Package 'universalmotif'

Title: Import, Modify, and Export Motifs with R
Description: Allows for importing most common motif types into R for use by functions provided by other Bioconductor motif-related packages. Motifs can be exported into most major motif formats from various classes as defined by other Bioconductor packages. A suite of motif and sequence manipulation and analysis functions are included, including enrichment, comparison, P-value calculation, shuffling, trimming, higher-order motifs, and others.
Authors: Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay [aut, cre] , Spencer Nystrom [ctb]
Maintainer: Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.25.1
Built: 2025-02-10 03:32:53 UTC

Help Index

Add multi-letter information to a motif.


If the original sequences are available for a particular motif, then they can be used to generate higher-order PPM matrices. See the "Motif import, export, and manipulation" vignette for more information.


add_multifreq(motif, sequences, add.k = 2:3, RC = FALSE,
  threshold = 0.001, threshold.type = "pvalue", motifs.perseq = 1,
  add.bkg = FALSE)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats. If the motif is not a universalmotif motif, then it will be converted.


XStringSet The alphabet must match that of the motif. If these sequences are all the same length as the motif, then they are all used to generate the multi-freq matrices. Otherwise scan_sequences() is first run to find the best sequence stretches within these.


numeric(1) The k-let lengths to add.


logical(1) If TRUE, check reverse complement of the input sequences. Only available for DNA/RNA.


numeric(1) See details.


character(1) One of c('pvalue', 'qvalue', 'logodds', 'logodds.abs'). See details.


numeric(1) If scan_sequences() is run, then this indicates how many hits from each sequence is to be used.


logical(1) Indicate whether to add corresponding higher order background information to the motif. Can sometimes be detrimental when the input consists of few short sequences, which can increase the likelihood of adding zero or near-zero probabilities.


See scan_sequences() for more info on scanning parameters.

At each position in the motif, then the probability of each k-let covering from the initial position to ncol - 1 is calculated. Only positions within the motif are considered: this means that the final k-let probability matrix will have ncol - 1 fewer columns. Calculating k-let probabilities for the missing columns would be trivial however, as you would only need the background frequencies. Since these would not be useful for scan_sequences() though, they are not calculated.

Currently add_multifreq() does not try to stay faithful to the default motif matrix when generating multifreq matrices. This means that if the sequences used for training are completely different from the actual motif, the multifreq matrices will be as well. However this is only really a problem if you supply add_multifreq() with a set of sequences of the same length as the motif. In this case add_multifreq() is forced to create the multifreq matrices from these sequences. Otherwise add_multifreq() will scan the input sequences for the motif and use the best matches to construct the multifreq matrices.

This 'multifreq' representation is only really useful within the universalmotif environment. Despite this, if you wish it can be preserved in text using write_motifs().

A note on motif size

The number of rows for each k-let matrix is n^k, with n being the number of letters in the alphabet being used. This means that the size of the k-let matrix can become quite large as k increases. For example, if one were to wish to represent a DNA motif of length 10 as a 10-let, this would require a matrix with 1,048,576 rows (though at this point if what you want is to search for exact sequence matches, the motif format itself is not very useful).


A universalmotif object with filled multifreq slot. The bkg slot is also expanded with corresponding higher order probabilities if add.bkg = TRUE.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

scan_sequences(), convert_motifs(), write_motifs()


sequences <- create_sequences(seqlen = 10)
motif <- create_motif()
motif.trained <- add_multifreq(motif, sequences, add.k = 2:4)
## peek at the 2-let matrix:

Arabidopsis motif in universalmotif format.


Arabidopsis motif trained from ArabidopsisPromoters using MEME version 4. This motif was generated at the command line using the following command: ⁠meme promoters.fa -revcomp -nmotifs 3 -mod anr -dna⁠.





Arabidopsis promoters as a DNAStringSet.


50 Arabidopsis promoters, each 1000 bases long. See the "Sequence manipulation and scanning" vignette for an example workflow describing extracting promoter sequences.





Compare motifs.


Compare motifs using one of the several available metrics. See the "Motif comparisons and P-values" vignette for detailed information.


compare_motifs(motifs,, db.scores, use.freq = 1,
  use.type = "PPM", method = "PCC", tryRC = TRUE, min.overlap = 6,
  min.mean.ic = 0.25, min.position.ic = 0, relative_entropy = FALSE,
  normalise.scores = FALSE, max.p = 0.01, max.e = 10, nthreads = 1,
  score.strat = "a.mean",, = 10)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable motif formats.

numeric If missing, compares all motifs to all other motifs. Otherwise compares all motifs to the specified motif(s).


data.frame or DataFrame. See details.


numeric(1). For comparing the multifreq slot.


character(1) One of 'PPM' and 'ICM'. The latter allows for taking into account the background frequencies if relative_entropy = TRUE. Note that 'ICM' is not allowed when method = c("ALLR", "ALLR_LL").


character(1) One of PCC, EUCL, SW, KL, ALLR, BHAT, HELL, SEUCL, MAN, ALLR_LL, WEUCL, WPCC. See details.


logical(1) Try the reverse complement of the motifs as well, report the best score.


numeric(1) Minimum overlap required when aligning the motifs. Setting this to a number higher then the width of the motifs will not allow any overhangs. Can also be a number between 0 and 1, representing the minimum fraction that the motifs must overlap.


numeric(1) Minimum mean information content between the two motifs for an alignment to be scored. This helps prevent scoring alignments between low information content regions of two motifs. Note that this can result in some comparisons failing if no alignment passes the mean IC threshold. Use average_ic() to filter out low IC motifs to get around this if you want to avoid getting NAs in your output.


numeric(1) Minimum information content required between individual alignment positions for it to be counted in the final alignment score. It is recommended to use this together with normalise.scores = TRUE, as this will help punish scores resulting from only a fraction of an alignment.


logical(1) Change the ICM calculation affecting min.position.ic and min.mean.ic. See convert_type().


logical(1) Favour alignments which leave fewer unaligned positions, as well as alignments between motifs of similar length. Similarity scores are multiplied by the ratio of aligned positions to the total number of positions in the larger motif, and the inverse for distance scores.


numeric(1) Maximum P-value allowed in reporting matches. Only used if is set.


numeric(1) Maximum E-value allowed in reporting matches. Only used if is set. The E-value is the P-value multiplied by the number of input motifs times two.


numeric(1) Run compare_motifs() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads.


character(1) How to handle column scores calculated from motif alignments. "sum": add up all scores. "a.mean": take the arithmetic mean. "g.mean": take the geometric mean. "median": take the median. "wa.mean", "wg.mean": weighted arithmetic/geometric mean. "fzt": Fisher Z-transform. Weights are the total information content shared between aligned columns.

character(1) Provide a filename for compare_motifs() to write an html ouput report to. The top matches are shown alongside figures of the match alignments. This requires the knitr and rmarkdown packages. (Note: still in development.)

numeric(1) Maximum number of top matches to print.


Available metrics

The following metrics are available:

  • Euclidean distance (EUCL) (Choi et al. 2004)

  • Weighted Euclidean distance (WEUCL)

  • Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL) (Kullback and Leibler 1951; Roepcke et al. 2005)

  • Hellinger distance (HELL) (Hellinger 1909)

  • Squared Euclidean distance (SEUCL)

  • Manhattan distance (MAN)

  • Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC)

  • Weighted Pearson correlation coefficient (WPCC)

  • Sandelin-Wasserman similarity (SW), or sum of squared distances (Sandelin and Wasserman 2004)

  • Average log-likelihood ratio (ALLR) (Wang and Stormo 2003)

  • Lower limit ALLR (ALLR_LL) (Mahony et al. 2007)

  • Bhattacharyya coefficient (BHAT) (Bhattacharyya 1943)

Comparisons are calculated between two motifs at a time. All possible alignments are scored, and the best score is reported. In an alignment scores are calculated individually between columns. How those scores are combined to generate the final alignment scores depends on score.strat.

See the "Motif comparisons and P-values" vignette for a description of the various metrics. Note that PCC, WPCC, SW, ALLR, ALLR_LL and BHAT are similarities; higher values mean more similar motifs. For the remaining metrics, values closer to zero represent more similar motifs.

Small pseudocounts are automatically added when one of the following methods is used: KL, ALLR, ALLR_LL, IS. This is avoid zeros in the calculations.

Calculating P-values

To note regarding p-values: P-values are pre-computed using the make_DBscores() function. If not given, then uses a set of internal precomputed P-values from the JASPAR2018 CORE motifs. These precalculated scores are dependent on the length of the motifs being compared. This takes into account that comparing small motifs with larger motifs leads to higher scores, since the probability of finding a higher scoring alignment is higher.

The default P-values have been precalculated for regular DNA motifs. They are of little use for motifs with a different number of alphabet letters (or even the multifreq slot).


matrix if is missing; DataFrame otherwise. For the latter, function args are stored in the metadata slot.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Bhattacharyya A (1943). “On a measure of divergence between two statistical populations defined by their probability distributions.” Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, 35, 99-109.

Choi I, Kwon J, Kim S (2004). “Local feature frequency profile: a method to measure structural similarity in proteins.” PNAS, 101, 3797-3802.

Hellinger E (1909). “Neue Begrundung der Theorie quadratischer Formen von unendlichvielen Veranderlichen.” Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 136, 210-271.

Khan A, Fornes O, Stigliani A, Gheorghe M, Castro-Mondragon JA, van der Lee R, Bessy A, Cheneby J, Kulkarni SR, Tan G, Baranasic D, Arenillas DJ, Sandelin A, Vandepoele K, Lenhard B, Ballester B, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A (2018). “JASPAR 2018: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles and its web framework.” Nucleic Acids Research, 46, D260-D266.

Kullback S, Leibler RA (1951). “On information and sufficiency.” The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 22, 79-86.

Itakura F, Saito S (1968). “Analysis synthesis telephony based on the maximum likelihood method.” In 6th International Congress on Acoustics, C-17.

Mahony S, Auron PE, Benos PV (2007). “DNA Familial Binding Profiles Made Easy: Comparison of Various Motif Alignment and Clustering Strategies.” PLoS Computational Biology, 3.

Pietrokovski S (1996). “Searching databases of conserved sequence regions by aligning protein multiple-alignments.” Nucleic Acids Research, 24, 3836-3845.

Roepcke S, Grossmann S, Rahmann S, Vingron M (2005). “T-Reg Comparator: an analysis tool for the comparison of position weight matrices.” Nucleic Acids Research, 33, W438-W441.

Sandelin A, Wasserman WW (2004). “Constrained binding site diversity within families of transcription factors enhances pattern discovery bioinformatics.” Journal of Molecular Biology, 338, 207-215.

Wang T, Stormo GD (2003). “Combining phylogenetic data with co-regulated genes to identify motifs.” Bioinformatics, 19, 2369-2380.

See Also

convert_motifs(), motif_tree(), view_motifs(), make_DBscores()


motif1 <- create_motif(name = "1")
motif2 <- create_motif(name = "2")
motif1vs2 <- compare_motifs(c(motif1, motif2), method = "PCC")
## To get a dist object:
as.dist(1 - motif1vs2)

motif3 <- create_motif(name = "3")
motif4 <- create_motif(name = "4")
motifs <- c(motif1, motif2, motif3, motif4)
## Compare motif "2" to all the other motifs:
if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
compare_motifs(motifs, = 2, max.p = 1, max.e = Inf)

## If you are working with a large list of motifs and the mean.min.ic
## option is not set to zero, you may get a number of failed comparisons
## due to low IC. To filter the list of motifs to avoid these, use
## the average_ic() function to remove motifs with low average IC:
## Not run: 
motifs <- convert_motifs(MotifDb)[1:100]
#> Warning in compare_motifs(motifs) :
#>   Some comparisons failed due to low IC
motifs <- motifs[average_ic(motifs) > 0.5]

## End(Not run)

Convert motif class.


Allows for easy transfer of motif information between different classes as defined by other Bioconductor packages. This function is also used by nearly all other functions in this package, so any motifs of a compatible class can be used without needing to be converted beforehand.


convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'AsIs'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'list'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'MotifList'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'TFFMFirst'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'PFMatrix'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'PWMatrix'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'ICMatrix'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'XMatrixList'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'pwm'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'pcm'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'pfm'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'PWM'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'Motif'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
convert_motifs(motifs, class = "universalmotif-universalmotif")



Single motif object or list. See details.


character(1) Desired motif class. Input as 'package-class'. If left empty, defaults to 'universalmotif-universalmotif'. (See details.)



The following packge-class combinations can be used as input:

  • MotifDb-MotifList

  • TFBSTools-PFMatrix

  • TFBSTools-PWMatrix

  • TFBSTools-ICMatrix

  • TFBSTools-PFMatrixList

  • TFBSTools-PWMatrixList

  • TFBSTools-ICMatrixList

  • TFBSTools-TFFMFirst

  • seqLogo-pwm

  • motifStack-pcm

  • motifStack-pfm

  • PWMEnrich-PWM

  • motifRG-Motif

  • universalmotif-universalmotif

  • matrix


The following package-class combinations can be output:

  • MotifDb-MotifList

  • TFBSTools-PFMatrix

  • TFBSTools-PWMatrix

  • TFBSTools-ICMatrix

  • TFBSTools-TFFMFirst

  • seqLogo-pwm

  • motifStack-pcm

  • motifStack-pfm

  • PWMEnrich-PWM

  • Biostrings-PWM (type = 'log2prob')

  • rGADEM-motif

  • universalmotif-universalmotif (the default, no need to specify this)

Note: MotifDb-MotifList output was a later addition to convert_motifs(). As a result, to stay consistent with previous behaviour most functions will always convert MotifDb-MotifList objects to a list of universalmotif motifs, even if other formats would be simply returned as is (e.g. for other formats, filter_motifs() will return the input format; for MotifDb-MotifList, a list of universalmotif objects will be returned).


Single motif object or list.

Methods (by class)

  • AsIs: Generate an error to remind users to run to_list() instead of using the column from to_df() directly.

  • list: Convert a list of motifs.

  • universalmotif: Convert a universalmotif object.

  • MotifList: Convert MotifList motifs. (MotifDb)

  • TFFMFirst: Convert TFFMFirst motifs. (TFBSTools)

  • PFMatrix: Convert PFMatrix motifs. (TFBSTools)

  • PWMatrix: Convert PWMatrix motifs. (TFBSTools)

  • ICMatrix: Convert ICMatrix motifs. (TFBSTools)

  • XMatrixList: Convert XMatrixList motifs. (TFBSTools)

  • pwm: Convert pwm motifs. (seqLogo)

  • pcm: Convert pcm motifs. (motifStack)

  • pfm: Convert pfm motifs. (motifStack)

  • PWM: Convert PWM motifs. (PWMEnrich)

  • Motif: Convert Motif motifs. (motifRG)

  • matrix: Create motif from matrices.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Bembom O (2018). seqLogo: Sequence logos for DNA sequence alignments. R package version 1.46.0.

Droit A, Gottardo R, Robertson G, Li L (2014). rGADEM: de novo motif discovery. R package version 2.28.0.

Mercier E, Gottardo R (2014). MotIV: Motif Identification and Validation. R package version 1.36.0.

Ou J, Wolfe SA, Brodsky MH, Zhu LJ (2018). “motifStack for the analysis of transcription factor binding site evolution.” Nature Methods, 15, 8-9. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4555.

Shannon P, Richards M (2018). MotifDb: An Annotated Collection of Protein-DNA Binding Sequence Motifs. R package version 1.22.0.

Stojnic R, Diez D (2015). PWMEnrich: PWM enrichment analysis. R package version 4.16.0.

Tan G, Lenhard B (2016). “TFBSTools: an R/Bioconductor package for transcription factor binding site analysis.” Bioinformatics, 32, 1555-1556. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw024.

Yao Z (2012). motifRG: A package for discriminative motif discovery, designed for high throughput sequencing dataset. R package version 1.24.0.


# Convert from universalmotif:
jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                  package = "universalmotif"))
if (requireNamespace("motifStack", quietly = TRUE)) {
  jaspar.motifstack.pfm <- convert_motifs(jaspar, "motifStack-pfm")

# Convert from another class to universalmotif:
if (requireNamespace("TFBSTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
motif <- convert_motifs(MA0003.2)

# Convert from another class to another class
if (requireNamespace("PWMEnrich", quietly = TRUE)) {
  motif <- convert_motifs(MA0003.2, "PWMEnrich-PWM")

# The 'convert_motifs' function is embedded in the rest of the universalmotif
# functions: non-universalmotif class motifs can be used
MA0003.2.trimmed <- trim_motifs(MA0003.2)
# Note: if the motif object going in has information that the
# 'universalmotif' class can't hold, it will be lost

Convert universalmotif type.


Switch between position count matrix (PCM), position probability matrix (PPM), position weight matrix (PWM), and information count matrix (ICM) types. See the "Introduction to sequence motifs" vignette for details. Please also note that type conversion occurs implicitly throughout the universalmotif package, so there is generally no need to perform this manual conversion. Also please be aware that the message concerning pseudocount-adjusting motifs can be disabled via options(pseudocount.warning=FALSE).


convert_type(motifs, type, pseudocount, nsize_correction = FALSE,
  relative_entropy = FALSE)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character(1) One of c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM').


numeric(1) Correction to be applied to prevent -Inf from appearing in PWM matrices. If missing, the pseudocount stored in the universalmotif 'pseudocount' slot will be used.


logical(1) If true, the ICM at each position will be corrected to account for small sample sizes. Only used if relative_entropy = FALSE.


logical(1) If true, the ICM will be calculated as relative entropy. See details.



Position count matrix (PCM), also known as position frequency matrix (PFM). For n sequences from which the motif was built, each position is represented by the numbers of each letter at that position. In theory all positions should have sums equal to n, but not all databases are this consistent. If converting from another type to PCM, column sums will be equal to the 'nsites' slot. If empty, 100 is used.


Position probability matrix (PPM), also known as position frequency matrix (PFM). At each position, the probability of individual letters is calculated by dividing the count for that letter by the total sum of counts at that position (letter_count / position_total). As a result, each position will sum to 1. Letters with counts of 0 will thus have a probability of 0, which can be undesirable when searching for motifs in a set of sequences. To avoid this a pseudocount can be added ((letter_count + pseudocount) / (position_total + pseudocount)).


Position weight matrix (PWM; Stormo et al. (1982)), also known as position-specific weight matrix (PSWM), position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM), or log-odds matrix. At each position, each letter is represented by it's log-likelihood (log2(letter_probability / background_probility)), which is normalized using the background letter frequencies. A PWM matrix is constructed from a PPM. If any position has 0-probability letters to which pseudocounts were not added, then the final log-likelihood of these letters will be -Inf.


Information content matrix (ICM; Schneider and Stephens 1990). An ICM is a PPM where each letter probability is multiplied by the total information content at that position. The information content of each position is determined as: totalIC - Hi, where the total information totalIC

totalIC <- log2(alphabet_length), and the Shannon entropy (Shannon 1948) for a specific position (Hi)

⁠Hi <- -sum(sapply(alphabet_frequencies, function(x) x * log(2))⁠.

As a result, the total sum or height of each position is representative of it's sequence conservation, measured in the unit 'bits', which is a unit of energy (Schneider 1991; see for more information). However not all programs will calculate information content the same. Some will 'correct' the total information content at each position using a correction factor as described by Schneider et al. (1986). This correction can applied by setting nsize_correction = TRUE, however it will only be applied if the 'nsites' slot is not empty. This is done using TFBSTools:::schneider_correction (Tan and Lenhard 2016). As such, converting from an ICM to which some form of correction has been applied will result in a PCM/PPM/PWM with slight inaccuracies.

Another method of calculating information content is calculating the relative entropy, also known as Kullback-Leibler divergence (Kullback and Leibler 1951). This accounts for background frequencies, which can be useful for genomes with a heavy imbalance in letter frequencies. For each position, the individual letter frequencies are calculated as letter_freq * log2(letter_freq / bkg_freq). When calculating information content using Shannon entropy, the maximum content for each position will always be log2(alphabet_length). This does not hold for information content calculated as relative entropy. Please note that conversion from ICM assumes the information content was not calculated as relative entropy.


See convert_motifs() for possible output motif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Kullback S, Leibler RA (1951). “On information and sufficiency.” The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 22, 79-86.

Nishida K, Frith MC, Nakai K (2009). “Pseudocounts for transcription factor binding sites.” Nucleic Acids Research, 37, 939-944.

Schneider TD, Stormo GD, Gold L, Ehrenfeucht A (1986). “Information content of binding sites on nucleotide sequences.” Journal of Molecular Biology, 188, 415-431.

Schneider TD, Stephens RM (1990). “Sequence Logos: A New Way to Display Consensus Sequences.” Nucleic Acids Research, 18, 6097-6100.

Schneider TD (1991). “Theory of Molecular Machines. II. Energy Dissipation from Molecular Machines.” Journal of Theoretical Biology, 148, 125-137.

Shannon CE (1948). “A Mathematical Theory of Communication.” Bell System Technical Journal, 27, 379-423.

Stormo GD, Schneider TD, Gold L, Ehrenfeucht A (1982). “Use of the Perceptron algorithm to distinguish translational initiation sites in E. coli.” Nucleic Acids Research, 10, 2997-3011.

Tan G, Lenhard B (2016). “TFBSTools: an R/Bioconductor package for transcription factor binding site analysis.” Bioinformatics, 32, 1555-1556. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw024.

See Also



jaspar.pcm <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                      package = "universalmotif"))

## The motifs pseudocounts are 1: these will be used in the PCM->PPM
## calculation
jaspar.pwm <- convert_type(jaspar.pcm, type = "PPM")

## Setting pseudocount to 0 will prevent any correction from being
## applied to PPM/PWM matrices, overriding the motifs own pseudocounts
jaspar.pwm <- convert_type(jaspar.pcm, type = "PWM", pseudocount = 0)

Create a motif.


Create a motif from a set of sequences, a matrix, or generate a random motif. See the "Motif import, export and manipulation" vignette for details.


create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM", name = "motif",
  pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism, bkgsites, strand,
  pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'missing'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'character'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'DNAStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'RNAStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'AAStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)

## S4 method for signature 'BStringSet'
create_motif(input, alphabet, type = "PPM",
  name = "motif", pseudocount = 0, bkg, nsites, altname, family, organism,
  bkgsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo, add.multifreq)



character, numeric, matrix, XStringSet, or missing.


character(1) One of c('DNA', 'RNA', 'AA'), or a combined string representing the letters. If no alphabet is provided then it will try and guess the alphabet from the input.


character(1) One of c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM').


character(1) Motif name.


numeric(1) Correction to be applied to prevent -Inf from appearing in PWM matrices. Defaults to 0.


numeric A vector of probabilities, each between 0 and 1. If higher order backgrounds are provided, then the elements of the vector must be named. If unnamed, then the order of probabilities must be in the same order as the alphabetically sorted sequence alphabet.


numeric(1) Number of sites the motif was constructed from. If blank, then create_motif() will guess the appropriate number if possible. To prevent this, provide nsites = numeric().


character(1) Alternate motif name.


character(1) Transcription factor family.


character(1) Species of origin.


numeric(1) Total number of sites used to find the motif.


character(1) Whether the motif is specific to a certain strand. Acceptable strands are '+', '-', and '+-' (to represent both strands). Note that '-+' and '*' can also be provided to represent both strands, but the final strand in the universalmotif object will be set to '+-'.


numeric(1) P-value associated with motif.


numeric(1) Adjusted P-value associated with motif.


numeric(1) E-value associated with motif.


character Any other extra information, represented as a named character vector.


numeric If the motif is created from a set of sequences, then the add_multifreq() function can be run at the same time (with RC = FALSE).


The aim of this function is provide an easy interface to creating universalmotif motifs, as an alternative to the default class constructor (i.e. new('universalmotif', name=...)). See examples for potential use cases.

Note: when generating random motifs, the nsites slot is also given a random value.

See the examples section for more info on motif creation.


universalmotif object.

Methods (by class)

  • missing: Create a random motif of length 10.

  • numeric: Create a random motif with a specified length.

  • character: Create motif from a consensus string.

  • matrix: Create motif from a matrix.

  • DNAStringSet: Create motif from a DNAStringSet.

  • RNAStringSet: Create motif from a RNAStringSet.

  • AAStringSet: Create motif from a AAStringSet.

  • BStringSet: Create motif from a BStringSet.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

convert_type(), add_multifreq(), create_sequences(), shuffle_motifs().


##### create motifs from a single string

# Motif is by default generated as a PPM: change final type as desired
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TATAWAW")
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TATAWAW", type = "PCM")

# Nsites will be set to the number of input sequences unless specified or
# a single string is used as input
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TTTTTTT", nsites = 10)

# Ambiguity letters can be used:
DNA.motif <- create_motif("TATAWAW")
DNA.motif <- create_motif("NNVVWWAAWWDDN")

# Be careful about setting nsites when using ambiguity letters!
DNA.motif <- create_motif("NNVVWWAAWWDDN", nsites = 1)

RNA.motif <- create_motif("UUUCCG")

# 'create_motif' will try to detect the alphabet type; this can be
# unreliable for AA and custom alphabets as DNA and RNA alphabets are
# detected first
AA.motif <- create_motif("AVLK", alphabet = "AA")

custom.motif <- create_motif("QWER", alphabet = "QWER")
# Specify custom alphabet
custom.motif <- create_motif("QWER", alphabet = "QWERASDF")

###### Create motifs from multiple strings of equal length

DNA.motif <- create_motif(c("TTTT", "AAAA", "AACC", "TTGG"), type = "PPM")
DNA.motif <- create_motif(c("TTTT", "AAAA", "AACC", "TTGG"), nsites = 20)
RNA.motif <- create_motif(c("UUUU", "AAAA", "AACC", "UUGG"), type = "PWM")
AA.motif <- create_motif(c("ARNDCQ", "EGHILK", "ARNDCQ"), alphabet = "AA")
custom.motif <- create_motif(c("POIU", "LKJH", "POIU", "CVBN"),
                             alphabet = "POIULKJHCVBN")

# Ambiguity letters are only allowed for single consensus strings: the
# following fails
## Not run: 
create_motif(c("WWTT", "CCGG"))
create_motif(c("XXXX", "XXXX"), alphabet = "AA")

## End(Not run)

##### Create motifs from XStringSet objects


DNA.set <- DNAStringSet(c("TTTT", "AAAA", "AACC", "TTGG"))
DNA.motif <- create_motif(DNA.set)
RNA.set <- RNAStringSet(c("UUUU", "AACC", "UUCC"))
RNA.motif <- create_motif(RNA.set)
AA.set <- AAStringSet(c("VVVLLL", "AAAIII"))
AA.motif <- create_motif(AA.set)

# Custom motifs can be created from BStringSet objects
B.set <- BStringSet(c("QWER", "ASDF", "ZXCV", "TYUI"))
custom.motif <- create_motif(B.set)

##### Create motifs with filled 'multifreq' slot

DNA.motif.k2 <- create_motif(DNA.set, add.multifreq = 2)

##### Create motifs from matrices

mat <- matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1,
                2, 0, 2, 0,
                0, 2, 0, 2,
                0, 0, 0, 0),
                nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
DNA.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "DNA")
RNA.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "RNA", nsites = 20)
custom.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "QWER")

# Specify custom alphabet
custom.motif <- create_motif(mat, alphabet = "QWER")

# Alphabet can be detected from rownames
rownames(mat) <- DNA_BASES
DNA.motif <- create_motif(mat)
rownames(mat) <- c("Q", "W", "E", "R")
custom.motif <- create_motif(mat)

# Matrices can also be used as input
mat.ppm <- matrix(c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
                    0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
                    0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
                    0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3),
                    nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)

DNA.motif <- create_motif(mat.ppm, alphabet = "DNA", type = "PPM")

##### Create random motifs

# These are generated as PPMs with 10 positions

DNA.motif <- create_motif()
RNA.motif <- create_motif(alphabet = "RNA")
AA.motif <- create_motif(alphabet = "AA")
custom.motif <- create_motif(alphabet = "QWER")

# The number of positions can be specified

DNA.motif <- create_motif(5)

# If the background frequencies are not provided, they are generated
# using `rpois`; positions are created using `rdirichlet(1, bkg)`.
# (calling `create_motif()` creates motifs with an average
# positional IC of 1)

DNA.motif <- create_motif(bkg = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3))
DNA.motif <- create_motif(10, bkg = c(0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.1))

Create random sequences.


Generate random sequences from any set of characters, represented as XStringSet objects.


create_sequences(alphabet = "DNA", seqnum = 100, seqlen = 100, freqs,
  nthreads = 1, rng.seed =, 1))



character(1) One of c('DNA', 'RNA', 'AA'), or a string of characters to be used as the alphabet.


numeric(1) Number of sequences to generate.


numeric(1) Length of random sequences.


numeric A named vector of probabilities. The length of the vector must be the power of the number of letters in the sequence alphabet. Probabilities can only be provided for a single size k.


numeric(1) Run create_sequences() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads. Note that no speed up will occur for jobs with seqnum = 1.


numeric(1) Set random number generator seed. Since sequence creation can occur simultaneously in multiple threads using C++, it cannot communicate with the regular R random number generator state and thus requires an independent seed. Each individual sequence creation instance is given the following seed: rng.seed * index. The default is to pick a random number as chosen by sample(), which effectively is making create_sequences() dependent on the R RNG state.


XStringSet The returned sequences are unnamed.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

create_motif(), shuffle_sequences()


## Create DNA sequences with slightly increased AT content:
sequences <- create_sequences(freqs = c(A=0.3, C=0.2, G=0.2, T=0.3))
## Create custom sequences:
sequences.QWER <- create_sequences("QWER")
## You can include non-alphabet characters are well, even spaces:
sequences.custom <- create_sequences("!@#$ ")

Enrich for input motifs in a set of sequences.


Given a set of target and background sequences, test if the input motifs are significantly enriched in the targets sequences relative to the background sequences. See the "Sequence manipulation and scanning" vignette.


enrich_motifs(motifs, sequences, bkg.sequences, max.p = 0.001,
  max.q = 0.001, max.e = 0.001, qval.method = "fdr", threshold = 1e-04,
  threshold.type = "pvalue", verbose = 0, RC = TRUE, use.freq = 1,
  shuffle.k = 2, shuffle.method = "euler", return.scan.results = FALSE,
  nthreads = 1, rng.seed =, 1), motif_pvalue.k = 8,
  use.gaps = TRUE, allow.nonfinite = FALSE, warn.NA = TRUE,
  no.overlaps = TRUE, = FALSE,
  no.overlaps.strat = "score", respect.strand = FALSE,
  motif_pvalue.method = c("dynamic", "exhaustive"),
  scan_sequences.qvals.method = c("BH", "fdr", "bonferroni"),
  mode = c("total.hits", "seq.hits"), pseudocount = 1)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable motif formats.


XStringSet Sequences to scan. Alphabet should match motif.


XStringSet Optional. If missing, shuffle_sequences() is used to create background sequences from the input sequences.


numeric(1) P-value threshold.


numeric(1) Adjusted P-value threshold. This is only useful if multiple motifs are being enriched for.


numeric(1). The E-value is calculated by multiplying the P-value with the number of input motifs times two (McLeay and Bailey 2010).


character(1) See stats::p.adjust().


numeric(1) See details.


character(1) One of c('pvalue', 'qvalue', 'logodds', 'logodds.abs'). See details.


numeric(1) 0 for no output, 4 for max verbosity.


logical(1) If TRUE, check reverse complement of the input sequences. Only available for DNA/RNA.


numeric(1) The default, 1, uses the motif matrix (from the motif['motif'] slot) to search for sequences. If a higher number is used, then the matching k-let matrix from the motif['multifreq'] slot is used. See add_multifreq().


numeric(1) The k-let size to use when shuffling input sequences. Only used if no background sequences are input. See shuffle_sequences().


character(1) One of c('euler', 'markov', 'linear'). See shuffle_sequences().


logical(1) Return output from scan_sequences(). For large jobs, leaving this as FALSE can save a small amount time by preventing construction of the complete results data.frame from scan_sequences().


numeric(1) Run scan_sequences() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads. Note that no speed up will occur for jobs with only a single motif and sequence.


numeric(1) Set random number generator seed. Since shuffling can occur simultaneously in multiple threads using C++, it cannot communicate with the regular R random number generator state and thus requires an independent seed. Each individual sequence in an XStringSet object will be given the following seed: rng.seed * index. See shuffle_sequences().


numeric(1) Control motif_pvalue() approximation. See motif_pvalue().


logical(1) Set this to FALSE to ignore motif gaps, if present.


logical(1) If FALSE, then apply a pseudocount if non-finite values are found in the PWM. Note that if the motif has a pseudocount greater than zero and the motif is not currently of type PWM, then this parameter has no effect as the pseudocount will be applied automatically when the motif is converted to a PWM internally. This value is set to FALSE by default in order to stay consistent with pre-version 1.8.0 behaviour. A message will be printed if a pseudocount is applied. To disable this, set options(pseudocount.warning=FALSE).


logical(1) Whether to warn about the presence of non-standard letters in the input sequence, such as those in masked sequences.


logical(1) Remove overlapping hits from the same motifs. Overlapping hits from different motifs are preserved. Please note that the current implementation of this feature can add significantly to the run time for large inputs.

logical(1) Whether to discard overlapping hits from the opposite strand (TRUE), or to only discard overlapping hits on the same strand (FALSE).


character(1) One of c("score", "order"). The former option keeps the highest scoring overlapping hit (and the first of these within ties), and the latter simply keeps the first overlapping hit.


logical(1) If motifs are DNA/RNA, then setting this option to TRUE will make scan_sequences() only scan the strands of the input sequences as indicated in the motif strand slot.


character(1) One of c("dynamic", "exhaustive"). Algorithm used for calculating P-values. The "exhaustive" method involves finding all possible motif matches at or above the specified score using a branch-and-bound algorithm, which can be computationally intensive (Hartman et al., 2013). Additionally, the computation must be repeated for each hit. The "dynamic" method calculates the distribution of possible motif scores using a much faster dynamic programming algorithm, and can be recycled for multiple scores (Grant et al., 2011). The only disadvantage is the inability to use allow.nonfinite = TRUE. See motif_pvalue() for details.


character(1) One of c("fdr", "BH", "bonferroni"). The method for calculating adjusted P-values for individual motif hits. These are described in depth in the Sequence Searches vignette.


character(1) One of c("total.hits", "seq.hits"). The former enriches for the total count of motif hits across all sequences, whereas the latter only counts motif hits once per sequence (useful for cases where there are many small sequences).


integer(1) Add a pseudocount to the motif hit counts when performing the Fisher test.


To find enriched motifs, scan_sequences() is run on both target and background sequences. stats::fisher.test() is run to test for enrichment.

See scan_sequences() for more info on scanning parameters.


DataFrame Enrichment results in a DataFrame. Function args and (optionally) scan results are stored in the metadata slot.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay [email protected]


McLeay R, Bailey TL (2010). “Motif Enrichment Analysis: A unified framework and method evaluation.” BMC Bioinformatics, 11.

See Also

scan_sequences(), shuffle_sequences(), add_multifreq(), motif_pvalue()


if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
enrich_motifs(ArabidopsisMotif, ArabidopsisPromoters, threshold = 0.01)

Example motif in universalmotif format.


A simple DNA motif. To recreate this motif: create_motif("TATAWAW", nsites = numeric())





Another example motif in universalmotif format.


A simple DNA motif with a non-empty multifreq slot. To recreate to this motif: add_multifreq(examplemotif, DNAStringSet(rep(c("CAAAACC", "CTTTTCC"), 3)))





Filter a list of motifs.


Filter motifs based on the contents of available universalmotif slots. If the input motifs are not of universalmotif, then they will be converted for the duration of the filter_motifs() operation.


filter_motifs(motifs, name, altname, family, organism, width, alphabet, type,
  icscore, nsites, strand, pval, qval, eval, extrainfo)



list See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character Keep motifs by names.


character Keep motifs by altnames.


character Keep motifs by family.


character Keep motifs by organism.


numeric(1) Keep motifs with minimum width.


character Keep motifs by alphabet.


character Keep motifs by type.


numeric(1) Keep motifs with minimum total IC.


numeric(1) Keep motifs with minimum number of target sites.


character Keeps motifs by strand.


numeric(1) Keep motifs by max P-value.


numeric(1) Keep motifs by max Q-value.


numeric(1) Keep motifs by max E-val.


character Named character vector of items that must be present in motif extrainfo slots.


list Motifs. An attempt will be made to preserve the original class, see convert_motifs() for limitations.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


## By minimum IC:
jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                  package = "universalmotif"))
jaspar.ic3 <- filter_motifs(jaspar, icscore = 3)

## Starting from version 1.10.0 of the universalmotif package, one
## could instead make use of the universalmotif_df structure:
jaspar.ic3 <- jaspar |> to_df() |> subset(icscore > 3) |> to_list()

## By organism:
## Not run: 
motifs <- convert_motifs(MotifDb)
motifs <- filter_motifs(motifs, organism = c("Athaliana", "Mmusculus"),
                        extrainfo = c("dataSource" = "cisbp_1.02"))
## Or:
motifs <- convert_motifs(MotifDb) |> to_df() |>
  subset(organism %in% c("Athaliana", "Mmusculus") &
    dataSource == "cisbp_1.02") |> to_list()

## End(Not run)

Polygon coordinates for plotting letters.


DataFrame of polygon coordinates used by view_motifs() for plotting letters. It was generated using the createPolygons function from the gglogo package for the font Roboto Medium.





Calculate sequence background.


For a set of input sequences, calculate the overall sequence background for any k-let size. For very large sequences DNA and RNA sequences (in the billions of bases), please be aware of the much faster and more efficient Biostrings::oligonucleotideFrequency(). get_bkg() can still be used in these cases, though it may take several seconds or minutes to calculate the results (depending on requested k-let sizes).


get_bkg(sequences, k = 1:3, as.prob = NULL, pseudocount = 0,
  alphabet = NULL, = NULL, RC = FALSE, list.out = NULL,
  nthreads = 1, merge.res = TRUE, window = FALSE, window.size = 0.1,
  window.overlap = 0)



XStringSet Input sequences. Note that if multiple sequences are present, the results will be combined into one (unless merge.res = FALSE).


integer Size of k-let. Background can be calculated for any k-let size.




integer(1) Add a count to each possible k-let. Prevents any k-let from having 0 or 1 probabilities.


character(1) Provide a custom alphabet to calculate a background for. If NULL, then standard letters will be assumed for DNA, RNA and AA sequences, and all unique letters found will be used for BStringSet type sequences. Note that letters which are not a part of the standard DNA/RNA/AA alphabets or in the provided alphabet will not be counted in the totals during probability calculations.

If not NULL, then get_bkg() will return the sequence background in MEME Markov Background Model format. Input for this argument will be used for cat(..., file = within get_bkg(). See for a description of the format.


logical(1) Calculate the background of the reverse complement of the input sequences as well. Only valid for DNA/RNA.




numeric(1) Run get_bkg() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads. Note that no speed up will occur for jobs with only a single sequence.


logical(1) Whether to merge results from all sequences or return background data for individual sequences.


logical(1) Determine background in windows.


numeric Window size. If a number between 0 and 1 is provided, the value is calculated as the number multiplied by the sequence length.


numeric Overlap between windows. If a number between 0 and 1 is provided, the value is calculated as the number multiplied by the sequence length.


If = NULL, a DataFrame with columns klet, count, and probability. If merge.res = FALSE, there will be an additional sequence column. If window = TRUE, there will be an additional start and stop columns.

If is not NULL, then NULL is returned, invisibly.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Bailey TL, Elkan C (1994). “Fitting a mixture model by expectation maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers.” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2, 28-36.

See Also

create_sequences(), scan_sequences(), shuffle_sequences()


## Compare to Biostrings version
seqs.DNA <- create_sequences()
bkg.DNA <- get_bkg(seqs.DNA, k = 3)
bkg.DNA2 <- oligonucleotideFrequency(seqs.DNA, 3, 1, as.prob = FALSE)
bkg.DNA2 <- colSums(bkg.DNA2)
all(bkg.DNA$count == bkg.DNA2)

## Create a MEME background file
get_bkg(seqs.DNA, k = 1:3, = stdout(), pseudocount = 1)

## Non-DNA/RNA/AA alphabets
seqs.QWERTY <- create_sequences("QWERTY")
bkg.QWERTY <- get_bkg(seqs.QWERTY, k = 1:2)

JASPAR2018 CORE database scores


For use with compare_motifs(). The precomputed scores allow for fast P-value estimation. These scores were generated using make_DBscores() with the JASPAR2018 CORE motif set. The scores are organized in a DataFrame. In this DataFrame is the location and scale of scores resulting from a statistical distribution using the the comparisons of JASPAR2018 CORE motifs with randomized motifs of the specified subject and target motif length. Created using make_DBscores() from universalmotif v1.4.0. The parameters used can be seen via S4Vectors::metadata(JASPAR2018_CORE_DBSCORES).




DataFrame with function args in the metadata slot.

Create P-value databases.


Generate data used by compare_motifs() for P-value calculations. By default, compare_motifs() uses an internal database based on the JASPAR2018 core motifs (Khan et al. 2018). Parameters for distributions are are estimated for every combination of motif widths.


make_DBscores(db.motifs, method = c("PCC", "EUCL", "SW", "KL", "WEUCL",
  "ALLR", "BHAT", "HELL", "WPCC", "SEUCL", "MAN", "ALLR_LL"),
  shuffle.db = TRUE, shuffle.k = 3, shuffle.method = "linear",
  rand.tries = 1000, widths = 5:30, min.position.ic = 0,
  normalise.scores = c(FALSE, TRUE), min.overlap = 6, min.mean.ic = 0.25,
  progress = TRUE, nthreads = 1, tryRC = TRUE, score.strat = c("sum",
  "a.mean", "g.mean", "median", "wa.mean", "wg.mean", "fzt"))



list Database motifs.


character(1) One of PCC, EUCL, SW, KL, ALLR, BHAT, HELL, SEUCL, MAN, ALLR_LL, WEUCL, WPCC. See details.


logical(1) Deprecated. Does nothing. generate random motifs with create_motif().


numeric(1) See shuffle_motifs().


character(1) See shuffle_motifs().


numeric(1) Approximate number of comparisons to perform for every combination of widths.


numeric Motif widths to use in P-value database calculation.


numeric(1) Minimum information content required between individual alignment positions for it to be counted in the final alignment score. It is recommended to use this together with normalise.scores = TRUE, as this will help punish scores resulting from only a fraction of an alignment.


logical(1) Favour alignments which leave fewer unaligned positions, as well as alignments between motifs of similar length. Similarity scores are multiplied by the ratio of aligned positions to the total number of positions in the larger motif, and the inverse for distance scores.


numeric(1) Minimum overlap required when aligning the motifs. Setting this to a number higher then the width of the motifs will not allow any overhangs. Can also be a number between 0 and 1, representing the minimum fraction that the motifs must overlap.


numeric(1) Minimum mean information content between the two motifs for an alignment to be scored. This helps prevent scoring alignments between low information content regions of two motifs. Note that this can result in some comparisons failing if no alignment passes the mean IC threshold. Use average_ic() to filter out low IC motifs to get around this if you want to avoid getting NAs in your output.


logical(1) Show progress.


numeric(1) Run compare_motifs() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads.


logical(1) Try the reverse complement of the motifs as well, report the best score.


character(1) How to handle column scores calculated from motif alignments. "sum": add up all scores. "a.mean": take the arithmetic mean. "g.mean": take the geometric mean. "median": take the median. "wa.mean", "wg.mean": weighted arithmetic/geometric mean. "fzt": Fisher Z-transform. Weights are the total information content shared between aligned columns.


See compare_motifs() for more info on comparison parameters.

To replicate the internal universalmotif DB scores, run make_DBscores() with the default settings. Note that this will be a slow process.

Arguments widths, method, normalise.scores and score.strat are vectorized; all combinations will be attempted.


A DataFrame with score distributions for the input database. If more than one make_DBscores() run occurs (i.e. args method, normalise.scores or score.strat are longer than 1), then the function args are included in the metadata slot.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Khan A, Fornes O, Stigliani A, Gheorghe M, Castro-Mondragon JA, van der Lee R, Bessy A, Cheneby J, Kulkarni SR, Tan G, Baranasic D, Arenillas DJ, Sandelin A, Vandepoele K, Lenhard B, Ballester B, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A (2018). “JASPAR 2018: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles and its web framework.” Nucleic Acids Research, 46, D260-D266.

See Also



## Not run: 
motifs <- convert_motifs(MotifDb[1:100])
scores <- make_DBscores(motifs, method = "PCC")
compare_motifs(motifs, 1:100, db.scores = scores)

## End(Not run)

Merge motifs.


Aligns the motifs using compare_motifs(), then averages the motif PPMs. Currently the multifreq slot, if filled in any of the motifs, will be dropped. Only 0-order background probabilities will be kept. Motifs are merged one at a time, starting with the first entry in the list.


merge_motifs(motifs, method = "ALLR", use.type = "PPM", min.overlap = 6,
  min.mean.ic = 0.25, tryRC = TRUE, relative_entropy = FALSE,
  normalise.scores = FALSE, min.position.ic = 0, score.strat = "sum", = NULL)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable motif formats.


character(1) One of PCC, EUCL, SW, KL, ALLR, BHAT, HELL, SEUCL, MAN, ALLR_LL, WEUCL, WPCC. See details.


character(1) One of 'PPM' and 'ICM'. The latter allows for taking into account the background frequencies if relative_entropy = TRUE. Note that 'ICM' is not allowed when method = c("ALLR", "ALLR_LL").


numeric(1) Minimum overlap required when aligning the motifs. Setting this to a number higher then the width of the motifs will not allow any overhangs. Can also be a number between 0 and 1, representing the minimum fraction that the motifs must overlap.


numeric(1) Minimum mean information content between the two motifs for an alignment to be scored. This helps prevent scoring alignments between low information content regions of two motifs. Note that this can result in some comparisons failing if no alignment passes the mean IC threshold. Use average_ic() to filter out low IC motifs to get around this if you want to avoid getting NAs in your output.


logical(1) Try the reverse complement of the motifs as well, report the best score.


logical(1) Change the ICM calculation affecting min.position.ic and min.mean.ic. See convert_type().


logical(1) Favour alignments which leave fewer unaligned positions, as well as alignments between motifs of similar length. Similarity scores are multiplied by the ratio of aligned positions to the total number of positions in the larger motif, and the inverse for distance scores.


numeric(1) Minimum information content required between individual alignment positions for it to be counted in the final alignment score. It is recommended to use this together with normalise.scores = TRUE, as this will help punish scores resulting from only a fraction of an alignment.


character(1) How to handle column scores calculated from motif alignments. "sum": add up all scores. "a.mean": take the arithmetic mean. "g.mean": take the geometric mean. "median": take the median. "wa.mean", "wg.mean": weighted arithmetic/geometric mean. "fzt": Fisher Z-transform. Weights are the total information content shared between aligned columns.

character(1), NULL Instead of collapsing existing names (if NULL), assign a new one manually for the merged motif.


See compare_motifs() for more info on comparison parameters.

If using a comparison metric where 0s are not allowed (KL, ALLR, ALLR_LL, IS), then pseudocounts will be added internally. These pseudocounts are only used for comparison and alignment, and are not used in the final merging step.

Note: score.strat = "a.mean" is NOT recommended, as merge_motifs() will not discriminate between two alignments with equal mean scores, even if one alignment is longer than the other.


A single motif object. See convert_motifs() for available formats.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also



## Not run: 
merged.motif <- merge_motifs(MotifDb[1:5])

## End(Not run)

m1 <- create_motif("TTAAACCCC", name = "1")
m2 <- create_motif("AACC", name = "2")
m3 <- create_motif("AACCCCGG", name = "3")
view_motifs(merge_motifs(c(m1, m2, m3)))

Identify and merge similar motifs within a collection of motifs (or simply cluster motifs).


Given a list of motifs, merge_similar() will identify similar motifs with compare_motifs(), and merge similar ones with merge_motifs().


merge_similar(motifs, threshold = 0.95, threshold.type = "score.abs",
  method = "PCC", use.type = "PPM", min.overlap = 6, min.mean.ic = 0,
  tryRC = TRUE, relative_entropy = FALSE, normalise.scores = FALSE,
  min.position.ic = 0, = "a.mean",
  score.strat.merge = "sum", nthreads = 1, return.clusters = FALSE)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable motif formats.


numeric(1) The minimum (for similarity metrics) or maximum (for distance metrics) threshold score for merging.


character(1) Type of score used for thresholding. Currently unused.


character(1) One of PCC, EUCL, SW, KL, BHAT, HELL, SEUCL, MAN, WEUCL, WPCC. See compare_motifs(). (The ALLR and ALLR_LL methods cannot be used for distance matrix construction.)


character(1) One of 'PPM' and 'ICM'. The latter allows for taking into account the background frequencies if relative_entropy = TRUE. Note that 'ICM' is not allowed when method = c("ALLR", "ALLR_LL").


numeric(1) Minimum overlap required when aligning the motifs. Setting this to a number higher then the width of the motifs will not allow any overhangs. Can also be a number between 0 and 1, representing the minimum fraction that the motifs must overlap.


numeric(1) Minimum mean information content between the two motifs for an alignment to be scored. This helps prevent scoring alignments between low information content regions of two motifs. Note that this can result in some comparisons failing if no alignment passes the mean IC threshold. Use average_ic() to filter out low IC motifs to get around this if you want to avoid getting NAs in your output.


logical(1) Try the reverse complement of the motifs as well, report the best score.


logical(1) Change the ICM calculation affecting min.position.ic and min.mean.ic. See convert_type().


logical(1) Favour alignments which leave fewer unaligned positions, as well as alignments between motifs of similar length. Similarity scores are multiplied by the ratio of aligned positions to the total number of positions in the larger motif, and the inverse for distance scores.


numeric(1) Minimum information content required between individual alignment positions for it to be counted in the final alignment score. It is recommended to use this together with normalise.scores = TRUE, as this will help punish scores resulting from only a fraction of an alignment.

character(1) The score.strat parameter used by compare_motifs(). For clustering purposes, the "sum" option cannot be used.


character(1) The score.strat parameter used by merge_motifs(). As discussed in merge_motifs(), the "sum" option is recommended over "a.mean" to maximize the overlap between motifs.


numeric(1) Run compare_motifs() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads.


logical(1) Return the clusters instead of merging.


See compare_motifs() for more info on comparison parameters, and merge_motifs() for more info on motif merging.


See convert_motifs() for available output formats.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

compare_motifs(), merge_motifs()


## Not run: 
motifs <- filter_motifs(MotifDb, family = "bHLH")[1:50]
motifs <- merge_similar(motifs)

## End(Not run)

Look for overrepresented motif position peaks in a set of sequences.


Using the motif position data from scan_sequences() (or elsewhere), test whether certain positions in the sequences have significantly higher motif density.


motif_peaks(hits, seq.length, seq.count, bandwidth, max.p = 1e-06,
  peak.width = 3, nrand = 100, plot = TRUE, BP = FALSE)



numeric A vector of sequence positions indicating motif sites.


numeric(1) Length of sequences. Only one number is allowed, as all sequences must be of identical length. If missing, then the largest number from hits is used.


numeric(1) Number of sequences with motif sites. If missing, then the number of unique values in hits is used.


numeric(1) Peak smoothing parameter. Smaller numbers will result in skinnier peaks, larger numbers will result in wider peaks. Leaving this empty will cause motif_peaks() to generate one by itself (see 'details').


numeric(1) Maximum P-value allowed for finding significant motif site peaks.


numeric(1) Minimum peak width. A peak is defined as as the highest point within the value set by peak.width.


numeric(1) Number of random permutations for generating a null distribution. In order to calculate P-values, a set of random motif site positions are generated nrand times.


logical(1) Will create a ggplot2 object displaying motif peaks.


logical(1) Allows for the use of BiocParallel within motif_peaks(). See BiocParallel::register() to change the default backend. Setting BP = TRUE is only recommended for exceptionally large jobs. Keep in mind that this function will not attempt to limit its memory usage.


Kernel smoothing is used to calculate motif position density. The implementation for this process is based on code from the KernSmooth R package (Wand 2015). These density estimates are used to determine peak locations and heights. To calculate the P-values of these peaks, a null distribution is calculated from peak heights of randomly generated motif positions.

If the bandwidth option is not supplied, then the following code is used (from KernSmooth):

del0 <- (1 / (4 * pi))^(1 / 10)

bandwidth <- del0 * (243 / (35 * length(hits)))^(1 / 5) * sqrt(var(hits))


A DataFrame with peak positions and P-values. If plot = TRUE, then a list is returned with the DataFrame as the first item and the ggplot2 object as the second item.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Wand M (2015). KernSmooth: Functions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand and Jones (1995). R package version 2.23-15, <URL:>.

See Also



if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
hits <- scan_sequences(ArabidopsisMotif, ArabidopsisPromoters, RC = FALSE)
res <- motif_peaks(as.vector(hits$start), 1000, 50)
# View plot:

# The raw plot data can be found in:

Motif P-value and scoring utility


For calculating P-values and logodds scores from P-values for any number of motifs.


motif_pvalue(motifs, score, pvalue, bkg.probs, use.freq = 1, k = 8,
  nthreads = 1, rand.tries = 10, rng.seed =, 1),
  allow.nonfinite = FALSE, method = c("dynamic", "exhaustive"))



See convert_motifs() for acceptable motif formats.


numeric, list Get a P-value for a motif from a logodds score. See details for an explanation of how to vectorize the calculation for method = "dynamic".


numeric, list Get a logodds score for a motif from a P-value. See details for an explanation of how to vectorize the calculation for method = "dynamic".


numeric, list A vector background probabilities. If supplying individual background probabilities for each motif, a list of such vectors. If missing, retrieves the background from the motif bkg slot. Note that this option is only used when method = "dynamic", or when method = "exhaustive" and providing a P-value and returning a score; for the inverse, the motifs are first converted to PWMs via convert_type(), which uses the motif bkg slot for background adjustment.


numeric(1) By default uses the regular motif matrix; otherwise uses the corresponding multifreq matrix. Max is 3 when method = "exhaustive".


numeric(1) For speed, scores/P-values can be approximated after subsetting the motif every k columns when method = "exhaustive". If k is a value equal or higher to the size of input motif(s), then the calculations are exact. The default, 8, is recommended to those looking for a good tradeoff between speed and accuracy for jobs requiring repeated calculations. Note that this is ignored when method = "dynamic", as subsetting is not required.


numeric(1) Run motif_pvalue() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads. Currently only applied when method = "exhaustive".


numeric(1) When ncol(motif) < k and method = "exhaustive", an approximation is used. This involves randomly approximating the overall motif score distribution. To increase accuracy, the distribution is approximated rand.tries times and the final scores averaged. Note that this is ignored when method = "dynamic", as subsetting is not required.


numeric(1) In order to allow motif_pvalue() to perform C++ level parallelisation, it must work independently from R. This means it cannot communicate with R to get/set the R RNG state. To get around this, the RNG seed used by the C++ function can be set with rng.seed. To make sure each thread gets a different seed however, the seed is multiplied with the iteration count. For example: when working with two motifs, the second motif gets the following seed: rng.seed * 2. The default is to pick a random number as chosen by sample(), which effectively makes motif_pvalue() dependent on the R RNG state. Note that this is ignored when method = "dynamic", as the random subsetting is only used for method = "exhaustive".


logical(1) If FALSE, then apply a pseudocount if non-finite values are found in the PWM. Note that if the motif has a pseudocount greater than zero and the motif is not currently of type PWM, then this parameter has no effect as the pseudocount will be applied automatically when the motif is converted to a PWM internally. Note that this option is incompatible with method = "dynamic". A message will be printed if a pseudocount is applied. To disable this, set options(pseudocount.warning=FALSE).


character(1) One of c("dynamic", "exhaustive"). Algorithm used for calculating P-values. The "exhaustive" method involves finding all possible motif matches at or above the specified score using a branch-and-bound algorithm, which can be computationally intensive (Hartman et al., 2013). Additionally, the computation must be repeated for each hit. The "dynamic" method calculates the distribution of possible motif scores using a much faster dynamic programming algorithm, and can be recycled for multiple scores (Grant et al., 2011). The only disadvantage is the inability to use allow.nonfinite = TRUE.


Regarding vectorization

A note regarding vectorizing the calculation when method = "dynamic" (no vectorization is possible with method = "exhaustive"): to avoid performing the P-value/score calculation repeatedly for individual motifs, provide the score/pvalue arguments as a list, with each entry corresponding to the scores/P-values to be calculated for the respective motifs provided to motifs. If you simply provide a list of repeating motifs and a single numeric vector of corresponding input scores/P-values, then motif_pvalue() will not vectorize. See the Examples section.

The dynamic method

One of the algorithms available to motif_pvalue() to calculate scores or P-values is the dynamic programming algorithm used by FIMO (Grant et al., 2011). In this method, a small range of possible scores from the possible miminum and maximum is created and the cumulative probability of each score in this distribution is incrementally calculated using the logodds scores and the background probabilities. This distribution of scores and associated P-values can be used to calculate P-values or scores for any input, any number of times. This method scales well with large motifs, and multifreq representations. The only downside is that it is incompatible with allow.nonfinite = TRUE, as this would not allow for the creation of the initial range of scores. Although described for a different purpose, the basic premise of the dynamic programming algorithm is also described in Gupta et al. (2007).

The exhaustive method

Calculating P-values exhaustively for motifs can be very computationally intensive. This is due to how P-values must be calculated: for a given score, all possible sequences which score equal or higher must be found, and the probability for each of these sequences (based on background probabilities) summed. For a DNA motif of length 10, the number of possible unique sequences is 4^10 = 1,048,576. Finding all possible sequences higher than a given score can be done very efficiently and quickly with a branch-and-bound algorithm, but as the motif length increases even this calculation becomes impractical. To get around this, the P-value calculation can be approximated.

In order to calculate P-values for longer motifs, this function uses the approximation proposed by Hartmann et al. (2013), where the motif is subset, P-values calculated for the subsets, and finally combined for a total P-value. The smaller the size of the subsets, the faster the calculation; but also, the bigger the approximation. This can be controlled by setting k. In fact, for smaller motifs (< 13 positions) calculating exact P-values can be done individually in reasonable time by setting k = 12.

To calculate a score from a P-value, all possible scores are calculated and the (1 - pvalue) * 100 nth percentile score returned. When k < ncol(motif), the complete set of scores is instead approximated by randomly adding up all possible scores from each subset. Note that this approximation can actually be potentially quite expensive at times and even slower than the exact version; for jobs requiring lots of repeat calculations, a bit of benchmarking beforehand can be useful to find the optimal settings.

Please note that bugs are more likely to occur when using the exhaustive method, as the algorithm contains several times more code compared to the dynamic method. Unless you have a strong need to use allow.nonfinite = TRUE then avoid using this method.


numeric, list A vector or list of vectors of scores/P-values.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Grant CE, Bailey TL, Noble WS (2011). "FIMO: scanning for occurrences of a given motif." Bioinformatics, 27, 1017-1018.

Gupta S, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Bailey TL, Noble WS (2007). "Quantifying similarity between motifs." Genome Biology, 8, R24.

Hartmann H, Guthohrlein EW, Siebert M, Soding SLJ (2013). “P-value-based regulatory motif discovery using positional weight matrices.” Genome Research, 23, 181-194.

See Also

get_matches(), get_scores(), motif_range(), motif_score(), prob_match(), prob_match_bkg(), score_match()


if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {

## P-value/score calculations are performed using the PWM version of the
## motif

## Get a minimum score based on a P-value
motif_pvalue(examplemotif, pvalue = 0.001)

## Get the probability of a particular sequence hit
motif_pvalue(examplemotif, score = 0)

## The calculations can be performed for multiple motifs
motif_pvalue(c(examplemotif, examplemotif), pvalue = c(0.001, 0.0001))

## Compare score thresholds and P-value:
scores <- motif_score(examplemotif, c(0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9))
motif_pvalue(examplemotif, scores)

## Calculate the probability of getting a certain match or better:
TATATAT <- score_match(examplemotif, "TATATAT")
TATATAG <- score_match(examplemotif, "TATATAG")
motif_pvalue(examplemotif, TATATAT)
motif_pvalue(examplemotif, TATATAG)

## Get all possible matches by P-value:
get_matches(examplemotif, motif_pvalue(examplemotif, pvalue = 0.0001))

## Vectorize the calculation for multiple motifs and scores/P-values:
m <- create_motif()
motif_pvalue(c(examplemotif, m), list(1:5, 2:3))
## The non-vectorized equivalent:
  c(rep(list(examplemotif), 5), rep(list(m), 2)), c(1:5, 2:3)

Get the reverse complement of a DNA or RNA motif.


For any motif, change the motif slot to it's reverse complement. If the multifreq slot is filled, then it is also applied. No other slots are affected.


motif_rc(motifs, ignore.alphabet = FALSE)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats


logical(1) If TRUE, then motif_rc() throws an error when it detects a non-DNA/RNA motif. If FALSE, it will proceed regardless.


See convert_motifs() for available output formats.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                  package = "universalmotif"))
jaspar.rc <- motif_rc(jaspar)

Generate ggplot2 motif trees with ggtree.


For more powerful motif tree functions, see the motifStack package. The motif_tree() function compares motifs with compare_motifs() to create a distance matrix, which is used to generate a phylogeny. This can be plotted with ggtree::ggtree(). The purpose of this function is simply to combine the compare_motifs() and ggtree::ggtree() steps into one. For more control over tree creation, it is recommend to do these steps separately. See the "Motif comparisons and P-values" vignette for such a workthrough. This function requires the ape and ggtree packages to be installed separately.


motif_tree(motifs, layout = "circular", linecol = "family",
  labels = "none", tipsize = "none", legend = TRUE,
  branch.length = "none", db.scores, method = "EUCL", use.type = "PPM",
  min.overlap = 6, min.position.ic = 0, tryRC = TRUE, min.mean.ic = 0,
  relative_entropy = FALSE, progress = FALSE, nthreads = 1,
  score.strat = "a.mean", ...)



list, dist See convert_motifs() for available formats. Alternatively, the resulting comparison matrix from compare_motifs() (run as.dist(results) beforehand; if the comparison was performed with a similarity metric, make sure to convert to distances first).


character(1) One of c('rectangular', 'slanted', 'fan', 'circular', 'radial', 'equal_angle', 'daylight'). See ggtree::ggtree().


character(1) universalmotif slot to use to colour lines (e.g. 'family'). Not available for dist input (see examples for how to add it manually). See ggtree::ggtree().


character(1) universalmotif slot to use to label tips (e.g. 'name'). For dist input, only 'name' is available. See ggtree::ggtree().


character(1) universalmotif slot to use to control tip size (e.g. 'icscore'). Not available for dist input (see examples for how to add it manually). See ggtree::ggtree().


logical(1) Show legend for line colour and tip size. See ggtree::ggtree().


character(1) If 'none', draw a cladogram. See ggtree::ggtree().


data.frame See compare_motifs().


character(1) One of PCC, EUCL, SW, KL, ALLR, BHAT, HELL, SEUCL, MAN, ALLR_LL, WEUCL, WPCC. See details.


character(1)c('PPM', 'ICM')⁠. The latter allows for taking into account the background frequencies (only if ⁠relative_entropy = TRUE'). See compare_motifs().


numeric(1) Minimum overlap required when aligning the motifs. Setting this to a number higher then the width of the motifs will not allow any overhangs. Can also be a number between 0 and 1, representing the minimum fraction that the motifs must overlap.


numeric(1) Minimum information content required between individual alignment positions for it to be counted in the final alignment score. It is recommended to use this together with normalise.scores = TRUE, as this will help punish scores resulting from only a fraction of an alignment.


logical(1) Try the reverse complement of the motifs as well, report the best score.


numeric(1) Minimum mean information content between the two motifs for an alignment to be scored. This helps prevent scoring alignments between low information content regions of two motifs. Note that this can result in some comparisons failing if no alignment passes the mean IC threshold. Use average_ic() to filter out low IC motifs to get around this if you want to avoid getting NAs in your output.


logical(1) Change the ICM calculation affecting min.position.ic and min.mean.ic. See convert_type().


logical(1) Show message regarding current step.


numeric(1) Run compare_motifs() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads.


character(1) How to handle column scores calculated from motif alignments. "sum": add up all scores. "a.mean": take the arithmetic mean. "g.mean": take the geometric mean. "median": take the median. "wa.mean", "wg.mean": weighted arithmetic/geometric mean. "fzt": Fisher Z-transform. Weights are the total information content shared between aligned columns.


ggtree params. See ggtree::ggtree().


See compare_motifs() for more info on comparison parameters.


ggplot object.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Wickham H (2009). ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York. ISBN 978-0-387-98140-6, <URL:>.

Yu G, Smith D, Zhu H, Guan Y, Lam TT (2017). “ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees with their covariates and other associated data.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 28-36. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12628.

See Also

motifStack::motifStack(), compare_motifs(), ggtree::ggtree(), ggplot2::ggplot()


jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                  package = "universalmotif"))
if (requireNamespace("ggtree", quietly = TRUE)) {
jaspar.tree <- motif_tree(jaspar, linecol = "none", labels = "name",
                          layout = "rectangular")

## Not run: 
## When inputting a dist object, the linecol and tipsize options are
## not available. To add these manually:


motifs <- filter_motifs(MotifDb, organism = "Athaliana")[1:50]
comparison <- compare_motifs(motifs, method = "PCC", score.strat = "a.mean")
comparison <- as.dist(1 - comparison)
mot.names <- attr(comparison, "Labels")
tree <- motif_tree(comparison)

annotations <- data.frame(label = mot.names,
                          icscore = sapply(motifs, function(x) x["icscore"]),
                          family = sapply(motifs, function(x) x["family"]))

tree <- tree %<+% annotations +
          geom_tippoint(aes(size = icscore)) +
          aes(colour = family) +
          theme(legend.position = "right",
                legend.title = element_blank())

## End(Not run)

Import CIS-BP motifs.


Import CIS-BP formatted motifs. See Assumed to be DNA motifs.


read_cisbp(file, skip = 0)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


CIS-BP motifs can be formatted with or without additional header metadata. Motifs without any header start at instances of the word "Pos", whereas motifs with a header start at instances of the word "TF".


list universalmotif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Weirauch MT, Yang A, Albu M, Cote AG, Montenegro-Montero A, Drewe P, Najafabadi HS, Lambert SA, Mann I, Cook K, Zheng H, Goity A, van Bakel H, Lozano JC, Galli M, Lewsey MG, Huang E, Mukherjee T, Chen X, Reece-Hoyes JS, Govindarajan S, Shaulsky G, Walhout AJ, Bouget FY, Ratsch G, Larrondo LF, Ecker JR, Hughes TR (2014). “Determination and inference of eukaryotic transcription factor sequence specificity.” Cell, 158, 1431-1443.

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_homer(), read_jaspar(), read_matrix(), read_meme(), read_motifs(), read_transfac(), read_uniprobe()


cisbp <- read_cisbp(system.file("extdata", "cisbp.txt",
                                package = "universalmotif"))

Import HOMER motifs.


Import HOMER formatted motifs. See Assumed to be DNA motifs. Note that HOMER motifs come with a pre-determined logodds threshold; if you wish to re-create HOMER's motif scanning, then use it in scan_sequences() (see examples).


read_homer(file, skip = 0)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


list universalmotif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Heinz S, Benner C, Spann N, Bertolino E, Lin YC, Laslo P, Cheng JX, Murre C, Singh H, Glass CK (2010). “Simple combinations of lineage-determining transcription factors prime cis-regulatory elements required for macrophage and B cell identities.” Molecular Cell, 38, 576-589.

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_cisbp(), read_jaspar(), read_matrix(), read_meme(), read_motifs(), read_transfac(), read_uniprobe()


homer <- read_homer(system.file("extdata", "homer.txt",
                                package = "universalmotif"))
thresholds <- homer |> to_df() |> with(logodds.threshold) |> as.numeric()
scan_sequences(homer, ArabidopsisPromoters,
  threshold = thresholds, threshold.type = "logodds.abs")

Import JASPAR motifs.


Import JASPAR formatted motifs. See Can be either DNA, RNA, or AA motifs.


read_jaspar(file, skip = 0)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


list universalmotif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Khan A, Fornes O, Stigliani A, Gheorghe M, Castro-Mondragon JA, van der Lee R, Bessy A, Cheneby J, Kulkarni SR, Tan G, Baranasic D, Arenillas DJ, Sandelin A, Vandepoele K, Lenhard B, Ballester B, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A (2018). “JASPAR 2018: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles and its web framework.” Nucleic Acids Research, 46, D260-D266.

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_cisbp(), read_homer(), read_matrix(), read_meme(), read_motifs(), read_transfac(), read_uniprobe()


jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                  package = "universalmotif"))

Import motifs from raw matrices.


Import simply formatted motifs.


read_matrix(file, skip = 0, type, positions = "columns",
  alphabet = "DNA", sep = "", headers = TRUE, rownames = FALSE,
  comment = NULL)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


character(1) One of c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM'). If missing will try and guess which one.


character(1) One of c('columns', 'rows'). Partial matching allowed. Indicate whether each position within a motif is represented as a row or a column in the file.


character(1) One of c('DNA', 'RNA', 'AA'), or a string of letters.


character(1) Indicates how individual motifs are separated. Set as NULL if there are no seperating lines between motifs (the default is to assume a blank line).


logical(1), character(1) Indicating if and how to read names.


logical(1) Are there alphabet letters present as rownames?


NULL, character(1) Character denoting lines to be considered comments.


list universalmotif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_cisbp(), read_homer(), read_jaspar(), read_meme(), read_motifs(), read_transfac(), read_uniprobe()


hocomoco <- system.file("extdata", "hocomoco.txt", package = "universalmotif")
   hocomoco <- read_matrix(hocomoco, headers = ">", positions = "rows")

Import MEME motifs.


Import MEME formatted motifs, as well as original motif sequences. See Both 'full' and 'minimal' formats are supported. DREME and STREME motifs can also be imported, but note that readsites and readsites.meta arguments do nothing.


read_meme(file, skip = 0, readsites = FALSE, readsites.meta = FALSE,
  readsites.meta.tidy = FALSE)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


logical(1) If TRUE, the motif sites will be read as well.


logical(1) If readsites = TRUE, then additionally read site positions and P-values.


logical(1) If readsites.meta = TRUE, merge the position site information for all motifs into a single tidy data.frame.


Please note that the typical number precision limit in R is around 1e-308. This means that motif P-values in MEME files below this limit are rounded automatically to 0. To get around this, the E-value is also stored as a string in the extrainfo slot. If you require a numeric value for analysis, use the log_string_pval() function to get the log of the string-formatted p-value.


list universalmotif objects. If readsites = TRUE, a list comprising of a sub-list of motif objects and a sub-list of motif sites will be returned. If readsites.meta = TRUE, then two additional list items will be present, one containing site positions and P-values, and another containing combined sequence p-values. If readsites.meta.tidy = TRUE, an additional list entry named sites.meta.tidy will be added containing a data.frame.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Bailey TL, Boden M, Buske FA, Frith M, Grant CE, Clementi L, Ren J, Li WW, Noble WS (2009). “MEME SUITE: tools for motif discovery and searching.” Nucleic Acids Research, 37, W202-W208.

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_cisbp(), read_homer(), read_jaspar(), read_matrix(), read_motifs(), read_transfac(), read_uniprobe()


meme.minimal <- read_meme(system.file("extdata", "meme_minimal.txt",
                                      package = "universalmotif"))
meme.full <- read_meme(system.file("extdata", "meme_full.txt",
                                   package = "universalmotif"))
## Get numeric p-value:

Import universalmotif formatted motifs.


Import motifs created from write_motifs(). For optimal storage of universalmotif class motifs, consider using saveRDS() and readRDS(). Currently the universalmotif format is YAML-based, but this is subject to change.


read_motifs(file, skip = 0, progress = FALSE, BP = FALSE)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


logical(1) Show progress.


logical(1) Allows for the use of BiocParallel within read_motifs(). See BiocParallel::register() to change the default backend.


list universalmotif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_cisbp(), read_homer(), read_jaspar(), read_matrix(), read_meme(), read_transfac(), read_uniprobe()

Import TRANSFAC motifs.


Import TRANSFAC formatted motifs. Assumed to be DNA motifs, type PCM. See system.file("extdata", "transfac.txt", pacakge="universalmotif") for an example motif.


read_transfac(file, skip = 0)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


A few TRANSFAC tags are recognized, including AC, ID, NA, HC and OS. HC will be set to the family slot and OS to the organism slot. If AC, ID and NA are present, then AC will be set as the motif name and NA as the alternate name. If AC is absent, then ID is set as the name. If ID is also absent, then NA is set as the motif name.


list universalmotif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Wingender E, Dietze P, Karas H, Knuppel R (1996). “TRANSFAC: A Database on Transcription Factors and Their DNA Binding Sites.” Nucleic Acids Research, 24, 238-241.

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_cisbp(), read_homer(), read_jaspar(), read_matrix(), read_meme(), read_motifs(), read_uniprobe()


transfac <- read_transfac(system.file("extdata", "transfac.txt",
                                      package = "universalmotif"))

Import UNIPROBE motifs.


Import UNIPROBE formatted motifs. Assumed DNA.


read_uniprobe(file, skip = 0)



character(1) File name.


numeric(1) If not zero, will skip however many desired lines in the file before starting to read.


list universalmotif objects.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Hume MA, Barrera LA, Gisselbrecht SS, Bulyk ML (2015). “UniPROBE, update 2015: new tools and content for the online database of protein-binding microarray data on protein-DNA interactions.” Nucleic Acids Research, 43, D117-D122.

See Also

Other read_motifs: read_cisbp(), read_homer(), read_jaspar(), read_matrix(), read_meme(), read_motifs(), read_transfac()


uniprobe.minimal <- read_uniprobe(system.file("extdata", "uniprobe_minimal.txt",
                                              package = "universalmotif"))
uniprobe.full <- read_uniprobe(system.file("extdata", "uniprobe_full.txt",
                                           package = "universalmotif"))

Run MEME from within R.


De novo motif discovery via MEME. For a detailed description of the command, see For a brief description of the command parameters, call run_meme() without any arguments. Parameters in run_meme() which are directly taken from the MEME program are tagged with [MEME]. This function requires that the processx package be installed separately.


run_meme(target.sequences, output = NULL, overwrite.dir = FALSE,
  control.sequences = NULL, weights = NULL, text = FALSE, brief = 1000,
  objfun = "classic", test = NULL, use_llr = FALSE, shuf = 2,
  hsfrac = NULL, cefrac = NULL, searchsize = NULL, norand = FALSE,
  csites = 1000, seed = 0, alph = NULL, revcomp = FALSE, pal = FALSE,
  mod = "zoops", nmotifs = 3, evt = NULL, nsites = NULL,
  minsites = NULL, maxsites = NULL, wnsites = 0.8, w = NULL,
  minw = 8, maxw = 50, allw = NULL, nomatrim = FALSE, wg = 11,
  ws = 1, noendgaps = FALSE, bfile = NULL, markov_order = 0,
  psp = NULL, maxiter = 50, distance = 0.001, prior = NULL, b = NULL,
  plib = NULL, spfuzz = NULL, spmap = NULL, cons = NULL, p = NULL,
  maxsize = NULL, maxtime = NULL, wd = getwd(), logfile = paste0(wd,
  "/memerun.log"), readsites = TRUE, echo = FALSE, verbose = 1,
  timeout = Inf, bin = getOption("meme.bin"))



XStringSet List of sequences to get motifs from.


character(1) Name of the output folder. If NULL, MEME output will be deleted.


logical(1) If output is set but already exists, allow over-writing.


XStringSet List of negative sequences. Only used if objfun = c("de", "se").


numeric Vector of numbers between 0 and 1, representing sequence weights.


logical(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


logical(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


logical(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME] Note: custom alphabet definition files can be created using meme_alph().


logical(1) [MEME]


logical(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


logical(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


logical(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


character(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


numeric(1) [MEME]


character(1) Working directory to run MEME in.


character(1) File to dump MEME stderr. If NULL, no logs will be saved.


logical(1) Read sites from MEME output (from read_meme()).


logical(1) Dump MEME output to console.


numeric(1) Set verbose = 0 to quiet run_meme().


numeric(1) Stop MEME program past timeout (seconds). See processx::run().


character(1) Location of MEME binary. Alternatively, set this via options(meme.bin = '/path/to/meme/bin').


list The output file is read with read_meme().


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Bailey TL, Elkan C (1994). “Fitting a mixture model by expectation maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers.” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2, 28-36.

See Also

read_meme(), create_sequences(), shuffle_sequences(), processx::run()


## Not run: 
## To check that you are properly linking to the binary:

## End(Not run)

Generate binding sites from a motif.


Given probabilities for a sequence as represented by a motif, generate random sequences with the same length as the motif.


sample_sites(motif, n = 100, use.freq = 1)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


numeric(1) Number of sites to generate.


numeric(1) If one, use regular motif matrix. Otherwise, use respective multifreq matrix.


XStringSet object.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

create_sequences(), create_motif(), add_multifreq()


motif <- create_motif()
sites <- sample_sites(motif)

Scan sequences for matches to input motifs.


For sequences of any alphabet, scan them using the PWM matrices of a set of input motifs.


scan_sequences(motifs, sequences, threshold = 1e-04,
  threshold.type = c("pvalue", "qvalue", "logodds", "logodds.abs"),
  RC = FALSE, use.freq = 1, verbose = 0, nthreads = 1,
  motif_pvalue.k = 8, use.gaps = TRUE, allow.nonfinite = FALSE,
  warn.NA = TRUE, calc.pvals = TRUE, return.granges = FALSE,
  no.overlaps = FALSE, = FALSE,
  no.overlaps.strat = c("score", "order"), respect.strand = FALSE,
  motif_pvalue.method = c("dynamic", "exhaustive"),
  calc.qvals = calc.pvals, calc.qvals.method = c("fdr", "BH",



See convert_motifs() for acceptable motif formats.


XStringSet Sequences to scan. Alphabet should match motif.


numeric(1) See details.


character(1) One of c('pvalue', 'qvalue', 'logodds', 'logodds.abs'). See details.


logical(1) If TRUE, check reverse complement of the input sequences. Only available for DNA/RNA.


numeric(1) The default, 1, uses the motif matrix (from the motif['motif'] slot) to search for sequences. If a higher number is used, then the matching k-let matrix from the motif['multifreq'] slot is used. See add_multifreq().


numeric(1) Describe progress, from none (0) to verbose (3).


numeric(1) Run scan_sequences() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads. Note that no speed up will occur for jobs with only a single motif and sequence.


numeric(1) Control motif_pvalue() approximation. See motif_pvalue(). Only used if motif_pvalue.method = "exhaustive".


logical(1) Set this to FALSE to ignore motif gaps, if present.


logical(1) If FALSE, then apply a pseudocount if non-finite values are found in the PWM. Note that if the motif has a pseudocount greater than zero and the motif is not currently of type PWM, then this parameter has no effect as the pseudocount will be applied automatically when the motif is converted to a PWM internally. This value is set to FALSE by default in order to stay consistent with pre-version 1.8.0 behaviour. Also note that this parameter is not compatible with motif_pvalue.method = "dynamic". A message will be printed if a pseudocount is applied. To disable this, set options(pseudocount.warning=FALSE).


logical(1) Whether to warn about the presence of non-standard letters in the input sequence, such as those in masked sequences.


logical(1) Calculate P-values for each hit. This is a convenience option which simply gives motif_pvalue() the input motifs and the scores of each hit. Be careful about setting this to TRUE if you anticipate getting thousands of hits and are using motif_pvalue.method = "exhaustive": expect to wait a few seconds or minutes for the calculations to finish. Increasing the nthreads value can help greatly here. See Details for more information on P-value calculation. If motif_pvalue.method = "dynamic", then this is usually not an issue.


logical(1) Return the results as a GRanges object. Requires the GenomicRanges package to be installed.


logical(1) Remove overlapping hits from the same motifs. Overlapping hits from different motifs are preserved. Please note that the current implementation of this feature can add significantly to the run time for large inputs.

logical(1) Whether to discard overlapping hits from the opposite strand (TRUE), or to only discard overlapping hits on the same strand (FALSE).


character(1) One of c("score", "order"). The former option keeps the highest scoring overlapping hit (and the first of these within ties), and the latter simply keeps the first overlapping hit.


logical(1) If motifs are DNA/RNA, then setting this option to TRUE will make scan_sequences() only scan the strands of the input sequences as indicated in the motif strand slot.


character(1) One of c("dynamic", "exhaustive"). Algorithm used for calculating P-values. The "exhaustive" method involves finding all possible motif matches at or above the specified score using a branch-and-bound algorithm, which can be computationally intensive (Hartman et al., 2013). Additionally, the computation must be repeated for each hit. The "dynamic" method calculates the distribution of possible motif scores using a much faster dynamic programming algorithm, and can be recycled for multiple scores (Grant et al., 2011). The only disadvantage is the inability to use allow.nonfinite = TRUE. See motif_pvalue() for details.


logical(1) Whether to also calculate adjusted P-values. Only valid if calc.pvals = TRUE.


character(1) One of c("fdr", "BH", "bonferroni"). The method for calculating adjusted P-values. These are described in depth in the Sequence Searches vignette. Also see Noble (2009).


Logodds scoring

Similar to Biostrings::matchPWM(), the scanning method uses logodds scoring. (To see the scoring matrix for any motif, simply run convert_type(motif, "PWM"). For a multifreq scoring matrix: apply(motif["multifreq"][["2"]], 2, ppm_to_pwm)). In order to score a sequence, at each position within a sequence of length equal to the length of the motif, the scores for each base are summed. If the score sum is above the desired threshold, it is kept.


If threshold.type = 'logodds', then the threshold value is multiplied by the maximum possible motif scores. To calculate the maximum possible scores a motif (of type PWM) manually, run motif_score(motif, 1). If threshold.type = 'pvalue', then threshold logodds scores are generated using motif_pvalue(). Finally, if threshold.type = 'logodds.abs', then the exact values provided will be used as thresholds. Finally, if threshold.type = 'qvalue', then the threshold is calculated as if threshold.type = 'pvalue' and the final set of hits are filtered based on their calculated Q-value. (Note: this means that the thresh.score column will be incorrect!) This is done since most Q-values cannot be calculated prior to scanning. If you are running a very large job, it may be wise to use a P-value threshold followed by manually filtering by Q-value; this will avoid the scanning have to parse the larger number of hits from the internally-lowered threshold.

Non-standard letters

Non-standard letters (such as "N", "+", "-", ".", etc in DNAString objects) will be safely ignored, resulting only in a warning and a very minor performance cost. This can used to scan masked sequences. See Biostrings::mask() for masking sequences (generating MaskedXString objects), and Biostrings::injectHardMask() to recover masked XStringSet objects for use with scan_sequences(). There is also a provided wrapper function which performs both steps: mask_seqs().


DataFrame, GRanges with each row representing one hit. If the input sequences are DNAStringSet or RNAStringSet, then an additional column with the strand is included. Function args are stored in the metadata slot. If return.granges = TRUE then a GRanges object is returned.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Grant CE, Bailey TL, Noble WS (2011). "FIMO: scanning for occurrences of a given motif." Bioinformatics, 27, 1017-1018.

Hartmann H, Guthohrlein EW, Siebert M, Soding SLJ (2013). “P-value-based regulatory motif discovery using positional weight matrices.” Genome Research, 23, 181-194.

Noble WS (2009). "How does multiple testing work?" Nature Biotechnology, 27, 1135-1137.

See Also

add_multifreq(), Biostrings::matchPWM(), enrich_motifs(), motif_pvalue()


## any alphabet can be used
## Not run: 
alphabet <- paste(c(letters), collapse = "")
motif <- create_motif("hello", alphabet = alphabet)
sequences <- create_sequences(alphabet, seqnum = 1000, seqlen = 100000)
scan_sequences(motif, sequences)

## End(Not run)

## Sequence masking:
if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
seq <- mask_seqs(ArabidopsisPromoters, "AAAAA")
scan_sequences(ArabidopsisMotif, seq)
# A warning regarding the presence of non-standard letters will be given,
# but can be safely ignored in this case.

Calculate sequence complexity.


Calculate sequence complexity using either the Wootton-Federhen, Trifonov, or DUST algorithms.


sequence_complexity(seqs, window.size = 20,
  window.overlap = round(window.size/2), method = c("WoottonFederhen",
  "WoottonFederhenFast", "Trifonov", "TrifonovFast", "DUST"),
  trifonov.max.word.size = 7, nthreads = 1, return.granges = FALSE)



XStringSet Input sequences.


numeric Window size. If a number between 0 and 1 is provided, the value is calculated as the number multiplied by the sequence length.


numeric Overlap between windows. If a number between 0 and 1 is provided, the value is calculated as the number multiplied by the sequence length.


character(1) Choose one of the available methods for calculating sequence complexity. See details.


numeric(1) The maximum word size within each window used to calculate complexity using method = c("Trifonov", "TrifonovFast"). In other words, the Trifonov method involves counting the number of possible different sub-words in a window at different sizes up to the values provided by this option. It also involves calculating the product of ever increasing sequences of numbers and so in order to reduce the computations involed this can be limited to a specific maximum sub-word size.


numeric(1) Run sequence_complexity() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads.


logical(1) Return the results as a GRanges object. Requires the GenomicRanges package to be installed.


The Wootton-Federhen (Wootton and Federhen, 1993) and Trifonov (Trifonov, 1990) algorithms as well as their faster approximations are well described within Orlov and Potapov (2004). These algorithms score less complex sequences closer to 0, and more complex ones closer to 1. Please note that the 'fast' approximation versions of the two methods are not actually faster within sequence_complexity(), and so speed should not be a major consideration when choosing which method to use within the universalmotif package. The DUST algorithm implementation is described in Morgulis et al. (2006). In this case, less complex sequences score higher, and more complex ones closer to 0.

Briefly, the Wootton-Federhen complexity score is a reflection of the numbers of each unique letter found in the window (e.g. for DNA, the more of all four letters can be found in the window the higher the score). An increasing Trifonov score is a relection of the numbers of increasingly larger k-mers (e.g. the count of possible 1-mers, 2-mers, 3-mers, ..., until trifonov.max.word.size). Finally, the DUST score approaches 0 as the count of unique 3-mers increases. (See the final section in the examples to see how different types of sequence compositions affect the methods.)

Please note that the authors of the different methods recommend various window sizes and complexity thresholds. The authors of DUST for example, suggest using a window size of 64 and a threshold of 2 for low complexity. Wootton and Federhen suggest a window size of 40, though show that 10 and 20 can be appropriate as well (for amino acid sequences). Keep in mind however that these algorithms were implemented at a time when computers were much slower; perhaps the authors would suggest different window sizes today. One thing to note is that the Wootton-Federhen algorithm has a hard limit due to the need to caculate the product from 1:window.size. This can end up calculating values which are greater than what a double can hold (e.g. try prod(1:500)). Its approximation does not suffer from this though, as it skips calculating the product.

In terms of speed, the Wootton-Federhen algorithms are fastest, with DUST being 1-3 times slower and the Trifonov algorithms being several times slower (though the exact amount depends on the max word size).


DataFrame, GRanges with each row getting a complexity score for each window in each input sequence.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Morgulis A, Gertz EM, Schaffer AA, Agarwala R (2006). "A fast and symmetric DUST implementation to mask low-complexity DNA sequences." Journal of Computational Biology, 13, 1028-1040.

Orlov YL, Potapov VN (2004). "Complexity: an internet resource for analysis of DNA sequence complexity." Nucleic Acids Research, 32, W628-W633.

Trifonov EN (1990). "Making sense of the human genome." In Sarma RH, Sarma MH (Eds), Structure & Methods Adenine Press, Albany, 1, 69-77.

Wootton JC, Federhen S (1993). "Statistics of local complexity in amino acid sequences and sequence databases." Computers & Chemistry, 17, 149-163.

See Also

calc_complexity(), count_klets(), get_bkg(), mask_ranges(), mask_seqs()


## Feel free to play around with different toy sequences to get a feel for
## how the different methods perform

test.seq <- DNAStringSet(c("AAAAAAAAAAA", "ATGACTGATGC"))

sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "WoottonFederhen")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "WoottonFederhenFast")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "Trifonov")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "TrifonovFast")
sequence_complexity(test.seq, method = "DUST")

## You could also use this in conjuction with mask_ranges() to hide
## low complexity regions from scanning, de novo motif discovery, etc

if (requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quiet = TRUE)) {

# Calculate complexity in 20 bp windows, sliding every 1 bp
to.mask <- sequence_complexity(ArabidopsisPromoters, method = "DUST",
  window.size = 20, window.overlap = 19, return.granges = TRUE)

# Get the ranges with a complexity score greater than 3.5
to.mask <- to.mask[to.mask$complexity > 3.5]

# See what the low complexity regions look like

# Mask them with the default '-' character:
mask_ranges(ArabidopsisPromoters, to.mask)

## To demonstrate how the methods work, consider:
## (These examples use the calc_complexity() utility which utilizes
## the same algorithms and works on character vectors, but lacks
## the ability to use sliding windows.)
a <- "ACGT"

# For Wootton-Federhen, it can be easily shown it is only dependent
# on the counts of individual letters (though do note that the
# original paper discusses this method in the context of amino acid
calc_complexity("AAACCCGGGTTT", alph = a)  # 0.7707
calc_complexity("AACCGGTTACGT", alph = a)  # 0.7707
calc_complexity("ACGTACGTACGT", alph = a)  # 0.7707

# As letters start to see drops in counts, the scores go down too:
calc_complexity("AAAACCCCGGGG", alph = a)  # 0.6284
calc_complexity("AAAAAACCCCCC", alph = a)  # 0.4105
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAACC", alph = a)  # 0.2518

# Trifonov on the other hand is greatly affected by the number
# of higher order combinations:
calc_complexity("AAACCCGGGTTT", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.6364
calc_complexity("AACCGGTTACGT", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.7273

# This next one may seem surprising, but it indeed scores very low.
# This is because although it has many of each individual letter,
# the number of higher order letter combinations in fact is quite
# low due to this particular repeating pattern!
calc_complexity("ACGTACGTACGT", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.01231

# By extension, this means it scores sequences with fewer
# counts of individual letters lower too.
calc_complexity("AAAACCCCGGGG", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.2386
calc_complexity("AAAAAACCCCCC", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.0227
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAACC", c = "Trifonov", alph = a)  # 0.0011

# As for DUST, it considers the number of 3-mers in the sequence.
# The higher the numbers of 3-mers, the lower the score.
# (0 = the max possible number of DNA 3-mers for the window size)
calc_complexity("AAACCCGGGTTT", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0
calc_complexity("AACCGGTTACGT", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0
calc_complexity("ACGTACGTACGT", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0.8889
calc_complexity("AAAACCCCGGGG", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 0.333
calc_complexity("ACGACGACGACG", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 1.333
calc_complexity("AAAAAACCCCCC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 1.333
# Similarly to Trifonov, the next one also scores as less complex
# compared to the previous one:
calc_complexity("ACACACACACAC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 2.222
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAACC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 3.111
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAAAC", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 4
calc_complexity("AAAAAAAAAAAA", c = "DUST", alph = a)  # 5

# Just to show once more why the seemingly more complex sequences
# such as "ACACACACACAC" score as less complex than "AAAAAACCCCCC"
# for the Trifonov and DUST methods:
count_klets("ACACACACACAC", k = 3)  # Only 2 possible 3-mers
count_klets("AAAAAACCCCCC", k = 3)  # Now 4 possible 3-mers!

Shuffle motifs by column.


Given a set of motifs, shuffle the columns to create new motifs. Currently does not support keeping the 'multifreq' slot. Only the 'bkg', 'nsites', 'strand', and 'bkgsites' slots will be preserved. Uses the same shuffling methods as shuffle_sequences(). When shuffling more than one motif, all motif columns are merged into a single pool and shuffled together, finally returning them as motifs of identical lengths as the input motifs. To instead shuffle motifs individually, call shuffle_motifs() using lapply().


shuffle_motifs(motifs, k = 2, method = "linear")



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


numeric(1) K-let size.


character(1) Currently only 'linear' is accepted.


Motifs. See convert_motifs() for available output formats.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also


Shuffle input sequences.


Given a set of input sequences, shuffle the letters within those sequences with any k-let size.


shuffle_sequences(sequences, k = 1, method = "euler", nthreads = 1,
  rng.seed =, 1), window = FALSE, window.size = 0.1,
  window.overlap = 0.01)



XStringSet Set of sequences to shuffle. Works with any set of characters.


numeric(1) K-let size.


character(1) One of c('euler', 'markov', 'linear'). Only relevant if k > 1. See details.


numeric(1) Run shuffle_sequences() in parallel with nthreads threads. nthreads = 0 uses all available threads. Note that no speed up will occur for jobs with only a single sequence.


numeric(1) Set random number generator seed. Since shuffling can occur simultaneously in multiple threads using C++, it cannot communicate with the regular R random number generator state and thus requires an independent seed. Each individual sequence in an XStringSet object will be given the following seed: rng.seed * index. The default is to pick a random number as chosen by sample(), which effectively is making shuffle_sequences() dependent on the R RNG state.


logical(1) Shuffle sequences iteratively over windows instead of all at once.


numeric(1) Window size. Can be a fraction less than one, or an integer representing the actual window size.


numeric(1) Overlap between windows. Can be a fraction less than one, or an integer representing the actual overlap size.


markov method

If method = 'markov', then the Markov model is used to generate sequences which will maintain (on average) the k-let frequencies. Please note that this method is not a 'true' shuffling, and for short sequences (e.g. <100bp) this can result in slightly more dissimilar sequences versus true shuffling. See Fitch (1983) for a discussion on the topic.

euler method

If method = 'euler', then the sequence shuffling method proposed by Altschul and Erickson (1985) is used. As opposed to the 'markov' method, this one preserves exact k-let frequencies. This is done by creating a k-let edge graph, then following a random Eulerian walk through the graph. Not all walks will use up all available letters however, so the cycle-popping algorithm proposed by Propp and Wilson (1998) is used to find a random Eulerian path. A side effect of using this method is that the starting and ending sequence letters will remain unshuffled.

linear method

If method = 'linear', then the input sequences are split linearly every k letters. For example, for k = 3 'ACAGATAGACCC' becomes 'ACA GAT AGA CCC'; after which these 3-lets are shuffled randomly.

Single-letter shuffling

Do note however, that the method parameter is only relevant for k > 1. For k = 1, a simple shuffling is performed using the shuffle function from the C++ standard library.


XStringSet The input sequences will be returned with identical names and lengths.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Altschul SF, Erickson BW (1985). “Significance of Nucleotide Sequence Alignments: A Method for Random Sequence Permutation That Preserves Dinucleotide and Codon Usage.” Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2, 526-538.

Fitch WM (1983). “Random sequences.” Journal of Molecular Biology, 163, 171-176.

Propp JG, Wilson DW (1998). “How to get a perfectly random sample from a generic markov chain and generate a random spanning tree of a directed graph.” Journal of Algorithms, 27, 170-217.

See Also

create_sequences(), scan_sequences(), enrich_motifs(), shuffle_motifs()


if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
sequences <- create_sequences()
sequences.shuffled <- shuffle_sequences(sequences, k = 2)

Switch between DNA and RNA alphabets.


Convert a motif from DNA to RNA, or RNA to DNA.





See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


The DNA/RNA version of the motifs. See convert_motifs() for acceptable output formats.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also



DNA.motif <- create_motif()
RNA.motif <- switch_alph(DNA.motif)

Tidy manipulation of motifs.


Tidy manipulation of motifs.


to_df(motifs, extrainfo = TRUE)

update_motifs(motif_df, extrainfo = TRUE, force = FALSE)

to_list(motif_df, extrainfo = TRUE, force = FALSE)

requires_update(motifs, extrainfo = TRUE)



List of motifs.


Use the extrainfo slot in the tidy data.frame. The column names will be taken from the character vectors themselves, and unnamed elements will be assigned a unique name. To add elements to the slot, simply create new columns in the data.frame. Note that these will be coerced into characters. If extrainfo is not set to TRUE in to_df(), then the contents of the slot will not be transferred to the data.frame. If extrainfo is not set to TRUE in update_motifs() or to_list(), then the extra columns will be discarded.


Motif data.frame generated by to_df().


Whether to coerce non-character data types into characters for inclusion in extrainfo. If force is FALSE (the default), columns which are not of type "character", "numeric", or "integer" (for example, list columns, or logical values), will not be added to the motif extrainfo slot, but will be passed onto the returned universalmotif_df unchanged. Setting force = TRUE coerces these values into a character, adding them to the extrainfo slot, and updating the universalmotif_df columns to reflect this coercion. In other words, forcing inclusion of these data is destructive and will change the column values. Use with caution.


To turn off the informative messages/warnings when printing the object to the console, set options(universalmotif_df.warning=FALSE).


For to_df(): a data.frame with the exposed slots as columns.

For update_motifs(): the updated data.frame.

For requires_update(): TRUE if the motifs are out of date, FALSE if otherwise. Note that this function uses identical() to check for this, which can be quite slow for large datasets. It is usually just as fast to simply run update_motifs() in such cases.

For to_list(): a list of motifs.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


## Not run: 

m <- c(create_motif(name = "motif A"), create_motif(name = "motif B"))

# Change the names of the motifs using the tidy way:
m <- m %>%
   to_df() %>%
   mutate(name = paste0(name, "-2")) %>%

# Add your own metadata to be stored in the extrainfo slot:
m_df <- to_df(m)
m_df$MyMetadata <- c("Info_1", "Info_2")
m <- to_list(m_df, extrainfo = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Trim motifs.


Remove edges of motifs with low information content. Currently does not trim multifreq representations.


trim_motifs(motifs, min.ic = 0.25, trim.from = c("both", "left", "right"))



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


numeric(1) Minimum allowed information content. See convert_type() for a discussion on information content.


character(1) Control the direction of trimming.


Motifs See convert_motifs() for available output formats.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

create_motif(), convert_type()


jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                  package = "universalmotif"))
jaspar.trimmed <- trim_motifs(jaspar)

universalmotif: Motif class.


Container for motif objects. See create_motif() for creating motifs as well as a more detailed description of the slots. For a brief description of available methods, see examples.


## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'universalmotif'
x[i] <- value

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'
initialize(.Object, name, altname, family, organism,
  motif, alphabet = "DNA", type, icscore, nsites, pseudocount = 1, bkg,
  bkgsites, consensus, strand = "+-", pval, qval, eval, multifreq, extrainfo,

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'
subset(x, select)

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'

## S4 method for signature 'universalmotif'
cbind(..., deparse.level = 0)



universalmotif Motif.


character Slot.


Object to replace slot with.


universalmotif Final motif.


character(1) Motif name.


character(1) Alternate motif name.


character(1) Transcription factor family.


character(1) Species of origin.


matrix Each column represents a position in the motif.


character(1) One of c('DNA', 'RNA', 'AA'), or a combined string representing the letters.


character(1) One of c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM').


numeric(1) Total information content. Automatically generated.


numeric(1) Number of sites the motif was constructed from.


numeric(1) Correction to be applied to prevent -Inf from appearing in PWM matrices.


numeric A vector of probabilities, each between 0 and 1. If higher order backgrounds are provided, then the elements of the vector must be named.


numeric(1) Total number of sites used to find the motif.


character(1) Consensus string. Automatically generated for 'DNA', 'RNA', and 'AA' alphabets.


character(1) Whether the motif is specific to a certain strand.


numeric(1) P-value associated with motif.


numeric(1) Adjusted P-value associated with motif.


numeric(1) E-value associated with motif.


list See add_multifreq().


character Any other extra information, represented as a named character vector.


universalmotif_gapped(1) Gapped motif information.


universalmotif Motif.


numeric Columns to keep.


universalmotif Motifs.




A motif object of class universalmotif.

















numeric(1) Generated automatically.






numeric 0-order probabilities must be provided for all letters.




character Generated automatically.
















Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


## [
## Access the slots.
motif <- create_motif()
# you can also access multiple slots at once, released as a list
motif[c("motif", "name")]

## [<-
## Replace the slots.
motif["name"] <- "new name"
# some slots are protected
# motif["consensus"] <- "AAAA"  # not allowed

## c
## Assemble a list of motifs.
c(motif, motif)

## Represent a motif as a data.frame. The actual motif matrix is lost.
## Necessary for `summarise_motifs`.

## subset
## Subset a motif matrix by column.
subset(motif, 3:7)  # extract motif core

## normalize
## Apply the pseudocount slot (or `1`, if the slot is set to zero) to the
## motif matrix.
motif2 <- create_motif("AAAAA", nsites = 100, pseudocount = 1)

## rowMeans
## Calculate motif rowMeans.

## colMeans
## Calculate motif colMeans.

## colSums
## Calculate motif colSums

## rowSums
## Calculate motif rowSums.

## nrow
## Count motif rows.

## ncol
## Count motif columns.

## colnames
## Get motif colnames.

## rownames
## Get motif rownames.

## cbind
## Bind motifs together to create a new motif.
cbind(motif, motif2)

universalmotif: Import, Modify and Export Motifs with R


A collection of utility functions for working with motifs.

Utility functions.


Utility functions have been split into two categories: those related to motifs ?'utils-motif', and those related to sequences ?'utils-sequence'.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

utils-motif, utils-sequence

Motif-related utility functions.


Motif-related utility functions.


add_gap(motif, gaploc = ncol(motif)%/%2, mingap = 1, maxgap = 5)

average_ic(motifs, average = c("a.mean", "g.mean", "median", "fzt"))

compare_columns(x, y, method, bkg1 = rep(1/length(x), length(x)),
  bkg2 = rep(1/length(y), length(y)), nsites1 = 100, nsites2 = 100)



get_consensus(position, alphabet = "DNA", type = "PPM", pseudocount = 1)

get_consensusAA(position, type = "PPM", pseudocount = 0)

get_matches(motif, score, allow.nonfinite = FALSE)

get_scores(motif, allow.nonfinite = FALSE)


motif_range(motif, use.freq = 1, allow.nonfinite = FALSE)

motif_score(motif, threshold = c(0, 1), use.freq = 1,
  allow.nonfinite = FALSE, threshold.type = c("total", "fromzero"))


pcm_to_ppm(position, pseudocount = 0)

position_icscore(position, bkg = numeric(), type = "PPM",
  pseudocount = 1, nsites = 100, relative_entropy = FALSE,
  schneider_correction = FALSE)

ppm_to_icm(position, bkg = numeric(), schneider_correction = FALSE,
  nsites = 100, relative_entropy = FALSE)

ppm_to_pcm(position, nsites = 100)

ppm_to_pwm(position, bkg = numeric(), pseudocount = 1, nsites = 100,
  smooth = TRUE)

prob_match(motif, match, = TRUE)

prob_match_bkg(bkg, match)

pwm_to_ppm(position, bkg = numeric())

round_motif(motif, pct.tolerance = 0.05)

score_match(motif, match, allow.nonfinite = FALSE)

summarise_motifs(motifs, na.rm = TRUE)

ungap(motif, delete = FALSE)



Motif object to calculate scores from, or add/remove gap, or round.


numeric Motif gap locations. The gap occurs immediately after every position value. If missing, uses round(ncol(motif) / 2).


numeric Minimum gap size. Must have one value for every location. If missing, set to 1.


numeric Maximum gap size. Must have one value for every location. If missing, set to 5.


list A list of universalmotif motifs.


character(1) One of c("a.mean", "g.mean", "median", "fzt"). How to calculate the average motif information content.


numeric First column for comparison.


numeric Second column for comparison.


character(1) Column comparison metric. See compare_motifs() for details.


numeric Vector of background probabilities for the first column. Only relevant if method = "ALLR".


numeric Vector of background probabilities for the second column. Only relevant if method = "ALLR".


numeric(1) Number of sites for the first column. Only relevant if method = "ALLR".


numeric(1) Number of sites for the second column. Only relevant if method = "ALLR".


character(1) Any DNA, RNA, or AA IUPAC letter. Ambiguity letters are accepted.


numeric A numeric vector representing the frequency or probability for each alphabet letter at a specific position.


character(1) One of c('DNA', 'RNA').


character(1) One of ⁠c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM' 'ICM')⁠.


numeric(1) Used to prevent zeroes in motif matrix.


numeric(1) Logodds motif score.


logical(1) If FALSE, then apply a pseudocount if non-finite values are found in the PWM. Note that if the motif has a pseudocount greater than zero and the motif is not currently of type PWM, then this parameter has no effect as the pseudocount will be applied automatically when the motif is converted to a PWM internally. This value is set to FALSE by default in order to stay consistent with pre-version 1.8.0 behaviour. A message will be printed if a pseudocount is applied. To disable this, set options(pseudocount.warning=FALSE).


numeric(1) Use regular motif or the respective multifreq representation.


numeric(1) Any number of numeric values between 0 and 1 representing score percentage.


character For "total", a threshold of zero represents the minimum possible score. This means the range of scores that can be extracted is from the minimum to the maximum possible scores. For "fromzero", a threshold of zero is a score of zero. This means the range of scores is from zero to the maximum. The "total" threshold type can only be used if no non-finite values are present in the PWM.


character(1) String-formatted p-value.


numeric Should be the same length as the alphabet length.


numeric(1) Number of sites motif originated from.


logical(1) Calculate information content as relative entropy or Kullback-Leibler divergence.


logical(1) Apply sample size correction.


logical(1) Apply pseudocount correction.


character Sequence string to calculate score from.

logical(1) If FALSE, apply a pseudocount if zero values are found in the background frequencies.


numeric(1) or character(1) The minimum tolerated proportion each letter must represent per position in order not to be rounded off, either as a numeric value from 0 to 1 or a percentage written as a string from "0%" to "100%".


logical Remove columns where all values are NA.


logical(1) Clear gap information from motif. If FALSE, then it can be reactivated simply with add_gap(motif).


For consensus_to_ppm() and consensus_to_ppmAA(): a numeric vector of length 4 and 20, respectively.

For get_consensus() and get_consensusAA(): a character vector of length 1.

For get_matches(): a character vector of motif matches.

For motif_range(): a named numeric vector of motif scores.

For motif_score(): a named numeric vector of motif scores.

For log_string_pval(): a numeric vector of length 1.

For position_icscore(): a numeric vector of length 1.

For ppm_to_icm(), icm_to_ppm(), pcm_to_ppm(), ppm_to_pcm(), ppm_to_pwm(), and pwm_to_ppm(): a numeric vector with length equal to input numeric vector.

For prob_match(): a numeric vector of probabilities.

For round_motif(): the input motif, rounded.

For score_match(): a numeric vector with the match motif score.

For summarise_motifs(): a data.frame with columns representing the universalmotif slots.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also



examplemotif0 <- examplemotif
examplemotif0["pseudocount"] <- 0

## add_gap
## Add gap information to a motif.
m <- create_motif()
# Add a gap size 5-8 between positions 4 and 5:
m <- add_gap(m, gaploc = 4, mingap = 5, maxgap = 8)

## average_ic
## Calculate the average information content for a list of motifs.
m <- create_motif()
average_ic(m, "fzt")

## compare_columns
## Compare two numeric vectors using the metrics from compare_motifs()
compare_columns(c(0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2), c(0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), "PCC")

## consensus_to_ppm
## Do the opposite of get_consensus. Note that loss of information is
## inevitable. Generates a sequence matrix.
sapply(c("A", "G", "T", "B"), consensus_to_ppm)

## consensus_to_ppmAA
## Do the opposite of get_consensusAA and generate a motif matrix.
sapply(c("V", "A", "L"), consensus_to_ppmAA)

## get_consensus
## Get a consensus string from a DNA/RNA motif.
m <- create_motif()["motif"]
apply(m, 2, get_consensus)

## get_consensusAA
## Get a consensus string from an amino acid motif. Unless each position
## is clearly dominated by a single amino acid, the resulting string will
## likely be useless.
m <- create_motif(alphabet = "AA")["motif"]
apply(m, 2, get_consensusAA, type = "PPM")

## get_match
## Get all possible motif matches above input score
get_matches(examplemotif, 0)
get_matches(examplemotif0, 0, allow.nonfinite = TRUE)

## get_scores
## Get all possible scores for a motif
get_scores(examplemotif0, allow.nonfinite = TRUE)

## icm_to_ppm
## Do the opposite of ppm_to_icm.
m <- create_motif(type = "ICM")["motif"]
apply(m, 2, icm_to_ppm)

## motif_range
## Calculate the range of possible logodds scores for a motif
motif_range(examplemotif, allow.nonfinite = TRUE)

## motif_score
## Calculate motif score from different thresholds
m <- normalize(examplemotif)
motif_score(m, c(0, 0.8, 1))
motif_score(examplemotif0, c(0, 0.8, 1), allow.nonfinite = TRUE,
   threshold.type = "fromzero")

## log_string_pval
## Get the log of a string-formatted p-value

## pcm_to_ppm
## Go from a count type motif to a probability type motif.
m <- create_motif(type = "PCM", nsites = 50)["motif"]
apply(m, 2, pcm_to_ppm, pseudocount = 1)

## position_icscore
## Similar to ppm_to_icm, except this calculates the position sum.
m <- create_motif()["motif"]
apply(m, 2, position_icscore, type = "PPM", bkg = rep(0.25, 4))

## ppm_to_icm
## Convert one column from a probability type motif to an information
## content type motif.
m <- create_motif(nsites = 100, pseudocount = 0.8)["motif"]
apply(m, 2, ppm_to_icm, nsites = 100, bkg = rep(0.25, 4))

## ppm_to_pcm
## Do the opposite of pcm_to_ppm.
m <- create_motif()["motif"]
apply(m, 2, ppm_to_pcm, nsites = 50)

## ppm_to_pwm
## Go from a probability type motif to a weight type motif.
m <- create_motif()["motif"]
apply(m, 2, ppm_to_pwm, nsites = 100, bkg = rep(0.25, 4))

## prob_match, prob_match_bkg
## Calculate probability of a particular match based on background
## frequencies
prob_match(examplemotif, "TATATAT")
## Since this motif has a uniform background, the probability of
## finding any motif hit within the sequence is equal
prob_match(examplemotif, "TATATAG")
m <- examplemotif
m["bkg"] <- c(0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3)
prob_match(m, "TATATAT")
## The prob_match_bkg alternative allows you to simply pass along the
## background frequencies
prob_match_bkg(c(A=0.3, C=0.2, G=0.2, T=0.3), c("TATATAT", "TATATAG"))

## pwm_to_ppm
## Do the opposite of ppm_to_pwm.
m <- create_motif(type = "PWM")["motif"]
apply(m, 2, pwm_to_ppm, bkg = rep(0.25, 4))

## Note that not all type conversions can be done directly; for those
## type conversions which are unavailable, universalmotif just chains
## together others (i.e. from PCM -> ICM => pcm_to_ppm -> ppm_to_icm)

## round_motif
## Round down letter scores to 0
m <- create_motif()
## Remove letters from positions which are less than 5% of the total
## position:
round_motif(m, pct.tolerance = 0.05)

## score_match
## Calculate score of a particular match
score_match(examplemotif, "TATATAT")
score_match(examplemotif, "TATATAG")
score_match(examplemotif0, "TATATAT", allow.nonfinite = TRUE)
score_match(examplemotif0, "TATATAG", allow.nonfinite = TRUE)

## summarise_motifs
## Create a data.frame of information based on a list of motifs.
m1 <- create_motif()
m2 <- create_motif()
m3 <- create_motif()
summarise_motifs(list(m1, m2, m3))

## ungap
## Unset motif's gap status. Does not delete actual gap data unless
## delete = TRUE.
m <- create_motif()
m <- add_gap(m, 3, 2, 4)
m <- ungap(m)
# Restore gap data:
m <- add_gap(m)

Sequence-related utility functions.


Sequence-related utility functions.


calc_complexity(string, complexity.method = c("WoottonFederhen",
  "WoottonFederhenFast", "Trifonov", "TrifonovFast", "DUST"), alph = NULL,
  trifonov.max.word.size = 7)

calc_windows(n, window = 1, overlap = 0, return.incomp = TRUE)

count_klets(string, k = 1, alph)

get_klets(lets, k = 1)

mask_ranges(seqs, ranges, letter = "-")

mask_seqs(seqs, pattern, RC = FALSE, letter = "-")

meme_alph(core, file = stdout(), complements = NULL, ambiguity = NULL,
  like = NULL, = NULL, letter.names = NULL, colours = NULL)

shuffle_string(string, k = 1, method = c("euler", "linear", "markov"),
  rng.seed =, 1))

slide_fun(string, FUN, FUN.VALUE, window = 1, overlap = 0,
  return.incomp = TRUE)

window_string(string, window = 1, overlap = 0, return.incomp = TRUE,
  nthreads = 1)



character(1) A character vector containing a single string, with the exception of calc_complexity() where string can be a length greater than one.


character(1) Complexity algorithm. See sequence_complexity().


character(1) A single character string with the desired sequence alphabet. If missing, finds the unique letters within each string.


integer(1) Maximum word size for use in the Trifonov complexity methods. See sequence_complexity().


integer(1) Total size from which to calculate sliding windows.


integer(1) Window size to slide along.


integer(1) Overlap size between windows.


logical(1) Whether to return the last window if it is smaller then the requested window size.


integer(1) K-let size.


character A character vector where each element will be considered a single unit.


XStringSet Sequences to mask. Cannot be BStringSet.


GRanges The ranges to mask. Must be a GRanges object from the GenomicRanges package.


character(1) Character to use for masking.


character(1) Pattern to mask.


logical(1) Whether to mask the reverse complement of the pattern.


character(1) Core alphabet symbols. If complements are also provided, then only half of the letters should be provided to this argument.


Output file.


character(1), NULL Complementary letters to the core symbols.


character(1), NULL A named vector providing ambiguity codes for the custom alphabet.


character(1), NULL How to classify the custom alphabet. If not NULL, then one of c("DNA", "RNA", "PROTEIN").

character(1), NULL Custom alphabet name.


character, NULL Named vector of core symbol names.


character, NULL Named vector of core symbol colours. MEME requires hex colours.


character(1) Shuffling method. One of c("euler", "linear", "markov"). See shuffle_sequences().


numeric(1) Set random number generator seed. Since shuffling in shuffle_sequences() can occur simultaneously in multiple threads using C++, it cannot communicate with the regular R random number generator state and thus requires an independent seed. Since shuffle_string() uses the same underlying code as shuffle_sequences(), it also requires a separate seed even if it is run in serial.


closure The function to apply per window. (See ?vapply.)


The expected return type for FUN. (See ?vapply.)


integer(1) Number of threads to use. Zero uses all available threads.


For calc_complexity(): A vector of numeric values.

For calc_windows(): A data.frame with columns start and stop.

For count_klets(): A data.frame with columns lets and counts.

For get_klets(): A character vector of k-lets.

For mask_ranges(): The masked XStringSet object.

For mask_seqs(): The masked XStringSet object.

For meme_alph(): NULL, invisibly.

For shuffle_string(): A single character string.

For slide_fun(): A vector with type FUN.VALUE.

For window_string(): A character vector.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

create_sequences(), get_bkg(), sequence_complexity(), shuffle_sequences()


## calc_complexity
## Calculate complexity for abitrary strings
calc_complexity("GTGCCCCGCGGGAACCCCGC", c = "WoottonFederhen")
calc_complexity("GTGCCCCGCGGGAACCCCGC", c = "WoottonFederhenFast")
calc_complexity("GTGCCCCGCGGGAACCCCGC", c = "Trifonov")
calc_complexity("GTGCCCCGCGGGAACCCCGC", c = "TrifonovFast")
calc_complexity("GTGCCCCGCGGGAACCCCGC", c = "DUST")

## calc_windows
## Calculate window coordinates for any value 'n'.
calc_windows(100, 10, 5)

## count_klets
## Count k-lets for any string of characters
count_klets("GCAAATGTACGCAGGGCCGA", k = 2)
## The default 'k' value (1) counts individual letters

## get_klets
## Generate all possible k-lets for a set of characters
get_klets(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 3)
## Note that each element in 'lets' is considered a single unit;
## see:
get_klets(c("AA", "B"), k = 2)

## mask_ranges
## Mask arbitrary ranges
if (requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quiet = TRUE)) {
ranges <- GenomicRanges::GRanges("A", IRanges::IRanges(1, 5))
seq <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(c(A = "ATGACTGATTACTTATA"))
mask_ranges(seq, ranges, "-")

## mask_seqs
## Mask repetitive seqeuences
mask_seqs(ArabidopsisPromoters, "AAAAAA")

## meme_alph
## Create MEME custom alphabet definition files
meme_alph("ACm", complements = "TGM", = "MethDNA",
  letter.names = c(A = "Adenine", C = "Cytosine", G = "Guanine",
    T = "Thymine", m = "Methylcytosine", M = "mC:Guanine"),
  like = "DNA", ambiguity = c(N = "ACGTmM"))

## shuffle_string
## Shuffle any string of characters
shuffle_string("ASDADASDASDASD", k = 1)

## slide_fun
## Apply a function to a character vector along sliding windows
FUN <- function(x) grepl("[GC]", x)
  Window = window_string("ATGCATCTATGCA", 2, 1),
  HasGC = slide_fun("ATGCATCTATGCA", FUN, logical(1), 2, 1)

## window_string
## Get sliding windows for a string of characters
window_string("ABCDEFGHIJ", 2, 1)

Plot motif logos.


Show sequence logo. If given a list of more than one motif, then the motifs are aligned with the first in the list.


view_motifs(motifs, use.type = "ICM", method = "ALLR", tryRC = TRUE,
  min.overlap = 6, min.mean.ic = 0.25, relative_entropy = FALSE,
  normalise.scores = FALSE, min.position.ic = 0, score.strat = "sum",
  return.raw = FALSE, dedup.names = TRUE, show.positions = TRUE,
  show.positions.once = TRUE, show.names = TRUE, names.pos = c("top",
  "right"), use.freq = 1, colour.scheme = NULL, fontDF = NULL,
  min.height = 0.01, x.spacer = if (use.freq == 1) 0.04 else 0.1,
  y.spacer = 0.01, sort.positions = !use.type %in% c("PCM", "PPM"),
  sort.positions.decreasing = TRUE, text.size = 16, = if
  (use.type == "PPM") 1 else NULL, RC.text = " [RC]", ...)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable motif formats.


character(1) One of c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM').


character(1) One of PCC, EUCL, SW, KL, ALLR, BHAT, HELL, SEUCL, MAN, ALLR_LL, WEUCL, WPCC. See details.


logical(1) Try the reverse complement of the motifs as well, report the best score.


numeric(1) Minimum overlap required when aligning the motifs. Setting this to a number higher then the width of the motifs will not allow any overhangs. Can also be a number between 0 and 1, representing the minimum fraction that the motifs must overlap.


numeric(1) Minimum mean information content between the two motifs for an alignment to be scored. This helps prevent scoring alignments between low information content regions of two motifs. Note that this can result in some comparisons failing if no alignment passes the mean IC threshold. Use average_ic() to filter out low IC motifs to get around this if you want to avoid getting NAs in your output.


logical(1) Change the ICM calculation affecting min.position.ic and min.mean.ic. See convert_type().


logical(1) Favour alignments which leave fewer unaligned positions, as well as alignments between motifs of similar length. Similarity scores are multiplied by the ratio of aligned positions to the total number of positions in the larger motif, and the inverse for distance scores.


numeric(1) Minimum information content required between individual alignment positions for it to be counted in the final alignment score. It is recommended to use this together with normalise.scores = TRUE, as this will help punish scores resulting from only a fraction of an alignment.


character(1) How to handle column scores calculated from motif alignments. "sum": add up all scores. "a.mean": take the arithmetic mean. "g.mean": take the geometric mean. "median": take the median. "wa.mean", "wg.mean": weighted arithmetic/geometric mean. "fzt": Fisher Z-transform. Weights are the total information content shared between aligned columns.


logical(1) Instead of returning a plot, return the aligned named matrices used to generate the plot. This can be useful if you wish to use view_motifs() alignment capabilities for custom plotting uses. Alignment is performed by adding empty columns to the left or right of motifs to generate matrices of equal length.


logical(1) Plotting motifs with duplicated names is not allowed. Setting this to TRUE allows the names to be modified for plotting.


logical(1) Show x-axis position tick labels.


logical(1) When plotting multiple motifs, show x-axis position tick labels only once. If FALSE, then x-axis tick labels are specific to each motif.


logical(1) Add motif names when plotting multiple motifs.


character(1) Motif name locations. Either above (top) or to the right (right) of the logos.


numeric(1) Plot higher order motifs from the multifreq slot.


character A named character vector of colour names. Default colours are provided for DNA, RNA, and AA motifs if left NULL.


data.frame or DataFrame Polygon data for letters used for plotting, as generated by the createPolygons() function from the gglogo package. See the fontDFroboto data object (which is used by default when fontDF = NULL). See Examples for how to generate your own font set. Expected columns: x, y, order, group; additional columns will be ignored.


numeric(1) Minimum height for a letter to be plotted. The number is taken as the fraction of the total height of the plot. The default value is to not show letters which take up 1% or less of the vertical space. For smaller figures it is recommended to increase this value, and vice versa for larger figures.


numeric(1) Add horizontal spacing between letters. The number is taken as the fraction of the width of an individual position. Increasing this value is recommended for plotting multifreq motifs.


numeric(1) Add vertical spacing between letters. The number is taken as the fraction nof the total height of the plot.


logical(1) Sort letters vertically per position by height.


logical(1) Sort in decreasing or increasing order based on letter height.


numeric(1) Text size for labels.

numeric(1) Normalize the per position height to this value. If NULL, no normalization is applied. Note that this parameter is ignored if use.type = c("PWM", "ICM").


character(1) The text to display alongside the name of motifs shown as their reverse complement.


Unused. Was previously in place to allow extra args to be given to ggseqlogo::ggseqlogo, however universalmotif now implements its own motif plotting code directly with ggplot2.


See compare_motifs() for more info on comparison parameters.

See view_logo() to plot from a numeric matrix with arbitrary values instead of a motif object.

Note: score.strat = "a.mean" is NOT recommended, as view_motifs() will not discriminate between two alignments with equal mean scores, even if one alignment is longer than the other.

Note: if you want to plot the motifs yourself, you can set return.raw=TRUE to get the numeric motif matrices and calculate the polygon paths on your own or access the polygon path data directly from the final ggplot object using ⁠$data⁠.


A ggplot object. If return.raw = TRUE, a list of matrices.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

compare_motifs(), add_multifreq(), view_logo()


## Plotting multifreq motifs:
view_motifs(examplemotif2, use.freq = 2)

## Generate your own letter set:
## Not run: 

library(gglogo)  # install from CRAN first if needed
fontDFtimes <- createPolygons(LETTERS, "Times", 800, scale = TRUE)
view_motifs(examplemotif2, fontDF = fontDFtimes)

## Note: setting `scale = TRUE` is necessary to properly align letters
## vertically, but this has the effect of horizontally stretching out
## letters which shouldn't be stretched (such as "I"). If you need to plot
## letters which have been badly horizontally scaled, you can fix them
## manually as demonstrated here:

# Retrieve the x-coordinates for the desired letter:
tofix <- fontDFtimes$x[fontDFtimes$group == "I"]
# Scale the letter x-coordinates:
tofix <- tofix * 0.35
# Remember to center the letter around 0.5 again:
tofix <- tofix + (1 - max(tofix)) / 2
# Apply the fix:
fontDFtimes$x[fontDFtimes$group == "I"] <- tofix
view_motifs(create_motif("AIG", alphabet = "AA"), fontDF = fontDFtimes)

## End(Not run)

Export motifs in HOMER format.


Convert DNA motifs to HOMER format and write to file. See


write_homer(motifs, file, logodds_threshold = NULL, overwrite = FALSE,
  append = FALSE, threshold = 0.8, threshold.type = c("logodds",
  "logodds.abs", "pvalue"))



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character(1) File name.


Deprecated. If set, read_homer() will behave like pre-version 1.12.0 of the universalmotif package for backwards compatibility (though a warning will be printed).


logical(1) Overwrite existing file.


logical(1) Add to an existing file.


numeric(1) Stringency required for HOMER to match a motif. See scan_sequences() for how to use this argument. Can be a single value to be recycled for all motifs, or a vector of equal length to the number of motifs.


character(1) How the threshold value should be used to obtain the final threshold value in the written motif. See scan_sequences() for how to use this.


NULL, invisibly.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Heinz S, Benner C, Spann N, Bertolino E, Lin YC, Laslo P, Cheng JX, Murre C, Singh H, Glass CK (2010). “Simple combinations of lineage-determining transcription factors prime cis-regulatory elements required for macrophage and B cell identities.” Molecular Cell, 38, 576-589.

See Also


Other write_motifs: write_jaspar(), write_matrix(), write_meme(), write_motifs(), write_transfac()


motif <- create_motif()
write_homer(motif, tempfile())

Export motifs in JASPAR format.


Convert motifs to JASPAR format and write to file. See


write_jaspar(motifs, file, overwrite = FALSE, append = FALSE)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character(1) File name.


logical(1) Overwrite existing file.


logical(1) Add to an existing file.


NULL, invisibly.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Khan A, Fornes O, Stigliani A, Gheorghe M, Castro-Mondragon JA, van der Lee R, Bessy A, Cheneby J, Kulkarni SR, Tan G, Baranasic D, Arenillas DJ, Sandelin A, Vandepoele K, Lenhard B, Ballester B, Wasserman WW, Parcy F, Mathelier A (2018). “JASPAR 2018: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles and its web framework.” Nucleic Acids Research, 46, D260-D266.

See Also


Other write_motifs: write_homer(), write_matrix(), write_meme(), write_motifs(), write_transfac()


transfac <- read_transfac(system.file("extdata", "transfac.txt",
                                    package = "universalmotif"))
write_jaspar(transfac, tempfile())

Export motifs as raw matrices.


Write motifs as simple matrices with optional headers to file.


write_matrix(motifs, file, positions = "columns", rownames = FALSE, type,
  sep = "", headers = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, append = FALSE,
  digits = 6)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character(1) File name.


character(1) One of c('columns', 'rows'). Partial matching allowed.


logical(1) Include alphabet letters as rownames.


character(1) One of c('PCM', 'PPM', 'PWM', 'ICM'). If missing will use whatever type the motif is currently stored as.


character(1) Indicates how to separate individual motifs. Set as NULL to have no seperating lines between motifs (the default is to use a blank line).


logical(1), character(1) Indicating if and how to write names.


logical(1) Overwrite existing file.


logical(1) Add to an existing file.


numeric(1) Number of digits to use for motif positions.


NULL, invisibly.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also


Other write_motifs: write_homer(), write_jaspar(), write_meme(), write_motifs(), write_transfac()


motif <- create_motif()
write_matrix(motif, tempfile(), headers = ">")

Export motifs in MEME format.


Convert motifs to minimal MEME format and write to file. See


write_meme(motifs, file, version = 5, bkg, strand, overwrite = FALSE,
  append = FALSE)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character(1) File name.


numeric(1) MEME version.


numeric Background letter frequencies. If missing, will use background frequencies from motif objects (if they are identical); else background frequencies will be set to freq = 1/length(alphabet)


character If missing, will use strand from motif objects (if identical); otherwise will default to "+ -"


logical(1) Overwrite existing file.


logical(1) Add to an existing file. Motifs will be written in minimal format, so it is recommended to only use this if the existing file is also a minimal MEME format file.


NULL, invisibly.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Bailey TL, Boden M, Buske FA, Frith M, Grant CE, Clementi L, Ren J, Li WW, Noble WS (2009). “MEME SUITE: tools for motif discovery and searching.” Nucleic Acids Research, 37, W202-W208.

See Also


Other write_motifs: write_homer(), write_jaspar(), write_matrix(), write_motifs(), write_transfac()


transfac <- read_transfac(system.file("extdata", "transfac.txt",
                                    package = "universalmotif"))
write_meme(transfac, tempfile())

Export motifs in universalmotif format.


Write motifs as universalmotif objects to file. For optimal storage of universalmotif class motifs, consider using saveRDS() and readRDS(). Currently the universalmotif format is YAML-based, but this is subject to change.


write_motifs(motifs, file, minimal = FALSE, multifreq = TRUE,
  progress = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, append = FALSE, BP = FALSE)



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character(1) File name.


logical(1) Only write essential motif information.


logical(1) Write multifreq slot, if present.


logical(1) Show progress.


logical(1) Overwrite existing file.


logical(1) Add to an existing motif file. Package version in existing motif file must be greater than 1.2.0.


logical(1) Allows for the use of BiocParallel within write_motifs(). See BiocParallel::register() to change the default backend.


NULL, invisibly.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]

See Also

Other write_motifs: write_homer(), write_jaspar(), write_matrix(), write_meme(), write_transfac()

Export motifs in TRANSFAC format.


Convert motifs to TRANSFAC format and write to file.


write_transfac(motifs, file, overwrite = FALSE, append = FALSE,
  name.tag = "ID", altname.tag = "NA")



See convert_motifs() for acceptable formats.


character(1) File name.


logical(1) Overwrite existing file.


logical(1) Add to an existing file.


character(1) The tag to use when writing the motifs name slot.


character(1) The tag to use when writing the motifs altname slot. Note that no tag will be written if the slot is empty.


If the family slot of a motif is not empty, then its contents will included using the HC tag. Similarly for the organism slot using the tag OS. The default name and alternate name tags are ID and NA, respectively, though these can be set manually.


NULL, invisibly.


Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, [email protected]


Wingender E, Dietze P, Karas H, Knuppel R (1996). “TRANSFAC: A Database on Transcription Factors and Their DNA Binding Sites.” Nucleic Acids Research, 24, 238-241.

See Also


Other write_motifs: write_homer(), write_jaspar(), write_matrix(), write_meme(), write_motifs()


jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
                                    package = "universalmotif"))
write_transfac(jaspar, tempfile())