scTensor 2.4.1
scTensor 2.4.0
- Regularizer parameter (L2_A/L1_A) was added in cellCellDecomp() ("ntd", "ntd2").
- Multilinear CX Decompotision was added in cellCellDecomp() ("cx").
- convertNCBIGeneID is removed.
- The vignettes were modified.
- Support of packages is completely deprecated
scTensor 2.0.0
- Extended to use the version 2.0.0 of packages
- Omitted typing Enter-key many times to perform example('cellCellReport')
- lr.evidence option was added in cellCellRanks() and cellCellDecomp() to select ligand-receptor databases to construct CCI-tensor (cf. Evidence code:
- The L-R evidence was embeded in the HTML report.
- The bug related to the hyper-link was fixed in .hyperLinks.
- Auto library installation/loading for Note that this function is based on the NCBI Taxonomy ID embedded in METATDATA table in the sqlite3 file of
- The order of the parameters of cellCellSetting were changed as cellCellSetting(sce, lrbase, label, lr.evidence="all", color=NULL), and color parameter was changed as a optional parameter. If it is not specified, the color is automatically selected.
- The way to specify the celltype label was changed in cellCellSetting.
- The vignettes were modified.
- The convertNCBIGeneID is deprecated. The same functionality can be available as scTGIF::convertRowID instead.
scTensor 1.4.1-3
- A bug was fixed in .cellCellDecomp.Halpern()
scTensor 1.4.0
- verbose parameter was added in cellCellRank() and cellCellDecomp()
- set.seed(1234) was added in example and vignette
- .cellCellDecomp.CabelloAguilar() and .cellCellDecomp.Halpern() were added
- The num.iter 300 of NTD was changed to 30
- schex package was imported for visualing all the two dimensional gene plots
- The rule of cellCellRanks() based on the singular value of SVD was changed to a reconstruction error based rule, using NMF with matricised tensor in each mode
- The CCI-tensor is normalized in each frontral slice so that the total value is 1 (.frontal.normalization)
scTensor 1.2.1
scTensor 1.2.0
- goenrich, meshenrich, reactomeenrich, doenrich, ncgenrich, and dgnenrich in cellCellReport() were added
- A bug related in sparse matrix in cellCellSetting() was fixed
- All the vignettes were updated
- A vignette for reanalysis of the results of scTensor was added
- Some bugs were fixed
scTensor 1.0.13
- Gene-gene network based on visNetwork was introduced
scTensor 1.0.11
scTensor 1.0.10
- The tensor decomposition model was changed from non-negative Tucker3 to non-negative Tucker2
- assayNames option was added to specify which normalized assay data user want to use
- ftt option was removed (any normalization can be performed instead)
scTensor 1.0.7
scTensor 1.0.6
- Replaced Dependency against biomaRt by AnnotationHub
scTensor 1.0.3
scTensor 1.0.2
- Added upper in cellCellReport()
- Table grid lines in {ligand,receptor}*.Rmd were added
- Some bugs were fixed
scTensor 1.0.1
- Some bugs were fixed
- Three vignettes were added
- convertToNCBIGeneID() to ID conversion of input matrix
scTensor 1.0.0
scTensor 0.99.22
- newCCSParams(), getParam(), setParam(), and cellCellSimulate() were added
- The hyperlinks to CMap (Connectivity Map) were embedded in the HTML report
scTensor 0.99.21
scTensor 0.99.18
- Added Enrichment Analysis in cellCellReport()
scTensor 0.99.15
scTensor 0.99.6
- Revised and modified some parts
scTensor 0.99.0