structToolbox 1.19.2
structToolbox 1.19.1
- fix ANOVA output with interaction terms
structToolbox 1.15.2
- fix ANOVA type 1
- add control_group param to ttest
structToolbox 1.13.5
- improve consistency between methods in fold change computations
- better handling of NA in fold change computations
structToolbox 1.13.4
- fix PLSDA predicted group assignment
- add option to PLSDA to use probability for yhat for predictions
- update tests
structToolbox 1.13.3
- d-ratio equations changed to match Broadhurst et al (2018)
- add tests for d-ratio
- fix PCA eigenvalues calculation
structToolbox 1.13.2
- d-ratio filter now correctly removes features
- update descriptions/documentation for missing value filters
- add tests for d-ratio
structToolbox 1.13.1
- hotfix vector_norm now correctly normalises samples to length 1
- re-sync with Bioc devel
- fix broken documentation
structToolbox 1.7.2
- internal updates to PLS
- some PLS charts have been renamed for consistency with other methods
structToolbox 1.6.1
- hotfix vector_norm now correctly normalises samples to length 1
- added vector_norm_tests
structToolbox 1.5.7
- improve NA handling in fold_change computations
structToolbox 1.5.5
- change t-test outputs to data.frame
- fix NA bug in feature_boxplot chart
- use new ontology system in place of stato
structToolbox 1.5.2
- add outputs to auto-generated documentation
- fix fold change threshold using median (#56)
- add fold change using means (#57)
- HSD param "unbalanced" is no longer ignored
structToolbox 1.5.1
- fixed broken paired tests
structToolbox 1.4.2
- fix fold change threshold using median (#56)
- HSD param "unbalanced" is no longer ignored
structToolbox 1.4.1
- fixed broken paired tests
structToolbox 1.4.0
- added VIP summary chart
- add ellipse plotting options to pca_scores_plot
- mv_sample_filter can be used in train/predict mode
- Documentation updates
- Minor issue fixes
- Add median method for fold change
- Update PQN with new inputs/outputs due to changes in pmp package
- Update SBC with new inputs/outputs due to changes in pmp package
- Update MTBLS79 due to changes in SBC
structToolbox 1.1.2
- Documentation updates
- Bug fixes
structToolbox 1.0.1
structToolbox 1.0.0
- Bioconductor 3.11 release
structToolbox 0.99.10
- add Metabolmics BiocView
- fix missing sections at end of vignette
structToolbox 0.99.9
- add proteomics vignette
- add mean_of_medians
- merge all vignettes
- fix bug in kfold_xval_grid
structToolbox 0.99.8
- added stratified splitting (stratified_split)
- added Gastric Cancer vignette
- add AUC metric
- add predicted and ROC plots for PLSDA
structToolbox 0.99.7
- minor documentation updates
structToolbox 0.99.6
- fix issues using class() due to changes in R 4.0.0
structToolbox 0.99.5
- fix dimnames mismatch for knn-impute
- add additional vignettes
structToolbox 0.99.4
- Add SVM, nroot transform, constant sum norm
- Add funtionality to autoscaling
- Fix some issues with permutation testing of model sequences
- Add option to impute by samples to knn
- Add custom feature labels option to pca loadings
structToolbox 0.99.3
- Fix dimnames mismatch errors
- Updated struct depency to 0.99.5
structToolbox 0.99.2
- renamed some charts containing .'s to use underscores
- renamed sbcms dataset to MTBLS79
structToolbox 0.99.1
- minor updates to pass Bioconductor checks
structToolbox 0.99.0
- use new struct v0.99.4 class constructor functions
structToolbox 0.8.4
- Final working version befor bioconductor updates
structToolbox 0.4.0 (2019-07-25)
- Minor bug fixes
- Added tsne method
- Added sbcms dataset
- Added methods related to signal/batch correction