Package: GOstats 2.71.0

Bioconductor Package Maintainer

GOstats: Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays

A set of tools for interacting with GO and microarray data. A variety of basic manipulation tools for graphs, hypothesis testing and other simple calculations.

Authors:Robert Gentleman [aut], Seth Falcon [ctb], Robert Castelo [ctb], Sonali Kumari [ctb], Dennis Ndubi [ctb], Bioconductor Package Maintainer [cre]

GOstats.pdf |GOstats.html
GOstats/json (API)

# Install 'GOstats' in R:
install.packages('GOstats', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • Bdists - Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups.
  • Ndists - Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups.

On BioConductor:GOstats-2.71.0(bioc 3.20)GOstats-2.70.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


35 exports 3.06 score 57 dependencies 14 dependents 368 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:f8c38a14f9



How To Use GOstats and Category to do Hypergeometric testing with unsupported model organisms

Rendered fromGOstatsForUnsupportedOrganisms.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 22 2024.

Last update: 2023-06-05
Started: 2023-06-05

How To Use GOstats Testing Gene Lists for GO Term Association

Rendered fromGOstatsHyperG.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 22 2024.

Last update: 2023-04-10
Started: 2023-04-06

Visualizing and Distances Using GO

Rendered fromGOvis.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 22 2024.

Last update: 2023-04-04
Started: 2023-04-04

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays.GOstats-package GOstats
A function to compute a correlation based graph from Gene Expression DatacompCorrGraph
A function to compute the distance between pairs of nodes in a graph.compGdist
Class "GOHyperGResult"conditional,GOHyperGResult-method expectedCounts,GOHyperGResult-method geneCounts,GOHyperGResult-method geneIdUniverse,GOHyperGResult-method goDag goDag,GOHyperGResult-method GOHyperGResult-class htmlReport,GOHyperGResult-method oddsRatios,GOHyperGResult-method pvalues,GOHyperGResult-method summary,GOHyperGResult-method
Defunct Functions in GOstats PackagecombGOGraph getGoGraph GOHyperG GOKEGGHyperG GOLeaves GOstats-defunct hyperG2Affy hyperGtable selectedGenes
Hypergeometric Tests for GO term associationhyperGTest hyperGTest,GOHyperGParams-method hyperGTest,OBOHyperGParams-method
Index to Dimnamesidx2dimnames
Construct a GO GraphmakeGOGraph
Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups.Bdists Ndists
Find genes that are not connected to the others.notConn
Class "OBOHyperGResult"conditional,OBOHyperGResult-method expectedCounts,OBOHyperGResult-method geneCounts,OBOHyperGResult-method geneIdUniverse,OBOHyperGResult-method goDag,OBOHyperGResult-method htmlReport,OBOHyperGResult-method OBOHyperGResult-class oddsRatios,OBOHyperGResult-method pvalues,OBOHyperGResult-method summary,OBOHyperGResult-method
Construct the GO graph given a set of leaves.GOGraph oneGOGraph
Summarize Probe Sets Associated with a hyperGTest ResultprobeSetSummary
Shortest Path AnalysisshortestPath
Functions to compute similarities between GO graphs and also between Entrez Gene IDs based on their induced GO graphs.simLL simLP simUI
Extraction and Plotting of GO Terms from a GOHyperGResult ObjectinducedTermGraph plotGOTermGraph termGraphs
Triad FunctionsenumPairs isTriad reduce2Degreek triad triadCensus