Package: IntEREst 1.29.0

Ali Oghabian

IntEREst: Intron-Exon Retention Estimator

This package performs Intron-Exon Retention analysis on RNA-seq data (.bam files).

Authors:Ali Oghabian <[email protected]>, Dario Greco <[email protected]>, Mikko Frilander <[email protected]>

IntEREst.pdf |IntEREst.html
IntEREst/json (API)

# Install 'IntEREst' in R:
install.packages('IntEREst', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • mdsChr22ExObj - Object of SummarizedExperiment type for exon-exon junction of MDS data
  • mdsChr22IntSpObj - Object of SummarizedExperiment type for intron spanning reads of MDS data
  • mdsChr22Obj - Object of SummarizedExperiment type for intron retention MDS data
  • pwmU12db - PWM of U12 and U2-type introns splice sites
  • u12 - U12 data

On BioConductor:IntEREst-1.29.0(bioc 3.20)IntEREst-1.28.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


35 exports 0.91 score 130 dependencies 2 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:c53a1fd4d5




Rendered fromIntEREst.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 17 2024.

Last update: 2023-01-03
Started: 2016-12-15

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
IntEREstIntEREst-package IntEREst
Adding sample annotations to a 'SummarizedExperiment' objectaddAnnotation
Annotate the U12 (and U2) type intronsannotateU12
Apply function over countsapplyOverlap
Extracting values of useful attributes of SummarizedExperiment objectsattributes getAnnotation scaledRetention
boxplot - methodboxplot,SummarizedExperiment-method boxplot-method intexBoxplot
Building Position Weight Matrices for Splice Sites of U12 and U2 type introns.buildSsTypePwms
Counts - methodcounts,SummarizedExperiment-method counts-method counts.InterestResults
DESeq2 analysis for IntEREst objectdeseqInterest
DEXSeq test for IntEREst objectDEXSeqIntEREst
Exact testexactTestInterest
Get table of regions with repetetive DNA sequencesgetRepeatTable
generalized linear model likelihood ratio testsglmInterest
Wrapper function: Parallel runinterest
Wrapup function: Sequential runninginterest.sequential
Building SummarizedExperiment object from results in IntEREst.InterestResult
Building results object that contains Intron-retention and exon-exon junction informationinterestResultIntEx
Extract index of intron or exon rowsintexIndex
Log fold changelfc
Object of SummarizedExperiment type for exon-exon junction of MDS datamdsChr22ExObj
Object of SummarizedExperiment type for intron spanning reads of MDS datamdsChr22IntSpObj
Object of SummarizedExperiment type for intron retention MDS datamdsChr22Obj
merge two SummarizedExperiment objects into onemergeInterestResult
plot - methodplot,SummarizedExperiment,ANY-method plot-method plot.InterestResult
Psi values estimationpsi
PWM of U12 and U2-type introns splice sitespwmU12db
quasi-likelihood F-testqlfInterest
Read interest/interest.sequential results text filesreadInterestResults
Creates reference filereferencePrepare
Extract subset of objectsubInterestResult
Differential retention test relative to a thresholdtreatInterest
U12 datau12
U12 boxplotu12Boxplot
boxplot U12 introns retention levels (or flanking exons junction levels) and (up/down)stream U2 introns (or exons junction levels)u12BoxplotNb
Density plot of fld changes of intron retention and exon-exon junction levelsu12DensityPlot u12DensityPlotIntron
Extract index of U12 introns rowsu12Index
Extract index of U2 introns (up/down)stream of U12 introns rowsu12NbIndex
Union introns/exons of transcriptsunionRefTr
Updating contents of 'rowData' of 'SummarizedExperiment' objectsupdateRowDataCol