Package: MOSClip 1.1.0

Paolo Martini

MOSClip: Multi Omics Survival Clip

Topological pathway analysis tool able to integrate multi-omics data. It finds survival-associated modules or significant modules for two-class analysis. This tool have two main methods: pathway tests and module tests. The latter method allows the user to dig inside the pathways itself.

Authors:Paolo Martini [aut, cre], Anna Bortolato [aut], Anna Tanada [aut], Enrica Calura [aut], Stefania Pirrotta [aut], Federico Agostinis [aut]

MOSClip.pdf |MOSClip.html
MOSClip/json (API)

# Install 'MOSClip' in R:
install.packages('MOSClip', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • multiOmics - Omics class object with TCGA ovarian data
  • multiOmicsTopo - Omics class object with TCGA ovarian data for topological analysis
  • ovarianDataset - ExperimentList class object with TCGA ovarian data
  • reactSmall - PathwayList of pathways from Reactome

On BioConductor:MOSClip-1.1.0(bioc 3.21)MOSClip-1.0.0(bioc 3.20)


5.34 score 5 scripts 82 downloads 33 exports 208 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:412bda8a84. Checks:3 OK, 2 NOTE, 1 WARNING. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-macWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 16 2025



MOSClip vignette

Rendered frommosclip_vignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2024-10-15
Started: 2024-09-16

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Find Pathway FathersannotePathwayToFather
Get available Omics Summarizing MethodsavailableOmicMethods
Check if all the list object have the same order of pathway modulecheckOrder filterExpr filterMultiOmicsForSamples mergeCol preparePerms resolveAndOrder
Regular PCAcompPCs
Compute Frequencies in a Named ListcomputeFreqs
Compute Omics IntersectionscomputeOmicsIntersections
compute PCs.computePCs
A generic function to convert pathwayconvertPathway
Create Cox ObjectcreateCoxObj
Create Data ModulecreateDataModule
Create the list of covariates that are going to be testedcreateMOMView
Download Reactome Pathway RelationsdownloadPathwayRelationFromReactome
Estimate Single Covariance MatrixestimateExprCov
Extract the maximal cliquesextractCliquesFromDag mmmoralize
Extract Summary Binary from MultiOmics ObjectsextractSummaryFromBinary
Extract Summary Cluster from MultiOmics ObjectsextractSummaryFromCluster
Extract Summary Binary from MultiOmics ObjectsextractSummaryFromNumberOfEvents
Extract Summary PCA from MultiOmics ObjectsextractSummaryFromPCA
Retrieves pathways relativesgetPathFathers
Two-classes glm test.glmTest
Guess the most influent features from MultiOmics Survival or Two-class results.guessInvolvement
Guess the most influent features from MultiOmics Survival or Two-class results.guessInvolvementPathway
Convert id to pathway nameid2name
Omics class initializer functionmakeOmics
Make positive and definite covariance matrixmakePositiveDefinite
Map Pathways ID from GraphitemapPathwaysIDfromGraphite
Minimum or NAminOrNA
MOSClip: Multi-Omics Survival ClipMOSClip-package MOSClip
Omics class object with TCGA ovarian datamultiOmics
Multi Omics Modules.MultiOmicsModules-class showModule,MultiOmicsModules-method
Multi Omics Pathway.MultiOmicsPathway-class showPathway,MultiOmicsPathway-method
Compute Multi Omics Survival in Pathway ModulesmultiOmicsSurvivalModuleTest
Compute Multi Omics Survival in PathwaysmultiOmicsSurvivalPathwayTest
Omics class object with TCGA ovarian data for topological analysismultiOmicsTopo
Computes Multi Omics Two-Class in Pathway ModulesmultiOmicsTwoClassModuleTest
Compute Multi Omics Two-Class in PathwaysmultiOmicsTwoClassPathwayTest
Provides a Table of the Modules Test ResultsmultiPathwayModuleReport
Summarize pathways' info from a list of MultiOmicsPathway objects (MOP)multiPathwayReport
Omics.Omics Omics-class showOmics,Omics-method
ExperimentList class object with TCGA ovarian dataovarianDataset
Plot Frequencies of Pathway Fathers for Omics intersectionplotFrequencies
Plot a Heatmap of a Module by OmicsplotModuleHeat
Plot a Directed Graph of the MultiOmicsModules ObjectplotModuleInGraph
Plot Kaplan-Meier survival curves of a specific moduleplotModuleKM
Plot a table of a 'MultiOmicsModules' (MOM) objectplotModuleReport
Summarize and plot pathways' info from a list of 'MultiOmicsPathway' (MOP)plotMultiPathwayReport
Plot heatmaps of the pathway by omicsplotPathwayHeat
Plot Kaplan-Meier survival curves of a specific pathwayplotPathwayKM
Compute pvalue SummarypvalueSummary
PathwayList of pathways from ReactomereactSmall
Remove self loops from a graphNELremoveSelfLoops
Resampling function for survival analysis on modulesresamplingModulesSurvival resamplingPathwaySurvival
Resampling function for two-class analysis on modulesresamplingModulesTwoClass resamplingPathwayTwoClass
Performs a Exact test - analysis of omics intersectionrunSupertest
Select stable pathway modulesaddResamplingCounts getPathwaysModulesSuccess selectStablePathwaysModules
A generic function showing pathway's module infoshowModule
Shows the MOSClip palette.showMOSpalette
A generic functions showing parameter associated with each omicsshowOmics
A generic function showing pathway infoshowPathway
Sparse PCAsparseCompPCs
Remove Module Number From Pathway NamestripModulesFromPathways
Summarize Using Cluster AnalysissummarizeInCluster
Summarize Omics Covaraites By Min PvaluesummarizeOmicsResByMinPvalue
Summarize To Binary Directional EventssummarizeToBinaryDirectionalEvents
Summarize To Binary EventssummarizeToBinaryEvents
Summarize With Directed SumsummarizeToNumberOfDirectionalEvents
Summarize To Number of Binary EventssummarizeToNumberOfEvents
Summarize Using PCAsummarizeWithPca
Cox Model Analysissurvivalcox
Cox Robust Model Analysiscoxrsummary survivalcoxr
Topological PCAtopoCompPCs