Title: | Cell type annotation for unannotated single-cell RNA-Seq data |
Description: | scTGIF connects the cells and the related gene functions without cell type label. |
Authors: | Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Koki Tsuyuzaki <[email protected]> |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
Version: | 1.21.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 06:36:35 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/scTGIF |
scTGIF connects the cells and the related gene functions without cell type label.
Package: | scTGIF |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Cell type annotation for unannotated single-cell RNA-Seq data |
Version: | 1.21.0 |
Authors@R: | person("Koki", "Tsuyuzaki", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]") |
Depends: | R (>= 3.6.0) |
Imports: | GSEABase, Biobase, SingleCellExperiment, BiocStyle, plotly, tagcloud, rmarkdown, Rcpp, grDevices, graphics, utils, knitr, S4Vectors, SummarizedExperiment, RColorBrewer, nnTensor, methods, scales, msigdbr, schex, tibble, ggplot2, igraph |
Suggests: | testthat |
Description: | scTGIF connects the cells and the related gene functions without cell type label. |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
biocViews: | DimensionReduction, QualityControl, SingleCell, Software, GeneExpression |
VignetteBuilder: | knitr |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libgdal-dev gdal-bin libgeos-dev libglpk-dev make libicu-dev libpng-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev libproj-dev libsqlite3-dev libudunits2-dev libnode-dev |
Repository: | https://bioc.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/bioc/scTGIF |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 90a5f4e22d6a2e98a6d8cc196fea49eea3afb63b |
Author: | Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Koki Tsuyuzaki <[email protected]> |
Index of help topics:
DistalLungEpithelium Gene expression matrix of DistalLungEpithelium dataset containing five cluster. calcTGIF Function for connecting cellular patterns and functional patterns using jNMF cellMarkerToGmt A function to convert the CellMarker data to GMT files. convertRowID A function to change the row names of a matrix. label.DistalLungEpithelium Cellular label of DistalLungEpithelium dataset containing five cluster. pca.DistalLungEpithelium The result of PCA of the DistalLungEpithelium dataset. reportTGIF Function for reporting the result of 'calcTGIF' function scTGIF-package Cell type annotation for unannotated single-cell RNA-Seq data settingTGIF Paramter setting for scTGIF
function calculates what kind of
cellular patterns and functional patterns are contained
in single-cell RNA-seq data and reportTGIF
function generates report of analytic result.
The algorithm is based on joint NMF, which is implemented in nnTensor package.
Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Koki Tsuyuzaki <[email protected]>
Dominic Grun, Anna Lyubimova, Lennart Kester, Kay Wiebrands, Onur Basak, Nobuo Sasaki, Hans Clevers, Alexander van Oudenaarden (2015) Single-cell messenger RNA sequencing reveals rare intestinal cell types. Nature, 525: 251-255
function calculates what kind of
cellular patterns and functional patterns are contained in
single-cell RNA-seq data and reportTGIF
generates report of analytic result.
calcTGIF(sce, ndim, verbose=FALSE, droplet=TRUE)
calcTGIF(sce, ndim, verbose=FALSE, droplet=TRUE)
sce |
A object generated by instantization of SingleCellExperiment-class. |
ndim |
The number of low-dimension of joint NMF algorithm. |
verbose |
The verbose parameter for nnTensor::jNMF (Default: FALSE). |
droplet |
Whether Droplet-based single-cell RNA-Seq or not (Default: TRUE). |
The result is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre]
The GMT (Gene Matrix Transposed file format : *.gmt) file is formatted by the Broad Institute (https://software.broadinstitute.org/cancer/software/gsea/wiki/index.php/Data_formats#GMT:_Gene_Matrix_Transposed_file_format_.28.2A.gmt.29). The data can be downloaded from the website of CellMarker (http://biocc.hrbmu.edu.cn/CellMarker).
cellMarkerToGmt(infile, outfile, uniq.column=c("tissueType", "cellName"), geneid.type=c("geneID", "geneSymbol"))
cellMarkerToGmt(infile, outfile, uniq.column=c("tissueType", "cellName"), geneid.type=c("geneID", "geneSymbol"))
infile |
The input file downloaded from CellMarker website |
outfile |
The output GMT file converted from the CellMarker data |
uniq.column |
The duplicated terms in the specified column are aggrgated as a row of GMT file (Default: geneID) |
geneid.type |
Output gene identifier. (Default: geneID) |
output |
A GMT file is generated. |
Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre]
library("GSEABase") tmp <- tempdir() infile1 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers.txt") outfile1_1 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_1.gmt") outfile1_2 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_2.gmt") outfile1_3 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_3.gmt") outfile1_4 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_4.gmt") sink(infile1) cat("speciesType\ttissueType\tUberonOntologyID\tcancerType\tcellType\tcellName\tCellOntologyID\tcellMarker\tgeneSymbol\tgeneID\tproteinName\tproteinID\tmarkerResource\tPMID\tCompany\n") cat("Human\tKidney\tUBERON_0002113\tNormal\tNormal cell\tProximal tubular cell\tNA\tIntestinal Alkaline Phosphatase\tALPI\t248\tPPBI\tP09923\tExperiment\t9263997\tNA\n") cat("Human\tLiver\tUBERON_0002107\tNormal\tNormal cell\tIto cell (hepatic stellate cell)\tCL_0000632\tSynaptophysin\tSYP\t6855\tSYPH\tP08247\tExperiment\t10595912\tNA\n") cat("Human\tEndometrium\tUBERON_0001295\tNormal\tNormal cell\tTrophoblast cell\tCL_0000351\tCEACAM1\tCEACAM1\t634\tCEAM1\tP13688\tExperiment\t10751340\tNA\n") cat("Human\tGerm\tUBERON_0000923\tNormal\tNormal cell\tPrimordial germ cell\tCL_0000670\tVASA\tDDX4\t54514\tDDX4\tQ9NQI0\tExperiment\t10920202\tNA\n") cat("Human\tCorneal epithelium\tUBERON_0001772\tNormal\tNormal cell\tEpithelial cell\tCL_0000066\tKLF6\tKLF6\t1316\tKLF6\tQ99612\tExperiment\t12407152\tNA\n") cat("Human\tPlacenta\tUBERON_0001987\tNormal\tNormal cell\tCytotrophoblast\tCL_0000351\tFGF10\tFGF10\t2255\tFGF10\tO15520\tExperiment\t15950061\tNA\n") cat("Human\tPeriosteum\tUBERON_0002515\tNormal\tNormal cell\tPeriosteum-derived progenitor cell\tNA\tCD166, CD45, CD9, CD90\tALCAM, PTPRC, CD9, THY1\t214, 5788, 928, 7070\tCD166, PTPRC, CD9, THY1\tQ13740, P08575, P21926, P04216\tExperiment\t15977065\tNA\n") cat("Human\tAmniotic membrane\tUBERON_0009742\tNormal\tNormal cell\tAmnion epithelial cell\tCL_0002536\tNANOG, OCT3/4\tNANOG, POU5F1\t79923, 5460\tNANOG, PO5F1\tQ9H9S0, Q01860\tExperiment\t16081662\tNA\n") cat("Human\tPrimitive streak\tUBERON_0004341\tNormal\tNormal cell\tPrimitive streak cell\tNA\tLHX1, MIXL1\tLHX1, MIXL1\t3975, 83881\tLHX1, MIXL1\tP48742, Q9H2W2\tExperiment\t16258519\tNA\n") sink() cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_1, uniq.column=c("tissueType"), geneid.type=c("geneID")) cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_2, uniq.column=c("tissueType"), geneid.type=c("geneSymbol")) cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_3, uniq.column=c("cellName"), geneid.type=c("geneID")) cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_4, uniq.column=c("cellName"), geneid.type=c("geneSymbol")) gmt1_1 <- getGmt(outfile1_1) gmt1_2 <- getGmt(outfile1_2) gmt1_3 <- getGmt(outfile1_3) gmt1_4 <- getGmt(outfile1_4)
library("GSEABase") tmp <- tempdir() infile1 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers.txt") outfile1_1 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_1.gmt") outfile1_2 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_2.gmt") outfile1_3 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_3.gmt") outfile1_4 = paste0(tmp, "/Human_cell_markers_4.gmt") sink(infile1) cat("speciesType\ttissueType\tUberonOntologyID\tcancerType\tcellType\tcellName\tCellOntologyID\tcellMarker\tgeneSymbol\tgeneID\tproteinName\tproteinID\tmarkerResource\tPMID\tCompany\n") cat("Human\tKidney\tUBERON_0002113\tNormal\tNormal cell\tProximal tubular cell\tNA\tIntestinal Alkaline Phosphatase\tALPI\t248\tPPBI\tP09923\tExperiment\t9263997\tNA\n") cat("Human\tLiver\tUBERON_0002107\tNormal\tNormal cell\tIto cell (hepatic stellate cell)\tCL_0000632\tSynaptophysin\tSYP\t6855\tSYPH\tP08247\tExperiment\t10595912\tNA\n") cat("Human\tEndometrium\tUBERON_0001295\tNormal\tNormal cell\tTrophoblast cell\tCL_0000351\tCEACAM1\tCEACAM1\t634\tCEAM1\tP13688\tExperiment\t10751340\tNA\n") cat("Human\tGerm\tUBERON_0000923\tNormal\tNormal cell\tPrimordial germ cell\tCL_0000670\tVASA\tDDX4\t54514\tDDX4\tQ9NQI0\tExperiment\t10920202\tNA\n") cat("Human\tCorneal epithelium\tUBERON_0001772\tNormal\tNormal cell\tEpithelial cell\tCL_0000066\tKLF6\tKLF6\t1316\tKLF6\tQ99612\tExperiment\t12407152\tNA\n") cat("Human\tPlacenta\tUBERON_0001987\tNormal\tNormal cell\tCytotrophoblast\tCL_0000351\tFGF10\tFGF10\t2255\tFGF10\tO15520\tExperiment\t15950061\tNA\n") cat("Human\tPeriosteum\tUBERON_0002515\tNormal\tNormal cell\tPeriosteum-derived progenitor cell\tNA\tCD166, CD45, CD9, CD90\tALCAM, PTPRC, CD9, THY1\t214, 5788, 928, 7070\tCD166, PTPRC, CD9, THY1\tQ13740, P08575, P21926, P04216\tExperiment\t15977065\tNA\n") cat("Human\tAmniotic membrane\tUBERON_0009742\tNormal\tNormal cell\tAmnion epithelial cell\tCL_0002536\tNANOG, OCT3/4\tNANOG, POU5F1\t79923, 5460\tNANOG, PO5F1\tQ9H9S0, Q01860\tExperiment\t16081662\tNA\n") cat("Human\tPrimitive streak\tUBERON_0004341\tNormal\tNormal cell\tPrimitive streak cell\tNA\tLHX1, MIXL1\tLHX1, MIXL1\t3975, 83881\tLHX1, MIXL1\tP48742, Q9H2W2\tExperiment\t16258519\tNA\n") sink() cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_1, uniq.column=c("tissueType"), geneid.type=c("geneID")) cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_2, uniq.column=c("tissueType"), geneid.type=c("geneSymbol")) cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_3, uniq.column=c("cellName"), geneid.type=c("geneID")) cellMarkerToGmt(infile1, outfile1_4, uniq.column=c("cellName"), geneid.type=c("geneSymbol")) gmt1_1 <- getGmt(outfile1_1) gmt1_2 <- getGmt(outfile1_2) gmt1_3 <- getGmt(outfile1_3) gmt1_4 <- getGmt(outfile1_4)
To avoid to specify the duplicated row names against matrix, multiple aggregation rules are implemented.
convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, aggr.rule=c("sum", "mean", "large.mean", "large.var", "large.cv2"))
convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, aggr.rule=c("sum", "mean", "large.mean", "large.var", "large.cv2"))
input |
A matrix filled with number (n * m). |
rowID |
A vector to specify the row names of input (length: n). |
LtoR |
A corresponding table to covert the row names of input as different type of IDs. (Left: current row names -> Right: new row names) |
aggr.rule |
The aggregation rule to change the row names of input and collapse/select the values, if the row names changed by LtoR are duplicated. sum: Collapses multiple row vectors by summation. mean: Collapses multiple row vectors by mean. large.mean: Select a vector having the largest mean in the duplicated vectors. large.var: Select a vector having the largest variance in the duplicated vectors. large.cv2: Select a vector having the largest CV2 in the duplicated vectors. |
output |
A matrix, in which the row names are changed, according to the aggregation rule user specified. |
ctable |
The corresponding table explaining the relationship between previous row names and changed row names of input. |
Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre]
input <- matrix(1:20, nrow=4, ncol=5) rowID <- c("A", "B", "C", "D") LtoR <- rbind( c("A", "3"), c("B", "2"), c("C", "4"), c("D", "7")) (input2 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "sum")) (input3 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "mean")) (input4 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "large.mean")) (input5 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "large.var")) (input6 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "large.cv2"))
input <- matrix(1:20, nrow=4, ncol=5) rowID <- c("A", "B", "C", "D") LtoR <- rbind( c("A", "3"), c("B", "2"), c("C", "4"), c("D", "7")) (input2 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "sum")) (input3 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "mean")) (input4 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "large.mean")) (input5 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "large.var")) (input6 <- convertRowID(input, rowID, LtoR, "large.cv2"))
A data frame with 3397 rows (genes) with following 80 columns (cells).
The data is downloaded as supplementary information of the distal lung epithelium paper (https://www.nature.com/articles/nature13173).
Low-expressed genes are filted.
All Gene ID is converted to Human Entrez Gene ID for applying the data to scTGIF.
Treutlein, B. et al. (2014) Reconstructing lineage hierarchies of the distal lung epithelium using single-cell RNA-seq. Nature 509, 371-375
A vector containing 80 elements (cells).
Treutlein, B. et al. (2014) Reconstructing lineage hierarchies of the distal lung epithelium using single-cell RNA-seq. Nature 509, 371-375
A matrix having 80 (cells) * 2 (PCs) elements.
Treutlein, B. et al. (2014) Reconstructing lineage hierarchies of the distal lung epithelium using single-cell RNA-seq. Nature 509, 371-375
function calculates what kind of cellular patterns
and functional patterns are contained in single-cell RNA-seq data and
function generates report of analytic result.
reportTGIF(sce, out.dir=tempdir(), html.open=FALSE, title="The result of scTGIF", author="The person who runs this script", assayNames="counts")
reportTGIF(sce, out.dir=tempdir(), html.open=FALSE, title="The result of scTGIF", author="The person who runs this script", assayNames="counts")
sce |
A object generated by instantization of SingleCellExperiment-class. |
out.dir |
Output directory user want to save the report (Default: tempdir()). |
html.open |
Whether html is opened when |
title |
Title of report (Default: "The result of scTGIF") |
author |
The name of user name (Default: "The person who runs this script") |
assayNames |
The unit of gene expression for using scTGIF (e.g. normcounts, cpm...etc) (Default: "counts"). |
Some file is generated to output directory user specified.
Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre]
if(interactive()){ # Package loading library("SingleCellExperiment") library("GSEABase") library("msigdbr") # Test data data("DistalLungEpithelium") data("pca.DistalLungEpithelium") data("label.DistalLungEpithelium") # Test data par(ask=FALSE) plot(pca.DistalLungEpithelium, col=label.DistalLungEpithelium, pch=16, main="Distal lung epithelium dataset", xlab="PCA1", ylab="PCA2", bty="n") text(0.1, 0.05, "AT1", col="#FF7F00", cex=2) text(0.07, -0.15, "AT2", col="#E41A1C", cex=2) text(0.13, -0.04, "BP", col="#A65628", cex=2) text(0.125, -0.15, "Clara", col="#377EB8", cex=2) text(0.09, -0.2, "Cilliated", col="#4DAF4A", cex=2) # Load the gmt file from MSigDB # Only "Entrez Gene ID" can be used in scTGIF # e.g. gmt <- GSEABase::getGmt( # "/PATH/YOU/SAVED/THE/GMTFILES/h.all.v6.0.entrez.gmt") # Here we use msigdbr to retrieve mouse gene sets # Mouse gene set (NCBI Gene ID) m_df <- msigdbr(species = "Mus musculus", category = "H")[, c("gs_name", "entrez_gene")] # Convert to GeneSetCollection hallmark = unique(m_df$gs_name) gsc <- lapply(hallmark, function(h){ target = which(m_df$gs_name == h) geneIds = unique(as.character(m_df$entrez_gene[target])) GeneSet(setName=h, geneIds) }) gmt <- GeneSetCollection(gsc) # SingleCellExperiment-class sce <- SingleCellExperiment( assays = list(counts = DistalLungEpithelium)) reducedDims(sce) <- SimpleList(PCA=pca.DistalLungEpithelium) # User's Original Normalization Function CPMED <- function(input){ libsize <- colSums(input) median(libsize) * t(t(input) / libsize) } # Normalization normcounts(sce) <- log10(CPMED(counts(sce)) + 1) # Registration of required information into metadata(sce) settingTGIF(sce, gmt, reducedDimNames="PCA", assayNames="normcounts") # Functional Annotation based on jNMF calcTGIF(sce, ndim=7) # HTML Reprt reportTGIF(sce, html.open=TRUE, title="scTGIF Report for DistalLungEpithelium dataset", author="Koki Tsuyuzaki") }
if(interactive()){ # Package loading library("SingleCellExperiment") library("GSEABase") library("msigdbr") # Test data data("DistalLungEpithelium") data("pca.DistalLungEpithelium") data("label.DistalLungEpithelium") # Test data par(ask=FALSE) plot(pca.DistalLungEpithelium, col=label.DistalLungEpithelium, pch=16, main="Distal lung epithelium dataset", xlab="PCA1", ylab="PCA2", bty="n") text(0.1, 0.05, "AT1", col="#FF7F00", cex=2) text(0.07, -0.15, "AT2", col="#E41A1C", cex=2) text(0.13, -0.04, "BP", col="#A65628", cex=2) text(0.125, -0.15, "Clara", col="#377EB8", cex=2) text(0.09, -0.2, "Cilliated", col="#4DAF4A", cex=2) # Load the gmt file from MSigDB # Only "Entrez Gene ID" can be used in scTGIF # e.g. gmt <- GSEABase::getGmt( # "/PATH/YOU/SAVED/THE/GMTFILES/h.all.v6.0.entrez.gmt") # Here we use msigdbr to retrieve mouse gene sets # Mouse gene set (NCBI Gene ID) m_df <- msigdbr(species = "Mus musculus", category = "H")[, c("gs_name", "entrez_gene")] # Convert to GeneSetCollection hallmark = unique(m_df$gs_name) gsc <- lapply(hallmark, function(h){ target = which(m_df$gs_name == h) geneIds = unique(as.character(m_df$entrez_gene[target])) GeneSet(setName=h, geneIds) }) gmt <- GeneSetCollection(gsc) # SingleCellExperiment-class sce <- SingleCellExperiment( assays = list(counts = DistalLungEpithelium)) reducedDims(sce) <- SimpleList(PCA=pca.DistalLungEpithelium) # User's Original Normalization Function CPMED <- function(input){ libsize <- colSums(input) median(libsize) * t(t(input) / libsize) } # Normalization normcounts(sce) <- log10(CPMED(counts(sce)) + 1) # Registration of required information into metadata(sce) settingTGIF(sce, gmt, reducedDimNames="PCA", assayNames="normcounts") # Functional Annotation based on jNMF calcTGIF(sce, ndim=7) # HTML Reprt reportTGIF(sce, html.open=TRUE, title="scTGIF Report for DistalLungEpithelium dataset", author="Koki Tsuyuzaki") }
All parameters is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
settingTGIF(sce, gmt, reducedDimNames, assayNames="counts", nbins=40)
settingTGIF(sce, gmt, reducedDimNames, assayNames="counts", nbins=40)
sce |
A object generated by instantization of SingleCellExperiment-class. |
gmt |
Object generated from GSEABase::getGmt function. GMT file can be downloaded from MSigDB web (site http://software.broadinstitute.org/gsea/login.jsp#msigdb). Please confirm that the gmt file contains Human Entrez Gene ID, not gene symbol. Also confirm that the DataMatrix has Human Entrez Gene ID. |
reducedDimNames |
The names of reducedDim(sce) that user want use in scTGIF. |
assayNames |
The unit of gene expression for using scTGIF (e.g. normcounts, cpm...etc) (Default: "counts"). |
nbins |
The number of bins of schex (Default: 40). |
The result is saved to metadata slot of SingleCellExperiment object.
Koki Tsuyuzaki [aut, cre]