# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "ternarynet" in publications use:' type: software license: GPL-2.0-or-later title: 'ternarynet: Ternary Network Estimation' version: 1.49.0 abstract: 'Gene-regulatory network (GRN) modeling seeks to infer dependencies between genes and thereby provide insight into the regulatory relationships that exist within a cell. This package provides a computational Bayesian approach to GRN estimation from perturbation experiments using a ternary network model, in which gene expression is discretized into one of 3 states: up, unchanged, or down). The ternarynet package includes a parallel implementation of the replica exchange Monte Carlo algorithm for fitting network models, using MPI.' authors: - family-names: Matthew given-names: McCall email: mccallm@gmail.com - family-names: Anthony given-names: Almudevar email: Anthony_Almudevar@urmc.rochester.edu - family-names: David given-names: Burton email: David_Burton@urmc.rochester.edu - family-names: Harry given-names: Stern email: harry.stern@rochester.edu preferred-citation: type: article title: Fitting Boolean Networks from Steady State Perturbation Data authors: - family-names: Almudevar given-names: Anthony - family-names: McCall given-names: Matthew N - family-names: McMurray given-names: Helene - family-names: Land given-names: Hartmut journal: Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology volume: '10' issue: '1' year: '2011' publisher: name: Berkeley Electronic Press start: '47' repository: https://bioc.r-universe.dev date-released: '2024-02-19' contact: - family-names: Matthew given-names: McCall email: mccallm@gmail.com references: - type: article title: Gene network modeling via TopNet reveals robust epistatic interactions between functionally diverse tumor critical mediator genes authors: - name: McMurray - family-names: R given-names: Helene - name: Ambeskovic - name: Aslihan - name: Newman - family-names: A given-names: Laurel - name: Aldersley - name: Jordan - name: Balakrishnan - name: Vijaya - name: Smith - name: Bradley - name: Stern - family-names: A given-names: Harry - name: Land - name: Hartmut - name: McCall - family-names: 'N' given-names: Matthew journal: bioRxiv year: '2020' publisher: name: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory