To cite the 'ramwas' package in publications use: Andrey A. Shabalin, Mohammad W. Hattab, Shaunna L. Clark, Robin F. Chan, Gaurav Kumar, Karolina A. Aberg, and Edwin J.C.G. van den Oord. RaMWAS: fast methylome-wide association study pipeline for enrichment platforms, Bioinformatics 2018, A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {{RaMWAS}: fast methylome-wide association study pipeline for enrichment platforms}, author = {Andrey A Shabalin and Mohammad W Hattab and Shaunna L Clark and Robin F Chan and Gaurav Kumar and Karolina A Aberg and Edwin JCG {van den Oord}}, year = {2018}, url = {}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, }