To cite package ‘progeny’ in publications use: M Schubert, B Klinger, M Klünemann, A Sieber, F Uhlitz, S Sauer, MJ Garnett, N Blüthgen, and J Saez-Rodriguez. 2018. “Perturbation-Response Genes Reveal Signaling Footprints in Cancer Gene Expression.” Nature Communications 9 (1) A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {Michael Schubert and Bertram Klinger and Martina Klünemann and Anja Sieber and Florian Uhlitz and Sascha Sauer and Mathew J Garnett and Nils Blüthgen and Julio Saez-Rodriguez}, title = {Perturbation-response genes reveal signaling footprints in cancer gene expression}, journal = {Nature communications}, year = {2018}, volume = {9}, number = {20}, }