Package: BiocSet 1.19.0

Kayla Morrell

BiocSet: Representing Different Biological Sets

BiocSet displays different biological sets in a triple tibble format. These three tibbles are `element`, `set`, and `elementset`. The user has the abilty to activate one of these three tibbles to perform common functions from the dplyr package. Mapping functionality and accessing web references for elements/sets are also available in BiocSet.

Authors:Kayla Morrell [aut, cre], Martin Morgan [aut], Kevin Rue-Albrecht [ctb], LluĂ­s Revilla Sancho [ctb]

BiocSet.pdf |BiocSet.html
BiocSet/json (API)

# Install 'BiocSet' in R:
install.packages('BiocSet', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

On BioConductor:BiocSet-1.19.0(bioc 3.20)BiocSet-1.18.0(bioc 3.19)

This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.


56 exports 1.64 score 55 dependencies 4 dependents

Last updated 2 months agofrom:32ae2048d9



BiocSet: Representing Element Sets in the Tidyverse

Rendered fromBiocSet.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jun 30 2024.

Last update: 2020-08-13
Started: 2019-04-19

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
BiocSet classBiocSet BiocSet-class BiocSet_from_elementset es_element es_element,BiocSet-method es_elementset es_elementset,BiocSet-method es_set es_set,BiocSet-method show,BiocSet-method
as("BiocSet", "list")coerce coerce,BiocSet,list-method
Functions applied to elements in a 'BiocSet' objectarrange_element data.frame_from_element element_funs filter_element left_join_element mutate_element select_element summarise_element tibble_from_element
Functions applied to elementsets in a 'BiocSet' objectarrange_elementset data.frame_from_elementset elementset_funs filter_elementset left_join_elementset mutate_elementset select_elementset summarise_elementset tibble_from_elementset
GeneSetCollectionBiocSet_from_GeneSetCollection genesetcollection GeneSetCollection_from_BiocSet
Importing/exportingexport,BiocSet,GMTFile,ANY-method export,BiocSet,OBOFile,ANY-method import import,GMTFile,ANY,ANY-method import,OBOFile,ANY,ANY-method
Intersect on a single 'BiocSet' objectintersect_single
Functions for mapping elements in the element tibble to different id typesmapping_element map_add_element map_multiple map_unique
Functions for mapping sets in the set tibble to different id typesgo_sets kegg_sets mapping_set map_add_set map_set
Functions to display relationships of an 'OBOSet' objectoboset_element_ancestors oboset_element_children oboset_element_parents oboset_set_ancestors oboset_set_children oboset_set_parents obo_relations
OBOSet classOBOSet OBOSet-class
Functions applied to sets in a 'BiocSet' objectarrange_set data.frame_from_set filter_set left_join_set mutate_set select_set set_funs summarise_set tibble_from_set
Union on a single 'BiocSet' objectunion_single
Functions to access reference urls for different identifiersurl_ref url_ref_element url_ref_set