To cite the rfPred package in publications use: Jabot-Hanin F., Varet H. and Jais J.-P. (2021) rfPred R package, version 1.43.0. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {Assign rfPred functional prediction scores to a missense variants list}, author = {F. Jabot-Hanin and H. Varet and J.-P. Jais}, year = {2013}, note = {R package version 1.43.0}, } Jabot-Hanin F, Varet H, Tores F and Jais J.-P. 2013. rfPred: a new meta-score for functional prediction of missense variants in human exome (submitted) A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {rfPred: a new meta-score for functional prediction of missense variants in human exome}, author = {F. Jabot-Hanin and H. Varet and F. Tores and J.-P. Jais}, journal = {Submitted}, year = {2013}, }