Package: PDATK 1.15.0

Benjamin Haibe-Kains

PDATK: Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Tool-Kit

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) has a relatively poor prognosis and is one of the most lethal cancers. Molecular classification of gene expression profiles holds the potential to identify meaningful subtypes which can inform therapeutic strategy in the clinical setting. The Pancreatic Cancer Adenocarcinoma Tool-Kit (PDATK) provides an S4 class-based interface for performing unsupervised subtype discovery, cross-cohort meta-clustering, gene-expression-based classification, and subsequent survival analysis to identify prognostically useful subtypes in pancreatic cancer and beyond. Two novel methods, Consensus Subtypes in Pancreatic Cancer (CSPC) and Pancreatic Cancer Overall Survival Predictor (PCOSP) are included for consensus-based meta-clustering and overall-survival prediction, respectively. Additionally, four published subtype classifiers and three published prognostic gene signatures are included to allow users to easily recreate published results, apply existing classifiers to new data, and benchmark the relative performance of new methods. The use of existing Bioconductor classes as input to all PDATK classes and methods enables integration with existing Bioconductor datasets, including the 21 pancreatic cancer patient cohorts available in the MetaGxPancreas data package. PDATK has been used to replicate results from Sandhu et al (2019) [] and an additional paper is in the works using CSPC to validate subtypes from the included published classifiers, both of which use the data available in MetaGxPancreas. The inclusion of subtype centroids and prognostic gene signatures from these and other publications will enable researchers and clinicians to classify novel patient gene expression data, allowing the direct clinical application of the classifiers included in PDATK. Overall, PDATK provides a rich set of tools to identify and validate useful prognostic and molecular subtypes based on gene-expression data, benchmark new classifiers against existing ones, and apply discovered classifiers on novel patient data to inform clinical decision making.

Authors:Vandana Sandhu [aut], Heewon Seo [aut], Christopher Eeles [aut], Neha Rohatgi [ctb], Benjamin Haibe-Kains [aut, cre]

PDATK.pdf |PDATK.html
PDATK/json (API)

# Install 'PDATK' in R:
install.packages('PDATK', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • CSPC_MAE - A 'MultiAssayExperiment' containing cohorts of pancreatic cancer patients, for use in package examples.
  • birnbaum - Published classifier gene signature for Birnbaum
  • chen - Published classifier gene signature for Chen
  • cohortSubtypeDFs - A list of sample subtypes for the data in sampleCohortList
  • haiderSigScores - Classifier survival scores for Haider
  • sampleClinicalModel - Sample ClinicalModel Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  • sampleCohortList - A Set of Example Patient Cohorts
  • sampleICGCmicro - A Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing Data from the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'
  • samplePCOSPmodel - A Sample PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  • samplePCOSPpredList - Sample CohortList with PCOSP Risk Predictions
  • samplePCSIsurvExp - Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing the PCSI rna-sequencing cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'.
  • sampleRGAmodel - Sample RGA Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  • sampleRLSmodel - Sample RLS Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  • sampleTrainedPCOSPmodel - A Sample Trained PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.
  • sampleValPCOSPmodel - Sample Validated PCOSP Model for Plotting Examples

On BioConductor:PDATK-1.15.0(bioc 3.21)PDATK-1.14.0(bioc 3.20)


4.31 score 1 stars 17 scripts 372 downloads 57 exports 253 dependencies

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Doc / VignettesOKJan 26 2025
R-4.5-winWARNINGJan 26 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGJan 26 2025
R-4.4-winWARNINGJan 26 2025
R-4.4-macWARNINGJan 26 2025
R-4.3-winWARNINGJan 26 2025
R-4.3-macWARNINGJan 26 2025



An Introduction to PDATK Classes and Methods

Rendered fromPDATK_introduction.rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 26 2025.

Last update: 2021-02-23
Started: 2021-02-02

PCOSP: Pancreatic Cancer Overall Survival Predictor

Rendered fromPCOSP_model_analysis.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 26 2025.

Last update: 2021-12-14
Started: 2021-06-14

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
assignColDataColumn Assign a new column directly to the colData slot of a SummarizedExperiment.assignColDataColumn
Assign Sample Subtypes to an S4 ObjectassignSubtypes
Assign Subtype Annotations to a SurvivalExperiment ObjectassignSubtypes,CohortList,list-method
Assign Subtype Annotations to a SurvivalExperiment ObjectassignSubtypes,SurvivalExperiment,data.frame-method
Make A Bar Plot Comparing Performance Between Two 'S4' Objects Representing Mathematical Models.barPlotModelComparison
Make a Bar Plot Comparison Model Performance Between a ClinicalModel and a PCOSP, RLSModel or RGAModel object.barPlotModelComparison,ClinicalModel,PCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA-method
Published classifier gene signature for Birnbaumbirnbaum
Published classifier gene signature for Chenchen
Constructor for the ClinicalModel ClassClinicalModel
ClinicalModel Class Definition.ClinicalModel ClinicalModel-class
Constructor for the CohortList class, a specialized list for storing SurvivalExperiment objects.CohortList
CohortList Class Definition.CohortList CohortList-class
A list of sample subtypes for the data in sampleCohortListcohortSubtypeDFs
Compare Two Mathematical Models Represented as 'S4' ObjectscompareModels
Compare Two 'SurivalModel' Objects, Returing A 'ModelComparison' Object With Statistics Comparing the Performance of Each Model.compareModels,ModelComparison,SurvivalModel-method
Compare Two 'SurivalModel' Objects, Returing A 'ModelComparison' Object With Statistics Comparing the Performance of Each Model.compareModels,SurvivalModel,SurvivalModel-method
Constructor for a 'ConsensusClusterModel' Object.ConMetaclustModel ConsensusMetaclusteringModel
An 'S4Model' Containing Molecular Data to be Consensus Clustered.ConsensusMetaclusteringModel ConsensusMetaclusteringModel-class
CoxModel constructorCoxModel
A 'MultiAssayExperiment' containing cohorts of pancreatic cancer patients, for use in package examples.CSPC_MAE
Render A Density Plot of Model Performance for an 'S4' ObjectdensityPlotModelComparison
Render a Density Plot Comparing Model Performance Between Two 'PCOSP', 'RLSModel' or 'RGAModel' object.densityPlotModelComparison,PCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA,PCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA-method
Remove Censored Patient Samples from An 'S4' Object.dropNotCensored
Remove Censored Patients from Each 'SurvivalExperiemnt' in a 'CohortList'dropNotCensored,CohortList-method
Remove Censored Patients from A 'SurvivalExperiment' ObjectdropNotCensored,SurvivalExperiment-method
Find the common genes in an 'S4' object.findCommonGenes
Intersect Gene Names for All 'SurvivalExperiments' in a 'CohortList'findCommonGenes,CohortList-method
Intersect Gene Names for All 'experiments' in a 'MultiAssayExperiment'findCommonGenes,MultiAssayExperiment-method
Find Common Samples in a List-like S4 Object where The Columns of Each Item Represent SamplesfindCommonSamples
Find Common Samples in a CohortList Object where The Columns of Each Item Represent SamplesfindCommonSamples,CohortList-method
Generate a forest plot from an 'S4' objectforestPlot
Render a forest plot from the 'validationStats' slot of a 'PCOSP' model object.forestPlot,ModelComparison-method
Render a forest plot from the 'validationStats' slot of a 'PCOSP' model object.forestPlot,PCOSP_or_ClinicalModel-method
'GeneFuModel' Constructor MethodGeneFuModel
A 'SurvivalModel' Sub-class Designed to Hold A Survival Model Generated Using the 'genefu' R package..GeneFuModel GeneFuModel-class
Generic for retrieving the randomSeed parameter from a 'SurvivalModel' object.getModelSeed
Method for retrieving the random seed used for training a specific survival model object.getModelSeed,SurvivalModel-method
Get the Top Predictive Features from an S4 ObjectgetTopFeatures
Get the Top Ranked Features in a 'MultiAssayExperiment' objectgetTopFeatures,MultiAssayExperiment-method
Get the top features for classification using a PCOSP model object.getTopFeatures,PCOSP-method
Get the Top Ranked Features in a 'SummarizedExperiment' objectgetTopFeatures,SummarizedExperiment-method
Classifier survival scores for HaiderhaiderSigScores
Check for Column Names in the colData Slot of a SummarizedExperimenthasColDataColumns
Merge two 'SurvivalExperiments', subsetting to shared rows and columnsmerge,SurvivalExperiment,SurvivalExperiment-method
ModelComparison ConstructorModelComparison
ModelComparison Class Definition.ModelComparison ModelComparison-class
Generic for Accessing the Model Parameters of an 'S4' ObjectmodelParams
Accessor for the Model Parameters of an 'S4Model' ObjectmodelParams,S4Model-method
Accessor for the models slot of an 'S4' objectmodels
Getter for the models slot of an 'S4Model' Objectmodels,S4Model-method
Getter for the models slot of a 'SurvivalModel' objectmodels,SurvivalModel-method
Setter for the models slot of a 'SurvivalModel' objectmodels<-,SurvivalModel,SimpleList-method
S4Model Class for Metaclustering Using Network Community Search.NCSModel NCSModel-class
Constructor for a NetworkCommunitySearchModel (NCSModel)NCSModel NetworkCommunitySearchModel
Normalize a 'data.frame' Objectnormalize,data.frame_or_matrix-method
Normalize a S4 'DFrame' Objectnormalize,DFrame-method
Normalize the 'assays' of a 'MutliAssayExperiment' Objectnormalize,MultiAssayExperiment-method
Normalize the 'assays' in a 'SummarizedExperiment' Objectnormalize,SummarizedExperiment-method
A 'MultiAssayExperiment' containing cohorts of normal patients, for package examples.normalsMAE
Predict optimal K values by minimizing the difference between the ECDF of clustering consensus at two points in a subinterval.optimalKMinimizeAmbiguity
Pancreatic Cancer Overall Survival Predictor (PCOSP) ConstructorPCOSP
Class Union for PCOSP and ClinicalModel TypesPCOSP_or_ClinicalModel-class
Class Union for PCOSP, RLSModel and RGAModel TypesPCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA-class
Pancreatic Cancer Overall Survival Predictor (PCOSP) Class.PCOSP PCOSP-class
A Generic for Plotting a Network Graph From an S4 ObjectplotNetworkGraph
Plot a Network Graph for a Classified NCSModel ObjectplotNetworkGraph,NCSModel-method
Plot ROC curves for an 'S4' objectplotROC
Plot ROC curves for a 'PCOSP' model object.plotROC,PCOSP-method
Generic for Plotting Survival Curves from an 'S4' ObjectplotSurvivalCurves
Plot Survival Curves from a Fit 'CoxModel' ObjectplotSurvivalCurves,CoxModel-method
Predict Classes for New Data Based on a Train Classifier ModelpredictClasses
Use a Clinical GLM to Predict Classes for a 'CohortList' of 'SurvivalExperment' Objects.predictClasses,CohortList,ClinicalModel-method
Use a Gene Signature Based Prediciton Model from the 'genefu' Package to Predict Signature Scores for Each SamplepredictClasses,CohortList,GeneFuModel-method
Predict Survival Prognosis Classes and Risk Scores for A 'CohortList' Using a 'PCOSP', 'RLSModel' or 'RGAModel' object.predictClasses,CohortList,PCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA-method
Compute the Optimal Clustering Solution for a Trained ConsensusMetaclusteringModelpredictClasses,ConsensusMetaclusteringModel,ANY-method
Predict Metacluster Labels for a NetworkCommunitySearchModelpredictClasses,NCSModel,ANY-method
Predict Survival Prognosis Classes and Risk Scores for A 'SurvivalModel' Using a 'ClinicalModel' Object.predictClasses,SurvivalExperiment,ClinicalModel-method
Use a Gene Signature Based Prediciton Model from the 'genefu' Package to Predict Signature Scores for Each Sample.predictClasses,SurvivalExperiment,GeneFuModel-method
Predict Survival Prognosis Classes and Risk Scores for A 'CohortList' Using a 'PCOSP', 'RLSModel' or 'RGAModel' object.predictClasses,SurvivalExperiment,PCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA-method
Preprocess Data Using the 'caret::preProcess' method, then return the normalized data using 'predict'.preprocessCaret
RandomGeneAssignmentModel ConstructorRandomGeneAssignmentModel RGAModel
RandomLabelShufflingModel ConstructorRandomLabelShufflingModel RLSModel
Rank the Features in a 'S4' ObjectrankFeatures
Rank the Features in a 'MultiAssayExperiment' ObjectrankFeatures,MultiAssayExperiment-method
Rank the Features in a 'SummarizedExperiment' ObjectrankFeatures,SummarizedExperiment-method
Remave any factor columns from the 'colData' of an 'S4' objectremoveColDataFactorColumns
Convert factor columns in a rectangular objectremoveFactorColumns
Rename the columns in the 'colData' slot, or do nothing if they don't matchrenameColDataColumns
Rename columns or do nothing if the names don't matchrenameColumns
RGAModel Class Definition.RGAModel RGAModel-class
RLSModel Class Definition.RLSModel RLSModel-class
Run Gene Set Enrichment AnalysisrunGSEA
Run Gene Set Enrichment Analysis On A 'PCOSP' Model Object.runGSEA,PCOSP,data.frame-method
An 'S4' Virtual Class For the Concept of a Statistical or ML Model.S4Model S4Model-class
Sample ClinicalModel Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.sampleClinicalModel
A Set of Example Patient CohortssampleCohortList
A Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing Data from the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'sampleICGCmicro
A Sample PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.samplePCOSPmodel
Sample CohortList with PCOSP Risk PredictionssamplePCOSPpredList
Sample SurvivalExperiment Containing the PCSI rna-sequencing cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas'.samplePCSIsurvExp
Sample RGA Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.sampleRGAmodel
Sample RLS Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.sampleRLSmodel
A Sample Trained PCOSP Model Containing the ICGC micro-array cohort from 'MetaGxPancreas' as training data.sampleTrainedPCOSPmodel
Sample Validated PCOSP Model for Plotting ExamplessampleValPCOSPmodel
Show method for Classes Inheriting from 'S4Model'show,S4Model-method
Subset method for a 'CohortList'subset,CohortList-method
Constructor for 'SurvivalExperiment' Class Builds a 'SurvivalExperiment' object, which is just a wrapper for a 'SummarizedExperiment' with mandatory survival metadata numeric columns 'survival_time' and 'event_occurred'.SurvivalExperiment
SurvivalExperiment Class.SurvivalExperiment SurvivalExperiment-class
Constructor for a SurvivalModel Object.SurvivalModel
A Generic Container for Storing Mathematical Models of SurvivalExperiments.SurvivalModel SurvivalModel-class
Generic for Accessing the Training Data of an 'S4' ObjecttrainData
Accessor for the Training Data in a 'S4Model' ObjecttrainData,S4Model-method
Generic for Accessing the Training Data of an 'S4' ObjecttrainData<-
Train a Model Based on the Data in an S4 ObjecttrainModel
Fit a GLM Using Clinical Predictors Specified in a 'ClinicalModel' Object.trainModel,ClinicalModel-method
Train A ConsensusMetaclusteringModeltrainModel,ConsensusMetaclusteringModel-method
Fit Models to the trainData in a CoxModel ObjecttrainModel,CoxModel-method
Train a GeneFuModel ObjecttrainModel,GeneFuModel-method
Train a NetworkCommunitySearchModeltrainModel,NCSModel-method
Train a PCOSP Model Based on The Data the assay 'trainMatrix'.trainModel,PCOSP-method
Train a RGAModel Based on the Data in the assays slot.trainModel,RGAModel-method
Train a PCOSP Model Based on The Data the assay 'trainMatrix'.trainModel,RLSModel-method
Perform Validation on an 'S4' Object Representing a Trained ModelvalidateModel
Evaluate the Performance of a List of Trained KTSP Models from a PCOSP ModelvalidateModel,ClinicalModel,CohortList-method
Validate a ClinicalModel object with a single SurvivalExperiment object.validateModel,ClinicalModel,SurvivalExperiment-method
Compute the Inter-Cohort Cluster Correlation and Clustering Reproducibility of All Clusters in Each Cohort.validateModel,ConsensusMetaclusteringModel,ConsensusMetaclusteringModel-method
Evaluate the Performance of a List of Trained KTSP Models from a PCOSP ModelvalidateModel,GeneFuModel,CohortList-method
Validate a 'GenefuModel' object with a single 'SurvivalExperiment' object.validateModel,GeneFuModel,SurvivalExperiment-method
Evaluate the Performance of a List of Trained KTSP Models from a PCOSP ModelvalidateModel,PCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA,CohortList-method
Validate a PCOSP model with a single SurvivalExperiment object.validateModel,PCOSP_or_RLS_or_RGA,SurvivalExperiment-method
Accessor for the 'validationData' slot of an 'S4' objectvalidationData
Accessor for the 'validationData' slot of an 'S4Model' objectvalidationData,S4Model-method
Accessor for the 'validationData' slot of a 'SurvivalModel' object.validationData,SurvivalModel-method
Generic for setting the 'validationData' slot on an 'S4' objectvalidationData<-
Setter for the 'validationData' slot of a 'SurvivalModel' object with a 'CohortList'.validationData<-,SurvivalModel,CohortList-method
Accessor for the 'validationStats' slot of an 'S4' objectvalidationStats
Acessor for the 'validationStats' slot of an 'S4Model' ObjectvalidationStats,S4Model-method
Accessor for the 'validationStats' slot of a 'SurvivalModel' object.validationStats,SurvivalModel-method
Setter for the 'validationStats' slot on an 'S4' objectvalidationStats<-
Setter for the 'validationStats' slot on an 'S4Model' objectvalidationStats<-,S4Model,DFrame_or_data.frame_data.table_or_NULL-method
Setter for the validationStats slot of a 'SurvivalModel' object with a 'data.frame'validationStats<-,SurvivalModel,data.frame-method