Package: DAPAR 1.39.0

Samuel Wieczorek

DAPAR: Tools for the Differential Analysis of Proteins Abundance with R

The package DAPAR is a Bioconductor distributed R package which provides all the necessary functions to analyze quantitative data from label-free proteomics experiments. Contrarily to most other similar R packages, it is endowed with rich and user-friendly graphical interfaces, so that no programming skill is required (see `Prostar` package).

Authors:c, person, person, person, person, person)

DAPAR.pdf |DAPAR.html
DAPAR/json (API)

# Install 'DAPAR' in R:
install.packages('DAPAR', repos = c('', ''))

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On BioConductor:DAPAR-1.39.0(bioc 3.21)DAPAR-1.38.0(bioc 3.20)


5.42 score 2 stars 1 packages 22 scripts 354 downloads 5 mentions 192 exports 139 dependencies

Last updated 5 months agofrom:2500d2a37c. Checks:1 OK, 1 ERROR, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

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Doc / VignettesOKFeb 27 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 27 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 27 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORFeb 27 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 27 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 27 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEFeb 27 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEFeb 27 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Compute the intensity of proteins as the mean of the intensities of their peptides.aggregateMean
Symbolic product of matricesAggregateMetacell
Compute the intensity of proteins with the sum of the intensities of their peptides.aggregateSum
Compute the intensity of proteins as the sum of the intensities of their n best peptides.aggregateTopn
iteratively applies OWAnova() on the features of an MSnSet objectapplyAnovasOnProteins
Average protein/peptide abundances for each condition studiedaverageIntensities
A barplot that shows the result of a GO enrichment, using the package 'highcharter'barplotEnrichGO_HC
A barplot which shows the result of a GO classification, using the package 'highcharter'barplotGroupGO_HC
Builds a boxplot from a dataframe using the package 'highcharter'boxPlotD_HC
Function matrix of appartenance groupBuildAdjacencyMatrix
creates a column for the protein dataset after agregation by using the previous peptide dataset.BuildColumnToProteinDataset
Display a CCbuildGraph
Builds cells metadataBuildMetaCell
Check if the design is validcheck.conditions
Check if the design is
Names of all chidren of a nodeChildren
Function to perform a One-way Anova statistical test on a MsnBase datasetclassic1wayAnova
Builds a plot from a dataframe. Same as compareNormalizationD but uses the library 'highcharter'compareNormalizationD_HC
Applies an FDR threshold on a table of adjusted p-values and summarizes the resultscompute.selection.table
Displays a correlation matrix of the quantitative data of the 'Biobase::exprs()' table.corrMatrixD_HC
Compute the number of peptides used to aggregate proteinsCountPep
Creates an object of class 'MSnSet' from text filecreateMSnset
Creates an object of class 'MSnSet' from text filecreateMSnset2
Distribution of CV of entitiesCVDistD_HC
Customised resetZoomButton of highcharts plotsdapar_hc_chart
Customised contextual menu of highcharts plotsdapar_hc_ExportMenu
Delete the lines in the matrix of intensities and the metadata table given their indice.deleteLinesFromIndices
Builds a densityplot from a dataframedensityPlotD_HC
Computes the adjusted p-valuesdiffAnaComputeAdjustedPValues
Computes the FDR corresponding to the p-values of the differential analysis usingdiffAnaComputeFDR
Returns a MSnSet object with only proteins significant after differential analysis.diffAnaGetSignificant
Returns a 'MSnSet' object with the results of the differential analysis performed with 'limma' package.diffAnaSave
Volcanoplot of the differential analysisdiffAnaVolcanoplot
Volcanoplot of the differential analysisdiffAnaVolcanoplot_rCharts
Display a CCdisplay.CC.visNet
Calculates GO enrichment classes for a given list of proteins/genes ID. It results an enrichResult instance.enrich_GO
Extends a base-palette of the package RColorBrewer to n colors.ExtendPalette
Finalizes the aggregation processfinalizeAggregation
Finds the LAPALA into a 'MSnSet' objectfindMECBlock
Extract logFC and raw pvalues from multiple post-hoc models summariesformatPHResults
Heuristic to choose the value of the hyperparameter (fudge factor) used to regularize the variance estimator in the likelihood ratio statisticfudge2LRT
Returns list that contains a list of the statistical tests performed with DAPAR and recorded in an object of class 'MSnSet'.Get_AllComparisons
Build the list of connex composant of the adjacency
Returns the contains of the slot processing of an object of class 'MSnSet'GetCC
Builds a complete color palette for the conditions given in argumentGetColorsForConditions
Computes the detailed number of peptides for each proteinGetDetailedNbPeptides
Computes the detailed number of peptides used for aggregating each proteinGetDetailedNbPeptidesUsed
Search lines which respects request on one or more conditions.GetIndices_BasedOnConditions
Delete the lines in the matrix of intensities and the metadata table given their indice.GetIndices_MetacellFiltering
Search lines which respects query on all their elements.GetIndices_WholeLine
Search lines which respects request on one or more conditions.GetIndices_WholeMatrix
Gets the conditions indices.getIndicesConditions
Get the indices of the lines to delete, based on a prefix stringgetIndicesOfLinesToRemove
Returns the possible number of values in lines in the datagetListNbValuesInLines
Returns the contains of the slot processing of an object of class 'MSnSet'GetMatAdj
List of metacell tagsGetMetacellTags
Computes the number of peptides used for aggregating each proteinGetNbPeptidesUsed
Number of each metacell tagsGetNbTags
Number of lines with prefixgetNumberOf
Returns the number of empty lines in the datagetNumberOfEmptyLines
Percentage of missing valuesgetPourcentageOfMV
Returns the contains of the slot processing of an object of class 'MSnSet'getProcessingInfo
Computes the number of proteins that are only defined by specific peptides, shared peptides or a mixture of two.getProteinsStats
Quantile imputation value definitiongetQuantile4Imp
The set of softwares availableGetSoftAvailables
Build the text information for the Aggregation processgetTextForAggregation
Build the text information for the Aggregation processgetTextForAnaDiff
Build the text information for the filtering processgetTextForFiltering
Build the text information for the Aggregation processgetTextForGOAnalysis
Build the text information for the hypothesis test processgetTextForHypothesisTest
Build the text information for a new datasetgetTextForNewDataset
Build the text information for the Normalization processgetTextForNormalization
Build the text information for the peptide Imputation processgetTextForpeptideImputation
Build the text information for the protein Imputation processgetTextForproteinImputation
Computes the adjusted p-values on all the stacked contrasts using CP4PglobalAdjPval
Normalisation GlobalQuantileAlignementGlobalQuantileAlignment
Returns an 'MSnSet' object with the results of the GO analysis performed with the functions 'enrichGO' and/or 'groupGO' of the `clusterProfiler` package.GOAnalysisSave
Function to create a histogram that shows the repartition of peptides w.r.t. the proteinsGraphPepProt
Calculates the GO profile of a vector of genes/proteins at a given level of the Gene Ontologygroup_GO
Density plots of logFC valueshc_logFC_DensityPlot
Distribution of Observed values with respect to intensity valueshc_mvTypePlot2
This function is a wrapper to 'heatmap.2' that displays quantitative data in the 'Biobase::exprs()' table of an object of class 'MSnSet'heatmapD
Plots a histogram ov p-valueshistPValue_HC
Missing values imputation from a 'MSnSet' objectimpute.pa2
Computes a hierarchical differential analysislimmaCompleteTest
This function returns the list of the sheets names in a Excel file.listSheets
Normalisation LOESSLOESS
Builds the contrast matrixmake.contrast
Builds the design
Builds the design matrix for designs of level
Builds the design matrix for designs of level
Builds the design matrix for designs of level
Similar to the function '' but focused on the equality with the paramter 'type'.match.metacell
Normalisation MeanCenteringMeanCentering
Sets the metacell dataframe for datasets which are from Dia-NN softwareMetacell_DIA_NN
Sets the metacell dataframe for dataset without information about the origin of identificationMetacell_generic
Sets the metacell dataframeMetacell_maxquant
Sets the metacell dataframe for datasets which are from Proline softwareMetacell_proline
Metadata vocabulary for entitiesmetacell.def
Filter lines in the matrix of intensities w.r.t. some criteriaMetaCellFiltering
Lists the metacell scopes for filteringMetacellFilteringScope
Histogram of missing valuesmetacellHisto_HC
Bar plot of missing values per lines using highchartermetacellPerLinesHisto_HC
Bar plot of missing values per lines and per conditionmetacellPerLinesHistoPerCondition_HC
Combine peptide metadata to build protein metadatametacombine
Heatmap of missing valuesmvImage
Customised resetZoomButton of highcharts plotsmy_hc_chart
Customised contextual menu of highcharts plotsmy_hc_ExportMenu
Retrieve the indices of non-zero elements in sparse matricesnonzero
List normalization methods with tracking optionnormalizeMethods.dapar
Removes lines in the dataset based on numerical conditions.NumericalFiltering
Get the indices of the lines to delete, based on a prefix stringNumericalgetIndicesOfLinesToRemove
Applies aov() on a vector of protein abundances using the design derived from the sample names (simple aov wrapper)OWAnova
Parent name of a nodeParent
PEptide based Protein differential Abundance testpepa.test
Loads packagespkgs.require
Jitter plot of CCplotJitter
Display a a jitter plot for CCplotJitter_rCharts
Plots the eigen values of PCAplotPCA_Eigen
Plots the eigen values of PCA with the highcharts libraryplotPCA_Eigen_hc
Plots individuals of PCAplotPCA_Ind
Plots variables of PCAplotPCA_Var
Post-hoc tests for classic 1-way ANOVApostHocTest
Barplot of proportion of contaminants and reverseproportionConRev_HC
Normalisation QuantileCenteringQuantileCentering
Similar to the function 'rbind' but applies on two subsets of the same 'MSnSet' object.rbindMSnset
This function reads a sheet of an Excel file and put the data into a data.frame.readExcel
Put back LAPALA into a 'MSnSet' objectreIntroduceMEC
Removes lines in the dataset based on a prefix string.removeLines
Saves the parameters of a tool in the pipeline of ProstarsaveParameters
A dotplot that shows the result of a GO enrichment, using the package 'highcharter'scatterplotEnrichGO_HC
Search pattern in metacell vocabularysearch.metacell.tags
Computes the adjusted p-values separately on contrast using CP4PseparateAdjPval
Sets the MEC tag in the metacellSet_POV_MEC_tags
Returns the connected componentsSetCC
Record the adjacency matrices in a slot of the dataset of class 'MSnSet'SetMatAdj
splits an adjacency matrix into specific and sharedsplitAdjacencyMat
Removes lines in the dataset based on a prefix strings (contaminants, reverse or both).StringBasedFiltering
Removes lines in the dataset based on a prefix strings.StringBasedFiltering2
Normalisation SumByColumnsSumByColumns
Check if
Applies a statistical test on each element of a list of linear modelstestAnovaModels
Generator of simulated valuestranslatedRandomBeta
Returns the totality of ENTREZ ID (gene id) of an OrgDb annotation package. Careful : org.Pf.plasmo.db : no ENTREZID but ORFuniv_AnnotDbPkg
Update the cells metadata tags after imputationUpdateMetacellAfterImputation
Builds a violinplot from a dataframeviolinPlotD
Visualize the clusters according to pvalue thresholdsvisualizeClusters
Normalisation vsnvsn
Builds a plot from a dataframewrapper.compareNormalizationD_HC
Displays a correlation matrix of the quantitative data of the 'Biobase::exprs()' tablewrapper.corrMatrixD_HC
Distribution of CV of entitieswrapper.CVDistD_HC
Missing values imputation using the LSimpute algorithm.wrapper.dapar.impute.mi
This function is a wrapper to 'heatmap.2' that displays quantitative data in the 'Biobase::exprs()' table of an object of class 'MSnSet'wrapper.heatmapD
Wrapper of the function `impute.detQuant()` for objects of class 'MSnSet'wrapper.impute.detQuant
Missing values imputation from a 'MSnSet' objectwrapper.impute.fixedValue
KNN missing values imputation from a 'MSnSet' objectwrapper.impute.KNN
Imputation of peptides having no values in a biological condition.wrapper.impute.mle
Imputation of peptides having no values in a biological
Missing values imputation from a 'MSnSet' objectwrapper.impute.pa2
Imputation of peptides having no values in a biological condition.wrapper.impute.slsa
Heatmap of missing values from a 'MSnSet' objectwrapper.mvImage
Compute the PCAwrapper.pca
Performs a calibration plot on an 'MSnSet' object, calling the 'cp4p' package functions.wrapperCalibrationPlot
Wrapper for One-way Anova statistical testwrapperClassic1wayAnova
clustering pipeline of protein/peptide abundance profiles.wrapperRunClustering
This function exports a data.frame to a Excel file.write.excel
Exports a MSnset dataset into a zip archive containing three zipped CSV files.writeMSnsetToCSV
This function exports a 'MSnSet' object to a Excel file.writeMSnsetToExcel