Package: MAIT 1.39.0

Pol Sola-Santos

MAIT: Statistical Analysis of Metabolomic Data

The MAIT package contains functions to perform end-to-end statistical analysis of LC/MS Metabolomic Data. Special emphasis is put on peak annotation and in modular function design of the functions.

Authors:Francesc Fernandez-Albert, Rafael Llorach, Cristina Andres-LaCueva, Alexandre Perera

MAIT.pdf |MAIT.html
MAIT/json (API)

# Install 'MAIT' in R:
install.packages('MAIT', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:


On BioConductor:MAIT-1.39.0(bioc 3.20)MAIT-1.38.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


41 exports 1.00 score 195 dependencies 16 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:c0b4563ec1



\maketitleMAIT Vignette

Rendered fromMAIT_Vignette.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jun 14 2024.

Last update: 2017-04-24
Started: 2014-10-06

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Biotransformations of the significant data contained in a MAIT object are identified.Biotransformations
Class names extractor from a MAIT objectclasses
Class classification ratio extractor from a MAIT objectclassifRatioClasses
Sample number extractor for each class from a MAIT objectclassNum
Human Metabolome DatabaseDatabase
Feature ID extractor from a MAIT objectfeatureID
Feature Info extractor from a MAIT objectfeatureInfo
Feature statistically significant ID extractor from a MAIT objectfeatureSigID
Returns a list with the peak scores, masses, retention time and other informationgetScoresTable
Metabolite identifieridentifyMetabolites
Loadings extractor for either PCA or PLS modelsloadings
Extractor of the Fisher's LSD tests from a MAIT objectLSDResults
Class '"MAIT"'loadings,MAIT-method MAIT-class model,MAIT-method scores,MAIT-method summary,MAIT-method
Class '"MAIT.FeatureData"'MAIT.FeatureData-class
Class '"MAIT.FeatureInfo"'MAIT.FeatureInfo-class
Class '"MAIT.Parameters"'MAIT.Parameters-class
Class '"MAIT.PhenoData"'MAIT.PhenoData-class
Class '"MAIT.RawData"'MAIT.RawData-class
Class '"MAIT.Validation"'MAIT.Validation-class
MAIT constructor function when using external peak dataMAITbuilder
Metabolite table generatormetaboliteTable
Model extractor for either PCA or PLS modelsmodel
Model extractor from a MAIT objectmodels
Negative adducts tablenegAdducts
Overall classification ratio extractor for MAIT objectsovClassifRatioData
Overall classification table extractor for MAIT objectsovClassifRatioTable
Extractor of the parameters used in the whole run from a MAIT objectparameters
Spectra constructor and peak annotatorpeakAnnotation
Prints a png file for each of the significant peak/spectra present in the inputplotBoxplot
Builds ten heatmaps with different p-values and clustering distancesplotHeatmap
2D and 3D PCA scoreplots from a MAIT objectplotPCA
2D and 3D PLS scoreplots from a MAIT objectplotPLS
Positive adducts tableposAdducts
Pvalues extractor from a MAIT objectpvalues
P-values correction extractor from a MAIT objectpvaluesCorrection
Raw data extractor from a MAIT objectrawData
Retrieves the folder where the results are saved for a MAIT objectresultsPath
Peak detector of netCDF samples using xcms packagesampleProcessing
Retrieves the scores from a MAIT objectscores
Build a table of the information related to the significant features contained in a MAIT objectsigPeaksTable
Extract significant features from a MAIT objectspectralSigFeatures
Cross validated classification over the output of the function 'signPeaksAnova' or function 'TStudent2Clases'Validation