Title: | Detection of cell-cell interaction from single-cell RNA-seq dataset by tensor decomposition |
Description: | The algorithm is based on the non-negative tucker decomposition (NTD2) of nnTensor. |
Authors: | Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre], Kozo Nishida [aut] |
Maintainer: | Koki Tsuyuzaki <[email protected]> |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
Version: | 2.17.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-25 06:11:29 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/scTensor |
The algorithm is based on the non-negative tucker decomposition (NTD2) of nnTensor.
Package: | scTensor |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Detection of cell-cell interaction from single-cell RNA-seq dataset by tensor decomposition |
Version: | 2.17.0 |
Authors@R: | c(person("Koki", "Tsuyuzaki", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]"), person("Kozo", "Nishida", role = "aut", email = "[email protected]")) |
Depends: | R (>= 4.1.0) |
Imports: | methods, RSQLite, igraph, S4Vectors, plotly, reactome.db, AnnotationDbi, SummarizedExperiment, SingleCellExperiment, nnTensor (>= 1.1.5), ccTensor (>= 1.0.2), rTensor (>= 1.4.8), abind, plotrix, heatmaply, tagcloud, rmarkdown, BiocStyle, knitr, AnnotationHub, MeSHDbi (>= 1.29.2), grDevices, graphics, stats, utils, outliers, Category, meshr (>= 1.99.1), GOstats, ReactomePA, DOSE, crayon, checkmate, BiocManager, visNetwork, schex, ggplot2 |
Suggests: | testthat, LRBaseDbi, Seurat, scTGIF, Homo.sapiens, AnnotationHub |
Description: | The algorithm is based on the non-negative tucker decomposition (NTD2) of nnTensor. |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
biocViews: | DimensionReduction, SingleCell, Software, GeneExpression |
VignetteBuilder: | knitr |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libgdal-dev gdal-bin libgeos-dev libglpk-dev make libmagick++-dev gsfonts libicu-dev libpng-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev libproj-dev libsqlite3-dev libudunits2-dev libnode-dev |
Repository: | https://bioc.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/bioc/scTensor |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | dceaf02b3939a0212a91f68c96f2dbb9ab2bf659 |
Author: | Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre], Kozo Nishida [aut] |
Maintainer: | Koki Tsuyuzaki <[email protected]> |
Index of help topics:
CCSParams-class Class "CCSParams" GermMale The matrix which is used as test data of scTensor. cellCellDecomp Performing scTensor cellCellRanks Rank estimation of the CCI-tensor cellCellReport HTML report of the result of scTensor cellCellSetting Parameter setting for scTensor cellCellSimulate Parameter Simulate for scTensor getParam Get a parameter labelGermMale The vector contains the celltype information and color scheme of GermMale m The gene-wise mean vector of Quartz-Seq data. newCCSParams New Params scTensor-package Detection of cell-cell interaction from single-cell RNA-seq dataset by tensor decomposition setParam Set a parameter tsneGermMale The result of Rtsne against GermMale v The gene-wise variance vector of Quartz-Seq data.
Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre], Kozo Nishida [aut]
Maintainer: Koki Tsuyuzaki <[email protected]>
The parameter object to be specified against cellCellSimulate function.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("CCSParams", ...)
The number of genes.
The number of cells.
The parameter to describe the CCI.
The parameter for dropout simulation.
The seed for using random numbers.
Generator of CCSParams object.
Getter function of the slot in CCSParams object.
Setter function of the slot in CCSParams object.
, getParam
, setParam<-
All parameters is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
cellCellDecomp(sce, algorithm=c("ntd2", "ntd", "nmf", "cx", "pearson", "spearman", "distance", "pearson.lr", "spearman.lr", "distance.lr", "pcomb", "label.permutation", "cabello.aguilar", "halpern"), ranks=c(3,3), rank=3, thr1=log2(5), thr2=25, thr3=0.95, L1_A=0, L2_A=0, verbose=FALSE, centering=TRUE, mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"), comb=c("random", "all"), num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000, assayNames = "counts", decomp=TRUE)
cellCellDecomp(sce, algorithm=c("ntd2", "ntd", "nmf", "cx", "pearson", "spearman", "distance", "pearson.lr", "spearman.lr", "distance.lr", "pcomb", "label.permutation", "cabello.aguilar", "halpern"), ranks=c(3,3), rank=3, thr1=log2(5), thr2=25, thr3=0.95, L1_A=0, L2_A=0, verbose=FALSE, centering=TRUE, mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"), comb=c("random", "all"), num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000, assayNames = "counts", decomp=TRUE)
sce |
The object generated by instantization of SingleCellExperiment-class. |
algorithm |
Algorithm for constrcting cell-cell similarity matrix. "ntd2", "ntd", "nmf", "cx", "pearson", "spearman", "distance", "pearson.lr", "spearman.lr", "distance.lr", "pcomb" or "label.permutation" can be specified (Default: ntd2). |
ranks |
The size of the core tensor decomposed by NTD. Each element means (Number of Ligand-Cell Pattern, Number of Receptor-Cell Pattern, Number of LR-pairs Pattern) (Default: c(3,3)). |
rank |
The number of low dimension of NMF (Default: 3). |
thr1 |
The threshold used by pcomb (Default: log2(5)). |
thr2 |
The threshold used by pcomb (Default: 25). |
thr3 |
The threshold used by cx (Default: 0.95). |
L1_A |
The parameter to control the sparseness (Default: 0). |
L2_A |
The parameter to control the outlier (Default: 0). |
verbose |
The verbose parameter for nnTensor::NTD (Default: FALSE). |
centering |
When the value is TRUE, input matrix is summarized as celltype-level vectors (Default: TRUE). |
mergeas |
When the centering is TRUE, "sum" (celltype-level sum vector) or "mean" (celltype-level average vector) is calculated (Default: "sum"). |
outerfunc |
When the centering is TRUE, "+" (Kronecker sum) or "*" (Kronecker product) is calculated (Default: "+"). |
comb |
When the centering is FALSE, "random" (random cell-cell pairing) or "all" (all possible cell-cell pairing) is calculed (Default: "random"). |
num.sampling |
The number of random sampling used (Default: 100). |
num.perm |
The number of the permutation in label permutation test (Default: 1000). |
assayNames |
The unit of gene expression for using scTensor (e.g. normcounts, cpm...etc) (Default: "counts"). |
decomp |
When the value is TRUE, cell-cell interaction tensor is decomposed (Default: TRUE). |
The result is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
Koki Tsuyuzaki
SVD is performed in each mode.
cellCellRanks(sce, centering=TRUE, mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"), comb=c("random", "all"), num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000, assayNames = "counts", verbose=FALSE, num.iter1=5, num.iter2=5, num.iter3=NULL)
cellCellRanks(sce, centering=TRUE, mergeas=c("mean", "sum"), outerfunc=c("*", "+"), comb=c("random", "all"), num.sampling=100, num.perm=1000, assayNames = "counts", verbose=FALSE, num.iter1=5, num.iter2=5, num.iter3=NULL)
sce |
A object generated by instantization of SingleCellExperiment-class. |
centering |
When the value is TRUE, input matrix is summarized as celltype-level vectors (Default: TRUE). |
mergeas |
When the centering is TRUE, "mean" (celltype-level mean vector) or "sum" (celltype-level sum vector) is calculated (Default: "mean"). |
outerfunc |
When the centering is TRUE, "*" (Kronecker product) or "+" (Kronecker sum) or is calculated (Default: "+"). |
comb |
When the centering is FALSE, "random" (random cell-cell pairing) or "all" (all possible cell-cell pairing) is calculed (Default: "random"). |
num.sampling |
The number of random sampling used (Default: 100). |
num.perm |
The number of the permutation in label permutation test (Default: 1000). |
assayNames |
The unit of gene expression for using scTensor (e.g. normcounts, cpm...etc) (Default: "counts"). |
verbose |
The verbose parameter for nnTensor::NTD (Default: FALSE). |
num.iter1 |
The number of iteration to estimate the rank of mode-1 matricised data tensor (Default: 5). |
num.iter2 |
The number of iteration to estimate the rank of mode-2 matricised data tensor (Default: 5). |
num.iter3 |
The number of iteration to estimate the rank of mode-3 matricised data tensor (Default: NULL). |
RSS: A list with three elements, in which each element means the average reconstructed error in each rank. selected: A vector with three elements, in which each element means the estimated ranks in mode-1, 2 and 3 matricization.
Koki Tsuyuzaki
The result is saved as HTML report which contains with multiple files.
cellCellReport(sce, reducedDimNames, out.dir=tempdir(), html.open=FALSE, title="The result of scTensor", author="The person who runs this script", assayNames = "counts", thr=100, top="full", p=0.05, upper=20, goenrich=TRUE, meshenrich=TRUE, reactomeenrich=TRUE, doenrich=TRUE, ncgenrich=TRUE, dgnenrich=TRUE, nbins=40)
cellCellReport(sce, reducedDimNames, out.dir=tempdir(), html.open=FALSE, title="The result of scTensor", author="The person who runs this script", assayNames = "counts", thr=100, top="full", p=0.05, upper=20, goenrich=TRUE, meshenrich=TRUE, reactomeenrich=TRUE, doenrich=TRUE, ncgenrich=TRUE, dgnenrich=TRUE, nbins=40)
sce |
A object generated by instantization of SingleCellExperiment-class. |
reducedDimNames |
The name of two-dimentional data saved in reducedDimNames slot of SingleCellExperiment object. |
out.dir |
The output directory for saving HTML report (out.dir: tempdir()). |
html.open |
Whether the result of HTML report is opened when the calculation is finished (Default: FALSE). |
title |
The title of HTML report (Default: "The result of scTensor"). |
author |
The author of HTML report (Default: "The person who runs this script"). |
assayNames |
The unit of gene expression for using scTensor (e.g. normcounts, cpm...etc) (Default: "counts"). |
thr |
The threshold for selection of top pecentage of core tensor elements (Default: 100 (1 to 100)). |
top |
top genes in each (*,*,*)-pattern which are selected and summarized in the report (Default: "full") |
p |
The threshold of p-value of the enrichment analysis (Default: 1E-2) |
upper |
The maxium number of HTML reports generates (Default: 20) |
goenrich |
Whether GO-Enrichment analysis is performed (Default: TRUE) |
meshenrich |
Whether MeSH-Enrichment analysis is performed (Default: TRUE) |
reactomeenrich |
Whether Reactome-Enrichment analysis is performed (Default: TRUE) |
doenrich |
Whether DO-Enrichment analysis is performed (Default: TRUE) |
ncgenrich |
Whether NCG-Enrichment analysis is performed (Default: TRUE) |
dgnenrich |
Whether DGN-Enrichment analysis is performed (Default: TRUE) |
nbins |
The number of bins used for the two dimensional plot of schex (Default: 40) |
The result is saved as HTML report which contains with multiple files.
Koki Tsuyuzaki
if(interactive()){ # Package Loading library("SingleCellExperiment") library("AnnotationHub") if(!require(LRBaseDbi)){ BiocManager::install("LRBaseDbi") library(LRBaseDbi) } ah <- AnnotationHub() dbfile <- query(ah, c("LRBaseDb", "Homo sapiens", "v002"))[[1]] LRBase.Hsa.eg.db <- LRBaseDbi::LRBaseDb(dbfile) # Data Loading data(GermMale) data(labelGermMale) data(tsneGermMale) # SingleCellExperiment Object sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(counts = GermMale)) reducedDims(sce) <- SimpleList(TSNE=tsneGermMale$Y) # User's Original Normalization Function CPMED <- function(input){ libsize <- colSums(input) median(libsize) * t(t(input) / libsize) } # Normalization normcounts(sce) <- log10(CPMED(counts(sce)) + 1) # Registration of required information into metadata(sce) cellCellSetting(sce, LRBase.Hsa.eg.db, names(labelGermMale)) # Rank Estimation rks <- cellCellRanks(sce, assayNames="normcounts") # CCI Tensor Decomposition set.seed(1234) cellCellDecomp(sce, ranks=rks$selected, assayNames="normcounts") # HTML Report options(device.ask.default = FALSE) cellCellReport(sce, reducedDimNames="TSNE", out.dir=tempdir(), html.open=FALSE, title="The result of scTensor", author="The person who runs this script", assayNames="counts", thr=100, top="full", p=0.05, upper=20, goenrich=TRUE, meshenrich=TRUE, reactomeenrich=TRUE, doenrich=TRUE, ncgenrich=TRUE, dgnenrich=TRUE, nbins=40) }else{ showMethods("cellCellReport") }
if(interactive()){ # Package Loading library("SingleCellExperiment") library("AnnotationHub") if(!require(LRBaseDbi)){ BiocManager::install("LRBaseDbi") library(LRBaseDbi) } ah <- AnnotationHub() dbfile <- query(ah, c("LRBaseDb", "Homo sapiens", "v002"))[[1]] LRBase.Hsa.eg.db <- LRBaseDbi::LRBaseDb(dbfile) # Data Loading data(GermMale) data(labelGermMale) data(tsneGermMale) # SingleCellExperiment Object sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(counts = GermMale)) reducedDims(sce) <- SimpleList(TSNE=tsneGermMale$Y) # User's Original Normalization Function CPMED <- function(input){ libsize <- colSums(input) median(libsize) * t(t(input) / libsize) } # Normalization normcounts(sce) <- log10(CPMED(counts(sce)) + 1) # Registration of required information into metadata(sce) cellCellSetting(sce, LRBase.Hsa.eg.db, names(labelGermMale)) # Rank Estimation rks <- cellCellRanks(sce, assayNames="normcounts") # CCI Tensor Decomposition set.seed(1234) cellCellDecomp(sce, ranks=rks$selected, assayNames="normcounts") # HTML Report options(device.ask.default = FALSE) cellCellReport(sce, reducedDimNames="TSNE", out.dir=tempdir(), html.open=FALSE, title="The result of scTensor", author="The person who runs this script", assayNames="counts", thr=100, top="full", p=0.05, upper=20, goenrich=TRUE, meshenrich=TRUE, reactomeenrich=TRUE, doenrich=TRUE, ncgenrich=TRUE, dgnenrich=TRUE, nbins=40) }else{ showMethods("cellCellReport") }
All parameters is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
cellCellSetting(sce, lrbase, label, lr.evidence="known", color=NULL)
cellCellSetting(sce, lrbase, label, lr.evidence="known", color=NULL)
sce |
A object generated by instantization of SingleCellExperiment-class. |
lrbase |
Ligand-Receptor database (LRBase.XXX.eg.db-type package). |
label |
Cellular label information for distingusishing which cells belong to common celltypes. |
lr.evidence |
The evidence code for L-R pair list (Default: "known"). When you specify "known", DLRP, IUPHAR, HPMR, CELLPHONEDB, SINGLECELLSIGNALR are searched, and other databases are searched, when you specify "putative". You can also specify multiple databases at once (e.g. c("SWISSPROT_STRING", "TREMBL_STRING")). cf. https://github.com/rikenbit/lrbase-workflow |
color |
Color scheme for adding color against the cells (Default: NULL). If the value is not specified, automatically the color vector is generated. |
The result is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
Koki Tsuyuzaki
All parameters is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
cellCellSimulate(params = newCCSParams(), verbose = TRUE)
cellCellSimulate(params = newCCSParams(), verbose = TRUE)
params |
A parameter object generated by newCCSParams(). |
verbose |
Whether the message is outputted or not (Default: TRUE). |
A list object containing simcount, LR, and celltype. simcount is the synthetic count matrix, LR is the synthetic ligand-receptor pair list, and celltype is the vector to specity the celltype of the each column of simcount.
Koki Tsuyuzaki
A matrix with 242 rows (genes) * 852 columns (cells).
The data matrix is downloaded from GEO Series GSE86146 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/download/?acc=GSE86146&format=file). Only male data is extracted and then the gene symbol is converted to NCBI Gene ID by Homo.sapiens package.
For saving the package size, the number of genes are strictlly reduced by the standard of highlly variable genes with threshold of p-value is 1E-300.
Li L. and Dong J. and Yan L. and Yong J. et al. (2017) Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Maps Development of Human Germline Cells and Gonadal Niche Interactions. Cell Stem Cell, 20(6): 858-873
Accessor function for getting parameter values.
getParam(object, name) ## S4 method for signature 'CCSParams' getParam(object, name)
getParam(object, name) ## S4 method for signature 'CCSParams' getParam(object, name)
object |
object to get parameter from. |
name |
name of the parameter to get. |
The extracted parameter value
params <- newCCSParams() getParam(params, "nGene") getParam(params, "nCell") getParam(params, "cciInfo") getParam(params, "lambda") getParam(params, "seed")
params <- newCCSParams() getParam(params, "nGene") getParam(params, "nCell") getParam(params, "cciInfo") getParam(params, "lambda") getParam(params, "seed")
A vector with 852 length (cells).
The Cluster label is downloaded from original paper page of Cell Stem Cell (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1934590917300784)
Li L. and Dong J. and Yan L. and Yong J. et al. (2017) Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Maps Development of Human Germline Cells and Gonadal Niche Interactions. Cell Stem Cell, 20(6): 858-873
This data is internally used in cellCellSimulate function.
Create a new CCSParams object.
Nothing. |
New Params object.
params <- newCCSParams()
params <- newCCSParams()
Function for setting parameter values.
setParam(object, name) <- value ## S4 method for signature 'CCSParams' setParam(object, name, value)
setParam(object, name) <- value ## S4 method for signature 'CCSParams' setParam(object, name, value)
object |
object to set parameter in. |
name |
name of the parameter to set. |
value |
value to set the paramter to. |
Object with new parameter value.
params <- newCCSParams() setParam(params, "nGene") <- 20000 setParam(params, "nCell") <- c(12, 43, 323) setParam(params, "cciInfo") <- list(nPair=2000, CCI1=list( LPattern=c(1,0,0), RPattern=c(0,1,1), nGene=100, fc="E10"), CCI2=list( LPattern=c(0,0,1), RPattern=c(1,1,1), nGene=200, fc="E10"), CCI3=list( LPattern=c(1,1,1), RPattern=c(1,0,1), nGene=300, fc="E10") ) setParam(params, "lambda") <- 0.1 setParam(params, "seed") <- 111
params <- newCCSParams() setParam(params, "nGene") <- 20000 setParam(params, "nCell") <- c(12, 43, 323) setParam(params, "cciInfo") <- list(nPair=2000, CCI1=list( LPattern=c(1,0,0), RPattern=c(0,1,1), nGene=100, fc="E10"), CCI2=list( LPattern=c(0,0,1), RPattern=c(1,1,1), nGene=200, fc="E10"), CCI3=list( LPattern=c(1,1,1), RPattern=c(1,0,1), nGene=300, fc="E10") ) setParam(params, "lambda") <- 0.1 setParam(params, "seed") <- 111
A List contains some parameters and the result of Rtsne function.
Rtsne is performed as follows.
library(Rtsne) set.seed(123) tsneGermMale <- Rtsne(dist(t(GermMale)), is_distance=TRUE, perplexity=40)
Li L. and Dong J. and Yan L. and Yong J. et al. (2017) Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Maps Development of Human Germline Cells and Gonadal Niche Interactions. Cell Stem Cell, 20(6): 858-873
This data is internally used in cellCellSimulate function.