Please, cite the following reference: Holding, A.N., Giorgi, F.M., Donnelly, A., Cullen, A.E., Nagarajan, S., Selth, L.A.,and Markowetz, F. (2019). VULCAN integrates ChIP-seq with patient-derived co-expression networks to identify GRHL2 as a key co-regulator of ERa at enhancers in breast cancer. Genome Biology 20(1):91 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {Andrew N Holding and Federico M Giorgi and Amanda Donnelly and Amy E Cullen and Sankari Nagarajan and Luke A Selth and Florian Markowetz}, title = {VULCAN integrates ChIP-seq with patient-derived co-expression networks to identify GRHL2 as a key co-regulator of ERa at enhancers in breast cancer}, journal = {Genome Biology}, year = {2019}, volume = {20}, number = {91}, pages = {838--47}, }