trackViewer 1.43.5
Update email address.
Add line and histogram to tracktype for trackstlye.
trackViewer 1.43.4
Remove the clip for annotation track.
trackViewer 1.43.3
Add documentation to remove y label.
trackViewer 1.43.2
Make it possible to plot annotation for peak regions.
trackViewer 1.43.1
Make it possible to plot link for back2back interaction data.
trackViewer 1.41.10
Improve the plot speed for interaction data.
trackViewer 1.41.9
Add a simple gene track plot model.
trackViewer 1.41.8
Add listNormalizations function.
trackViewer 1.41.7
Fix the bug that newpage parameter not used for plotGRanges.
trackViewer 1.41.6
Add 'legendPosition' parameter for lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.41.5
Export the method '$' for trackStyle class.
trackViewer 1.41.4
Move the 3d plots to a different package.
trackViewer 1.41.3
plot lolliplot with multiple shapes in one position.
trackViewer 1.41.2
export view3dStructure function.
trackViewer 1.41.1
Add mdsPlot function.
trackViewer 1.39.17
Fix the legend with alpha for lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.39.16
Import txdbmaker.
trackViewer 1.39.15
Optimize the reduce function for loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.14
reduce the input for loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.13
Handle the empty input for loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.12
Update the safe text algorithm for loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.11
Add parameter safe_text_force for loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.10
Add color for geneTrack.
trackViewer 1.39.9
Fix multiple bugs in loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.8
Change loopBouquetPlot to grid plot.
trackViewer 1.39.7
Fix the example for loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.6
add loopBouquetPlot.
trackViewer 1.39.5
Browse heatmap by js (scratch).
trackViewer 1.39.4
Fix the issue if the first label is empty for lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.39.3
Fix the mismatch data track when change the ylim in browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.39.2
Fix the wrong plot for multiple genes track in browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.39.1
Fix the y-axis for lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.37.15
Fix reading valid pairs typo.
trackViewer 1.37.14
update the lollipopPlot documentation to fix the issue unable to find an inherited method for function 'content' for signature 'response'.
trackViewer 1.37.13
fix the feature legend space.
trackViewer 1.37.12
add ARA function.
fix the missleading color legend of interaction data.
fix the bug in addInteractionAnnotation.
trackViewer 1.37.11
fix the minimal font of optimized style.
trackViewer 1.37.10
add function GIoperator.
trackViewer 1.37.9
add function addInteractionAnnotation for Interaction data.
trackViewer 1.37.8
change the filter condiction for tads annotation of Interaction data.
trackViewer 1.37.7
add tads annotation for Interaction data.
trackViewer 1.37.6
add lollipop_style_switch_limit for lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.37.5
add border_color for Interaction data.
trackViewer 1.37.4
update the documentation for lollipopPlot for changes of the snp label.
trackViewer 1.37.3
use strawr to replace the local C++ script.
trackViewer 1.37.2
remove the CXX_STD = CXX11 from straw Makevars.
trackViewer 1.37.1
add stop message when there is negative values for grid.pie plot.
trackViewer 1.35.5
use straw for hic import.
trackViewer 1.35.4
handel label.parameter.draw for labels.
trackViewer 1.35.3
Add documentation for selected labels for mutations.
trackViewer 1.35.2
Add support for node label parameters.
trackViewer 1.35.1
Add support for single resolution cooler file.
trackViewer 1.33.8
Fix a bug if there is no name for the freatures.
trackViewer 1.33.7
print the more pseudocode in browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.33.6
Fix the bug for 'invalid color name' in browseTracks
print the pseudocode in browseTracks
trackViewer 1.33.5
Change the cool file open flag to "H5F_ACC_RDONLY"
trackViewer 1.33.4
Fix a issue for plot tracks by insert 0 to the first signals.
trackViewer 1.33.3
Add support for motif logo for lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.33.2
Add support for multiple operators for viewTrack.
trackViewer 1.33.1
Fix the bug when locateScale return NA values.
trackViewer 1.31.4
Fix the issue in windows 2022.
trackViewer 1.31.2
Handle the issue with long tail.
trackViewer 1.31.1
Move the heatmap legend to yaxis.
trackViewer 1.29.8
Fix the a typo in read hic data.
trackViewer 1.29.7
Fix the bug 'breaks' are not unique
trackViewer 1.29.6
Add smooth curve to the tracks.
trackViewer 1.29.5
Improve gene track plots.
trackViewer 1.29.4
Fix the issue for auto-rescale lolliplot by emphasizing exon region when there are continues exons.
trackViewer 1.29.3
Add the possibility to lolliplot to emphasize exon or intron region.
trackViewer 1.29.2
Fix the yaxis when user supplied yaxis is greater than max scores.
trackViewer 1.29.1
Update documentation lolliplot for rescale parameter.
trackViewer 1.27.15
Update documentation of geneModelFromTxdb
trackViewer 1.27.14
Add rmarkdown into Suggests
update importScSeqScore.
trackViewer 1.27.13
Fix the size by number when read from file.
trackViewer 1.27.12
add decontructor to hic.cpp.
trackViewer 1.27.10
split the vignette to multiple files.
trackViewer 1.27.9
plot back to back Interaction Data Track
trackViewer 1.27.8
fix the typo in hic.cpp
trackViewer 1.27.7
figure out the error in dyn.load
trackViewer 1.27.6
add support for .hic and .cool for importGInteraction
trackViewer 1.27.5
add importGInteraction
trackViewer 1.27.4
change the re-sample method for viewTracks
trackViewer 1.27.3
Update documentation.
add label_on_feature for lolliplot
trackViewer 1.27.2
Fix the bug for pie plot of dandelion.plot when introduce label.parameters.
trackViewer 1.27.1
Fix the bug that if all scores are greater than 10 and all scores are integer.
trackViewer 1.25.4
remove http_status from documentation.
add function to split the lollipop plot into multiLayers.
trackViewer 1.25.3
Fix the issue in AddArrowMark that grid changed the unit id.
trackViewer 1.25.2
Fix the issue if there is interrupt of the internet connection to generate vignette.
trackViewer 1.25.1
Provide more clearly warning or error message if the input is not sorted or contain NA values.
trackViewer 1.23.5
remove import plot from graphics.
replace class function by is function.
trackViewer 1.23.4
fix a issue of "EXPR must be a length 1 vector".
trackViewer 1.23.3
fix a issue of vignette when visit ebi proteins api.
trackViewer 1.23.2
plot multiple genes in one track.
trackViewer 1.23.1
add interactionData track.
trackViewer 1.21.18
update NEWS file from "CHANGES IN VERSION" to "Changes in version".
trackViewer 1.21.17
remove google scholar in vignette.
trackViewer 1.21.16
Try to avoid the error introduced by BiocStyle: Invalid Parameter - /figure-html.
trackViewer 1.21.15
Add google scholar in vignette.
trackViewer 1.21.14
Update the citation in readme file.
trackViewer 1.21.13
Fix a typo in plotLollipops.
trackViewer 1.21.12
setTrackXscaleParam accept position attribute.
trackViewer 1.21.11
set rescale of lolliplot by precentage.
trackViewer 1.21.10
fix the bug of score is NumericList.
trackViewer 1.21.9
accept negative values for bigwig files.
trackViewer 1.21.8
update legend method.
trackViewer 1.21.7
fix the label
trackViewer 1.21.6
add sample code of Proteins API.
trackViewer 1.21.5
fix the bug that lollipop stem is too long.
trackViewer 1.21.4
add shape for lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.21.3
add shinyApp video.
trackViewer 1.21.2
add citation.
trackViewer 1.21.1
fix the bug if condiction with multiple logical values.
trackViewer 1.19.28
fit the small size canvas.
trackViewer 1.19.27
add safe color theme.
trackViewer 1.19.26
update author info.
trackViewer 1.19.25
change save and load name for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.24
add save and load for browseTracks.
add swith dandelion height method (mean or count) for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.23
add color picker for pie.stack for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.22
fix the bug in legend for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.21
fix the bug of that can not set color for undefined for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.20
fix the bug of lable is not saved for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.19
fix the bug of output svg for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.18
add rotate 45 in color picker for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.17
add apply to all in color picker for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.16
fix the grammar in vignettes.
trackViewer 1.19.15
update vignettes.
trackViewer 1.19.14
update undo for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.13
add undo for browseTracks.
trackViewer 1.19.12
add remove all guideline function.
trackViewer 1.19.11
fix the fonts bug for export png in browseTracks
trackViewer 1.19.10
remove all svgs before browseTracks
trackViewer 1.19.9
Build shiny output objects for browseTracks
trackViewer 1.19.8
add dandelion plots to browseTracks
trackViewer 1.19.7
fix a bug in track class
improve one-step visualization for browseTracks
trackViewer 1.19.6
improve one-step visualization for browseTracks
try to avoid the error caused by VariantAnnotation
trackViewer 1.19.5
improve one-step visualization for browseTracks
trackViewer 1.19.4
add one-step visualization for browseTracks
trackViewer 1.19.3
adjust y label position for viewTracks
trackViewer 1.19.2
adjust legent position for dandelion.plot
trackViewer 1.19.1
add featureLayerID to dandelion.plot
trackViewer 1.17.8
fix the bug in figure captions of vignette.
trackViewer 1.17.7
allow ylim of tracks be not fixed from 0.
trackViewer 1.17.6
fix a issue of circle in lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.17.4
add flag type in lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.17.3
adjust plot position for dandelion.plot.
trackViewer 1.17.2
add Yscales for dandelion.plot.
trackViewer 1.17.1
add smooth function for tracks.
trackViewer 1.15.13
add parameter to plotGInteractions.
trackViewer 1.15.12
add new function plotGInteractions.
trackViewer 1.15.11
update the title
trackViewer 1.15.10
Change all "class" function to "is" function.
trackViewer 1.15.9
Add lollipopData to tracks-class.
trackViewer 1.15.8
Plot lollipop plot with tracks.
trackViewer 1.15.7
Add new parameter rescale to lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.15.6
Add new function geneTrack.
trackViewer 1.15.5
fix the warning in windows documentation.
trackViewer 1.15.4
fix the warning in windows documentation.
trackViewer 1.15.3
fix the position of ylabs in plotOneIdeo.
trackViewer 1.15.2
fix the bug in addGuideLine and viewTracks when plot tracks with breaks.
trackViewer 1.15.1
fix the bug in dandelion.plot
use Roxygen2 to generate help documents
add new functions: getLocation, viewGene
trackViewer 1.13.11
fix the bug maxgap could not be less than 0 in findOverlaps
trackViewer 1.13.10
fix the bug documentation of ideogramPlot is different from the codes.
trackViewer 1.13.9
fix the bug when using findOverlaps, when 'type' is "any", at least one of 'maxgap' and 'minoverlap' must be set to its default value
trackViewer 1.13.8
automatic set the font size in ideogramPlot
trackViewer 1.13.7
fix the bug in ideogramPlot when data range is identical for heatmap layout.
trackViewer 1.13.6
add draggable tracks in browseTracks function
trackViewer 1.13.5
add arrow tools in browseTracks function
trackViewer 1.13.4
add label tools in browseTracks function
trackViewer 1.13.3
fix bugs in browseTracks function
trackViewer 1.13.2
add more columns to GRoperator function
add browseTracks function
trackViewer 1.11.8
support break x-axis for viewTracks.
trackViewer 1.11.7
improve the ideogramPlot function.
trackViewer 1.11.6
improve the ideogramPlot function.
trackViewer 1.11.5
add ideogramPlot function.
trackViewer 1.11.4
remove the blank bottom space for lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.11.3
fix a bug when tracks has multiple max values.
trackViewer 1.11.2
add jitter label only for lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.11.1
adjust the x postion of lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.9.14
add controls for lolliplot yaxis.
trackViewer 1.9.13
the height of features could be unit object.
trackViewer 1.9.12
Update the vignette.
Fix the position of ylab.
trackViewer 1.9.11
Add caterpillar layout to lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.9.10
Fix the bug that if the features is outside of granges for lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.9.9
Fix the bug that no xscale is drawn when there is no positive value for track 1.
trackViewer 1.9.8
lolliplot could accept multiple features for one layer.
trackViewer 1.9.7
lolliplot could accept multiple types for multiple layers.
trackViewer 1.9.6
fix the bugs for the lolliplot when the last snp need to be jittered.
trackViewer 1.9.5
fix the bugs in the documentation.
trackViewer 1.9.4
add pie.stack layout for lolliplot.
trackViewer 1.9.3
add controls for lolliplot labels.
trackViewer 1.9.2
update documentation to include the how to set ylim.
trackViewer 1.7.9
fix the bug that legend write to outside.
trackViewer 1.7.8
fix the typo in documentation.
update the lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.7.7
add dandelion plot function.
trackViewer 1.7.6
add legend for lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.7.5
add lables in the nodes of lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.7.4
Update documentation.
trackViewer 1.7.3
add Y axis to lollipop plot.
trackViewer 1.7.2
add lollipop plot!
trackViewer 1.7.1
adjust the fontsize for optimizing styles with theme.
add gene symbols if possible for geneModelFromTxdb.
trackViewer 1.5.6
update documentation.
add new feature for optimizing the styles with theme.
trackViewer 1.5.5
NEW FEATURES o remove interactiveViewer from the package.
BUG FIXES o No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active development)
trackViewer 1.5.4
NEW FEATURES o parse2GRanges function to parse text into GRanges
BUG FIXES o No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active development)
trackViewer 1.5.3
NEW FEATURES o export importData function to import data to RleList.
BUG FIXES o No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active development)
trackViewer 1.5.2
NEW FEATURES o Add GRanges operators: +, -, *, / o export parseWIG function.
BUG FIXES o No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active development)
trackViewer 1.3.4
NEW FEATURES o No changes classified as 'new features' (package under active development)
BUG FIXES o improve efficiency of importScore
trackViewer 1.3.3
NEW FEATURES o could flip the x-axis if needed
BUG FIXES o improve efficiency of interactiveViewer
trackViewer 1.3.2
NEW FEATURES o No changes classified as 'new features' (package under active development)
BUG FIXES o fix bugs in importScore when format=="BigWig"
trackViewer 1.3.1
NEW FEATURES o add new function plotGRanges for quick view GRanges data o add ranges when importScore
BUG FIXES o No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active development)
trackViewer 1.1.1
NEW FEATURES o addArrowMark with label
BUG FIXES o No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active development)