Title: | Bioconductor facilities for parallel evaluation |
Description: | This package provides modified versions and novel implementation of functions for parallel evaluation, tailored to use with Bioconductor objects. |
Authors: | Martin Morgan [aut, cre], Jiefei Wang [aut], Valerie Obenchain [aut], Michel Lang [aut], Ryan Thompson [aut], Nitesh Turaga [aut], Aaron Lun [ctb], Henrik Bengtsson [ctb], Madelyn Carlson [ctb] (Translated 'Random Numbers' vignette from Sweave to RMarkdown / HTML.), Phylis Atieno [ctb] (Translated 'Introduction to BiocParallel' vignette from Sweave to Rmarkdown / HTML.), Sergio Oller [ctb] (Improved bpmapply() efficiency., <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8994-1549>) |
Maintainer: | Martin Morgan <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.41.2 |
Built: | 2025-03-21 04:37:21 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/BiocParallel |
This package provides modified versions and novel implementation of functions for parallel evaluation, tailored to use with Bioconductor objects.
This package uses code from the parallel
See packageDescription("BiocParallel")
This class is used to parameterize scheduler options on managed high-performance computing clusters using batchtools.
: Construct a BatchtoolsParam-class object.
: Return the default number of workers for
each backend.
: Return the default template for each
: Return the default cluster.
: Create a list of arguments to be
used in batchtools' makeRegistry
; see registryargs
BatchtoolsParam( workers = batchtoolsWorkers(cluster), cluster = batchtoolsCluster(), registryargs = batchtoolsRegistryargs(), saveregistry = FALSE, resources = list(), template = batchtoolsTemplate(cluster), stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NA_integer_, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, exportglobals=TRUE, log = FALSE, logdir = NA_character_, resultdir=NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB" ) batchtoolsWorkers(cluster = batchtoolsCluster()) batchtoolsCluster(cluster) batchtoolsTemplate(cluster) batchtoolsRegistryargs(...)
BatchtoolsParam( workers = batchtoolsWorkers(cluster), cluster = batchtoolsCluster(), registryargs = batchtoolsRegistryargs(), saveregistry = FALSE, resources = list(), template = batchtoolsTemplate(cluster), stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NA_integer_, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, exportglobals=TRUE, log = FALSE, logdir = NA_character_, resultdir=NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB" ) batchtoolsWorkers(cluster = batchtoolsCluster()) batchtoolsCluster(cluster) batchtoolsTemplate(cluster) batchtoolsRegistryargs(...)
workers |
Number of workers to divide tasks
(e.g., elements in the first argument of bplapply
between. On 'multicore' and 'socket' backends, this defaults to
and snowWorkers()
. On managed
(e.g., slurm, SGE) clusters workers
has no default,
meaning that the number of workers needs to be provided by the
cluster |
Cluster type being used as the
backend by BatchtoolsParam
. The available options are
"socket", "multicore", "interactive", "sge", "slurm", "lsf",
"torque" and "openlava". The cluster type if available on the
machine registers as the backend. Cluster types which need
a template
are "sge", "slurm", "lsf", "openlava", and
"torque". If the template is not given then a default is
selected from the batchtools
registryargs |
Arguments given to the registry
created by BatchtoolsParam
to configure the registry and
where it's being stored. The registryargs
can be
specified by the function batchtoolsRegistryargs()
takes the arguments file.dir
, work.dir
, namespaces
, source
, load
. It's useful to configure these option,
especially the file.dir
to a location which is accessible
to all the nodes on your job scheduler i.e master and
workers. file.dir
uses a default setting to make a
registry in your working directory.
saveregistry |
Option given to store the
entire registry for the job(s). This functionality should only
be used when debugging. The storage of the entire registry can
be time and space expensive on disk. The registry will be saved
in the directory specified by file.dir
; the default locatoin is the current working
directory. The saved registry directories will have suffix "-1",
"-2" and so on, for each time the BatchtoolsParam
resources |
Arguments passed to the
argument of batchtools::submitJobs
during evaluation of bplapply
and similar
functions. These name-value pairs are used for substitution
into the template file.
template |
Path to a template for the
backend in BatchtoolsParam
. It is possible to check which
template is being used by the object using the getter
. The template needs to be
written specific to each backend. Please check the list of available
templates in the batchtools
stop.on.error |
Stop all jobs as soon as one
jobs fails (stop.on.error == TRUE
) or wait for all jobs
to terminate. Default is TRUE
progressbar |
Suppress the progress bar used
in BatchtoolsParam and be less verbose. Default is
RNGseed |
Set an initial seed for the RNG.
Default is NULL
where a random seed is chosen upon
timeout |
Time (in seconds) allowed for worker
to complete a task. If the computation exceeds timeout
an error is thrown with message 'reached elapsed time limit'.
exportglobals |
from manager to workers? Default TRUE
log |
Option given to save the logs which
are produced by the jobs. If log=TRUE
then the logdir
option must be specified.
logdir |
Path to location where logs are
stored. The argument log=TRUE
is required before using the
logdir option.
resultdir |
Path where results are stored.
jobname |
Job name that is prepended to the output log and result files. Default is "BPJOB".
... |
name-value pairs |
Names and values correspond to arguments from batchtools
Return an object with specified values. The object may be saved to disk or reused within a session.
The following generics are implemented and perform as documented on
the corresponding help page: bpworkers
, bpstart
, bpisup
, bpbackend
handles arguments X
of classes derived
from S4Vectors::List
specially, coercing to list
Nitesh Turaga, mailto:[email protected]
for additional parameter classes.
for registering parameter classes for use in parallel
The batchtools package.
## Pi approximation piApprox = function(n) { nums = matrix(runif(2 * n), ncol = 2) d = sqrt(nums[, 1]^2 + nums[, 2]^2) 4 * mean(d <= 1) } piApprox(1000) ## Calculate piApprox 10 times param <- BatchtoolsParam() result <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) ## Not run: ## see vignette for additional explanation library(BiocParallel) param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=5, cluster="sge", template="script/test-sge-template.tmpl") ## Run parallel job result = bplapply(rep(10e5, 100), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) ## bpmapply param = BatchtoolsParam() result = bpmapply(fun, x = 1:3, y = 1:3, MoreArgs = list(z = 1), SIMPLIFY = TRUE, BPPARAM = param) ## bpvec param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=2) result = bpvec(1:10, seq_along, BPPARAM=param) ## bpvectorize param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=2) ## this returns a function bpseq_along = bpvectorize(seq_along, BPPARAM=param) result = bpseq_along(1:10) ## bpiterate ITER <- function(n=5) { i <- 0L function() { i <<- i + 1L if (i > n) return(NULL) rep(i, n) } } param <- BatchtoolsParam() res <- bpiterate(ITER=ITER(), FUN=function(x,y) sum(x) + y, y=10, BPPARAM=param) ## save logs logdir <- tempfile() dir.create(logdir) param <- BatchtoolsParam(log=TRUE, logdir=logdir) res <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) ## save registry (should be used only for debugging) file.dir <- tempfile() registryargs <- batchtoolsRegistryargs(file.dir = file.dir) param <- BatchtoolsParam(saveregistry = TRUE, registryargs = registryargs) res <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) dir(dirname(file.dir), basename(file.dir)) ## End(Not run)
## Pi approximation piApprox = function(n) { nums = matrix(runif(2 * n), ncol = 2) d = sqrt(nums[, 1]^2 + nums[, 2]^2) 4 * mean(d <= 1) } piApprox(1000) ## Calculate piApprox 10 times param <- BatchtoolsParam() result <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) ## Not run: ## see vignette for additional explanation library(BiocParallel) param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=5, cluster="sge", template="script/test-sge-template.tmpl") ## Run parallel job result = bplapply(rep(10e5, 100), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) ## bpmapply param = BatchtoolsParam() result = bpmapply(fun, x = 1:3, y = 1:3, MoreArgs = list(z = 1), SIMPLIFY = TRUE, BPPARAM = param) ## bpvec param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=2) result = bpvec(1:10, seq_along, BPPARAM=param) ## bpvectorize param = BatchtoolsParam(workers=2) ## this returns a function bpseq_along = bpvectorize(seq_along, BPPARAM=param) result = bpseq_along(1:10) ## bpiterate ITER <- function(n=5) { i <- 0L function() { i <<- i + 1L if (i > n) return(NULL) rep(i, n) } } param <- BatchtoolsParam() res <- bpiterate(ITER=ITER(), FUN=function(x,y) sum(x) + y, y=10, BPPARAM=param) ## save logs logdir <- tempfile() dir.create(logdir) param <- BatchtoolsParam(log=TRUE, logdir=logdir) res <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) ## save registry (should be used only for debugging) file.dir <- tempfile() registryargs <- batchtoolsRegistryargs(file.dir = file.dir) param <- BatchtoolsParam(saveregistry = TRUE, registryargs = registryargs) res <- bplapply(rep(10e5, 10), piApprox, BPPARAM=param) dir(dirname(file.dir), basename(file.dir)) ## End(Not run)
These functions and objects are defunct and no longer available.
Defunct functions are: bprunMPIslave()
Defunct classes: BatchJobsParam
There are currently no deprecated functions in ‘BiocParallel’.
The BiocParallelParam
virtual class stores configuration parameters
for parallel execution. Concrete subclasses include SnowParam
, BatchtoolsParam
, and DoparParam
and SerialParam
is the virtual base class on which other
parameter objects build. There are 5 concrete subclasses:
:distributed memory computing
:shared memory computing
:scheduled cluster computing
:foreach computing
:non-parallel execution
The parameter objects hold configuration parameters related to the method of parallel execution such as shared memory, independent memory or computing with a cluster scheduler.
The BiocParallelParam
class is virtual and has no constructor.
Instances of the subclasses can be created with the following:
In the code below BPPARAM
is a BiocParallelParam
, bpworkers(x, ...)
or character()
. Gets the number or names of
the back-end workers. The setter is supported for SnowParam and
MulticoreParam only.
. Gets the number of the back-end workers.
, bptasks(x) <- value
. Get or set the number of tasks for a
job. value
can be a scalar integer > 0L, or integer 0L for
matching the worker number, or NA
for representing an infinite
task number.
and BatchtoolsParam
have their own
approach to dividing a job among workers.
We define a job as a single call to a function such as bplapply
etc. A task is the division of the
argument into chunks. When tasks == 0
is divided by the number of workers. This approach distributes
in (approximately) equal chunks.
A tasks
value of > 0 dictates the total number of
tasks. Values can range from 1 (all of X
to a single
worker) to the length of X
(each element of X
to a different worker); values greater than length(X)
(e.g., .Machine$integer.max
) are rounded to length(X)
When the length of X
is less than the number of workers each
element of X
is sent to a worker and tasks
is ignored.
Another case where the tasks
value is ignored is when using the
function; the number of tasks are defined by the number
of data chunks returned by the ITER
. Starts the back-end, if necessary.
. Stops the back-end, if necessary and possible.
. Tests whether the back-end is available for
processing, returning a scalar logical value. bp*
functions such as bplapply
automatically start the
back-end if necessary.
, bpbackend(x) <- value
:Gets or sets the parallel bpbackend
. Not all back-ends can
be retrieved; see methods("bpbackend")
, bplog(x) <- value
:Get or enable logging, if available. value
must be a
, bpthreshold(x) <- value
:Get or set the logging threshold. value
must be a
string of one of the levels defined in the
package: “TRACE”, “DEBUG”,
“INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, or “FATAL”.
, bplogdir(x) <- value
:Get or set an optional directory for saving log files. The directory must already exist with read / write ability.
, bpresultdir(x) <- value
:Get or set an optional directory for saving results as 'rda' files. The directory must already exist with read / write ability.
, bptimeout(x) <- value
Time (in seconds) allowed for worker to
complete a task. This value is passed to base::setTimeLimit()
as both the cpu
and elapsed
arguments. If the
computation exceeds timeout
an error is thrown with
message 'reached elapsed time limit'.
, bpexportglobals(x) <- value
Export base::options()
from manager to
workers? Default TRUE
, bpexportvariables(x) <- value
Automatically export the variables which are
defined in the global environment and used by the function from
manager to workers. Default TRUE
, bpprogressbar(x) <- value
:Get or set the value to enable text progress bar.
must be a logical(1)
, bpRNGseed(x) <- value
:Get or set the seed for random number generaton. value
must be a
, bpjobname(x) <- value
:Get or set the job name.
, bpforceGC(x) <- value
:Get or set whether 'garbage collection' should be invoked at the
end of each call to FUN
, bpfallback(x) <- value
:Get or set whether the fallback SerialParam
should be
used (e.g., for efficiency when starting a cluster) when the
current BPPARAM
has not been started and the worker
number is less than or equal to 1.
In the code below BPPARAM
is a BiocParallelParam
, bpstopOnError(x) <- value
. Controls if the job stops when an error is hit.
controls whether the job stops after an
error is thrown. When TRUE
, the output contains all
successfully completed results up to and including the error.
When stop.on.error == TRUE
all computations stop once the
error is hit. When FALSE
, the job runs to completion
and successful results are returned along with any error messages.
In the code below BPPARAM
is a BiocParallelParam
Full documentation for these functions are on separate man pages: see
, ?bplapply
, ?bpvec
, ?bpiterate
bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE,
bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpvec(X, FUN, ..., AGGREGATE=c, BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpiterate(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpaggregate(x, data, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
In the code below BPPARAM
is a BiocParallelParam
Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain.
for computing in distributed memory
for computing in shared memory
for computing with cluster schedulers
for computing with foreach
for non-parallel execution
getClass("BiocParallelParam") ## For examples see ?SnowParam, ?MulticoreParam, ?BatchtoolsParam ## and ?SerialParam.
getClass("BiocParallelParam") ## For examples see ?SnowParam, ?MulticoreParam, ?BatchtoolsParam ## and ?SerialParam.
This is a parallel version of aggregate
## S4 method for signature 'formula,BiocParallelParam' bpaggregate(x, data, FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame,BiocParallelParam' bpaggregate(x, by, FUN, ..., simplify=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,BiocParallelParam' bpaggregate(x, by, FUN, ..., simplify=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,missing' bpaggregate(x, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() )
## S4 method for signature 'formula,BiocParallelParam' bpaggregate(x, data, FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame,BiocParallelParam' bpaggregate(x, by, FUN, ..., simplify=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'matrix,BiocParallelParam' bpaggregate(x, by, FUN, ..., simplify=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,missing' bpaggregate(x, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() )
x |
A |
by |
A list of factors by which |
data |
A |
Function to apply. |
... |
Additional arguments for |
simplify |
If set to |
An optional |
A |
Additional options to control the behavior of the parallel evaluation, see |
is a generic with methods for data.frame
and formula
objects. x
is divided
into subsets according to factors in by
. Data chunks are
sent to the workers, FUN
is applied and results are returned
as a data.frame
The function is similar in spirit to aggregate
from the stats package but aggregate
is not
explicitly called. The bpaggregate
reformulates the call and dispatches to the data.frame
which in turn distributes data chunks to workers with bplapply
See aggregate
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected].
if (interactive() && require(Rsamtools) && require(GenomicAlignments)) { fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools") param <- ScanBamParam(what = c("flag", "mapq")) gal <- readGAlignments(fl, param=param) ## Report the mean map quality by range cutoff: cutoff <- rep(0, length(gal)) cutoff[start(gal) > 1000 & start(gal) < 1500] <- 1 cutoff[start(gal) > 1500] <- 2 bpaggregate(as.data.frame(mcols(gal)$mapq), list(cutoff = cutoff), mean) }
if (interactive() && require(Rsamtools) && require(GenomicAlignments)) { fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools") param <- ScanBamParam(what = c("flag", "mapq")) gal <- readGAlignments(fl, param=param) ## Report the mean map quality by range cutoff: cutoff <- rep(0, length(gal)) cutoff[start(gal) > 1000 & start(gal) < 1500] <- 1 cutoff[start(gal) > 1500] <- 2 bpaggregate(as.data.frame(mcols(gal)$mapq), list(cutoff = cutoff), mean) }
iterates over an indeterminate number of data chunks
(e.g., records in a file). Each chunk is processed by parallel workers
in an asynchronous fashion; as each worker finishes it receives a
new chunk. Data are traversed a single time.
When provided with a vector-like argument ITER = X
uses bpiterateAlong
to produce the sequence of
elements X[[1]]
, X[[2]]
, etc.
bpiterate( ITER, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,missing' bpiterate( ITER, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,BatchtoolsParam' bpiterate( ITER, FUN, ..., REDUCE, init, reduce.in.order=FALSE, BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) bpiterateAlong(X)
bpiterate( ITER, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,missing' bpiterate( ITER, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY,BatchtoolsParam' bpiterate( ITER, FUN, ..., REDUCE, init, reduce.in.order=FALSE, BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) bpiterateAlong(X)
X |
An object (e.g., vector or list) with 'length()' and '[[' methods available. |
A function with no arguments that returns an object to process, generally a chunk of data from a file. When no objects are left (i.e., end of file) it should return NULL and continue to return NULL regardless of the number of times it is invoked after reaching the end of file. This function is run on the master. |
A function to process the object returned by |
An optional |
Optional function that combines (reduces)
output from |
init |
Optional initial value for |
reduce.in.order |
Logical. When TRUE, REDUCE is applied to the results from the workers in the same order the tasks were sent out. |
An output from |
... |
Arguments to other methods, and named arguments for
Additional options to control the behavior of the parallel
evaluation, see |
Supported for SnowParam
, MulticoreParam
iterates through an unknown number of data
chunks, dispatching chunks to parallel workers as they
become available. In contrast, other bp*apply
such as bplapply
or bpmapply
require the number of
data chunks to be specified ahead of time. This quality makes
useful for iterating through files of unknown length.
serves up chunks of data until the end of the file
is reached at which point it returns NULL. Note that ITER
should continue to return NULL reguardless of the number of times
it is invoked after reaching the end of the file. FUN
is applied to each object (data chunk) returned by ITER
provides an interator for a vector or other
object with length()
and [[
methods defined. It is used
in place of the first argument ITER=
By default, a list
the same length as the number of chunks in
is used, the return is consistent
with application of the reduction. When errors occur, the errors will
be attached to the result as an attribute errors
Valerie Obenchain mailto:[email protected].
for parallel, vectorized calculations.
for parallel, lapply-like calculations.
for details of BPPARAM
for details of BatchtoolsParam
## A simple iterator ITER <- bpiterateAlong(1:10) result <- bpiterate(ITER, sqrt) ## alteernatively, result <- bpiterate(1:10, sqrt) unlist(result) ## Not run: if (require(Rsamtools) && require(RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14) && require(GenomicAlignments) && require(ShortRead)) { ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Iterate through a BAM file ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Select a single file and set 'yieldSize' in the BamFile object. fl <- RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES[[1]] bf <- BamFile(fl, yieldSize = 300000) ## bamIterator() is initialized with a BAM file and returns a function. ## The return function requires no arguments and iterates through the ## file returning data chunks the size of yieldSize. bamIterator <- function(bf) { done <- FALSE if (!isOpen( bf)) open(bf) function() { if (done) return(NULL) yld <- readGAlignments(bf) if (length(yld) == 0L) { close(bf) done <<- TRUE NULL } else yld } } ## FUN counts reads in a region of interest. roi <- GRanges("chr14", IRanges(seq(19e6, 107e6, by = 10e6), width = 10e6)) counter <- function(reads, roi, ...) { countOverlaps(query = roi, subject = reads) } ## Initialize the iterator. ITER <- bamIterator(bf) ## The number of chunks returned by ITER() determines the result length. bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 3) ## bpparam <- BatchtoolsParam(workers = 3), see ?BatchtoolsParam bpiterate(ITER, counter, roi = roi, BPPARAM = bpparam) ## Re-initialize the iterator and combine on the fly with REDUCE: ITER <- bamIterator(bf) bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 3) bpiterate(ITER, counter, REDUCE = sum, roi = roi, BPPARAM = bpparam) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Iterate through a FASTA file ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Set data chunk size with 'n' in the FastqStreamer object. sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package = 'ShortRead')) fl <- file.path(analysisPath(sp), "s_1_sequence.txt") ## Create an iterator that returns data chunks the size of 'n'. fastqIterator <- function(fqs) { done <- FALSE if (!isOpen(fqs)) open(fqs) function() { if (done) return(NULL) yld <- yield(fqs) if (length(yld) == 0L) { close(fqs) done <<- TRUE NULL } else yld } } ## The process function summarizes the number of times each sequence occurs. summary <- function(reads, ...) { ShortRead::tables(reads, n = 0)$distribution } ## Create a param. bpparam <- SnowParam(workers = 2) ## Initialize the streamer and iterator. fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100) ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs) bpiterate(ITER, summary, BPPARAM = bpparam) ## Results from the workers are combined on the fly when REDUCE is used. ## Collapsing the data in this way can substantially reduce memory ## requirements. fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100) ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs) bpiterate(ITER, summary, REDUCE = merge, all = TRUE, BPPARAM = bpparam) } ## End(Not run)
## A simple iterator ITER <- bpiterateAlong(1:10) result <- bpiterate(ITER, sqrt) ## alteernatively, result <- bpiterate(1:10, sqrt) unlist(result) ## Not run: if (require(Rsamtools) && require(RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14) && require(GenomicAlignments) && require(ShortRead)) { ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Iterate through a BAM file ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Select a single file and set 'yieldSize' in the BamFile object. fl <- RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14_BAMFILES[[1]] bf <- BamFile(fl, yieldSize = 300000) ## bamIterator() is initialized with a BAM file and returns a function. ## The return function requires no arguments and iterates through the ## file returning data chunks the size of yieldSize. bamIterator <- function(bf) { done <- FALSE if (!isOpen( bf)) open(bf) function() { if (done) return(NULL) yld <- readGAlignments(bf) if (length(yld) == 0L) { close(bf) done <<- TRUE NULL } else yld } } ## FUN counts reads in a region of interest. roi <- GRanges("chr14", IRanges(seq(19e6, 107e6, by = 10e6), width = 10e6)) counter <- function(reads, roi, ...) { countOverlaps(query = roi, subject = reads) } ## Initialize the iterator. ITER <- bamIterator(bf) ## The number of chunks returned by ITER() determines the result length. bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 3) ## bpparam <- BatchtoolsParam(workers = 3), see ?BatchtoolsParam bpiterate(ITER, counter, roi = roi, BPPARAM = bpparam) ## Re-initialize the iterator and combine on the fly with REDUCE: ITER <- bamIterator(bf) bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = 3) bpiterate(ITER, counter, REDUCE = sum, roi = roi, BPPARAM = bpparam) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Iterate through a FASTA file ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Set data chunk size with 'n' in the FastqStreamer object. sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package = 'ShortRead')) fl <- file.path(analysisPath(sp), "s_1_sequence.txt") ## Create an iterator that returns data chunks the size of 'n'. fastqIterator <- function(fqs) { done <- FALSE if (!isOpen(fqs)) open(fqs) function() { if (done) return(NULL) yld <- yield(fqs) if (length(yld) == 0L) { close(fqs) done <<- TRUE NULL } else yld } } ## The process function summarizes the number of times each sequence occurs. summary <- function(reads, ...) { ShortRead::tables(reads, n = 0)$distribution } ## Create a param. bpparam <- SnowParam(workers = 2) ## Initialize the streamer and iterator. fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100) ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs) bpiterate(ITER, summary, BPPARAM = bpparam) ## Results from the workers are combined on the fly when REDUCE is used. ## Collapsing the data in this way can substantially reduce memory ## requirements. fqs <- FastqStreamer(fl, n = 100) ITER <- fastqIterator(fqs) bpiterate(ITER, summary, REDUCE = merge, all = TRUE, BPPARAM = bpparam) } ## End(Not run)
applies FUN
to each element of X
. Any
type of object X
is allowed, provided length
, [
and [[
methods are available. The return value is a list
of length equal to X
, as with lapply
bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
X |
Any object for which methods |
The |
... |
Additional arguments for |
An optional |
A |
Additional options to control the behavior of the parallel evaluation, see |
See methods{bplapply}
for additional methods, e.g.,
See lapply
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected]. Original code as
attributed in mclapply
for parallel, vectorized calculations.
for possible values of BPPARAM
methods("bplapply") ## ten tasks (1:10) so ten calls to FUN default registered parallel ## back-end. Compare with bpvec. fun <- function(v) { message("working") ## 10 tasks sqrt(v) } bplapply(1:10, fun)
methods("bplapply") ## ten tasks (1:10) so ten calls to FUN default registered parallel ## back-end. Compare with bpvec. fun <- function(v) { message("working") ## 10 tasks sqrt(v) } bplapply(1:10, fun)
The functions documented on this page are primarily for use within BiocParallel to enable SNOW-style parallel evaluation, using communication between manager and worker nodes through sockets.
## S3 method for class 'lapply' bploop(manager, X, FUN, ARGS, BPPARAM, BPOPTIONS = bpoptions(), BPREDO, ...) ## S3 method for class 'iterate' bploop(manager, ITER, FUN, ARGS, BPPARAM, BPOPTIONS = bpoptions(), REDUCE, BPREDO, init, reduce.in.order, ...)
## S3 method for class 'lapply' bploop(manager, X, FUN, ARGS, BPPARAM, BPOPTIONS = bpoptions(), BPREDO, ...) ## S3 method for class 'iterate' bploop(manager, ITER, FUN, ARGS, BPPARAM, BPOPTIONS = bpoptions(), REDUCE, BPREDO, init, reduce.in.order, ...)
manager |
An object representing the manager node. For workers,
this is the node to which the worker will communicate. For managers,
this is the form of iteration – |
X |
A vector of jobs to be performed. |
A function to apply to each job. |
A list of arguments to be passed to |
An instance of a |
A function used to generate jobs. No more jobs are
available when |
(Optional) A function combining two values returned by
init |
(Optional) Initial value for reduction. |
reduce.in.order |
(Optional) logical(1) indicating that
reduction must occur in the order jobs are dispatched
( |
(Optional) A |
... |
Additional arguments, ignored in all cases. |
Additional options to control the behavior of the parallel evaluation, see |
Workers enter a loop. They wait to receive a message (R list) from
the manager
. The message contains a type
element, with
evaluation as follows:
Execute the R code in the message, returning
the result to the manager
Signal termination to the manager
terminate the worker.
Managers under lapply
dispatch pre-determined jobs, X
to workers, collecting the results from and dispatching new jobs to
the first available worker. The manager returns a list of results, in
a one-to-one correspondence with the order of jobs supplied, when all
jobs have been evaluated.
Managers under iterate
dispatch an undetermined number of jobs
to workers, collecting previous jobs from and dispatching new jobs to
the first available worker. Dispatch continues until available jobs
are exhausted. The return value is by default a list of results in a
one-to-one correspondence with the order of jobs supplied. The return
value is influenced by REDUCE
, init
, and
Valerie Obenchain, Martin Morgan. Derived from similar functionality in the snow and parallel packages.
## These functions are not meant to be called by the end user.
## These functions are not meant to be called by the end user.
applies FUN
to first elements of ...
the second elements and so on. Any type of object in ...
allowed, provided length
, [
, and [[
methods are
available. The return value is a list
of length equal to the
length of all objects provided, as with mapply
bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,missing' bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,BiocParallelParam' bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,missing' bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,BiocParallelParam' bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
The |
... |
Objects for which methods |
MoreArgs |
List of additional arguments to |
If |
If |
An optional |
A |
Additional options to control the behavior of the parallel evaluation, see |
See methods{bpmapply}
for additional methods, e.g.,
See mapply
Michel Lang . Original code as attributed in
for parallel, vectorized calculations.
for possible values of BPPARAM
methods("bpmapply") fun <- function(greet, who) { paste(Sys.getpid(), greet, who) } greet <- c("morning", "night") who <- c("sun", "moon") param <- bpparam() original <- bpworkers(param) bpworkers(param) <- 2 result <- bpmapply(fun, greet, who, BPPARAM = param) cat(paste(result, collapse="\n"), "\n") bpworkers(param) <- original
methods("bpmapply") fun <- function(greet, who) { paste(Sys.getpid(), greet, who) } greet <- c("morning", "night") who <- c("sun", "moon") param <- bpparam() original <- bpworkers(param) bpworkers(param) <- 2 result <- bpmapply(fun, greet, who, BPPARAM = param) cat(paste(result, collapse="\n"), "\n") bpworkers(param) <- original
Identifies unsuccessful results returned from bplapply
, bpvec
, bpaggregate
or bpvectorize
bpok(x, type = bperrorTypes()) bperrorTypes() bpresult(x)
bpok(x, type = bperrorTypes()) bperrorTypes() bpresult(x)
x |
Results returned from a call to |
type |
A character(1) error type, from the vector returned by
returns a logical()
vector: FALSE for any jobs
that resulted in an error. x
is the result list output by
, bpmapply
, bpvec
, bpaggregate
returns a character() vector of possible error
types generated during parallel evaluation. Types are:
: Any of the following errors. This is the
default value for bpok()
: An R error occurring while
evaluating FUN()
, e.g., taking the square root of a
character vector, sqrt("One")
: When *Param(stop.on.error =
(default), a remote error halts evaluation of other
tasks assigned to the same worker. The return value for these
unevaluated elements is an error of type
: Only produced by
when a remote error occurs during evaluation
of an element of X
– DoparParam()
sets all values
after the remote error to this class.
: An error occurring while trying to
communicate with workers, e.g., when a worker quits unexpectedly.
when this type of error occurs, the length of the result may
differ from the length of the input X
when applied to an object with a class of one of the
error types returns the list of tasks results.
Michel Lang, Martin Morgan, Valerie Obenchain, and Jiefei Wang
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Catch errors: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## By default 'stop.on.error' is TRUE in BiocParallelParam objects. If ## 'stop.on.error' is TRUE an ill-fated bplapply() simply stops, ## displaying the error message. param <- SnowParam(workers = 2, stop.on.error = TRUE) result <- tryCatch({ bplapply(list(1, "two", 3), sqrt, BPPARAM = param) }, error=identity) result class(result) bpresult(result) ## If 'stop.on.error' is FALSE then the computation continues. Errors ## are signalled but the full evaluation can be retrieved param <- SnowParam(workers = 2, stop.on.error = FALSE) X <- list(1, "two", 3) result <- bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt, BPPARAM = param)) result ## Check for errors: fail <- !bpok(result) fail ## Access the traceback with attr(): tail(attr(result[[2]], "traceback"), 5) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Resume calculations: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The 'resume' mechanism is triggered by supplying a list of partial ## results as 'BPREDO'. Data elements that failed are rerun and merged ## with previous results. ## A call of sqrt() on the character "2" returns an error. Fix the input ## data by changing the character "2" to a numeric 2: X_mod <- list(1, 2, 3) bplapply(X_mod, sqrt, BPPARAM = param , BPREDO = result)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Catch errors: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## By default 'stop.on.error' is TRUE in BiocParallelParam objects. If ## 'stop.on.error' is TRUE an ill-fated bplapply() simply stops, ## displaying the error message. param <- SnowParam(workers = 2, stop.on.error = TRUE) result <- tryCatch({ bplapply(list(1, "two", 3), sqrt, BPPARAM = param) }, error=identity) result class(result) bpresult(result) ## If 'stop.on.error' is FALSE then the computation continues. Errors ## are signalled but the full evaluation can be retrieved param <- SnowParam(workers = 2, stop.on.error = FALSE) X <- list(1, "two", 3) result <- bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt, BPPARAM = param)) result ## Check for errors: fail <- !bpok(result) fail ## Access the traceback with attr(): tail(attr(result[[2]], "traceback"), 5) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Resume calculations: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The 'resume' mechanism is triggered by supplying a list of partial ## results as 'BPREDO'. Data elements that failed are rerun and merged ## with previous results. ## A call of sqrt() on the character "2" returns an error. Fix the input ## data by changing the character "2" to a numeric 2: X_mod <- list(1, 2, 3) bplapply(X_mod, sqrt, BPPARAM = param , BPREDO = result)
This function is used to pass additional options to bplapply()
and other functions function. One use case is to use the argument
to temporarily change the parameter of BPPARAM
(e.g. enabling the progressbar). A second use case is to change the
behavior of the parallel evaluation (e.g. manually exporting some
variables to the worker)
bpoptions( workers, tasks, jobname, log, logdir, threshold, resultdir, stop.on.error, timeout, exportglobals, exportvariables, progressbar, RNGseed, force.GC, fallback, exports, packages, ... )
bpoptions( workers, tasks, jobname, log, logdir, threshold, resultdir, stop.on.error, timeout, exportglobals, exportvariables, progressbar, RNGseed, force.GC, fallback, exports, packages, ... )
workers |
integer(1) or character() parameter for |
tasks |
integer(1) parameter for |
jobname |
character(1) parameter for |
log |
logical(1) parameter for |
logdir |
character(1) parameter for |
threshold |
A parameter for |
resultdir |
character(1) parameter for |
stop.on.error |
logical(1) parameter for |
timeout |
integer(1) parameter for |
exportglobals |
logical(1) parameter for |
exportvariables |
A parameter for |
progressbar |
logical(1) parameter for |
RNGseed |
integer(1) parameter for |
force.GC |
logical(1) parameter for |
fallback |
logical(1) parameter for |
exports |
character() The names of the variables in the global
environment which need to be exported to the global environment of
the worker. This option works independently of the option
packages |
character() The packages that needs to be attached by
the worker prior to the evaluation of the task. This option works
independently of the option |
... |
Additional arguments which may(or may not) work for some specific
type of |
A list of options
Jiefei Wang
, bplapply
, bpiterate
p <- SerialParam() bplapply(1:5, function(x) Sys.sleep(1), BPPARAM = p, BPOPTIONS = bpoptions(progressbar = TRUE, tasks = 5L))
p <- SerialParam() bplapply(1:5, function(x) Sys.sleep(1), BPPARAM = p, BPOPTIONS = bpoptions(progressbar = TRUE, tasks = 5L))
Use functions on this page to influence scheduling of parallel processing.
x |
An instance of a
returns a logical(1) indicating whether the parallel
evaluation should occur at this point.
returns a scalar logical.
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected].
for possible values of x
bpschedule(SnowParam()) # TRUE bpschedule(MulticoreParam(2)) # FALSE on windows p <- MulticoreParam() bpschedule(p) # TRUE bplapply(1:2, function(i, p) { bpschedule(p) # FALSE }, p = p, BPPARAM=p)
bpschedule(SnowParam()) # TRUE bpschedule(MulticoreParam(2)) # FALSE on windows p <- MulticoreParam() bpschedule(p) # TRUE bplapply(1:2, function(i, p) { bpschedule(p) # FALSE }, p = p, BPPARAM=p)
This function is meant to be used as a wrapper around
and friends, returning the evaluated expression
rather than signalling an error.
bptry(expr, ..., bplist_error, bperror)
bptry(expr, ..., bplist_error, bperror)
expr |
An R expression; see |
bplist_error |
A ‘handler’ function of a single argument, used to catch
Setting Setting |
bperror |
A ‘handler’ function of a single argument, use to catch
... |
Additional named handlers passed to |
The partially evaluated list of results.
Martin Morgan [email protected]
param = registered()[[1]] param X = list(1, "2", 3) bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt)) # bplist_error handler result <- bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt), bplist_error=identity) # bperror handler result bpresult(result)
param = registered()[[1]] param X = list(1, "2", 3) bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt)) # bplist_error handler result <- bptry(bplapply(X, sqrt), bplist_error=identity) # bperror handler result bpresult(result)
interrogates the function environment and search path
to locate undefined symbols.
bpvalidate(fun, signal = c("warning", "error", "silent"))
bpvalidate(fun, signal = c("warning", "error", "silent"))
fun |
The function to be checked. |
signal |
tests if a function can be run in a distributed memory
environment (e.g., SOCK clusters, Windows machines). bpvalidate
in the environment of fun
, in the NAMESPACE exports of libraries
loaded in fun
, and along the search path to identify any symbols
outside the scope of fun
can be used to check functions passed to the bp*
family of functions in BiocParallel
or other packages that
support parallel evaluation on clusters such as snow
, etc.
The environment of a function defined inside a package is the NAMESPACE of the package. It is important to test these functions as they will be called from within the package, with the appropriate environment. Specifically, do not copy/paste the function into the workspace; once this is done the GlobalEnv becomes the function environment.
To test a package function, load the package then call the function by name (myfun) or explicitly (mypkg:::myfun) if not exported.
The environment of a function defined in the workspace is the GlobalEnv. Because these functions do not have an associated package NAMESPACE, the functions and variables used in the body must be explicitly passed or defined. See examples.
Defining functions in the workspace is often done during development or testing. If the function is later moved inside a package, it can be rewritten in a more lightweight form by taking advantage of imported symbols in the package NAMESPACE.
NOTE: bpvalidate
does not currently work on Generics.
An object of class BPValidate
summarizing symbols identified in
the global environment or search path, or undefined in the
enviornments the function was defined in. Details are only available
via 'show()'.
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected] and Valerie Obenchain.
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Interactive use ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- fun <- function() .__UNKNOWN_SYMBOL__ bpvalidate(fun, "silent") ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Testing package functions ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Not run: library(myPkg) ## Test exported functions by name or the double colon: bpvalidate(myExportedFun) bpvalidate(myPkg::myExportedFun) ## Non-exported functions are called with the triple colon: bpvalidate(myPkg:::myInternalFun) ## End(Not run) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Testing workspace functions ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Functions defined in the workspace have the .GlobalEnv as their ## environment. Often the symbols used inside the function body ## are not defined in .GlobalEnv and must be passed explicitly. ## Loading libraries: ## In 'fun1' countBam() is flagged as unknown: fun1 <- function(fl, ...) countBam(fl) v <- bpvalidate(fun1) ## countBam() is not defined in .GlobalEnv and must be passed as ## an argument or made available by loading the library. fun2 <- function(fl, ...) { Rsamtools::countBam(fl) } v <- bpvalidate(fun2) ## Passing arguments: ## 'param' is defined in the workspace but not passed to 'fun3'. ## bpvalidate() flags 'param' as being found '.GlobalEnv' which means ## it is not defined in the function environment or inside the function. library(Rsamtools) param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isMinusStrand=FALSE)) fun3 <- function(fl, ...) { Rsamtools::countBam(fl, param=param) } v <- bpvalidate(fun3) ## 'param' is explicitly passed by adding it as a formal argument. fun4 <- function(fl, ..., param) { Rsamtools::countBam(fl, param=param) } bpvalidate(fun4) ## The corresponding call to a bp* function includes 'param': ## Not run: bplapply(files, fun4, param=param, BPPARAM=SnowParam(2)) ## End(Not run)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Interactive use ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- fun <- function() .__UNKNOWN_SYMBOL__ bpvalidate(fun, "silent") ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Testing package functions ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Not run: library(myPkg) ## Test exported functions by name or the double colon: bpvalidate(myExportedFun) bpvalidate(myPkg::myExportedFun) ## Non-exported functions are called with the triple colon: bpvalidate(myPkg:::myInternalFun) ## End(Not run) ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Testing workspace functions ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Functions defined in the workspace have the .GlobalEnv as their ## environment. Often the symbols used inside the function body ## are not defined in .GlobalEnv and must be passed explicitly. ## Loading libraries: ## In 'fun1' countBam() is flagged as unknown: fun1 <- function(fl, ...) countBam(fl) v <- bpvalidate(fun1) ## countBam() is not defined in .GlobalEnv and must be passed as ## an argument or made available by loading the library. fun2 <- function(fl, ...) { Rsamtools::countBam(fl) } v <- bpvalidate(fun2) ## Passing arguments: ## 'param' is defined in the workspace but not passed to 'fun3'. ## bpvalidate() flags 'param' as being found '.GlobalEnv' which means ## it is not defined in the function environment or inside the function. library(Rsamtools) param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isMinusStrand=FALSE)) fun3 <- function(fl, ...) { Rsamtools::countBam(fl, param=param) } v <- bpvalidate(fun3) ## 'param' is explicitly passed by adding it as a formal argument. fun4 <- function(fl, ..., param) { Rsamtools::countBam(fl, param=param) } bpvalidate(fun4) ## The corresponding call to a bp* function includes 'param': ## Not run: bplapply(files, fun4, param=param, BPPARAM=SnowParam(2)) ## End(Not run)
applies FUN
to subsets of X
. Any type of
object X
is allowed, provided length
, and [
defined on X
is a function such that
length(FUN(X)) == length(X)
. The objects returned by FUN
are concatenated by AGGREGATE
by default). The
return value is FUN(X)
bpvec(X, FUN, ..., AGGREGATE=c, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
bpvec(X, FUN, ..., AGGREGATE=c, BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
X |
Any object for which methods |
A function to be applied to subsets of |
... |
Additional arguments for |
A function taking any number of arguments |
An optional |
A |
Additional options to control the behavior of the parallel evaluation, see |
This method creates a vector of indices for X
that divide the
elements as evenly as possible given the number of bpworkers()
and bptasks()
. Indices and data are passed to
for parallel evaluation.
The distinction between bpvec
and bplapply
is that
applies FUN
to each element of X
separately whereas bpvec
assumes the function is vectorized,
e.g., c(FUN(x[1]), FUN(x[2]))
is equivalent to
. This approach can be more efficient than
but requires the assumption that FUN
takes a
vector input and creates a vector output of the same length as the
input which does not depend on partitioning of the vector. This
behavior is consistent with parallel:::pvec
and the
man page should be consulted for further details.
The result should be identical to FUN(X, ...)
(assuming that
is set appropriately).
When evaluation of individual elements of X
results in an
error, the result is a list
with the same geometry (i.e.,
) as the split applied to X
to create chunks
for parallel evaluation; one or more elements of the list contain a
element, indicting that the vectorized calculation
failed for at least one of the index values in that chunk.
An error is also signaled when FUN(X)
does not return an
object of the same length as X
; this condition is only detected
when the number of elements in X
is greater than the number of
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected].
for parallel lapply.
for possible values of BPPARAM
for background.
methods("bpvec") ## ten tasks (1:10), called with as many back-end elements are specified ## by BPPARAM. Compare with bplapply fun <- function(v) { message("working") sqrt(v) } system.time(result <- bpvec(1:10, fun)) result ## invalid FUN -- length(class(X)) is not equal to length(X) bptry(bpvec(1:2, class, BPPARAM=SerialParam()))
methods("bpvec") ## ten tasks (1:10), called with as many back-end elements are specified ## by BPPARAM. Compare with bplapply fun <- function(v) { message("working") sqrt(v) } system.time(result <- bpvec(1:10, fun)) result ## invalid FUN -- length(class(X)) is not equal to length(X) bptry(bpvec(1:2, class, BPPARAM=SerialParam()))
This transforms a vectorized function into a parallel, vectorized
function. Any function FUN
can be used, provided its
parallelized argument (by default, the first argument) has a
and [
method defined, and the return value of
can be concatenated with c
bpvectorize(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY' bpvectorize(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,missing' bpvectorize(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
bpvectorize(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,ANY' bpvectorize(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions()) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY,missing' bpvectorize(FUN, ..., BPREDO=list(), BPPARAM=bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions())
A function whose first argument has a |
... |
Additional arguments to parallization, unused. |
An optional |
A |
Additional options to control the behavior of the parallel evaluation, see |
The result of bpvectorize
is a function with signature
; arguments to the returned function are the original
arguments FUN
is used for parallel evaluation.
is a class for which no method is defined (e.g.,
), FUN(X)
is used.
See methods{bpvectorize}
for additional methods, if any.
A function taking the same arguments as FUN
, but evaluated
using bpvec
for parallel evaluation across available
Ryan Thompson mailto:[email protected]
psqrt <- bpvectorize(sqrt) ## default parallelization psqrt(1:10)
psqrt <- bpvectorize(sqrt) ## default parallelization psqrt(1:10)
Functions documented on this page are meant for developers wishing to
implement BPPARAM
objects that extend the
virtual class to support additional parallel
## class extension .prototype_update(prototype, ...) ## manager interface .send_to(backend, node, value) .recv_any(backend) .send_all(backend, value) .recv_all(backend) ## worker interface .send(worker, value) .recv(worker) .close(worker) ## task manager interface(optional) .manager(BPPARAM) .manager_send(manager, value, ...) .manager_recv(manager) .manager_send_all(manager, value) .manager_recv_all(manager) .manager_capacity(manager) .manager_flush(manager) .manager_cleanup(manager) ## supporting implementations .bpstart_impl(x) .bpworker_impl(worker) .bplapply_impl( X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM = bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) .bpiterate_impl( ITER, FUN, ..., REDUCE, init, reduce.in.order = FALSE, BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM = bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) .bpstop_impl(x) ## extract the static or dynamic part from a task .task_const(value) .task_dynamic(value) .task_remake(value, static_data = NULL) ## Register an option for BPPARAM .registerOption(optionName, genericName)
## class extension .prototype_update(prototype, ...) ## manager interface .send_to(backend, node, value) .recv_any(backend) .send_all(backend, value) .recv_all(backend) ## worker interface .send(worker, value) .recv(worker) .close(worker) ## task manager interface(optional) .manager(BPPARAM) .manager_send(manager, value, ...) .manager_recv(manager) .manager_send_all(manager, value) .manager_recv_all(manager) .manager_capacity(manager) .manager_flush(manager) .manager_cleanup(manager) ## supporting implementations .bpstart_impl(x) .bpworker_impl(worker) .bplapply_impl( X, FUN, ..., BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM = bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) .bpiterate_impl( ITER, FUN, ..., REDUCE, init, reduce.in.order = FALSE, BPREDO = list(), BPPARAM = bpparam(), BPOPTIONS = bpoptions() ) .bpstop_impl(x) ## extract the static or dynamic part from a task .task_const(value) .task_dynamic(value) .task_remake(value, static_data = NULL) ## Register an option for BPPARAM .registerOption(optionName, genericName)
prototype |
A named |
x |
A |
backend |
An object containing information about the cluster, returned by
manager |
An object returned by |
worker |
The object to which the worker communicates via |
node |
An integer value indicating the node in the backend to which values are to be sent or received. |
value |
Any R object, to be sent to or from workers. |
X , ITER , FUN , REDUCE , init , reduce.in.order , BPREDO , BPPARAM
See |
... |
For For For |
static_data |
An object extracted from |
Additional options to control the behavior of parallel evaluation,
see |
optionName |
character(1), an option name for |
genericName |
character(1), the name of the S4 generic function. This will be used
to get or set the field in |
Start a BPPARM implementation by creating a reference class, e.g.,
extending the virtual class BiocParallelParam
. Because of
idiosyncracies in reference class field initialization, an instance of
the class should be created by calling the generator returned by
with a list of key-value pairs providing default
parameteter arguments. The default values for the
base class is provided in a list
, and the function
updates a prototype with new values,
typically provided by the user. See the example below.
BPPARAM implementations need to implement bpstart()
methods; they may also need to implement,
and bpiterate()
methods. Each method usually
performs implementation-specific functionality before calling the next
(BiocParallelParam) method. To avoid the intricacies of multiple
dispatch, the bodies of BiocParallelParam methods are available for
direct use as exported symbols.
) initiates logging, random number generation,
and registration of finalizers to ensure that started clusters are
ensures appropriate clean-up of stopped clusters, including sending
the DONE semaphore. bpstart()
will usually arrange for
workers to enter .bpworker_impl()
to listen for and evaluate
, .bpiterate_impl()
) implement:
serial evaluation when there is a single core or task available;
functionality, and parallel lapply-like or iterative
Invoke .bpstart_impl()
, .bpstop_impl()
, and .bpiterate_impl()
after any
BPPARAM-specific implementation details.
New implementations will also implement bpisup()
/ bpbackend<-()
; there are no default
The backends (object returned by bpbackend()
) of new
BPPARAM implementations must support length()
(number of
nodes). In addition, the backends must support .send_to()
manager and .send()
, .recv()
, and
worker methods. Default .send_all()
methods are implemented as simple iterations along
the length(cluster)
, invoking .send_to()
on each iteration.
The task manager is an optional interface for a backend that wants to
control the task dispatching process. .manager_send()
the task value to a worker, .manager_recv()
returns a list with
each element being a result received from a worker.
instructs how many tasks values can be
processed simultaneously by the cluster. .manager_flush()
flushes all the cached tasks(if any)
immediately. .manager_cleanup()
performs cleanup after the job
is finished. The default methods for .manager_flush()
are no-op.
In some cases it might be worth-while to cache some objects in a task
and reuse them in another task. This can reduce the bandwith
requirement for sending the tasks out to the worker.
can be used to extract the objects from the task
which are not going to change across all tasks. .task_dynamic()
preserve only the dynamic components in a task. Given the static and
dynamic task objects, the complete task can be recovered by
. When there is no static data can be
extracted(e.g. a task with no static component or a task which has
been extracted by .task_dynamic()
), .task_const()
returns a NULL
value. Calling .task_remake()
is no-op if
the task haven't been extracted by .task_dynamic()
or the
static data is NULL
The function .registerOption
allows the developer to register a
generic function that can change the fields in BPPARAM
. The
developer does not need to register the fields that are already
defined in BiocParallel
. .registerOption
should only be
used to support new fields. For example, if the developer defines a
which has a field worker.password
, the developer
may also define the getter / setter bpworkerPassword
. Then by calling
.registerOption("worker.password", "bpworkerPassword")
, the
user can change the field in BPPARAM
by passing an object of
bpoptions(worker.password = "1234")
in any apply function.
The return value of .prototype_update()
is a list with elements
in prototype
substituted with key-value pairs provided in
All send*
and recv*
functions are endomorphic, returning a
The return value of .manager_recv()
is a list with each element being
a result received from a worker, .manager_capacity()
an integer. The return values of the other .manager_*()
are not restricted
## ## Extend BiocParallelParam; `.A()` is not meant for the end user ## .A <- setRefClass( "A", contains = "BiocParallelParam", fields = list(id = "character") ) ## Use a prototype for default values, including the prototype for ## inheritted fields .A_prototype <- c( list(id = "default_id"), .BiocParallelParam_prototype ) ## Provide a constructor for the user A <- function(...) { prototype <- .prototype_update(.A_prototype, ...) do.call(.A, prototype) } ## Provide an R function for field access bpid <- function(x) x$id ## Create and use an instance, overwriting default values bpid(A()) a <- A(id = "my_id", threshold = "WARN") bpid(a) bpthreshold(a)
## ## Extend BiocParallelParam; `.A()` is not meant for the end user ## .A <- setRefClass( "A", contains = "BiocParallelParam", fields = list(id = "character") ) ## Use a prototype for default values, including the prototype for ## inheritted fields .A_prototype <- c( list(id = "default_id"), .BiocParallelParam_prototype ) ## Provide a constructor for the user A <- function(...) { prototype <- .prototype_update(.A_prototype, ...) do.call(.A, prototype) } ## Provide an R function for field access bpid <- function(x) x$id ## Create and use an instance, overwriting default values bpid(A()) a <- A(id = "my_id", threshold = "WARN") bpid(a) bpthreshold(a)
This class is used to dispatch parallel operations to the dopar backend registered with the foreach package.
DoparParam(stop.on.error=TRUE, RNGseed = NULL)
DoparParam(stop.on.error=TRUE, RNGseed = NULL)
stop.on.error |
Stop all jobs as soon as one
jobs fails (stop.on.error == TRUE
) or wait for all jobs
to terminate. Default is TRUE
RNGseed |
can be used for shared or non-shared memory computing
depending on what backend is loaded. The doSNOW
package supports
non-shared memory, doParallel
supports both shared and non-shared.
When not specified, the default number of workers in DoparParam
is determined by getDoParWorkers()
. See the foreach
vignette for details using the different backends:
Return a proxy object that dispatches parallel evaluation to the registered foreach parallel backend.
There are no options to the constructor. All configuration should be done through the normal interface to the foreach parallel backends.
The following generics are implemented and perform as documented on
the corresponding help page (e.g., ?bpisup
, bpnworkers
, bpstop
, bpisup
, bpbackend<-
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected]
for additional parameter classes.
for registering parameter classes for use in parallel
for the parallel backend infrastructure
used by this param class.
## Not run: # First register a parallel backend with foreach library(doParallel) registerDoParallel(2) p <- DoparParam() bplapply(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p) bpvec(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p) ## set DoparParam() as the default for BiocParallel ## register(DoparParam(), default=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # First register a parallel backend with foreach library(doParallel) registerDoParallel(2) p <- DoparParam() bplapply(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p) bpvec(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p) ## set DoparParam() as the default for BiocParallel ## register(DoparParam(), default=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Functions documented on this page enable locks and counters between processes on the same computer.
Use ipcid()
to generate a unique mutex or counter identifier. A
mutex or counter with the same id
, including those in different
processes, share the same state.
removes external state associated with mutex or
counters created with id
blocks until the lock is
obtained. ipctrylock()
tries to obtain the lock, returning
immediately if it is not available. ipcunlock()
releases the
lock. ipclocked()
queries the lock to determine whether it is
currently held.
returns the current counter, and increments the
value for subsequent calls. ipcvalue()
returns the current
counter without incrementing. ipcreset()
sets the counter to
, such that the next call to ipcyield()
returns n
## Utilities ipcid(id) ipcremove(id) ## Locks ipclock(id) ipctrylock(id) ipcunlock(id) ipclocked(id) ## Counters ipcyield(id) ipcvalue(id) ipcreset(id, n = 1)
## Utilities ipcid(id) ipcremove(id) ## Locks ipclock(id) ipctrylock(id) ipcunlock(id) ipclocked(id) ## Counters ipcyield(id) ipcvalue(id) ipcreset(id, n = 1)
id |
character(1) identifier string for mutex or
counter. |
n |
integer(1) value from which |
creates a named lock, returning TRUE
on success.
returns TRUE
if the lock is
obtained, FALSE
returns TRUE
on success,
(e.g., because there is nothing to unlock)
returns TRUE
when id
is locked, and
returns an integer(1) value representing the next
number in sequence. The first value returned is 1.
returns the value to be returned by the next call to
, without incrementing the counter. If the counter is
no longer available, ipcyield()
returns NA
returns n
, invisibly.
returns a character(1) unique identifier, with
(if not missing) prepended.
returns (invisibly) TRUE
if external
resources were released or FALSE
if not (e.g., because the
resources has already been released).
ipcid() ## Locks id <- ipcid() ipclock(id) ipctrylock(id) ipcunlock(id) ipctrylock(id) ipclocked(id) ipcremove(id) id <- ipcid() system.time({ ## about 1s, .2s for each process instead of .2s if no lock result <- bplapply(1:2, function(i, id) { BiocParallel::ipclock(id) Sys.sleep(.2) time <- Sys.time() BiocParallel::ipcunlock(id) time }, id) }) ipcremove(id) diff(sort(unlist(result, use.names=FALSE))) ## Counters id <- ipcid() ipcyield(id) ipcyield(id) ipcvalue(id) ipcyield(id) ipcreset(id, 10) ipcvalue(id) ipcyield(id) ipcremove(id) id <- ipcid() result <- bplapply(1:2, function(i, id) { BiocParallel::ipcyield(id) }, id) ipcremove(id) sort(unlist(result, use.names=FALSE))
ipcid() ## Locks id <- ipcid() ipclock(id) ipctrylock(id) ipcunlock(id) ipctrylock(id) ipclocked(id) ipcremove(id) id <- ipcid() system.time({ ## about 1s, .2s for each process instead of .2s if no lock result <- bplapply(1:2, function(i, id) { BiocParallel::ipclock(id) Sys.sleep(.2) time <- Sys.time() BiocParallel::ipcunlock(id) time }, id) }) ipcremove(id) diff(sort(unlist(result, use.names=FALSE))) ## Counters id <- ipcid() ipcyield(id) ipcyield(id) ipcvalue(id) ipcyield(id) ipcreset(id, 10) ipcvalue(id) ipcyield(id) ipcremove(id) id <- ipcid() result <- bplapply(1:2, function(i, id) { BiocParallel::ipcyield(id) }, id) ipcremove(id) sort(unlist(result, use.names=FALSE))
This class is used to parameterize single computer multicore parallel
evaluation on non-Windows computers. multicoreWorkers()
the number of workers.
## constructor ## ------------------------------------ MulticoreParam(workers = multicoreWorkers(), tasks = 0L, stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, exportglobals=TRUE, log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB", force.GC = FALSE, fallback = TRUE, manager.hostname = NA_character_, manager.port = NA_integer_, ...) ## detect workers ## ------------------------------------ multicoreWorkers()
## constructor ## ------------------------------------ MulticoreParam(workers = multicoreWorkers(), tasks = 0L, stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, exportglobals=TRUE, log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB", force.GC = FALSE, fallback = TRUE, manager.hostname = NA_character_, manager.port = NA_integer_, ...) ## detect workers ## ------------------------------------ multicoreWorkers()
workers |
tasks |
In this documentation a job is defined as a single call to a function, such
as When A When the length of When the length of |
stop.on.error |
progressbar |
RNGseed |
timeout |
exportglobals |
log |
threshold |
logdir |
resultdir |
jobname |
force.GC |
fallback |
manager.hostname |
manager.port |
... |
Additional arguments passed to |
is used for shared memory computing. Under the hood
the cluster is created with makeCluster(..., type ="FORK")
the parallel
to control the default and
maximum number of workers.
A FORK transport starts workers with the mcfork
function and
communicates between master and workers using socket connections.
builds on fork() and thus a Linux cluster is not supported.
Because FORK clusters are Posix based they are not supported on
Windows. When MulticoreParam
is created/used in Windows it
defaults to SerialParam
which is the equivalent of using a
single worker.
By default all computations are attempted and partial results are returned with any error messages.
A logical
. Stops all jobs as soon
as one job fails or wait for all jobs to terminate. When
, the return value is a list of successful results
along with error messages as 'conditions'.
The bpok(x)
function returns a logical()
that is FALSE for any jobs that threw an error. The input
is a list output from a bp*apply function such as
or bpmapply
When log = TRUE
the futile.logger
package is loaded on
the workers. All log messages written in the futile.logger
are captured by the logging mechanism and returned in real-time
(i.e., as each task completes) instead of after all jobs have finished.
Messages sent to stdout and stderr are returned to
the workspace by default. When log = TRUE
are diverted to the log output. Those familiar with the outfile
argument to makeCluster
can think of log = FALSE
equivalent to outfile = NULL
; providing a logdir
is the
same as providing a name for outfile
except that BiocParallel
writes a log file for each task.
The log output includes additional statistics such as memory use and task runtime. Memory use is computed by calling gc(reset=TRUE) before code evaluation and gc() (no reseet) after. The output of the second gc() call is sent to the log file.
Results and logs can be written to a file instead of returned to
the workspace. Writing to files is done from the master as each task
completes. Options can be set with the logdir
fields in the constructor or with the accessors,
and bpresultdir
For MulticoreParam
, SnowParam
, and
, random number generation is controlled through
the RNGseed =
argument. BiocParallel uses the
L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator described in the parallel
package to generate independent random number streams. One stream
is associated with each element of X
, and used to seed the
random number stream for the application of FUN()
. Thus setting RNGseed =
reproducibility across MulticoreParam()
, and SerialParam()
, regardless of worker
or task number. The default value RNGseed = NULL
means that
each evaluation of bplapply
proceeds independently.
For details of the L'Ecuyer generator, see ?clusterSetRNGStream
MulticoreParam(workers = multicoreWorkers(), tasks = 0L,
stop.on.error = FALSE, tasks = 0L, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed
= NULL, timeout = Inf, exportglobals=TRUE, log = FALSE,
threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, resultdir =
NA_character_, manager.hostname = NA_character_, manager.port =
NA_integer_, ...)
:Return an object representing a FORK cluster. The cluster is not
created until bpstart
is called. Named arguments in ...
are passed to makeCluster
In the following code, x
is a MulticoreParam
, bpprogressbar(x) <- value
:Get or set the value to enable text progress bar.
must be a logical(1)
, bpjobname(x) <- value
:Get or set the job name.
, bpRNGseed(x) <- value
:Get or set the seed for random number generaton. value
must be a
, bplog(x) <- value
:Get or set the value to enable logging. value
must be a
, bpthreshold(x) <- value
:Get or set the logging threshold. value
must be a
string of one of the levels defined in the
package: “TRACE”, “DEBUG”,
“INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, or “FATAL”.
, bplogdir(x) <- value
:Get or set the directory for the log file. value
must be a
path, not a file name. The file is written out as
LOGFILE.out. If no logdir
is provided and bplog=TRUE
messages are sent to stdout.
, bpresultdir(x) <- value
:Get or set the directory for the result files. value
must be a
path, not a file name. Separate files are written for
each job with the prefix JOB (e.g., JOB1, JOB2, etc.). When no
is provided the results are returned to the session as
In the code below x
is a MulticoreParam
object. See the
man page for details on these accessors.
, bptasks(x) <- value
, bpbackend(x) <- value
In the code below x
is a MulticoreParam
object. See the
man page for details on these accessors.
, bpstopOnError(x) <- value
In the code below BPPARAM
is a MulticoreParam
Full documentation for these functions are on separate man pages: see
, ?bplapply
, ?bpvec
, ?bpiterate
bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE,
bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpvec(X, FUN, ..., AGGREGATE=c, BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpiterate(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpaggregate(x, data, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
In the code below x
is a MulticoreParam
:Displays the MulticoreParam
See the 'Global Options' section of SnowParam
manager host name and port defaults.
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected] and Valerie Obenchain
for registering parameter classes for use in
parallel evaluation.
for computing in distributed memory
for computing with foreach
for non-parallel evaluation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Job configuration: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## MulticoreParam supports shared memory computing. The object fields ## control the division of tasks, error handling, logging and ## result format. bpparam <- MulticoreParam() bpparam ## By default the param is created with the maximum available workers ## determined by multicoreWorkers(). multicoreWorkers() ## Fields are modified with accessors of the same name: bplog(bpparam) <- TRUE dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpresultdir(bpparam) <- resultdir bpparam ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Logging: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'log == TRUE' the workers use a custom script (in BiocParallel) ## that enables logging and access to other job statistics. Log messages ## are returned as each job completes rather than waiting for all to finish. ## In 'fun', a value of 'x = 1' will throw a warning, 'x = 2' is ok ## and 'x = 3' throws an error. Because 'x = 1' sleeps, the warning ## should return after the error. X <- 1:3 fun <- function(x) { if (x == 1) { Sys.sleep(2) sqrt(-x) ## warning x } else if (x == 2) { x ## ok } else if (x == 3) { sqrt("FOO") ## error } } ## By default logging is off. Turn it on with the bplog()<- setter ## or by specifying 'log = TRUE' in the constructor. bpparam <- MulticoreParam(3, log = TRUE, stop.on.error = FALSE) res <- tryCatch({ bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM=bpparam) }, error=identity) res ## When a 'logdir' location is given the messages are redirected to a file: ## Not run: bplogdir(bpparam) <- tempdir() bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bplogdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Managing results: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## By default results are returned as a list. When 'resultdir' is given ## files are saved in the directory specified by job, e.g., 'TASK1.Rda', ## 'TASK2.Rda', etc. ## Not run: dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpparam <- MulticoreParam(2, resultdir = resultdir, stop.on.error = FALSE) bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bpresultdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Error handling: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'stop.on.error' is TRUE the job is terminated as soon as an ## error is hit. When FALSE, all computations are attempted and partial ## results are returned along with errors. In this example the number of ## 'tasks' is set to equal the length of 'X' so each element is run ## separately. (Default behavior is to divide 'X' evenly over workers.) ## All results along with error: bpparam <- MulticoreParam(2, tasks = 4, stop.on.error = FALSE) res <- bptry(bplapply(list(1, "two", 3, 4), sqrt, BPPARAM = bpparam)) res ## Calling bpok() on the result list returns TRUE for elements with no error. bpok(res) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation is controlled with the 'RNGseed' field. ## This seed is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream ## which uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator and distributes ## streams to members of the cluster. bpparam <- MulticoreParam(3, RNGseed = 7739465) bplapply(seq_len(bpnworkers(bpparam)), function(i) rnorm(1), BPPARAM = bpparam)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Job configuration: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## MulticoreParam supports shared memory computing. The object fields ## control the division of tasks, error handling, logging and ## result format. bpparam <- MulticoreParam() bpparam ## By default the param is created with the maximum available workers ## determined by multicoreWorkers(). multicoreWorkers() ## Fields are modified with accessors of the same name: bplog(bpparam) <- TRUE dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpresultdir(bpparam) <- resultdir bpparam ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Logging: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'log == TRUE' the workers use a custom script (in BiocParallel) ## that enables logging and access to other job statistics. Log messages ## are returned as each job completes rather than waiting for all to finish. ## In 'fun', a value of 'x = 1' will throw a warning, 'x = 2' is ok ## and 'x = 3' throws an error. Because 'x = 1' sleeps, the warning ## should return after the error. X <- 1:3 fun <- function(x) { if (x == 1) { Sys.sleep(2) sqrt(-x) ## warning x } else if (x == 2) { x ## ok } else if (x == 3) { sqrt("FOO") ## error } } ## By default logging is off. Turn it on with the bplog()<- setter ## or by specifying 'log = TRUE' in the constructor. bpparam <- MulticoreParam(3, log = TRUE, stop.on.error = FALSE) res <- tryCatch({ bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM=bpparam) }, error=identity) res ## When a 'logdir' location is given the messages are redirected to a file: ## Not run: bplogdir(bpparam) <- tempdir() bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bplogdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Managing results: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## By default results are returned as a list. When 'resultdir' is given ## files are saved in the directory specified by job, e.g., 'TASK1.Rda', ## 'TASK2.Rda', etc. ## Not run: dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpparam <- MulticoreParam(2, resultdir = resultdir, stop.on.error = FALSE) bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bpresultdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Error handling: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'stop.on.error' is TRUE the job is terminated as soon as an ## error is hit. When FALSE, all computations are attempted and partial ## results are returned along with errors. In this example the number of ## 'tasks' is set to equal the length of 'X' so each element is run ## separately. (Default behavior is to divide 'X' evenly over workers.) ## All results along with error: bpparam <- MulticoreParam(2, tasks = 4, stop.on.error = FALSE) res <- bptry(bplapply(list(1, "two", 3, 4), sqrt, BPPARAM = bpparam)) res ## Calling bpok() on the result list returns TRUE for elements with no error. bpok(res) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation is controlled with the 'RNGseed' field. ## This seed is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream ## which uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator and distributes ## streams to members of the cluster. bpparam <- MulticoreParam(3, RNGseed = 7739465) bplapply(seq_len(bpnworkers(bpparam)), function(i) rnorm(1), BPPARAM = bpparam)
Use functions on this page to add to or query a registry of back-ends,
including the default for use when no BPPARAM
object is
provided to functions.
register(BPPARAM, default=TRUE) registered(bpparamClass) bpparam(bpparamClass)
register(BPPARAM, default=TRUE) registered(bpparamClass) bpparam(bpparamClass)
An instance of a |
default |
Make this the default |
bpparamClass |
When present, the text name of the |
The registry is a list of back-ends with configuration parameters
for parallel evaluation. The first list entry is the default and is
used by BiocParallel
functions when no BPPARAM
is supplied.
At load time the registry is populated with default backends. On Windows
these are SnowParam
and SerialParam
and on non-Windows
, SnowParam
and SerialParam
When snowWorkers()
or multicoreWorkers
returns a single
core, only SerialParm
is registered.
The BiocParallelParam
objects are constructed from global
options of the corresponding name, or from the default constructor (e.g.,
) if no option is specified. The user can set customizations
during start-up (e.g., in an .Rprofile
file) with, for instance,
The act of “registering” a back-end modifies the existing
in the list; only one param of each
type can be present in the registry. When default=TRUE
, the
newly registered param is moved to the top of the list thereby making
it the default. When default=FALSE
, the param is modified
'in place' vs being moved to the top.
, invoked with no arguments, returns the default
instance from the registry.
When called with the text name of a bpparamClass
, the
global options are consulted first,
e.g., options(MulticoreParam=MulticoreParam())
and then the
value of registered(bpparamClass)
returns, invisibly, a list of registered back-ends.
returns the back-end of type bpparamClass
if bpparamClass
is missing, a list of all registered back-ends.
returns the back-end of type bpparamClass
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected].
for possible values of BPPARAM
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The registry ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The default registry. default <- registered() default ## When default = TRUE the last param registered becomes the new default. snowparam <- SnowParam(workers = 3, type = "SOCK") register(snowparam, default = TRUE) registered() ## Retrieve the default back-end, bpparam() ## or a specific BiocParallelParam. bpparam("SnowParam") ## restore original registry -- push the defaults in reverse order for (param in rev(default)) register(param) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Specifying a back-end for evaluation ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The back-end of choice is given as the BPPARAM argument to ## the BiocParallel functions. None, one, or multiple back-ends can be ## used. bplapply(1:6, sqrt, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(3)) ## When not specified, the default from the registry is used. bplapply(1:6, sqrt)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The registry ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The default registry. default <- registered() default ## When default = TRUE the last param registered becomes the new default. snowparam <- SnowParam(workers = 3, type = "SOCK") register(snowparam, default = TRUE) registered() ## Retrieve the default back-end, bpparam() ## or a specific BiocParallelParam. bpparam("SnowParam") ## restore original registry -- push the defaults in reverse order for (param in rev(default)) register(param) ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Specifying a back-end for evaluation ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The back-end of choice is given as the BPPARAM argument to ## the BiocParallel functions. None, one, or multiple back-ends can be ## used. bplapply(1:6, sqrt, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(3)) ## When not specified, the default from the registry is used. bplapply(1:6, sqrt)
This class is used to parameterize serial evaluation, primarily to facilitate easy transition from parallel to serial code.
SerialParam( stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB", force.GC = FALSE )
SerialParam( stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB", force.GC = FALSE )
stop.on.error |
progressbar |
RNGseed |
timeout |
log |
threshold |
logdir |
resultdir |
jobname |
force.GC |
is used for serial computation on a single
node. Using SerialParam
in conjunction with bplapply
differs from use of lapply
because it provides features such as
error handling, logging, and random number use consistent with
and MulticoreParam
By default all computations are attempted and partial results are returned with any error messages.
A logical
. Stops all jobs as soon
as one job fails or wait for all jobs to terminate. When
, the return value is a list of successful results
along with error messages as 'conditions'.
The bpok(x)
function returns a logical()
that is FALSE for any jobs that threw an error. The input
is a list output from a bp*apply function such as
or bpmapply
When log = TRUE
the futile.logger
package is loaded on
the workers. All log messages written in the futile.logger
are captured by the logging mechanism and returned real-time
(i.e., as each task completes) instead of after all jobs have finished.
Messages sent to stdout and stderr are returned to
the workspace by default. When log = TRUE
are diverted to the log output. Those familiar with the outfile
argument to makeCluster
can think of log = FALSE
equivalent to outfile = NULL
; providing a logdir
is the
same as providing a name for outfile
except that BiocParallel
writes a log file for each task.
The log output includes additional statistics such as memory use and task runtime. Memory use is computed by calling gc(reset=TRUE) before code evaluation and gc() (no reseet) after. The output of the second gc() call is sent to the log file.
Results and logs can be written to a file instead of returned to
the workspace. Writing to files is done from the master as each task
completes. Options can be set with the logdir
fields in the constructor or with the accessors,
and bpresultdir
For MulticoreParam
, SnowParam
, and
, random number generation is controlled through
the RNGseed =
argument. BiocParallel uses the
L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator described in the parallel
package to generate independent random number streams. One stream
is associated with each element of X
, and used to seed the
random number stream for the application of FUN()
. Thus setting RNGseed =
reproducibility across MulticoreParam()
, and SerialParam()
, regardless of worker
or task number. The default value RNGseed = NULL
means that
each evaluation of bplapply
proceeds independently.
For details of the L'Ecuyer generator, see ?clusterSetRNGStream
:Return an object to be used for serial evaluation of otherwise
parallel functions such as bplapply
The following generics are implemented and perform as documented on
the corresponding help page (e.g., ?bpworkers
. bpisup
, bpstart
, are implemented, but do not have any
Martin Morgan mailto:[email protected]
for additional parameter classes.
for registering parameter classes for use in parallel
p <- SerialParam() simplify2array(bplapply(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)) bpvec(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)
p <- SerialParam() simplify2array(bplapply(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)) bpvec(1:10, sqrt, BPPARAM=p)
This class is used to parameterize simple network of workstations
(SNOW) parallel evaluation on one or several physical computers.
chooses the number of workers.
## constructor ## ------------------------------------ SnowParam(workers = snowWorkers(type), type=c("SOCK", "MPI", "FORK"), tasks = 0L, stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, exportglobals = TRUE, exportvariables = TRUE, log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB", force.GC = FALSE, fallback = TRUE, manager.hostname = NA_character_, manager.port = NA_integer_, ...) ## coercion ## ------------------------------------ ## as(SOCKcluster, SnowParam) ## as(spawnedMPIcluster,SnowParam) ## detect workers ## ------------------------------------ snowWorkers(type = c("SOCK", "MPI", "FORK"))
## constructor ## ------------------------------------ SnowParam(workers = snowWorkers(type), type=c("SOCK", "MPI", "FORK"), tasks = 0L, stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL, timeout = WORKER_TIMEOUT, exportglobals = TRUE, exportvariables = TRUE, log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_, resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB", force.GC = FALSE, fallback = TRUE, manager.hostname = NA_character_, manager.port = NA_integer_, ...) ## coercion ## ------------------------------------ ## as(SOCKcluster, SnowParam) ## as(spawnedMPIcluster,SnowParam) ## detect workers ## ------------------------------------ snowWorkers(type = c("SOCK", "MPI", "FORK"))
workers |
type |
tasks |
In this documentation a job is defined as a single call to a function, such
as A When the length of |
stop.on.error |
progressbar |
RNGseed |
timeout |
exportglobals |
exportvariables |
log |
threshold |
logdir |
resultdir |
jobname |
force.GC |
fallback |
manager.hostname |
manager.port |
... |
Additional arguments passed to |
is used for distributed memory computing and supports
2 cluster types: ‘SOCK’ (default) and ‘MPI’. The
builds on infrastructure in the snow
packages and provides the additional features of error
handling, logging and writing out results.
to control the default and
maximum number of workers.
By default all computations are attempted and partial results are returned with any error messages.
A logical
. Stops all jobs as soon
as one job fails or wait for all jobs to terminate. When
, the return value is a list of successful results
along with error messages as 'conditions'.
The bpok(x)
function returns a logical()
that is FALSE for any jobs that threw an error. The input
is a list output from a bp*apply function such as
or bpmapply
When log = TRUE
the futile.logger
package is loaded on
the workers. All log messages written in the futile.logger
are captured by the logging mechanism and returned real-time
(i.e., as each task completes) instead of after all jobs have finished.
Messages sent to stdout and stderr are returned to
the workspace by default. When log = TRUE
are diverted to the log output. Those familiar with the outfile
argument to makeCluster
can think of log = FALSE
equivalent to outfile = NULL
; providing a logdir
is the
same as providing a name for outfile
except that BiocParallel
writes a log file for each task.
The log output includes additional statistics such as memory use and task runtime. Memory use is computed by calling gc(reset=TRUE) before code evaluation and gc() (no reseet) after. The output of the second gc() call is sent to the log file.
Results and logs can be written to a file instead of returned to
the workspace. Writing to files is done from the master as each task
completes. Options can be set with the logdir
fields in the constructor or with the accessors,
and bpresultdir
For MulticoreParam
, SnowParam
, and
, random number generation is controlled through
the RNGseed =
argument. BiocParallel uses the
L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator described in the parallel
package to generate independent random number streams. One stream
is associated with each element of X
, and used to seed the
random number stream for the application of FUN()
. Thus setting RNGseed =
reproducibility across MulticoreParam()
, and SerialParam()
, regardless of worker
or task number. The default value RNGseed = NULL
means that
each evaluation of bplapply
proceeds independently.
For details of the L'Ecuyer generator, see ?clusterSetRNGStream
cluster from the parallel
package does not
support cluster options scriptdir
and useRscript
is not supported because these options are needed to re-direct to an
alternate worker script located in BiocParallel.
SnowParam(workers = snowWorkers(), type=c("SOCK", "MPI"),
tasks = 0L, stop.on.error = FALSE,
progressbar = FALSE, RNGseed = NULL,
timeout = Inf, exportglobals = TRUE,
exportvariables = TRUE,
log = FALSE, threshold = "INFO", logdir = NA_character_,
resultdir = NA_character_, jobname = "BPJOB",
manager.hostname = NA_character_,
manager.port = NA_integer_,
:Return an object representing a SNOW cluster. The cluster is not
created until bpstart
is called. Named arguments in ...
are passed to makeCluster
In the following code, x
is a SnowParam
, bpprogressbar(x) <- value
:Get or set the value to enable text progress bar.
must be a logical(1)
, bpjobname(x) <- value
:Get or set the job name.
, bpRNGseed(x) <- value
:Get or set the seed for random number generaton. value
must be a
, bplog(x) <- value
:Get or set the value to enable logging. value
must be a
, bpthreshold(x) <- value
:Get or set the logging threshold. value
must be a
string of one of the levels defined in the
package: “TRACE”, “DEBUG”,
“INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, or “FATAL”.
, bplogdir(x) <- value
:Get or set the directory for the log file. value
must be a
path, not a file name. The file is written out as
BPLOG.out. If no logdir
is provided and bplog=TRUE
messages are sent to stdout.
, bpresultdir(x) <- value
:Get or set the directory for the result files. value
must be a
path, not a file name. Separate files are written for
each job with the prefix TASK (e.g., TASK1, TASK2, etc.). When no
is provided the results are returned to the session as
In the code below x
is a SnowParam
object. See the
man page for details on these accessors.
, bpworkers(x) <- value
, bptasks(x) <- value
, bpbackend(x) <- value
In the code below x
is a SnowParam
object. See the
man page for details on these accessors.
, bpstopOnError(x) <- value
In the code below BPPARAM
is a SnowParam
Full documentation for these functions are on separate man pages: see
, ?bplapply
, ?bpvec
, ?bpiterate
bpmapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, SIMPLIFY=TRUE,
bplapply(X, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpvec(X, FUN, ..., AGGREGATE=c, BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpiterate(ITER, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
bpaggregate(x, data, FUN, ..., BPPARAM=bpparam())
In the code below x
is a SnowParam
:Displays the SnowParam
:Returns a logical()
vector: FALSE for any jobs that resulted in
an error. x
is the result list output by a BiocParallel
function such as bplapply
or bpmapply
as(from, "SnowParam")
:Creates a SnowParam
object from a SOCKcluster
object. Instances created in this way
cannot be started or stopped.
The environment variable BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER
and the the
global option mc.cores
influences the number of workers
determined by snowWorkers()
(described above) or
(see multicoreWorkers
Workers communicate to the master through socket connections. Socket
connections require a hostname and port. These are determined by
arguments manager.hostname
and manager.port
; default
values are influenced by global options.
The default manager hostname is "localhost" when the number of workers
are specified as a numeric(1)
, and
otherwise. The hostname can be
over-ridden by the envirnoment variable MASTER
, or the global
option bphost
The default port is chosen as a random value between 11000 and
11999. The port may be over-ridden by the environment variable
, and by the option ports
e.g., options(ports=12345L)
Martin Morgan and Valerie Obenchain.
for registering parameter classes for use in
parallel evaluation.
for computing in shared memory
for computing with foreach
for non-parallel evaluation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Job configuration: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## SnowParam supports distributed memory computing. The object fields ## control the division of tasks, error handling, logging and result ## format. bpparam <- SnowParam() bpparam ## Fields are modified with accessors of the same name: bplog(bpparam) <- TRUE dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpresultdir(bpparam) <- resultdir bpparam ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Logging: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'log == TRUE' the workers use a custom script (in BiocParallel) ## that enables logging and access to other job statistics. Log messages ## are returned as each job completes rather than waiting for all to ## finish. ## In 'fun', a value of 'x = 1' will throw a warning, 'x = 2' is ok ## and 'x = 3' throws an error. Because 'x = 1' sleeps, the warning ## should return after the error. X <- 1:3 fun <- function(x) { if (x == 1) { Sys.sleep(2) log(-x) ## warning } else if (x == 2) { x ## ok } else if (x == 3) { sqrt("FOO") ## error } } ## By default logging is off. Turn it on with the bplog()<- setter ## or by specifying 'log = TRUE' in the constructor. bpparam <- SnowParam(3, log = TRUE, stop.on.error = FALSE) tryCatch({ bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) }, error=identity) ## When a 'logdir' location is given the messages are redirected to a ## file: ## Not run: dir.create(logdir <- tempfile()) bplogdir(bpparam) <- logdir bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bplogdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Managing results: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## By default results are returned as a list. When 'resultdir' is given ## files are saved in the directory specified by job, e.g., 'TASK1.Rda', ## 'TASK2.Rda', etc. ## Not run: dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpparam <- SnowParam(2, resultdir = resultdir) bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bpresultdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Error handling: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'stop.on.error' is TRUE the process returns as soon as an error ## is thrown. ## When 'stop.on.error' is FALSE all computations are attempted. Partial ## results are returned along with errors. Use bptry() to see the ## partial results bpparam <- SnowParam(2, stop.on.error = FALSE) res <- bptry(bplapply(list(1, "two", 3, 4), sqrt, BPPARAM = bpparam)) res ## Calling bpok() on the result list returns TRUE for elements with no ## error. bpok(res) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation is controlled with the 'RNGseed' field. ## This seed is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream ## which uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator and distributes ## streams for each job bpparam <- SnowParam(3, RNGseed = 7739465) bplapply(seq_len(bpnworkers(bpparam)), function(i) rnorm(1), BPPARAM = bpparam)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Job configuration: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## SnowParam supports distributed memory computing. The object fields ## control the division of tasks, error handling, logging and result ## format. bpparam <- SnowParam() bpparam ## Fields are modified with accessors of the same name: bplog(bpparam) <- TRUE dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpresultdir(bpparam) <- resultdir bpparam ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Logging: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'log == TRUE' the workers use a custom script (in BiocParallel) ## that enables logging and access to other job statistics. Log messages ## are returned as each job completes rather than waiting for all to ## finish. ## In 'fun', a value of 'x = 1' will throw a warning, 'x = 2' is ok ## and 'x = 3' throws an error. Because 'x = 1' sleeps, the warning ## should return after the error. X <- 1:3 fun <- function(x) { if (x == 1) { Sys.sleep(2) log(-x) ## warning } else if (x == 2) { x ## ok } else if (x == 3) { sqrt("FOO") ## error } } ## By default logging is off. Turn it on with the bplog()<- setter ## or by specifying 'log = TRUE' in the constructor. bpparam <- SnowParam(3, log = TRUE, stop.on.error = FALSE) tryCatch({ bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) }, error=identity) ## When a 'logdir' location is given the messages are redirected to a ## file: ## Not run: dir.create(logdir <- tempfile()) bplogdir(bpparam) <- logdir bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bplogdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Managing results: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## By default results are returned as a list. When 'resultdir' is given ## files are saved in the directory specified by job, e.g., 'TASK1.Rda', ## 'TASK2.Rda', etc. ## Not run: dir.create(resultdir <- tempfile()) bpparam <- SnowParam(2, resultdir = resultdir) bplapply(X, fun, BPPARAM = bpparam) list.files(bpresultdir(bpparam)) ## End(Not run) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Error handling: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## When 'stop.on.error' is TRUE the process returns as soon as an error ## is thrown. ## When 'stop.on.error' is FALSE all computations are attempted. Partial ## results are returned along with errors. Use bptry() to see the ## partial results bpparam <- SnowParam(2, stop.on.error = FALSE) res <- bptry(bplapply(list(1, "two", 3, 4), sqrt, BPPARAM = bpparam)) res ## Calling bpok() on the result list returns TRUE for elements with no ## error. bpok(res) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation: ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Random number generation is controlled with the 'RNGseed' field. ## This seed is passed to parallel::clusterSetRNGStream ## which uses the L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator and distributes ## streams for each job bpparam <- SnowParam(3, RNGseed = 7739465) bplapply(seq_len(bpnworkers(bpparam)), function(i) rnorm(1), BPPARAM = bpparam)
Environment variables, global options, and aspects of the computing environment controlling default and maximum worker number.
By default, BiocParallel Param
objects use almost all
(parallel::detectCores() - 2
) available cores as
workers. Several variables can determine alternative default number of
workers. Elements earlier in the description below override elements
later in the description.
:Environment variable defined in
base R, described in the 'R Internals' manual
). If defined and not equal to
or "FALSE"
, default to 2 workers.
:Environment variable used by the Bioconductor build system; when defined, default to 4 workers.
:Global R option (initialized
from the environment variable MC_CORES
) with non-negative
integer number of workers, also recognized by the base R
'parallel' package.
Environment variable, non-negative integer number of workers. Use this to set both the default and maximum worker number to a single value.
:Environment variable,
non-negative integer number of workers. Use this to set a default
worker number without specifying BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX
or to set a default number of workers less than the maximum
:Environment variable, non-negative integer number of workers, also recognized by the 'parallelly' family of packages.
A subset of environment variables and other aspects of the computing environment also enforce limits on worker number. Usually, a request for more than the maximum number of workers results in a warning message and creation of a 'Param' object with the maximum rather than requested number of workers.
:Environment variable defined in
base R. "warn"
limits the number of workers to 2, with a
warning; "false"
, or "FALSE"
does not limit worker
number; any other value generates an error.
:Environment variable used by the Bioconductor build system. When set, limit the number of workers to 4.
Environment variable, non-negative integer.
R has an internal limit (126) on the number of connections open at any time. 'SnowParam()' and 'MulticoreParam()' use 1 connection per worker, and so are limited by the number of available connections.
## set up example original_worker_max <- Sys.getenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX", NA_integer_) original_worker_n <- Sys.getenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER", NA_integer_) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX = 4) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER = 2) bpnworkers(SnowParam()) # 2 bpnworkers(SnowParam(4)) # OK bpnworkers(SnowParam(5)) # warning; set to 4 ## clean up Sys.unsetenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX") if (!is.na(original_worker_max)) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX = original_worker_max) Sys.unsetenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER") if (!is.na(original_worker_n)) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER = original_worker_n)
## set up example original_worker_max <- Sys.getenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX", NA_integer_) original_worker_n <- Sys.getenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER", NA_integer_) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX = 4) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER = 2) bpnworkers(SnowParam()) # 2 bpnworkers(SnowParam(4)) # OK bpnworkers(SnowParam(5)) # warning; set to 4 ## clean up Sys.unsetenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX") if (!is.na(original_worker_max)) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_MAX = original_worker_max) Sys.unsetenv("BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER") if (!is.na(original_worker_n)) Sys.setenv(BIOCPARALLEL_WORKER_NUMBER = original_worker_n)