Package: ClustAll 1.1.0

Asier Ortega-Legarreta

ClustAll: ClustAll: Data driven strategy to find groups of patients within complex diseases

Data driven strategy to find hidden groups of patients with complex diseases using clinical data. ClustAll facilitates the unsupervised identification of multiple robust stratifications. ClustAll, is able to overcome the most common limitations found when dealing with clinical data (missing values, correlated data, mixed data types).

Authors:Asier Ortega-Legarreta [aut, cre], Sara Palomino-Echeverria [aut]

ClustAll.pdf |ClustAll.html
ClustAll/json (API)

# Install 'ClustAll' in R:
install.packages('ClustAll', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • obj_noNA1 - Obj_noNA1: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
  • obj_noNA1simplify - Obj_noNA1simplify: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
  • obj_noNAno1Validation - Obj_noNAno1Validation: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposed
  • wdbc - Wdbc: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database.
  • wdbcMIDS - WdbcMIDS: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with imputed values
  • wdbcNA - WdbcNA: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with missing values

On BioConductor:ClustAll-1.1.0(bioc 3.20)ClustAll-1.0.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


17 exports 1.38 score 179 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:86f35b61ad



ClustAll User's Guide

Rendered fromVignette_Clustall.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 17 2024.

Last update: 2024-03-31
Started: 2023-11-29

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add the validation data into the ClustAllObjectaddValidationData addValidationData,ClustAllObject,numericOrCharacter-method
characterOrNA Class union of character, null or missingcharacterOrNA characterOrNA-class
cluster2datacluster2data cluster2data,ClustAllObject,character-method
Creates ClustAllObject and perform imputations to deal with missing valuescreateClustAll createClustAll,data.frame,numericOrNA,ANY,characterOrNA-method
Retrieve the imputed data from ClustAllObjectdataImputed dataImputed,ClustAllObject-method
Retrieve the initial dataOriginal from ClustAllObjectdataOriginal dataOriginal,ClustAllObject-method
Retrieve the original data labelling from ClustAllObjectdataValidation dataValidation,ClustAllObject-method
Retrieve the matrix with the Jaccard distances derived from the robust populations stratifications in ClustAllObjectJACCARD_DISTANCE_F JACCARD_DISTANCE_F,ClustAllObject-method
Class Union listOrNULLlistOrNULL listOrNULL-class
logicalOrNAlogicalOrNA logicalOrNA-class
matrixOrNULLmatrixOrNULL matrixOrNULL-class
Retrieve the number of imputations applied at the imputation step from ClustAllObjectnImputation nImputation,ClustAllObject-method
numericOrCharacternumericOrCharacter numericOrCharacter-class
Class Union numericOrNAnumericOrNA numericOrNA-class
obj_noNA1: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposedobj_noNA1
obj_noNA1simplify: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposedobj_noNA1simplify
obj_noNAno1Validation: Processed wdbc dataset for testing purposedobj_noNAno1Validation
Correlation matrix heatmap showing the Jaccard distance between robust stratifications in the ClustAllObjectplotJACCARD plotJACCARD,ClustAllObject,logicalOrNA,numericOrNA-method
Plots Sankey Diagram showing the cluster distribution and shifts between a pair of stratifications derived from ClustAllObjectplotSANKEY plotSANKEY,ClustAllObject,character,logicalOrNA-method
Retrieve logical if runClustAll has been executed considering ClustAllObject as inputprocessed processed,ClustAllObject-method
Show the stratification representatives from the ClustAllObjectresStratification resStratification,ClustAllObject,numericOrNA,logicalOrNA,numericOrNA-method
ClustAll: Data driven strategy to find hidden subgroups of patients within complex diseases using clinical datarunClustAll runClustAll,ClustAllObject,numericOrNA,logicalOrNA-method
show method for ClustAllObjectshow,ClustAllObject-method
Retrieve the initial data from ClustAllObjectshowData showData,ClustAllObject-method
Retrieve the resulting stratifications for each combination of clusterings method (distance + clustering algorithm) and depth from ClustAllObjectsummary_clusters summary_clusters,ClustAllObject-method
validateStratificationvalidateStratification validateStratification,ClustAllObject,characterOrNA-method
wdbc: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database.wdbc
wdbcMIDS: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with imputed valueswdbcMIDS
wdbcNA: Diagnostic Wisconsin Breast Cancer Database with missing valueswdbcNA