To cite the ropls package in publications use: Thevenot, E.A., Roux, A., Xu, Y., Ezan, E., Junot, C. 2015. Analysis of the human adult urinary metabolome variations with age, body mass index and gender by implementing a comprehensive workflow for univariate and OPLS statistical analyses. Journal of Proteome Research. 14: 3322-3335. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {E. A. Thevenot and A. Roux and Y. Xu and E. Ezan and C. Junot}, title = {Analysis of the human adult urinary metabolome variations with age, body mass index and gender by implementing a comprehensive workflow for univariate and OPLS statistical analyses}, journal = {Journal of Proteome Research}, year = {2015}, volume = {14}, pages = {3322-3335}, url = {}, }