for all
common_path(c("a/a.txt", "a/a.txt"))

Spectra Distance/Similarity Measurements


These functions provide different normalized similariy/distance measurements.


ndotproduct(x, y, m = 0L, n = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE, ...)

dotproduct(x, y, m = 0L, n = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE, ...)

neuclidean(x, y, m = 0L, n = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE, ...)

navdist(x, y, m = 0L, n = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE, ...)

nspectraangle(x, y, m = 0L, n = 0.5, na.rm = TRUE, ...)



matrix, two-columns e.g. m/z, intensity


matrix, two-columns e.g. m/z, intensity


numeric, weighting for the first column of x and y (e.g. "mz"), default: 0 means don't weight by the first column. For more details see the ndotproduct details section.


numeric, weighting for the second column of x and y (e.g. "intensity"), default: 0.5 means effectly using sqrt(x[,2]) and sqrt(y[,2]). For more details see the ndotproduct details section.


logical(1), should NA be removed prior to calculation (default TRUE).




All functions that calculate normalized similarity/distance measurements are prefixed with a n.

ndotproduct: the normalized dot product is described in Stein and Scott 1994 as: NDP=(W1W2)2(W1)2(W2)2NDP = \frac{\sum(W_1 W_2)^2}{\sum(W_1)^2 \sum(W_2)^2}; where Wi=xmynW_i = x^m * y^n, where xx and yy are the m/z and intensity values, respectively. Please note also that NDP=NCos2NDP = NCos^2; where NCos is the cosine value (i.e. the orthodox normalized dot product) of the intensity vectors as described in Yilmaz et al. 2017. Stein and Scott 1994 empirically determined the optimal exponents as m = 3 and n = 0.6 by analyzing ca. 12000 EI-MS data of 8000 organic compounds in the NIST Mass Spectral Library. MassBank (Horai et al. 2010) uses m = 2 and n = 0.5 for small compounds. In general with increasing values for m, high m/z values will be taken more into account for similarity calculation. Especially when working with small molecules, a value m > 0 can be set to give a weight on the m/z values to accommodate that shared fragments with higher m/z are less likely and will mean that molecules might be more similar. Increasing n will result in a higher importance of the intensity values. Most commonly m = 0 and n = 0.5 are used.

neuclidean: the normalized euclidean distance is described in Stein and Scott 1994 as: NED=(1+((W1W2)2)sum((W2)2))1NED = (1 + \frac{\sum((W_1 - W_2)^2)}{sum((W_2)^2)})^{-1}; where Wi=xmynW_i = x^m * y^n, where xx and yy are the m/z and intensity values, respectively. See the details section about ndotproduct for an explanation how to set m and n.

navdist: the normalized absolute values distance is described in Stein and Scott 1994 as: NED=(1+(W1W2)sum((W2)))1NED = (1 + \frac{\sum(|W_1 - W_2|)}{sum((W_2))})^{-1}; where Wi=xmynW_i = x^m * y^n, where xx and yy are the m/z and intensity values, respectively. See the details section about ndotproduct for an explanation how to set m and n.

nspectraangle: the normalized spectra angle is described in Toprak et al 2014 as: NSA=12cos1(W1W2)πNSA = 1 - \frac{2*\cos^{-1}(W_1 \cdot W_2)}{\pi}; where Wi=xmynW_i = x^m * y^n, where xx and yy are the m/z and intensity values, respectively. The weighting was not originally proposed by Toprak et al. 2014. See the details section about ndotproduct for an explanation how to set m and n.


double(1) value between 0:1, where 0 is completely different and 1 identically.


These methods are implemented as described in Stein and Scott 1994 (navdist, ndotproduct, neuclidean) and Toprak et al. 2014 (nspectraangle) but because there is no reference implementation available we are unable to guarantee that the results are identical. Note that the Stein and Scott 1994 normalized dot product method (and by extension ndotproduct) corresponds to the square of the orthodox normalized dot product (or cosine distance) used also commonly as spectrum similarity measure (Yilmaz et al. 2017). Please see also the corresponding discussion at the github pull request linked below. If you find any problems or reference implementation please open an issue at


navdist, neuclidean, nspectraangle: Sebastian Gibb

ndotproduct: Sebastian Gibb and Thomas Naake, [email protected]


Stein, S. E., and Scott, D. R. (1994). Optimization and testing of mass spectral library search algorithms for compound identification. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 5(9), 859–866. doi:10.1016/1044-0305(94)87009-8.

Yilmaz, S., Vandermarliere, E., and Lennart Martens (2017). Methods to Calculate Spectrum Similarity. In S. Keerthikumar and S. Mathivanan (eds.), Proteome Bioinformatics: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1549 (pp. 81). doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-6740-7_7.

Horai et al. (2010). MassBank: a public repository for sharing mass spectral data for life sciences. Journal of mass spectrometry, 45(7), 703–714. doi:10.1002/jms.1777.

Toprak et al. (2014). Conserved peptide fragmentation as a benchmarking tool for mass spectrometers and a discriminating feature for targeted proteomics. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : MCP, 13(8), 2056–2071. doi:10.1074/mcp.O113.036475.

Pull Request for these distance/similarity measurements:

See Also

Other distance/similarity functions: gnps()


x <- matrix(c(1:5, 1:5), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c(), c("mz", "intensity")))
y <- matrix(c(1:5, 5:1), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(c(), c("mz", "intensity")))

ndotproduct(x, y)
ndotproduct(x, y, m = 2, n = 0.5)
ndotproduct(x, y, m = 3, n = 0.6)

neuclidean(x, y)

navdist(x, y)

nspectraangle(x, y)

Spectral entropy


These functions allow to calculate entropy measurements of an MS/MS spectrum based on the metrics suggested by Li et al. ( Spectral entropy and normalized entropy are used to measure the complexity of an spectra. MassBank of North America (MoNA) defines spectra entropy as the intensity weighted spectral peak number ( Additionally it is suggested to consider spectra with a normalized entropy larger than 0.8, or a spectral entropy larger than 3 as low-quality spectra.






numeric, intensities of the fragment ions.


numeric: (normalized) entropy of x.


Mar Garcia-Aloy


spectrum <- rbind(c(41.04, 37.16), c(69.07, 66.83), c(86.1, 999.0))


Estimates the Baseline of a Mass Spectrum


This function estimates the the baseline of mass spectrometry data, represented by numeric vectors of masses and intensities of identical lengths.


  method = c("SNIP", "TopHat", "ConvexHull", "median"),

estimateBaselineConvexHull(x, y)

estimateBaselineMedian(x, y, halfWindowSize = 100L)

estimateBaselineSnip(x, y, iterations = 100L, decreasing = TRUE)

estimateBaselineTopHat(x, y, halfWindowSize = 100L)



numeric() vector of masses.


numeric() vector of intensities.


character(1) specifying the estimation method. One of "SNIP" (default), "TopHat", "ConvexHull" or "median". See details below.


Additional parameters passed to the respective functions.


integer() defining the half window size. Default is 100L. The resulting window reaches from x[cur_index - halfWindowSize] to x[cur_index + halfWindowSize].


integer() controling the window size (k, similar to halfWindowSize in "TopHat", "median") of the algorithm. The resulting window reaches from x[cur_index - iterations] to x[cur_index + iterations].


logical(1) whether the cliping window should be decreasing, as defined in Morhac (2009). A decreasing clipping window is suggested to get a smoother baseline. For TRUE (FALSE) k=iterations is decreased (increased) by one until zero (iterations) is reached. The default setting is decreasing = TRUE.


  • SNIP: This baseline estimation is based on the Statistics-sensitive Non-linear Iterative Peak-clipping algorithm (SNIP) described in Ryan et al 1988.

    The algorithm based on the following equation:

    yi(k)=min{yi,(yik+yi+k)2}y_i(k) = \min \{ y_i, \frac{(y_{i-k}+y_{i+k})}{2} \}

    It has two additional arguments namely an integer iterations and a logical decreasing.

  • TopHat: This algorithm applies a moving minimum (erosion filter) and subsequently a moving maximum (dilation filter) filter on the intensity values. The implementation is based on van Herk (1996). It has an additional halfWindowSize argument determining the half size of the moving window for the TopHat filter.

  • ConvexHull: The baseline estimation is based on a convex hull constructed below the spectrum.

  • Median: This baseline estimation uses a moving median. It is based on stats::runmed(). The additional argument halfWindowSize corresponds to the k argument in stats::runmed() (k = 2 * halfWindowSize + 1) and controls the half size of the moving window.


numeric() with estimated baseline intensities.


Sebastian Gibb


These functions have been ported from the MALDIqaunt package.


  • C.G. Ryan, E. Clayton, W.L. Griffin, S.H. Sie, and D.R. Cousens (1988). Snip, a statistics-sensitive background treatment for the quantitative analysis of pixe spectra in geoscience applications. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 34(3): 396-402.

  • M. Morhac (2009). An algorithm for determination of peak regions and baseline elimination in spectroscopic data. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 600(2), 478-487.


  • M. van Herk (1992). A Fast Algorithm for Local Minimum and Maximum Filters on Rectangular and Octagonal Kernels. Pattern Recognition Letters 13.7: 517-521.

  • J. Y. Gil and M. Werman (1996). Computing 2-Dimensional Min, Median and Max Filters. IEEE Transactions: 504-507.


  • Andrew, A. M. (1979). Another efficient algorithm for convex hulls in two dimensions. Information Processing Letters, 9(5), 216-219.


## ----------------------------
## Simulation example data
nmz <- 5000
mz <- seq(1000, length.out = nmz)
## create peaks
center <- seq(50, nmz, by = 500)
peaks <- lapply(center, function(cc)1000 * dpois(0:100, (1000 + cc) / 75))
## create baseline
intensity <- 100 * exp(-seq_len(nmz)/2000)
## add peaks to baseline
for (i in seq(along = center)) {
intensity[center[i]:(center[i] + 100)] <-
   intensity[center[i]:(center[i] + 100)] + peaks[[i]]
## add noise
intensity <- intensity + rnorm(nmz, mean = 0, sd = 1)

plot(mz, intensity, type = "l")

## ----------------------------
## SNIP baseline
base_SNIP <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
                              method = "SNIP",
                              iterations = 20L)
## same as estimateBaselineSnip(mz, intensity, iterations = 20L)
lines(mz, base_SNIP, col = "red")

## ----------------------------
## TopHat baseline
base_TH25 <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
                              method = "TopHat",
                              halfWindowSize = 25L)
## same as estimateBaselineTopHat(mz, intenstity, halfWindowSize = 25L)
lines(mz, base_TH25, col = "blue")

base_TH15 <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
                               method = "TopHat",
                               halfWindowSize = 15L)
lines(mz, base_TH15, col = "steelblue")

## ----------------------------
## Convex hull baseline
base_CH <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
                            method = "ConvexHull")
## same as estimateBaselineConvexHull(mz, intensity)
lines(mz, base_CH, col = "green")

## ----------------------------
## Median baseline
base_med <- estimateBaseline(mz, intensity,
                             method = "median")
## same as estimateBaselineMedian(mz, intensity)
lines(mz, base_med, col = "orange")

legend("topright", lwd = 1,
        legend = c("SNIP", "TopHat (hws = 25)",
                   "TopHat (hws = 15)",
                   "ConvexHull", "Median"),
        col = c("red", "blue", "steelblue",
                "green", "orange"))

Forcing a numeric vector into a monotonously increasing sequence.


This function performs interpolation on the non-increasing parts of a numeric input vector to ensure its values are monotonously increasing. If the values are non-increasing at the end of the vector, these values will be replaced by a sequence of numeric values, starting from the last increasing value in the input vector, and increasing by a very small value, which can be defined with parameter by


force_sorted(x, by = .Machine$double.eps)



numeric vector.


numeric(1) value that will determine the monotonous increase in case the values at the end of the vector are non-increasing and therefore interpolation would not be possible. Defaults to by = .Machine$double.eps which is the smallest positive floating-point number x such that 1 + x != 1.


A vector with continuously increasing values.


NA values will not be replaced and be returned as-is.


x <- c(NA, NA, NA, 1.2, 1.1, 1.14, 1.2, 1.3, NA, 1.04, 1.4, 1.6, NA, NA)
y <- force_sorted(x)
is.unsorted(y, na.rm = TRUE)

## Vector non increasing at the end
x <- c(1, 2, 1.5, 2)
y <- force_sorted(x, by = 0.1)
is.unsorted(y, na.rm = TRUE)

## We can see the values were not interpolated but rather replaced by the
## last increasing value `2` and increasing by 0.1.

GNPS spectrum similarity scores


The join_gnps and gnps functions allow to calculate spectra similarity scores as used in GNPS. The approach matches first peaks between the two spectra directly using a user-defined ppm and/or tolerance as well as using a fixed delta m/z (considering the same ppm and tolerance) that is defined by the difference of the two spectras' precursor m/z values. For peaks that match multiple peaks in the other spectrum only the matching peak pair with the higher value/similarity is considered in the final similarity score calculation. Note that GNPS similarity scores are calculated only if the two functions are used together.

  • join_gnps: matches/maps peaks between spectra with the same approach as in GNPS: peaks are considered matching if a) the difference in their m/z values is smaller than defined by tolerance and ppm (this is the same as joinPeaks) and b) the difference of their m/z adjusted for the difference of the spectras' precursor is smaller than defined by tolerance and ppm. Based on this definition, peaks in x can match up to two peaks in y hence returned peak indices might be duplicated. Note that if one of xPrecursorMz or yPrecursorMz are NA or if both are the same, the results are the same as with join(). The function returns a list of two integer vectors with the indices of the peaks matching peaks in the other spectrum or NA otherwise.

  • gnps: calculates the GNPS similarity score on peak matrices' previously aligned (matched) with join_gnps. For multi-mapping peaks the pair with the higher similarity are considered in the final score calculation.


gnps(x, y, ...)

  xPrecursorMz = NA_real_,
  yPrecursorMz = NA_real_,
  tolerance = 0,
  ppm = 0,
  type = "outer",



for join_gnps: numeric with m/z values from a spectrum. For gnps: matrix with two columns "mz" and "intensity" containing the peaks aligned with peaks in y (with join_gnps).


for join_gnps: numeric with m/z values from a spectrum. For gnps: matrix with two columns "mz" and "intensity" containing the peaks aligned with peaks in x (with join_gnps).


for join_gnps: optional parameters passed to the join() function. For gnps: ignored.


for join_gnps: numeric(1) with the precursor m/z of the spectrum x.


for join_gnps: numeric(1) with the precursor m/z of the spectrum y.


for join_gnps: numeric(1) defining a constant maximal accepted difference between m/z values of peaks from the two spectra to be matched/mapped.


for join_gnps: numeric(1) defining a relative, m/z-dependent, maximal accepted difference between m/z values of peaks from the two spectra to be matched/mapped.


for join_gnps: character(1) specifying the type of join that should be performed. See join() for details and options. Defaults to type = "outer".


The implementation of gnps bases on the R code from the publication listed in the references.


See function definition in the description section.


Johannes Rainer, Michael Witting, based on the code from Xing et al. (2020).


Xing S, Hu Y, Yin Z, Liu M, Tang X, Fang M, Huan T. Retrieving and Utilizing Hypothetical Neutral Losses from Tandem Mass Spectra for Spectral Similarity Analysis and Unknown Metabolite Annotation. Anal Chem. 2020 Nov 3;92(21):14476-14483. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02521.

See Also

Other grouping/matching functions: bin(), closest()

Other distance/similarity functions: distance


## Define spectra
x <- cbind(mz = c(10, 36, 63, 91, 93), intensity = c(14, 15, 999, 650, 1))
y <- cbind(mz = c(10, 12, 50, 63, 105), intensity = c(35, 5, 16, 999, 450))
## The precursor m/z
pmz_x <- 91
pmz_y <- 105

## Plain join identifies only 2 matching peaks
join(x[, 1], y[, 1])

## join_gnps finds 4 matches
join_gnps(x[, 1], y[, 1], pmz_x, pmz_y)

## with one of the two precursor m/z being NA, the result are the same as
## with join.
join_gnps(x[, 1], y[, 1], pmz_x, yPrecursorMz = NA)

## Calculate GNPS similarity score:
map <- join_gnps(x[, 1], y[, 1], pmz_x, pmz_y)
gnps(x[map[[1]], ], y[map[[2]], ])

Grouping of numeric values by similarity


The group function groups numeric values by first ordering and then putting all values into the same group if their difference is smaller defined by parameters tolerance (a constant value) and ppm (a value-specific relative value expressed in parts-per-million).


group(x, tolerance = 0, ppm = 0)



increasingly ordered numeric with the values to be grouped.


numeric(1) with the maximal accepted difference between values in x to be grouped into the same entity.


numeric(1) defining a value-dependent maximal accepted difference between values in x expressed in parts-per-million.


integer of length equal to x with the groups.


Since grouping is performed on pairwise differences between consecutive values (after ordering x), the difference between the smallest and largest value in a group can be larger than tolerance and ppm.


Johannes Rainer, Sebastin Gibb


## Define a (sorted) numeric vector
x <- c(34, 35, 35, 35 + ppm(35, 10), 56, 56.05, 56.1)

## With `ppm = 0` and `tolerance = 0` only identical values are grouped

## With `tolerance = 0.05`
group(x, tolerance = 0.05)

## Also values 56, 56.05 and 56.1 were grouped into a single group,
## although the difference between the smallest 56 and largest value in
## this group (56.1) is 0.1. The (pairwise) difference between the ordered
## values is however 0.05.

## With ppm
group(x, ppm = 10)

## Same on an unsorted vector
x <- c(65, 34, 65.1, 35, 66, 65.2)
group(x, tolerance = 0.1)

## Values 65, 65.1 and 65.2 have been grouped into the same group.

Input parameter check for subsetting operations


i2index is a simple helper function to be used in subsetting functions. It checks and converts the parameter i, which can be of type integer, logical or character to integer vector that can be used as index for subsetting.


i2index(i, length = length(i), names = NULL)



character logical or integer used in ⁠[i]⁠ for subsetting.


integer representing the length of the object to be subsetted.


character with the names (rownames or similar) of the object. This is only required if i is of type character.


integer with the indices


Johannes Rainer


## With `i` being an `integer`
i2index(c(4, 1, 3), length = 10)

## With `i` being a `logical`
i2index(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE), length = 5)

## With `i` being a `character`
i2index(c("b", "a", "d"), length = 5, names = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))

Quantitative mass spectrometry data imputation


The impute_matrix function performs data imputation on matrix objects instance using a variety of methods (see below).

Users should proceed with care when imputing data and take precautions to assure that the imputation produces valid results, in particular with naive imputations such as replacing missing values with 0.


impute_matrix(x, method, FUN, ...)


impute_neighbour_average(x, k = min(x, na.rm = TRUE), MARGIN = 1L)

impute_knn(x, MARGIN = 1L, ...)

impute_mle(x, MARGIN = 2L, ...)

impute_bpca(x, MARGIN = 1L, ...)

impute_RF(x, MARGIN = 2L, ...)

impute_mixed(x, randna, mar, mnar, MARGIN = 1L, ...)


impute_MinDet(x, q = 0.01, MARGIN = 2L)

impute_MinProb(x, q = 0.01, sigma = 1, MARGIN = 2L)

impute_QRILC(x, sigma = 1, MARGIN = 2L)


impute_with(x, val)

impute_fun(x, FUN, MARGIN = 1L, ...)




A matrix or an HDF5Matrix object to be imputed.


character(1) defining the imputation method. See imputeMethods() for available ones.


A user-provided function that takes a matrix as input and returns an imputed matrix of identical dimensions.


Additional parameters passed to the inner imputation function.


numeric(1) providing the imputation value used for the first and last samples if they contain an NA. The default is to use the smallest value in the data.


integer(1) defining the margin along which to apply imputation, with 1L for rows and 2L for columns. The default value will depend on the imputation method. Use getImputeMargin(fun) to get the default margin of imputation function fun. If the function doesn't take a margin argument, NA is returned.


logical of length equal to nrow(object) defining which rows are missing at random. The other ones are considered missing not at random. Only relevant when methods is mixed.


Imputation method for values missing at random. See method above.


Imputation method for values missing not at random. See method above.


numeric(1) indicating the quantile to be used to estimate the minimum in MinDet and MinProb. Default is 0.01.


numeric(1) controling the standard deviation of the MNAR distribution in MinProb and QRILC. Default is 1.


numeric(1) used to replace all missing values.


The imputation function to get the default margin from.


A matrix of same class as x with dimensions dim(x).

Types of missing values

There are two types of mechanisms resulting in missing values in LC/MSMS experiments.

  • Missing values resulting from absence of detection of a feature, despite ions being present at detectable concentrations. For example in the case of ion suppression or as a result from the stochastic, data-dependent nature of the DDA MS acquisition method. These missing value are expected to be randomly distributed in the data and are defined, in statistical terms, as missing at random (MAR) or missing completely at random (MCAR).

  • Biologically relevant missing values resulting from the absence or the low abundance of ions (i.e. below the limit of detection of the instrument). These missing values are not expected to be randomly distributed in the data and are defined as missing not at random (MNAR).

MNAR features should ideally be imputed with a left-censor method, such as QRILC below. Conversely, it is recommended to use hot deck methods such nearest neighbours, Bayesian missing value imputation or maximum likelihood methods when values are missing at random.

Imputing by rows or columns

We assume that the input matrix x contains features along the rows and samples along the columns, as is generally the case in omics data analysis. When performing imputation, the missing values are taken as a feature-specific property: feature x is missing because it is absent (in a sample or group), or because it was missed during acquisition (not selected during data dependent acquisition) or data processing (not identified or with an identification score below a chosen false discovery threshold). As such, imputation is by default performed at the feature level. In some cases, such as imputation by zero or a global minimum value, it doesn't matter. In other cases, it does matter very much, such as for example when using the minimum value computed for each margin (i.e. row or column) as in the MinDet method (see below) - do we want to use the minimum of the sample or of that feature? KNN is another such example: do we consider the most similar features to impute a feature with missing values, or the most similar samples to impute all missing in a sample.

The MARGIN argument can be used to change the imputation margin from features/rows (MARGIN = 1) to samples/columns (MARGIN = 2). Different imputations will have different default values, and changing this parameter can have a major impact on imputation results and downstream results.

Imputation methods

Currently, the following imputation methods are available.

  • MLE: Maximum likelihood-based imputation method using the EM algorithm. The impute_mle() function relies on norm::imp.norm(). function. See norm::imp.norm() for details and additional parameters. Note that here, ... are passed to the norm::em.norm() function, rather to the actual imputation function imp.norm.

  • bpca: Bayesian missing value imputation are available, as implemented in the pcaMethods::pca() function. See pcaMethods::pca() for details and additional parameters.

  • RF: Random Forest imputation, as implemented in the missForest::missForest function. See missForest::missForest()] for details and additional parameters.

  • knn: Nearest neighbour averaging, as implemented in the impute::impute.knn function. See impute::impute.knn()] for details and additional parameters.

  • QRILC: A missing data imputation method that performs the imputation of left-censored missing data using random draws from a truncated distribution with parameters estimated using quantile regression. The impute_QRILC() function calls imputeLCMD::impute.QRILC() from the imputeLCMD package.

  • MinDet: Performs the imputation of left-censored missing data using a deterministic minimal value approach. Considering a expression data with n samples and p features, for each sample, the missing entries are replaced with a minimal value observed in that sample. The minimal value observed is estimated as being the q-th quantile (default q = 0.01) of the observed values in that sample. The implementation in based on the imputeLCMD::impute.MinDet() function.

  • MinProb: Performs the imputation of left-censored missing data by random draws from a Gaussian distribution centred to a minimal value. Considering an expression data matrix with n samples and p features, for each sample, the mean value of the Gaussian distribution is set to a minimal observed value in that sample. The minimal value observed is estimated as being the q-th quantile (default q = 0.01) of the observed values in that sample. The standard deviation is estimated as the median of the feature (or sample) standard deviations. Note that when estimating the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution, only the peptides/proteins which present more than 50\ values are considered. The impute_MinProb() function calls imputeLCMD::impute.MinProb() from the imputeLCMD package.

  • min: Replaces the missing values with the smallest non-missing value in the data.

  • zero: Replaces the missing values with 0.

  • mixed: A mixed imputation applying two methods (to be defined by the user as mar for values missing at random and mnar for values missing not at random, see example) on two MCAR/MNAR subsets of the data (as defined by the user by a randna logical, of length equal to nrow(object)).

  • nbavg: Average neighbour imputation for fractions collected along a fractionation/separation gradient, such as sub-cellular fractions. The method assumes that the fraction are ordered along the gradient and is invalid otherwise.

    Continuous sets NA value at the beginning and the end of the quantitation vectors are set to the lowest observed value in the data or to a user defined value passed as argument k. Then, when a missing value is flanked by two non-missing neighbouring values, it is imputed by the mean of its direct neighbours.

  • with: Replaces all missing values with a user-provided value.

  • none: No imputation is performed and the missing values are left untouched. Implemented in case one wants to only impute value missing at random or not at random with the mixed method.

The imputeMethods() function returns a vector with valid imputation method names. Use getImputeMargin() to get the default margin for each imputation function.


Laurent Gatto


Olga Troyanskaya, Michael Cantor, Gavin Sherlock, Pat Brown, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, David Botstein and Russ B. Altman, Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays Bioinformatics (2001) 17 (6): 520-525.

Oba et al., A Bayesian missing value estimation method for gene expression profile data, Bioinformatics (2003) 19 (16): 2088-2096.

Cosmin Lazar (2015). imputeLCMD: A collection of methods for left-censored missing data imputation. R package version 2.0.

Lazar C, Gatto L, Ferro M, Bruley C, Burger T. Accounting for the Multiple Natures of Missing Values in Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics Data Sets to Compare Imputation Strategies. J Proteome Res. 2016 Apr 1;15(4):1116-25. doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00981. PubMed PMID:26906401.


## test data
m <- matrix(rlnorm(60), 10)
dimnames(m) <- list(letters[1:10], LETTERS[1:6])
m[sample(60, 10)] <- NA

## available methods

impute_matrix(m, method = "zero")

impute_matrix(m, method = "min")

impute_matrix(m, method = "knn")

## same as impute_zero
impute_matrix(m, method = "with", val = 0)

## impute with half of the smalles value
impute_matrix(m, method = "with",
              val = min(m, na.rm = TRUE) * 0.5)

## all but third and fourth features' missing values
## are the result of random missing values
randna <- rep(TRUE, 10)
randna[c(3, 9)] <- FALSE

impute_matrix(m, method = "mixed",
              randna = randna,
              mar = "knn",
              mnar = "min")

## user provided (random) imputation function
random_imp <- function(x) {
   m <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
   sdev <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
   n <- sum(
   x[] <- rnorm(n, mean = m, sd = sdev)

impute_matrix(m, FUN = random_imp)

## get the default margin
getImputeMargin(impute_knn) ## default imputes along features

getImputeMargin(impute_mle) ## default imputes along samples

getImputeMargin(impute_zero) ## NA: no margin here

## default margin for all MsCoreUtils::impute_* functions
sapply(ls("package:MsCoreUtils", pattern = "impute_"), getImputeMargin)

Check functions


These functions are used to check input arguments.





object to test.


isPeaksMatrix: test for a numeric matrix with two columns named "mz" and "intensity". The "mz" column has to be sorted increasingly.


logical(1), TRUE if checks are successful otherwise FALSE.


Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other helper functions for developers: between(), rbindFill(), validPeaksMatrix(), vapply1c(), which.first()


isPeaksMatrix(cbind(mz = 2:1, intensity = 1:2))
isPeaksMatrix(cbind(mz = 1:2, intensity = 1:2))

Local Maxima


This function finds local maxima in a numeric vector. A local maximum is defined as maximum in a window of the current index +/- hws.


localMaxima(x, hws = 1L)



numeric, vector that should be searched for local maxima.


integer(1), half window size, the resulting window reaches from (i - hws):(i + hws).


A logical of the same length as x that is TRUE for each local maxima.


Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other extreme value functions: .peakRegionMask(), refineCentroids(), valleys()


x <- c(1:5, 4:1, 1:10, 9:1, 1:5, 4:1)
localMaxima(x, hws = 10)

Maximum MS Intensity Value


maxi determines the maximum or mass spectrometry intensity values, e.g. from a spectrum or chromatogram. In contrast to the base R max() function this function returns NA_real_ if all intensity values are NA or if length(x) is 0 (the base R max function returns -Inf in these cases).





numeric with intensity values from which the maximum should be reported. Will be coerced to numeric.


numeric(1) representing the maximum of values in x. Returns always a numeric (double) even if x is an integer.


Johannes Rainer, Sebastian Gibb

See Also



x <- c(3.2, 34.4, 1.3, NA)

## Compared to base R max:
max(x, na.rm = TRUE)

max(numeric(), na.rm = TRUE)

max(c(NA, NA), na.rm = TRUE)
maxi(c(NA, NA))

Return the Median Polish (Robust Twoway Decomposition) of a matrix


Fits an additive model (two way decomposition) using Tukey's median polish procedure using stats::medpolish().


medianPolish(x, verbose = FALSE, ...)



A matrix of mode numeric.


Default is FALSE.


Additional arguments passed to stats::medpolish().


A numeric vector of length identical to ncol(x).


Laurent Gatto

See Also

Other Quantitative feature aggregation: aggregate(), colCounts(), robustSummary()


x <- matrix(rnorm(30), nrow = 3)

Noise Estimation


This functions estimate the noise in the data.


noise(x, y, method = c("MAD", "SuperSmoother"), ...)



numeric, x values for noise estimation (e.g. mz)


numeric, y values for noise estimation (e.g. intensity)


character(1) used method. Currently MAD (median absolute deviation) and Friedman's SuperSmoother are supported.


further arguments passed to method.


A numeric of the same length as x with the estimated noise.


Sebastian Gibb

See Also

stats::mad(), stats::supsmu()

Other noise estimation and smoothing functions: smooth()


x <- 1:20
y <- c(1:10, 10:1)
noise(x, y)
noise(x, y, method = "SuperSmoother", span = 1 / 3)

Quantitative data normalisation


Function to normalise a matrix of quantitative omics data. The nature of the normalisation is controlled by the method argument, described below.



normalize_matrix(x, method, ...)



A matrix or an HDF5Matrix object to be normalised.


character(1) defining the normalisation method. See normalizeMethods() for available ones.


Additional parameters passed to the inner normalisation function.


The method parameter can be one of "sum", "max", "center.mean", "center.median", "div.mean", "div.median", "diff.median", ⁠"quantiles⁠", ⁠"quantiles.robust⁠" or "vsn". The normalizeMethods() function returns a vector of available normalisation methods.

  • For "sum" and "max", each feature's intensity is divided by the maximum or the sum of the feature respectively. These two methods are applied along the features (rows).

  • "center.mean" and "center.median" center the respective sample (column) intensities by subtracting the respective column means or medians. "div.mean" and "div.median" divide by the column means or medians.

  • "diff.median" centers all samples (columns) so that they all match the grand median by subtracting the respective columns medians differences to the grand median.

  • Using "quantiles" or "quantiles.robust" applies (robust) quantile normalisation, as implemented in preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles() and preprocessCore::normalize.quantiles.robust(). "vsn" uses the vsn::vsn2() function. Note that the latter also glog-transforms the intensities. See respective manuals for more details and function arguments.


A matrix of same class as x with dimensions dim(x).


Laurent Gatto

See Also

The scale() function that centers (like center.mean above) and scales.



## test data
m <- matrix(rlnorm(60), 10)

normalize_matrix(m, method = "sum")

normalize_matrix(m, method = "max")

normalize_matrix(m, method = "quantiles")

normalize_matrix(m, method = "center.mean")

PPM - Parts per Million


ppm is a small helper function to determine the parts-per-million for a user-provided value and ppm.


ppm(x, ppm)



numeric, value(s) used for ppm calculation, e.g. mz value(s).


numeric, parts-per-million (ppm) value(s).


numeric: parts-per-million of x (always a positive value).


Sebastian Gibb


ppm(c(1000, 2000), 5)

ppm(c(-300, 200), 5)

Combine R Objects by Row


This function combines instances of matrix, data.frame or DataFrame objects into a single instance adding eventually missing columns (filling them with NAs).





2 or more: matrix, data.frame or DataFrame.


Depending on the input a single matrix, data.frame or DataFrame.


rbindFill might not work if one of the columns contains S4 classes.


Johannes Rainer, Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other helper functions for developers: between(), isPeaksMatrix(), validPeaksMatrix(), vapply1c(), which.first()


## Combine matrices
a <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)
colnames(a) <- c("a", "b", "c")
b <- matrix(1:12, nrow = 3, ncol = 4)
colnames(b) <- c("b", "a", "d", "e")
rbindFill(a, b)
rbindFill(b, a, b)

Refine Peak Centroids


This function refines the centroided values of a peak by weighting the y values in the neighbourhood that belong most likely to the same peak.


refineCentroids(x, y, p, k = 2L, threshold = 0.33, descending = FALSE)



numeric, i.e. m/z values.


numeric, i.e. intensity values.


integer, indices of identified peaks/local maxima.


integer(1), number of values left and right of the peak that should be considered in the weighted mean calculation.


double(1), proportion of the maximal peak intensity. Just values above are used for the weighted mean calclulation.


logical, if TRUE just values between the nearest valleys around the peak centroids are used.


For descending = FALSE the function looks for the k nearest neighbouring data points and use their x for weighted mean with their corresponding y values as weights for calculation of the new peak centroid. If k are chosen too large it could result in skewed peak centroids, see example below. If descending = TRUE is used the k should be general larger because it is trimmed automatically to the nearest valleys on both sides of the peak so the problem with skewed centroids is rare.


Sebastian Gibb, Johannes Rainer

See Also

Other extreme value functions: .peakRegionMask(), localMaxima(), valleys()


ints <- c(5, 8, 12, 7, 4, 9, 15, 16, 11, 8, 3, 2, 3, 9, 12, 14, 13, 8, 3)
mzs <- seq_along(ints)

plot(mzs, ints, type = "h")

pidx <- as.integer(c(3, 8, 16))
points(mzs[pidx], ints[pidx], pch = 16)

## Use the weighted average considering the adjacent mz
mzs1 <- refineCentroids(mzs, ints, pidx,
                        k = 2L, descending = FALSE, threshold = 0)
mzs2 <- refineCentroids(mzs, ints, pidx,
                        k = 5L, descending = FALSE, threshold = 0)
mzs3 <- refineCentroids(mzs, ints, pidx,
                        k = 5L, descending = TRUE, threshold = 0)
points(mzs1, ints[pidx], col = "red", type = "h")
## please recognize the artificial moved centroids of the first peak caused
## by a too large k, here
points(mzs2, ints[pidx], col = "blue", type = "h")
points(mzs3, ints[pidx], col = "green", type = "h")
       legend = paste0("k = ", c(2, 5, 5),
                       ", descending =", c("FALSE", "FALSE", "TRUE")),
       col = c("red", "blue", "green"), lwd = 1)

Calculate relative log abundances


rla calculates the relative log abundances (RLA, see reference) on a numeric vector. rowRla performs row-wise RLA calculations on a numeric matrix.


  f = rep_len(1, length(x)),
  transform = c("log2", "log10", "identity"),
  na.rm = TRUE

rowRla(x, f = rep_len(1, ncol(x)), transform = c("log2", "log10", "identity"))



numeric (for rla) or matrix (for rowRla) with the abundances (in natural scale) on which the RLA should be calculated.


factor, numeric or character with the same length than x (or, for rowRla equal to the number of columns of x) allowing to define the grouping of values in x. If omitted all values are considered to be from the same group.


character(1) defining the function to transform x. Defaults to transform = "log2" which log2 transforms x prior to calculation. If x is already in log scale use transform = "identity" to avoid transformation of the values.


logical(1) whether NA values should be removed prior to calculation of the group-wise medians.


The RLA is defined as the (log2) abundance of an analyte relative to the median across all abundances of that analyte in samples of the same group. The grouping of values can be defined with parameter f.


numeric with the relative log abundances (in log2 scale) with the same length than x (for rla) or matrix with the same dimensions than x (for rowRla).


Johannes Rainer


De Livera AM, Dias DA, De Souza D, Rupasinghe T, Pyke J, Tull D, Roessner U, McConville M, Speed TP. Normalizing and integrating metabolomics data. Anal Chem 2012 Dec 18;84(24):10768-76.


x <- c(3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9)

grp <- c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)

rla(x, grp)

x <- rbind(c(324, 4542, 3422, 3232, 5432, 6535, 3321, 1121),
     c(12, 3341, 3034, 6540, 34, 4532, 56, 1221))
grp <- c("a", "b", "b", "b", "a", "b", "a", "b")

## row-wise RLA values
rowRla(x, grp)

Return the Robust Expression Summary of a matrix


This function calculates the robust summarisation for each feature (protein). Note that the function assumes that the intensities in input e are already log-transformed.


robustSummary(x, ...)



A feature by sample matrix containing quantitative data with mandatory colnames and rownames.


Additional arguments passed to MASS::rlm().


numeric() vector of length ncol(x) with robust summarised values.


Adriaan Sticker, Sebastian Gibb and Laurent Gatto

See Also

Other Quantitative feature aggregation: aggregate(), colCounts(), medianPolish()


x <- matrix(rnorm(30), nrow = 3)
colnames(x) <- letters[1:10]
rownames(x) <- LETTERS[1:3]

Format Retention Time


These vectorised functions convert retention times from a numeric in seconds to/from a character as "mm:ss". rt2character() performs the numeric to character conversion while rt2numeric() performs the character to numeric conversion. formatRt() does one of the other depending on the input type.







A vector of retention times of length > 1. Either a numeric() in seconds or a character() as "mm:ss" depending on the function.


A reformatted retention time.


Laurent Gatto


## rt2numeric

rt2numeric(c("25:24", "25:25", "25:26"))

## rt2character


## formatRt

formatRt(c("25:24", "25:25", "25:26"))



This function smoothes a numeric vector.


smooth(x, cf)



coefSG(hws, k = 3L)



numeric, i.e. m/z values.


matrix, a coefficient matrix generated by coefMA, coefWMA or coefSG.


integer(1), half window size, the resulting window reaches from (i - hws):(i + hws).


integer(1), set the order of the polynomial used to calculate the coefficients.


For the Savitzky-Golay-Filter the hws should be smaller than FWHM of the peaks (full width at half maximum; please find details in Bromba and Ziegler 1981).

In general the hws for the (weighted) moving average (coefMA/coefWMA) has to bemuch smaller than for the Savitzky-Golay-Filter to conserve the peak shape.


smooth: A numeric of the same length as x.

coefMA: A matrix with coefficients for a simple moving average.

coefWMA: A matrix with coefficients for a weighted moving average.

coefSG: A matrix with Savitzky-Golay-Filter coefficients.


  • coefMA(): Simple Moving Average

    This function calculates the coefficients for a simple moving average.

  • coefWMA(): Weighted Moving Average

    This function calculates the coefficients for a weighted moving average with weights depending on the distance from the center calculated as 1/2^abs(-hws:hws) with the sum of all weigths normalized to 1.

  • coefSG(): Savitzky-Golay-Filter

    This function calculates the Savitzky-Golay-Coefficients. The additional argument k controls the order of the used polynomial. If k is set to zero it yield a simple moving average.


The hws depends on the used method ((weighted) moving average/Savitzky-Golay).


Sebastian Gibb, Sigurdur Smarason (weighted moving average)


A. Savitzky and M. J. Golay. 1964. Smoothing and differentiation of data by simplified least squares procedures. Analytical chemistry, 36(8), 1627-1639.

M. U. Bromba and H. Ziegler. 1981. Application hints for Savitzky-Golay digital smoothing filters. Analytical Chemistry, 53(11), 1583-1586.

Implementation based on: Steinier, J., Termonia, Y., & Deltour, J. (1972). Comments on Smoothing and differentiation of data by simplified least square procedure. Analytical Chemistry, 44(11), 1906-1909.

See Also

Other noise estimation and smoothing functions: noise()


x <- c(1:10, 9:1)
plot(x, type = "b", pch = 20)
cf <- list(MovingAverage = coefMA(2),
           WeightedMovingAverage = coefWMA(2),
           SavitzkyGolay = coefSG(2))
for (i in seq_along(cf)) {
    lines(smooth(x, cf[[i]]), col = i + 1, pch = 20, type = "b")
legend("bottom", legend = c("x", names(cf)), pch = 20,
       col = seq_len(length(cf) + 1))

Summing MS Intensity Values


sumi sums mass spectrometry intensity values, e.g. from a spectrum or chromatogram. In contrast to the base R sum() function this function returns NA_real_ if all intensity values are NA or if length(x) is 0.





numeric with intensity values to be summed up. Will be coerced to numeric using as.double.


numeric(1) representing the sum of values in x. Always returns a numeric (double) even if x is an integer.


Johannes Rainer

See Also



x <- c(3.2, 34.4, 1.3, NA)

## Compared to base R sum:
sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)

sum(numeric(), na.rm = TRUE)

sum(c(NA, NA), na.rm = TRUE)
sumi(c(NA, NA))

Validation functions


These functions are used to validate input arguments. In general they are just wrapper around their corresponding ⁠is*⁠ function with an error message.





object to test.


validPeaksMatrix: see isPeaksMatrix.


logical(1), TRUE if validation are successful otherwise an error is thrown.


Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other helper functions for developers: between(), isPeaksMatrix(), rbindFill(), vapply1c(), which.first()


validPeaksMatrix(cbind(mz = 1:2, intensity = 1:2))

Find Peak Valleys


This function finds the valleys around peaks.


valleys(x, p)



numeric, e.g. intensity values.


integer, indices of identified peaks/local maxima.


A matrix with three columns representing the index of the left valley, the peak centroid, and the right valley.


The detection of the valleys is based on localMaxima. It returns the first occurence of a local maximum (in this specific case the minimum). For plateaus, e.g. c(0, 0, 0, 1:3, 2:1, 0) this results in a wrongly reported left valley index of 1 (instead of 3, see the example section as well). In real data this should not be a real problem. x[x == min(x)] <- Inf could be used before running valleys to circumvent this specific problem but it is not really tested and could cause different problems.


Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other extreme value functions: .peakRegionMask(), localMaxima(), refineCentroids()


ints <- c(5, 8, 12, 7, 4, 9, 15, 16, 11, 8, 3, 2, 3, 2, 9, 12, 14, 13, 8, 3)
mzs <- seq_along(ints)
peaks <- which(localMaxima(ints, hws = 3))
cols <- seq_along(peaks) + 1

plot(mzs, ints, type = "h", ylim = c(0, 16))
points(mzs[peaks], ints[peaks], col = cols, pch = 20)

v <- valleys(ints, peaks)
segments(mzs[v[, "left"]], 0, mzs[v[, "right"]], col = cols, lwd = 2)

## Known limitations for plateaus
y <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1:5, 4:1, 0)
valleys(y, 10L) # left should be 5 here but is 1

## a possible workaround that may cause other problems
y[min(y) == y] <- Inf
valleys(y, 10L)

vapply wrappers


These functions are short wrappers around typical vapply calls for easier development.


vapply1c(X, FUN, ..., USE.NAMES = FALSE)

vapply1d(X, FUN, ..., USE.NAMES = FALSE)

vapply1l(X, FUN, ..., USE.NAMES = FALSE)



a vector (atomic or list).


the function to be applied to each element of X.


optional arguments to FUN.


logical, should the return value be named.


vapply1c returns a vector of characters of length X.

vapply1d returns a vector of doubles of length X.

vapply1l returns a vector of logicals of length X.


Sebastian Gibb

See Also

Other helper functions for developers: between(), isPeaksMatrix(), rbindFill(), validPeaksMatrix(), which.first()


l <- list(a=1:3, b=4:6)
vapply1d(l, sum)

Which is the first/last TRUE value.


Determines the location, i.e., index of the first or last TRUE value in a logical vector.






logical, vector.


integer, index of the first/last TRUE value. integer(0) if no TRUE (everything FALSE or NA) was found.


Sebastian Gibb

See Also


Other helper functions for developers: between(), isPeaksMatrix(), rbindFill(), validPeaksMatrix(), vapply1c()


l <- 2 <= 1:3