Package: ChemmineR 3.59.0

Thomas Girke

ChemmineR: Cheminformatics Toolkit for R

ChemmineR is a cheminformatics package for analyzing drug-like small molecule data in R. Its latest version contains functions for efficient processing of large numbers of molecules, physicochemical/structural property predictions, structural similarity searching, classification and clustering of compound libraries with a wide spectrum of algorithms. In addition, it offers visualization functions for compound clustering results and chemical structures.

Authors:Y. Eddie Cao, Kevin Horan, Tyler Backman, Thomas Girke

ChemmineR.pdf |ChemmineR.html
ChemmineR/json (API)

# Install 'ChemmineR' in R:
install.packages('ChemmineR', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3

On BioConductor:ChemmineR-3.59.0(bioc 3.21)ChemmineR-3.58.0(bioc 3.20)


10.40 score 13 stars 13 packages 238 scripts 1.5k downloads 39 mentions 139 exports 68 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:ee3bf9e8bb. Checks:OK: 1 WARNING: 8. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKDec 18 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64WARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64WARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64WARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64WARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64WARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64WARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64WARNINGDec 18 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64WARNINGDec 18 2024



ChemmineR: Cheminformatics Toolkit for R

Rendered fromChemmineR.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Dec 18 2024.

Last update: 2022-03-25
Started: 2014-03-24

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add Descriptor TypeaddDescriptorType
Add New FeaturesaddNewFeatures
Return atom pair component of 'AP/APset'ap ap-methods
Class "AP"ap,AP-method AP-class show,AP-method
Frequent Atom Pairsapfp
Atom pairs stored in 'APset' objectapset
Class "APset"ap,APset-method APset-class c,APset-method cid,APset-method cid<-,APset-method coerce,APset,AP-method coerce,APset,list-method coerce,list,APset-method length,APset-method show,APset-method view,APset-method [,APset-method [<-,APset-method [[,APset-method [[<-,APset-method
'APset' to list-style AP databaseapset2descdb
Return atom blockatomblock atomblock-methods atomblock<-
Molecular property functionsatomcount atomcountMA MF MW
Standard atomic weightsatomprop
Subset SDF/SDFset Objects by Atom Index to Obtain Substructureatomsubset
Batch by IndexbatchByIndex
Return bond blockbondblock bondblock-methods bondblock<-
Bonds, charges and missing hydrogensbonds
Open ChemMine Tools Job in Web BrowserbrowseJob
Buffer File InputbufferLines
Buffer Query ResultsbufferResultSet
By ClusterbyCluster
Canonical NumberingcanonicalNumbering
Return compound IDscid cid<-
generate statistics on sizes of clusterscluster.sizestat
visualize clustering result using multi-dimensional scalingcluster.visualize
cluster compounds using a descriptor databasecmp.cluster
quickly detect compound duplication in a descriptor databasecmp.duplicated
Parse an SDF file and compute descriptors for all compoundscmp.parse
Parsing an SDF file and calculate the descriptor for one compoundcmp.parse1
Search a descriptor database for compounds similar to query
Compute similarity between two compounds using their descriptorscmp.similarity
Bond MatricesconMA
Database ConnectionsDrugBank DUD
Return data blockdatablock datablock-methods datablock<- datablocktag
SDF data blocks to matrixdatablock2ma splitNumChar
Explain an atom-pair descriptor or an array of atom-pair descriptorsdb.explain
Subset a descriptor database and return a sub-database for the selected compoundsdb.subset
DB TransactiondbTransaction
Fingerprints from descriptor vectorsdesc2fp
Exact Mass (Monoisotopic Mass)exactMassOB
Class "ExtSDF"ExtSDF-class getAtomAttr,ExtSDF-method getBondAttr,ExtSDF-method show,ExtSDF-method
Find Compounds in DatabasefindCompounds
Find compound by namefindCompoundsByName
Fingerprints from OpenBabelfingerprintOB
Class '"FP"'as.character,FP-method as.numeric,FP-method as.vector,FP-method c,FP-method coerce,numeric,FP-method fold,FP-method foldCount,FP-method FP-class fptype,FP-method numBits,FP-method show,FP-method
Convert base 64 fingerprints to binaryfp2bit
Class '"FPset"'as.character,FPset-method as.matrix,FPset-method c,FPset-method cid,FPset-method cid<-,FPset-method coerce,character,FPset-method coerce,FPset,FP-method coerce,matrix,FPset-method fold,FPset-method foldCount,FPset-method FPset-class fptype,FPset-method length,FPset-method numBits,FPset-method show,FPset-method view,FPset-method [,FPset-method [<-,FPset-method [[,FPset-method
Fingerprint SearchfpSim
From Nearest Neighbor MatrixfromNNMatrix
Generate AP DescriptorsgenAPDescriptors
Generate 3D Coordsgenerate3DCoords
Generate ParametersgenParameters
Get ALl Compound IdsgetAllCompoundIds
Get Compound FeaturesgetCompoundFeatures
Get Compound NamesgetCompoundNames
Get Compounds From DatabasegetCompounds
Import Compounds from PubChemgetIds
String search in 'SDFset'grepSDFset
Enumeration of Functional Groups and Atom Neighborsgroups
Return header blockheader header-methods header<-
Iinitialize SQL DatabaseinitDb
Jarvis-Patrick ClusteringjarvisPatrick
Jarvis Patrick Clustering in C codejarvisPatrick_c
Class '"jobToken"'jobToken-class show,jobToken-method
Largest ComponentlargestComponent
Launch a Tool on ChemMine ToolslaunchCMTool
List all available ChemMine ToolslistCMTools
List FeatureslistFeatures
Load SDF and SMILES DataloadSdf loadSmiles
Uniquify CMP namesmakeUnique
Maximally DissimilarmaximallyDissimilar
Nearest NeighborsnearestNeighbors
obmolobmol obmol-methods
Plot compound structuresopenBabelPlot
Parallel Batch By IndexparBatchByIndex
Plot compound structuresplot plotStruc
Properties from OpenBabelpropOB
Import Compounds from PubChempubchemCidToSDF
Enncoding of PubChem FingerprintspubchemFPencoding
Query pubchem by InChI sttrings and return CIDspubchemInchi2cid
Query pubchem by InChIKeys sttrings and get SDF backpubchemInchikey2sdf
Translate compound name to pubchem compound idpubchemName2CID
PubChem Similarity (Fingerprint) SearchpubchemSDFSearch
PubChem Similarity (Fingerprint) SMILES SearchpubchemSmilesSearch
Read Atom Pair/Fingerprint Stringsread.AP
Extract Molecules from SD File by Line Indexread.SDFindex
SD file to 'SDFset'read.SDFset
SD file to 'SDFstr'read.SDFstr
SMILES file to 'SMIset'read.SMIset
Re-generate 2D CoordinatesregenerateCoords
Obtain the resulting output data from a ChemMine Tools Jobresult
Ring and Aromaticity Perceptionrings
Class "SDF"atomblock,SDF-method atomcount,SDF-method bondblock,SDF-method coerce,character,SDF-method coerce,list,SDF-method coerce,SDF,character-method coerce,SDF,list-method coerce,SDF,SDFset-method coerce,SDF,SDFstr-method datablock,SDF-method datablocktag,SDF-method header,SDF-method obmol,SDF-method plot,SDF-method SDF-class sdf2list,SDF-method sdf2str,SDF-method sdfid,SDF-method show,SDF-method [,SDF-method [<-,SDF-method [[,SDF-method [[<-,SDF-method
Subset a SDF and return SDF segements for selected compoundssdf.subset
Visualize an SDFset online using ChemMine Toolssdf.visualize
Atom pair librarysdf2ap
'SDF' to 'list' for AP generationSDF2apcmp
'SDF' to 'list'sdf2list
'SDFset' to 'character' Convert 'SDFset' to SMILES ('character')sdf2smiles sdf2smilesOB
'SDF' to 'SDFstr'sdf2str sdf2str-methods
SDF Data TableSDFDataTable
Return SDF compound IDssdfid
SD file in 'SDFset' objectsdfsample
Class "SDFset"atomblock,SDFset-method atomblock<-,SDFset-method atomcount,SDFset-method bondblock,SDFset-method bondblock<-,SDFset-method c,SDFset-method cid,SDFset-method cid<-,SDFset-method coerce,list,SDFset-method coerce,SDFset,list-method coerce,SDFset,SDF-method coerce,SDFset,SDFstr-method datablock,SDFset-method datablock<-,SDFset-method datablocktag,SDFset-method header,SDFset-method header<-,SDFset-method length,SDFset-method obmol,SDFset-method plot,SDFset-method sdfid,SDFset-method SDFset SDFset-class SDFset2list,SDFset-method SDFset2SDF,SDFset-method SDFset2SDF<-,SDFset-method show,SDFset-method view,SDFset-method [,SDFset-method [<-,SDFset-method [[,SDFset-method [[<-,SDFset-method
'SDFset' to 'list'SDFset2list SDFset2list-methods
'SDFset' to list with many 'SDF'SDFset2SDF SDFset2SDF-methods SDFset2SDF<-
Class "SDFstr"coerce,character,SDFstr-method coerce,list,SDFstr-method coerce,SDFstr,list-method coerce,SDFstr,SDFset-method length,SDFstr-method SDFstr-class sdfstr2list,SDFstr-method sdfstr2list<-,SDFstr-method show,SDFstr-method [,SDFstr-method [<-,SDFstr-method [[,SDFstr-method [[<-,SDFstr-method
'SDFstr' to 'list'sdfstr2list sdfstr2list-methods sdfstr2list<-
Streaming through large SD filessdfStream
PubChem Similarity (Fingerprint) SearchsearchSim
PubChem Similarity (Fingerprint) SMILES SearchsearchString
Select in BatchesselectInBatches
Set PrioritiesforestSizePriorities randomPriorities setPriorities
SMARTS Search OBsmartsSearchOB
Class '"SMI"'as.character,SMI-method coerce,character,SMI-method show,SMI-method SMI-class
Convert SMILES ('character') to 'SDFset'smiles2sdf smiles2sdfOB
SMILES file in 'SMIset' objectsmisample
Class '"SMIset"'as.character,SMIset-method c,SMIset-method cid,SMIset-method cid<-,SMIset-method coerce,character,SMIset-method coerce,list,SMIset-method coerce,SMIset,SMI-method length,SMIset-method show,SMIset-method SMIset-class view,SMIset-method [,SMIset-method [<-,SMIset-method [[,SMIset-method
Get Status of a ChemMine Tools Jobstatus
Detailed instructions for each ChemMine Tools web tooltoolDetails
Trim NeighborstrimNeighbors
Validity check of SDFsetvalidSDF
Viewing of complex objectsview view-methods
SDF export functionwrite.SDF
SDF split functionwrite.SDFsplit
SMI export functionwrite.SMI