scBubbletree 1.7.21
- new abstract
- new vignette
- new function: get_num_cell_tiles
Changes after version 1.71.21 (17 Sep, 2024)
- scBubbletree paper accepted in BMC bioinformatics
Changes after version 1.71.22 (20 Sep, 2024)
- simplified tree visualizations added in outout as object: tree_simple
scBubbletree 1.7.2
- bubbletree comparison function get_bubbletree_comparison
- main functions simplified and defaults changed
- documentation updated
scBubbletree 1.3.1
- vignette checks, minor modification
scBubbletree 1.1.8
- Manhattan distance metric implemented
- other linkage functions for clustering implemented
- tracking timestamps for clustering, bubbletree construction, end
scBubbletree 0.99.18
- renaming function get_bubbletree_louvain -> get_bubbletree_graph
- renaming parameter louvain_algorithm -> algorithm
- contact email changed
- vignette adjusted -> inputs vignette removed
- function name changed in unit tests, namespace, man files, etc.
scBubbletree 0.99.17
- package passed review, added to devel
scBubbletree 0.99.15-0.99.16
- remove unnecessary dependency from DESCRIPTION
- added vignette demonstrating how to get the main input of scBubbletree
- minor bugfixes
scBubbletree 0.99.13-0.99.14
- More unit tests
- Automatic x-axis ordering (by hclust) of labels in get_cat_tiles and
get_num_tiles turned off
scBubbletree 0.99.10-12
- Addressed notes/review raised by Bioconductor reviewer, 1st round (link:
scBubbletree 0.99.9
scBubbletree 0.99.0
- Submitted to Bioconductor