Package 'webbioc'

Title: Bioconductor Web Interface
Description: An integrated web interface for doing microarray analysis using several of the Bioconductor packages. It is intended to be deployed as a centralized bioinformatics resource for use by many users. (Currently only Affymetrix oligonucleotide analysis is supported.)
Authors: Colin A. Smith <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Colin A. Smith <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.79.0
Built: 2025-03-30 06:12:40 UTC

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Install all repository packages


Using reposTools, install/update all packages from given repositories.


installReps(repNames = "aData", lib = .libPaths()[1], 
            type = getOption("pkgType"))



A character vector containing repository names. A listing of known repository names can be found with the getReposOption() function.


A path to install/update the packages. If this directory does not exist, it will be created (if possible).


type of package do download


Colin A. Smith [email protected]

Multiple Testing Wrapper Function


A wrapper for some of the functionality for the multtest package. It also includes hooks to calculate q-values with John D. Storey's ‘q-value.R’ code.


mt.wrapper(proc, X, classlabel, test="t", rawpcalc="Parametric", side="abs", ...)



A character string containing the name of the multiple testing procedure for which adjusted pp-values are to be computed. This vector should include any of the following: "Bonferroni", "Holm", "Hochberg", "SidakSS", "SidakSD", "BH", "BY", "maxT", "minP", "q".


A data frame or matrix, with mm rows corresponding to variables (hypotheses) and nn columns to observations. In the case of gene expression data, rows correspond to genes and columns to mRNA samples. The data can be read using read.table.


A vector of integers corresponding to observation (column) class labels. For kk classes, the labels must be integers between 0 and k1k-1. For the blockf test option, observations may be divided into n/kn/k blocks of kk observations each. The observations are ordered by block, and within each block, they are labeled using the integers 0 to k1k-1.


A character string specifying the statistic to be used to test the null hypothesis of no association between the variables and the class labels.
If test="t", the tests are based on two-sample Welch t-statistics (unequal variances).
If test="t.equalvar", the tests are based on two-sample t-statistics with equal variance for the two samples. The square of the t-statistic is equal to an F-statistic for k=2k=2.
If test="wilcoxon", the tests are based on standardized rank sum Wilcoxon statistics.
If test="f", the tests are based on F-statistics.
If test="pairt", the tests are based on paired t-statistics. The square of the paired t-statistic is equal to a block F-statistic for k=2k=2.
If test="blockf", the tests are based on F-statistics which adjust for block differences (cf. two-way analysis of variance).


A character string specifying how to calculate nominal/raw p-values. The possible choices are "Parametric" or "Permutation".


A character string specifying the type of rejection region.
If side="abs", two-tailed tests, the null hypothesis is rejected for large absolute values of the test statistic.
If side="upper", one-tailed tests, the null hypothesis is rejected for large values of the test statistic.
If side="lower", one-tailed tests, the null hypothesis is rejected for small values of the test statistic.


Further arguments for mt.maxT, mt.minP, qvalue.


A data frame with components


Vector of row indices, between 1 and nrow(X), where rows are sorted first according to their adjusted pp-values, next their unadjusted pp-values, and finally their test statistics.


Vector of test statistics, ordered according to index. To get the test statistics in the original data order, use teststat[order(index)].


Vector of raw (unadjusted) pp-values, ordered according to index.


Vector of adjusted pp-values, ordered according to index.


For mt.minP function only, vector of "adjusted pp-values", where ties in the permutation distribution of the successive minima of raw pp-values with the observed pp-values are counted only once. Note that procedures based on plower do not control the FWER. Comparison of plower and adjp gives an idea of the discreteness of the permutation distribution. Values in plower are ordered according to index.


Colin A. Smith [email protected]