Package 'smoothclust'

Title: smoothclust
Description: Method for segmentation of spatial domains and spatially-aware clustering in spatial transcriptomics data. The method generates spatial domains with smooth boundaries by smoothing gene expression profiles across neighboring spatial locations, followed by unsupervised clustering. Spatial domains consisting of consistent mixtures of cell types may then be further investigated by applying cell type compositional analyses or differential analyses.
Authors: Lukas M. Weber [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Lukas M. Weber <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.3.0
Built: 2025-02-02 06:00:30 UTC

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Method for segmentation of spatial domains and spatially-aware clustering.


  assay_name = "counts",
  spatial_coords = NULL,
  method = c("uniform", "kernel", "knn"),
  bandwidth = 0.05,
  k = 18,
  truncate = 0.05,
  sparse = TRUE



Input data, which can be provided as either a SpatialExperiment object or a numeric matrix. If this is a SpatialExperiment object, it is assumed to contain either raw expression counts or logcounts in the assay slots and spatial coordinates in the spatialCoords slot. If this is a numeric matrix, it is assumed to contain either raw expression counts or logcounts, and spatial coordinates need to be provided separately with the spatial_coords argument.


For a SpatialExperiment input object, this argument specifies the name of the assay containing the expression values to be smoothed. In most cases, this will be counts, which contains raw expression counts. Alternatively, logcounts may also be used. Note that if logcounts are used, the smoothed values represent geometric averages, which are more difficult to interpret. We recommend using raw counts if possible. This argument is only used if the input is a SpatialExperiment object. Default = counts.


Numeric matrix of spatial coordinates, assumed to contain x coordinates in first column and y coordinates in second column. This argument is only used if the input is a numeric matrix.


Method used for smoothing. Options are uniform, kernel, and knn. The uniform method calculates unweighted averages across spatial locations within a circular window with radius bandwidth at each spatial location, which smooths out spatial variability as well as sparsity due to sampling variability. The kernel method calculates a weighted average using a truncated exponential kernel applied to Euclidean distances with a length scale parameter equal to bandwidth, which provides a more sophisticated approach to smoothing out spatial variability but may be affected by sparsity due to sampling variability (especially sparsity at the index point), and is computationally slower. The knn method calculates an unweighted average across the index point and its k nearest neighbors, and is the fastest method. Default = uniform.


Bandwidth parameter for smoothing, expressed as proportion of width or height (whichever is greater) of tissue area. Only used for method = "uniform" or method = "kernel". For method = "uniform", the bandwidth represents the radius of a circle, and unweighted averages are calculated across neighboring points within this circle. For method = "kernel", the averaging is weighted by distances scaled using a truncated exponential kernel applied to Euclidean distances. For example, a bandwidth of 0.05 will smooth values across neighbors weighted by distances scaled using a truncated exponential kernel with length scale equal to 5 area. Weights for method = "kernel" are truncated at small values for computational efficiency. Default = 0.05.


Number of nearest neighbors parameter for method = "knn". Only used for method == "knn". Unweighted averages are calculated across the index point and its k nearest neighbors. Default = 18 (based on two layers in honeycomb pattern for 10x Genomics Visium platform).


Truncation threshold parameter if method = "kernel". Kernel weights below this value are set to zero for computational efficiency. Only used for method = "kernel". Default = 0.05.


Whether to return output assay or numeric matrix as sparse matrix. Default = TRUE. In most cases (e.g. if using SpatialExperiment objects) this should be left as TRUE. Set to FALSE to return a dense matrix instead.


Method for segmentation of spatial domains and spatially-aware clustering in spatial transcriptomics data.

Method for segmentation of spatial domains and spatially-aware clustering in spatial transcriptomics data. The method generates spatial domains with smooth boundaries by smoothing gene expression profiles across neighboring spatial locations, followed by unsupervised clustering. Spatial domains consisting of consistent mixtures of cell types may then be further investigated by applying cell type compositional analyses or differential analyses.


Returns spatially smoothed expression values, which can then be used as the input for further downstream analyses. Results are returned either as a SpatialExperiment object containing a new assay named <assay_name>_smooth (e.g. counts_smooth or logcounts_smooth), or as a numeric matrix, depending on the input type.



# load data
spe <- Visium_humanDLPFC()
# keep spots over tissue
spe <- spe[, colData(spe)$in_tissue == 1]

# run smoothclust
# using "knn" method for faster runtime in this example
spe <- smoothclust(spe, method = "knn", k = 6)

# see vignette for extended example using default method and including
# downstream analysis steps

Function for smoothness metric


Function for clustering smoothness evaluation metric


smoothness_metric(spatial_coords, labels, k = 6)



Numeric matrix containing spatial coordinates of points, formatted as nrow = number of points, ncol = 2 (assuming x and y dimensions). For example, 'spatial_coords = spatialCoords(spe)' if using a SpatialExperiment object.


Numeric vector of cluster labels for each point. For example, 'labels <- as.numeric(colData(spe)$label)' if using a SpatialExperiment object.


Number of k nearest neighbors to use in calculation. Default = 6 (from 10x Genomics Visium platform).


Function to calculate clustering smoothness evaluation metric, defined as the average number of nearest neighbors per point that are from a different cluster. This metric can be used to quantify and compare the relative smoothness of the boundaries of clusters or spatial domains.


Returns a list containing (i) a vector of values at each point (i.e. the number of nearest neighbors that are from a different cluster at each point) and (ii) the average value across all points.



# load data
spe <- Visium_humanDLPFC()
# keep spots over tissue
spe <- spe[, colData(spe)$in_tissue == 1]

# run smoothclust
# using "knn" method for faster runtime in this example
# see vignette for example using default method
spe <- smoothclust(spe, method = "knn", k = 6)

# calculate logcounts
spe <- logNormCounts(spe, assay.type = "counts_smooth")

# preprocessing steps for clustering
# remove mitochondrial genes
is_mito <- grepl("(^mt-)", rowData(spe)$gene_name, = TRUE)
spe <- spe[!is_mito, ]
# select top highly variable genes (HVGs)
dec <- modelGeneVar(spe)
top_hvgs <- getTopHVGs(dec, prop = 0.1)
spe <- spe[top_hvgs, ]

# dimensionality reduction
spe <- runPCA(spe)

# run k-means clustering
k <- 5
clus <- kmeans(reducedDim(spe, "PCA"), centers = k)$cluster
colLabels(spe) <- factor(clus)

# calculate smoothness metric
res <- smoothness_metric(spatialCoords(spe), as.numeric(colData(spe)$label))

# results