Package: CGHbase 1.65.0

Mark van de Wiel

CGHbase: CGHbase: Base functions and classes for arrayCGH data analysis.

Contains functions and classes that are needed by arrayCGH packages.

Authors:Sjoerd Vosse, Mark van de Wiel

CGHbase.pdf |CGHbase.html
CGHbase/json (API)

# Install 'CGHbase' in R:
install.packages('CGHbase', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • Wilting - Cervical cancer arrayCGH data
  • WiltingCalled - Cervical cancer arrayCGH data called with CGHcall
  • WiltingNorm - Normalized log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
  • WiltingRaw - Raw log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
  • WiltingRegions - Regions of cervical cancer arrayCGH data as defined by CGHregions
  • WiltingSeg - Segmented log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.

On BioConductor:CGHbase-1.65.0(bioc 3.20)CGHbase-1.64.0(bioc 3.19)


33 exports 2.31 score 5 dependencies 8 dependents 2 mentions

Last updated 2 months agofrom:31923141b3



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CGHbase: Base functions and classes for arrayCGH data analysis.CGHbase-package CGHbase
Retrieve regions information from cghRegions object.avedist nclone
Class to contain and describe called array comparative genomic hybridization data.bpend,cghCall-method bpstart,cghCall-method calls,cghCall-method calls<-,cghCall,matrix-method cghCall cghCall-class chromosomes,cghCall-method class:cghCall copynumber,cghCall-method copynumber<-,cghCall,matrix-method frequencyPlotCalls,cghCall,missing-method initialize,cghCall-method plot,cghCall,missing-method plot.summary,cghCall,missing-method probamp,cghCall-method probamp<-,cghCall,matrix-method probdloss,cghCall-method probdloss<-,cghCall,matrix-method probgain,cghCall-method probgain<-,cghCall,matrix-method probloss,cghCall-method probloss<-,cghCall,matrix-method probnorm,cghCall-method probnorm<-,cghCall,matrix-method segmented,cghCall-method segmented<-,cghCall,matrix-method
Class to contain and describe raw or normalized array comparative genomic hybridization data.bpend,cghRaw-method bpstart,cghRaw-method cghRaw cghRaw-class chromosomes,cghRaw-method class:cghRaw copynumber,cghRaw-method copynumber<-,cghRaw,matrix-method initialize,cghRaw-method plot,cghRaw,missing-method
Class to contain and describe array comparative genomic hybridization regions data.avedist,cghRegions-method bpend,cghRegions-method bpstart,cghRegions-method cghRegions cghRegions-class chromosomes,cghRegions-method class:cghRegions frequencyPlot,cghRegions,missing-method initialize,cghRegions-method nclone,cghRegions-method plot.cghRegions,cghRegions,missing-method regions,cghRegions-method regions<-,cghRegions,matrix-method
Class to contain and describe segmented array comparative genomic hybridization data.bpend,cghSeg-method bpstart,cghSeg-method cghSeg cghSeg-class chromosomes,cghSeg-method class:cghSeg copynumber,cghSeg-method copynumber<-,cghSeg,matrix-method initialize,cghSeg-method plot,cghSeg,missing-method segmented,cghSeg-method segmented<-,cghSeg,matrix-method
Retrieve feature position data from cgh objects.bpend bpstart chromosomes
Retrieve copynumber data from cgh objects.calls calls<- copynumber copynumber<- segmented segmented<-
Visualization of aCGH regions.frequencyPlot
Visualization of aCGH profiles.frequencyPlotCalls
Convert a dataframe or textfile to an object of class cghRaw.make_cghRaw
Plot aCGH data.plot.cghCall plot.cghRaw plot.cghRegions plot.cghSeg
Retrieve call probabilities from a cghCall object.probamp probamp<- probdloss probdloss<- probgain probgain<- probloss probloss<- probnorm probnorm<-
Retrieve regions data from cghRegions object.regions regions<-
Visualization of aCGH profiles.summaryPlot
Cervical cancer arrayCGH dataWilting
Cervical cancer arrayCGH data called with CGHcallWiltingCalled
Normalized log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.WiltingNorm
Raw log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.WiltingRaw
Regions of cervical cancer arrayCGH data as defined by CGHregionsWiltingRegions
Segmented log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.WiltingSeg