procoil 2.31.1
- changed e-mail address of maintainer
- updated and formatting of package vignette
- updated references in documentation
procoil 2.21.1
procoil 2.1.3
- fix of citation info file
- fix of inst/NEWS
procoil 2.1.2
- version number bump for technical reasons related to Bioconductor
build servers
procoil 2.1.1
- version number bump for technical reasons related to Bioconductor
build servers
procoil 2.0.0
- updated models PrOCoilModel and PrOCoilModelBA that
have been trained with newer data and up-to-date methods
- general re-design of classes and functions to allow for
multiple predictions per run; that comes along with
a more streamlined and more versatile interface how to
supply sequences and registers to predict().
- predictions and plots are now performed by the 'kebabs'
package; this led to a major performance increase.
- the integration of the 'kebabs' package also allowed
for inheriting functions like heatmap() and accessors,
such as, sequences(), baselines(), and profiles()
- added a fitted() method to allow for easy extraction of
- addition of small example model file
- streamlining/simplification of some man pages
- several corrections and updates of man pages and
package vignette
- changed vignette building engine from Sweave to knitr
- removal of reference to Git-SVN bridge
procoil 1.13.2
- cleared up package dependencies and namespace
- reference to Bioconductor Git-SVN bridge
- minor corrections to vignette
procoil 1.5.1
- made arguments 'xlab' and 'ylab' accessible to users
procoil 1.1.1
- simplified interface of plot()
procoil 1.1.0
- changed version number to 1.1.0 for consistency with previous
versions published on the author's institute page
- minor improvements of vignette (accessor functions)
- fixed bug (error when calling predict() on a BString/AAString
object without previously loading Biostrings)
- fixed bug in predict() for short sequences
procoil 0.99.1
- minor changes to the code chunks in the vignette
procoil 0.99.0
- first version submitted to Bioconductor