Package 'MIRit'

Title: Integrate microRNA and gene expression to decipher pathway complexity
Description: MIRit is an R package that provides several methods for investigating the relationships between miRNAs and genes in different biological conditions. In particular, MIRit allows to explore the functions of dysregulated miRNAs, and makes it possible to identify miRNA-gene regulatory axes that control biological pathways, thus enabling the users to unveil the complexity of miRNA biology. MIRit is an all-in-one framework that aims to help researchers in all the central aspects of an integrative miRNA-mRNA analyses, from differential expression analysis to network characterization.
Authors: Jacopo Ronchi [aut, cre] , Maria Foti [fnd]
Maintainer: Jacopo Ronchi <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.3.0
Built: 2025-02-20 06:06:28 UTC

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Manually add differential expression results to a MirnaExperiment object


This function allows to add miRNA and gene differential expression results to a MirnaExperiment object. Instead of running performMirnaDE() and performGeneDE() functions, this one allows to use differential expression analyses carried out in other ways. Note that it is possible to manually add differential expression results just for miRNAs or just for genes. This is particularly useful in order to use the pipeline implemented in MIRit for proteomic data and for expression data deriving from different technologies.


  mirnaDE = NULL,
  geneDE = NULL,
  mirna.logFC = 0,
  mirna.pCutoff = 0.05,
  mirna.pAdjustment = "fdr",
  gene.logFC = 0,
  gene.pCutoff = 0.05,
  gene.pAdjustment = "fdr"



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


A data.frame containing the output of miRNA differential expression analysis. Check the details section to see the required format. Default is NULL not to add miRNA differential expression results


A data.frame containing the output of gene differential expression analysis. Check the details section to see the required format. Default is NULL not to add gene differential expression results


The minimum log2 fold change required to consider a miRNA as differentially expressed. Optional, default is 0


The adjusted p-value cutoff to use for miRNA statistical significance. The default value is 0.05


The p-value correction method for miRNA multiple testing. It must be one of: fdr (default), BH, none, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY


The minimum log2 fold change required to consider a gene as differentially expressed. Optional, default is 0


The adjusted p-value cutoff to use for gene statistical significance. The default value is 0.05


The p-value correction method for gene multiple testing. It must be one of: fdr (default), BH, none, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY


The following paragraphs briefly explain the formats needed for mirnaDE, geneDE, and differential expression parameters.

mirnaDE and geneDE

mirnaDE and geneDE are two objects of class data.frame containing the results of miRNA and gene differential expression analysis respectively. These tables should contain the differential expression results for all miRNAs/genes analyzed, not just for statistically significant species.

Note that you can individually add differential expression results for miRNAs and genes. For instance, it is possible to manually add gene differential expression through this function, while performing miRNA differential expression through the performMirnaDE() function, and vice versa. In order to only add miRNA or gene differential expression results, you must leave mirnaDE or geneDE slots to NULL.

All data.frame objects can be used, as long as they have:

  • One column containing miRNA/gene names (according to miRBase/hgnc nomenclature). Accepted column names are: ID, Symbol, Gene_Symbol, Mirna, mir, Gene, gene.symbol, Gene.symbol;

  • One column with log2 fold changes. Accepted column names are: logFC, log2FoldChange, FC, lFC;

  • One column with average expression. Accepted column names are: AveExpr, baseMean, logCPM;

  • One column with the p-values resulting from the differential expression analysis. Accepted column names are: P.Value, pvalue, PValue, Pvalue;

  • One column containing p-values adjusted for multiple testing. Accepted column names are: adj.P.Val, padj, FDR, fdr, adj, adj.p, adjp.

Differential expression cutoffs

mirna.logFC, mirna.pCutoff, mirna.pAdjustment, and gene.logFC, gene.pCutoff, gene.pAdjustment represent the parameters used to define the significance of differential expression results. These are needed in order to inform MIRit about the features that are considered as differentially expressed.


A MirnaExperiment object containing differential expression results. To access these results, the user may run the mirnaDE() and geneDE() functions for miRNAs and genes, respectively.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example data
data(geneCounts, package = "MIRit")
data(mirnaCounts, package = "MIRit")

# create samples metadata
meta <- data.frame(
    "primary" = colnames(geneCounts),
    "mirnaCol" = colnames(mirnaCounts), "geneCol" = colnames(geneCounts),
    "disease" = c(rep("PTC", 8), rep("NTH", 8)),
    "patient" = c(rep(paste("Sample_", seq(8), sep = ""), 2))

# create a 'MirnaExperiment' object
obj <- MirnaExperiment(
    mirnaExpr = mirnaCounts, geneExpr = geneCounts,
    samplesMetadata = meta, pairedSamples = TRUE

# load example tables with differential expression results
de_m <- mirnaDE(object = loadExamples(), onlySignificant = FALSE)
de_g <- geneDE(object = loadExamples(), onlySignificant = FALSE)

# add DE results to MirnaExperiment object
obj <- addDifferentialExpression(obj, de_m, de_g,
    mirna.pCutoff = 0.05,
    gene.pCutoff = 0.05

Access the miRNA-augmented pathways that were used during TAIPA


This function accesses the pathways slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a list object with the augmented pathways that were considered by the topologicalAnalysis() function to perform the integrative analysis.





An object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis containing the results of a miRNA-mRNA pathway analysis


A list object with the miRNA-augmented biological pathways.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load the example IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object
obj <- loadExamples("IntegrativePathwayAnalysis")

# extract the pathways
ps <- augmentedPathways(obj)

Correct for batch effects in miRNA and gene expression measurements


This function allows to remove unwanted batch effects from miRNA and gene expression matrices. In particular, this function fits a linear model to miRNA/gene expression levels, and then removes the variability caused by batch effects. Furthermore, a weighted surrogate variable analysis (WSVA) can also be included to remove the effects due to surrogate variables. If batch effects are present, it is crucial to remove them with this function before moving to correlation analysis.


  batch = NULL,
  batch2 = NULL,
  covariates = NULL,
  includeWsva = FALSE, = 1L, = TRUE



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The expression matrix to correct. It must be one of genes and microRNA


It must be the name of a variable present in the colData of a MirnaExperiment object (eg. "disease"), or, alternatively, it must be a character/factor object that defines batch memberships. See the details section for additional information


It must be the name of a variable present in the colData of a MirnaExperiment object (eg. "disease"), or, alternatively, it must be a character/factor object that defines another series of batches that have additive effects to those specified in batch. See the details section for additional information


Additional numeric covariates that we want to correct for. It must be a character vector containing the names of numeric variables present in the colData of a MirnaExperiment object (eg. c("age", "RIN", "quantity")), or, alternatively, it must be a simple matrix object. See the details section for additional information


Logical, whether to correct for surrogate variables or not. Default is FALSE

The number of surrogate variables to estimate

Logical, whether to specifically tune the surrogate variables to the more variable genes or not. Default is TRUE


Batch effects consist in unwanted sources of technical variation that confound expression variability and limit downstream analyses. Since the reliability of biological conclusions of integrative miRNA-mRNA analyses depends on the association between miRNA and gene expression levels, it is pivotal to ensure that expression measurements are not affected by technical variations. In this regard, if batch effects are noticed in the data, the user should run this function before using the mirnaIntegration() function to perform a correlation analysis.

Usually, given a MirnaExperiment object, the user should specify:

  • the assay from which we want to remove batch effects (one between genes and microRNA);

  • the batch variable, which is a variable that defines the different batches;

  • the batch2 variable, which can be included to correct for a second series of batches that have additive effects to those specified in batch;

  • the covariates variables, which allows correction for one or more continuous numeric effects.

In particular, batch and batch2 could be provided as the names of covariates included in the colData of a MirnaExperiment object. Alternatively, they can be character/factor objects that declare batch memberships. Similarly, covariates can be supplied as a vector containing the names of numeric variables listed in the colData of MirnaExperiment objects, or they can be provided as a simple matrix.

Additionally, the influence of unknown sources of technical variation can be removed by including surrogate variables estimated through WSVA. To do so, we can set includeWsva to TRUE, and then we can specify the number of surrogate variables to use through the parameter. Further, the surrogate variables can be tuned to the more variable genes by setting to TRUE.

Please note that we only recommend to remove batch effects directly from expression measurements prior to correlation analysis. This function can't be used to remove batch effects before differential expression analysis, because for that purpose, it is better to include batch variables in the linear model. In this way, we do not underestimate the residual degrees of freedom, so that the calculated standard errors, t-statistics and p-values are not overoptimistic.


A MirnaExperiment object containing batch effect-corrected expression matrices.


To estimate surrogate variables and to remove batch effects from expression data, MIRit uses the limma::wsva() and limma::removeBatchEffect() functions, respectively.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Ritchie ME, Phipson B, Wu D, Hu Y, Law CW, Shi W, Smyth GK (2015). “limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies.” Nucleic Acids Research, 43(7), e47. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv007.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# correct batch effects due to the patient from miRNA expression matrix
obj <- batchCorrection(obj, "microRNA", batch = "patient")

Extract differentially expressed miRNAs and genes from a MirnaExperiment object


The mirnaDE() and geneDE() are two accessor functions for the mirnaDE and geneDE slots of MirnaExperiment class, respectively. Thus, they can be used to explore the results of miRNA and gene differential expression analysis stored in a MirnaExperiment object.


mirnaDE(object, onlySignificant = TRUE, param = FALSE, returnObject = FALSE)

geneDE(object, onlySignificant = TRUE, param = FALSE, returnObject = FALSE)



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


Logical, if TRUE differential expression results will be returned just for statistically significant miRNAs/genes, if FALSE the full table of miRNA/gene differential expression will be provided. Default is TRUE to only report significant miRNAs/genes


Logical, whether to return the complete list object with the parameters used, or just the results stored in data. Default is FALSE


Logical, if TRUE this function will return the limma/edgeR/DESeq2 object used for differential expression analysis


A data.frame with miRNA/gene differential expression, or a list object with the parameters used if param = TRUE.


  • mirnaDE(): Extract miRNA differential expression results

  • geneDE(): Extract gene differential expression results


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# access miRNA differential expression of a MirnaExperiment object
sig <- mirnaDE(obj)
all <- mirnaDE(obj, onlySignificant = FALSE)

# access gene differential expression of a MirnaExperiment object
sig <- geneDE(obj)
all <- geneDE(obj, onlySignificant = FALSE)

Perform differential expression analysis


performMirnaDE() and performGeneDE() are two functions provided by MIRit to conduct miRNA and gene differential expression analysis, respectively. In particular, these functions allow the user to compute differential expression through different methods, namely edgeR (Quasi-Likelihood framework), DESeq2, limma-voom and limma. Data deriving from NGS experiments and microarray technology are all suitable for these functions. For precise indications about how to use these functions, please refer to the details section.


  method = "edgeR",
  logFC = 0,
  pCutoff = 0.05,
  pAdjustment = "fdr",
  filterByExpr.args = list(),
  calcNormFactors.args = list(),
  estimateDisp.args = list(robust = TRUE),
  glmQLFit.args = list(),
  glmQLFTest.args = list(),
  DESeq.args = list(),
  useVoomWithQualityWeights = TRUE,
  voom.args = list(),
  lmFit.args = list(),
  eBayes.args = list(),
  useArrayWeights = TRUE,
  useWsva = FALSE,
  wsva.args = list(),
  arrayWeights.args = list(),
  useDuplicateCorrelation = FALSE,
  correlationBlockVariable = NULL,
  duplicateCorrelation.args = list()

  method = "edgeR",
  logFC = 0,
  pCutoff = 0.05,
  pAdjustment = "fdr",
  filterByExpr.args = list(),
  calcNormFactors.args = list(),
  estimateDisp.args = list(robust = TRUE),
  glmQLFit.args = list(),
  glmQLFTest.args = list(),
  DESeq.args = list(),
  useVoomWithQualityWeights = TRUE,
  voom.args = list(),
  lmFit.args = list(),
  eBayes.args = list(),
  useArrayWeights = TRUE,
  useWsva = FALSE,
  wsva.args = list(),
  arrayWeights.args = list(),
  useDuplicateCorrelation = FALSE,
  correlationBlockVariable = NULL,
  duplicateCorrelation.args = list()



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The variable of interest for differential expression analysis. It must be the column name of a variable present in the metadata (colData) of a MirnaExperiment object. See the details section for additional information


A character object that specifies the groups to be compared during differential expression analysis, separated by a dash (e.g. 'disease-healthy'). Note that reference group must be the last one, for additional information see the details section


An R formula that indicates the model to fit. It must include the variable of interest (group) together with eventual covariates (e.g. '~ 0 + disease + sex'). Please note that group variable must be the first one. See the details section for additional information


The statistical package used to compute differential expression. For NGS experiments, it must be one of edgeR (default), DESeq2, and voom (for limma-voom). Instead, for microarray data, only limma can be used


The minimum log2 fold change required to consider a gene as differentially expressed. Optional, default is 0


The adjusted p-value cutoff to use for statistical significance. The default value is 0.05


The p-value correction method for multiple testing. It must be one of: fdr (default), BH, none, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY


A list object containing additional arguments passed to edgeR::filterByExpr() function. It is used when method is set to edgeR or voom


A list object containing additional arguments passed to edgeR::calcNormFactors() function. It is used when method is set to edgeR or voom


A list object containing additional arguments passed to edgeR::estimateDisp() function. It is used when method is set to edgeR. Default is list(robust = TRUE) to use the robust parameter


A list object containing additional arguments passed to edgeR::glmQLFit() function. It is used when method is set to edgeR


A list object containing additional arguments passed to edgeR::glmQLFTest() function. It is used when method is set to edgeR


A list object containing additional arguments passed to DESeq2::DESeq() function. It is used when method is set to DESeq


Logical, whether to use the limma::voomWithQualityWeights() function or just the limma::voom() function. It is used when method is set to voom. Default is TRUE


A list object containing additional arguments passed to limma::voom() function or limma::voomWithQualityWeights() function. It is used when method is set to voom


A list object containing additional arguments passed to limma::lmFit() function. It is used when method is set to voom or limma


A list object containing additional arguments passed to limma::eBayes() function. It is used when method is set to voom or limma


Logical, whether to use the limma::arrayWeights() function or not. It is used when method is set to limma. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to use the limma::wsva() function or not. It is used when method is set to limma. Default is FALSE


A list object containing additional arguments passed to limma::wsva() function. It is used when method is set to limma


A list object containing additional arguments passed to limma::arrayWeights() function. It is used when method is set to limma


Logical, whether to use the limma::duplicateCorrelation() function or not. It is used when method is set to limma. Default is FALSE


It is the blocking variable to use for limma::duplicateCorrelation(). Default is NULL


A list object containing additional arguments passed to limma::duplicateCorrelation() function. It is used when method is set to limma


When performing differential expression for NGS experiments, count matrices are detected and method parameter must be one of edgeR, DESeq2, and voom. On the other hand, when dealing with microarray studies, only limma can be used.

To calculate differential expression, MIRit must be informed about the variable of interest and the desired contrast. In particular, the group parameter must be the name of a variable present in the metadata (colData) of a MirnaExperiment object, which specifies the variable used to compute differential expression analysis, between the groups indicated in contrast. Specifically, contrast must be a character vector that defines the levels to compare separated by a dash. For example, if we have a variable named 'condition', with two levels, namely 'disease' and 'healthy', we can identify differentially expressed genes in 'disease' samples compared to 'healthy' subjects by specifying: group = 'condition' and contrast = 'disease-healthy'. Furthermore, the user needs to specify the model to fit expression values. To do so, the user has to state the model formula in the design parameter. Please note that for a correct inner working of these functions, the group variable of interest must be the first variable in model formula. Moreover, the user can include in the design any other sources of variation by specifying covariates that will be taken into account. For instance, if we want to compare 'disease' subjects against 'healthy' individuals, without the influence of sex differences, we may specify design = ~ condition + sex, where 'sex' is also a variable present in the metadata (colData) of mirnaObj.

Notably, for all the methods available, the user can supply additional arguments to the functions implemented in edgeR, DESeq2 and limma. Therefore, the user has finer control over how the differential expression analysis is performed. In this regard, for microarray studies, the user may opt to include weighted surrogate variable analysis (WSVA) to correct for unknown sources of variation (useWsva = TRUE). Moreover, for microarray data, the arrayWeights() function in limma can be used to assess differential expression with respect to array qualities. Also, the duplicateCorrelation() function in limma may be included in the pipeline in order to block the effect of correlated samples. To do this, the user must set useDuplicateCorrelation = TRUE, and must specify the blocking variable through the correlationBlockVariable parameter. Additionally, when using limma-voom, the user may estimate voom transformation with or without quality weights (by specifying useVoomWithQualityWeights = TRUE).


A MirnaExperiment object containing differential expression results. To access these results, the user may run the mirnaDE() and geneDE() functions for miRNAs and genes, respectively.


  • performMirnaDE(): Perform differential expression analysis for miRNAs

  • performGeneDE(): Perform differential expression analysis for genes


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Ritchie ME, Phipson B, Wu D, Hu Y, Law CW, Shi W, Smyth GK (2015). “limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies.” Nucleic Acids Research, 43(7), e47. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv007.

Law, CW, Chen, Y, Shi, W, and Smyth, GK (2014). "Voom: precision weights unlock linear model analysis tools for RNA-seq read counts". Genome Biology 15, R29

Robinson MD, McCarthy DJ, Smyth GK (2010). “edgeR: a Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of digital gene expression data.” Bioinformatics, 26(1), 139-140. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp616.

Love MI, Huber W, Anders S (2014). “Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2.” Genome Biology, 15, 550. doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0550-8.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# perform miRNA DE with edgeR
obj <- performMirnaDE(obj,
    group = "disease", contrast = "PTC-NTH",
    design = ~ 0 + disease + patient, method = "edgeR"

# perform miRNA DE with DESeq2
obj <- performMirnaDE(obj,
    group = "disease", contrast = "PTC-NTH",
    design = ~ 0 + disease + patient, method = "DESeq2"

# perform miRNA DE with limma-voom
obj <- performMirnaDE(obj,
    group = "disease", contrast = "PTC-NTH",
    design = ~ 0 + disease + patient, method = "voom"

Extract the names of the pre-ranked features in a GSEA experiment


This function accesses the features slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a character vector with the names of the features considered in GSEA in the same order as the ranking metric.





An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


A character vector with the names of the genes ordered based on the ranking metric.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# extract the ranking metric
rmet <- enrichmentMetric(obj)

## extract the corresponding names
rnames <- enrichedFeatures(obj)

Perform functional enrichment analysis of genes


This function allows to investigate the biological functions and pathways that result dysregulated across biological conditions. In particular, different enrichment approaches can be used, including over-representation analysis (ORA), gene-set enrichment analysis (GSEA), and Correlation Adjusted MEan RAnk gene set test (CAMERA). Moreover, for all these analyses, the enrichment can be carried out using different databases, namely Gene Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), MsigDB, WikiPathways, Reactome, Enrichr, Disease Ontology (DO), Network of Cancer Genes (NCG), DisGeNET, and COVID19. For exhaustive information on how to use this function, please refer to the details section.


  method = "GSEA",
  database = "GO",
  category = NULL,
  organism = "Homo sapiens",
  pCutoff = 0.05,
  pAdjustment = "fdr",
  minSize = 10L,
  maxSize = 500L,
  rankMetric = "signed.pval",
  eps = 1e-50



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The functional enrichment analysis to perform. It must be one of ORA, GSEA (default), and CAMERA. For additional information, see the details section


The name of the database used for the enrichment analysis. It must be one of: GO, KEGG, MsigDB, WikiPathways, Reactome, Enrichr, DO, NCG, DisGeNET, COVID19. Default is GO


The desired subcategory of gene sets present in database. Please, see the details section to check the available categories for each database. Default is NULL to use default categories


The name of the organism under consideration. The different databases have different supported organisms. To see the list of supported organisms for a given database, use the supportedOrganisms() function. Default is ⁠Homo sapiens⁠


The adjusted p-value cutoff to use for statistical significance. The default value is 0.05


The p-value correction method for multiple testing. It must be one of: fdr (default), BH, none, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY


The minimum size for a gene set. All gene sets containing less than this number of genes will not be considered. Default is 10


The maximum size for a gene set. All gene sets containing more than this number of genes will not be considered. Default is 500


The ranking statistic used to order genes before performing GSEA. It must be one of signed.pval (default), logFC, and log.pval. For additional information, refer to the details section


The lower boundary for p-value calculation (default is 1e-50). To compute exact p-values, this parameter can be set to 0, even though the analysis will be slower


Enrichment method

The method used for functional enrichment analysis will drastically influence the biological results, and thus, it must be carefully chosen. ORA (Boyle et al., 2004) takes differentially expressed genes (separately considering upregulated and downregulated features) and uses the hypergeometric test to infer the biological processes that are regulated by these genes more than would be expected by chance. The downside of this approach is that we only consider genes that passed a pre-defined threshold, thus losing all the slight changes in gene expression that may have important biological consequences.

To address this limit, GSEA was introduced (Subramanian, 2005). This analysis starts by ranking genes according to a specific criterion, and then uses a running statistic that is able to identify even slight but coordinated expression changes of genes belonging to a specific pathway. Therefore, GSEA is the default method used in MIRit to perform the functional enrichment analysis of genes.

Moreover, in addition to ORA and GSEA, this function allows to perform the enrichment analysis through CAMERA (Wu and Smyth, 2012), which is another competitive test used for functional enrichment of genes. The main advantage of this method is that it adjusts the gene set test statistic according to inter-gene correlations. This is particularly interesting since it was demonstrated that inter-gene correlations may affect the reliability of functional enrichment analyses.

Databases and categories

Regarding gene sets, multiple databases can be used to investigate the consequences of gene expression alterations. However, different databases also includes several subcategories with different annotations. To specifically query desired categories, the category parameter is used. As a reference, here are listed the available categories for the different databases supported:

  • Gene Ontology (GO):

    • bp, for GO - Biological Processes;

    • mf, for GO - Molecular Function;

    • cc, for GO - Cellular Component;

  • Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG):

    • pathway, for KEGG biological pathways;

    • module, for KEGG reaction modules;

    • enzyme, for KEGG enzyme nomenclature;

    • disease, for KEGG diseases (only Homo sapiens supported);

    • drug, for KEGG drug targets (only Homo sapiens supported);

    • network, for KEGG disease/drug perturbation netowrks (only Homo sapiens supported);

  • MsigDB:

    • H, for MsigDB hallmark genes of specific biological states/processes;

    • C1, for gene sets of human chromosome cytogenetic bands;

    • C2-CGP, for expression signatures of genetic and chemical perturbations;

    • C2-CP-BIOCARTA, for canonical pathways gene sets derived from the BioCarta pathway database;

    • C2-CP-KEGG, for canonical pathways gene sets derived from the KEGG pathway database;

    • C2-CP-PID, for canonical pathways gene sets derived from the PID pathway database;

    • C2-CP-REACTOME, for canonical pathways gene sets derived from the Reactome pathway database;

    • C2-CP-WIKIPATHWAYS, for canonical pathways gene sets derived from the WikiPathways database;

    • C3-MIR-MIRDB, for gene sets containing high-confidence gene-level predictions of human miRNA targets as catalogued by miRDB v6.0 algorithm;

    • C3-MIR-MIR_Legacy, for older gene sets that contain genes sharing putative target sites of human mature miRNA in their 3'-UTRs;

    • C3-TFT-GTRD, for genes that share GTRD predicted transcription factor binding sites in the region -1000,+100 bp around the TSS for the indicated transcription factor;

    • C3-TFT-TFT_Legacy, for older gene sets that share upstream cis-regulatory motifs which can function as potential transcription factor binding sites;

    • C4-CGN, for gene sets defined by expression neighborhoods centered on 380 cancer-associated genes;

    • C4-CM, for cancer modules as defined by Segal et al. 2004;

    • C5-GO-BP, for GO - biological process ontology;

    • C5-GO-CC, for GO - cellular component ontology;

    • C5-GO-MF, for GO - molecular function ontology;

    • C5-HPO, for Human Phenotype ontology (HPO);

    • C6, for gene sets that represent signatures of cellular pathways which are often dis-regulated in cancer;

    • C7-IMMUNESIGDB, for manually curated gene sets representing chemical and genetic perturbations of the immune system;

    • C7-VAX, for gene sets deriving from the Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) describing human transcriptomic immune responses to vaccinations;

    • C8, for gene sets that contain curated cluster markers for cell types;

  • WikiPathways;

  • Reactome;

  • Enrichr:

    • All avaliable gene sets can be listed through geneset::enrichr_metadata

  • Disease Ontology (DO);

  • Network of Cancer Genes (NCG):

    • v6, for the sixth version;

    • v7, for the seventh version;

  • DisGeNET;

  • COVID-19.

Supported organisms

For each database, different organisms are supported. To check the supported organisms for a given database, MIRit provides the supportedOrganisms() function.

GSEA ranking statistic

The ranking statistic used to order genes before conducting GSEA is able to influence the biological interpretation of functional enrichment results. Several metrics have been used in scientific literature. MIRit implements the possibility of using signed.pval, logFC, and log.pval. In particular, the simplest option is to rank genes according to their logFC value. However, this procedure is biased by higher variance for lowly abundant genes.

Therefore, we recommend to use the signed.pval metric, which consists in the p-value of a gene multiplied for the sign of its logFC, i.e. sign(logFC) * p-value. Alternatively, ⁠log,pval⁠ metric, which consist in the product of logFC and p-value, i.e. logFC * p-value can also be used.


For method GSEA and CAMERA, this function produces an object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results. Instead, when ORA is used, this function returns a list object with two elements, namely 'upregulated' and 'downregulated', each containing a FunctionalEnrichment object storing enrichment results of upregulated and downregulated genes, respectively.

To access results of FunctionalEnrichment objects, the user can use the enrichmentResults() function. Additionally, MIRit provides several functions to graphically represent enrichment analyses, including enrichmentBarplot(), enrichmentDotplot(), gseaPlot(), and gseaRidgeplot().


To download gene sets from the above mentioned databases, MIRit uses the geneset R package. Moreover, to perform ORA and GSEA, MIRit implements the fgsea algorithm, whereas for CAMERA, the limma package is used.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Liu, Y., Li, G. Empowering biologists to decode omics data: the Genekitr R package and web server. BMC Bioinformatics 24, 214 (2023).

Korotkevich G, Sukhov V, Sergushichev A (2019). “Fast gene set enrichment analysis.” bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/060012,

Ritchie ME, Phipson B, Wu D, Hu Y, Law CW, Shi W, Smyth GK (2015). “limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies.” Nucleic Acids Research, 43(7), e47. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv007.

Wu D, Smyth GK. Camera: a competitive gene set test accounting for inter-gene correlation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Sep 1;40(17):e133. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks461. Epub 2012 May 25. PMID: 22638577; PMCID: PMC3458527.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# perform ORA with GO
de_enr <- enrichGenes(obj, method = "ORA", database = "GO")

Create a barplot for functional enrichment analysis


This function produces a barplot to show the results of functional enrichment analyses carried out through over-representation analysis (ORA), gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), and competitive gene set test accounting for inter-gene correlation (CAMERA). In particular, this function can take as input enrichment results generated by the enrichGenes() function.


  showTerms = 10,
  showTermsParam = "ratio",
  splitDir = TRUE,
  title = NULL



An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


It is the number of terms to be shown, based on the order determined by the parameter showTermsParam; or, alternatively, a character vector indicating the terms to plot. Default is 10


The order in which the top terms are selected as specified by the showTerms parameter. It must be one of ratio (default), padj, pval and overlap


Logical, if TRUE the resulting plot will be divided in two columns on the basis of enrichment direction (Up and Down). Default is TRUE. This only applies if enrichment method is GSEA or CAMERA


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


When producing a barplot with this function, significant pathways are ordered on the x-axis on the basis of the ratio between the number of overlapping genes in that set, and the total number of genes in the set. Moreover, the color scale of dots is relative to the adjusted p-values of each category.


A ggplot graph with a barplot of enrichment results.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# plot results

Access the database used for functional enrichment analyses


This function accesses the database slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a the name of the database used by the enrichGenes() function to perform the enrichment analysis.





An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


A character containing the name of the database, such as KEGG.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# see the database

Create a dotplot for functional enrichment analysis


This function produces a dotplot to show the results of functional enrichment analyses carried out through over-representation analysis (ORA), gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), and competitive gene set test accounting for inter-gene correlation (CAMERA). In particular, this function can take as input enrichment results generated by the enrichGenes() function.


  showTerms = 10,
  showTermsParam = "ratio",
  splitDir = TRUE,
  title = NULL



An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


It is the number of terms to be shown, based on the order determined by the parameter showTermsParam; or, alternatively, a character vector indicating the terms to plot. Default is 10


The order in which the top terms are selected as specified by the showTerms parameter. It must be one of ratio (default), padj, pval and overlap


Logical, if TRUE the resulting plot will be divided in two columns on the basis of enrichment direction (Up and Down). Default is TRUE. This only applies if enrichment method is GSEA or CAMERA


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


When producing a dotplot with this function, significant pathways are ordered on the x-axis on the basis of the ratio between the number of overlapping genes in that set, and the total number of genes in the set. Moreover, the size of each dot is proportional to the number of overlapping features. Finally, the color scale of dots is relative to the adjusted p-values of each category.


A ggplot graph with a dotplot of enrichment results.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# plot results

Access the method used for functional enrichment analyses


This function accesses the method slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a the name of the enrichment strategy used by the enrichGenes() function to perform the enrichment analysis.





An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


A character containing the enrichment method, such as GSEA.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# see the method

Extract the GSEA ranking metric used for functional enrichment analyses


This function accesses the statistic slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a numeric vector with the metric used to rank genes in GSEA.





An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


A numeric vector containing the ranking metric.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# extract the ranking metric
rmet <- enrichmentMetric(obj)

Access the results of functional enrichment analyses


This function accesses the data slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a data.frame with enrichment results.





An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


A data.frame object containing the results of functional enrichment analyses, as returned by the enrichGenes() function.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# extract results
de_df <- enrichmentResults(obj)

Perform an enrichment analysis of integrated microRNA targets


This function allows to perform an over-representation analysis (ORA) of integrated miRNA targets in order to explore the biological effects of targets that are statistically associated/correlated with DE-miRNAs. The enrichment analysis can be performed using different databases, namely Gene Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), MsigDB, WikiPathways, Reactome, Enrichr, Disease Ontology (DO), Network of Cancer Genes (NCG), DisGeNET, and COVID19.


  database = "GO",
  category = NULL,
  organism = "Homo sapiens",
  pCutoff = 0.05,
  pAdjustment = "fdr",
  minSize = 10L,
  maxSize = 500L



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The name of the database used for the enrichment analysis. It must be one of: GO, KEGG, MsigDB, WikiPathways, Reactome, Enrichr, DO, NCG, DisGeNET, COVID19. Default is GO


The desired subcategory of gene sets present in database. Please, see the details section to check the available categories for each database. Default is NULL to use default categories


The name of the organism under consideration. The different databases have different supported organisms. To see the list of supported organisms for a given database, use the supportedOrganisms() function. Default is ⁠Homo sapiens⁠


The adjusted p-value cutoff to use for statistical significance. The default value is 0.05


The p-value correction method for multiple testing. It must be one of: fdr (default), BH, none, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY


The minimum size for a gene set. All gene sets containing less than this number of genes will not be considered. Default is 10


The maximum size for a gene set. All gene sets containing more than this number of genes will not be considered. Default is 500


For each database, different organisms are supported. To check the supported organisms for a given database, MIRit provides the supportedOrganisms() function.

Moreover, since different database support multiple subcategories, the category parameter can be set to specify the desired resource. For specific information regarding the available categories for the different databases, check the details section of the enrichGenes() documentation.


This function produces a list object with two elements, namely 'upregulated' and 'downregulated', each containing a FunctionalEnrichment object storing enrichment results of upregulated and downregulated target genes, respectively.

To access results of FunctionalEnrichment objects, the user can use the enrichmentResults() function. Additionally, MIRit provides several functions to graphically represent enrichment analyses, including enrichmentBarplot(), and enrichmentDotplot().


To download gene sets from the above mentioned databases, MIRit uses the geneset R package. Moreover, to perform ORA, MIRit implements the fgsea package in Bioconductor.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Liu, Y., Li, G. Empowering biologists to decode omics data: the Genekitr R package and web server. BMC Bioinformatics 24, 214 (2023).

Korotkevich G, Sukhov V, Sergushichev A (2019). “Fast gene set enrichment analysis.” bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/060012,


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# perform enrichment analysis of integrated targets with DO
targets_enrichment <- enrichTargets(obj, database = "DO")

Find disease-associated SNPs occurring at DE-miRNA loci


This function allows to identify disease-associated genomic variants affecting differentially expressed miRNA genes or their host genes. To do so, this function uses gwasrapidd to retrieve SNPs-disease associations, and then retains only SNPs that affect DE-miRNA genes or their relative host genes (for intronic miRNAs).


findMirnaSNPs(mirnaObj, diseaseEFO)



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The EFO identifier of a disease of interest. This can be identified with the searchDisease() function


SNPs occurring within miRNAs may have important effects on the biological function of these transcripts. Indeed, a SNP present within a miRNA gene might alter its expression or the spectrum of miRNA targets.

To retrieve disease-SNPs, this function uses gwasrapidd package, which directly queries the NHGRI-EBI Catalog of published genome-wide association studies. After running this function, the user can use the mirVariantPlot() function to produce a trackplot for visualizing the genomic location of SNPs within miRNA genes.


A data.frame containing details about disease-SNPs and the associated differentially expressed miRNAs:

  • variant contains SNP identifiers;

  • gene defines the gene affected by a disease-SNP (it may be the miRNA gene itself or the host gene of an intronic miRNA);

  • miRNA.gene specifies the DE-miRNA gene present;

  • miRNA.precursor specifies the name of the miRNA precursor affected by disease-SNPs;

  • chr indicates the chromosome of SNPs;

  • position shows the SNP position;

  • allele displays possible alleles for this SNPs;

  • distance specifies the distance between SNPs and miRNAs;

  • is_upstream indicates whether SNP is upstream of miRNA gene;

  • is_downstream indicates whether SNP is downstream of miRNA gene;

  • mirnaStrand shows the strand;

  • mirnaStartPosition displays the start position of DE-miRNA gene;

  • mirnaEndPosition displays the end position of DE-miRNA gene.


To retrieve disease-associated SNPs, this function makes use of the gwasrapidd package.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Ramiro Magno, Ana-Teresa Maia, gwasrapidd: an R package to query, download and wrangle GWAS catalog data, Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 2, January 2020, Pages 649–650,


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# search disease
searchDisease("response to antidepressant")
disId <- "response to antidepressant"

# retrieve associated SNPs
association <- findMirnaSNPs(obj, disId)

The FunctionalEnrichment class


This class introduces the possibility to store the results of functional enrichment analyses such as over-representation analysis (ORA), gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), and competitive gene set test accounting for inter-gene correlation (CAMERA). The different slots contained in this class are used to store enrichment results generated through the enrichGenes() function.


## S4 method for signature 'FunctionalEnrichment'

## S4 method for signature 'FunctionalEnrichment'

## S4 method for signature 'FunctionalEnrichment'

## S4 method for signature 'FunctionalEnrichment'

## S4 method for signature 'FunctionalEnrichment'

## S4 method for signature 'FunctionalEnrichment'

## S4 method for signature 'FunctionalEnrichment'



An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


  • the enrichmentResults() function returns a data.frame object with the results of the functional enrichment analysis.

  • the enrichmentDatabase() function returns a character that specifies the database that provided the gene-set collection.

  • the enrichmentMethod() function returns a character with the enrichment method used for the analysis.

  • the geneSet() function returns a list with the gene-set collections retrieved.

  • the enrichmentMetric() function returns a numeric object with ranked gene statistic used for GSEA.

  • the enrichmentMetric() function returns a character object with the names of the ranked features used for GSEA.


  • enrichmentResults(FunctionalEnrichment): Access the data slot to take a closer look at all the enriched terms of an enrichment analysis

  • enrichmentDatabase(FunctionalEnrichment): See the database used for the functional enrichment

  • enrichmentMethod(FunctionalEnrichment): Visualize the approach used for the functional enrichment analysis

  • geneSet(FunctionalEnrichment): Access the geneSet slot to see the collection of gene sets used for GSEA

  • enrichmentMetric(FunctionalEnrichment): View the ranking metric used for GSEA

  • enrichedFeatures(FunctionalEnrichment): View the names of the pre-ranked features used for GSEA

  • show(FunctionalEnrichment): Show method for objects of class FunctionalEnrichment



A data.frame object holding the output of enrichment analysis


The method used to perform functional enrichment analysis (e.g. ⁠Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)⁠)


The name of the organism under consideration (e.g. ⁠Homo sapiens⁠)


The name of the database used for the enrichment analysis (e.g. KEGG)


A numeric value defining the threshold used for statistical significance in the enrichment analysis (e.g. 0.05)


A character indicating the method used to correct p-values for multiple testing (e.g. fdr)


A character vector containing the list of features used for the enrichment


A numeric vector containing the statistic used to run GSEA. This parameter is empty for ORA and CAMERA


The background universe of features. Typically, this is equal to the complete list of features assayed. This slot is NULL for GSEA


The gene set used for the functional enrichment analysis. It is a list object where each element contains the list of genes belonging to a specific pathway.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]

Count matrix for gene expression in thyroid cancer


This dataset contains a gene expression matrix resulting from an RNA-Seq analysis of thyroid cancer. Specifically, these data originate from Riesco-Eizaguirre et al (2015), where they sequenced 8 papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) together with paired samples of normal thyroid tissue. The same thing was done for microRNAs in order to investigate the effects on target genes. Data included in this package have been obtained through the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO accession: GSE63511).





A matrix object containing samples as columns and genes as rows.


A matrix object with 23710 rows and 16 columns.



Garcilaso Riesco-Eizaguirre et al., “The MiR-146b-3p/PAX8/NIS Regulatory Circuit Modulates the Differentiation Phenotype and Function of Thyroid Cells during Carcinogenesis,” Cancer Research 75, no. 19 (September 30, 2015): 4119–30,

Extract the gene-sets used for functional enrichment analyses


This function accesses the geneSet slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a list with the collection of genes used for the enrichment.





An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


A list containing the gene-sets.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# extract the gene-sets
gs <- geneSet(obj)

Get the scientific evidence for a particular disease-SNP association


This function returns the biomedical evidence that supports the association between a particular SNP and a phenotypic trait.


getEvidence(variant, diseaseEFO)



The SNP ID of a particular variant of interest (e.g. 'rs394581')


The EFO identifier of a disease of interest. This can be identified with the function searchDisease()


A tbl_df dataframe containing information about literature evidences for a disease-SNP association.


To retrieve evidences of disease-SNP association, this function makes use of the gwasrapidd package.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Ramiro Magno, Ana-Teresa Maia, gwasrapidd: an R package to query, download and wrangle GWAS catalog data, Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 2, January 2020, Pages 649–650,


# searchDisease("Alzheimer disease")
evidence <- getEvidence("rs2075650", diseaseEFO = "Alzheimer disease")

Get microRNA targets


This function allows to obtain human miRNA-target interactions using two databases, namely miRTarBase v10, which contains experimentally validated interactions, and the microRNA Data Integration Portal (mirDIP) database, which aggregates miRNA target predictions from 24 different resources by using an integrated score inferred from different prediction metrics. In this way, as demonstrated by Tokar et al. 2018, mirDIP reports more accurate predictions compared to those of individual tools. However, for species other than Homo sapiens only validated interactions are returned, since mirDIP is only available for human miRNAs.


  organism = "Homo sapiens",
  score = "High",
  includeValidated = TRUE,
  evidence = "all"



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The specie for which you are retrieving miRNA target genes. Available species are: ⁠Homo sapiens⁠ (default), ⁠Mus musculus⁠, ⁠Rattus norvegicus⁠, ⁠Arabidopsis thaliana⁠, ⁠Bos taurus⁠, ⁠Caenorhabditis elegans⁠, ⁠Danio rerio⁠, ⁠Drosophila melanogaster⁠, ⁠Gallus gallus⁠, ⁠Sus scrofa⁠


The minimum mirDIP confidence score. It must be one of ⁠Very High⁠, High (default), Medium, Low, which correspond to ranks among top 1%, top 5% (excluding top 1%), top 1/3 (excluding top 5%) and remaining predictions, respectively


Logical, whether to include validated interactions from miRTarBase or not. Default is TRUE in order to retrieve both predicted and validated targets. Note that for species other than Homo sapines only validated interactions are considered.


The support evidence required for miRTarBase validated interactions. The possible options are strong, to only include targets with strong experimental support, and all (default) to also include validated interactions with less strong evidence.


To define miRNA target genes, we can consider both experimentally validated and computationally predicted interactions. Interactions of the former type are generally preferred, since they are corroborated by biomolecular experiments. However, they are often not sufficient, thus making it necessary to consider the predicted interactions as well. The downside of miRNA target prediction algorithms is the scarce extend of overlap existing between the different tools. To address this issue, several ensemble methods have been developed, trying to aggregate the predictions obtained by different algorithms. Initially, several researchers determined as significant miRNA-target pairs those predicted by more than one tool (intersection method). However, this method is not able to capture an important number of meaningful interactions. Alternatively, other strategies used to merge predictions from several algorithms (union method). Despite identifying more true relationships, the union method leads to a higher proportion of false discoveries. Therefore, other ensemble methods including mirDIP started using other statistics to rank miRNA-target predictions obtained by multiple algorithms. For additional information on mirDIP database and its ranking metric check Tokar et al. 2018 and Hauschild et al. 2023.

This function defines miRNA targets by considering both validated interactions present in miRTarBase (version 10), and predicted interactions identified by mirDIP. Please note that for species other than Homo sapiens, only miRTarBase interactions are available. Further, it is possible to include all validated miRNA-target interactions, or limit the retrieval to interactions with strong supporting evidence.


A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA targets stored in the targets slot. Results can be accessed with the mirnaTargets() function.


To access mirDIP database at, this function directly use mirDIP API through R.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Tomas Tokar and others, mirDIP 4.1—integrative database of human microRNA target predictions, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 46, Issue D1, 4 January 2018, Pages D360–D370,

Anne-Christin Hauschild and others, MirDIP 5.2: tissue context annotation and novel microRNA curation, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 51, Issue D1, 6 January 2023, Pages D217–D225,

Hsi-Yuan Huang and others, miRTarBase update 2022: an informative resource for experimentally validated miRNA–target interactions, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 50, Issue D1, 7 January 2022, Pages D222–D230,


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# retrieve targets
obj <- getTargets(mirnaObj = obj)

# access targets
tg <- mirnaTargets(obj)

Create a GSEA plot that displays the running enrichment score (ES) for a given pathway


This function creates a classic enrichment plot to show the results of gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA). In particular, this function takes as input GSEA results originating from the enrichGenes() function, and returns a ggplot2 object with GSEA plot. In this kind of plots, the running enrichment score (ES) for a given pathway is shown on the y-axis, whereas gene positions in the ranked list are reported on the x-axis.


  showTitle = TRUE,
  rankingMetric = FALSE,
  lineColor = "green",
  lineSize = 1,
  vlineColor = "red",
  vlineSize = 0.6



An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


It must be the name of a significantly enriched term/pathway for which we want to produce a GSEA plot (e.g. 'Thyroid hormone synthesis')


Logical, whether to add the name of the pathway/term as plot title. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to show the variations of the ranking metric below the plot. Default is FALSE


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of the running score line. Default is green. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The line width of the running score line. Default is 1


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of the vertical line indicating the enrichment score (ES). Default is red. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The line width of the vertical line indicating the enrichment score (ES). Default is 0.6


An object of class ggplot containing the GSEA plot.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# plot results
gseaPlot(obj, pathway = "Thyroid hormone synthesis")

Create a ridgeplot to display the results of GSEA analysis


This function creates a ridgeplot that is useful for showing the results of GSEA analyses. The output of this function is a plot where enriched terms/pathways found with enrichGenes() function are visualized on the basis of the ranking metric used for the analysis. The resulting areas represent the density of signed p-values, log2 fold changes, or log.p-values belonging to genes annotated to that category.


  showTerms = 10,
  showTermsParam = "padj",
  title = NULL



An object of class FunctionalEnrichment containing enrichment results


It is the number of terms to be shown, based on the order determined by the parameter showTermsParam; or, alternatively, a character vector indicating the terms to plot. Default is 10


The order in which the top terms are selected as specified by the showTerms parameter. It must be one of ratio, padj (default), pval and overlap


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


An object of class ggplot containing the ridgeplot of GSEA results.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

# plot results

Access the results of integrative miRNA-mRNA pathway analyses


This function accesses the data slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns a data.frame with the results of an integrative topological analysis carried out through the topologicalAnalysis() function.





An object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis containing the results of a miRNA-mRNA pathway analysis


A data.frame object containing the results of the topological analysis, as returned by the topologicalAnalysis() function.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load the example IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object
obj <- loadExamples("IntegrativePathwayAnalysis")

# extract results
taipaRes <- integratedPathways(obj)

Explore the results of the integration analysis between miRNAs and genes


After performing the integration analysis between miRNA and gene expression values with the mirnaIntegration() function, the results are stored in the integration slot of a MirnaExperiment object and can be explored with this function.


integration(object, param = FALSE)



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


Logical, whether to return the complete list object with the parameters used, or just the results stored in data. Default is FALSE


If param is FALSE, then this functions returns a data.frame object containing the results of the integration analysis. Otherwise, a list object including the parameters used for the analysis will be returned.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# visualize the results of correlation analysis
res <- integration(obj)

Extract the database used for integrative miRNA-mRNA pathway analyses


This function accesses the database slot of a FunctionalEnrichment object and returns the name of the database used by the topologicalAnalysis() function to perform the integrative topological analysis.





An object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis containing the results of a miRNA-mRNA pathway analysis


A character object with the name of the database used by the topologicalAnalysis() function, such as KEGG.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load the example IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object
obj <- loadExamples("IntegrativePathwayAnalysis")

# see the database

Display integrated miRNA-mRNA augmented pathways in a dotplot


This function produces a dotplot that depicts the results of a topologically-aware integrative pathway analysis (TAIPA) carried out through the topologicalAnalysis() function.


  showTerms = 10,
  showTermsParam = "normalized.score",
  title = NULL



An object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis


It is the number of pathways to be shown, based on the order determined by the parameter showTermsParam; or, alternatively, a character vector indicating the pathways to plot. Default is 10


The order in which the top pathways are selected as specified by the showTerms parameter. It must be one of coverage, padj, pval, score and normalized.score (default)


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


When producing the dotplot with this function, significant pathways are ordered on the x-axis on the basis of their normalized pathway score computed by topologicalAnalysis(). The higher is this score, and the more affected a pathway is between biological conditions. Moreover, the size of each dot is equal to the ratio between the number of nodes for which a measurement is available, and the total number of nodes (pathway coverage). Finally, the color scale of dots is relative to the adjusted p-values of each pathway.


A ggplot graph with a dotplot of integrated pathways.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object
obj <- loadExamples("IntegrativePathwayAnalysis")

# create a dotplot of integrated pathways

The IntegrativePathwayAnalysis class


This class stores the output of integrative multi-omic pathway analyses. In particular, the slots of this class are suitable to represent the results of topologically-aware integrative pathway analysis (TAIPA) returned from the topologicalAnalysis() function.


## S4 method for signature 'IntegrativePathwayAnalysis'

## S4 method for signature 'IntegrativePathwayAnalysis'

## S4 method for signature 'IntegrativePathwayAnalysis'

## S4 method for signature 'IntegrativePathwayAnalysis'



An object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis containing the results of a miRNA-mRNA pathway analysis


Analysis results

The data slot of this class consists in a data.frame object with six columns, namely:

  • pathway, which indicates the name of the biological network;

  • coverage, which specifies the fraction of nodes with expression measurement available;

  • score, which expresses the score of each individual pathway;

  • normalized.score, which indicates the pathway scores after standardizing the values for the null distribution computed through permutations;

  • P.Val, the resulting p-value of each pathway;

  • adj.P.Val, the p-value adjusted for multiple testing.

Organisms and databases

The organism and database slots specify the organism in study and the database used for retrieving biological interactions, respectively. In particular, the topologicalAnalysis() function supports KEGG, WikiPathways, and Reactome databases. Regarding organisms, the supportedOrganisms() function can be used to retrieve the available species for each database.

Statistical significance of the permutation test

pCutoff and pAdjustment slots refer to the cutoff used for the analysis. pCutoff is the threshold used for defining statistically significant pathways, whereas pAdjustment refers to the multiple testing correction method used.

Furthermore, since the statistical significance of each pathway is defined on the basis of a permutation test, the number of permutations is also specified in the nPerm slot.

Augmented pathways

The pathways slot contains a list with weighted graph objects, each representing a biological pathway. These networks have been enlarged by adding the observed miRNA-mRNA interactions. Each network has been processed so that the weight of each edge is +1 for activation interactions, and -1 for repression interactions, such as those occurring between miRNAs and mRNAs.

Differential expression results for both miRNAs and genes

The expression variation of all miRNAs and genes measured in the study is stored in the expression slot. In particular, this slot consists of a data.frame object with different information, including log2 fold changes, node weights and p-values.

Minimum percentage of measured features

The minPc slot indicates the minimum percentage of miRNAs/mRNAs above which pathways have been considered for the integrative analysis. This is needed because often, when differential expression analysis is performed, lowly expressed features are removed. Therefore, some pathways might result significantly affected even if only 1% of nodes is perturbed.


  • the integratedPathways() function returns a data.frame with the results of the integrative pathway analysis.

  • the integrationDatabase() function returns a character object with the database used for the analysis.

  • the augmentedPathways() function returns a list object containing the miRNA-augmented pathways considered for TAIPA.


  • integratedPathways(IntegrativePathwayAnalysis): Access the results of integrative miRNA-mRNA pathway analysis

  • integrationDatabase(IntegrativePathwayAnalysis): View the database used for the integrative pathway analysis

  • augmentedPathways(IntegrativePathwayAnalysis): Extract the list of biological networks augmented with miRNA-mRNA interactions

  • show(IntegrativePathwayAnalysis): Show method for objects of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis



A data.frame object that contains the results of the integrative pathway analysis. See the details section for further details


The method used for the analysis


The name of the organism under consideration (e.g. ⁠Homo sapiens⁠)


The name of the database used for retrieving biological pathways (e.g. KEGG)


A numeric value defining the threshold used for statistical significance (e.g. 0.05)


A character indicating the method used to correct p-values for multiple testing (e.g. fdr)


A list of graph objects containing the biological networks retrieved from database, and augmented with miRNA-mRNA interactions


A data.frame object containing differential expression results for both miRNAs and genes


The minimum percentage of measured features that a pathway must have for being considered in the analysis


The number of permutation used for assessing the statistical significance of each pathway


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]

List all the available biological pathways in KEGG, Reactome and WikiPathways


This function can be used to retrieve a list of valid biological pathways present in KEGG, Reactome and WikiPathways.


listPathways(organism, database)



The name of the organism under consideration. The different databases have different supported organisms. To see the list of supported organisms for a given database, use the supportedOrganisms() function


The name of the database to use. It must be one of: KEGG, Reactome, and WikiPathways


A character vector containing the pathway names present in the specified database.


This function uses the graphite package to retrieve biological pathways from KEGG, Reactome and WikiPathways.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Sales, G., Calura, E., Cavalieri, D. et al. graphite - a Bioconductor package to convert pathway topology to gene network. BMC Bioinformatics 13, 20 (2012),


# list the mouse pathways present in WikiPathways
listPathways("Mus musculus", "WikiPathways")

Load example MIRit objects


This helper function allows to create a MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene expression data deriving from Riesco-Eizaguirre et al (2015), an IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object containing TAIPA results for the same dataset, or a FunctionalEnrichment with example GSEA enrichment results.


loadExamples(class = "MirnaExperiment")



It must be MirnaExperiment (default) to load an example object of class MirnaExperiment, IntegrativePathwayAnalysis, to load an example object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis, or FunctionalEnrichment, to load an example object of class FunctionalEnrichment.


An example MirnaExperiment object, an IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object, or a FunctionalEnrichment object.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# load example IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object
obj <- loadExamples("IntegrativePathwayAnalysis")

# load example FunctionalEnrichment object
obj <- loadExamples("FunctionalEnrichment")

Count matrix for microRNA expression in thyroid cancer


This dataset contains a gene expression matrix resulting from a miRNA-Seq analysis of thyroid cancer. Specifically, these data originate from Riesco-Eizaguirre et al (2015), where they sequenced 8 papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) together with paired samples of normal thyroid tissue. The same thing was done for mRNAs in order to investigate the effects on target genes. Data included in this package have been obtained through the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO accession: GSE63511).





A matrix object containing samples as columns and microRNAs as rows.


A matrix object with 2576 rows and 16 columns.



Garcilaso Riesco-Eizaguirre et al., “The MiR-146b-3p/PAX8/NIS Regulatory Circuit Modulates the Differentiation Phenotype and Function of Thyroid Cells during Carcinogenesis,” Cancer Research 75, no. 19 (September 30, 2015): 4119–30,

The constructor function for MirnaExperiment


This is the constructor function that allows to easily create objects of class MirnaExperiment. This function requires as inputs miRNA and gene expression matrices, as well as sample metadata.


MirnaExperiment(mirnaExpr, geneExpr, samplesMetadata, pairedSamples = TRUE)



A matrix object containing microRNA expression levels. Other objects coercible to matrix are also accepted (e.g. data.frame). This object must be structured as specified in the details section


A matrix object containing gene expression levels. Other objects coercible to matrix are also accepted (e.g. data.frame). This object must be structured as specified in the details section


A data.frame object containing information about samples used for microRNA and gene expression profiling. For further information see the details section


Logical, whether miRNA and gene expression levels derive from the same subjects or not. Check the details section for additional instructions. Default is TRUE


This function requires data to be prepared as described below.

mirnaExpr and geneExpr

mirnaExpr and geneExpr must be matrix objects (or objects coercible to one) that contain miRNA and gene expression values, respectively. Rows must represent the different miRNAs/genes analyzed while columns must represent the different samples in study. For mirnaExpr, row names must contain miRNA names according to miRBase nomenclature, whereas for geneExpr, row names must contain gene symbols according to hgnc nomenclature. The values contained in these objects can derive from both microarray and RNA-Seq experiments.

For NGS experiments, mirnaExpr and geneExpr should just be un-normalized count matrices. Instead, for microarray experiments, data should be normalized and log2 transformed, for example with the RMA algorithm.


samplesMetadata must be a data.frame object containing information about samples used for miRNA profiling and for gene expression analysis. Specifically, this data.frame must contain:

  • A column named primary, specifying an identifier for each sample;

  • A column named mirnaCol, containing the column names used for each sample in the mirnaExpr object;

  • A column named geneCol, containing the column names used for each sample in the geneExpr object;

  • Other eventual columns that define specific sample metadata, such as disease condition, age, sex and so on...

For unpaired samples, NAs can be used for missing entries in mirnaCol/geneCol.


MicroRNA and gene expression measurements may derive from the same subjects (i.e. samples used to generate both miRNA and gene expression data) or from different individuals (i.e. miRNA expression assayed on a group of samples and gene expression retrieved from a different group of samples). pairedSamples is a logical parameter that defines the relationship between miRNA and gene expression measurements. It must be TRUE if data derive from the same individuals, while it must be FALSE when data derive from different subjects.


A valid MirnaExperiment object containing information about miRNA and gene expression.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example data
data(geneCounts, package = "MIRit")
data(mirnaCounts, package = "MIRit")

# create samples metadata
meta <- data.frame(
    "primary" = colnames(geneCounts),
    "mirnaCol" = colnames(mirnaCounts), "geneCol" = colnames(geneCounts),
    "disease" = c(rep("PTC", 8), rep("NTH", 8)),
    "patient" = c(rep(paste("Sample_", seq(8), sep = ""), 2))

# create a 'MirnaExperiment' object
obj <- MirnaExperiment(
    mirnaExpr = mirnaCounts, geneExpr = geneCounts,
    samplesMetadata = meta, pairedSamples = TRUE

The 'MirnaExperiment' class


This class extends the MultiAssayExperiment from the homonym package to provide the flexibility of handling genomic data of both microRNAs and their targets, allowing to store information about microRNA and gene expression, differential expression results, microRNA targets and miRNA-gene integration analysis.

This class can be used to manage genomic data deriving from different sources, like RNA-Seq, microarrays and mass spectrometry. Moreover, microRNA and gene expression levels may originate from the same individuals (paired samples) or from different subjects (unpaired samples).


## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'
mirnaDE(object, onlySignificant = TRUE, param = FALSE, returnObject = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'
geneDE(object, onlySignificant = TRUE, param = FALSE, returnObject = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'

## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'

## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'

## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'

## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'
integration(object, param = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'MirnaExperiment'



An object of class MirnaExperiment


Logical, if TRUE differential expression results will be returned just for statistically significant miRNAs/genes, if FALSE the full table of miRNA/gene differential expression will be provided. Default is TRUE to only report significant miRNAs/genes


Logical, whether to return the complete list object with the parameters used, or just the results stored in data. Default is FALSE


Logical, if TRUE this function will return the limma/edgeR/DESeq2 object used for differential expression analysis


  • the mirnaDE() function returns a data.frame object with the results of miRNA differential expression analysis.

  • the geneDE() function returns a data.frame object with the results of gene differential expression analysis.

  • the significantMirnas() function gives back a character vector with the names of differentially expressed miRNAs.

  • the significantGenes() function gives back a character vector with the names of differentially expressed genes.

  • the pairedSamples() function returns a logical object that specifies if the MirnaExperiment object has paired measurements or not.

  • the mirnaTargets() function provides a data.frame object with the list of target genes for the differentially expressed miRNAs.

  • the integration() function gives back a data.frame object with the results of the integrative miRNA-mRNA analysis.


  • mirnaDE(MirnaExperiment): Access the results of miRNA differential expression

  • geneDE(MirnaExperiment): Access the results of gene differential expression

  • significantMirnas(MirnaExperiment): Access the names of differentially expressed miRNAs

  • significantGenes(MirnaExperiment): Access the names of differentially expressed genes

  • pairedSamples(MirnaExperiment): Check if the object derives from sample-matched data

  • mirnaTargets(MirnaExperiment): Extract the miRNA-targets interactions retrieved for the differentially expressed miRNAs

  • integration(MirnaExperiment): Access the results of the integrative miRNA-mRNA analysis

  • show(MirnaExperiment): Show method for objects of class MirnaExperiment



An ExperimentList class object for each assay dataset


A DataFrame of all clinical/specimen data available across experiments


A DataFrame of translatable identifiers of samples and participants


Additional data describing the object


A metadata list of dropped information


A list object containing the results of miRNA differential expression


A list object containing the results of gene differential expression


A logical parameter that specifies whether miRNA and gene expression measurements derive from the same individuals (TRUE) or from different subjects (FALSE)


A data.frame object containing miRNA-target pairs. This slot is commonly populated by the getTargets() function


A list object containing the results of the integration analysis between miRNA and gene expression values. This slot is commonly populated by the mirnaIntegration() function


The ExperimentList slot is designed to contain results from each experiment/assay. In this case, it holds miRNA and gene expression matrices. It contains a SimpleList-class.


The colData slot is a collection of primary specimen data valid across all experiments. This slot is strictly of class DataFrame but arguments for the constructor function allow arguments to be of class data.frame and subsequently coerced.


The sampleMap contains a DataFrame of translatable identifiers of samples and participants or biological units. The standard column names of the sampleMap are "assay", "primary", and "colname". Note that the "assay" column is a factor corresponding to the names of each experiment in the ExperimentList. In the case where these names do not match between the sampleMap and the experiments, the documented experiments in the sampleMap take precedence and experiments are dropped by the harmonization procedure. The constructor function will generate a sampleMap in the case where it is not provided and this method may be a 'safer' alternative for creating the MultiAssayExperiment (so long as the rownames are identical in the colData, if provided). An empty sampleMap may produce empty experiments if the levels of the "assay" factor in the sampleMap do not match the names in the ExperimentList.

mirnaDE and geneDE

mirnaDE and geneDE consist of two list objects storing information regarding miRNA and gene differential expression, including:

  • data, which contains differential expression results in a data.frame with five columns:

    • ID: indicates the name of the miRNA/gene;

    • logFC: indicates the fold change of each feature in logarithmic scale;

    • AveExpr: represents the average expression of each miRNA/gene;

    • P.Value: indicates the resulting p-value;

    • adj.P.Val: contains the p-values adjusted for multiple testing.

  • significant, which is a character vector containing the names of significantly differentially expressed miRNAs/genes that passed the thresholds;

  • method, which specifies the procedure used to determine differentially expressed miRNAs/gens (eg. "limma-voom", "edgeR", "DESeq2", "limma");

  • group, which is the column name of the variable (in colData) used for differential expression analysis;

  • contrast, which represents the groups that are compared during differential expression analysis (e.g. 'disease-healthy');

  • design, which outlines the R formula used for fitting the model. It includes the variable of interest (group) together with eventual covariates (e.g. '~ 0 + disease + sex');

  • pCutoff, which indicates the p-value cutoff used for DE analysis;

  • pAdjustment, the approach used for multiple testing correction;

  • logFC, which states the log2 Fold Change cutoff used for DE analysis;

  • deObject, an object deriving from limma/edgeR/DESeq2, that holds additional information regarding data processing.

MiRNA differential expression results can be accessed through the mirnaDE() function, for additional details see ?mirnaDE. Similarly, gene differential expression results can be accessed through the geneDE() function, for additional details see ?geneDE.


As already mentioned, pairedSamples must be TRUE when miRNA and gene expression derive from the same subjects, while it must FALSE if this is not the case.


targets is a data.frame with miRNA-target interactions, as retrieved by getTargets() function.


Lastly, integration slot contains a list object that stores the results and the options used for performing the integrative miRNA-gene analysis. In particular, integration contains:

  • data, which is a data.frame object with the results of the integrative analysis;

  • method, which specifies the procedure used to perform the integrative analysis;

  • pCutoff, which indicates the p-value cutoff used for the analysis;

  • pAdjustment, the approach used for multiple testing correction.

Moreover, data differs on the basis of the integration strategy used. For the one-sided association test integration, and for integration based on rotation gene set tests, this data.frame has seven columns:

  • microRNA: the miRNA ID;

  • mirna.direction: the fold change direction of the DE-miRNA (Up or Down);

  • gene.direction: the fold change direction of target genes (Up or Down);

  • DE: represents the number of differentially expressed targets;

  • targets: represents the total number of targets for this miRNA;

  • P.Val: indicates the resulting p-value;

  • adj.P.Val: contains test p-values corrected for multiple testing;

  • DE.targets: contains the list of differentially expressed targets whose expression is negatively associated with miRNA expression.

Instead, when a correlation analysis is performed, data has six columns:

  • microRNA: the miRNA ID;

  • Target: the correlated target gene;

  • microRNA.Direction: the fold change direction of the DE-miRNA;

  • Corr.Coeff: the value of the correlation coefficient used;

  • Corr.P.Value: the p-value resulting from the correlation analysis;

  • Corr.Adjusted.P.Val: contains the correlation p-values corrected for multiple testing.

To access the results of the integrative analysis, the data slot can be accessed through the integration() function.


To create a MirnaExperiment object, you can use the MirnaExperiment() constructor function, which allows to easily build and verify a valid object starting from miRNA and gene expression matrices.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Marcel Ramos et al. Software For The Integration Of Multiomics Experiments In Bioconductor. Cancer Research, 2017 November 1; 77(21); e39-42. DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-0344

See Also

See MultiAssayExperiment-class for additional information.

Integrate microRNA and gene expression


This function allows to identify microRNAs that are significantly associated/correlated with their targets. The principle is that, since the biological role of miRNAs is mainly to negatively regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally, the expression of a microRNA should be negatively correlated with the expression of its targets. To test this assumption for matched-sample data, this function performs a correlation analysis. On the other hand, for unpaired data, it offers different one-sided association tests to estimate if targets of down-regulated miRNAs are enriched in up-regulated genes and vice versa. Additionally, for unpaired data, miRNA effects on target gene expression can also be quantified through a fast approximation to rotation gene-set testing ('fry' method). For correlation analyses, the default behavior is to use Spearman's correlation analysis, whereas for association tests the default option makes use of a one-sided Boschloo's exact test. See the details section for further information.


  test = "auto",
  pCutoff = 0.05,
  pAdjustment = "fdr",
  corMethod = "spearman",
  corCutoff = 0.5,
  associationMethod = "boschloo",
  nuisanceParam = 100,
  BPPARAM = bpparam()



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The statistical test to evaluate the association between miRNAs and genes. It must be one of auto (default), to automatically determine the appropriate statistical test; correlation, to perform a correlation analysis; association, to perform a one-sided association test; fry to perform the integrative analysis through rotation gene-set testing


The adjusted p-value cutoff to use for statistical significance. The default value is 0.05


The p-value correction method for multiple testing. It must be one of: fdr (default), BH, none, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY


The correlation method to be used for correlation analysis. It must be one of: spearman (default), pearson, kendall. See the details section for further information


The minimum (negative) value of correlation coefficient to consider meaningful a miRNA-target relationship. Default is 0.5


The statistical test used for evaluating the association between miRNAs and their targets for unpaired data. It must be one of boschloo (default), to perform a one-sided Boschloo's exact test; fisher-midp, to compute a one-sided Fisher's exact test with Lancaster's mid-p correction; fisher, to perform a one-sided Fisher's exact test


The number of nuisance parameter values considered for p-value calculation in boschloo method. The higher this value, the better the p-value estimation accuracy. Default is 100


The desired parallel computing behavior. This parameter defaults to BiocParallel::bpparam(), but this can be edited. See BiocParallel::bpparam() for information on parallel computing in R


As already pointed out, if miRNA and gene expression data derive from the same samples, a correlation analysis is used. For evaluating these relationships, the default method used is Spearman's correlation coefficient, as:

  • it does not need normally distributed data;

  • it does not assume linearity;

  • it is much more resistant to outliers.

However, the user can also decide to use other correlation methods, such as Pearson's and Kendall's correlation. Nevertheless, for NGS data it may happen that a certain number of ties is present in the expression values. This can be handled by spearman method as it computes a tie-corrected version of Spearman's coefficients. However, another correlation method that is suitable to perform rank correlation on tied data is the Kendall's tau-b method, usable with kendall.

Regarding correlation direction, since miRNAs mainly act as negative regulators, only negatively correlated miRNA-target pairs are evaluated, and statistical significance is calculated through a one-tailed t-test.

Please notice that if strong batch effects are noticed in expression data, it is recommended to remove them through the batchCorrection() function implemented in MIRit.

Moreover, if gene expression data and miRNA expression data derive from different samples (unpaired data), a correlation analysis can't be performed. However, one-sided association tests can be applied in these cases to evaluate if targets of down-regulated miRNAs are statistically enriched in up-regulated genes, and, conversely, if targets of up-regulated miRNAs are statistically enriched in down-regulated genes. In this case, Fisher's exact test can be used to assess the statistical significance of this inverse association. Moreover, Lancaster's mid-p adjustment can be applied since it has been shown that it increases statistical power while retaining Type I error rates. However, Fisher's exact test is a conditional test that requires the sum of both rows and columns of a contingency table to be fixed. Notably, this is not true for genomic data because it is likely that different datasets may lead to a different number of DEGs. Therefore, the default behavior in MIRit is to use a variant of Barnard's exact test, named Boschloo's exact test, that is suitable when group sizes of contingency tables are variable. Moreover, it is possible to demonstrate that Boschloo's test is uniformly more powerful compared to Fisher's exact test.

Finally, for unpaired data, the effect of DE-miRNAs on the expression of target genes can be estimated through rotation gene-set tests. In particular, a fast approximation to rotation gene-set testing called fry, implemented in the limma package, can be used to statistically quantify the influence of miRNAs on the expression changes of their target genes.

To speed up the identification of anti-correlated or anti-associated miRNA-target pairs, this function implements parallel computation via BiocParallel::bpparam(). In this regard, the parallelization behavior can be specified via the BPPARAM parameter.


A MirnaExperiment object containing integration results. To access these results, the user can make use of the integration() function. For additional details on how to interpret the results of miRNA-gene integrative analysis, please see MirnaExperiment.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Ritchie ME, Phipson B, Wu D, Hu Y, Law CW, Shi W, Smyth GK (2015). “limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies.” Nucleic Acids Research, 43(7), e47. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv007.

Di Wu and others, ROAST: rotation gene set tests for complex microarray experiments, Bioinformatics, Volume 26, Issue 17, September 2010, Pages 2176–2182,

Routledge, R. D. (1994). Practicing Safe Statistics with the Mid-p. The Canadian Journal of Statistics / La Revue Canadienne de Statistique, 22(1), 103–110,

Boschloo R.D. (1970). "Raised Conditional Level of Significance for the 2x2-table when Testing the Equality of Two Probabilities". Statistica Neerlandica. 24: 1–35. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9574.1970.tb00104.x.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# perform integration analysis with default settings
obj <- mirnaIntegration(obj)

Explore miRNA-target pairs


This function accesses the targets slot of a MirnaExperiment object. After retrieving miRNA targets with the getTargets() function, the interactions between miRNAs and target genes are stored in the targets slot and can be explored with this function.





A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


A data.frame object containing the interactions between miRNAs and target genes, as retrieved with the getTargets() function.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# visualize targets
targets_df <- mirnaTargets(obj)

Create a trackplot to show the association between miRNAs and disease-SNPs


This function plots a trackplot that shows the genomic position of disease-associated SNPs that affect miRNA genes. This is useful to visualize the genomic position and context of disease-associated variants that may affect miRNA expression.


  showContext = FALSE,
  showSequence = TRUE,
  snpFill = "lightblue",
  mirFill = "orange",
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  title = NULL,



A valid name of a SNP variant! (e.g. "rs394581")


A data.frame object containing the results of findMirnaSNPs() function


Logical, if TRUE a complete genomic context with genes present in the region will be shown. Default is FALSE to just display the variant and the miRNA gene


Logical, whether to display a color-coded sequence at the bottom of the trackplot. Default is TRUE. This parameter will be set to FALSE if showContext is TRUE


It must be an R color name that specifies the fill color of the SNP locus. Default is lightblue. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


It must be an R color name that specifies the fill color of the miRNA locus. Default is orange. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The start position of the plotted genomic range. Default is NULL to automatically determine an appropriate position


The end position of the plotted genomic range. Default is NULL to automatically determine an appropriate position


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


Other parameters that can be passed to Gviz::plotTracks() function


A trackplot with information about chromosome, SNP and miRNA gene location.


This function retrieves genomic coordinates from the output of findMirnaSNPs() function and then uses Gviz package to build the trackplot.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Hahne, F., Ivanek, R. (2016). Visualizing Genomic Data Using Gviz and Bioconductor. In: Mathé, E., Davis, S. (eds) Statistical Genomics. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1418. Humana Press, New York, NY.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# retrieve associated SNPs
association <- findMirnaSNPs(obj, "response to antidepressant")

# visualize association as a trackplot
mirVariantPlot(variantId = "rs2402960", snpAssociation = association)

View the relationship between miRNA and gene samples


This function allows to access the pairedSamples slot of a MirnaExperiment object. The MirnaExperiment class is able to contain miRNA and gene expression measurements deriving from the same individuals (paired samples), or from different subjects (unpaired samples).





A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


A logical value that is either TRUE for paired samples, or FALSE for unpaired samples.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# check if an existing MirnaExperiment object derive from paired samples

Plot correlation between miRNAs and genes within biological groups


This function creates a scatter plot that shows the correlation between miRNA and gene expression levels. This is useful after correlation analysis performed through the mirnaIntegration() function, to graphically visualize the quantitative effect of miRNA dysregulations on target gene expression. Furthermore, this function performs linear/monotonic regression to better represent the relationships between miRNA-target pairs.


  condition = NULL,
  showCoeff = TRUE,
  regression = TRUE,
  useRanks = FALSE,
  lineCol = "red",
  lineType = "dashed",
  lineWidth = 0.8,
  pointSize = 3,
  colorScale = NULL,
  fontSize = 12,
  fontFamily = "",
  legend = "top",
  borderWidth = 1,
  allBorders = TRUE,
  grid = TRUE



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The name of the miRNA for which we want to observe the correlation


The name of the gene for which we want to observe the correlation


It must be NULL (default) to plot expression based on the group variable used for differential expression analysis. Alternatively, it must be a character/factor object that specifies group memberships (eg. c("healthy, "healthy", "disease", "disease"))


Logical, whether to show the correlation coeffficient or not. Note that the "R" is used for Pearson's correlation", "rho" for Spearman's correlation, and "tau" for Kendall's correlation. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to display a linear/monotonic regression line that fits miRNA-gene correlation data. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to represent non-parametric correlation analyses (Spearman's and Kendall's correlations) through rank-transformed data. Note that in this case, linear regression is performed on ranked data instead of monotonic regression. Default is FALSE


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of the regression line. Default is red. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


It specifies the line type used for the regression line. It must be either 'blank', 'solid', 'dashed' (default), 'dotted', 'dotdash', 'longdash' or 'twodash'


The width of the fitted regression line (default is 0.8)


The size of points in the correlation plot (default is 3)


It must be a named character vector where values correspond to R colors, while names coincide with the groups specified in the condition parameter (eg. c("healthy" = "green", "disease" = "red")). Default is NULL, in order to use the default color scale. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The base size for text elements within the plot. Default is 12


The base family for text elements within the plot


The position of the legend. Allowed values are top, bottom, right, left and none. The default setting is top to show a legend above the plot. If none is specified, the legend will not be included in the graph.


The width of plot borders (default is 1)


Logical, whetether to show all panel borders, or just the bottom and left borders. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to show grid lines or not. Default is TRUE


When non-parametric correlation has been performed with the mirnaIntegration() function, a regression line can be fitted through monotonic regression on expression levels, or through linear regression performed on rank-transformed data. Since, ranks do not correspond to real expression values, the default option is to perform monotonic regression to fit a monotonic curve. To do so, this function makes use of the MonoPoly R package, which implements the algorithm proposed by Murray et al. in 2016.


An object of class ggplot containing the correlation scatter plot.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


K. Murray, S. Müller & B. A. Turlach (2016) Fast and flexible methods for monotone polynomial fitting, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86:15, 2946-2966, DOI: 10.1080/00949655.2016.1139582.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# plot correlation between miR-146b and PAX8 with monotonic regression curve
plotCorrelation(obj, "hsa-miR-146b-5p", "PAX8", condition = "disease")

Represent differentially expressed miRNAs/genes as boxplots, barplots or violinplots


This function is able to produce boxplots, barplots and violinplots that are useful to visualize miRNA and gene differential expression. The user just has to provide a vector of interesting miRNA/genes that he wants to plot (e.g. "hsa-miR-34a-5p", "hsa-miR-146b-5p", "PAX8"). The chart type can be specified through the graph parameter.


  condition = NULL,
  graph = "boxplot",
  linear = TRUE,
  showSignificance = TRUE,
  starSig = TRUE,
  pCol = "adj.P.Val",
  sigLabelSize = 7,
  digits = 3,
  nameAsTitle = FALSE,
  colorScale = NULL,
  fontSize = 12,
  fontFamily = "",
  legend = "top",
  borderWidth = 1,
  allBorders = FALSE,
  grid = FALSE



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


A character vector containing the genes/miRNAs to plot


It must be NULL (default) to plot expression based on the group variable used for differential expression analysis. Alternatively, it must be a character/factor object that specifies group memberships (eg. c("healthy, "healthy", "disease", "disease"))


The type of plot to produce. It must be one of boxplot (default), barplot, violinplot


Logical, whether to plot expression levels in linear scale or in log2 space. Default is TRUE in order to use the linear space


Logical, whether to display statistical significance or not. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to represent statistical significance through stars. Default is TRUE, and the significance scale is: * for p<0.05p < 0.05, ** for p<0.01p < 0.01, *** for p<0.001p < 0.001, and **** for p<0.0001p < 0.0001. If starSig is set to FALSE, p-values or adjusted p-values will be reported on the plot as numbers


The statistics used to evaluate comparison significance. It must be one of P.Value, to use unadjusted p-values, and adj.P.Val (default), to use p-values corrected for multiple testing


The size for the labels used to show statistical significance. Default is 7, which is well suited for representing p-values as significance stars. However, if starSig is set to FALSE, the user might have to downsize this parameter


The number of digits to show when p-values are reported as numbers (when starSig is FALSE). Default is 3


Logical, if set to TRUE, the miRNA/gene name will be added as plot title, and the x-axis and legend will be removed. Note that this option is only considered if features contains just one miRNA/gene. Default is FALSE


It must be a named character vector where values correspond to R colors, while names coincide with the groups specified in the condition parameter (eg. c("healthy" = "green", "disease" = "red")). Default is NULL, in order to use the default color scale. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The base size for text elements within the plot. Default is 12


The base family for text elements within the plot


The position of the legend. Allowed values are top, bottom, right, left and none. The default setting is top to show a legend above the plot. If none is specified, the legend will not be included in the graph.


The width of plot borders (default is 1)


Logical, whetether to show all panel borders, or just the bottom and left borders. Default is FALSE


Logical, whether to show grid lines or not. Default is FALSE


An object of class ggplot containing the plot.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# produce a boxplot for PAX8 and miR-34a-5p
plotDE(obj, features = c("hsa-miR-34a-5p", "PAX8"))

Generate multidimensional scaling (MDS) plots to explore miRNA/gene expression distances


This function performs multidimensional scaling in order to produce a simple scatterplot that shows miRNA/gene expression variations among samples. In particular, starting from a MirnaExperiment object, this functions allows to visualize both miRNA and gene expression in the multidimensional space. Moreover, it is possible to color samples on the basis of specific variables, and this is extremely useful to assess miRNA/gene expression variations between distinct biological groups.


  condition = NULL,
  dimensions = c(1, 2),
  labels = FALSE,
  boxedLabel = TRUE,
  pointSize = 3,
  pointAlpha = 1,
  colorScale = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  fontSize = 12,
  fontFamily = "",
  legend = "top",
  borderWidth = 1,
  allBorders = TRUE,
  grid = FALSE,



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The results to display. It must be either 'microRNA', to plot miRNA expression, or 'genes', to produce MDS plot for genes


It must be the column name of a variable specified in the metadata (colData) of a MirnaExperiment object; or, alternatively, it must be a character/factor object that specifies group memberships (eg. c("healthy, "healthy", "disease", "disease"))


It is a numeric vector of length 2 that indicates the two dimensions to represent on the plot. Default is c(1, 2) to plot the two dimensions that account for the highest portion of variability


Logical, whether to display labels or not. Default is FALSE


Logical, whether to show labels inside a rectangular shape (default) or just as text elements


The size of points in the MDS plot (default is 3)


The transparency of points in the MDS plot (default is 1)


It must be a named character vector where values correspond to R colors, while names coincide with the groups specified in the condition parameter (eg. c("healthy" = "green", "disease" = "red")). Default is NULL, in order to use the default color scale. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


The base size for text elements within the plot. Default is 12


The base family for text elements within the plot


The position of the legend. Allowed values are top, bottom, right, left and none. The default setting is top to show a legend above the plot. If none is specified, the legend will not be included in the graph.


The width of plot borders (default is 1)


Logical, whetether to show all panel borders, or just the bottom and left borders. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to show grid lines or not. Default is FALSE


Other parameters that can be passed to limma::plotMDS() function


An object of class ggplot containing the plot.


To perform multidimensional scaling, this function internally uses limma::plotMDS() function provided by limma package.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Ritchie ME, Phipson B, Wu D, Hu Y, Law CW, Shi W, Smyth GK (2015). “limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies.” Nucleic Acids Research, 43(7), e47. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv007.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# produce MDS plot for genes with condition color
plotDimensions(obj, "genes", condition = "disease")

Produce volcano plots to display miRNA/gene differential expression


This function allows the user to create publication-quality volcano plots to represent the results of miRNA/gene differential expression. In this kind of plots, the x-axis is relative to the log2 fold change between biological conditions, while the y-axis contains the negative base-10 logarithm of the p-value. Note, that even if volcano plots display unadjusted p-values on the y-axis, the cutoff level shown in this plot derive from the adjusted p-value cutoff used for differential expression analysis.


  labels = NULL,
  boxedLabel = TRUE,
  pointSize = 3,
  pointAlpha = 0.4,
  interceptWidth = 0.6,
  interceptColor = "black",
  interceptType = "dashed",
  colorScale = c("blue", "grey", "red"),
  title = NULL,
  fontSize = 12,
  fontFamily = "",
  legend = "none",
  borderWidth = 1,
  allBorders = TRUE,
  grid = FALSE



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The results to display. It must be either 'microRNA', to plot miRNA differential expression, or 'genes', to show the results for genes


The labels to show on the graph. Default is NULL not to include labels. This parameter can be a character vector containing the IDs of the features that you want to display. Alternatively, this parameter can also be the number of most significant features for which we want to plot labels


Logical, whether to show labels inside a rectangular shape (default) or just as text elements


The size of points in the volcano plot (default is 3)


The transparency of points in the volcano plot (default is 0.4)


The width of cutoff intercepts (default is 0.6)


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of cutoff intercepts. Default is black. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


It specifies the line type used for cutoff intercepts. It must be either 'blank', 'solid', 'dashed' (default), 'dotted', 'dotdash', 'longdash' or 'twodash'


It must be a character vector of length 3 containing valid R color names for downregulated, non significant, and upregulated features, respectively. Default value is c('blue', 'grey', 'red'). Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


The base size for text elements within the plot. Default is 12


The base family for text elements within the plot


The position of the legend. Allowed values are top, bottom, right, left and none. The default setting is none so that the legend will not be included in the graph.


The width of plot borders (default is 1)


Logical, whetether to show all panel borders, or just the bottom and left borders. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to show grid lines or not. Default is FALSE


An object of class ggplot containing the plot.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# produce a volcano plot for genes
plotVolcano(obj, "genes")

Prepare miRNA-augmented pathways for integrative miRNA-mRNA pathway analyses


This function takes influential miRNA-mRNA interactions, identified by the mirnaIntegration() function, and adds them to biological pathways retrieved from a pathway database such as KEGG, WikiPathways and Reactome. The pathways returned from this function are needed to perform a topologically-aware integrative pathway analysis (TAIPA) through the topologicalAnalysis() function.


  database = "KEGG",
  organism = "Homo sapiens",
  minPc = 10,
  size = NULL,
  BPPARAM = bpparam()



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


The name of the database to use. It must be one of: KEGG, Reactome, and WikiPathways. Default is KEGG


The name of the organism under consideration. The different databases have different supported organisms. To see the list of supported organisms for a given database, use the supportedOrganisms() function. Default specie is ⁠Homo sapiens⁠


The minimum percentage of measured features that a pathway must have for being considered in the analysis. Default is 10. See the details section for additional information


An optional numeric vector of length 2, containing the minimum and maximum number of nodes for each pathway. For example, if size = c(10, 150), all the pathways with less than 10 nodes and those with more than 150 nodes will be discarded. Default is NULL to keep all pathways


The desired parallel computing behavior. This parameter defaults to BiocParallel::bpparam(), but this can be edited. See BiocParallel::bpparam() for information on parallel computing in R


To create augmented pathways, this function uses the graphite R package to download biological networks from the above mentioned databases. Then, each pathway is converted to a graph object, and significant miRNA-mRNA interactions are added to the network. Further, edge weights are added according to interaction type.

At this point, biological pathways with few nodes measured are excluded from this analysis. This is required because, during differential expression analysis, lowly expressed features are removed. Therefore, some pathways might result significantly affected even if only 1% of nodes is perturbed. The default behavior is to exclude pathways with less than 10% of representation (minPc = 10).

Finally, this function performs a breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm to topologically sort pathway nodes so that each individual node occurs after all its upstream nodes. Nodes within cycles are considered leaf nodes.

Information about pathway coverage, i.e. the percentage of nodes with expression measurments, edge weights, topological sorting order, and the parameters used to create the networks are all stored in the graphData slot of each graphNEL object.


A list object containing the miRNA-augmented pathways as graphNEL objects.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Sales, G., Calura, E., Cavalieri, D. et al. graphite - a Bioconductor package to convert pathway topology to gene network. BMC Bioinformatics 13, 20 (2012),


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# perform integration analysis with default settings
obj <- mirnaIntegration(obj)

# retrieve pathways from KEGG and augment them with miRNA-gene interactions
paths <- preparePathways(obj)

# perform the integrative pathway analysis with 1000 permutations
ipa <- topologicalAnalysis(obj, paths, nPerm = 1000)

# access the results of pathway analysis

# create a dotplot of integrated pathways

# explore a specific biological network
visualizeNetwork(ipa, "Thyroid hormone synthesis")

Search for disease EFO identifiers


This function allows to retrieve the Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO) identifier of a particular disease. This ID is then needed to use the function findMirnaSNPs().





The name of a particular disease (ex. ⁠Alzheimer disease⁠).


A character object containing EFO identifiers.


To retrieve EFO IDs for specific diseases, this function makes use of the gwasrapidd package.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Ramiro Magno, Ana-Teresa Maia, gwasrapidd: an R package to query, download and wrangle GWAS catalog data, Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 2, January 2020, Pages 649–650,


# search the EFO identifier of Alzheimer disease
searchDisease("Alzheimer disease")

Get the IDs of statistically differentially expressed miRNAs/genes


The significantMirnas() and significantGenes() functions access the significant features contained in the mirnaDE or geneDE slots of a MirnaExperiment object, and can be used to obtain the IDs of statistically differentially expressed miRNAs and genes.






A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


A character vector of miRNA IDs (e.g. 'hsa-miR-16-5p', hsa-miR-29a-3p'...), or acharacter vector of gene symbols (e.g. 'TP53', 'FOXP2', 'TIGAR', CASP1'...).


  • significantMirnas(): Get the IDs of differentially expressed miRNAs

  • significantGenes(): Get the IDs of differentially expressed genes


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# extract significant DE-miRNAs
sigMirnas <- significantMirnas(obj)

# extract significant DEGs
sigGenes <- significantGenes(obj)

Get the list of supported organisms for a given database


This function provides the list of supported organisms for different databases, namely Gene Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), MsigDB, WikiPathways, Reactome, Enrichr, Disease Ontology (DO), Network of Cancer Genes (NCG), DisGeNET, and COVID19.





The database name. It must be one of: GO, KEGG, MsigDB, WikiPathways, Reactome, Enrichr, DO, NCG, DisGeNET, COVID19


A character vector listing all the supported organisms for the database specified by the user.


To perform the functional enrichment of genes, MIRit uses the geneset R package to download gene sets from the above mentioned databases.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Liu, Y., Li, G. Empowering biologists to decode omics data: the Genekitr R package and web server. BMC Bioinformatics 24, 214 (2023).


# get the supported organisms for GO database

# get the supported organisms for Reactome

Perform a topologically-aware integrative pathway analysis (TAIPA)


This function allows to perform an integrative pathway analysis that aims to identify the biological networks that are most affected by miRNomic and transcriptomic dysregulations. This function takes miRNA-augmented pathways, created by the preparePathways() function, and then calculates a score that estimates the degree of impairment for each pathway. Later, statistical significance is calculated through a permutation test. The main advantages of this method are that it doesn't require matched samples, and that it allows to perform an integrative miRNA-mRNA pathway analysis that takes into account the topology of biological networks. See the details section for additional information.


  pCutoff = 0.05,
  pAdjustment = "max-T",
  nPerm = 10000,
  progress = FALSE,
  tasks = 0,
  BPPARAM = bpparam()



A MirnaExperiment object containing miRNA and gene data


A list of miRNA-augmented pathways returned by the preparePathways() function


The adjusted p-value cutoff to use for statistical significance. The default value is 0.05


The p-value correction method for multiple testing. It must be one of: max-T (default), fdr, BH, none, holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BY


The number of permutation used for assessing the statistical significance of each pathway. Default is 10000. See the details section for additional information


Logical, whether to show a progress bar during p-value calculation or not. Default is FALSE, not to include a progress bar. Please note that setting progress = TRUE with high values of tasks leads to less efficient parallelization. See the details section for additional information


An integer between 0 and 100 that specifies how frequently the progress bar must be updated. Default is 0 to simply split the computation among the workers. High values of tasks can lead to 15-30% slower p-value calculation. See the details section for additional information


The desired parallel computing behavior. This parameter defaults to BiocParallel::bpparam(), but this can be edited. See BiocParallel::bpparam() for information on parallel computing in R


Topologically-Aware Integrative Pathway Analysis (TAIPA)

This analysis aims to identify the biological pathways that result affected by miRNA and mRNA dysregulations. In this analysis, biological pathways are retrieved from a pathway database such as KEGG, and the interplay between miRNAs and genes is then added to the networks. Each network is defined as a graph G(V,E)G(V, E), where VV represents nodes, and EE represents the relationships between nodes.

Then, nodes that are not significantly differentially expressed are assigned a weight wi=1w_i = 1, whereas differentially expressed nodes are assigned a weight wi=ΔEiw_i = \left| \Delta E_i \right|, where ΔEi\Delta E_i is the linear fold change of the node. Moreover, to consider the biological interaction between two nodes, namely ii and jj, we define an interaction parameter βij=1\beta_{i \rightarrow j} = 1 for activation interactions and βij=1\beta_{i \rightarrow j} = -1 for repression interactions. Subsequently, the concordance coefficient γij\gamma_{i \rightarrow j} is defined as:

γij={βijif sign(ΔEi)=sign(ΔEj)βijif sign(ΔEi)sign(ΔEj).\gamma_{i \rightarrow j} = \begin{cases} \beta_{i \rightarrow j} &\text{if } sign(\Delta E_i) = sign(\Delta E_j) \\ - \beta_{i \rightarrow j} &\text{if } sign(\Delta E_i) \not= sign(\Delta E_j) \end{cases}\,.

Later in the process, a breadth-first search (BFS) algorithm is applied to topologically sort pathway nodes so that each individual node occurs after all its upstream nodes. Nodes within cycles are considered leaf nodes. At this point, a node score ϕ\phi is calculated for each pathway node ii as:

ϕi=wi+j=1Uγijkj.\phi_i = w_i + \sum_{j=1}^{U} \gamma_{i \rightarrow j} \cdot k_j\,.

where UU represents the number of upstream nodes, γij\gamma_{i \rightarrow j} denotes the concordance coefficient, and kjk_j is a propagation factor defined as:

kj={wjif ϕj=0ϕjif ϕj0.k_j = \begin{cases} w_j &\text{if } \phi_j = 0 \\ \phi_j &\text{if } \phi_j \not = 0 \end{cases}\,.

Finally, the pathway score Ψ\Psi is calculated as:

Ψ=1MNi=1Nϕi,\Psi = \frac{1 - M}{N} \cdot \sum_{i=1}^{N} \phi_i\,,

where MM represents the proportion of miRNAs in the pathway, and NN represents the total number of nodes in the network.

Then, to compute the statistical significance of each pathway score, a permutation procedure is applied. Later, both observed pathway scores and permuted scores are standardized by subtracting the mean score of the permuted sets μΨP\mu_{\Psi_P} and then dividing by the standard deviation of the permuted scores σΨP\sigma_{\Psi_P}.

Finally, the p-value is defined based on the fraction of permutations that reported a higher normalized pathway score than the observed one. However, to prevent p-values equal to zero, we define p-values as:

p=n=1Np[ΨPNΨN]+1Np+1.p = \frac{\sum_{n=1}^{N_p} \left[ \Psi_{P_N} \ge \Psi_N \right] + 1} {N_p + 1}\,.

In the end, p-values are corrected for multiple testing either through the max-T procedure (default option) which is particularly suited for permutation tests, or through the standard multiple testing approaches.

Implementation details

For computational efficiency, pathway score computation has been implemented in C++ language. Moreover, to define the statistical significance of each network, a permutation test is applied following the number of permutations specified with nPerm. The default setting is to perform 10000 permutations. The higher is the number of permutations, the more stable are the calculated p-values, even though the time needed will increase. In this regard, since computing pathway score for 10000 networks for each pathway is computationally intensive, parallel computing has been employed to reduce running time. The user can modify the parallel computing behavior by specifying the BPPARAM parameter. See BiocParallel::bpparam() for further details. Further, a progress bar can also be included to show the completion percentage by setting progress = TRUE. Moreover, the user can define how frequently the progress bar gets updated by tweaking the tasks parameter. When using progress = TRUE, setting tasks to 100 tells the function to update the progress bar 100 times, so that the user can see increases of 1%. Instead, setting tasks to 50, means that the progress bar gets updated every 2% of completion. However, keep in mind that tasks values from 50 to 100 lead to 15-30% slower p-value calculation due to increased data transfer to the workers. Instead, lower tasks values like 20 determine less frequent progress updates but are only slightly less efficient than not including a progress bar.


An object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis that stores the results of the analysis. See the relative help page for further details.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


Peter H. Westfall and S. Stanley Young. Resampling-Based Multiple Testing: Examples and Methods for p-Value Adjustment. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-55761-6.


# load example MirnaExperiment object
obj <- loadExamples()

# perform integration analysis with default settings
obj <- mirnaIntegration(obj)

# retrieve pathways from KEGG and augment them with miRNA-gene interactions
paths <- preparePathways(obj)

# perform the integrative pathway analysis with 1000 permutations
ipa <- topologicalAnalysis(obj, paths, nPerm = 1000)

# access the results of pathway analysis

# create a dotplot of integrated pathways

# explore a specific biological network
visualizeNetwork(ipa, "Thyroid hormone synthesis")

Visualize the relationships between miRNAs and genes in a biological pathway


This function can be used to plot augmented pathways created by the topologicalAnalysis() function. In particular, given a valid object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis, this function allows to produce a network graph for a specified biological pathway, alongside with expression fold changes. In this way, augmented pathways made of both miRNAs and genes can be visually explored to better investigate the consequences of miRNA/gene dysregulations.


  algorithm = "dot",
  fontsize = 14,
  lfcScale = c("royalblue", "white", "red"),
  nodeBorderCol = "black",
  nodeTextCol = "black",
  edgeCol = "darkgrey",
  edgeWidth = 1,
  subgraph = NULL,
  highlightNodes = NULL,
  highlightCol = "gold",
  highlightWidth = 2,
  legendColorbar = TRUE,
  legendInteraction = TRUE,
  title = NULL,
  titleCex = 2,
  titleFace = 1



An object of class IntegrativePathwayAnalysis containing the results of a miRNA-mRNA pathway analysis


The name of the biological pathway to show. The available pathways for a given database can be seen through the listPathways() function


The layout algorithm used to arrange nodes in the network. It must be one of dot (default), circo, fdp, neato, osage or twopi. For more information regarding these algorithms, please check the details section


The font size of each node in the graph. Default is 14


It must be a character vector of length 3 containing valid R color names for creating a gradient of log2 fold changes. The first value refers to downregulation, the middle one to stable expression, and the last one to upregulation. Default value is c('royalblue', 'white', 'red'). Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of node borders. Default is black. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of miRNA/gene names. Default is black. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of edges between nodes. Default is darkgrey. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The width of edges. Default is 1


An optional character vector containing the nodes that you want to maintain in the final plot. All the other nodes will not be shown. This is useful to display specific features of extremely messy graphs. Default is NULL


A character vector containing the names of nodes that you want to highlight. Default is NULL not to highlight any nodes. See the details section for additional information


It must be an R color name that specifies the color of edges and borders for highlighted nodes. Default is gold. Available color formats include color names, such as 'blue' and 'red', and hexadecimal colors specified as #RRGGBB


The width of edges between highlighted nodes. Default is 2


Logical, whether to add a legend with a color bar for log2 fold changes. Default is TRUE


Logical, whether to add a legend that links edge types to biological interactions. Default is TRUE


The title of the plot. Default is NULL not to include a plot title


The cex of the plot main title. Default is 2


An integer which specifies which font to use for title. 1 corresponds to plain text, 2 to bold face, 3 to italic, 4 to bold italic, and 5 to symbol font. Default is 1


The network created by this function is highly flexible, allowing to tweak different parameters that can influence the resulting graph, including node highlighting, layout algorithms, colors, and legends.

Nodes included in the plot

For huge messy networks, the user can specify the nodes to include in the plot through the subgraph parameter, in order to represent only the features that he wants to display. Alternatively, this parameter can be set to NULL (default), to plot all nodes of that biological pathway.

Highlight nodes and edges

One interesting feature offered by this function consists in highlighting specific nodes and edges within a network. This results particularly useful when we want to put in evidence affected routes in a biological pathway. To highlight nodes, you must provide the highlightNodes parameter with a character vector that lists all the desired nodes. As a result, the borders of highlighted nodes will be colored according to highlightCol parameter (default is 'gold'), and will have a width specified by highlightWidth (default is 2). Notably, this function automatically highlights in the same way the edges connecting the selected nodes.

Layout algorithms

Furthermore, this function allows to use different methods to lay out nodes in the network by setting the algorithm parameter. In this regard, several algorithms in Rgraphviz package can be used, namely:

  • dot (default), which is an algorithm attributed to Sugiyama et al. and described by Gansner et al., that creates a ranked layout that is particularly suited to display hierarchies and complex pathways;

  • circo, which uses a recursive radial algorithm resulting in a circular layout;

  • fdp, which adopts a force-directed approach similar to that of Fruchterman and Reingold;

  • neato, which relies on a spring model where an iterative solver finds low energy configurations;

  • osage, which is a layout engine that recursively draws cluster subgraphs;

  • twopi, which places a node in the center of the network, and then arranges the remaining nodes in a series of concentric circles around the center.

For additional information on these algorithms, refer to Rgraphviz::GraphvizLayouts.


To customize the look of the resulting plot, this function allows to change different graphical parameters, including:

  • the color scale for log2 fold changes, that can be set with lfcScale;

  • the font size of nodes, which can be changed through fontsize;

  • the border color for nodes, which can be edited with nodeBorderCol;

  • the text color of nodes, which can be changed through nodeTextCol;

  • the color used for edges, set by edgeCol;

  • the width of edges, customizable with edgeWidth.

Additionally, this function allows to include handy legends that are useful for interpreting the biological consequences of network alterations. In particular:

  • a color bar legend displaying the log2 fold changes corresponding to each fill color can be included with legendColorbar = TRUE (default); and

  • a legend that links the appearance of edges and arrow heads to the type of biological interaction can be shown through legendInteraction = TRUE (default).

Lastly, title, titleCex and titleFace parameters can be tweaked to include a network title with the desired look.


A base R plot with the augmented pathway.


This function uses the Rgraphviz package to render the network object.


Jacopo Ronchi, [email protected]


# load example IntegrativePathwayAnalysis object
obj <- loadExamples("IntegrativePathwayAnalysis")

# explore a specific biological network
visualizeNetwork(obj, "Thyroid hormone synthesis")