To cite package ‘proActiv’ in publications use: Demircioglu, Deniz, et al. A Pan-cancer Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Pervasive Regulation through Alternative Promoters Cell 178.6 (2019): 1465-1477 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {A Pan-cancer Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Pervasive Regulation through Alternative Promoters}, author = {Deniz Demircioglu and Engin Cukuroglu and Martin Kindermans and Tannistha Nandi and Claudia Calabrese and Nuno A. Fonseca and Andre Kahles and Kjong-Van Lehmann and Oliver Stegle and Alvis Brazma and Angela N. Brooks and Gunnar Ratsch and Patrick Tan and Jonathan Goke}, year = {2019}, journal = {Cell}, doi = {10.1016/j.cell.2019.08.018}, volume = {178}, issue = {6}, pages = {1465}, }