Combinatorial therapies is one of the major strategies for improving treatment efficacy in treating cancer. High-throughput drug combination screening has the advantage of assaying a large collection of chemical compounds in search for promising drug pairs. Studies that utilizes drug combination screening have generated dynamic dose-response profiles that allow researchers to quantify the degree of drug-drug interactions at an unprecedented level. SynergyFinder R package is a software tool to analyze such pre-clinical drug combination data sets. It provides efficient implementations for
1.the popular synergy scoring models, including HSA, Loewe, Bliss, and ZIP to quantify the degree of drug combination synergy; 2. higher order drug combination data analysis and synergy landscape visualization for unlimited number of drugs in a combination; 3. statistical analysis of drug combination synergy and sensitivity with confidence intervals and p-values; 4. synergy barometer for harmonizing multiple synergy scoring methods to provide a consensus metric of synergy; 5. evaluation of synergy and sensitivity simultaneously to provide an unbiased interpretation of the clinical potential of the drug combinations.
To facilitate the use of the R package for the drug discovery community, we also provide a web server at as a user-friendly interface to enable a more flexible and versatile analysis of drug combination data. In the web application, in addition to the functions in R package, we provide the annotation of drugs and cell lines that are tested in an experiment, including their chemical information, targets and signaling network information.
Note: We recommend to install Bioconductor >= 3.13 and SynergyFinder >= 3.0.1 to access the new features described in this vignette.
To install the SynergyFinder package from Bioconductor, start R (>= 4.0) and then enter:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Load SynergyFinder to R environment
synergyfinder requires a data frame that describes the drug combination data set. The dose-response data is represented as a long table where each row represent one observation in the dose-response matrix.
The input table must contain the following columns (The column naming styles used by the old versions of synergyfinder or DrugComb, i.e. ‘Alternative Column names’ are accepted):
Required Columns | Alternative Column names | Description |
block_id | PairIndex, BlockId | Identifier for the drug combination blocks. |
drug1 | Drug1, drug_row, DrugRow | Name of the first tested drug. |
drug2 | Drug2, drug_col, DrugCol | Name of the second tested drug. |
conc1 | Conc1, conc_row, ConcRow | Concentration of first tested drug. |
conc2 | Conc2, conc_col, ConcCol | Concentration of second tested drug. |
response | Response, inhibition, Inhibition | Cell response to the drug treatment (%inhibition or %viability). |
conc_unit | ConcUnit | Unit of concentration for drugs. This column could be replaced by multiple separated columns for each tested drugs (see table below), while different unit was used for measuring the concentrations. |
There are several optional columns available for the higher-order drug combination data sets or the data sets using different concentration units for drugs.
Optional Columns | Alternative Column names | Description |
conc_unit1 | conc_r_unit | Unit of concentration for the first drug. Used if the concentration units are not identical across the drugs tested in one block. |
conc_unit2 | conc_c_unit | Unit of concentration for the second drug. Used if the concentration units are not identical across the drugs in test one block. |
drug[n] | Name of the n_th_ tested drug. For example, “drug3” for the third tested drug. Used for higher-order drug combination data point. | |
conc[n] | Concentration of n_th_ tested drug. Used for higher-order drug combination data point. | |
conc_unit[n] | Unit of concentration for n_th drug. Used if the concentration units are not identical across the drugs in test one block. |
SynergyFinder provides an example input data
) in the package, which is extracted
from a published drug combination screening study for the treatment of
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) [1]. The example input data
contains two representative drug combinations (ibrutinib & ispinesib
and ibrutinib & canertinib) for which the %viability of a cell line
TMD8 was assayed using a 6 by 6 dose matrix design. To load the example
data, please run:
#> block_id drug_row drug_col conc_r conc_c response conc_r_unit conc_c_unit
#> 1 1 ispinesib ibrutinib 2500 50.0000 7.802637 nM nM
#> 2 1 ispinesib ibrutinib 2500 12.5000 6.831317 nM nM
#> 3 1 ispinesib ibrutinib 2500 3.1250 15.089589 nM nM
#> 4 1 ispinesib ibrutinib 2500 0.7812 24.503885 nM nM
#> 5 1 ispinesib ibrutinib 2500 0.1954 38.043076 nM nM
#> 6 1 ispinesib ibrutinib 2500 0.0000 45.790634 nM nM
We provide a function ReshapeData
to reshape and
pre-process the input data for further analysis:
Important parameters:
: User must specify the type for the
observations in column “response” in the input data. Its value must be
either “viability” meaning the %viability of cell or “inhibition”
indicating %inhibition of the cell growth;impute
: Impute missing values in response data by
calling function mice::mice
. If input matrix contains
missing values, the function will automatically perform the imputation
with the selected imputation method. The parameter
is used to define the method in imputation.
The default method (when impute_method = NULL
) is
predictive mean matching (pmm). Please check the doc
for mice
function in mice
R package for more
available methods;noise
: Add small random number to response data to
avoid the error caused by exact same response values. We recommend to
set it as TRUE. The parameter seed
is used to set the
random seed to make the result reproducible.res <- ReshapeData(
data = mathews_screening_data,
data_type = "viability",
impute = TRUE,
impute_method = NULL,
noise = TRUE,
seed = 1)
The output data
is a list containing following
#> List of 2
#> $ drug_pairs: tibble [2 × 7] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> ..$ block_id : int [1:2] 1 2
#> ..$ drug1 : chr [1:2] "ispinesib" "canertinib"
#> ..$ drug2 : chr [1:2] "ibrutinib" "ibrutinib"
#> ..$ conc_unit1: chr [1:2] "nM" "nM"
#> ..$ conc_unit2: chr [1:2] "nM" "nM"
#> ..$ input_type: chr [1:2] "viability" "viability"
#> ..$ replicate : logi [1:2] FALSE FALSE
#> $ response : tibble [72 × 5] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> ..$ block_id : int [1:72] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> ..$ conc1 : num [1:72] 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 625 625 625 625 ...
#> ..$ conc2 : num [1:72] 50 12.5 3.125 0.781 0.195 ...
#> ..$ response : num [1:72] 92.2 93.2 84.9 75.5 62 ...
#> ..$ response_origin: num [1:72] 92.2 93.2 84.9 75.5 62 ...
Typically, the models for estimating synergy or sensitivity of drug combinations expect that the drug’s effect to be expressed as continuous values ranged between 0% and 100%. However, in practice the readouts from the drug combination screening could be negative. In this cases, the technical error might be introduced in the dose-response data. The base line correction function is designed to adjust the “baseline” of the dose-response data closer to 0. Following is the main steps for the process of “baseline correction”:
By setting the value of the parameter correct_baseline
while calling function CalculateSynergy
, user could chose:
The synergistic effect can be determined as the excess of observed effect over expected effect calculated by a reference models (synergy scoring models). All of the models make different assumptions regarding the expected effect. Currently, 4 reference models are available in SynergyFinder.
yHSA = max(y1, y2) where y1 and y2 are the monotherapy effect of combined drug 1 and drug 2
yBliss = y1 + y2 − y1 ⋅ y2 where y1 and y2 are the monotherapy effect of combined drug 1 and drug 2
$$ \frac {x_1}{\chi_{Loewe}^1} + \frac{x_2}{\chi_{Loewe}^2} = 1 $$
where x1, 2 are drug doses and χLoewe1, χLoewe2 are the doses of drug 1 and 2 alone that produce yLoewe. Using 4-parameter log-logistic (4PL) curves to describe dose-response curves the following parametric form of previous equation is derived:
$$ \frac {x_1}{m_1(\frac{y_{Loewe}-E_{min}^1}{E_{max}^1 - y_{Loewe}})^{\frac{1}{\lambda_1}}} + \frac{x_2}{m_2(\frac{y_{Loewe}-E_{min}^2}{E_{max}^2 - y_{Loewe}})^{\frac{1}{\lambda_2}}} = 1 $$ where Emin, Emax ∈ [0, 1] are minimal and maximal effects of the drug, m1, 2 are the doses of drugs that produce the midpoint effect of Emin + Emax, also known as relative EC50 or IC50, and λ1, 2(λ > 0) are the shape parameters indicating the sigmoidicity or slope of dose-response curves. A numerical nonlinear solver can be then used to determine yLoewe for (x1, x2).
$$ y_{ZIP} = \frac{(\frac{x_1}{m_1}) ^ {\lambda_1}}{(1 + \frac{x_1}{m_1})^{\lambda_1}}+\frac{(\frac{x_2}{m_2})^{\lambda_2}}{(1 + \frac{x_2}{m_2})^{\lambda_2}} - \frac{(\frac{x_1}{m_1})^{\lambda_1}}{(1 + \frac{x_1}{m_1})^{\lambda_1}} \cdot \frac{(\frac{x_2}{m_2})^{\lambda_2}}{(1 + \frac{x_2}{m_2})^{\lambda_2}} $$ where x1, 2, m1, 2, and λ1, 2 are defined in the Loewe model.
For the input data without replicates, the statistical analysis for synergy scores of the whole dose-response matrix is estimated under the null hypothesis of non-interaction (zero synergy score). Suppose that S1, S2, ...Sn are the synergy scores for all the concentration combinations (excluding monotherapies) for the dose-response matrix with mean of s̄. The p-value is:
$$p = exp(-0.717z - 0.416z^2),\ where\ z = abs(\bar s')/\sqrt{\frac{1}{n - 1}\sum_{i = 1}^n(s_i' - \bar s')^2}$$
The function CalculateSynergy
is designed to calculate
the synergy scores. Important parameters are:
: The R object generated by function
: The reference model for synergy score
calculation. Parameter Emin
and Emax
are used
to set the corresponding parameters in the 4 parameter log-logistic
model which will be fitted to calculate “ZIP” and “Loewe” synergy
: Whether to adjust base line of
response matrix.res <- CalculateSynergy(
data = res,
method = c("ZIP", "HSA", "Bliss", "Loewe"),
Emin = NA,
Emax = NA,
correct_baseline = "non")
The output adds one data frame “synergy_scores” to the input R object. It contains:
The mean of synergy scores for the combination matrix (excluding the monotherapy observations) and the p-values for them are added to the “drug_pairs” table in the input R object.
#> # A tibble: 2 × 15
#> block_id drug1 drug2 conc_unit1 conc_unit2 input_type replicate
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl>
#> 1 1 ispinesib ibrutinib nM nM viability FALSE
#> 2 2 canertinib ibrutinib nM nM viability FALSE
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: ZIP_synergy_p_value <chr>, HSA_synergy_p_value <chr>,
#> # Bliss_synergy_p_value <chr>, Loewe_synergy_p_value <chr>,
#> # ZIP_synergy <dbl>, HSA_synergy <dbl>, Bliss_synergy <dbl>,
#> # Loewe_synergy <dbl>
#> tibble [72 × 13] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ block_id : int [1:72] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ conc1 : num [1:72] 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 625 625 625 625 ...
#> $ conc2 : num [1:72] 50 12.5 3.125 0.781 0.195 ...
#> $ ZIP_fit : num [1:72] 93.3 92.3 82.7 75.2 57.3 ...
#> $ ZIP_ref : num [1:72] 79.4 79.4 67.9 37.2 37.2 ...
#> $ ZIP_synergy : num [1:72] 13.9 12.9 14.8 38.1 20.1 ...
#> $ HSA_ref : num [1:72] 71.3 54.2 54.2 54.2 54.2 ...
#> $ HSA_synergy : num [1:72] 20.89 38.96 30.7 21.29 7.75 ...
#> $ Bliss_ref : num [1:72] 86.9 78.6 73.1 45.9 52.5 ...
#> $ Bliss_synergy: num [1:72] 5.34 14.54 11.85 29.6 9.47 ...
#> $ Loewe_ref : num [1:72] 62.3 62.3 62.3 62.3 -14.9 ...
#> $ Loewe_synergy: num [1:72] 29.9 30.8 22.6 13.2 76.9 ...
#> $ Loewe_ci : num [1:72] 0 0 0 0 0.0347 ...
SynergyFinder mainly calculates 3 sensitive scores: relative IC50 and relative inhibition (RI) for single drug treatment, and combination sensitivity score (CSS) for drug combinations.
$$y = y_{min} + \frac{y_{max} - y_{min}}{1 + 10^{\lambda(log_{10}IC_{50} - x')}}$$ where ymin, ymax are minimal and maximal inhibition and x′ = log10x
Figure 1. Concept of RI
$$AUC = \int_{c_1}^{c_2}y_{min} + \frac{y_{max}-y_{min}}{1 + 10^{\lambda(log_{10}IC_{50}-x')}}dx'$$ where [c1, c2] is the concentration range of the foreground drug tested.[6]
The function CalculateSensitivity
is designed to
calculate the synergy scores. Important parameters are:
: The R object generated by function
: Whether to adjust base line of
response matrixFollowing sensitivity scores are added to the “drug_pairs” table in the input R object:
sensitive_columns <- c(
"block_id", "drug1", "drug2",
"ic50_1", "ic50_2",
"ri_1", "ri_2",
"css1_ic502", "css2_ic501", "css")
res$drug_pairs[, sensitive_columns]
#> # A tibble: 2 × 10
#> block_id drug1 drug2 ic50_1 ic50_2 ri_1 ri_2 css1_ic502 css2_ic501 css
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 ispinesib ibru… 2500 2.74 60.0 27.0 85.9 82.8 84.3
#> 2 2 canertin… ibru… 973. 1.44 -48.0 45.2 -35.0 -6.99 -21.0
The PlotDoseResponseCurve
function will plot the
dose-response curve fitted by 4-parameter log logistic function for
selected drug. Important parameters are:
: The R object generated by function
: Select the block from which to extract the
monotherapy dose-response data;drug_indes
: Select the drug from the combination to
draw the dose-response curve. Available values are 1, 2, 3, … to
indicates the drug 1, drug 2, drug 3, … in the combination.This function will return an object of class
. User could use replayPlot
plot it. User could modify the parameter plot_setting
control the themes of some items in the plot.
for (i in c(1, 2)){
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drug_index = i,
plot_new = FALSE,
record_plot = FALSE
If parameter record_plot
is set as TRUE
the function will return a plot object recorded by
SynergyFinder provides 3 types (Heatmap, 2D contour plot, or 3D surface) of plots to visualize dose-response map or synergy map for two-drug combinations.
From the plots for dose-response landscape, user can assess the therapeutic significance of the combination, e.g. by identifying the concentrations at which the drug combination can lead to a maximal effect on cancer inhibition.
The landscape of drug interaction scoring is very informative when identifying the specific dose regions where a synergistic or antagonistic drug interaction occurs.
Important parameters shared by all the three functions are:
: The R object generated by function
or CalculateSynergy
: Select the block from which to extract
the two-drug combination matrix;
: Select two drugs for plot from the
combination. Available values are 1, 2, 3, … to indicates the drug 1,
drug 2, drug 3, … in the combination;
: Select the value for plots. The
available values are:
;If the data is the output from CalculateSynergy
following values are also available:
: Whether to plot a dynamic plot or static
plot. Dynamic plots are generated with plotyly
. It could be
used on interactive platforms, such as R Shiny or Rmarkdown.
: Select the summary statistics for
all the plot_value
in whole combination matrix. It will be
shown as the subtitle in the plots. If it is NULL, no statistics will be
printed. User can specify one or more values listed below:
Following shows the examples for dose-response and ZIP synergy landscape.
If dynamic
is set as FALSE
, this function
will return a ggplot
object. User could use
+ theme()
to adjust the plot theme.
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "response",
dynamic = FALSE,
summary_statistic = c("mean", "median")
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "ZIP_synergy",
dynamic = FALSE,
summary_statistic = c( "quantile_25", "quantile_75")
If dynamic
is set as FALSE
, this function
will return a ggplot
object. User could use
+ theme()
to adjust the plot theme.
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "response",
dynamic = FALSE,
summary_statistic = c("mean", "median")
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "ZIP_synergy",
dynamic = FALSE,
summary_statistic = c("quantile_25", "quantile_75")
If parameter dynamic
is set as FALSE
, this
function will return an object of class recordedplot
. User
could use replayPlot
to plot it.
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "response",
dynamic = FALSE,
summary_statistic = c("mean", "quantile_25", "median", "quantile_75")
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "ZIP_synergy",
dynamic = FALSE,
summary_statistic = c("mean", "quantile_25", "median", "quantile_75")
It is recommend to plot the 3D surface in dynamic
) way, with which user could adjust the view
point in an interactive way to show the surface at the best angle.
SynergyFinder provides two plotting wrapper for two-drug
combination dose-response visualization (PlotDoseResponse
and synergy score visualization (PlotSynergy
The function PlotDoseResponse
combined the dose-response
curve and dose-response heatmap in one figure. In addition to the
parameters inherited from PlotDoseResponseCurve
, this function has the parameters for
saving the plot as a file, including:
Whether to save the plot into a file;file_type
The file format. Default is “pdf”. Available
values are “jpeg”, “bmp”, “png”, “tiff”, “pdf”, “svg”;file_name
The name of the file. If it is
the default file names containing drug names and block
ID are used.PlotDoseResponse(
data = res,
block_ids = c(1, 2),
drugs = c(1,2),
save_file = TRUE,
file_type = "png"
The function PlotSynergy
wrapped the
, Plot2DrugContour
to draw the synergy score landscape and
inherits the parameters from them. Parameter type
is used
to select the plot type (2D, 3D, or heatmap). The parameters for saving
plot in files is same as those in PlotDoseResponse
. This
function will return a ggplot
object. User could use
+ theme()
to adjust the plot theme.
data = res,
type = "2D",
method = "ZIP",
block_ids = c(1, 2),
drugs = c(1,2),
save_file = TRUE,
file_type = "png"
SynergyFinder leveraged the implementation of the four models so that the expected response of non-interaction (i.e. yZIP, yLoewe, yHSA, and yBliss described in section 4.1) could be derived. Since all the expected responses share the same unit as the observed response (i.e. % inhibition), SynergyFinder provides the function for plotting a synergy barometer to compare these values. The expected and observed responses for a given combination at a specific dose condition are positioned on the same scale. With such a tool as the synergy barometer, one can not only evaluate the degree of synergy of a specific model, but also easily understand the differences in the results among them. Ideally, a strong synergy should be concluded if the observed response goes beyond the expected responses of all four models.
The function PlotBarometer
is designed to generate the
barometer for given concentration combination in a matrix. The needle of
the barometer points to the observed response value. The expected
responses from different models are marked as the ticks on the color
bar. The observed response and the concentration of the combined drugs
are tested at the center of the barometer. This plot is available for
high-order drug combination visualization.
Important parameters for this function are:
: The R object generated by function
: Select the block from which to extract the
observed and expected response values;plot_concs
: Select the concentration combination of
drugs in the combination matrix to generate the plot. Its value should
be a vector of numeric values which represents the concentrations of
drug 1, drug 2, … at selected combination point. The length of the
vector must be equal to the number of drugs in the block. The
concentrations must be tested concentrations for corresponding
drug.This function will return a ggplot
object. User could
add additional theme()
layers to adjust the plot theme.
Following shows two examples for a synergy combination from block 1 at ispinesib 9.7656 nM + ibrutinib 50 nM and a antagonistic combination from block 2 at Canertinib 625 nM + Ibrutinib 12.5 nM
# Block1: ispinesib (drug1) 9.7656 nM + ibrutinib (drug2) 50 nM
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
plot_concs = c(9.7656, 50),
needle_text_offset = 2.5 # Move the texts below the needle
# Block2: Canertinib (drug1) 625 nM + Ibrutinib (drug2) 12.5 nM
data = res,
plot_block = 2,
plot_concs = c(625, 12.5),
needle_text_offset = -2.5 # Move the texts above the needle
SynergyFinder provides the function
to visualize the observed response,
expected response, or synergy scores over the whole combination matrix.
This plot is available for high-order drug combination visualization. It
will generate a group of bar plots for concentrations of tested drugs
and selected values for visualization. User could sort the whole bar
group by the values in any panel or highlight certain concentration
combination across all bar plots.
Important parameters for this function are:
: The R object generated by function
or CalculateSynergy
: Select the block from which to extract
the values for visualization;
: Select the values for plots. It should
be a vector containing one or more following characters:
;If the data is the output from CalculateSynergy
following values are also available:
: Select the concentration combination
of drugs in the combination matrix to highlight. Its value should be a
vector of numeric values which represents the concentrations of drug 1,
drug 2, … at selected combination point. The length of the vector must
be equal to the number of drugs in the block. The concentrations must be
tested concentrations for corresponding drug.
This function will return a ggplot
object. User could
use + theme()
to adjust the plot theme.
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
plot_value = c("response", "ZIP_synergy", "Loewe_synergy", "HSA_synergy", "Bliss_synergy"),
sort_by = "response",
highlight_row = c(9.7656, 50),
highlight_label_size = 8
The CSS indicates the efficacy of a drug combination, whereas the synergy score indicates the degree of interactions. To prioritize potential drug combinations, it is necessary to identify those with both higher CSS and higher synergy scores. The synergy scores have the same scale as the CSS that was developed earlier [6], thus allowing a direct comparison in an synergy-sensitivity (SS) plot .
The function PlotSensitivitySynergy
is designed to draw
the SS plot. It generates a scatter plot for all the combination blocks
in the input data. The x-aix represents CSS, the y-axis represents
selected synergy score and each point represents one combination block
in the input data. The combinations locating in the upper-right corner
have both higher CSS and higher synergy scores, which could be consider
as a potential drug combination for further validation. Important
parameters for this function are:
: The R object generated by consequentially calling
, CalculateSynergy
, and
: Select the type of synergy score to be
plotted together with CSS.show_lable
: Whether to show the labels
‘BlockID-Drug1-Drug2…’ for each data point.dynamic
: Whether to generate a dynamic plot or static
plot. Dynamic plots are generated with plotyly
. It could be
used on interactive platforms, such as R Shiny or Rmarkdown. If it is
set as FALSE
, this function will return a
object. User could use + theme()
adjust the plot theme.Following is an example for SS plot on the “mathews_screening_data” build-in data set.
SynergyFinder has an build-in example data
) in the package. It is extracted from
a pan-cancer drug screening study.[7] The example input data contains
two representative drug combinations (MK-1775 & Niraparib and
Paclitaxel & L-778123 free base) for which the %inhibition of a cell
line OCUBM and NCIH2122 was assayed using a 5 by 5 dose matrix design
with four replicates. To load the example data, please run:
#> block_id drug1 drug2 cell_line_name conc1 conc2 response conc_unit
#> 1 1 MK-1775 Niraparib OCUBM 0.0000 0.000 -0.000626 uM
#> 2 1 MK-1775 Niraparib OCUBM 0.0000 0.223 2.127464 uM
#> 3 1 MK-1775 Niraparib OCUBM 0.0000 0.775 2.268122 uM
#> 4 1 MK-1775 Niraparib OCUBM 0.0000 2.750 24.505645 uM
#> 5 1 MK-1775 Niraparib OCUBM 0.0000 10.000 44.475959 uM
#> 6 1 MK-1775 Niraparib OCUBM 0.0325 0.000 2.371026 uM
The function ReshapeData
automatically detect whether
there are replicates in the input data. If there are replicates, this
function calculates the statistics for the response value (both adjusted
and original values) via bootstrapping.
Suppose that B (depending
on parameter iteration
) bootstrap dose-response matrix
samples are drawn from the replicates and that r1, r2, ..., rB
are the estimates of the response (%inhibition) at certain concentration
combination in the samples, with mean of r̄. The bootstrap standard error is
determined as:
$$ SE = \sqrt{\frac{1}{B - 1}\sum_{i = 1}^B(r_i - \bar r)^2)} $$ The 95% confidence interval for the observed response is approximately:
[r̄ − 1.96SE, r̄ + 1.96SE]
Meanwhile, at the whole dose-response matrix level, we provide an empirical p-value to asses the significance of the difference between the estimated average synergy score over the whole dose-response matrix and 0 %inhibition under the null hypothesis of non-response.
Letting r1′, r2′, ..., rB′ be the estimates of the average response over the whole dose matrix from the bootstrap samples, the p-value is:
$$p = exp(-0.717z - 0.416z^2),\ where\ z = abs(\bar r')/\sqrt{\frac{1}{n - 1}\sum_{i = 1}^n(r_i' - \bar r')^2}$$
res <- ReshapeData(
data = ONEIL_screening_data,
data_type = "inhibition",
impute = TRUE,
impute_method = NULL,
noise = TRUE,
iteration = 10, # Number of iterations for bootstrapping
seed = 1
The output for this function is an R list with the similar structure as that from data without replicates. The differences are:
#> List of 3
#> $ drug_pairs : tibble [2 × 9] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> ..$ block_id : int [1:2] 1 2
#> ..$ drug1 : chr [1:2] "MK-1775" "Paclitaxel"
#> ..$ drug2 : chr [1:2] "Niraparib" "L-778123 free base"
#> ..$ conc_unit1 : chr [1:2] "uM" "uM"
#> ..$ conc_unit2 : chr [1:2] "uM" "uM"
#> ..$ input_type : chr [1:2] "inhibition" "inhibition"
#> ..$ replicate : logi [1:2] TRUE TRUE
#> ..$ response_p_value : chr [1:2] "1.50e-165" "3.45e-163"
#> ..$ response_origin_p_value: chr [1:2] "1.60e-182" "< 2e-324"
#> $ response : tibble [200 × 5] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> ..$ block_id : int [1:200] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> ..$ conc1 : num [1:200] 0 0 0 0 0 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 ...
#> ..$ conc2 : num [1:200] 0 0.223 0.775 2.75 10 0 0.223 0.775 2.75 10 ...
#> ..$ response : num [1:200] -0.00125 2.12765 2.26729 24.50724 44.47629 ...
#> ..$ response_origin: num [1:200] -0.000626 2.127464 2.268122 24.505645 44.475959 ...
#> $ response_statistics: tibble [50 × 14] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> ..$ block_id : int [1:50] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> ..$ conc1 : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 ...
#> ..$ conc2 : num [1:50] 0 0.223 0.775 2.75 10 0 0.223 0.775 2.75 10 ...
#> ..$ response_sd : num [1:50] 0.000462 0.000349 0.000819 0.001162 0.000827 ...
#> ..$ response_mean : num [1:50] -0.000624 2.127207 2.267631 24.505661 44.476357 ...
#> ..$ response_origin_sd : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ response_origin_mean : num [1:50] -0.000626 2.127464 2.268122 24.505645 44.475959 ...
#> ..$ n : int [1:50] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ...
#> ..$ response_sem : num [1:50] 0.000231 0.000174 0.00041 0.000581 0.000413 ...
#> ..$ response_ci_left : num [1:50] -0.00136 2.12665 2.26633 24.50381 44.47504 ...
#> ..$ response_ci_right : num [1:50] 0.00011 2.12776 2.26893 24.50751 44.47767 ...
#> ..$ response_origin_sem : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ response_origin_ci_left : num [1:50] -0.000626 2.127464 2.268122 24.505645 44.475959 ...
#> ..$ response_origin_ci_right: num [1:50] -0.000626 2.127464 2.268122 24.505645 44.475959 ...
For input data with replicates, the function
calculates the statistics for the synergy
scores via bootstrapping. The methods is same as that was described in
previous section which is for observed dose-response matrix. The
differences are:
The output for this function is an R list with the similar structure as that from data without replicates. The differences are:
#> tibble [2 × 17] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ block_id : int [1:2] 1 2
#> $ drug1 : chr [1:2] "MK-1775" "Paclitaxel"
#> $ drug2 : chr [1:2] "Niraparib" "L-778123 free base"
#> $ conc_unit1 : chr [1:2] "uM" "uM"
#> $ conc_unit2 : chr [1:2] "uM" "uM"
#> $ input_type : chr [1:2] "inhibition" "inhibition"
#> $ replicate : logi [1:2] TRUE TRUE
#> $ response_p_value : chr [1:2] "1.50e-165" "3.45e-163"
#> $ response_origin_p_value: chr [1:2] "1.60e-182" "< 2e-324"
#> $ ZIP_synergy_p_value : chr [1:2] "4.34e-47" "3.96e-192"
#> $ HSA_synergy_p_value : chr [1:2] "1.58e-48" "< 2e-324"
#> $ Bliss_synergy_p_value : chr [1:2] "4.56e-37" "< 2e-324"
#> $ Loewe_synergy_p_value : chr [1:2] "1.91e-41" "< 2e-324"
#> $ ZIP_synergy : num [1:2] 35.6 -75.8
#> $ HSA_synergy : num [1:2] 41.6 -71.6
#> $ Bliss_synergy : num [1:2] 36 -77.4
#> $ Loewe_synergy : num [1:2] 38.1 -73.6
#> tibble [50 × 53] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ block_id : int [1:50] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ conc1 : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 0.0325 ...
#> $ conc2 : num [1:50] 0 0.223 0.775 2.75 10 0 0.223 0.775 2.75 10 ...
#> $ ZIP_fit_mean : num [1:50] -0.00066 2.12711 2.26775 24.5057 44.47623 ...
#> $ ZIP_fit_sd : num [1:50] 0.00025 0.000191 0.000528 0.000466 0.000352 ...
#> $ ZIP_fit_sem : num [1:50] 0.0000789 0.0000604 0.000167 0.0001473 0.0001114 ...
#> $ ZIP_fit_ci_left : num [1:50] -0.00101 2.12683 2.26688 24.50496 44.47565 ...
#> $ ZIP_fit_ci_right : num [1:50] -0.000241 2.1274 2.268567 24.506312 44.476663 ...
#> $ ZIP_ref_mean : num [1:50] -0.00066 2.12711 2.26775 24.5057 44.47623 ...
#> $ ZIP_ref_sd : num [1:50] 0.00025 0.000191 0.000528 0.000466 0.000352 ...
#> $ ZIP_ref_sem : num [1:50] 0.0000789 0.0000604 0.000167 0.0001473 0.0001114 ...
#> $ ZIP_ref_ci_left : num [1:50] -0.00101 2.12683 2.26688 24.50496 44.47565 ...
#> $ ZIP_ref_ci_right : num [1:50] -0.000241 2.1274 2.268567 24.506312 44.476663 ...
#> $ ZIP_synergy_mean : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ ZIP_synergy_sd : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ ZIP_synergy_sem : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ ZIP_synergy_ci_left : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ ZIP_synergy_ci_right : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ HSA_ref_mean : num [1:50] -0.00066 2.12711 2.26775 24.5057 44.47623 ...
#> $ HSA_ref_sd : num [1:50] 0.00025 0.000191 0.000528 0.000466 0.000352 ...
#> $ HSA_ref_sem : num [1:50] 0.0000789 0.0000604 0.000167 0.0001473 0.0001114 ...
#> $ HSA_ref_ci_left : num [1:50] -0.00101 2.12683 2.26688 24.50496 44.47565 ...
#> $ HSA_ref_ci_right : num [1:50] -0.000241 2.1274 2.268567 24.506312 44.476663 ...
#> $ HSA_synergy_mean : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ HSA_synergy_sd : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ HSA_synergy_sem : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ HSA_synergy_ci_left : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ HSA_synergy_ci_right : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Bliss_ref_mean : num [1:50] -0.00066 2.12711 2.26775 24.5057 44.47623 ...
#> $ Bliss_ref_sd : num [1:50] 0.00025 0.000191 0.000528 0.000466 0.000352 ...
#> $ Bliss_ref_sem : num [1:50] 0.0000789 0.0000604 0.000167 0.0001473 0.0001114 ...
#> $ Bliss_ref_ci_left : num [1:50] -0.00101 2.12683 2.26688 24.50496 44.47565 ...
#> $ Bliss_ref_ci_right : num [1:50] -0.000241 2.1274 2.268567 24.506312 44.476663 ...
#> $ Bliss_synergy_mean : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Bliss_synergy_sd : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Bliss_synergy_sem : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Bliss_synergy_ci_left : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Bliss_synergy_ci_right: num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Loewe_ref_mean : num [1:50] -0.00066 2.12711 2.26775 24.5057 44.47623 ...
#> $ Loewe_ref_sd : num [1:50] 0.00025 0.000191 0.000528 0.000466 0.000352 ...
#> $ Loewe_ref_sem : num [1:50] 0.0000789 0.0000604 0.000167 0.0001473 0.0001114 ...
#> $ Loewe_ref_ci_left : num [1:50] -0.00101 2.12683 2.26688 24.50496 44.47565 ...
#> $ Loewe_ref_ci_right : num [1:50] -0.000241 2.1274 2.268567 24.506312 44.476663 ...
#> $ Loewe_synergy_mean : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Loewe_synergy_sd : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Loewe_synergy_sem : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Loewe_synergy_ci_left : num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Loewe_synergy_ci_right: num [1:50] 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ Loewe_ci_mean : num [1:50] NA NA NA NA NA ...
#> $ Loewe_ci_sd : num [1:50] NA NA NA NA NA ...
#> $ Loewe_ci_sem : num [1:50] NA NA NA NA NA ...
#> $ Loewe_ci_ci_left : num [1:50] NA NA NA NA NA ...
#> $ Loewe_ci_ci_right : num [1:50] NA NA NA NA NA ...
For input data with replicates, the function
calculates the statistics for the
sensitivity scores (RI and CSS) via bootstrapping. The methods is same
as that was described in section 6.1 which is for observed dose-response
matrix. The differences are:
res <- CalculateSensitivity(
data = res,
correct_baseline = "non",
iteration = 10 # Number of iterations for bootstrapping
The output for this function is an R list with the similar structure as that from data without replicates. The differences are:
#> 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 39 variables:
#> $ block_id : int 1 2
#> $ ic50_1_mean : chr "0.5" "0.00157428688872775"
#> $ ic50_2_mean : chr "2.64214451636998" "0.375135166419377"
#> $ ri_1_mean : chr "22.0256" "62.6112"
#> $ ri_2_mean : chr "16.8071" "48.5743"
#> $ css1_ic502_mean : chr "79.8855" "0.6425"
#> $ css2_ic501_mean : chr "80.2739" "0.5542"
#> $ css_mean : chr "80.0797" "0.59835"
#> $ ic50_1_sd : chr "0" "0.000000316559225685352"
#> $ ic50_2_sd : chr "0.0000488815419007319" "0.00000624302934324253"
#> $ ri_1_sd : chr "0.00577735041154578" "0.000421637021357797"
#> $ ri_2_sd : chr "0.000316227766017224" "0.000483045891541954"
#> $ css1_ic502_sd : chr "3.67942689528923" "1.14138874962818"
#> $ css2_ic501_sd : chr "5.62189470730287" "1.83479534432469"
#> $ css_sd : chr "3.46588993862567" "1.37755604947474"
#> $ ic50_1_sem : chr "0" "0.000000100104816750499"
#> $ ic50_2_sem : chr "0.0000154577007947269" "0.00000197421922239115"
#> $ ri_1_sem : chr "0.00182695861413958" "0.00013333333333397"
#> $ ri_2_sem : chr "0.000100000000000122" "0.000152752523165924"
#> $ css1_ic502_sem : chr "1.16353694731958" "0.360938814451671"
#> $ css2_ic501_sem : chr "1.77779920407227" "0.580213232833891"
#> $ css_sem : chr "1.09601063255183" "0.435621472088377"
#> $ ic50_1_ci_left : chr "0.5" "0.00157400274871024"
#> $ ic50_2_ci_left : chr "2.64209193225961" "0.375124678423372"
#> $ ri_1_ci_left : chr "22.019" "62.611"
#> $ ri_2_ci_left : chr "16.807" "48.574"
#> $ css1_ic502_ci_left : chr "73.752975" "-1.440475"
#> $ css2_ic501_ci_left : chr "70.2681" "-1.91945"
#> $ css_ci_left : chr "74.8764625" "-1.5825375"
#> $ ic50_1_ci_right : chr "0.5" "0.00157495595803027"
#> $ ic50_2_ci_right : chr "2.64222224300616" "0.375144201469938"
#> $ ri_1_ci_right : chr "22.036975" "62.612"
#> $ ri_2_ci_right : chr "16.807775" "48.575"
#> $ css1_ic502_ci_right: chr "85.10025" "2.219375"
#> $ css2_ic501_ci_right: chr "86.583725" "3.5085"
#> $ css_ci_right : chr "84.128375" "2.6700625"
#> $ ri_1_p_value : chr "< 2e-324" "< 2e-324"
#> $ ri_2_p_value : chr "< 2e-324" "< 2e-324"
#> $ css_p_value : chr "2.28e-104" "6.77e-01"
All the functions introduced in section 5 are viable on the data set
with replicates. In addition, the statistics for response or synergy
scores could be visualized in heatmap by calling function
. User could used parameter
to select the statistics shown on the plot.
Avaliable values are “sem” - sandard error of mean, and “ci” - 95%
confidence interval.
# Standard error of mean
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "response",
dynamic = FALSE,
statistic = "sem",
summary_statistic = c("mean", "median")
# 95% confidence interval
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
drugs = c(1, 2),
plot_value = "ZIP_synergy",
statistic = "ci",
dynamic = FALSE,
summary_statistic = c("quantile_25", "quantile_75")
SynergyFinder has an build-in example data
) in the package. It is extracted from
a triple drug screening study on malaria.[8] The example input data
contains two representative drug combinations (Piperaquine &
Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate & Darunavir Ethanolate and Piperaquine
& Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate & Lopinavir) for which the
%inhibition of malaria was assayed using a 10 by 10 by 12 dose matrix
design with four replicates. To load the example data, please run:
#> block_id drug1 drug2 drug3 conc1
#> 1 1 Piperaquine Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate Darunavir Ethanolate 0.60000
#> 2 1 Piperaquine Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate Darunavir Ethanolate 0.30000
#> 3 1 Piperaquine Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate Darunavir Ethanolate 0.15000
#> 4 1 Piperaquine Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate Darunavir Ethanolate 0.07500
#> 5 1 Piperaquine Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate Darunavir Ethanolate 0.03750
#> 6 1 Piperaquine Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate Darunavir Ethanolate 0.01875
#> conc2 conc3 response conc_unit1 conc_unit2 conc_unit3
#> 1 0.075 0 3.079183 uM uM uM
#> 2 0.075 0 3.867034 uM uM uM
#> 3 0.075 0 1.937995 uM uM uM
#> 4 0.075 0 1.601282 uM uM uM
#> 5 0.075 0 4.680111 uM uM uM
#> 6 0.075 0 4.592774 uM uM uM
The utility of function ReshapeData
on higher-order drug
combination screening data is same as that on 2-drug combination
screening data. Please check section 3 for more details about the
parameters and output format.
res <- ReshapeData(
data = NCATS_screening_data,
data_type = "inhibition",
impute = TRUE,
impute_method = NULL,
noise = TRUE,
seed = 1
The output of this function:
#> List of 2
#> $ drug_pairs: tibble [2 × 9] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> ..$ block_id : int [1:2] 1 2
#> ..$ drug1 : chr [1:2] "Piperaquine" "Piperaquine"
#> ..$ drug2 : chr [1:2] "Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate" "Pyronaridine Tetraphosphate"
#> ..$ drug3 : chr [1:2] "Darunavir Ethanolate" "Lopinavir"
#> ..$ conc_unit1: chr [1:2] "uM" "uM"
#> ..$ conc_unit2: chr [1:2] "uM" "uM"
#> ..$ conc_unit3: chr [1:2] "uM" "uM"
#> ..$ input_type: chr [1:2] "inhibition" "inhibition"
#> ..$ replicate : logi [1:2] FALSE FALSE
#> $ response : tibble [2,400 × 6] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> ..$ block_id : int [1:2400] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> ..$ conc1 : num [1:2400] 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075 0.0375 ...
#> ..$ conc2 : num [1:2400] 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 ...
#> ..$ conc3 : num [1:2400] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> ..$ response : num [1:2400] 3.08 3.87 1.94 1.6 4.68 ...
#> ..$ response_origin: num [1:2400] 3.08 3.87 1.94 1.6 4.68 ...
SynergyFinder extends the algorithms for calculate synergy scores to higher-order drug combination data sets. Following describes the expending of four major synergy reference models (“HSA”, “Bliss”, “Loewe”, and “ZIP”) to higher-order drug combinations.
Consider the response of a drug to be measured as a %inhibition y that ranges from 0 to 1, with a higher value indicating better efficacy. For a combination that involves n drugs, the observed combination response is denoted as yc, while the observed monotherapy response of its constituent drugs is y(i, i = 1, ...n). The expected combination response is determined by the assumption of non-interaction.
yHSA = max(y1, …, yi, …, yn).
yBliss = 1 − ∏i(1 − yi).
For the Loewe model, the expected response satisfies ∑i(xi/(fi−1(yLoese))) = 1, where xi is the dose of each constituent drug in the combination and fi−1(yLoewe) is the inverse function of the dose response curve.
For the ZIP model, the expected response satisfies yZIP = 1 − ∏i(1 − ŷi), where ŷi is the predicted dose response of the monotherapy by a monotonically increasing curve fitting model ŷi = fi(xi). For example, a common choice for modelling drug dose response curves is the four parameter log logistic model $f(x)=\frac{E_{min}+E_{max}(x/m)^\lambda}{1+(x/m)^\lambda}$, where Emin, Emax, m and λ are the minimal and maximal responses, IC50 and slope of the dose response curve, respectively.
Accordingly, the multi-drug synergy score for the observed combination response yc can be determined as:
SHSA = yc − max(y1, …, yi, …, yn)
$$S_{Bliss} = y_c - (1-\prod_i(1-y_i )) = y_c - (\sum_i y_i - \sum_{i<j} y_i y_j + (-1)^{r+1} \times \sum_{i<j} \prod_j^r y_j +(-1)^{n+1} \times \prod_i y_i )$$
$$S_{LOEWE}=y_c - y_{LOEWE}, s.t.\sum_i (\frac{x_i}{f_i^{-1} (y_{LOEWE})}) = 1$$
For determining the ZIP-based synergy score, yc needs to be replaced with the predicted average response ŷc given by the curve fitting models fi′ to make it comparable to yZIP:
$$S_{ZIP} = \hat y_c - y_{ZIP} = \frac1n \sum_i f_i'(x_i) - (1- \prod_i(1-f_i(x_i)),\ where\ E_{min}(f_i')=f_{-i}'(x_{-i})$$
Namely, fi′(x) stands for the log logistic model defined for the combination response at dose x of drug i when the other drugs are present. Furthermore, Emin of fi′(x) is determined by f−i′(x−i), which is the fitted curve of the combination response while drug i is absent. Note that the ZIP model captures the shift of potency for a drug combination in comparison to its monotherapy drugs, therefore, the ZIP model compares the difference of fitted models for the drug combination fi′(xi) and for the monotherapy drugs fi(xi).
The function CalculateSynergy
is designed to calculate
the synergy scores. The utility is same as that for 2-drug combination
screening data. Please check section 4.1 for more details about the
parameters and output format.
res <- CalculateSynergy(
data = res,
method = c("ZIP", "HSA", "Bliss", "Loewe"),
Emin = NA,
Emax = NA,
correct_baseline = "non")
#> # A tibble: 2 × 17
#> block_id drug1 drug2 drug3 conc_unit1 conc_unit2 conc_unit3 input_type
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 Piperaquine Pyrona… Daru… uM uM uM inhibition
#> 2 2 Piperaquine Pyrona… Lopi… uM uM uM inhibition
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: replicate <lgl>, ZIP_synergy_p_value <chr>,
#> # HSA_synergy_p_value <chr>, Bliss_synergy_p_value <chr>,
#> # Loewe_synergy_p_value <chr>, ZIP_synergy <dbl>, HSA_synergy <dbl>,
#> # Bliss_synergy <dbl>, Loewe_synergy <dbl>
#> tibble [2,400 × 14] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
#> $ block_id : int [1:2400] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ conc1 : num [1:2400] 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075 0.0375 ...
#> $ conc2 : num [1:2400] 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 ...
#> $ conc3 : num [1:2400] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
#> $ ZIP_fit : num [1:2400] 2.46 3.45 2.29 2.71 3.43 ...
#> $ ZIP_ref : num [1:2400] 101 101 101 101 101 ...
#> $ ZIP_synergy : num [1:2400] -98.2 -97.2 -98.3 -97.9 -97.2 ...
#> $ HSA_ref : num [1:2400] 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 ...
#> $ HSA_synergy : num [1:2400] -96.2 -95.4 -97.4 -97.7 -94.6 ...
#> $ Bliss_ref : num [1:2400] 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 99.3 ...
#> $ Bliss_synergy: num [1:2400] -96.3 -95.5 -97.4 -97.7 -94.6 ...
#> $ Loewe_ref : num [1:2400] 105 105 105 105 105 ...
#> $ Loewe_synergy: num [1:2400] -102 -102 -104 -104 -101 ...
#> $ Loewe_ci : num [1:2400] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NA ...
The calculation of RI and relative IC50 of monotherapies in higher-order drug combination is same as that is used in the 2-drug combination data. Please check section 4.2 for more details.
SynergyFinder extends the CSS score developed by Malyutina et al.[6] to higher-order drug combinations. For a combination that involves n drugs, the CSSij for each pair of “drug i + drug j” combination, where i, j ∈ 1, 2, 3, ..., n, is calculated while fixing the drug i (background drug) at its relative IC50 and let drug j be at varying concentrations (foreground drug). Drug j’s dose-response is modeled using 4-parameter log-logistic curve. The area under the log-scaled dose-response curve (AUC) is then determined according to:
$$AUC = \int_{c_1}^{c_2}y_{min} + \frac{y_{max}-y_{min}}{1 + 10^{\lambda(log_{10}IC_{50}-x')}}dx'$$ where [c1, c2] is the concentration range of the foreground drug tested.
The CSS for the whole dose-response matrix is defined as the average of all the pair-wise CSS:
$$CSS = \frac1n \sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{j =
1}^n CSS_{ij}$$ The function CalculatSensitivity
designed to calculate the sensitivity scores. The utility is same as
that for 2-drug combination screening data. Please check section 4.2 for
more details about the parameters and output format.
sensitive_columns <- c(
"block_id", "drug1", "drug2", "drug3",
"ic50_1", "ic50_2", "ic50_3",
"ri_1", "ri_2", "ri_3",
"css1_ic502", "css2_ic501","css1_ic503", "css3_ic502", "css2_ic503",
"css3_ic502", "css")
res$drug_pairs[, sensitive_columns]
#> # A tibble: 2 × 17
#> block_id drug1 drug2 drug3 ic50_1 ic50_2 ic50_3 ri_1 ri_2 ri_3 css1_ic502
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 Piper… Pyro… Daru… 0.0172 0.0168 7.40 37.0 71.7 102. 12.0
#> 2 2 Piper… Pyro… Lopi… 0.0204 0.00595 2.12 34.1 38.9 65.5 22.4
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: css2_ic501 <dbl>, css1_ic503 <dbl>, css3_ic502 <dbl>,
#> # css2_ic503 <dbl>, css3_ic502 <dbl>, css <dbl>
All the functions introduced in section 5 are viable on the higher-order drug screening data, though the functions for synergy or sensitivity landscapes, which are introduced in section 5.2 and 5.3, can only visualize two out of all combined drugs.
To visualize the dose-response and synergy landscapes of higher-order
drug combination, SynergyFinder provides the function
. It implements a dimension reduction
technique that is based on multi-dimensional scaling, similar to the
recent application in transforming numerical data into images.
For a drug combination in a high-dimensional dose space, with its coordinates of X = (x1, ...xn), we utilize their rankings R = (r1, ...rn) to determine the pairwise similarity between the instances of X. We utilize multi-dimensional scaling to minimize the error of the pairwise distance in a two-dimensional space in which the synergy and sensitivity scores can be visualized as a landscape (Figure 2). Note that using the dose rankings as the input for multi-dimensional scaling can assure that the resulting two-dimensional coordinates are equally distanced among the neighboring dose conditions, thus making the visualization easier to interpret. Furthermore, for the case of two-drug combinations, the algorithm can converge to the actual dose rankings, thus preserving the consistency across all the orders of combinations.
Figure 2. Dimension reduction for the visualization of high-order drug combinations
The important parameters for function
: The R object generated by function
or CalculateSynergy
: Select the block for plotting;
: Select the value for plots. The
available values are:
;If the data is the output from CalculateSynergy
following values are also available:
: Select the summary statistics for
all the plot_value
in whole combination matrix. It will be
shown as the subtitle in the plots. If it is NULL, no statistics will be
printed. User can specify one or more values listed below:
: The methods to calculate the
distance between different data points from the concentration of drugs.
The distance matrix is used for dimension reduction. The default values
is “mahalanobis”. A common choice is the “euclidean”. Other available
values are “manhattan”, “canberra”, “clark”, “bray”, “kulczynski”,
“jaccard”, “gower”, “altGower”, “morisita”, “horn”, “mountford”, “raup”,
“binomial”, “chao”, “cao”, “chisq” or “chord”. Please check the document
of vegdist
function in Vegan R
package for more details of these methods.
: Whether to show the data points up
on the landscape.
The output of this function is a interactive plot generated by
. It could be used on interactive platforms, such as
R Shiny or Rmarkdown. The plane expanded by x-axis and y-axis is the
two-dimensional space to which the data point is projected. The z-axis
represents the value of selected plot_value
. The landscape
is visualized as a surface in the 3D space, the data points are
visualized as dots. User could check the concentration combination and
exact value for each data point by hovering mouse on certain dot.
data = res,
plot_block = 2,
plot_value = "response",
summary_statistic = NULL,
distance_method = "mahalanobis",
show_data_points = TRUE
data = res,
plot_block = 1,
plot_value = "ZIP_synergy",
summary_statistic = NULL,
distance_method = "mahalanobis",
show_data_points = FALSE
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