Title: | Systems biology tool to simulate gene regulatory circuits |
Description: | sRACIPE implements a randomization-based method for gene circuit modeling. It allows us to study the effect of both the gene expression noise and the parametric variation on any gene regulatory circuit (GRC) using only its topology, and simulates an ensemble of models with random kinetic parameters at multiple noise levels. Statistical analysis of the generated gene expressions reveals the basin of attraction and stability of various phenotypic states and their changes associated with intrinsic and extrinsic noises. sRACIPE provides a holistic picture to evaluate the effects of both the stochastic nature of cellular processes and the parametric variation. |
Authors: | Mingyang Lu [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Mingyang Lu <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.99.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-27 06:06:56 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/sRACIPE |
The network file should contain three columns with headers, "Source" "Target" "Type" Here "Source" and "Target" are the names of the genes and "Type" refers to the regulation, "1" if source activates target and "2" if source inhibits target.
.loadNetworkFile(networkFile = "inputs/test.net")
.loadNetworkFile(networkFile = "inputs/test.net")
networkFile |
Network file name |
Network as a dataframe
A utility function.
.ModelPvalue( dataSimulation, dataReference, clusterCut, permutations, refClusterVar, corMethod, simulatedClusterVar )
.ModelPvalue( dataSimulation, dataReference, clusterCut, permutations, refClusterVar, corMethod, simulatedClusterVar )
dataSimulation |
Simulation data to be compared. |
dataReference |
Reference data with which to compare. |
clusterCut |
The original cluster assignments. |
permutations |
The number of permutations. |
refClusterVar |
SD of the clusters. |
corMethod |
Correlation method to be used. |
simulatedClusterVar |
Variance of simulated clusters |
An array of dimension n.models by nClusters by permutations.
A utility function to find the nth minimum
.NthMin(x, index)
.NthMin(x, index)
x |
the given unsorted vector |
index |
N. |
the nth minimum element of the vector
A utility function to generate permutations
.PermutedVar(simulated.refCor, clusterCut, permutations, refClusterVar)
.PermutedVar(simulated.refCor, clusterCut, permutations, refClusterVar)
simulated.refCor |
Correlation matrix of simulated and reference data |
clusterCut |
The original cluster assignments |
permutations |
The number of permutations |
refClusterVar |
Reference Cluster Variance |
An array of dimension n.models by nClusters by permutations
A utility function to calculate the absolute p values.
.SimulatedPValueAbs(permutedVar, simulatedClusterVar)
.SimulatedPValueAbs(permutedVar, simulatedClusterVar)
permutedVar |
An array containing the distance of clusters for each model for every permutation. |
simulatedClusterVar |
Variance of simulated clusters |
p-values for each model.
A utility function for calculating the p values.
.SimulatedVarPValue(permutedVar, pValue)
.SimulatedVarPValue(permutedVar, pValue)
permutedVar |
An array containing the distance of clusters for each model for every permutation. |
pValue |
Cut off p vlaue. |
p-values for each model.
This data contains an artificial 4-gene circuit with genes A, B, C, D which contains every possible type of gene interaction simulated by the sRACIPE package. The circuit is designed so that each pair of genes has only one type of interaction and each interaction appears only once, which makes it useful for testing.
A data frame with 6 rows and 3 variables
A method to get the annotation
## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' annotation(object, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' annotation(object, ...)
object |
RacipeSE object |
... |
Additional arguments, for use in specific methods. |
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100) ann <- annotation(rSet) annotation(rSet) <- ann
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100) ann <- annotation(rSet) annotation(rSet) <- ann
A method to set the circuit name or annotation
## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE,ANY' annotation(object, ...) <- value
## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE,ANY' annotation(object, ...) <- value
object |
RacipeSE object |
... |
Additional arguments, for use in specific methods. |
value |
annotation character |
A RacipeSE object
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100) ann <- annotation(rSet) annotation(rSet) <- ann
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100) ann <- annotation(rSet) annotation(rSet) <- ann
This data contains a circuit with 15 nodes representing genes involved with the yeast cell cycle. For further details, see Katebi A, Kohar V, Lu M. Random Parametric Perturbations of Gene Regulatory Circuit Uncover State Transitions in Cell Cycle. iScience. 2020 Jun 26;23(6):101150. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101150. Epub 2020 May 11. PMCID: PMC7251928.
A data frame with 38 rows and 3 variables.
It contains simulation parameters like integration method (stepper) and other lists or vectors like simParams, stochParams, hyperParams, options, thresholds etc. The list simParams contains values for parameters like the number of models (numModels), number of convergence iterations to run for simulations with convergence tests (numConvergenceIter), simulation time (simulationTime), step size for simulations (integrateStepSize), when to start recording the gene expressions (printStart), time interval between recordings (printInterval), number of initial conditions (nIC), output precision (outputPrecision), tolerance for adaptive runge kutta method (rkTolerance), parametric variation (paramRange). The list stochParams contains the parameters for stochastic simulations like the number of noise levels to be simulated (nNoise), the ratio of subsequent noise levels (noiseScalingFactor), maximum noise (initialNoise), whether to use same noise for all genes or to scale it as per the median expression of the genes (scaledNoise), ratio of shot noise to additive noise (shotNoise). The list hyperParams contains the parameters like the minimum and maximum production and degration of the genes, fold change, hill coefficient etc. The list options includes logical values like annealing (anneal), scaling of noise (scaledNoise), generation of new initial conditions (genIC), parameters (genParams), whether to integrate or not (integrate), and whether or not to check for limitcycles (limitcycles). The user modifiable simulation options can be specified as other arguments. This list should be used if one wants to modify many settings for multiple simulations.
This data contains the topology of a circuit with ten genes A1...A5 and B1...B5. Genes with different alphabet inhibit each other whereas genes from different groups activate the other. For further details, see Kohar, V. and Lu, M., Role of noise and parametric variation in the dynamics of gene regulatory circuits, npj Systems Biology and Applications 4, Article number: 40 (2018)
A data frame with 18 rows and 3 variables
This data contains the topology of a circuit with two genes A and B both of which inhibit each other and have self activations. The interactions are transcription factor interactions. For further details, see Kohar, V. and Lu, M., Role of noise and parametric variation in the dynamics of gene regulatory circuits, npj Systems Biology and Applications 4, Article number: 40 (2018)
A data frame with 4 rows and 3 variables
Plot the density of points as an image alongwith histograms on the sides.
densityPlot(plotData, binCount = 40, plotColor = NULL, ...)
densityPlot(plotData, binCount = 40, plotColor = NULL, ...)
plotData |
Dataframe containing the data. |
binCount |
(optional) Integer. Default 40. The number of bins to be used for dividing the data along an axis. |
plotColor |
(optional) The color palette. |
... |
any additional arguments |
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
This data contains the topology of a circuit with sixteen genes invovled in EMT. For further details, see Kohar, V. and Lu, M., Role of noise and parametric variation in the dynamics of gene regulatory circuits, npj Systems Biology and Applications 4, Article number: 40 (2018)
A data frame with 59 rows and 3 variables
This data contains the topology of a circuit with twenty two nodes including micro RNAs invovled in EMT. For further details, see Huang et al.,Interrogating the topological robustness of gene regulatory circuits by randomization, PLoS computational biology 13 (3), e1005456
A data frame with 82 rows and 3 variables
Create an RacipeSE object. RacipeSE is an S4 class for
Random Circuit Perturbation (RACIPE) simulations of networks in which a large
number of models with randomized parameters are used for simulation of the
circuit. Each model can be considered as a sample.
It extends the SummarizedExperiment class to store and access
the circuit, simulated gene expressions, parameters, intial conditions and
other meta information.
SummarizedExperiment slot assays is used for storing simulated
gene expressions. The rows of these
matrix-like elements correspond to various genes in the circuit and columns
correspond to models.
The first element is used for unperturbed deterministic
simulations. The subsequent elements are used for stochastic simulations
at different noise levels and/or knockout simulations.
SummarizedExperiment slot rowData stores the circuit topology. It is a square
matrix with dimension equal to the number of genes in the circuit. The values
of the matrix represent the type of interaction in the gene pair given by
row and column. 1 represents transcriptional activation, 2 transcriptional
inhibition, 3 activation by inhibiting degradation, 4 inhibition by
activating degradation, 5 signaling activation, 6 signaling inhibition,
and 0 no interaction.
This should not be set directly and sracipeCircuit
accessor should be used instead.
SummarizedExperiment slot colData contains the parameters
and initial conditions for each
model. Each gene in the circuit has two parameters, namely, its production
rate and its degradation rate. Each interaction in the has three parameters,
namely, threshold of activation, the hill coefficient, and the fold change.
Each gene has one or more initial gene expression values as specified
by nIC. This should not be modified directly and sracipeParams
and sracipeIC
accessors should be used instead.
SummarizedExperiment slot metadata Contains metadata
information especially the config list
(containing the simulation settings), annotation, nInteraction (number of
interactions in the circuit), normalized (whether the data is normalized or
not), data analysis lists like pca, umap, cluster assignment of the models
etc. The config list includes simulation parameters like integration method
(stepper) and other lists or vectors like simParams,
stochParams, hyperParams, options, thresholds etc.
The list simParams contains values for parameters like the
number of models (numModels),
simulation time (simulationTime), step size for simulations
(integrateStepSize), when to start recording the gene expressions
(printStart), time interval between recordings (printInterval), number of
initial conditions (nIC), output precision (outputPrecision), tolerance for
adaptive runge kutta method (rkTolerance), parametric variation (paramRange).
The list stochParams contains the parameters for stochastic simulations like
the number of noise levels to be simulated (nNoise), the ratio of subsequent
noise levels (noiseScalingFactor), maximum noise (initialNoise), whether to
use same noise for all genes or to scale it as per the median expression of
the genes (scaledNoise), ratio of shot noise to additive noise (shotNoise).
The list hyperParams contains the parameters like the minimum and maximum
production and degration of the genes, fold change, hill coefficient etc.
The list options includes logical values like annealing (anneal), scaling of
noise (scaledNoise), generation of new initial conditions (genIC), parameters
(genParams) and whether to integrate or not (integrate). The user
modifiable simulation options can be specified as arguments to
RacipeSE( .object = NULL, assays = SimpleList(), rowData = NULL, colData = DataFrame(), metadata = list(), ... )
RacipeSE( .object = NULL, assays = SimpleList(), rowData = NULL, colData = DataFrame(), metadata = list(), ... )
.object |
(optional) Another RacipeSE object. |
assays |
(optional) assay object for initialization |
rowData |
(optional) rowData for initialization |
colData |
(optional) colData for initialization |
metadata |
(optional) metadata for initialization |
... |
Arguments passed to SummarizedExperiment |
RacipeSE object
rSet <- RacipeSE()
rSet <- RacipeSE()
An S4 class for Random Circuit Perturbation (RACIPE) simulations of networks. Extends the SummarizedExperiment class. RACIPE can simulate a gene regulatory circuit using the circuit and a large ensemble of parameters.
This data contains the topology for a repressilator circuit of 3 genes cyclically inhibiting each other with transcription factor regulation. This is a simple circuit that can generate limit cycles in gene expression in roughly 5
A data frame with 3 rows and 3 variables.
sRACIPE is a systems biology tool to study the role of noise and parameter variation in gene regulatory circuits. It implements a randomization-based method for gene circuit modeling. It allows us to study the effect of both the gene expression noise and the parametric variation on any gene regulatory circuit (GRC) using only its topology, and simulates an ensemble of models with random kinetic parameters at multiple noise levels. Statistical analysis of the generated gene expressions reveals the basin of attraction and stability of various phenotypic states and their changes associated with intrinsic and extrinsic noises. sRACIPE provides a holistic picture to evaluate the effects of both the stochastic nature of cellular processes and the parametric variation.
Primary function to simulate a circuit.
Contains options for plotting as well.
In-silico knockdown analysis of the circuit. Plots the relative changes in
different cluster proportions.
In-silico over expression analysis of the circuit.
Plots the relative changes in
different cluster proportions.
Plot the simulated data. Includes options to plot the hierarchichal
clustering analysis, principal components, and uniform manifold
approximation and projection. Can plot the stochastic as well as the
knockout simulations.
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
Maintainer: Mingyang Lu [email protected] (ORCID)
Vivek Kohar
Aidan Tillman
Daniel Ramirez
Useful links:
The circuit file should contain three columns with headers, "Source" "Target" "Type" Here "Source" and "Target" are the names of the genes and "Type" refers to the regulation, "1" if source activates target and "2" if source inhibits target.
sracipeCircuit(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeCircuit(.object)
sracipeCircuit(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeCircuit(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object |
A dataframe
rs <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(rs) <- demoCircuit circuitDataFrame <- sracipeCircuit(rs) rm(rs, demoCircuit,circuitDataFrame)
rs <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(rs) <- demoCircuit circuitDataFrame <- sracipeCircuit(rs) rm(rs, demoCircuit,circuitDataFrame)
Initialize the circuit from a topology file
or a data.frame
A typical topology file looks like
Source | Target | Type |
geneA | geneB | 2 |
geneB | geneC | 1 |
geneB | geneA | 2 |
Here the regulation type is specified by number - activation: 1
inhibition: 2
sracipeCircuit(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeCircuit(.object) <- value
sracipeCircuit(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeCircuit(.object) <- value
.object |
RacipeSE object |
value |
data.frame containing the circuit information |
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
RacipeSet <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) <- demoCircuit sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) rm(RacipeSet, demoCircuit)
RacipeSet <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) <- demoCircuit sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) rm(RacipeSet, demoCircuit)
It is often the case that to save time, multiple simulations of the same topology with the same config file are run in parallel. However, one still wants to condense the results of the different simulations into one object. This method does that, combining the params, ics, and expressions of a list of objects into one. If convergence testing is done, convergence data and unique state counts are combined as well. Limit cycle data is combined too. The method validates the RacipeSE objects as having essentially identical configurations compared to the first object provided
sracipeCombineRacipeSE(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'list' sracipeCombineRacipeSE(.object)
sracipeCombineRacipeSE(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'list' sracipeCombineRacipeSE(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object generated by |
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: data(democircuit) for(i in 1:5){ rSet <- sracipeSimulate(demoCircuit, numModels = 100, numConvergenceTests = 20, nIC = 2) racipeList <- c(racipeList, results) } combinedObject <- sracipeCombineRacipeSE(racipeList) ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: data(democircuit) for(i in 1:5){ rSet <- sracipeSimulate(demoCircuit, numModels = 100, numConvergenceTests = 20, nIC = 2) racipeList <- c(racipeList, results) } combinedObject <- sracipeCombineRacipeSE(racipeList) ## End(Not run)
The hyperparameters like number of models, range from which parameters are to be sampled, simulation time etc.
sracipeConfig(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConfig(.object)
sracipeConfig(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConfig(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object |
RacipeSet <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) <- demoCircuit sracipeConfig(RacipeSet) rm(RacipeSet)
RacipeSet <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) <- demoCircuit sracipeConfig(RacipeSet) rm(RacipeSet)
The hyperparameters like number of models, range from which parameters are to be sampled, simulation time etc.
sracipeConfig(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConfig(.object) <- value
sracipeConfig(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConfig(.object) <- value
.object |
RacipeSE object |
value |
list. Configuration as a list |
rSet <- RacipeSE() tmpConfig <- sracipeConfig(rSet) sracipeConfig(rSet) <- tmpConfig rm(rSet, tmpConfig)
rSet <- RacipeSE() tmpConfig <- sracipeConfig(rSet) sracipeConfig(rSet) <- tmpConfig rm(rSet, tmpConfig)
Gathers the convergence and speed of convergence for each model and condition for deterministic simulations
sracipeConverge(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConverge(.object)
sracipeConverge(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConverge(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object |
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20) cd <- sracipeIC(rSet) rm(rSet, cd)
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20) cd <- sracipeIC(rSet) rm(rSet, cd)
When convergence tests are done (deterministic systems with time series off), this method creates a plot of the proportion of converged initial conditions as the number of convergence tests increases, up to the total number done by the simulation. Note that when limit cycles are detected, they are automatically removed from consideration. This method also adds some statistics to the metadata of the input. Models with NaN values are also removed. Specifically, the final proportion of converged states is reported, and if it exists, the smallest number of convergence tests where at least 99 percent of models converged is also reported.
sracipeConvergeDist(.object, plotToFile = FALSE) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConvergeDist(.object, plotToFile = FALSE)
sracipeConvergeDist(.object, plotToFile = FALSE) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeConvergeDist(.object, plotToFile = FALSE)
.object |
RacipeSE object generated by |
plotToFile |
(optional) logical. Default |
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, numConvergenceTests = 30) rSet <- sracipeConvergeDist(rSet) ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, numConvergenceTests = 30) rSet <- sracipeConvergeDist(rSet) ## End(Not run)
Generate parameter names for a circuit
sracipeGenParamNames(circuit = "inputs/test.tpo")
sracipeGenParamNames(circuit = "inputs/test.tpo")
circuit |
RacipeSE object or topology as data.frame or filename |
rSet <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(rSet) <- demoCircuit paramNames <- sRACIPE::sracipeGenParamNames(rSet)
rSet <- RacipeSE() data("demoCircuit") sracipeCircuit(rSet) <- demoCircuit paramNames <- sRACIPE::sracipeGenParamNames(rSet)
If timeSeries option is used in sracipeSimulate function, this method will return the simulated time series.
sracipeGetTS(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeGetTS(.object)
sracipeGetTS(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeGetTS(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object |
data("demoCircuit") RacipeSet <- RacipeSE() sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) <- demoCircuit RacipeSet <- sracipeSimulate(demoCircuit, timeSeries = TRUE, simulationTime = 2) trajectories <- sracipeGetTS(RacipeSet) rm(RacipeSet)
data("demoCircuit") RacipeSet <- RacipeSE() sracipeCircuit(RacipeSet) <- demoCircuit RacipeSet <- sracipeSimulate(demoCircuit, timeSeries = TRUE, simulationTime = 2) trajectories <- sracipeGetTS(RacipeSet) rm(RacipeSet)
Comparison is done across columns, i.e., how similar are the columns in the two dataset. For gene expression data, format data so that gene names are in rows and samples in columns.
sracipeHeatmapSimilarity( dataReference, dataSimulation, clusterCut = NULL, nClusters = 3, pValue = 0.05, permutedVar, permutations = 1000, corMethod = "spearman", clusterMethod = "ward.D2", method = "pvalue", buffer = 0.001, permutMethod = "simulation", returnData = FALSE )
sracipeHeatmapSimilarity( dataReference, dataSimulation, clusterCut = NULL, nClusters = 3, pValue = 0.05, permutedVar, permutations = 1000, corMethod = "spearman", clusterMethod = "ward.D2", method = "pvalue", buffer = 0.001, permutMethod = "simulation", returnData = FALSE )
dataReference |
Matrix. The reference data matrix, for example, the experimental gene expression values |
dataSimulation |
Matrix. The data matrix to be compared. |
clusterCut |
(optional) Integer vector. Clsuter numbers assigned to reference data. If clusterCut is missing, hierarchical clustering using /codeward.D2 and /codedistance = (1-cor(x, method = "spear"))/2 will be used to cluster the reference data. |
nClusters |
(optional) Integer. The number of clusters in which the reference data should be clustered for comparison. Not needed if clusterCut is provided. |
pValue |
(optional) Numeric. p-value to consider two gene expression sets as belonging to same cluster. Ward's method with spearman correlation is used to determine if a model belongs to a specific cluster. |
permutedVar |
(optional) Similarity scores computed after permutations. |
permutations |
(optional) Integer. Default |
corMethod |
(optional) Correlation method. Default method is "spearman". For single cell data, use "kendall" |
clusterMethod |
(optional) Character - default |
method |
(optional) character. Method to compare the gene expressions.
Default |
buffer |
(optional) Numeric. Default |
permutMethod |
"sample" or "reference" |
returnData |
(optional) Logical. Default |
A list containing the KL distance of new cluster distribution from reference data and the probability of each cluster in the reference and simulated data.
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
The initial conditions of each of the models.
sracipeIC(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeIC(.object)
sracipeIC(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeIC(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object |
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrate=FALSE) ics <- sracipeIC(rSet) rm(rSet,ics)
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrate=FALSE) ics <- sracipeIC(rSet) rm(rSet,ics)
Set the initial conditions
sracipeIC(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeIC(.object) <- value
sracipeIC(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeIC(.object) <- value
.object |
RacipeSE object |
value |
DataFrame containing the initial conditions, dimensions should be (# genes) rows by (numModels*nIC) columns |
A RacipeSE object
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 10, integrate=FALSE) ics <- sracipeIC(rSet) sracipeIC(rSet) <- ics rm(rSet, ics)
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 10, integrate=FALSE) ics <- sracipeIC(rSet) sracipeIC(rSet) <- ics rm(rSet, ics)
Calculate the fraction of models in different clusters with full parameter range and on a subset of models with low production rate of a specific gene representing the knockdown of the specific gene.
sracipeKnockDown( .object, reduceProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeKnockDown( .object, reduceProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE )
sracipeKnockDown( .object, reduceProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeKnockDown( .object, reduceProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE )
.object |
RacipeSE object generated by |
reduceProduction |
(optional) Percentage to which production rate decreases on knockdown. Uses a default value of 10 percent. |
nClusters |
(optional) Number of clusters in the data. Uses a default value of 2. |
clusterOfInterest |
(optional) cluster number (integer) to be used for arranging the transcription factors |
plotFilename |
(optional) Name of the output file. |
plotHeatmap |
logical. Default TRUE. Whether to plot the heatmap or not. |
plotBarPlot |
logical. Default TRUE. Whether to plot the barplot. |
clusterCut |
integer or character. The cluster assignments. |
plotToFile |
logical. Default FALSE. |
List containing fraction of models in different clusters in the original simulations and after knowcking down different genes. Additionaly, it generates two pdf files in the results folder. First is barplot showing the percentage of different clusters in the original simulations and after knocking down each gene. The second pdf contains the heatmap of clusters after marking the models with cluster assignments.
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100, plots=FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeNormalize(rSet) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeKnockDown(rSet, plotToFile = FALSE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, plotHeatmap = FALSE, reduceProduction = 50) ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100, plots=FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeNormalize(rSet) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeKnockDown(rSet, plotToFile = FALSE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, plotHeatmap = FALSE, reduceProduction = 50) ## End(Not run)
Normalize the simulated gene expression including gene expressions for stochastic and knockout simulations
sracipeNormalize(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeNormalize(.object)
sracipeNormalize(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeNormalize(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object |
A RacipeSE object
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, simulationTime = 30) rSet <- sracipeNormalize(rSet)
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, simulationTime = 30) rSet <- sracipeNormalize(rSet)
Calculates the fraction of models in different clusters with full parameter range and on a subset of models with high production rate of a specific gene representing the over expression of the specific gene.
sracipeOverExp( .object, overProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeOverExp( .object, overProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE )
sracipeOverExp( .object, overProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeOverExp( .object, overProduction = 10, nClusters = 2, clusterOfInterest = 2, plotFilename = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, plotBarPlot = TRUE, clusterCut = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE )
.object |
RacipeSE object generated by
overProduction |
(optional) Percentage to which production rate decreases on knockdown. Uses a default value of 10 percent. |
nClusters |
(optional) Number of clusters in the data. Uses a default value of 2. |
clusterOfInterest |
(optional) cluster number (integer) to be used for arranging the transcription factors |
plotFilename |
(optional) Name of the output file. |
plotHeatmap |
logical. Default TRUE. Whether to plot the heatmap or not. |
plotBarPlot |
logical. Default TRUE. Whether to plot the barplot. |
clusterCut |
integer or character. The cluster assignments. |
plotToFile |
logical. Default FALSE. |
List containing fraction of models in different clusters in the original simulations and after knowcking down different genes. Additionaly, it generates two pdf files in the results folder. First is barplot showing the percentage of different clusters in the original simulations and after knocking down each gene. The second pdf contains the heatmap of clusters after marking the models with cluster assignments.
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100, plots=FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeNormalize(rSet) ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100, plots=FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeNormalize(rSet) ## End(Not run)
The parameters for each model.
sracipeParams(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeParams(.object)
sracipeParams(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeParams(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object |
A data.frame
data("demoCircuit") RacipeSet <- sracipeSimulate(demoCircuit, integrate = FALSE, numModels=20) parameters <- sracipeParams(RacipeSet) sracipeParams(RacipeSet) <- parameters rm(parameters,RacipeSet)
data("demoCircuit") RacipeSet <- sracipeSimulate(demoCircuit, integrate = FALSE, numModels=20) parameters <- sracipeParams(RacipeSet) sracipeParams(RacipeSet) <- parameters rm(parameters,RacipeSet)
Set the parameters
sracipeParams(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeParams(.object) <- value
sracipeParams(.object) <- value ## S4 replacement method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeParams(.object) <- value
.object |
RacipeSE object |
value |
DataFrame containing the parameters. Dimensions should be (numModels) rows by (# of parameters) columns. |
A RacipeSE object
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrate = FALSE) parameters <- sracipeParams(rSet) sracipeParams(rSet) <- parameters rm(parameters, rSet)
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrate = FALSE) parameters <- sracipeParams(rSet) sracipeParams(rSet) <- parameters rm(parameters, rSet)
Plot Gene Regulatory Circuit to a file or output device using visNetwork. Edge color coding: Transcription-"black", Protein Degradation-"red", Signaling Interaction-"green".
sracipePlotCircuit( .object, plotToFile = FALSE, physics = TRUE, namedNodes = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipePlotCircuit( .object, plotToFile = TRUE, physics = TRUE, namedNodes = TRUE )
sracipePlotCircuit( .object, plotToFile = FALSE, physics = TRUE, namedNodes = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipePlotCircuit( .object, plotToFile = TRUE, physics = TRUE, namedNodes = TRUE )
.object |
RacipeSE object
A list returned by |
plotToFile |
(optional) logical. Default |
physics |
(optional) logical. Default |
namedNodes |
(optional) logical. Default |
circuit plot
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, simulationTime = 30) sracipePlotCircuit(rSet, plotToFile = FALSE, physics = TRUE) rm(rSet) ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, simulationTime = 30) sracipePlotCircuit(rSet, plotToFile = FALSE, physics = TRUE) rm(rSet) ## End(Not run)
Plots heatmap, pca, umap of the data simulated using sRACIPE
sracipePlotData( .object, plotToFile = FALSE, nClusters = 2, heatmapPlot = TRUE, pcaPlot = TRUE, umapPlot = TRUE, networkPlot = TRUE, clustMethod = "ward.D2", col = col, distType = "euclidean", assignedClusters = NULL, corMethod = "spearman", ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipePlotData( .object, plotToFile = TRUE, nClusters = 2, heatmapPlot = TRUE, pcaPlot = TRUE, umapPlot = TRUE, networkPlot = TRUE, clustMethod = "ward.D2", col = col, distType = "euclidean", assignedClusters = NULL, corMethod = "spearman", ... )
sracipePlotData( .object, plotToFile = FALSE, nClusters = 2, heatmapPlot = TRUE, pcaPlot = TRUE, umapPlot = TRUE, networkPlot = TRUE, clustMethod = "ward.D2", col = col, distType = "euclidean", assignedClusters = NULL, corMethod = "spearman", ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipePlotData( .object, plotToFile = TRUE, nClusters = 2, heatmapPlot = TRUE, pcaPlot = TRUE, umapPlot = TRUE, networkPlot = TRUE, clustMethod = "ward.D2", col = col, distType = "euclidean", assignedClusters = NULL, corMethod = "spearman", ... )
.object |
List A list returned by |
plotToFile |
(optional) logical. Default |
nClusters |
(optional) Integer. Default 2. Expected number of clusters
in the simulated data. Hierarchical clustering will be used to cluster the
data and the the models will be colored in UMAP and PCA plots according to
these clustering results. The clusters can be also supplied using
heatmapPlot |
(optional) logical. Default |
pcaPlot |
(optional) logical. Default |
umapPlot |
(optional) logical. Default |
networkPlot |
(optional) logical. Default |
clustMethod |
(optional) character. Default |
col |
(optional) Color palette |
distType |
(optional) Distance type. Used only if specified
explicitly. Otherwise, 1-cor is used. See |
assignedClusters |
vector integer or character. Default NULL. Cluster assignment of models. |
corMethod |
(optional) character. Default |
... |
Other arguments |
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, simulationTime = 30) rSet <- sracipePlotData(rSet) ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, simulationTime = 30) rSet <- sracipePlotData(rSet) ## End(Not run)
Plot the expression of the genes against parameter values to understand the effect of parameters on the gene expressions.
sracipePlotParamBifur( .object, paramName, data = NULL, paramValue = NULL, assignedClusters = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipePlotParamBifur( .object, paramName, data = NULL, paramValue = NULL, assignedClusters = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE )
sracipePlotParamBifur( .object, paramName, data = NULL, paramValue = NULL, assignedClusters = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE ) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipePlotParamBifur( .object, paramName, data = NULL, paramValue = NULL, assignedClusters = NULL, plotToFile = FALSE )
.object |
RacipeSE object generated by
paramName |
character. The name of the parameter to be plotted. |
data |
(optional) dataframe. Default rSet geneExpression. The data to be plotted. For example, use rSet$stochasticSimulations$[noise] to plot the stochastic data. |
paramValue |
(optional) Dataframe. The parameter values if rSet$params is not to be used. |
assignedClusters |
(optional) Dataframe. The cluster assignment of data. |
plotToFile |
(optional) logical. Default |
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100, plots=FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeNormalize(rSet) sracipePlotParamBifur(rSet, "G_A") ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 100, plots=FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE) rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeNormalize(rSet) sracipePlotParamBifur(rSet, "G_A") ## End(Not run)
Simulate a gene regulatory circuit using its topology as the only input. It will generate an ensemble of random models.
sracipeSimulate( circuit = "inputs/test.tpo", config = config, anneal = FALSE, knockOut = NA_character_, numModels = 2000, paramRange = 100, prodRateMin = 1, prodRateMax = 100, degRateMin = 0.1, degRateMax = 1, foldChangeMin = 1, foldChangeMax = 100, hillCoeffMin = 1L, hillCoeffMax = 6L, integrateStepSize = 0.02, simulationTime = 50, nIC = 1L, nNoise = 0L, simDet = TRUE, initialNoise = 50, noiseScalingFactor = 0.5, shotNoise = 0, ouNoise_t = 1, scaledNoise = FALSE, outputPrecision = 12L, printStart = 50, printInterval = 10, stepper = "RK4", thresholdModels = 5000, plots = FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE, genIC = TRUE, genParams = TRUE, integrate = TRUE, rkTolerance = 0.01, timeSeries = FALSE, signalRate = 10, uniqueDigits = 4, convergThresh = 1e-12, numStepsConverge = 500, numConvergenceIter = 25, limitcycles = FALSE, LCSimTime = 10, LCSimStepSize = 0.01, maxLCs = 10, LCIter = 20, maxPeriods = 100, numSampledPeriods = 3, allowedPeriodError = 3, samePointProximity = 0.1, LCStepper = "RK4", paramSignalVals = data.frame(), geneClamping = data.frame(), nCores = 1L, ... )
sracipeSimulate( circuit = "inputs/test.tpo", config = config, anneal = FALSE, knockOut = NA_character_, numModels = 2000, paramRange = 100, prodRateMin = 1, prodRateMax = 100, degRateMin = 0.1, degRateMax = 1, foldChangeMin = 1, foldChangeMax = 100, hillCoeffMin = 1L, hillCoeffMax = 6L, integrateStepSize = 0.02, simulationTime = 50, nIC = 1L, nNoise = 0L, simDet = TRUE, initialNoise = 50, noiseScalingFactor = 0.5, shotNoise = 0, ouNoise_t = 1, scaledNoise = FALSE, outputPrecision = 12L, printStart = 50, printInterval = 10, stepper = "RK4", thresholdModels = 5000, plots = FALSE, plotToFile = FALSE, genIC = TRUE, genParams = TRUE, integrate = TRUE, rkTolerance = 0.01, timeSeries = FALSE, signalRate = 10, uniqueDigits = 4, convergThresh = 1e-12, numStepsConverge = 500, numConvergenceIter = 25, limitcycles = FALSE, LCSimTime = 10, LCSimStepSize = 0.01, maxLCs = 10, LCIter = 20, maxPeriods = 100, numSampledPeriods = 3, allowedPeriodError = 3, samePointProximity = 0.1, LCStepper = "RK4", paramSignalVals = data.frame(), geneClamping = data.frame(), nCores = 1L, ... )
circuit |
data.frame or character. The file containing the circuit or |
config |
(optional) List. It contains simulation parameters like integration method (stepper) and other lists or vectors like simParams, stochParams, hyperParams, options, thresholds etc. The list simParams contains values for parameters like the number of models (numModels), simulation time (simulationTime), step size for simulations (integrateStepSize), when to start recording the gene expressions (printStart), time interval between recordings (printInterval), number of initial conditions (nIC), output precision (outputPrecision), tolerance for adaptive runge kutta method (rkTolerance), parametric variation (paramRange). The list stochParams contains the parameters for stochastic simulations like the number of noise levels to be simulated (nNoise), the ratio of subsequent noise levels (noiseScalingFactor), maximum noise (initialNoise), whether to use same noise for all genes or to scale it as per the median expression of the genes (scaledNoise), ratio of shot noise to additive noise (shotNoise). The list hyperParams contains the parameters like the minimum and maximum production and degration of the genes, fold change, hill coefficient etc. The list options includes logical values like annealing (anneal), scaling of noise (scaledNoise), generation of new initial conditions (genIC), parameters (genParams) and whether to integrate or not (integrate). The user modifiable simulation options can be specified as other arguments. This list should be used if one wants to modify many settings for multiple simulations. |
anneal |
(optional) Logical. Default FALSE. Whether to use annealing for stochastic simulations. If TRUE, the gene expressions at higher noise are used as initial conditions for simulations at lower noise. |
knockOut |
(optional) List of character or vector of characters.
Simulation after knocking out one or more genes. To knock out all the genes
in the circuit, use |
numModels |
(optional) Integer. Default 2000. Number of random models to be simulated. |
paramRange |
(optional) numeric (0-100). Default 100. The relative range of parameters (production rate, degradation rate, fold change). |
prodRateMin |
(optional) numeric. Default 1. Minimum production rate. |
prodRateMax |
(optional) numeric. Default 100. Maximum production rate. |
degRateMin |
(optional) numeric. Default 0.1. Minimum degradation rate. |
degRateMax |
(optional) numeric. Default 1. Maximum degradation rate. |
foldChangeMin |
(optional) numeric. Default 1. Minimum fold change for interactions. |
foldChangeMax |
(optional) numeric. Default 100. Maximum fold change for interactions. |
hillCoeffMin |
(optional) integer. Default 1. Minimum hill coefficient. |
hillCoeffMax |
(optional) integer. Default 6. Maximum hill coefficient. |
integrateStepSize |
(optional) numeric. Default 0.02. step size for integration using "EM" and "RK4" steppers. |
simulationTime |
(optional) numeric. Default 50. Total simulation time. Only used for stochastic and time series simulations. For adjusting deterministic simulation run times, see numConvergenceIter. |
nIC |
(optional) integer. Default 1. Number of initial conditions to be simulated for each model. |
nNoise |
(optional) integer. Default 0. Number of noise levels at which simulations are to be done. Use nNoise = 1 if simulations are to be carried out at a specific noise. If nNoise > 0, simulations will be carried out at nNoise levels as well as for zero noise. "EM" stepper will be used for simulations and any argument for stepper will be ignoired. |
simDet |
(optional) logical. Default TRUE. Whether to simulate at zero noise as well also when using nNoise > 0. |
initialNoise |
(optional) numeric.
Default 50/sqrt(number of genes in the circuit). The initial value of noise
for simulations. The noise value will decrease by a factor
noiseScalingFactor |
(optional) numeric (0-1) Default 0.5. The factor by which noise will be decreased when nNoise > 1. |
shotNoise |
(optional) numeric. Default 0. The ratio of shot noise to additive noise. |
ouNoise_t |
(optional) numeric. Default 1. Correlation time parameter for OU noise. Only used when "EM_OU" stepper is selected |
scaledNoise |
(optional) logical. Default FALSE. Whether to scale the noise in each gene by its expected median expression across all models. If TRUE the noise in each gene will be proportional to its expression levels. |
outputPrecision |
(optional) integer. Default 12. The decimal point precison of the output. |
printStart |
(optional) numeric (0- |
printInterval |
(optional) numeric ( |
stepper |
(optional) Character. Stepper to be used for integrating the
differential equations. The options include |
thresholdModels |
(optional) integer. Default 5000. The number of models to be used for calculating the thresholds for genes. |
plots |
(optional) logical Default |
plotToFile |
(optional) Default |
genIC |
(optional) logical. Default |
genParams |
(optional) logical. Default |
integrate |
(optional) logical. Default |
rkTolerance |
(optional) numeric. Default |
timeSeries |
(optional) logical. Default |
signalRate |
(optional) numeric. Default |
uniqueDigits |
(optional) integer. Default |
convergThresh |
(optional) numeric. Default |
numStepsConverge |
(optional) integer Default |
numConvergenceIter |
(optional) integer. Default |
limitcycles |
(optional) logical. Default |
LCSimTime |
(optional) numeric. Default |
LCSimStepSize |
(optional) numeric. Default |
maxLCs |
(optional) integer. Default |
LCIter |
(optional) integer. Default |
maxPeriods |
(optional) integer. Default |
numSampledPeriods |
(optional) integer. Default |
allowedPeriodError |
(optional) integer. Default |
samePointProximity |
(optional) numeric. Default |
LCStepper |
(optional) Character. Default |
paramSignalVals |
(optional) Data Frame. Default data.frame(). The first column must be a vector of time values with the first element as 0 and the last element as simulationTime. The other column names must be valid production or degradation parameter names for the circuit. Use sracipeGenParamNames() to generate valid parameter names. The first column must be a vector of time values with the first element as 0 and the last element as simulationTime. |
geneClamping |
(optional) Data Frame. Default data.frame(). The column names must be genes in the circuit. The number of columns must either be one or equal to numModels. If the number of columns is one, the selected genes are clamped to those values for every model. Otherwise, the gene is clamped to the value of the corresponding row for a particular model. |
nCores |
(optional) integer. Default |
... |
Other arguments |
object. RacipeSE class inherits
and contains the circuit, parameters,
initial conditions,
simulated gene expressions, and simulation configuration. These can be
accessed using correponding getters.
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit)
data("demoCircuit") rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit)
This method selects the unique expression states for every model
in an sRACIPE object. The method of evaluating uniqueness is the same as in
the main sracipeSimulate
function.Non-converged expressions are
filtered out using the simulation convergence data. This method should only be
used for deterministic simulations with nIC > 1.
sracipeUniqueStates(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeUniqueStates(.object)
sracipeUniqueStates(.object) ## S4 method for signature 'RacipeSE' sracipeUniqueStates(.object)
.object |
RacipeSE object generated by |
object. Element i of the list is a data frame containing
the unique expressions of model i in the input RacipeSE object
, sracipeKnockDown
, sracipePlotData
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, numConvergenceTests = 30) stateList <- sracipeUniqueStates(rSet) comginedStates <- do.call(cbind, stateList) ## End(Not run)
data("demoCircuit") ## Not run: rSet <- sRACIPE::sracipeSimulate(circuit = demoCircuit, numModels = 20, integrateStepSize = 0.1, numConvergenceTests = 30) stateList <- sracipeUniqueStates(rSet) comginedStates <- do.call(cbind, stateList) ## End(Not run)