Package: GBScleanR 2.1.3

Tomoyuki Furuta

GBScleanR: Error correction tool for noisy genotyping by sequencing (GBS) data

GBScleanR is a package for quality check, filtering, and error correction of genotype data derived from next generation sequcener (NGS) based genotyping platforms. GBScleanR takes Variant Call Format (VCF) file as input. The main function of this package is `estGeno()` which estimates the true genotypes of samples from given read counts for genotype markers using a hidden Markov model with incorporating uneven observation ratio of allelic reads. This implementation gives robust genotype estimation even in noisy genotype data usually observed in Genotyping-By-Sequnencing (GBS) and similar methods, e.g. RADseq. The current implementation accepts genotype data of a diploid population at any generation of multi-parental cross, e.g. biparental F2 from inbred parents, biparental F2 from outbred parents, and 8-way recombinant inbred lines (8-way RILs) which can be refered to as MAGIC population.

Authors:Tomoyuki Furuta [aut, cre]

GBScleanR.pdf |GBScleanR.html
GBScleanR/json (API)

# Install 'GBScleanR' in R:
install.packages('GBScleanR', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

On BioConductor:GBScleanR-2.1.1(bioc 3.21)GBScleanR-2.0.3(bioc 3.20)


5.88 score 4 stars 6 scripts 273 downloads 69 exports 58 dependencies

Last updated 10 days agofrom:dd9f583f65. Checks:1 OK, 8 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 05 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 05 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEFeb 06 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 05 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 05 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 05 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64NOTEFeb 05 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTEFeb 05 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64NOTEFeb 05 2025



Basic usage of GBScleanR

Rendered fromBasicUsageOfGBScleanR.rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 05 2025.

Last update: 2024-10-09
Started: 2021-11-17

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
#' Build a GbsrScheme objectaddScheme addScheme,GbsrGenotypeData-method addScheme,GbsrScheme-method
Assign member IDs to samplesassignScheme assignScheme,GbsrGenotypeData-method assignScheme,GbsrScheme-method
Draw boxplots of specified statisticsboxplotGBSR
Close the connection to the GDS filecloseGDS closeGDS,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Count genotype calls and alleles per sample and per marker.countGenotype countGenotype,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Count reads per sample and per marker.countRead countRead,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Genotype estimation using a hiden Morkov modelestGeno estGeno,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Write a CSV file based on data in a GDS filegbsrGDS2CSV gbsrGDS2CSV,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Write a VCF file based on data in a GDS filegbsrGDS2VCF gbsrGDS2VCF,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Class 'GbsrGenotypeData'GbsrGenotypeData GbsrGenotypeData-class
Class 'GbsrScheme'GbsrScheme GbsrScheme-class
Convert a VCF file to a GDS filegbsrVCF2GDS
Obtain reference allele information of markersgetAllele getAllele,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain chromosome IDs of markersgetChromosome getChromosome,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total alternative allele counts per SNP or per samplegetCountAlleleAlt getCountAlleleAlt,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total missing allele counts per SNP or per samplegetCountAlleleMissing getCountAlleleMissing,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total reference allele counts per SNP or per samplegetCountAlleleRef getCountAlleleRef,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total alternative genotype counts per SNP or per samplegetCountGenoAlt getCountGenoAlt,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total heterozygote counts per SNP or per samplegetCountGenoHet getCountGenoHet,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total missing genotype counts per SNP or per samplegetCountGenoMissing getCountGenoMissing,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total reference genotype counts per SNP or per samplegetCountGenoRef getCountGenoRef,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total read counts per SNP or per samplegetCountRead getCountRead,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total alternative read counts per SNP or per samplegetCountReadAlt getCountReadAlt,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain total reference read counts per SNP or per samplegetCountReadRef getCountReadRef,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Get fixed allele read biasesgetFixedBias getFixedBias,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Get genotype call data.getGenotype getGenotype,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Get haplotype call data.getHaplotype getHaplotype,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain information stored in the "annotation/info" nodegetInfo getInfo,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain minor allele counts per SNP or per samplegetMAC getMAC,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain minor allele frequencies per SNP or per samplegetMAF getMAF,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain the marker IDsgetMarID getMarID,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain mean values of total alternative read counts per SNP or per samplegetMeanReadAlt getMeanReadAlt,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain mean values of total reference read counts per SNP or per samplegetMeanReadRef getMeanReadRef,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain quantile values of total alternative read counts per SNP or per samplegetMedianReadAlt getMedianReadAlt,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain quantile values of total reference read counts per SNP or per samplegetMedianReadRef getMedianReadRef,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Get parental sample informationgetParents getParents,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain marker positionsgetPosition getPosition,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Get read count data.getRead getRead,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Get identifiers to indicates which samples are replicates.getReplicates getReplicates,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain the sample IDsgetSamID getSamID,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain standard deviations of total alternative read counts per SNP or per samplegetSDReadAlt getSDReadAlt,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Obtain standard deviations of total reference read counts per SNP or per samplegetSDReadRef getSDReadRef,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Draw histograms of specified statisticshistGBSR
Build a GbsrScheme objectinitScheme initScheme,GbsrGenotypeData-method initScheme,GbsrScheme-method
Check if a GDS file has been opened or not.isOpenGDS isOpenGDS,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Load a GDS file and construct a 'GbsrGenotypeData' object.loadGDS
Automate a GbsrScheme object building.makeScheme makeScheme,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Return the number of SNPs.nmar nmar,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Return the number of samples.nsam nsam,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Draw a scatter plot of a pair of specified statisticspairsGBSR
Draw line plots of allele dosage per marker per sample.plotDosage
Draw line plots of specified statisticsplotGBSR
Draw line plots of proportion of reference allele read counts per marker per sample.plotReadRatio
Reopen the connection to the GDS file.reopenGDS reopenGDS,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Set the origina; data to be used in GBScleanR's functionsresetCallFilter resetCallFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Reset all filters made by 'setSamFilter()', 'setMarFilter()', and 'setCallFilter()'.resetFilter resetFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Reset the filter made by 'setMarFilter()'resetMarFilter resetMarFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Reset the filter made by 'setSamFilter()'resetSamFilter resetSamFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Filter out each genotype call meeting criteriasetCallFilter setCallFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Set fixed allele read biasessetFixedBias setFixedBias,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Filter out markers based on marker quality metricssetInfoFilter setInfoFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Filter out markerssetMarFilter setMarFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Set labels to samples which should be recognized as parents of the population to be subjected to error correction.setParents setParents,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Set identifiers to indicates which samples are replicates.setReplicates setReplicates,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Filter out samplessetSamFilter setSamFilter,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Show the information stored in a GbsrScheme objectshowScheme showScheme,GbsrGenotypeData-method showScheme,GbsrScheme-method
Remove markers potentially having redundant information.thinMarker thinMarker,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Return a logical vector indicating which are valid SNP markers.validMar validMar,GbsrGenotypeData-method validMar<- validMar<-,GbsrGenotypeData-method
Return a logical vector indicating which are valid samples.validSam validSam,GbsrGenotypeData-method validSam<- validSam<-,GbsrGenotypeData-method