Package: ChromHeatMap 1.59.0

Tim F. Rayner

ChromHeatMap: Heat map plotting by genome coordinate

The ChromHeatMap package can be used to plot genome-wide data (e.g. expression, CGH, SNP) along each strand of a given chromosome as a heat map. The generated heat map can be used to interactively identify probes and genes of interest.

Authors:Tim F. Rayner

ChromHeatMap.pdf |ChromHeatMap.html
ChromHeatMap/json (API)

# Install 'ChromHeatMap' in R:
install.packages('ChromHeatMap', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • ALLs.chr22 - Chromosome 22 subset of ALL data for ALL1/AF4 and E2A/PBX1
  • chrdata - The ALLs.chr22 ExpressionSet, reformatted as a ChrStrandData object
  • cytobands - Cytoband location information
  • stains - Cytoband display information

On BioConductor:ChromHeatMap-1.59.0(bioc 3.20)ChromHeatMap-1.58.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


8 exports 1.08 score 69 dependencies 1 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:798c610f50



Plotting expression data with ChromHeatMap

Rendered fromChromHeatMap.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jul 03 2024.

Last update: 2013-11-01
Started: 2013-11-01

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Chromosome 22 subset of ALL data for ALL1/AF4 and E2A/PBX1ALLs.chr22
The ALLs.chr22 ExpressionSet, reformatted as a ChrStrandData objectchrdata
Plot ChrStrandMatrix objects as heat maps along a chromosomechrHeatMap
Class containing a mapping between plot location and probe or gene identifier.ChrMapPlot ChrMapPlot-class class:ChrMapPlot show,ChrMapPlot-method summary,ChrMapPlot-method
Retrieve chromosome names from an object.chrNames
Class to contain data associated with chromosome coordinates across a whole genome.annotation,ChrStrandData-method chrNames,ChrStrandData-method ChrStrandData ChrStrandData-class class:ChrStrandData sampleNames,ChrStrandData-method show,ChrStrandData-method summary,ChrStrandData-method
Class to contain data associated with genome locations for a specific chromosome.chrNames,ChrStrandMatrix-method ChrStrandMatrix ChrStrandMatrix-class class:ChrStrandMatrix exprs,ChrStrandMatrix-method featureNames,ChrStrandMatrix-method sampleNames,ChrStrandMatrix-method show,ChrStrandMatrix-method strandName,ChrStrandMatrix-method summary,ChrStrandMatrix-method
Generate chromosome-based subset matrices from the mapped data structures generated by makeChrStrandDatacreateChrMatrix
Cytoband location informationcytobands
Draw a heatmap and dendrogram for a strand-specific data matrix generated by createChrMatrixdrawMapDendro
Identify the probes or genes plotted using plotChrMapgrabChrMapProbes
Map a data matrix onto chromosome coordinatesmakeChrStrandData
Map a data matrix onto chromosome coordinatesmakeChrStrandData,ExpressionSet-method makeChrStrandData,matrix-method makeChrStrandData-methods
Plot expression data as tracks in the UCSC genome browsermakeRangedDataList
Plot data as an annotated heat map along a chromosomeplotChrMap
Cytoband display informationstains
Retrieve strand information from a ChrStrandMatrix object.strandName