To cite rcellminer: Luna A et al. rcellminer: Exploring Molecular Profiles and Drug Response of the NCI-60 Cell Lines in R. Bioinformatics. 2015 Dec. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {{Luna} and {A} and {Rajapakse} and {VN} and {Sousa} and {FG} and {Gao} and {J} and {Schultz} and {N} and {Varma} and {S} and {Reinhold} and {W} and {Sander} and {C} and {Pommier} and {Y}}, title = {{rcellminer: {E}xploring {M}olecular {P}rofiles and {D}rug {R}esponse of the {N}{C}{I}-60 {C}ell {L}ines in {R}}}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, year = {2015}, month = {Dec}, } This free open-source software implements academic research by the authors. Its development took a large amount of extra time and effort. If you use it, please support the project by citing the listed journal articles.