The ropls
R package implements the PCA, PLS(-DA)
and OPLS(-DA) approaches with the original,
NIPALS-based, versions of the algorithms (Wold, Sjostrom, and Eriksson 2001; Trygg and Wold
2002). It includes the R2 and
Q2 quality metrics (Eriksson et
al. 2001; Tenenhaus 1998), the permutation
diagnostics (Szymanska et al.
2012), the computation of the VIP values (Wold, Sjostrom, and Eriksson 2001), the score
and orthogonal distances to detect outliers (Hubert, Rousseeuw, and Vanden Branden 2005), as
well as many graphics (scores, loadings, predictions,
diagnostics, outliers, etc).
Partial Least-Squares (PLS), which is a latent variable regression method based on covariance between the predictors and the response, has been shown to efficiently handle datasets with multi-collinear predictors, as in the case of spectrometry measurements (Wold, Sjostrom, and Eriksson 2001). More recently, Trygg and Wold (2002) introduced the Orthogonal Partial Least-Squares (OPLS) algorithm to model separately the variations of the predictors correlated and orthogonal to the response.
OPLS has a similar predictive capacity compared to PLS and improves the interpretation of the predictive components and of the systematic variation (Pinto, Trygg, and Gottfries 2012). In particular, OPLS modeling of single responses only requires one predictive component.
Diagnostics such as the Q2Y metrics and permutation testing are of high importance to avoid overfitting and assess the statistical significance of the model. The Variable Importance in Projection (VIP), which reflects both the loading weights for each component and the variability of the response explained by this component (Pinto, Trygg, and Gottfries 2012; Mehmood et al. 2012), can be used for feature selection (Trygg and Wold 2002; Pinto, Trygg, and Gottfries 2012).
OPLS is available in the SIMCA-P commercial software (Umetrics, Umea, Sweden; Eriksson et al. (2001)). In addition, the kernel-based version of OPLS (M. Bylesjo et al. 2008) is available in the open-source R statistical environment (R Development Core Team 2008), and a single implementation of the linear algorithm in R has been described (Gaude et al. 2013).
The sacurine metabolomics dataset will be used as a case study to describe the features from the ropls pacakge.
The objective was to study the influence of age, body mass index (bmi), and gender on metabolite concentrations in urine, by analysing 183 samples from a cohort of adults with liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS; Thevenot et al. (2015)).
Urine samples were analyzed by using an LTQ Orbitrap in the negative ionization mode. A total of 109 metabolites were identified or annotated at the MSI level 1 or 2. After retention time alignment with XCMS, peaks were integrated with Quan Browser. Signal drift and batch effect were corrected, and each urine profile was normalized to the osmolality of the sample. Finally, the data were log10 transformed (Thevenot et al. 2015).
The volunteers’ age
, body mass
index (bmi
), and
were recorded.
We first load the ropls
We then load the sacurine
dataset which
The dataMatrix
matrix of numeric
type containing the intensity profiles (log10 transformed),
The sampleMetadata
data frame
containg sample metadata,
The variableMetadata
data frame
containg variable metadata
## [1] "dataMatrix" "sampleMetadata" "variableMetadata" "se"
## [5] "eset"
We display a summary of the content of the
dataMatrix, sampleMetadata and
variableMetadata with the view
method from
the ropls
## dim class mode typeof size NAs min mean median max
## 183 x 109 matrix numeric double 0.2 Mb 0 -0.3 4.2 4.3 6
## (2-methoxyethoxy)propanoic acid isomer (gamma)Glu-Leu/Ile ...
## HU_011 3.019766011 3.888479324 ...
## HU_014 3.81433889 4.277148905 ...
## ... ... ... ...
## HU_208 3.748127215 4.523763202 ...
## HU_209 4.208859398 4.675880567 ...
## Valerylglycine isomer 2 Xanthosine
## HU_011 3.889078716 4.075879575
## HU_014 4.181765852 4.195761901
## ... ... ...
## HU_208 4.634338821 4.487781609
## HU_209 4.47194762 4.222953354
## age bmi gender
## numeric numeric factor
## nRow nCol size NAs
## 183 3 0 Mb 0
## age bmi gender
## HU_011 29 19.75 M
## HU_014 59 22.64 F
## ... ... ... ...
## HU_208 27 18.61 F
## HU_209 17.5 21.48 F
## 1 data.frame 'factor' column(s) converted to 'numeric' for plotting.
## msiLevel hmdb chemicalClass
## numeric character character
## nRow nCol size NAs
## 109 3 0 Mb 0
## msiLevel hmdb chemicalClass
## (2-methoxyethoxy)propanoic acid isomer 2 Organi
## (gamma)Glu-Leu/Ile 2 AA-pep
## ... ... ... ...
## Valerylglycine isomer 2 2 AA-pep:AcyGly
## Xanthosine 1 HMDB00299 Nucleo
## 2 data.frame 'character' column(s) converted to 'numeric' for plotting.
the view
method applied to a numeric matrix also
generates a graphical display
the view
method can also be applied to an
ExpressionSet object (see below)
We perform a PCA on the dataMatrix
matrix (samples as rows, variables as columns), with the
A summary of the model (8 components were selected) is printed:
## PCA
## 183 samples x 109 variables
## standard scaling of predictors
## R2X(cum) pre ort
## Total 0.501 8 0
In addition the default summary figure is displayed:
Figure 1: PCA summary plot. Top
left overview
: the scree plot
(i.e., inertia barplot) suggests that 3 components may be sufficient to
capture most of the inertia; Top right
: this graphics shows the distances within and
orthogonal to the projection plane (Hubert,
Rousseeuw, and Vanden Branden 2005): the name of the samples with
a high value for at least one of the distances are indicated (see the
Comments section for the code used to compute these metrics and the
thresholds); Bottom left x-score
: the
variance along each axis equals the variance captured by each component:
it therefore depends on the total variance of the dataMatrix X
and of the percentage of this variance captured by the component
(indicated in the labels); it decreases when going from one component to
a component with higher indice; Bottom right
: the 3 variables with most extreme values
(positive and negative) for each loading are black colored and
Since dataMatrix does not contain missing value,
the singular value decomposition was used by default; NIPALS can be
selected with the algoC
argument specifying the
algorithm (Character),
The predI = NA
default number of predictive
components (Integer) for PCA means that components (up to 10)
will be computed until the cumulative variance exceeds 50%. If the 50%
have not been reached at the 10th component, a warning message will be
issued (you can still compute the following components by specifying the
Let us see if we notice any partition according to gender, by
labeling/coloring the samples according to gender
) and drawing the Mahalanobis ellipses for the
male and female subgroups (parEllipseL
genderFc <- sacurine$sampleMetadata[, "gender"]
typeVc = "x-score",
parAsColFcVn = genderFc)
Figure 2: PCA score plot colored according to gender.
The plotting parameter to be used As
Colors (Factor of character type or
Vector of numeric type) has a length equal to the
number of rows of the dataMatrix (ie of samples) and
that this qualitative or quantitative variable is converted into colors
(by using an internal palette or color scale, respectively). We could
have visualized the age of the individuals by specifying
parAsColFcVn = sampleMetadata[, "age"]
The displayed components can be specified with
(plotting parameter specifying the
Components: Vector of 2 integers)
The labels and the color palette can be personalized with the
and parPaletteVc
typeVc = "x-score",
parAsColFcVn = genderFc,
parLabVc = as.character(sacurine$sampleMetadata[, "age"]),
parPaletteVc = c("green4", "magenta"))
For PLS (and OPLS), the Y
response(s) must be provided to the opls
Y can be either a numeric vector (respectively matrix)
for single (respectively multiple) (O)PLS regression,
or a character factor for (O)PLS-DA classification as
in the following example with the gender qualitative
## 183 samples x 109 variables and 1 response
## standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
## R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE pre ort pR2Y pQ2
## Total 0.275 0.73 0.584 0.262 3 0 0.05 0.05
Figure 3: PLS-DA model of the gender response.
Top left: inertia
barplot: the graphic
here suggests that 3 orthogonal components may be sufficient to capture
most of the inertia; Top right:
diagnostic: the R2Y and
Q2Y of the model are compared with the corresponding
values obtained after random permutation of the y response;
Bottom left: outlier
Bottom right: x-score
plot: the number of
components and the cumulative R2X, R2Y
and Q2Y are indicated below the plot.
is determined automatically as
follows (Eriksson et al. 2001): A new
component h is added to the model if:R2Yh ≥ 0.01, i.e., the percentage of Y dispersion (i.e., sum of squares) explained by component h is more than 1 percent, and
Q2Yh = 1 − PRESSh/RSSh − 1 ≥ 0 for PLS (or 5% when the number of samples is less than 100) or 1% for OPLS: Q2Yh ≥ 0 means that the predicted residual sum of squares (PRESSh) of the model including the new component h estimated by 7-fold cross-validation is less than the residual sum of squares (RSSh − 1) of the model with the previous components only (with RSS0 being the sum of squared Y values).
The predictive performance of the full model is
assessed by the cumulative Q2Y metric: $Q2Y=1-\prod\limits_{h=1}^r (1-Q2Y_h)$. We
have Q2Y ∈ [0, 1],
and the higher the Q2Y, the better the performance.
Models trained on datasets with a larger number of features compared
with the number of samples can be prone to overfitting:
in that case, high Q2Y values are obtained by chance
only. To estimate the significance of Q2Y (and
R2Y) for single response models, permutation testing
(Szymanska et al. 2012) can be used:
models are built after random permutation of the Y
values, and Q2Yperm
are computed. The p-value is equal to the proportion of Q2Yperm
above Q2Y (the
default number of permutations is 20 as a compromise
between quality control and computation speed; it can be increased with
the permI
parameter, e.g. to 1,000, to assess if the model
is significant at the 0.05 level),
The NIPALS algorithm is used for PLS (and OPLS); dataMatrix matrices with (a moderate amount of) missing values can thus be analysed.
We see that our model with 3 predictive (pre) components has significant and quite high R2Y and Q2Y values.
To perform OPLS(-DA), we set orthoI
(number of components which are orthogonal; Integer)
to either a specific number of orthogonal components, or to NA. Let us
build an OPLS-DA model of the gender response.
## 183 samples x 109 variables and 1 response
## standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
## R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE pre ort pR2Y pQ2
## Total 0.275 0.73 0.602 0.262 1 2 0.05 0.05
Figure 4: OPLS-DA model of the gender response.
For OPLS modeling of a single response, the number of predictive component is 1,
In the (x-score
plot), the predictive component is
displayed as abscissa and the (selected; default = 1) orthogonal
component as ordinate.
Let us assess the predictive performance of our
model. We first train the model on a subset of the samples (here we use
the odd
subset value which splits the data set into two
halves with similar proportions of samples for each class;
alternatively, we could have used a specific subset of indices for
## 92 samples x 109 variables and 1 response
## standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
## R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE RMSEP pre ort
## Total 0.26 0.825 0.608 0.213 0.341 1 2
We first check the predictions on the training subset:
trainVi <- getSubsetVi(sacurine.oplsda)
confusion_train.tb <- table(genderFc[trainVi], fitted(sacurine.oplsda))
## M F
## M 50 0
## F 0 42
We then compute the performances on the test subset:
confusion_test.tb <- table(genderFc[-trainVi],
sacurine$dataMatrix[-trainVi, ]))
## M F
## M 43 7
## F 7 34
As expected, the predictions on the test subset are (slightly) lower. The classifier however still achieves 85% of correct predictions.
objectsThe SummarizedExperiment
class from the
bioconductor package has been developed to conveniently handle
preprocessed omics objects, including the variable x sample
matrix of intensities, and two DataFrames containing the sample and
variable metadata, which can be accessed by the assay
and rowData
methods respectively
(remember that the data matrix is stored with samples in columns).
The opls
method can be applied to a
object, by using the
object as the x
argument, and, for (O)PLS(-DA), by
indicating as the y
argument the name of the sample
metadata to be used as the response (i.e. the name of the column in the
). It returns the updated
object with the
loading, score, VIP, etc. data as new columns in the
and rowData
, and with the
PCA/(O)PLS(-DA) models in the metadata
Getting the sacurine dataset as a SummarizedExperiment
(see the Appendix to see how such an SummarizedExperiment
was built):
We then build the PLS-DA model of the gender response
Note that the opls
method returns an updated
with the metadata about scores,
loadings, VIPs, etc. stored in the colData
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 6 columns
## age bmi gender gender_PLSDA_xscor-p1 gender_PLSDA_xscor-p2
## <numeric> <numeric> <factor> <numeric> <numeric>
## HU_011 29 19.75 M -2.69395 3.396080
## HU_014 59 22.64 F 0.75108 2.186106
## HU_015 42 22.72 M -4.39096 0.854612
## HU_017 41 23.03 M -3.19297 -0.898535
## HU_018 34 20.96 M -2.39676 -1.725307
## HU_019 35 23.41 M -1.56225 -1.575008
## gender_PLSDA_fitted
## <character>
## HU_011 M
## HU_014 F
## HU_015 M
## HU_017 M
## HU_018 M
## HU_019 M
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 7 columns
## msiLevel hmdb chemicalClass
## <integer> <character> <character>
## (2-methoxyethoxy)propanoic acid isomer 2 Organi
## (gamma)Glu-Leu/Ile 2 AA-pep
## 1-Methyluric acid 1 HMDB03099 AroHeP:Xenobi
## 1-Methylxanthine 1 HMDB10738 AroHeP
## 1,3-Dimethyluric acid 1 HMDB01857 AroHeP
## 1,7-Dimethyluric acid 1 HMDB11103 AroHeP
## gender_PLSDA_xload-p1
## <numeric>
## (2-methoxyethoxy)propanoic acid isomer 0.0398502
## (gamma)Glu-Leu/Ile -0.0455062
## 1-Methyluric acid 0.0892685
## 1-Methylxanthine 0.0925960
## 1,3-Dimethyluric acid 0.0533869
## 1,7-Dimethyluric acid 0.1055559
## gender_PLSDA_xload-p2 gender_PLSDA_VIP
## <numeric> <numeric>
## (2-methoxyethoxy)propanoic acid isomer 0.0118907 0.413403
## (gamma)Glu-Leu/Ile -0.1898538 1.486543
## 1-Methyluric acid -0.2004731 0.994359
## 1-Methylxanthine -0.1662373 0.909199
## 1,3-Dimethyluric acid -0.1667939 0.703483
## 1,7-Dimethyluric acid -0.1296543 0.680326
## gender_PLSDA_coef
## <numeric>
## (2-methoxyethoxy)propanoic acid isomer 0.02131414
## (gamma)Glu-Leu/Ile -0.08446224
## 1-Methyluric acid -0.04460135
## 1-Methylxanthine -0.04074580
## 1,3-Dimethyluric acid -0.02617327
## 1,7-Dimethyluric acid 0.00229719
The opls model(s) are stored in the metadata of the
object, and can be accessed with the
## [1] "gender_PLSDA"
Note that the scores can be conveniently plotted by a direct call to
the SummarizedExperiment
object once the opls
models have been computed. The plot_score
method, by
specifying the model of interest, outputs the score plot either as a
or a plotly
object. In the example
below, we select a plotly
output which displays all
information available in the sample metadata as interactive labels:
formatThe ExpressionSet
format is currently supported as a
legacy representation from the previous versions of the
package (< 1.28.0) but will now be supplanted by
in future versions. Note that the
as(x, "SummarizedExperiment")
method from the
package enables to convert an
into the SummarizedExperiment
, pData
, and fData
are similar to assay
and rowData
except that assay
is a
list which can potentially include several matrices, and that
and rowData
are of the
format. SummarizedExperiment
further enables to store additional metadata (such as models or ggplots)
in a dedicated metadata
In the example below, we will first build a minimal
object from the
sacurine data set and view the data, and we subsequently
perform an OPLS-DA.
Getting the sacurine dataset as an ExpressionSet
the Appendix to see how such an ExpressionSet
We then build the PLS-DA model of the gender response
Note that this time opls
returns the model as an object
of the opls
class. The updated ExpressionSet
object can be accessed with the getEset
## age bmi gender gender_PLSDA_xscor-p1 gender_PLSDA_xscor-p2
## HU_011 29 19.75 M -2.6939546 3.3960801
## HU_014 59 22.64 F 0.7510799 2.1861065
## HU_015 42 22.72 M -4.3909624 0.8546116
## HU_017 41 23.03 M -3.1929659 -0.8985349
## HU_018 34 20.96 M -2.3967633 -1.7253069
## HU_019 35 23.41 M -1.5622495 -1.5750081
## gender_PLSDA_fitted
## HU_011 M
## HU_014 F
## HU_015 M
## HU_017 M
## HU_018 M
## HU_019 M
objectsThe MultiAssayExperiment
format is useful to handle
multi-omics datasets (Ramos et
al. 2017). (O)PLS(-DA) models can be built in parallel for each
dataset by applying opls
to such formats. We provide an
example based on the NCI60_4arrays
cancer dataset from the
package (which has been made available in this
package in the MultiAssayExperiment
Getting the NCI60
dataset as a
(see the Appendix to see how such a
can be built):
Building the PLS-DA model of the cancer
response for
each dataset:
## Building the model for the 'agilent' dataset:
## 60 samples x 300 variables and 1 response
## standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
## R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE pre ort pR2Y pQ2
## Total 0.262 0.231 0.182 0.275 2 0 0.05 0.05
## Building the model for the 'hgu133' dataset:
## 60 samples x 298 variables and 1 response
## standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
## R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE pre ort pR2Y pQ2
## Total 0.318 0.234 0.218 0.273 2 0 0.05 0.05
## Building the model for the 'hgu133p2' dataset:
## 60 samples x 268 variables and 1 response
## standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
## R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE pre ort pR2Y pQ2
## Total 0.312 0.234 0.214 0.273 2 0 0.05 0.05
## Building the model for the 'hgu95' dataset:
## 60 samples x 288 variables and 1 response
## standard scaling of predictors and response(s)
## R2X(cum) R2Y(cum) Q2(cum) RMSEE pre ort pR2Y pQ2
## Total 0.329 0.232 0.214 0.273 2 0 0.05 0.05
The opls
method returns an updated
with the metadata about scores,
loadings, VIPs, etc. stored in the colData
of the individual
## DataFrame with 60 rows and 4 columns
## .id cancer_PLSDA_xscor-p1 cancer_PLSDA_xscor-p2
## <character> <numeric> <numeric>
## BR.MCF7 BR.MCF7 -4.05869 3.60974
## BR.MDA_MB_231 BR.MDA_MB_231 2.85600 3.25368
## BR.HS578T BR.HS578T 7.16701 1.23469
## BR.BT_549 BR.BT_549 5.27739 3.56892
## BR.T47D BR.T47D 1.21882 3.88150
## ... ... ... ...
## RE.CAKI_1 RE.CAKI_1 4.01588 5.10785
## RE.RXF_393 RE.RXF_393 7.30202 5.28137
## RE.SN12C RE.SN12C 3.43798 4.65690
## RE.TK_10 RE.TK_10 1.65842 5.41697
## RE.UO_31 RE.UO_31 5.65133 4.90524
## cancer_PLSDA_fitted
## <character>
## BR.MDA_MB_231 RE
## BR.HS578T RE
## BR.BT_549 RE
## BR.T47D RE
## ... ...
## RE.RXF_393 RE
## RE.SN12C RE
## RE.TK_10 RE
## RE.UO_31 RE
The opls model(s) are stored in the metadata of the individual
objects included in the
, and can be accessed with the
## [1] "agilent" "hgu133" "hgu133p2" "hgu95"
objectsThe MultiDataSet
format (Ramos et
al. 2017) is currently supported as a legacy representation from
the previous versions of the ropls
package (<1.28.0) but
will now be supplanted by MultiAssayExperiment
in future
versions. Note that the mds2mae
method from the
package enables to convert a
into the MultiAssayExperiment
Getting the NCI60
dataset as a MultiDataSet
(see the Appendix to see how such a MultiDataSet
can be
Building PLS-DA models for the cancer type:
# Restricting to the "agilent" and "hgu95" datasets
nci.mds <- nci.mds[, c("agilent", "hgu95")]
# Restricting to the 'ME' and 'LE' cancer types
library(Biobase) <- Biobase::sampleNames(nci.mds[["agilent"]]) <- Biobase::pData(nci.mds[["agilent"]])[, "cancer"]
nci.mds <- nci.mds[[ %in% c("ME", "LE")], ]
# Building PLS-DA models for the cancer type
nci.plsda <- ropls::opls(nci.mds, "cancer", predI = 2)
Getting back the updated MultiDataSet
The datasets from the SummarizedExperiment
(as well as ExpressionSet
and MultiDataSet
) can be imported/exported to text files
with the reading
and writing
functions from
the phenomis
package also available on Bioconductor.
Each dataset is imported/exported to 3 text files (tsv tabular format):
dataMatrix.tsv: data matrix with features as rows and samples as columns
sampleMetadata.tsv: sample metadata
variableMetadata.tsv: feature metadata
The features from the ropls
package can also be accessed
via a graphical user interface in the Multivariate
module from the
online resource for computational metabolomics, based on the Galaxy
In addition to the sacurine dataset presented above, the package contains the following datasets to illustrate the functionalities of PCA, PLS and OPLS (see the examples in the documentation of the opls function):
aminoacids Amino-Acids Dataset. Quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) (Wold, Sjostrom, and Eriksson 2001).
cellulose NIR-Viscosity example data set to illustrate multivariate calibration using PLS, spectral filtering and OPLS (Multivariate calibration using spectral data. Simca tutorial. Umetrics, Sweden).
cornell Octane of various blends of gasoline: Twelve mixture component proportions of the blend are analysed (Tenenhaus 1998).
foods Food consumption patterns accross European countries (FOODS). The relative consumption of 20 food items was compiled for 16 countries. The values range between 0 and 100 percent and a high value corresponds to a high consumption. The dataset contains 3 missing data (Eriksson et al. 2001).
linnerud Three physiological and three exercise variables are measured on twenty middle-aged men in a fitness club (Tenenhaus 1998).
lowarp A multi response optimization data set (LOWARP) (Eriksson et al. 2001).
mark Marks obtained by french students in mathematics, physics, french and english. Toy example to illustrate the potentialities of PCA (Baccini 2010).
The SummarizedExperiment
format has been designed by the
Bioconductor team to handle (single) omics datasets (Morgan et al. 2022).
An example of SummarizedExperiment
creation and a
summary of useful methods are provided below.
Please refer to package
vignettes for a full description of
objects .
# Preparing the data (matrix) and sample and variable metadata (data frames):
data(sacurine, package = "ropls") <- sacurine$dataMatrix # matrix: samples x variables
samp.df <- sacurine$sampleMetadata # data frame: samples x sample metadata
feat.df <- sacurine$variableMetadata # data frame: features x feature metadata
# Creating the SummarizedExperiment (package SummarizedExperiment)
library(SummarizedExperiment) <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(sacurine = t(,
colData = samp.df,
rowData = feat.df)
# note that colData and rowData main format is DataFrame, but data frames are accepted when building the object
# Viewing the SummarizedExperiment
# ropls::view(
Methods | Description | Returned class |
Constructors | ||
SummarizedExperiment |
Create a SummarizedExperiment object | SummarizedExperiment |
makeSummarizedExperimentFromExpressionSet |
SummarizedExperiment |
Accessors | ||
assayNames |
Get or set the names of assay() elements | character |
assay |
Get or set the ith (default first) assay element | matrix |
assays |
Get the list of experimental data numeric matrices | SimpleList |
rowData |
Get or set the row data (features) | DataFrame |
colData |
Get or set the column data (samples) | DataFrame |
metadata |
Get or set the experiment data | list |
dim |
Get the dimensions (features of interest x samples) | integer |
dimnames |
Get or set the dimension names | list of length 2 character/NULL |
rownames |
Get the feature names | character |
colnames |
Get the sample names | character |
Conversion | ||
as(, "SummarizedExperiment") |
Convert an ExpressionSet to a SummarizedExperiment | SummarizedExperiment |
The MultiAssayExperiment
format has been designed by the
Bioconductor team to handle multiomics datasets (Ramos et al. 2017).
An example of MultiAssayExperiment
creation and a
summary of useful methods are provided below. Please refer to package
vignettes or to the original publication for a full description of
objects (Ramos
et al. 2017).
Loading the NCI60_4arrays
from the omicade4
Creating the MultiAssayExperiment
# Building the individual SummarizedExperiment instances <- list() <- list()
for (set.c in names(NCI60_4arrays)) {
# Getting the data and metadata <- as.matrix(NCI60_4arrays[[set.c]])
coldata.df <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(,
.id = colnames(,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # the 'cancer' information will be stored in the main colData of the mae, not the individual SummarizedExperiments
rowdata.df <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(,
name = rownames(,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Building the SummarizedExperiment <- list(se =
names( <- set.c
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays =,
colData = coldata.df,
rowData = rowdata.df)[[set.c]] <- se[[set.c]] <- data.frame(primary = colnames(se),
colname = colnames(se)) # both datasets use identical sample names
sampleMap <- listToMap(
# The sample metadata are stored in the colData data frame (both datasets have the same samples)
colnames(NCI60_4arrays[[2]]))) <- colnames(NCI60_4arrays[[1]])
colData.df <- data.frame(row.names =,
cancer = substr(, 1, 2))
nci.mae <- MultiAssayExperiment(experiments =,
colData = colData.df,
sampleMap = sampleMap)
Methods | Description | Returned class |
Constructors | ||
MultiAssayExperiment |
Create a MultiAssayExperiment object | MultiAssayExperiment |
ExperimentList |
Create an ExperimentList from a List or list | ExperimentList |
Accessors | ||
colData |
Get or set data that describe the patients/biological units | DataFrame |
experiments |
Get or set the list of experimental data objects as original classes | experimentList |
assays |
Get the list of experimental data numeric matrices | SimpleList |
assay |
Get the first experimental data numeric matrix | matrix , matrix-like |
sampleMap |
Get or set the map relating observations to subjects | DataFrame |
metadata |
Get or set additional data descriptions | list |
rownames |
Get row names for all experiments | CharacterList |
colnames |
Get column names for all experiments | CharacterList |
Subsetting | ||
mae[i, j, k] |
Get rows, columns, and/or experiments | MultiAssayExperiment |
mae[i, ,] |
i: GRanges, character, integer, logical, List, list | MultiAssayExperiment |
mae[,j,] |
j: character, integer, logical, List, list | MultiAssayExperiment |
mae[,,k] |
k: character, integer, logical | MultiAssayExperiment |
mae[[i]] |
Get or set object of arbitrary class from experiments | (Varies) |
mae[[i]] |
Character, integer, logical | |
mae$column |
Get or set colData column | vector (varies) |
Management | ||
complete.cases |
Identify subjects with complete data in all experiments | vector (logical) |
duplicated |
Identify subjects with replicate observations per experiment | list of LogicalLists |
mergeReplicates |
Merge replicate observations within each experiment | MultiAssayExperiment |
intersectRows |
Return features that are present for all experiments | MultiAssayExperiment |
intersectColumns |
Return subjects with data available for all experiments | MultiAssayExperiment |
prepMultiAssay |
Troubleshoot common problems when constructing main class | list |
Reshaping | ||
longFormat |
Return a long and tidy DataFrame with optional colData columns | DataFrame |
wideFormat |
Create a wide DataFrame, one row per subject | DataFrame |
Combining | ||
c |
Concatenate an experiment | MultiAssayExperiment |
Viewing | ||
upsetSamples |
Generalized Venn Diagram analog for sample membership | upset |
Exporting | ||
exportClass |
Exporting to flat files | csv or tsv files |
The ExpressionSet
format (Biobase
was designed by the Bioconductor team as the first format to handle
(single) omics data. It has now been supplanted by the
An example of ExpressionSet
creation and a summary of
useful methods are provided below. Please refer to ‘An
introduction to Biobase and ExpressionSets’ from the documentation
from the Biobase
package for a full description of ExpressionSet
# Preparing the data (matrix) and sample and variable metadata (data frames):
data(sacurine) <- sacurine$dataMatrix # matrix: samples x variables
samp.df <- sacurine$sampleMetadata # data frame: samples x sample metadata
feat.df <- sacurine$variableMetadata # data frame: features x feature metadata
# Creating the ExpressionSet (package Biobase)
sac.set <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = t(
Biobase::pData(sac.set) <- samp.df
Biobase::fData(sac.set) <- feat.df
# Viewing the ExpressionSet
# ropls::view(sac.set)
Methods | Description | Returned class |
exprs |
‘variable times samples’ numeric matrix | matrix |
pData |
sample metadata | data.frame |
fData |
variable metadata | data.frame |
sampleNames |
sample names | character |
featureNames |
variable names | character |
dims |
2x1 matrix of ‘Features’ and ‘Samples’ dimensions | matrix |
varLabels |
Column names of the sample metadata data frame | character |
fvarLabels |
Column names of the variable metadata data frame | character |
Loading the NCI60_4arrays
from the omicade4
Creating the MultiDataSet
# Creating the MultiDataSet instance
nci.mds <- MultiDataSet::createMultiDataSet()
# Adding the two datasets as ExpressionSet instances
for (set.c in names(NCI60_4arrays)) {
# Getting the data <- as.matrix(NCI60_4arrays[[set.c]])
pdata.df <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(,
cancer = substr(colnames(, 1, 2),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
fdata.df <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(,
name = rownames(,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Building the ExpressionSet
eset <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData =,
phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = pdata.df),
featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = fdata.df),
experimentData = new("MIAME",
title = set.c))
# Adding to the MultiDataSet
nci.mds <- MultiDataSet::add_eset(nci.mds, eset, dataset.type = set.c,
GRanges = NA, warnings = FALSE)
Methods | Description | Returned class |
Constructors | ||
createMultiDataSet |
Create a MultiDataSet object | MultiDataSet |
add_eset |
Create a MultiAssayExperiment object | MultiDataSet |
Subsetting | ||
mset[i, ] |
i: character,logical (samples to select) | MultiDataSet |
mset[, k] |
k: character (names of datasets to select) | MultiDataSet |
mset[[k]] |
k: character (name of the datast to select) | ExpressionSet |
Accessors | ||
as.list |
Get the list of data matrices | list |
pData |
Get the list of sample metadata | list |
fData |
Get the list of variable metadata | list |
sampleNames |
Get the list of sample names | list |
Management | ||
commonSamples |
Select samples that are present in all datasets | MultiDataSet |
Conversion | ||
mds2mae |
Convert a MultiDataSet to a MultiAssayExperiment | MultiAssayExperiment |
Here is the output of sessionInfo()
on the system on
which this document was compiled:
## R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/; LAPACK version 3.12.0
## locale:
## time zone: Etc/UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] MultiDataSet_1.35.0 MultiAssayExperiment_1.33.8
## [3] SummarizedExperiment_1.37.0 Biobase_2.67.0
## [5] GenomicRanges_1.59.1 GenomeInfoDb_1.43.4
## [7] IRanges_2.41.2 S4Vectors_0.45.2
## [9] BiocGenerics_0.53.6 generics_0.1.3
## [11] MatrixGenerics_1.19.1 matrixStats_1.5.0
## [13] ropls_1.39.0 BiocStyle_2.35.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] gtable_0.3.6 xfun_0.50 bslib_0.8.0
## [4] ggplot2_3.5.1 htmlwidgets_1.6.4 lattice_0.22-6
## [7] crosstalk_1.2.1 vctrs_0.6.5 tools_4.4.2
## [10] tibble_3.2.1 pkgconfig_2.0.3 BiocBaseUtils_1.9.0
## [13] Matrix_1.7-2 data.table_1.16.4 RColorBrewer_1.1-3
## [16] lifecycle_1.0.4 GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.13 compiler_4.4.2
## [19] statmod_1.5.0 munsell_0.5.1 htmltools_0.5.8.1
## [22] sys_3.4.3 buildtools_1.0.0 sass_0.4.9
## [25] lazyeval_0.2.2 yaml_2.3.10 plotly_4.10.4
## [28] tidyr_1.3.1 pillar_1.10.1 crayon_1.5.3
## [31] jquerylib_0.1.4 MASS_7.3-64 DelayedArray_0.33.4
## [34] cachem_1.1.0 limma_3.63.3 abind_1.4-8
## [37] tidyselect_1.2.1 digest_0.6.37 purrr_1.0.2
## [40] dplyr_1.1.4 labeling_0.4.3 maketools_1.3.1
## [43] fastmap_1.2.0 grid_4.4.2 colorspace_2.1-1
## [46] cli_3.6.3 SparseArray_1.7.4 magrittr_2.0.3
## [49] S4Arrays_1.7.1 withr_3.0.2 UCSC.utils_1.3.1
## [52] scales_1.3.0 calibrate_1.7.7 rmarkdown_2.29
## [55] XVector_0.47.2 httr_1.4.7 evaluate_1.0.3
## [58] knitr_1.49 qqman_0.1.9 viridisLite_0.4.2
## [61] rlang_1.1.5 glue_1.8.0 BiocManager_1.30.25
## [64] jsonlite_1.8.9 R6_2.5.1
Overfitting (i.e., building a model with good performances on the training set but poor performances on a new test set) is a major caveat of machine learning techniques applied to data sets with more variables than samples. A simple simulation of a random X data set and a y response shows that perfect PLS-DA classification can be achieved as soon as the number of variables exceeds the number of samples, as detailed in the example below, adapted from Wehrens (2011):
Figure 5: Risk of PLS overfitting. In the simulation above, a random matrix X of 20 observations x 200 features was generated by sampling from the uniform distribution U(0, 1). A random y response was obtained by sampling (without replacement) from a vector of 10 zeros and 10 ones. Top left, top right, and bottom left: the X-score plots of the PLS modeling of y by the (sub)matrix of X restricted to the first 2, 20, or 200 features, are displayed (i.e., the observation/feature ratios are 0.1, 1, and 10, respectively). Despite the good separation obtained on the bottom left score plot, we see that the Q2Y estimation of predictive performance is low (negative); Bottom right: a significant proportion of the models trained after random permutations of the labels have a higher Q2Y value than the model trained with the true labels, confirming that PLS cannot specifically model the y response with the X predictors, as expected.
This simple simulation illustrates that PLS overfit can occur, in particular when the number of features exceeds the number of observations. It is therefore essential to check that the Q2Y value of the model is significant by random permutation of the labels.
VIP from OPLS models
The classical VIP metric is not useful for OPLS modeling of a single response since (Galindo-Prieto, Eriksson, and Trygg 2014; Thevenot et al. 2015): 1. VIP values remain identical whatever the number of orthogonal components selected, 2. VIP values are univariate (i.e., they do not provide information about interactions between variables). In fact, when features are standardized, we can demonstrate a mathematical relationship between VIP and p-values from a Pearson correlation test (Thevenot et al. 2015), as illustrated by the figure below:
Figure 6: Relationship between VIP from one-predictive PLS or OPLS models with standardized variables, and p-values from Pearson correlation test. The (pj, VIPj) pairs corresponding respectively to the VIP values from OPLS modelling of the age response with the sacurine dataset, and the p-values from the Pearson correlation test are shown as red dots. The y = Φ−1(1 − x/2)/zrms curve is shown in red (where Φ−1 is the inverse of the probability density function of the standard normal distribution, and zrms is the quadratic mean of the zj quantiles from the standard normal distribution; zrms = 2.6 for the sacurine dataset and the age response). The vertical (resp. horizontal) blue line corresponds to univariate (resp. multivariate) thresholds of p = 0.05 and VIP = 1, respectively (Thevenot et al. 2015).
The VIP properties above result from:
OPLS models of a single response have a single predictive component,
in the case of one-predictive component (O)PLS models, the general formula for VIPs can be simplified to $VIP_j = \sqrt{m} \times |w_j|$ for each feature j, were m is the total number of features and w is the vector of loading weights,
in OPLS, w remains identical whatever the number of extracted orthogonal components,
for a single-response model, w is proportional to X’y (where ’ denotes the matrix transposition),
if X and y are standardized, X’y is the vector of the correlations between the features and the response.
Galindo-Prieto, Eriksson, and Trygg (2014) have recently suggested new VIP metrics for OPLS, VIP_pred and VIP_ortho, to separately measure the influence of the features in the modeling of the dispersion correlated to, and orthogonal to the response, respectively (Galindo-Prieto, Eriksson, and Trygg 2014).
For OPLS(-DA) models, you can therefore get from the model generated with
:the predictive VIP vector (which corresponds to the VIP4, pred metric measuring the variable importance in prediction) with
,the orthogonal VIP vector which is the VIP4, ortho metric measuring the variable importance in orthogonal modeling with
getVipVn(model, orthoL = TRUE)
. As for the classical VIP, we still have the mean of VIPpred2 (and of VIPortho2) which, each, equals 1.(Orthogonal) Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis: (O)PLS-DA
Two classes
When the y response is a factor of 2 levels (character vectors are also allowed), it is internally transformed into a vector of values ∈ {0, 1} encoding the classes. The vector is centered and unit-variance scaled, and the (O)PLS analysis is performed.
Brereton and Lloyd (2014) have demonstrated that when the sizes of the 2 classes are unbalanced, a bias is introduced in the computation of the decision rule, which penalizes the class with the highest size (Brereton and Lloyd 2014). In this case, an external procedure using resampling (to balance the classes) and taking into account the class sizes should be used for optimal results.
In the case of more than 2 levels, the y response is internally transformed into a matrix (each class is encoded by one column of values ∈ {0, 1}). The matrix is centered and unit-variance scaled, and the PLS analysis is performed.
In this so-called PLS2 implementation, the proportions of 0 and 1 in the columns is usually unbalanced (even in the case of balanced size of the classes) and the bias described previously occurs (Brereton and Lloyd 2014). The multiclass PLS-DA results from ropls are therefore indicative only, and we recommend to set an external procedure where each column of the matrix is modeled separately (as described above) and the resulting probabilities are aggregated (see for instance M. Bylesjo et al. (2006)).