Package 'ClassifyR'

Title: A framework for cross-validated classification problems, with applications to differential variability and differential distribution testing
Description: The software formalises a framework for classification and survival model evaluation in R. There are four stages; Data transformation, feature selection, model training, and prediction. The requirements of variable types and variable order are fixed, but specialised variables for functions can also be provided. The framework is wrapped in a driver loop that reproducibly carries out a number of cross-validation schemes. Functions for differential mean, differential variability, and differential distribution are included. Additional functions may be developed by the user, by creating an interface to the framework.
Authors: Dario Strbenac [aut, cre], Ellis Patrick [aut], Sourish Iyengar [aut], Harry Robertson [aut], Andy Tran [aut], John Ormerod [aut], Graham Mann [aut], Jean Yang [aut]
Maintainer: Dario Strbenac <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 3.11.7
Built: 2025-01-31 08:35:59 UTC

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Asthma RNA Abundance and Patient Classes


Data set consists of a matrix of abundances of 2000 most variable gene expression measurements for 190 samples and a factor vector of classes for those samples.


measurements has a row for each sample and a column for each gene. classes is a factor vector with values No and Yes, indicating if a particular person has asthma or not.


A Nasal Brush-based Classifier of Asthma Identified by Machine Learning Analysis of Nasal RNA Sequence Data, Scientific Reports, 2018. Webpage:

List Available Feature Selection and Classification Approaches


Prints a list of keywords to use with crossValidate


available(what = c("classifier", "selectionMethod", "multiViewMethod"))



Default: "classifier". Either "classifier", "selectionMethod" or "multiViewMethod".


Dario Strbenac



Various Functions for Evaluating Precision Pathways


These functions tabulate or plot various aspects of precision pathways, such as accuracies and costs.


calcCostsAndPerformance(precisionPathways, costs = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'PrecisionPathways'
summary(object, weights = c(accuracy = 0.5, cost = 0.5), ...)

bubblePlot(precisionPathways, ...)

## S3 method for class 'PrecisionPathways'
bubblePlot(precisionPathways, pathwayColours = NULL, ...)

flowchart(precisionPathways, ...)

## S3 method for class 'PrecisionPathways'
  nodeColours = c(assay = "#86C57C", class1 = "#ACCEE0", class2 = "#F47F72"),

strataPlot(precisionPathways, ...)

## S3 method for class 'PrecisionPathways'
  classColours = c(class1 = "#4DAF4A", class2 = "#984EA3"),



A pathway of class PrecisionPathways.


A named vector of assays with the cost of each one.


A set of pathways of class PrecisionPathways.


A numeric vector of length two specifying how to weight the predictive accuracy and the cost during ranking. Must sum to 1.


Not used but just following the S3 requirement of the generic template.


A named vector of colours with names being the names of pathways. If none is specified, a default colour scheme will automatically be chosen.


A character vector of length 1 specifying which pathway to plot, e.g. "clinical-mRNA".


A named vector of colours with names being "assay", "class1","class2". a default colour scheme will automatically be chosen.


A named vector of colours with names being "class1","class2", and "accuracy". a default colour scheme will automatically be chosen.

Add Performance Calculations to a ClassifyResult Object or Calculate for a Pair of Factor Vectors


If calcExternalPerformance is used, such as when having a vector of known classes and a vector of predicted classes determined outside of the ClassifyR package, a single metric value is calculated. If calcCVperformance is used, annotates the results of calling crossValidate, runTests or runTest with one of the user-specified performance measures.


## S4 method for signature 'factor,factor'
  performanceTypes = "auto"

## S4 method for signature 'Surv,numeric'
  performanceTypes = "auto"

## S4 method for signature 'factor,tabular'
  performanceTypes = "auto"

## S4 method for signature 'ClassifyResult'
calcCVperformance(result, performanceTypes = "auto")

  performanceTypes = "auto",
  aggregate = c("median", "mean")

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperimentOrList'
  assay = "clinical",
  useFeatures = NULL,
  performanceType = "auto",
  fitMode = c("single", "full")



A factor vector or survival information specifying each sample's known outcome.


A factor vector or survival information of the same length as actualOutcome specifying each sample's predicted outcome.


Default: "auto" A character vector. If "auto", Balanced Accuracy will be used for a classification task and C-index for a time-to-event task. If using easyHard, the default is "Sample Accuracy" for a classification task and "Sample C-index" for a time-to-event task. Must be one of the following options:

  • "Error": Ordinary error rate.

  • "Accuracy": Ordinary accuracy.

  • "Balanced Error": Balanced error rate.

  • "Balanced Accuracy": Balanced accuracy.

  • "Sample Error": Error rate for each sample in the data set.

  • "Sample Accuracy": Accuracy for each sample in the data set.

  • "Micro Precision": Sum of the number of correct predictions in each class, divided by the sum of number of samples in each class.

  • "Micro Recall": Sum of the number of correct predictions in each class, divided by the sum of number of samples predicted as belonging to each class.

  • "Micro F1": F1 score obtained by calculating the harmonic mean of micro precision and micro recall.

  • "Macro Precision": Sum of the ratios of the number of correct predictions in each class to the number of samples in each class, divided by the number of classes.

  • "Macro Recall": Sum of the ratios of the number of correct predictions in each class to the number of samples predicted to be in each class, divided by the number of classes.

  • "Macro F1": F1 score obtained by calculating the harmonic mean of macro precision and macro recall.

  • "Matthews Correlation Coefficient": Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC). A score between -1 and 1 indicating how concordant the predicted classes are to the actual classes. Only defined if there are two classes.

  • "AUC": Area Under the Curve. An area ranging from 0 to 1, under the ROC.

  • "C-index": For survival data, the concordance index, for models which produce risk scores. Ranges from 0 to 1.

  • "Sample C-index": Per-individual C-index.


An object of class ClassifyResult.


A list of modelling results. Each element must be of type ClassifyResult.


Default: "median". Can also be "mean". If there are multiple values, such as for repeated cross-validation, then they are summarised to a single number using either mean or median.


For easyHard only. Either a DataFrame, data.frame, matrix, MultiAssayExperiment or a list of the basic tabular objects containing the data.


For easyHard only. The assay to use to look for associations to the per-sample metric.


For easyHard only. One of the valid values shown for performanceType parameter of calcCVperformance.


For easyHard only. Default: NULL (i.e. use all provided features). A vector of features to consider of the assay specified. This allows for the avoidance of variables such spike-in RNAs, sample IDs, sample acquisition dates, etc. which are not relevant for outcome prediction.


For easyHard only. Default:"single". Either "single" or "full". If "single", an ordinary GLM model is fitted for each covariate separately. If "full", elastic net is used to automatically tune the non-zero model coefficients.


All metrics except Matthews Correlation Coefficient are suitable for evaluating classification scenarios with more than two classes and are reimplementations of those available from Intel DAAL.

crossValidate, runTests or runTest was run in resampling mode, one performance measure is produced for every resampling. Otherwise, if the leave-k-out mode was used, then the predictions are concatenated, and one performance measure is calculated for all classifications.

"Balanced Error" calculates the balanced error rate and is better suited to class-imbalanced data sets than the ordinary error rate specified by "Error". "Sample Error" calculates the error rate of each sample individually. This may help to identify which samples are contributing the most to the overall error rate and check them for confounding factors. Precision, recall and F1 score have micro and macro summary versions. The macro versions are preferable because the metric will not have a good score if there is substantial class imbalance and the classifier predicts all samples as belonging to the majority class.


If calcCVperformance was run, an updated ClassifyResult object, with new metric values in the performance slot. If calcExternalPerformance was run, the performance metric value itself.

For easyHard, a DataFrame of logistic regression model summary.


Dario Strbenac


predictTable <- DataFrame(sample = paste("A", 1:10, sep = ''),
                            class = factor(sample(LETTERS[1:2], 50, replace = TRUE)))
  actual <- factor(sample(LETTERS[1:2], 10, replace = TRUE))                             
  result <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = "Data Set", value = "Example"),
                           paste("A", 1:10, sep = ''), paste("Gene", 1:50), list(paste("Gene", 1:50), paste("Gene", 1:50)), list(paste("Gene", 1:5), paste("Gene", 1:10)),
                           list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predictTable, actual)
  result <- calcCVperformance(result) 

Container for Storing Classification Results


Contains a list of models, table of actual sample classes and predicted classes, the identifiers of features selected for each fold of each permutation or each hold-out classification, and performance metrics such as error rates. This class is not intended to be created by the user. It is created by crossValidate, runTests or runTest.


ClassifyResult(characteristics, originalNames, originalFeatures, rankedFeatures, chosenFeatures, models, tunedParameters, predictions, actualOutcome, importance = NULL, modellingParams = NULL, finalModel = NULL)


A DataFrame describing the characteristics of classification done. First column must be named "charateristic" and second column must be named "value". If using wrapper functions for feature selection and classifiers in this package, the function names will automatically be generated and therefore it is not necessary to specify them.


All sample names.


All feature names. Character vector or DataFrame with one row for each feature if the data set has multiple kinds of measurements on the same set of samples.


Features selected at each fold. Character vector or a data frame if data set has multiple kinds of measurements on the same set of samples.


All of the models fitted to the training data.


Names of tuning parameters and the value chosen of each parameter.


A data frame containing sample IDs, predicted class or risk and information about the cross-validation iteration in which the prediction was made.


The known class or survival data of each sample.


The changes in model performance for each selected variable when it is excluded.


Stores the object used for defining the model building to enable future reuse.


A model built using all of the samples for future use. For any tuning parameters, the most popular value of the parameter in cross-validation is used. May be missing if some cross-validated fittings failed. Could be of any class, depending on the R package used to fit the model.


result is a ClassifyResult object.

show(result): Prints a short summary of what result contains.


result is a ClassifyResult object.


Returns a vector of sample names present in the data set.


Returns the known outcome of each sample.


A list of the models fitted for each training.


A deployable model fitted on all of the data for use on future data.


A list of the features selected for each training.


Returns a DataFrame which has columns with test sample, cross-validation and prediction information.


Returns a list of performance measures. This is empty until calcCVperformance has been used.


Returns a list of tuned parameter values. If cross-validation is used, this list will be large, as it stores chosen values for every iteration.


A single number representing the total number. of predictions made during the cross-validation procedure.


Dario Strbenac


    classified <- crossValidate(measurements, classes, nRepeats = 5)

A function to perform fast or standard Cox proportional hazard model tests.


A function to perform fast or standard Cox proportional hazard model tests.


colCoxTests(measurements, outcome, option = c("fast", "slow"), ...)



matrix with variables as columns.


matrix with first column as time and second column as event.


Default: "fast". Whether to use the fast or slow method.


Not currently used.


CrossValParams object


time <- rpois(nrow(measurements), 100)
status <- sample(c(0,1), nrow(measurements), replace = TRUE)
outcome <- cbind(time, status)
output <- colCoxTests(measurements, outcome, "fast")

A function to plot the output of the crissCrossValidate function.


This function generates a heatmap of the cross-validation results from crissCrossValidate. By default, it hides the "resubstitution" diagonal (where the training == test set) unless showResubMetric = TRUE.


  includeValues = FALSE,
  showResubMetric = FALSE



The output of the crissCrossValidate function.


Logical. If TRUE, numeric values are printed on each tile.


Logical. If FALSE, the diagonal (resubstitution) cells are set to NA and appear grayed-out or blank. Defaults to FALSE.

A function to perform pairwise cross validation


This function has been designed to perform cross-validation and model prediction on datasets in a pairwise manner.


  nFeatures = 20,
  selectionMethod = "auto",
  selectionOptimisation = "Resubstitution",
  trainType = c("modelTrain", "modelTest"),
  performanceType = "auto",
  doRandomFeatures = FALSE,
  runTOP = FALSE,
  classifier = "auto",
  nFolds = 5,
  nRepeats = 20,
  nCores = 1,
  verbose = 0



A list of either DataFrame, data.frame or matrix class measurements.


A list of vectors that respectively correspond to outcomes of the samples in measurements list. / Factors should be coded such that the control class is the first level.


The number of features to be used for modelling.


Default: "auto". A character keyword of the feature algorithm to be used. If "auto", t-test (two categories) / F-test (three or more categories) ranking and top nFeatures optimisation is done. Otherwise, the ranking method is per-feature Cox proportional hazards p-value.


A character of "Resubstitution", "Nested CV" or "none" specifying the approach used to optimise nFeatures.


Default: "modelTrain". A keyword specifying whether a fully trained model is used to make predictions on the test set or if only the feature identifiers are chosen using the training data set and a number of training-predictions are made by cross-validation in the test set.


Default: "auto". If "auto", then balanced accuracy for classification or C-index for survival. Otherwise, any one of the options described in calcPerformance may otherwise be specified.


Default: FALSE. Whether to perform random feature selection to establish a baseline performance. Either FALSE or TRUE are permitted values.


Default: FALSE. If TRUE, perform the Transferable Omics Prediction (TOP) procedure in a leave-one-dataset-out manner.


Default: "auto". A character keyword of the modelling algorithm to be used. If "auto", then a random forest is used for a classification task or Cox proportional hazards model for a survival task.


A numeric specifying the number of folds to use for cross-validation.


A numeric specifying the number of repeats or permutations to use for cross-validation.


A numeric specifying the number of cores used if the user wants to use parallelisation.


Default: 0. A number between 0 and 3 for the amount of progress messages to give. A higher number will produce more messages.


A list with elements "real" for the matrix of pairwise performance metrics using real feature selection, "random" if doRandomFeatures is TRUE for metrics of random selection, "top" if runTOP is TRUE, and "params" for a list of parameters used.


Harry Robertson

Cross-validation to evaluate classification performance.


This function has been designed to facilitate the comparison of classification methods using cross-validation, particularly when there are multiple assays per biological unit. A selection of typical comparisons are implemented. The train function is a convenience method for training on one data set and likewise predict for predicting on an independent validation data set.


## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
  nFeatures = 20,
  selectionMethod = "auto",
  classifier = "auto",
  multiViewMethod = "none",
  assayCombinations = "all",
  nFolds = 5,
  nRepeats = 20,
  nCores = 1,
  characteristicsLabel = NULL,
  extraParams = NULL,
  verbose = 0

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperimentOrList'
  nFeatures = 20,
  selectionMethod = "auto",
  classifier = "auto",
  multiViewMethod = "none",
  assayCombinations = "all",
  nFolds = 5,
  nRepeats = 20,
  nCores = 1,
  characteristicsLabel = NULL,
  extraParams = NULL,
  verbose = 0

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
  nFeatures = 20,
  selectionMethod = "auto",
  classifier = "auto",
  multiViewMethod = "none",
  assayCombinations = "all",
  nFolds = 5,
  nRepeats = 20,
  nCores = 1,
  characteristicsLabel = NULL,
  extraParams = NULL,
  verbose = 0

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
  nFeatures = 20,
  selectionMethod = "auto",
  classifier = "auto",
  multiViewMethod = "none",
  assayCombinations = "all",
  nFolds = 5,
  nRepeats = 20,
  nCores = 1,
  characteristicsLabel = NULL,
  extraParams = NULL,
  verbose = 0

## S3 method for class 'matrix'
train(x, outcomeTrain, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
train(x, outcomeTrain, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DataFrame'
  selectionMethod = "auto",
  nFeatures = 20,
  classifier = "auto",
  multiViewMethod = "none",
  assayIDs = "all",
  extraParams = NULL,
  verbose = 0,

## S3 method for class 'list'
train(x, outcomeTrain, ...)

## S3 method for class 'MultiAssayExperiment'
train(x, outcome, ...)

## S3 method for class 'trainedByClassifyR'
predict(object, newData, outcome, ...)



Either a DataFrame, data.frame, matrix, MultiAssayExperiment or a list of the basic tabular objects containing the data.


A vector of class labels of class factor of the same length as the number of samples in measurements or a character vector of length 1 containing the column name in measurements if it is a DataFrame. Or a Surv object or a character vector of length 2 or 3 specifying the time and event columns in measurements for survival outcome. If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment, the column name(s) in colData(measurements) representing the outcome. If column names of survival information, time must be in first column and event status in the second.


For train and predict functions, parameters not used by the non-DataFrame signature functions but passed into the DataFrame signature function.


The number of features to be used for classification. If a named vector with the same names of multiple assays, a different number of features will be used for each assay. Set to "all" if all features should be used. To tune it, specify a vector or list of named vectors to "tuneParams" list of "select" element list of extraParams list.


Default: "auto". A character vector of feature selection methods to compare. If a named character vector with names corresponding to different assays, and performing multiview classification, the respective selection methods will be used on each assay. If "auto", t-test (two categories) / F-test (three or more categories) ranking and top nFeatures optimisation is done. Otherwise, the ranking method is per-feature Cox proportional hazards p-value. "none" is also a valid value, meaning that no feature selection prior to model building will be performed (but implicit selection might still happen with the classifier).


Default: "auto". A character vector of classification methods to compare. If a named character vector with names corresponding to different assays, and performing multiview classification, the respective classification methods will be used on each assay. If "auto", then a random forest is used for a classification task or Cox proportional hazards model for a survival task.


Default: "none". A character vector specifying the multiview method or data integration approach to use. See available("multiViewMethod") for possibilities.


A character vector or list of character vectors proposing the assays or, in the case of a list, combination of assays to use with each element being a vector of assays to combine. Special value "all" means all possible subsets of assays.


A numeric specifying the number of folds to use for cross-validation.


A numeric specifying the the number of repeats or permutations to use for cross-validation.


A numeric specifying the number of cores used if the user wants to use parallelisation.


A character specifying an additional label for the cross-validation run.


A list of parameters that will be used to overwrite default settings of transformation, selection, or model-building functions or parameters which will be passed into the data cleaning function or cross-validation mode used for parameter tuning. Each name of a list element is a list and must be one of "prepare", "select", "train", "predict", tuneCross. By default, no parameter tuning is done. To use the a default parameter range for tuning (see the article titled Parameter Tuning Presets for crossValidate and Their Customisation on the website), specify a list element of "select" or "train" lists named "tuneParams" with value "auto". To specify your own range of values, specify a list with names being the parameters in the functions described in the same article on the website. For the valid element names in the "prepare" list, see ?prepareData for its parameter names. The list "tuneCross" can have elements named "tuneMode" and "performanceType". Valid values for "tuneMode" are "Resubstitution" or "Nested CV". For "performanceType", it is any of the metrics which can be specified to calcPerformance.


Default: 0. A number between 0 and 3 for the amount of progress messages to give. A higher number will produce more messages as more lower-level functions print messages.


Same as measurements but only training samples.


For the train function, either a factor vector of classes, a Surv object, or a character string, or vector of such strings, containing column name(s) of column(s) containing either classes or time and event information about survival. If column names of survival information, time must be in first column and event status in the second.


A character vector for assays to train with. Special value "all" uses all assays in the input object.


A fitted model or a list of such models.


For the predict function, an object of type matrix, data.frame DataFrame, list (of matrices or data frames) or MultiAssayExperiment containing the data to make predictions with with either a fitted model created by train or the final model stored in a ClassifyResult object.


classifier can be any a keyword for any of the implemented approaches as shown by available(). selectionMethod can be a keyword for any of the implemented approaches as shown by available("selectionMethod"). multiViewMethod can be a keyword for any of the implemented approaches as shown by available("multiViewMethod").


An object of class ClassifyResult



# Compare randomForest and SVM classifiers.
result <- crossValidate(measurements, classes, classifier = c("randomForest", "SVM"))

# Compare performance of different assays. 
# First make a toy example assay with multiple data types. We'll randomly assign different features to be clinical, gene or protein.
# set.seed(51773)
# measurements <- DataFrame(measurements, check.names = FALSE)
# mcols(measurements)$assay <- c(rep("clinical", 20), sample(c("gene", "protein"), ncol(measurements) - 20, replace = TRUE))
# mcols(measurements)$feature <- colnames(measurements)

# We'll use different nFeatures for each assay. We'll also use repeated cross-validation with 5 repeats for speed in the example.
# set.seed(51773)
#result <- crossValidate(measurements, classes, nFeatures = c(clinical = 5, gene = 20, protein = 30), classifier = "randomForest", nRepeats = 5)
# performancePlot(result)

# Merge different assays. But we will only do this for two combinations. If assayCombinations is not specified it would attempt all combinations.
# set.seed(51773)
# resultMerge <- crossValidate(measurements, classes, assayCombinations = list(c("clinical", "protein"), c("clinical", "gene")), multiViewMethod = "merge", nRepeats = 5)
# performancePlot(resultMerge)

# performancePlot(c(result, resultMerge))

Parameters for Cross-validation Specification


Collects and checks necessary parameters required for cross-validation by runTests.


  samplesSplits = c("Permute k-Fold", "Permute Percentage Split", "Leave-k-Out",
  permutations = 100,
  percentTest = 25,
  folds = 5,
  leave = 2,
  tuneMode = c("none", "Resubstitution", "Nested CV"),
  performanceType = "auto",
  adaptiveResamplingDelta = NULL,
  parallelParams = bpparam()



Default: "Permute k-Fold". A character value specifying what kind of sample splitting to do.


Default: 100. Number of times to permute the data set before it is split into training and test sets. Only relevant if samplesSplits is either "Permute k-Fold" or "Permute Percentage Split".


The percentage of the data set to assign to the test set, with the remainder of the samples belonging to the training set. Only relevant if samplesSplits is "Permute Percentage Split".


The number of approximately equal-sized folds to partition the samples into. Only relevant if samplesSplits is "Permute k-Fold" or "k-Fold".


The number of samples to generate all possible combination of and use as the test set. Only relevant if samplesSplits is "Leave-k-Out". If set to 1, it is the traditional leave-one-out cross-validation, sometimes written as LOOCV.


Default: None. The cross-validation scheme to use for selecting any tuning parameters. Valid values are "Resubstitution", "Nested CV", "none".


Default: "auto". The performance metric to use if tuneMode is not "none".


Default: NULL. If not null, adaptive resampling of training samples is performed and this number is the difference in consecutive iterations that the class probability or risk of all samples must change less than for the iterative process to stop. 0.01 was used in the original publication.


An instance of BiocParallelParam specifying the kind of parallelisation to use. Default is to use two cores less than the total number of cores the computer has, if it has four or more cores, otherwise one core, as is the default of bpparam. To make results fully reproducible, please choose a specific back-end depending on your operating system and also set RNGseed to a number.


Dario Strbenac


CrossValParams() # Default is 100 permutations and 5 folds of each.
  snow <- SnowParam(workers = 2, RNGseed = 999)
  CrossValParams("Leave-k-Out", leave = 2, parallelParams = snow)
  # Fully reproducible Leave-2-out cross-validation on 4 cores,
  # even if feature selection or classifier use random sampling.

Get Frequencies of Feature Selection or Sample-wise Predictive Performance


There are two modes. For aggregating feature selection results, the function counts the number of times each feature was selected in all cross-validations. For aggregating predictive results, the accuracy or C-index for each sample is visualised. This is useful in identifying samples that are difficult to predict well.



An object of class ClassifyResult.


Further parameters, such as colour and fill, passed to geom_histogram or stat_density, depending on the value of plotType.


Default: "features". Whether to summarise sample-wise error rate ("samples") or the number of times or frequency a feature was selected.


Whether to draw a probability density curve or a histogram.


If feature selection, whether to summarise as a proportion or count.


Whether to draw a plot of the frequency of selection or error rate.


Maximum data value to show in plot.


A vector of length 3. The first number is the size of the title. The second number is the size of the axes titles. The third number is the size of the axes values.


Default: "descending". A character string, either "descending" or "ascending", which specifies the ordering direction for sorting the summary.


If dataType is "features", a vector as long as the number of features that were chosen at least once containing the number of times the feature was chosen in cross validations or the proportion of times chosen. If dataType is "samples", a vector as long as the number of samples, containing the cross-validation error rate of the sample. If plot is TRUE, then a plot is also made on the current graphics device.


Dario Strbenac


    result <- crossValidate(measurements, classes, nRepeats = 5)
    featureDistribution <- distribution(result, "features", summaryType = "count",
                                        plotType = "histogram", binwidth = 1)

Convert a Two-column Matrix or Data Frame into a Hub Node List


Interactions between pairs of features (typically a protein-protein interaction, commonly abbreviated as PPI, database) are restructured into a named list. The name of the each element of the list is a feature and the element contains all features which have an interaction with it.


edgesToHubNetworks(edges, minCardinality = 5)



A two-column matrix or data.frame for which each row specifies a known interaction betwen two interactors. If feature X appears in the first column and feature Y appears in the second, there is no need for feature Y to appear in the first column and feature X in the second.


An integer specifying the minimum number of features to be associated with a hub feature for it to be present in the result.


An object of type FeatureSetCollection.


Dario Strbenac


VAN: an R package for identifying biologically perturbed networks via differential variability analysis, Vivek Jayaswal, Sarah-Jane Schramm, Graham J Mann, Marc R Wilkins and Yee Hwa Yang, 2010, BMC Research Notes, Volume 6 Article 430,


interactor <- c("MITF", "MITF", "MITF", "MITF", "MITF", "MITF",
                  "KRAS", "KRAS", "KRAS", "KRAS", "KRAS", "KRAS",
  otherInteractor <- c("HINT1", "LEF1", "PSMD14", "PIAS3", "UBE2I", "PATZ1",
                       "ARAF", "CALM1", "CALM2", "CALM3", "RAF1", "HNRNPC",
  edges <- data.frame(interactor, otherInteractor, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  edgesToHubNetworks(edges, minCardinality = 4)

Container for Storing A Collection of Sets


This container is the required storage format for a collection of sets. Typically, the elements of a set will either be a set of proteins (i.e. character vector) which perform a particular biological process or a set of binary interactions (i.e. Two-column matrix of feature identifiers).



A named list. The names of the list describe the sets and the elements of the list specify the features which comprise the sets.


featureSets is a FeatureSetCollection object.

show(featureSets): Prints a short summary of what featureSets contains.
length(featureSets): Prints how many sets of features there are.


The FeatureSetCollection may be subsetted to a smaller set of elements or a single set may be extracted as a vector.

featureSets is a FeatureSetCollection object.

featureSets[i:j]: Reduces the object to a subset of the feature sets between elements i and j of the collection.
featureSets[[i]]: Extract the feature set identified by i. i may be a numeric index or the character name of a feature set.


Dario Strbenac


ontology <- list(c("SESN1", "PRDX1", "PRDX2", "PRDX3", "PRDX4", "PRDX5", "PRDX6",
                       "LRRK2", "PARK7"),
                     c("ATP7A", "CCS", "NQO1", "PARK7", "SOD1", "SOD2", "SOD3",
                       "SZT2", "TNF"),
                     c("AARS", "AIMP2", "CARS", "GARS", "KARS", "NARS", "NARS2",
                       "LARS2", "NARS", "NARS2", "RGN", "UBA7"),
                     c("CRY1", "CRY2", "ONP1SW", "OPN4", "RGR"),
                     c("ESRRG", "RARA", "RARB", "RARG", "RXRA", "RXRB", "RXRG"),
                     c("CD36", "CD47", "F2", "SDC4"),
                     c("BUD31", "PARK7", "RWDD1", "TAF1")
    names(ontology) <- c("Peroxiredoxin Activity", "Superoxide Dismutase Activity",
                         "Ligase Activity", "Photoreceptor Activity",
                         "Retinoic Acid Receptor Activity",
                         "Thrombospondin Receptor Activity",
                         "Regulation of Androgen Receptor Activity")
    featureSets <- FeatureSetCollection(ontology)
    featureSets[["Photoreceptor Activity"]]
    subNetworks <- list(MAPK = matrix(c("NRAS", "NRAS", "NRAS", "BRAF", "MEK",
                                        "ARAF", "BRAF", "CRAF", "MEK", "ERK"), ncol = 2),
                        P53 = matrix(c("ATM", "ATR", "ATR", "P53",
                                       "CHK2", "CHK1", "P53", "MDM2"), ncol = 2)
    networkSets <- FeatureSetCollection(subNetworks)                        

Transform a Table of Feature Abundances into a Table of Feature Set Abundances.


Represents a feature set by the mean or median feature measurement of a feature set for all features belonging to a feature set.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
  location = c("median", "mean"),
  minimumOverlapPercent = 80,
  verbose = 3

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
  location = c("median", "mean"),
  minimumOverlapPercent = 80,
  verbose = 3

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperiment'
  target = NULL,
  location = c("median", "mean"),
  minimumOverlapPercent = 80,
  verbose = 3



Either a matrix, DataFrame or MultiAssayExperiment containing the training data. For a matrix, the rows are samples, and the columns are features. If of type DataFrame or MultiAssayExperiment, the data set is subset to only those features of type numeric.


Default: The median. The type of location to summarise a set of features belonging to a feature set by.


An object of type FeatureSetCollection which defines the feature sets.


The minimum percentage of overlapping features between the data set and a feature set defined in featureSets for that feature set to not be discarded from the anaylsis.


Default: 3. A number between 0 and 3 for the amount of progress messages to give. This function only prints progress messages if the value is 3.


If the input is a MultiAssayExperiment, this specifies which data set will be transformed. Can either be an integer index or a character string specifying the name of the table. Must have length 1.


This feature transformation method is unusual because the mean or median feature of a feature set for one sample may be different to another sample, whereas most other feature transformation methods do not result in different features being compared between samples during classification.


The same class of variable as the input variable measurements is, with the individual features summarised to feature sets. The number of samples remains unchanged, so only one dimension of measurements is altered.


Dario Strbenac


Network-based biomarkers enhance classical approaches to prognostic gene expression signatures, Rebecca L Barter, Sarah-Jane Schramm, Graham J Mann and Yee Hwa Yang, 2014, BMC Systems Biology, Volume 8 Supplement 4 Article S5,


sets <- list(Adhesion = c("Gene 1", "Gene 2", "Gene 3"),
               `Cell Cycle` = c("Gene 8", "Gene 9", "Gene 10"))
  featureSets <- FeatureSetCollection(sets)
  # Adhesion genes have a median gene difference between classes.
  genesMatrix <- matrix(c(rnorm(5, 9, 0.3), rnorm(5, 7, 0.3), rnorm(5, 8, 0.3),
                        rnorm(5, 6, 0.3), rnorm(10, 7, 0.3), rnorm(70, 5, 0.1)),
                        nrow = 10)
  rownames(genesMatrix) <- paste("Patient", 1:10)
  colnames(genesMatrix) <- paste("Gene", 1:10)
  classes <- factor(rep(c("Poor", "Good"), each = 5)) # But not used for transformation.
  featureSetSummary(genesMatrix, featureSets = featureSets)

Human Reference Interactome


A collection of 45783 pairs of protein gene symbols, as determined by the The Human Reference Protein Interactome Mapping Project. Self-interactions have been removed.


interactors is a Pairs object containing each pair of interacting proteins.


A Reference Map of the Human Binary Protein Interactome, Nature, 2020. Webpage:

Convert Individual Features into Differences Between Binary Interactors Based on Known Sub-networks


This conversion is useful for creating a meta-feature table for classifier training and prediction based on sub-networks that were selected based on their differential correlation between classes.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
interactorDifferences(measurements, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
  featurePairs = NULL,
  absolute = FALSE,
  verbose = 3

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperiment'
interactorDifferences(measurements, useFeatures = "all", ...)



Either a matrix, DataFrame or MultiAssayExperiment containing the training data. For a matrix, the rows are samples, and the columns are features.


Variables not used by the matrix nor the MultiAssayExperiment method which are passed into and used by the DataFrame method.


A object of type Pairs.


If TRUE, then the absolute values of the differences are returned.


Default: 3. A number between 0 and 3 for the amount of progress messages to give. This function only prints progress messages if the value is 3.


If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment, "all" or a two-column table of features to use. If a table, the first column must have assay names and the second column must have feature names found for that assay. "clinical" is also a valid assay name and refers to the clinical data table.


The pairs of features known to interact with each other are specified by networkSets.


An object of class DataFrame with one column for each interactor pair difference and one row for each sample. Additionally, mcols(resultTable) prodvides a DataFrame with a column named "original" containing the name of the sub-network each meta-feature belongs to.


Dario Strbenac


Dynamic modularity in protein interaction networks predicts breast cancer outcome, Ian W Taylor, Rune Linding, David Warde-Farley, Yongmei Liu, Catia Pesquita, Daniel Faria, Shelley Bull, Tony Pawson, Quaid Morris and Jeffrey L Wrana, 2009, Nature Biotechnology, Volume 27 Issue 2,


pairs <- Pairs(rep(c('A', 'G'), each = 3), c('B', 'C', 'D', 'H', 'I', 'J'))
  # Consistent differences for interactors of A.                                           
  measurements <- matrix(c(5.7, 10.1, 6.9, 7.7, 8.8, 9.1, 11.2, 6.4, 7.0, 5.5,
                           3.6, 7.6, 4.0, 4.4, 5.8, 6.2, 8.1, 3.7, 4.4, 2.1,
                           8.5, 13.0, 9.9, 10.0, 10.3, 11.9, 13.8, 9.9, 10.7, 8.5,
                           8.1, 10.6, 7.4, 10.7, 10.8, 11.1, 13.3, 9.7, 11.0, 9.1,
                           round(rnorm(60, 8, 0.3), 1)), nrow = 10)
  rownames(measurements) <- paste("Patient", 1:10)
  colnames(measurements) <- LETTERS[1:10]
  interactorDifferences(measurements, pairs)

METABRIC Clinical Data


470 patients with eight features.


clinical A DataFrame containing clinical data.


Dynamics of Breast Cancer Relapse Reveal Late-recurring ER-positive Genomic Subgroups, Nature, 2019. Webpage:

Parameters for Data Modelling Specification


Collects and checks necessary parameters required for data modelling. Apart from data transfomation that needs to be done within cross-validation (e.g. subtracting each observation from training set mean), feature selection, model training and prediction, this container also stores a setting for class imbalance rebalancing.


  balancing = c("downsample", "upsample", "none"),
  transformParams = NULL,
  selectParams = SelectParams("t-test"),
  trainParams = TrainParams("DLDA"),
  predictParams = PredictParams("DLDA"),
  doImportance = FALSE



Default: "downsample". A character value specifying what kind of class balancing to do, if any.


Parameters used for feature transformation inside of C.V. specified by a TransformParams instance. Optional, can be NULL.


Parameters used during feature selection specified by a SelectParams instance. By default, parameters for selection based on differences in means of numeric data. Optional, can be NULL.


Parameters for model training specified by a TrainParams instance. By default, uses diagonal LDA.


Parameters for model training specified by a PredictParams instance. By default, uses diagonal LDA.


Default: FALSE. Whether or not to carry out removal of each feature, one at a time, which was chosen and then retrain and model and predict the test set, to measure the change in performance metric. Can also be set to TRUE, if required. Modelling run time will be noticeably longer.


Dario Strbenac


     ModellingParams() # Default is differences in means selection and DLDA.
     ModellingParams(selectParams = NULL, # No feature selection before training.
                     trainParams = TrainParams("randomForest"),
                     predictParams = PredictParams("randomForest"))

Plot Performance Measures for Various Classifications


Draws a graphical summary of a particular performance measure for a list of classifications


## S4 method for signature 'ClassifyResult'
performancePlot(results, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
  metric = "auto",
  characteristicsList = list(x = "auto"),
  aggregate = character(),
  coloursList = list(),
  alpha = 1,
  orderingList = list(),
  densityStyle = c("box", "violin"),
  yLimits = NULL,
  fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 12),
  title = NULL,
  margin = grid::unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "lines"),
  rotate90 = FALSE,
  showLegend = TRUE



A list of ClassifyResult objects.


Not used by end user.


Default: "auto". The name of the performance measure or "auto". If the results are classification then balanced accuracy will be displayed. Otherwise, the results would be survival risk predictions and then C-index will be displayed. This is one of the names printed in the Performance Measures field when a ClassifyResult object is printed, or if none are stored, the performance metric will be calculated automatically.


A named list of characteristics. Each element's name must be one of "x", "row", "column", "fillColour", or "lineColour". The value of each element must be a characteristic name, as stored in the "characteristic" column of the results' characteristics table. Only "x" is mandatory. It is "auto" by default, which will identify a characteristic that has a unique value for each element of results. "x" represents a characteristic which will form the x-axis of the plot. "row" and "column" each specify one characteristic which will form the row facet and the column facet, respectively, of a facetted plot.


A character vector of the levels of characteristicsList['x'] to aggregate to a single number by taking the mean. This is particularly meaningful when the cross-validation is leave-k-out, when k is small.


A named list of plot aspects and colours for the aspects. No elements are mandatory. If specified, each list element's name must be either "fillColours" or "lineColours". If a characteristic is associated to fill or line by characteristicsList but this list is empty, a palette of colours will be automatically chosen.


Default: 1. A number between 0 and 1 specifying the transparency level of any fill.


An optional named list. Any of the variables specified to characteristicsList can be the name of an element of this list and the value of the element is the order in which the factors should be presented in, in case alphabetical sorting is undesirable. Special values "performanceAscending" and "performanceDescending" indicate that the order of levels will be computed based on the median performance value of the characteristic being sorted into ascending or descending order.


Default: "box". Either "violin" for violin plot or "box" for box plot. If cross-validation is not repeated, then a bar chart.


The minimum and maximum value of the performance metric to plot.


A vector of length 4. The first number is the size of the title. The second number is the size of the axes titles. The third number is the size of the axes values. The fourth number is the font size of the titles of grouped plots, if any are produced. In other words, when rowVariable or columnVariable are not NULL.


An overall title for the plot.


The margin to have around the plot.


Logical. IF TRUE, the plot is horizontal.


If TRUE, a legend is plotted next to the plot. If FALSE, it is hidden.


If there are multiple values for a performance measure in a single result object, it is plotted as a violin plot, unless aggregate is TRUE, in which case the all predictions in a single result object are considered simultaneously, so that only one performance number is calculated, and a barchart is plotted.


An object of class ggplot and a plot on the current graphics device, if plot is TRUE.


Dario Strbenac


predicted <- DataFrame(sample = sample(LETTERS[1:10], 80, replace = TRUE),
                         permutation = rep(1:2, each = 40),
                         class = factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), 40)))
  actual <- factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 5))
  result1 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name",
                            value = c("Example", "t-test", "Differential Expression", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], paste("Gene", 1:100), list(paste("Gene", 1:100), paste("Gene", c(10:1, 11:100)), paste("Gene", 1:100), paste("Gene", 1:100)),
                            list(paste("Gene", 1:3), paste("Gene", c(2, 5, 6)), paste("Gene", 1:4), paste("Gene", 5:8)),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predicted, actual)
  result1 <- calcCVperformance(result1, "Macro F1")

  predicted <- DataFrame(sample = sample(LETTERS[1:10], 80, replace = TRUE),
                          permutation = rep(1:2, each = 40),
                          class = factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), 40)))
  result2 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name",
                            value = c("Example", "Bartlett Test", "Differential Variability", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], paste("Gene", 1:100), list(paste("Gene", 1:100), paste("Gene", c(10:1, 11:100)), paste("Gene", 1:100), paste("Gene", 1:100)),
                            list(c(1:3), c(4:6), c(1, 6, 7, 9), c(5:8)),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predicted, actual)
  result2 <- calcCVperformance(result2, "Macro F1")
  performancePlot(list(result1, result2), metric = "Macro F1",
                  title = "Comparison")

Plot Density, Scatterplot, Parallel Plot or Bar Chart for Features By Class


Allows the visualisation of measurements in the data set. If useFeatures is of type Pairs, then a parallel plot is automatically drawn. If it's a single categorical variable, then a bar chart is automatically drawn.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
plotFeatureClasses(measurements, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
  groupBy = NULL,
  groupingName = NULL,
  whichNumericFeaturePlots = c("both", "density", "stripchart"),
  measurementLimits = NULL,
  lineWidth = 1,
  dotBinWidth = 1,
  xAxisLabel = NULL,
  yAxisLabels = c("Density", "Classes"),
  showXtickLabels = TRUE,
  showYtickLabels = TRUE,
  xLabelPositions = "auto",
  yLabelPositions = "auto",
  fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 12, 12),
  colours = c("#3F48CC", "#880015"),
  showAssayName = TRUE

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperiment'
  groupBy = NULL,
  groupingName = NULL,
  showAssayName = TRUE,



A matrix, DataFrame or a MultiAssayExperiment object containing the data. For a matrix, the rows are for features and the columns are for samples. A column with name "class" must be present in the DataFrame stored in the colData slot.


Unused variables by the three top-level methods passed to the internal method which generates the plot(s).


Either a vector of class labels of class factor or if the measurements are of class DataFrame a character vector of length 1 containing the column name in measurement is also permitted. Not used if measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment object.


If measurements is a matrix or DataFrame, then a vector of numeric or character indices or the feature identifiers corresponding to the feature(s) to be plotted. If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment, then a DataFrame of 2 columns must be specified. The first column contains the names of the assays and the second contains the names of the variables, thus each row unambiguously specifies a variable to be plotted.


If measurements is a DataFrame, then a character vector of length 1, which contains the name of a categorical feature, may be specified. If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment, then a character vector of length 2, which contains the name of a data table as the first element and the name of a categorical feature as the second element, may be specified. Additionally, the value "clinical" may be used to refer to the column annotation stored in the colData slot of the of the MultiAssayExperiment object. A density plot will have additional lines of different line types for each category. A strip chart plot will have a separate strip chart created for each category and the charts will be drawn in a single column on the graphics device. A parallel plot and bar chart plot will similarly be laid out.


A label for the grouping variable to be used in plots.


If the feature is a single feature and has numeric measurements, this option specifies which types of plot(s) to draw. The default value is "both", which draws a density plot and also a stip chart below the density plot. Other options are "density" for drawing only a density plot and "stripchart" for drawing only a strip chart.


The minimum and maximum expression values to plot. Default: NULL. By default, the limits are automatically computed from the data values.


Numeric value that alters the line thickness for density plots. Default: 1.


Numeric value that alters the diameter of dots in the strip chart. Default: 1.


The axis label for the plot's horizontal axis. Default: NULL.


A character vector of length 1 or 2. If the feature's measurements are numeric an whichNumericFeaturePlots has the value "both", the first value is the y-axis label for the density plot and the second value is the y-axis label for the strip chart. Otherwise, if the feature's measurements are numeric and only one plot is drawn, then a character vector of length 1 specifies the y-axis label for that particular plot. Ignored if the feature's measurements are categorical.


Logical. Default: TRUE. If set to FALSE, the x-axis labels are hidden.


Logical. Default: TRUE. If set to FALSE, the y-axis labels are hidden.


Either "auto" or a vector of values. The positions of labels on the x-axis. If "auto", the placement of labels is automatically calculated.


Either "auto" or a vector of values. The positions of labels on the y-axis. If "auto", the placement of labels is automatically calculated.


A vector of length 5. The first number is the size of the title. The second number is the size of the axes titles. The third number is the size of the axes values. The fourth number is the size of the legends' titles. The fifth number is the font size of the legend labels.


The colours to plot data of each class in. The length of this vector must be as long as the distinct number of classes in the data set.


Logical. Default: TRUE. If TRUE and the data is in a MultiAssayExperiment object, the the name of the table in which the feature is stored in is added to the plot title.


If measurementsTrain is a MultiAssayExperiment, the names of the class column in the table extracted by colData(multiAssayExperiment) that contains each sample's outcome to use for prediction.


Plots are created on the current graphics device and a list of plot objects is invisibly returned. The classes of the plot object are determined based on the type of data plotted and the number of plots per feature generated. If the plotted variable is discrete or if the variable is numeric and one plot type was specified, the list element is an object of class ggplot. Otherwise, if the variable is numeric and both the density and stripchart plot types were made, the list element is an object of class TableGrob.

Settling lineWidth and dotBinWidth to the same value doesn't result in the density plot and the strip chart having elements of the same size. Some manual experimentation is required to get similarly sized plot elements.


Dario Strbenac


# First 25 samples and first 5 genes are mixtures of two normals. Last 25 samples are
  # one normal.
  genesMatrix <- sapply(1:15, function(geneColumn) c(rnorm(5, 5, 1)))
  genesMatrix <- cbind(genesMatrix, sapply(1:10, function(geneColumn) c(rnorm(5, 15, 1))))
  genesMatrix <- cbind(genesMatrix, sapply(1:25, function(geneColumn) c(rnorm(5, 9, 2))))
  genesMatrix <- rbind(genesMatrix, sapply(1:50, function(geneColumn) rnorm(95, 9, 3)))
  genesMatrix <- t(genesMatrix)
  rownames(genesMatrix) <- paste("Sample", 1:50)
  colnames(genesMatrix) <- paste("Gene", 1:100)
  classes <- factor(rep(c("Poor", "Good"), each = 25), levels = c("Good", "Poor"))
  plotFeatureClasses(genesMatrix, classes, useFeatures = "Gene 4",
                     xAxisLabel = bquote(log[2]*'(expression)'), dotBinWidth = 0.5)
  infectionResults <- c(rep(c("No", "Yes"), c(20, 5)), rep(c("No", "Yes"), c(5, 20)))
  genders <- factor(rep(c("Male", "Female"), each = 10, length.out = 50))
  clinicalData <- DataFrame(Gender = genders, Sugar = runif(50, 4, 10),
                              Infection = factor(infectionResults, levels = c("No", "Yes")),
                            row.names = rownames(genesMatrix))
  plotFeatureClasses(clinicalData, classes, useFeatures = "Infection")
  plotFeatureClasses(clinicalData, classes, useFeatures = "Infection", groupBy = "Gender")
  genesMatrix <- t(genesMatrix) # MultiAssayExperiment needs features in rows.
  dataContainer <- MultiAssayExperiment(list(RNA = genesMatrix),
                                        colData = cbind(clinicalData, class = classes))
  targetFeatures <- DataFrame(assay = "RNA", feature = "Gene 50")                                     
  plotFeatureClasses(dataContainer, useFeatures = targetFeatures, classesColumn = "class",
                     groupBy = c("clinical", "Gender"), # Table name, feature name.
                     xAxisLabel = bquote(log[2]*'(expression)'), dotBinWidth = 0.5)

Precision Pathways for Sample Prediction Based on Prediction Confidence.


Precision pathways allows the evaluation of various permutations of multiomics or multiview data. Samples are predicted by a particular assay if they were consistently predicted as a particular class during cross-validation. Otherwise, they are passed onto subsequent assays/tiers for prediction. Balanced accuracy is used to evaluate overall prediction performance and sample-specific accuracy for individual-level evaluation.


## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperimentOrList'
  useFeatures = NULL,
  maxMissingProp = 0,
  topNvariance = NULL,
  fixedAssays = "clinical",
  confidenceCutoff = 0.8,
  minAssaySamples = 10,
  nFeatures = 20,
  selectionMethod = setNames(c("none", rep("t-test", length(measurements))),
    c("clinical", names(measurements))),
  classifier = setNames(c("elasticNetGLM", rep("randomForest", length(measurements))),
    c("clinical", names(measurements))),
  nFolds = 5,
  nRepeats = 20,
  nCores = 1

## S4 method for signature 'PrecisionPathways,MultiAssayExperimentOrList'
precisionPathwaysPredict(pathways, measurements, class)



Either a MultiAssayExperiment or a list of the basic tabular objects containing the data.


If a MultiAssayExperiment, a column name in colData(measurements) with the classes. If measurements is a list of tabular data, may also be a vector of classes.


Default: NULL (i.e. use all provided features). A named list of features to use. Otherwise, the input data is a single table and this can just be a vector of feature names. For any assays not in the named list, all of their features are used. "clinical" is also a valid assay name and refers to the clinical data table. This allows for the avoidance of variables such spike-in RNAs, sample IDs, sample acquisition dates, etc. which are not relevant for outcome prediction.


Default: 0.0. A proportion less than 1 which is the maximum tolerated proportion of missingness for a feature to be retained for modelling.


Default: NULL. An integer number of most variable features per assay to subset to. Assays with less features won't be reduced in size.


A character vector of assay names specifying any assays which must be at the beginning of the pathway.


The minimum confidence of predictions for a sample to be predicted by a particular issue . If a sample was predicted to belong to a particular class a proportion pp times, then the confidence is 2×∣p−0.5∣2 \times |p - 0.5|.


An integer specifying the minimum number of samples a tier may have. If a subsequent tier would have less than this number of samples, the samples are incorporated into the current tier.


Default: 20. The number of features to consider during feature selection, if feature selection is done.


A named character vector of feature selection methods to use for the assays, one for each. The names must correspond to names of measurements.


A named character vector of modelling methods to use for the assays, one for each. The names must correspond to names of measurements.


A numeric specifying the number of folds to use for cross-validation.


A numeric specifying the the number of repeats or permutations to use for cross-validation.


A numeric specifying the number of cores used if the user wants to use parallelisation.


A set of pathways created by precisionPathwaysTrain which is an object of class PrecisionPathways to be used for predicting on a new data set.


An object of class PrecisionPathways which is basically a named list that other plotting and tabulating functions can use.


# To be determined.

Parameters for Classifier Prediction


Collects the function to be used for making predictions and any associated parameters.


The function specified must return either a factor vector of class predictions, or a numeric vector of scores for the second class, according to the levels of the class vector of the input data set, or a data frame which has two columns named class and score.


PredictParams(predictor, characteristics = DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), ...)

Creates a PredictParams object which stores the function which will do the class prediction, if required, and parameters that the function will use. If the training function also makes predictions, this must be set to NULL.


A character keyword referring to a registered classifier. See available for valid keywords.


A DataFrame describing the characteristics of the predictor function used. First column must be named "charateristic" and second column must be named "value".


Character vector. Names of any variables created in prior stages in runTest that need to be passed to the prediction function.


Other arguments that predictor may use.


predictParams is a PredictParams object.

show(predictParams): Prints a short summary of what predictParams contains.


Dario Strbenac


# For prediction by trained object created by DLDA training function.
predictParams <- PredictParams("DLDA")

Convert Different Data Classes into DataFrame and Filter Features


Input data could be of matrix, MultiAssayExperiment, or DataFrame format and this function will prepare a DataFrame of features and a vector of outcomes and help to exclude nuisance features such as dates or unique sample identifiers from subsequent modelling.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
prepareData(measurements, outcome, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
prepareData(measurements, outcome, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
  useFeatures = NULL,
  maxMissingProp = 0,
  maxSimilarity = 1,
  topNvariance = NULL

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperiment'
prepareData(measurements, outcomeColumns = NULL, useFeatures = NULL, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
prepareData(measurements, outcome = NULL, useFeatures = NULL, ...)



Either a matrix, DataFrame or MultiAssayExperiment containing all of the data. For a matrix or DataFrame, the rows are samples, and the columns are features.


Variables not used by the matrix nor the MultiAssayExperiment method which are passed into and used by the DataFrame method.


Either a factor vector of classes, a Surv object, or a character string, or vector of such strings, containing column name(s) of column(s) containing either classes or time and event information about survival. If column names of survival information, time must be in first column and event status in the second.


Default: NULL (i.e. use all provided features). If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment or list of tabular data, a named list of features to use. Otherwise, the input data is a single table and this can just be a vector of feature names. For any assays not in the named list, all of their features are used. "clinical" is also a valid assay name and refers to the clinical data table. This allows for the avoidance of variables such spike-in RNAs, sample IDs, sample acquisition dates, etc. which are not relevant for outcome prediction.


Default: 0.0. A proportion less than 1 which is the maximum tolerated proportion of missingness for a feature to be retained for modelling.


Default: 1. A number between 0 and 1 which is the maximum similarity between a pair of variables to be both kept in the data set. For numerical variables, the Pearson correlation is used and for categorical variables, the Chi-squared test p-value is used. For a pair that is too similar, the second variable will be excluded from the data set.


Default: NULL. If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment or list of tabular data, a named integer vector of most variable features per assay to subset to. If the input data is a single table, then simply a single integer. If an assays has less features, it won't be reduced in size but stay as-is.


If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment, the names of the column (class) or columns (survival) in the table extracted by colData(data) that contain(s) the each individual's outcome to use for prediction.


A list of length two. The first element is a DataFrame of features and the second element is the outcomes to use for modelling.


Dario Strbenac

Plot Pair-wise Overlap of Ranked Features


Pair-wise overlaps can be done for two types of analyses. Firstly, each cross-validation iteration can be considered within a single classification. This explores the feature ranking stability. Secondly, the overlap may be considered between different classification results. This approach compares the feature ranking commonality between different results. Two types of commonality are possible to analyse. One summary is the average pair-wise overlap between all possible pairs of results. The second kind of summary is the pair-wise overlap of each level of the comparison factor that is not the reference level against the reference level. The overlaps are converted to percentages and plotted as lineplots.


## S4 method for signature 'ClassifyResult'
rankingPlot(results, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
  topRanked = seq(10, 100, 10),
  comparison = "within",
  referenceLevel = NULL,
  characteristicsList = list(),
  orderingList = list(),
  sizesList = list(lineWidth = 1, pointSize = 2, legendLinesPointsSize = 1, fonts = c(24,
    16, 12, 12, 12, 16)),
  lineColours = NULL,
  xLabelPositions = seq(10, 100, 10),
  yMax = 100,
  title = if (comparison[1] == "within") "Feature Ranking Stability" else
    "Feature Ranking Commonality",
  yLabel = if (is.null(referenceLevel)) "Average Common Features (%)" else
    paste("Average Common Features with", referenceLevel, "(%)"),
  margin = grid::unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "lines"),
  showLegend = TRUE,
  parallelParams = bpparam()



A list of ClassifyResult objects.


Not used by end user.


A sequence of thresholds of number of the best features to use for overlapping.


Default: "within". The aspect of the experimental design to compare. Can be any characteristic that all results share or special value "within" to compared between all pairwise iterations of cross-validation.


The level of the comparison factor to use as the reference to compare each non-reference level to. If NULL, then each level has the average pairwise overlap calculated to all other levels.


A named list of characteristics. The name must be one of "lineColour", "pointType", "row" or "column". The value of each element must be a characteristic name, as stored in the "characteristic" column of the results' characteristics table.


An optional named list. Any of the variables specified to characteristicsList can be the name of an element of this list and the value of the element is the order in which the factor should be presented in.


Default: lineWidth = 1, pointSize = 2, legendLinesPointsSize = 1, fonts = c(24, 16, 12, 12, 12, 16). A list which must contain elements named lineWidth, pointSize, legendLinesPointsSize and fonts. The first three specify the size of lines and points in the graph, as well as in the plot legend. fonts is a vector of length 6. The first element is the size of the title text. The second element is the size of the axes titles. The third element is the size of the axes values. The fourth element is the size of the legends' titles. The fifth element is the font size of the legend labels. The sixth element is the font size of the titles of grouped plots, if any are produced. Each list element must numeric.


A vector of colours for different levels of the line colouring parameter, if one is specified by characteristicsList[["lineColour"]]. If none are specified but, characteristicsList[["lineColour"]] is, an automatically-generated palette will be used.


Locations where to put labels on the x-axis.


The maximum value of the percentage to plot.


An overall title for the plot.


Label to be used for the y-axis of overlap percentages.


The margin to have around the plot.


If TRUE, a legend is plotted next to the plot. If FALSE, it is hidden.


An object of class MulticoreParam or SnowParam.


If comparison is "within", then the feature selection overlaps are compared within a particular analysis. The result will inform how stable the selections are between different iterations of cross-validation for a particular analysis. Otherwise, the comparison is between different cross-validation runs, and this gives an indication about how common are the features being selected by different classifications.

Calculating all pair-wise set overlaps for a large cross-validation result can be time-consuming. This stage can be done on multiple CPUs by providing the relevant options to parallelParams.


An object of class ggplot and a plot on the current graphics device, if plot is TRUE.


Dario Strbenac


predicted <- DataFrame(sample = sample(10, 100, replace = TRUE),
                          permutation = rep(1:2, each = 50),
                          class = rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 50))
  actual <- factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 5))
  allFeatures <- sapply(1:100, function(index) paste(sample(LETTERS, 3), collapse = ''))
  rankList <- list(allFeatures[1:100], allFeatures[c(15:6, 1:5, 16:100)],
                   allFeatures[c(1:9, 11, 10, 12:100)], allFeatures[c(1:50, 61:100, 60:51)])
  result1 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name", "Cross-validation"),
                            value = c("Melanoma", "t-test", "Diagonal LDA", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], allFeatures, rankList,
                            list(rankList[[1]][1:15], rankList[[2]][1:15],
                                 rankList[[3]][1:10], rankList[[4]][1:10]),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL,
                            predicted, actual)
  predicted[, "class"] <- sample(predicted[, "class"])
  rankList <- list(allFeatures[1:100], allFeatures[c(sample(20), 21:100)],
  allFeatures[c(1:9, 11, 10, 12:100)], allFeatures[c(1:50, 60:51, 61:100)])
  result2 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name",
                            value = c("Melanoma", "t-test", "Random Forest", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], allFeatures, rankList,
                            list(rankList[[1]][1:15], rankList[[2]][1:15],
                                 rankList[[3]][1:10], rankList[[4]][1:10]),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL,
                            predicted, actual)
  rankingPlot(list(result1, result2), characteristicsList = list(pointType = "Classifier Name"))

Plot Receiver Operating Curve Graphs for Classification Results


Creates one ROC plot or multiple ROC plots for a list of ClassifyResult objects. One plot is created if the data set has two classes and multiple plots are created if the data set has three or more classes.


## S4 method for signature 'ClassifyResult'
ROCplot(results, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
  mode = c("merge", "average"),
  interval = 95,
  comparison = "auto",
  lineColours = "auto",
  lineWidth = 1,
  fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 12, 12),
  labelPositions = seq(0, 1, 0.2),
  plotTitle = "ROC",
  legendTitle = NULL,
  xLabel = "False Positive Rate",
  yLabel = "True Positive Rate",
  showAUC = TRUE



A list of ClassifyResult objects.


Parameters not used by the ClassifyResult method but passed to the list method.


Default: "merge". Whether to merge all predictions of all iterations of cross-validation into one set or keep them separate. Keeping them separate will cause separate ROC curves to be computed for each iteration and confidence intervals to be drawn with the solid line being the averaged ROC curve.


Default: 95 (percent). The percent confidence interval to draw around the averaged ROC curve, if mode is "each".


Default: "auto". The aspect of the experimental design to compare. Can be any characteristic that all results share. If the data set has two classes, then the slot name with factor levels to be used for colouring the lines. Otherwise, it specifies the variable used for plot facetting.


Default: "auto". A vector of colours for different levels of the comparison parameter, or if there are three or more classes, the classes. If "auto", a default colour palette is automatically generated.


A single number controlling the thickness of lines drawn.


A vector of length 5. The first number is the size of the title. The second number is the size of the axes titles and AUC text, if it is not part of the legend. The third number is the size of the axes values. The fourth number is the size of the legends' titles. The fifth number is the font size of the legend labels.


Default: 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0. Locations where to put labels on the x and y axes.


An overall title for the plot.


A default name is used if the value is NULL. Otherwise a character name can be provided.


Label to be used for the x-axis of false positive rate.


Label to be used for the y-axis of true positive rate.


Logical. If TRUE, the AUC value of each result is added to its legend text.


The scores stored in the results should be higher if the sample is more likely to be from the class which the score is associated with. The score for each class must be in a column which has a column name equal to the class name.

For cross-validated classification, all predictions from all iterations are considered simultaneously, to calculate one curve per classification.


An object of class ggplot and a plot on the current graphics device, if plot is TRUE.


Dario Strbenac


predicted <-, list(DataFrame(data.frame(sample = LETTERS[seq(1, 20, 2)],
                               Healthy = c(0.89, 0.68, 0.53, 0.76, 0.13, 0.20, 0.60, 0.25, 0.10, 0.30),
                               Cancer = c(0.11, 0.32, 0.47, 0.24, 0.87, 0.80, 0.40, 0.75, 0.90, 0.70),
                               fold = 1)),
                    DataFrame(sample = LETTERS[seq(2, 20, 2)],
                               Healthy = c(0.45, 0.56, 0.33, 0.56, 0.65, 0.33, 0.20, 0.60, 0.40, 0.80),
                               Cancer = c(0.55, 0.44, 0.67, 0.44, 0.35, 0.67, 0.80, 0.40, 0.60, 0.20),
                               fold = 2)))
  actual <- factor(c(rep("Healthy", 10), rep("Cancer", 10)), levels = c("Healthy", "Cancer"))
  result1 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name", "Cross-validation"),
                            value = c("Melanoma", "t-test", "Random Forest", "2-fold")),
                            LETTERS[1:20], paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:10]), list(paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:10]), paste("Gene", LETTERS[c(5:1, 6:10)])),
                            list(paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:3]), paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:5])),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predicted, actual)
  predicted[c(2, 6), "Healthy"] <- c(0.40, 0.60)
  predicted[c(2, 6), "Cancer"] <- c(0.60, 0.40)
  result2 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name", "Cross-validation"),
                                      value = c("Melanoma", "Bartlett Test", "Differential Variability", "2-fold")),
                            LETTERS[1:20], paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:10]), list(paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:10]), paste("Gene", LETTERS[c(5:1, 6:10)])),
                            list(paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:3]), paste("Gene", LETTERS[1:5])),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predicted, actual)
  ROCplot(list(result1, result2), plotTitle = "Cancer ROC")

Perform a Single Classification


For a data set of features and samples, the classification process is run. It consists of data transformation, feature selection, classifier training and testing.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
runTest(measurementsTrain, outcomeTrain, measurementsTest, outcomeTest, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
  crossValParams = CrossValParams(),
  modellingParams = ModellingParams(),
  characteristics = S4Vectors::DataFrame(),
  verbose = 1,
  .iteration = NULL

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperiment'
runTest(measurementsTrain, measurementsTest, outcomeColumns, ...)



Either a matrix, DataFrame or MultiAssayExperiment containing the training data. For a matrix or DataFrame, the rows are samples, and the columns are features.


Variables not used by the matrix nor the MultiAssayExperiment method which are passed into and used by the DataFrame method or passed onwards to prepareData.


Either a factor vector of classes, a Surv object, or a character string, or vector of such strings, containing column name(s) of column(s) containing either classes or time and event information about survival. If column names of survival information, time must be in first column and event status in the second.


Same data type as measurementsTrain, but only the test samples.


Same data type as outcomeTrain, but for only the test samples.


An object of class CrossValParams, specifying the kind of cross-validation to be done, if nested cross-validation is used to tune any parameters.


An object of class ModellingParams, specifying the class rebalancing, transformation (if any), feature selection (if any), training and prediction to be done on the data set.


A DataFrame describing the characteristics of the classification used. First column must be named "charateristic" and second column must be named "value". Useful for automated plot annotation by plotting functions within this package. Transformation, selection and prediction functions provided by this package will cause the characteristics to be automatically determined and this can be left blank.


Default: 1. A number between 0 and 3 for the amount of progress messages to give. A higher number will produce more messages as more lower-level functions print messages.


Not to be set by a user. This value is used to keep track of the cross-validation iteration, if called by runTests.


If measurementsTrain is a MultiAssayExperiment, the names of the column (class) or columns (survival) in the table extracted by colData(data) that contain(s) the samples' outcome to use for prediction.


This function only performs one classification and prediction. See runTests for a driver function that enables a number of different cross-validation schemes to be applied and uses this function to perform each iteration.


If called directly by the user rather than being used internally by runTests, a ClassifyResult object. Otherwise a list of different aspects of the result which is passed back to runTests.


Dario Strbenac


    CVparams <- CrossValParams(tuneMode = "Resubstitution")
    tuneList <- list(nFeatures = seq(5, 25, 5))
    attr(tuneList, "performanceType") <- "Balanced Error"
    selectParams <- SelectParams("limma", tuneParams = tuneList)
    modellingParams <- ModellingParams(selectParams = selectParams)
    trainIndices <- seq(1, nrow(measurements), 2)
    testIndices <- seq(2, nrow(measurements), 2)
    runTest(measurements[trainIndices, ], classes[trainIndices],
            measurements[testIndices, ], classes[testIndices],
            crossValParams = CVparams, modellingParams = modellingParams)

Reproducibly Run Various Kinds of Cross-Validation


Enables doing classification schemes such as ordinary 10-fold, 100 permutations 5-fold, and leave one out cross-validation. Processing in parallel is possible by leveraging the package BiocParallel.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
runTests(measurements, outcome, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'
  crossValParams = CrossValParams(),
  modellingParams = ModellingParams(),
  characteristics = S4Vectors::DataFrame(),
  verbose = 1

## S4 method for signature 'MultiAssayExperiment'
runTests(measurements, outcome, ...)



Either a matrix, DataFrame or MultiAssayExperiment containing all of the data. For a matrix or DataFrame, the rows are samples, and the columns are features.


Variables not used by the matrix nor the MultiAssayExperiment method which are passed into and used by the DataFrame method or passed onwards to prepareData.


Either a factor vector of classes, a Surv object, or a character string, or vector of such strings, containing column name(s) of column(s) containing either classes or time and event information about survival. If measurements is a MultiAssayExperiment, the names of the column (class) or columns (survival) in the table extracted by colData(data) that contain(s) the samples' outcome to use for prediction. If column names of survival information, time must be in first column and event status in the second.


An object of class CrossValParams, specifying the kind of cross-validation to be done.


An object of class ModellingParams, specifying the class rebalancing, transformation (if any), feature selection (if any), training and prediction to be done on the data set.


A DataFrame describing the characteristics of the classification used. First column must be named "charateristic" and second column must be named "value". Useful for automated plot annotation by plotting functions within this package. Transformation, selection and prediction functions provided by this package will cause the characteristics to be automatically determined and this can be left blank.


Default: 1. A number between 0 and 3 for the amount of progress messages to give. A higher number will produce more messages as more lower-level functions print messages.


An object of class ClassifyResult.


Dario Strbenac


    CVparams <- CrossValParams(permutations = 5, tuneMode = "Resubstitution")
    tuneList <- list(nFeatures = seq(5, 25, 5))
    attr(tuneList, "performanceType") <- "Balanced Error"
    selectParams <- SelectParams("t-test", tuneParams = tuneList)
    modellingParams <- ModellingParams(selectParams = selectParams)
    runTests(measurements, classes, CVparams, modellingParams,
             DataFrame(characteristic = c("Assay Name", "Classifier Name"),
                       value = c("Asthma", "Different Means"))

Plot a Grid of Sample-wise Predictive Metrics


A grid of coloured tiles is drawn. There is one column for each sample and one row for each cross-validation result.


## S4 method for signature 'ClassifyResult'
samplesMetricMap(results, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
  comparison = "auto",
  metric = "auto",
  featureValues = NULL,
  featureName = NULL,
  metricColours = list(c("#FFFFFF", "#CFD1F2", "#9FA3E5", "#6F75D8", "#3F48CC"),
    c("#FFFFFF", "#E1BFC4", "#C37F8A", "#A53F4F", "#880015")),
  classColours = c("#3F48CC", "#880015"),
  groupColours = c("darkgreen", "yellow2"),
  fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 12, 12),
  mapHeight = 4,
  title = "auto",
  showLegends = TRUE,
  xAxisLabel = "Sample Name",
  showXtickLabels = TRUE,
  yAxisLabel = "Analysis",
  showYtickLabels = TRUE,
  legendSize = grid::unit(1, "lines")

## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
  metric = c("Sample Error", "Sample Accuracy"),
  featureValues = NULL,
  featureName = NULL,
  metricColours = list(c("#3F48CC", "#6F75D8", "#9FA3E5", "#CFD1F2", "#FFFFFF"),
    c("#880015", "#A53F4F", "#C37F8A", "#E1BFC4", "#FFFFFF")),
  classColours = c("#3F48CC", "#880015"),
  groupColours = c("darkgreen", "yellow2"),
  fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 12, 12),
  mapHeight = 4,
  title = "Error Comparison",
  showLegends = TRUE,
  xAxisLabel = "Sample Name",
  showXtickLabels = TRUE,
  yAxisLabel = "Analysis",
  showYtickLabels = TRUE,
  legendSize = grid::unit(1, "lines")



A list of ClassifyResult objects. Could also be a matrix of pre-calculated metrics, for backwards compatibility.


Parameters not used by the ClassifyResult method that does list-packaging but used by the main list method.


Default: "auto". The aspect of the experimental design to compare. Can be any characteristic that all results share.


Default: "auto". The name of the performance measure or "auto". If the results are classification then sample accuracy will be displayed. Otherwise, the results would be survival risk predictions and then a sample C-index will be displayed. Valid values are "Sample Error", "Sample Error" or "Sample C-index". If the metric is not stored in the results list, the performance metric will be calculated automatically.


If not NULL, can be a named factor or named numeric vector specifying some variable of interest to plot above the heatmap.


A label describing the information in featureValues. It must be specified if featureValues is.


If the outcome is categorical, a list of vectors of colours for metric levels for each class. If the outcome is numeric, such as a risk score, then a single vector of colours for the metric levels for all samples.


Either a vector of colours for class levels if both classes should have same colour, or a list of length 2, with each component being a vector of the same length. The vector has the colour gradient for each class.


A vector of colours for group levels. Only useful if featureValues is not NULL.


A vector of length 5. The first number is the size of the title. The second number is the size of the axes titles. The third number is the size of the axes values. The fourth number is the size of the legends' titles. The fifth number is the font size of the legend labels.


Height of the map, relative to the height of the class colour bar.


The title to place above the plot.


Logical. IF FALSE, the legend is not drawn.


The name plotted for the x-axis. NULL suppresses label.


Logical. IF FALSE, the x-axis labels are hidden.


The name plotted for the y-axis. NULL suppresses label.


Logical. IF FALSE, the y-axis labels are hidden.


The size of the boxes in the legends.


If results is a matrix, this is a factor vector of the same length as the number of columns that results has.


The names of results determine the row names that will be in the plot. The length of metricColours determines how many bins the metric values will be discretised to.


A grob is returned that can be drawn on a graphics device.


Dario Strbenac


predicted <- DataFrame(sample = LETTERS[sample(10, 100, replace = TRUE)],
                          class = rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 50))
  actual <- factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 5), levels = c("Healthy", "Cancer"))
  features <- sapply(1:100, function(index) paste(sample(LETTERS, 3), collapse = ''))
  result1 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name",
                            value = c("Example", "t-test", "Differential Expression", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], features, list(1:100), list(sample(10, 10)),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predicted, actual)
  predicted[, "class"] <- sample(predicted[, "class"])
  result2 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name",
                            value = c("Example", "Bartlett Test", "Differential Variability", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], features, list(1:100), list(sample(10, 10)),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predicted, actual)
  result1 <- calcCVperformance(result1)
  result2 <- calcCVperformance(result2)
  groups <- factor(rep(c("Male", "Female"), length.out = 10))
  names(groups) <- LETTERS[1:10]
  cholesterol <- c(4.0, 5.5, 3.9, 4.9, 5.7, 7.1, 7.9, 8.0, 8.5, 7.2)
  names(cholesterol) <- LETTERS[1:10]
  wholePlot <- samplesMetricMap(list(Gene = result1, Protein = result2))
  wholePlot <- samplesMetricMap(list(Gene = result1, Protein = result2),
                                featureValues = groups, featureName = "Gender")
  wholePlot <- samplesMetricMap(list(Gene = result1, Protein = result2),
                                featureValues = cholesterol, featureName = "Cholesterol")

Split Sample Indexes into Training and Test Partitions for Cross-validation Taking Into Account Classes.


samplesSplits Creates two lists of lists. First has training samples, second has test samples for a range of different cross-validation schemes.

splitsTestInfo creates a table for tracking the permutation, fold number, or subset of each set of test samples. Useful for column-binding to the predictions, once they are unlisted into a vector.


  samplesSplits = c("k-Fold", "Permute k-Fold", "Permute Percentage Split",
  permutations = 100,
  folds = 5,
  percentTest = 25,
  leave = 2,

  samplesSplits = c("k-Fold", "Permute k-Fold", "Permute Percentage Split",
  permutations = 100,
  folds = 5,
  percentTest = 25,
  leave = 2,



Default: "k-Fold". One of "k-Fold", "Permute k-Fold", "Permute Percentage Split", "Leave-k-Out".


Default: 100. An integer. The number of times the samples are permuted before splitting (repetitions).


Default: 5. An integer. The number of folds to which the samples are partitioned to. Only relevant if samplesSplits is "k-Fold" or "Permute k-Fold".


Default: 25. A positive number between 0 and 100. The percentage of samples to keep for the test partition. Only relevant if samplesSplits is "Permute Percentage Split".


Default: 2. An integer. The number of samples to keep for the test set in leave-k-out cross-validation. Only relevant if samplesSplits is "Leave-k-Out".


A factor vector or Surv object containing the samples to be partitioned.


The return value of the function samplesSplits.


For samplesSplits, two lists of the same length. First is training partitions. Second is test partitions.

For splitsTestInfoTable, a table with a subset of columns "permutation", "fold" and "subset", depending on the cross-validation scheme specified.


classes <- factor(rep(c('A', 'B'), c(15, 5)))
splitsList <-samplesSplits(permutations = 1, outcome = classes)
splitsTestInfo(permutations = 1, splitsList = splitsList)

Plot Pair-wise Overlap, Variable Importance or Selection Size Distribution of Selected Features


Pair-wise overlaps can be done for two types of analyses. Firstly, each cross-validation iteration can be considered within a single classification. This explores the feature selection stability. Secondly, the overlap may be considered between different classification results. This approach compares the feature selection commonality between different selection methods. Two types of commonality are possible to analyse. One summary is the average pair-wise overlap between all levels of the comparison factor and the other summary is the pair-wise overlap of each level of the comparison factor that is not the reference level against the reference level. The overlaps are converted to percentages and plotted as lineplots.


## S4 method for signature 'ClassifyResult'
selectionPlot(results, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'list'
  comparison = "within",
  referenceLevel = NULL,
  characteristicsList = list(x = "auto"),
  coloursList = list(),
  alpha = 1,
  orderingList = list(),
  binsList = list(),
  yMax = 100,
  densityStyle = c("box", "violin"),
  fontSizes = c(24, 16, 12, 16),
  title = if (comparison == "within") "Feature Selection Stability" else if (comparison
    == "size") "Feature Selection Size" else if (comparison == "importance")
    "Variable Importance" else "Feature Selection Commonality",
  yLabel = if (is.null(referenceLevel) && !comparison %in% c("size", "importance"))
    "Common Features (%)" else if (comparison == "size") "Set Size" else if (comparison
    == "importance") tail(names(results[[1]]@importance), 1) else
    paste("Common Features with", referenceLevel, "(%)"),
  margin = grid::unit(c(1, 1, 1, 1), "lines"),
  rotate90 = FALSE,
  showLegend = TRUE,
  parallelParams = bpparam()



A list of ClassifyResult objects.


Not used by end user.


Default: "within". The aspect of the experimental design to compare. Can be any characteristic that all results share or either one of the special values "within" to compare between all pairwise iterations of cross-validation. or "size", to draw a bar chart of the frequency of selected set sizes, or "importance" to plot the variable importance scores of selected variables. "importance" only usable if doImportance was TRUE during cross-validation.


The level of the comparison factor to use as the reference to compare each non-reference level to. If NULL, then each level has the average pairwise overlap calculated to all other levels.


A named list of characteristics. Each element's name must be one of "x", "row", "column", "fillColour", or "lineColour". The value of each element must be a characteristic name, as stored in the "characteristic" column of the results' characteristics table. Only "x" is mandatory. It is "auto" by default, which will identify a characteristic that has a unique value for each element of results. "x" represents a characteristic which will form the x-axis of the plot. "row" and "column" each specify one characteristic which will form the row facet and the column facet, respectively, of a facetted plot.


A named list of plot aspects and colours for the aspects. No elements are mandatory. If specified, each list element's name must be either "fillColours" or "lineColours". If a characteristic is associated to fill or line by characteristicsList but this list is empty, a palette of colours will be automatically chosen.


Default: 1. A number between 0 and 1 specifying the transparency level of any fill.


An optional named list. Any of the variables specified to characteristicsList can be the name of an element of this list and the value of the element is the order in which the factors should be presented in, in case alphabetical sorting is undesirable. Special values "performanceAscending" and "performanceDescending" indicate that the order of levels will be computed based on the median performance value of the characteristic being sorted into ascending or descending order.


Used only if comparison is "size". A list with elements named "setSizes" and "frequencies" Both elements are mandatory. "setSizes" specifies the bin boundaries for bins of interest of feature selection sizes (e.g. 0, 10, 20, 30). "frequencies" specifies the bin boundaries for the relative frequency percentages to plot (e.g. 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100).


Used only if comparison is not "size". The maximum value of the percentage overlap to plot.


Default: "box". Either "violin" for violin plot or "box" for box plot. If cross-validation is not repeated, then a bar chart.


A vector of length 4. The first number is the size of the title. The second number is the size of the axes titles. The third number is the size of the axes values. The fourth number is the font size of the titles of grouped plots, if any are produced. In other words, when rowVariable or columnVariable are not NULL.


An overall title for the plot. By default, specifies whether stability or commonality is shown.


Label to be used for the y-axis of overlap percentages. By default, specifies whether stability or commonality is shown.


The margin to have around the plot.


Logical. If TRUE, the boxplot is horizontal.


If TRUE, a legend is plotted next to the plot. If FALSE, it is hidden.


An object of class MulticoreParam or SnowParam.


Additionally, a heatmap of selection size frequencies can be made by specifying size as the comparison to make.

Lastly, a plot showing the distribution of performance metric changes when features are excluded from training can be made if variable importance calculation was turned on during cross-validation.

If comparison is "within", then the feature selection overlaps are compared within a particular analysis. The result will inform how stable the selections are between different iterations of cross-validation for a particular analysis. Otherwise, the comparison is between different cross-validation runs, and this gives an indication about how common are the features being selected by different classifications.

Calculating all pair-wise set overlaps can be time-consuming. This stage can be done on multiple CPUs by providing the relevant options to parallelParams. The percentage is calculated as the intersection of two sets of features divided by the union of the sets, multiplied by 100.

For the feature selection size mode, binsList is used to create bins which include the lowest value for the first bin, and the highest value for the last bin using cut.


An object of class ggplot and a plot on the current graphics device, if plot is TRUE.


Dario Strbenac


predicted <- DataFrame(sample = sample(10, 100, replace = TRUE),
                          class = rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 50))
  actual <- factor(rep(c("Healthy", "Cancer"), each = 5))
  allFeatures <- sapply(1:100, function(index) paste(sample(LETTERS, 3), collapse = ''))
  rankList <- list(allFeatures[1:100], allFeatures[c(5:1, 6:100)],
                   allFeatures[c(1:9, 11, 10, 12:100)], allFeatures[c(1:50, 60:51, 61:100)])
  result1 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name",
                            value = c("Melanoma", "t-test", "Random Forest", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], allFeatures, rankList,
                            list(rankList[[1]][1:15], rankList[[2]][1:15],
                                 rankList[[3]][1:10], rankList[[4]][1:10]),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL,
                            predicted, actual)
  predicted[, "class"] <- sample(predicted[, "class"])
  rankList <- list(allFeatures[1:100], allFeatures[c(sample(20), 21:100)],
                   allFeatures[c(1:9, 11, 10, 12:100)], allFeatures[c(1:50, 60:51, 61:100)])
  result2 <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = c("Data Set", "Selection Name", "Classifier Name",
                            value = c("Melanoma", "t-test", "Diagonal LDA", "2 Permutations, 2 Folds")),
                            LETTERS[1:10], allFeatures, rankList,
                            list(rankList[[1]][1:15], rankList[[2]][1:25],
                                 rankList[[3]][1:10], rankList[[4]][1:10]),
                            list(function(oracle){}), NULL,
                            predicted, actual)
  cList <- list(x = "Classifier Name", fillColour = "Classifier Name")
  selectionPlot(list(result1, result2), characteristicsList = cList)
  cList <- list(x = "Classifier Name", fillColour = "size")
  selectionPlot(list(result1, result2), comparison = "size",
                characteristicsList = cList,
                binsList = list(frequencies = seq(0, 100, 10), setSizes = seq(0, 25, 5))

Parameters for Feature Selection


Collects and checks necessary parameters required for feature selection. Either one function is specified or a list of functions to perform ensemble feature selection. The empty constructor is provided for convenience.


SelectParams(featureRanking, characteristics = DataFrame(), nFeatures = 20, minPresence = 1, intermediate = character(0), subsetToSelections = TRUE, tuneParams = list(nFeatures = seq(10, 100, 10)), ...)

Creates a SelectParams object which stores the function(s) which will do the selection and parameters that the function will use.


A character keyword referring to a registered feature ranking function. See available for valid keywords.


A DataFrame describing the characteristics of feature selection to be done. First column must be named "charateristic" and second column must be named "value". If using wrapper functions for feature selection in this package, the feature selection name will automatically be generated and therefore it is not necessary to specify it.


Default: 20. The number of top-ranked features to choose. Can also be NULL if a vector of top numbers is specified to tuneParams for the list element named nFeatures.


Default: 1. If a list of functions was provided, how many of those must a feature have been selected by to be used in classification. 1 is equivalent to a set union and a number the same length as featureSelection is equivalent to set intersection.


Character vector. Names of any variables created in prior stages by runTest that need to be passed to a feature selection function.


Whether to subset the data table(s), after feature selection has been done.


A list specifying tuning parameters to try during feature selection. A list element named nFeatures is used to represent a variety of top-n ranked features to try. Other names of the list are the names of the parameters of the ranking function and the vectors are the values of the ranking function's parameters to try. All possible combinations are generated.


Other named parameters which will be used by the selection function. If featureSelection was a list of functions, this must be a list of lists, as long as featureSelection.


selectParams is a SelectParams object.

show(SelectParams): Prints a short summary of what selectParams contains.


Dario Strbenac


    # Ensemble feature selection.
    SelectParams(list("Bartlett", "Levene"))

Parameters for Classifier Training


Collects and checks necessary parameters required for classifier training. The empty constructor is provided for convenience.


TrainParams(classifier, balancing = c("downsample", "upsample", "none"), characteristics = DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), tuneParams = NULL, getFeatures = NULL, ...)

Creates a TrainParams object which stores the function which will do the classifier building and parameters that the function will use.


A character keyword referring to a registered classifier. See available for valid keywords.


Default: "downsample". A keyword specifying how to handle class imbalance for data sets with categorical outcome. Valid values are "downsample", "upsample" and "none".


A DataFrame describing the characteristics of the classifier used. First column must be named "charateristic" and second column must be named "value". If using wrapper functions for classifiers in this package, a classifier name will automatically be generated and therefore it is not necessary to specify it.


Character vector. Names of any variables created in prior stages by runTest that need to be passed to classifier.


A list specifying tuning parameters required during feature selection. The names of the list are the names of the parameters and the vectors are the values of the parameters to try. All possible combinations are generated.


A function may be specified that extracts the selected features from the trained model. This is relevant if using a classifier that does feature selection within training (e.g. random forest). The function must return a list of two vectors. The first vector contains the ranked features (or empty if the training algorithm doesn't produce rankings) and the second vector contains the selected features.


Other named parameters which will be used by the classifier.


trainParams is a TrainParams object.

show(trainParams): Prints a short summary of what trainParams contains.


Dario Strbenac


  trainParams <- TrainParams("DLDA")

Parameters for Data Transformation


Collects and checks necessary parameters required for transformation within CV.


TransformParams(transform, characteristics = DataFrame(), intermediate = character(0), ...)

Creates a TransformParams object which stores the function which will do the transformation and parameters that the function will use.


A character keyword referring to a registered transformation function. See available for valid keywords.


A DataFrame describing the characteristics of data transformation to be done. First column must be named "charateristic" and second column must be named "value". If using wrapper functions for data transformation in this package, the data transformation name will automatically be generated and therefore it is not necessary to specify it.


Character vector. Names of any variables created in prior stages by runTest that need to be passed to a feature selection function.


Other named parameters which will be used by the transformation function.


transformParams is a TransformParams object.

show(transformParams): Prints a short summary of what transformParams contains.


Dario Strbenac


transformParams <- TransformParams("diffLoc", location = "median")
  # Subtract all values from training set median, to obtain absolute deviations.