scCB2 0.99.31
- Added extra filtering for barnyard data (a mixture of multiple species).
scCB2 0.99.30
- Added thresholding of number of top genes to use in testing steps. This avoids high number of false positives in ultra-high dimensional datasets, e.g. 10x barnyard data.
scCB2 0.99.29
- Updated functions of calculating Pearson correlation in sparse matrix. New functions are more accurate.
scCB2 0.99.25
- Changed R dependency back to 4.0.0.
scCB2 0.99.24
- Removed direct download files in vignettes to speed up building.
- Changed R dependencies so that package can be built in older R versions.
- Changed vignette title to match the citation.
scCB2 0.99.23
scCB2 0.99.22
- Received comments from Bioconductor reviewer.
- Moved
from Imports:
to Suggests:
- Modified vignettes. Deleted GitHub installation instruction.
- Changed default value of
to be 2.
- Changed output of
to be an SummarizedExperiment
object. Changed GetCellMat
accordingly. Changed examples and testthat accordingly.
scCB2 0.99.21
- Updated testthat scripts.
- Minor bug fix in Read10xRaw.R. Added as.numeric when building sparse matrix.
scCB2 0.99.20
scCB2 0.99.19
- Minor edits on package vignettes.
scCB2 0.99.18
- Minor bug fix.
- Minor edits on package vignettes.
scCB2 0.99.17
- Initial version preparing to submit to Bioconductor.
scCB2 0.99.16
- Change function name
to be Read10xRaw
, Read10Xh5
to be Read10xRawH5
- Change parameter name
to be verbose
- Minor edits on parameter description of function
- Added a quick function
by combining all necessary functions into one. Input: directory of raw data. Output: filtered matrix, or a Seurat object containing filtered matrix.
scCB2 0.99.15
- When dividing barcodes into groups with similar barcode counts, the last group will be combined with second last group if the number of barcodes in the last group is less than half of that in the second last group.
scCB2 0.99.14
- Change parameter names to match those in the paper: retain -> upper. background -> lower.
scCB2 0.99.13
- Rounded baseline threshold.
- Minor changes on vignette.
- Bug fix when retain threshold is larger than any barcode.
scCB2 0.99.12
- Minor changes on vignette.
- Baseline (2 * background) clustering threshold will be printed out.
scCB2 0.99.11
- Customized knee point calculation function.
- CB2FindCell will print out retain threshold in standard output.
- Minor bug fixes when there is no cluster.
scCB2 0.99.0
- Created initial github page.
- Created package.
- Created vignettes.
- Checked package... passed R CMD check and BiocCheck.
- Ready to submit to Bioconductor.