To cite wpm in publications use: Borges, H., Hesse, A. M., Kraut, A., Couté, Y., Brun, V., & Burger, T. (2021). Well Plate Maker: A user-friendly randomized block design application to limit batch effects in largescale biomedical studies. Bioinformatics.R package version 1.15.0. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {Well Plate Maker: A user-friendly randomized block design application to limit batch effects in largescale biomedical studies}, author = {{Borges} and {H.} and {Hesse} and A. M. and {Kraut} and {A.} and {Couté} and {Y.} and {Brun} and {V.} and & Burger and {T.}}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, year = {2021}, url = {}, }