Package 'polyester'

Title: Simulate RNA-seq reads
Description: This package can be used to simulate RNA-seq reads from differential expression experiments with replicates. The reads can then be aligned and used to perform comparisons of methods for differential expression.
Authors: Alyssa C. Frazee, Andrew E. Jaffe, Rory Kirchner, Jeffrey T. Leek
Maintainer: Jack Fu <[email protected]>, Jeff Leek <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.41.0
Built: 2024-07-02 03:18:08 UTC

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add sequencing error to simulated reads


simulate sequencing error by randomly changing the sequenced nucleotide on some of the reads


add_error(tFrags, error_rate = 0.005)



DNAStringSet representing sequencing reads


error probability


DNAStringSet equivalent to tFrags but with random sequencing errors inserted


  srPhiX174_withError = add_error(srPhiX174)
  #error was introduced in, e.g., position 10 of 2nd string in set.

add GC bias to a count matrix


Given a matrix with rows corresponding to transcripts and sample-specific GC bias models, bias the count matrix using the bias model.


add_gc_bias(readmat, gcbias, transcripts)



matrix of counts, with rows corresponding to features (transcripts) and columns corresponding to replicates


List of GC bias models to add to readmat. Must have length equal to the number of columns of readmat. List elements must either be integers 0 through 7, where 0 means no bias and 1-7 correspond to built-in GC bias models, or objects of class loess which can predict a deviation from overall mean count (on the log scale) given a GC percentage between 0 and 1.


DNAStringSet object containing the sequences of the features (transcripts) corresponding to the rows of readmat. Length must be equal to the number of rows in readmat.


Designed for internal use in simulate_experiment functions.


matrix of the same size as readmat, but with counts for each replicate biased according to gcbias.


  fastapath = system.file("extdata", "chr22.fa", package="polyester")
  numtx = count_transcripts(fastapath)
  transcripts = readDNAStringSet(fastapath)

  # create a count matrix:
  readmat = matrix(20, ncol=10, nrow=numtx)
  readmat[1:30, 1:5] = 40

  # add biases randomly: use built-in bias models
  biases = sample(0:7, 10, replace=TRUE)
  readmat_biased = add_gc_bias(readmat, as.list(biases), transcripts)

Simulate sequencing error using empirical error model


Given a sequencing platform and a set of sequencing reads, add sequencing errors to the reads given a known error profile from the platform.


add_platform_error(tFrags, platform, paired, path = NULL)



DNAStringSetList containing error-free sequencing reads. If simulating a paired-end experiment, mate-pairs should appear next to each other in tFrags.


Which sequencing platform should the error model be estimated from? Currently supports 'illumina4', 'illumina5', 'roche454', and 'custom'.


Does tFrags contain paired end reads, with mate pairs next to each other? (TRUE if yes.)


if platform is 'custom', provide the path to the error model. After processing the error model with, you will have either two files (ending in _mate1 and _mate2, if your model was for paired-end reads) or one file (ending in _single, if your model was for single-end reads). The path argument should be the path to the error model up to but not including _mate1/_mate2/_single.


This function adds sequencing error to a set of reads based on the position in the read and the true nucleotide at that location. Position-specific probabilities of making each possible sequencing error (reading a T when it should have been A, reading a G when it should have been T, etc.) were calculated for each of three platforms using the empirical error models available with the GemSIM software (see references). Users can also estimate an error model from their own data using GemSIM and can use that error model with Polyester as described in the vignette. (You will need to run a Python script available at the Polyester GitHub repository to process the error model).


DNAStringSet object that is the same as tFrags except but with sequencing error added.


McElroy KE, Luciani F and Thomas T (2012): GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

See Also

add_error for uniform error


  # pretend the srPhiX174 DNAStringSet represents 35bp single-end 
  # sequencing reads:
  data_with_errors = add_platform_error(srPhiX174, 'illumina4', paired=FALSE)
  # the 17th read in this set has an error at position 20:
  data_with_errors[17][[1]][20] # N
  srPhiX174[17][[1]][20] # T
  # 101 reads total have at least one sequencing error:
  sum(data_with_errors != srPhiX174)

Model of positional bias that can arise when RNA-seq is performed using protocols relying on cDNA fragmentation.


This positional bias model was estimated in Li and Jiang (2012). With cDNA fragmentation, reads are more likely to have come from the 3' end of the transcript. The probabilities included in this dataset were estimated from Supplementary Figure S3 in Li and Jiang's manuscript. Data points from the figure were inferred and exported as CSV files using WebPlotDigitizer. The CSV files and the code used to process them and create the datasets are available in the Polyester GitHub repository (


data frame with 100 rows and 2 columns. Column 1 is position along a transcript (in percent), while Column 2 is the probability of getting a fragment at that position. Column 2 sums to 1.


Li W and Jiang T (2012): Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads. Bioinformatics 28(22): 2914-2921.

Rohatgi A (2014): WebPlotDigitizer: Version 3.4 of WebPlotDigitizer. ZENODO. 10.5281/zenodo.11835

determine how many transcripts are annotated in a FASTA or GTF file


determine how many transcripts are annotated in a FASTA or GTF file


  fasta = TRUE,
  identifier = "transcript_id",
  attrsep = "; "



character, path to a file in FASTA or GTF format


TRUE if f is a fasta file; FALSE if f is a GTF file


if f is a GTF file, how are transcripts identified in the attributes field (9th column) of the file? Default transcript_id.


if f is a GTF file, how are attributes separated in the attributes field (9th column) of the file? Default "; ".


Number of transcripts annotated in f


fastapath = system.file("extdata", "chr22.fa", package="polyester")
count_transcripts(fastapath) #918

Generate a simulated data set based on known model parameters


Generate a simulated data set based on known model parameters


  m = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  mod = NULL,
  beta = NULL,
  seed = NULL



Baseline mean expression for negative binomial model


Fitted relationship between log mean and log size


A vector of the probabilities a count is zero


Number of genes/transcripts to simulate (not necessary if mod, beta are specified)


Number of samples to simulate (not necessary if mod, beta are specified)


Model matrix you would like to simulate from without an intercept


set of coefficients for the model matrix (must have same number of columns as mod)


optional seed to set (for reproducibility)


counts Data matrix with counts for genes in rows and samples in columns


Jeff Leek


  countmat = fpkm_to_counts(bg, mean_rps=400000)
  params = get_params(countmat)
  Ntranscripts = 50
  Nsamples = 10
  custom_readmat = create_read_numbers(mu=params$mu, fit=params$fit,
    p0=params$p0, m=Ntranscripts, n=Nsamples, seed=103)

Estimated distribution of fragment lengths


Empirical fragment length distribution was estimated using 7 randomly selected RNA-seq samples from the GEUVADIS dataset ('t Hoen et al 2013). One sample was selected from each of the 7 laboratories that performed the sequencing. We used Picard's "CollectInsertSizeMetrics" tool (, version 1.121, to estimate the fragment size distribution based on read alignments. Code we used to estimate this distribution is available at


logspline object (created with logspline) specifying the empirical density of fragment lengths in the 7 GEUVADIS samples.


't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Turn FPKMs from a ballgown object into estimated counts for transcripts


Turn FPKMs from a ballgown object into estimated counts for transcripts


  bg = NULL,
  mat = NULL,
  tlengths = NULL,
  mean_rps = 1e+08,
  threshold = 0



ballgown object created from real RNA-seq dataset


matrix of isoform-level FPKMs from which to derive counts. Rows should represent transcripts and columns should represent counts. Provide exactly one of bg or mat.


if using mat instead of bg, vector of transcript lengths. Entries correspond to the rows of mat. Lengths should only count the nucleotides within transcripts' exons.


This should be the number of reads per sample in total for use in backing out the FPKM calculations.


only estimate parameters from transcripts with mean FPKM measurements at least as large as threshold.


If transcripts/exons are represented by GRanges or GRangesList objects, the width function is really useful in calculating transcript lengths.


A matrix of counts with the same number of rows and columns as the ballgown object


Jeff Leek


  countmat = fpkm_to_counts(bg, mean_rps=400000)

generate a set of fragments from a set of transcripts


Convert each sequence in a DNAStringSet to a "fragment" (subsequence)


  fraglen = 250,
  fragsd = 25,
  readlen = 100,
  distr = "normal",
  custdens = NULL,
  bias = "none",
  frag_GC_bias = "none"



DNAStringSet of sequences from which fragments should be extracted


Mean fragment length, if drawing fragment lengths from a normal distribution.


Standard deviation of fragment lengths, if drawing lengths from a normal distribution. Note: fraglen and fragsd are ignored unless distr is 'normal'.


Read length. Default 100. Used only to label read positions.


One of 'normal', 'empirical', or 'custom'. If 'normal', draw fragment lengths from a normal distribution with mean fraglen and standard deviation fragsd. If 'empirical', draw fragment lengths from a fragment length distribution estimated from a real data set. If 'custom', draw fragment lengths from a custom distribution, provided as the custdens argument, which should be a density fitted using logspline.


If distr is 'custom', draw fragments from this density. Should be an object of class logspline.


One of 'none', 'rnaf', or 'cdnaf' (default 'none'). 'none' represents uniform fragment selection (every possible fragment in a transcript has equal probability of being in the experiment); 'rnaf' represents positional bias that arises in protocols using RNA fragmentation, and 'cdnaf' represents positional bias arising in protocols that use cDNA fragmentation (Li and Jiang 2012). Using the 'rnaf' model, coverage is higher in the middle of the transcript and lower at both ends, and in the 'cdnaf' model, coverage increases toward the 3' end of the transcript. The probability models used come from Supplementary Figure S3 of Li and Jiang (2012).


See explanation in simulate_experiment.


The empirical fragment length distribution was estimated using 7 randomly selected RNA-seq samples from the GEUVADIS dataset ('t Hoen et al 2013), one sample from each laboratory that performed sequencing for that data set. We used Picard's "CollectInsertSizeMetrics" (, version 1.121, to estimate the insert size distribution based on the read alignments.


DNAStringSet consisting of one randomly selected subsequence per element of tObj.


't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Li W and Jiang T (2012): Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads. Bioinformatics 28(22): 2914-2921.

See Also




  ## get fragments with lengths drawn from normal distrubution
  srPhiX174_fragments = generate_fragments(srPhiX174, fraglen=15, fragsd=3,

  ## get fragments with lengths drawn from an empirical distribution
  empirical_frags = generate_fragments(srPhiX174, distr='empirical')

  ## get fragments with lengths from a normal distribution, but include
  ## positional bias from cDNA fragmentation:
  biased_frags = generate_fragments(srPhiX174, bias='cdnaf')

Estimate zero-inflated negative binomial parameters from a real dataset


This function estimates the parameters of a zero inflated negative binomial distribution based on a real count data set based on the method of moments. The function also returns a spline fit of log mean to log size which can be used when generating new simulated data.


get_params(counts, threshold = NULL)



A matrix of counts. If you want to simulate from a ballgown object, see fpkm_to_counts


Only estimate parameters from transcripts with row means greater than threshold


p0 A vector of probabilities that the count will be zero, one for each gene/transcript.

mu The estimated negative binomial mean by method of moments for the non-zero counts

size The estimated negative binomial size by method of moments for the non-zero counts

fit A fit relating log mean to log size for use in simulating new data.


Jeff Leek


  countmat = fpkm_to_counts(bg, mean_rps=400000)
  params = get_params(countmat)

get sequencing reads from fragments


simulate the sequencing process by returning the sequence of one or both ends of provided fragments


get_reads(tFrags, readlen, paired = TRUE)



DNAStringSet representing fragments


Read length.


If FALSE, return only the first readlen bases of each element of tFrags in the result; if TRUE, also return last readlen bases.


DNAStringSet representing simulated RNA-seq reads

See Also

simulate_experiment, simulate_experiment_countmat


  srPhiX174_reads = get_reads(srPhiX174, readlen=15, paired=FALSE)
  # set of single-end, 15bp reads, treating srPhiX174 as the fragments

extract a specific field of the "attributes" column of a data frame created from a GTF/GFF file


extract a specific field of the "attributes" column of a data frame created from a GTF/GFF file


getAttributeField(x, field, attrsep = "; ")



vector representing the "attributes" column of GTF/GFF file


name of the field you want to extract from the "attributes" column


separator for the fields in the attributes column. Defaults to '; ', the separator for GTF files outputted by Cufflinks.


vector of nucleotide positions included in the transcript


Wolfgang Huber, in the davidTiling package (LGPL license)

See Also, for specifics of the GFF/GTF file format.


  gtfPath = system.file('extdata', 'annot.gtf.gz', package='ballgown')
  gffdata = gffRead(gtfPath)
  gffdata$transcriptID = getAttributeField(gffdata$attributes, 
    field = "transcript_id")

data frame (in gtf-inspired format) for chromosome 22, hg19


In the data frame gtf_dataframe, each row corresponds to an exon / coding sequence / start codon / stop codon, and the columns correspond to standard GTF columns denoting annotated genomic features. See


data frame, 9 columns, 17769 rows


Illumina iGenomes, hg19, 6 March 2013 version:

Empirical GC bias model, NA06985


Loess model for log counts measuring transcript expression as a function of the transcript's GC content. The model was created using sample NA06985 in the Ballgown obtained at


Object of class loess


Constructed using the code available at


GEUVADIS data set: 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Lappalainen, et al (2013): Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans. Nature 501: 506-511.

Empirical GC bias model, NA12144


Loess model for log counts measuring transcript expression as a function of the transcript's GC content. The model was created using sample NA12144 in the Ballgown obtained at


Object of class loess


Constructed using the code available at


GEUVADIS data set: 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Lappalainen, et al (2013): Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans. Nature 501: 506-511.

Empirical GC bias model, NA12776


Loess model for log counts measuring transcript expression as a function of the transcript's GC content. The model was created using sample NA12776 in the Ballgown obtained at


Object of class loess


Constructed using the code available at


GEUVADIS data set: 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Lappalainen, et al (2013): Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans. Nature 501: 506-511.

Empirical GC bias model, NA18858


Loess model for log counts measuring transcript expression as a function of the transcript's GC content. The model was created using sample NA18858 in the Ballgown obtained at


Object of class loess


Constructed using the code available at


GEUVADIS data set: 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Lappalainen, et al (2013): Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans. Nature 501: 506-511.

Empirical GC bias model, NA20542


Loess model for log counts measuring transcript expression as a function of the transcript's GC content. The model was created using sample NA20542 in the Ballgown obtained at


Object of class loess


Constructed using the code available at


GEUVADIS data set: 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Lappalainen, et al (2013): Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans. Nature 501: 506-511.

Empirical GC bias model, NA20772


Loess model for log counts measuring transcript expression as a function of the transcript's GC content. The model was created using sample NA20772 in the Ballgown obtained at


Object of class loess


Constructed using the code available at


GEUVADIS data set: 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Lappalainen, et al (2013): Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans. Nature 501: 506-511.

Empirical GC bias model, NA20815


Loess model for log counts measuring transcript expression as a function of the transcript's GC content. The model was created using sample NA20815 in the Ballgown obtained at


Object of class loess


Constructed using the code available at


GEUVADIS data set: 't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Lappalainen, et al (2013): Transcriptome and genome sequencing uncovers functional variation in humans. Nature 501: 506-511.

Empirical error model for Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx with Illumina Sequencing Kit v4 chemistry, read mate 1 of a pair


for each position in mate 1 of a paired-end read generated with the specified Illumina chemistry, this data frame contains the probability of not making a sequencing error, and of making each of the 4 possible types of sequencing errors. The reference base (truth) is in column 1, and the probabilities of sequencing that base given its read position (column 7) as each of the 5 possible bases (A, T, G, C, and N) is given in columns 2 through 6, respectively. So for example, at position 8 in mate 1 of a read where the true base is A, the probability of correctly calling that base an A is 0.9998, the probability of making an error by sequencing a T is 2.64e-05, the probability of making an error by sequencing a G is 1.58e-04, the probability of making an error by sequencing a C is 3.05e-05, and the probability of reading an 'N' at position 8 is 0. This can be seen by looking at model1[model1$pos == 8,]. Note that position indexing is 1-based, though a 0 position is included as described in the GemSIM documentation.


data frame named model1, 7 columns, 505 rows


processed from the Illumina v4 error model that ships with GemSIM (see references)


McElroy KE, Luciani F, Thomas T (2012). GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

Empirical error model for Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx with Illumina Sequencing Kit v4 chemistry, read mate 2 of a pair


for each position in mate 2 of a paired-end read generated with the specified Illumina chemistry, this data frame contains the probability of not making a sequencing error, and of making each of the 4 possible types of sequencing errors. The reference base (truth) is in column 1, and the probabilities of sequencing that base given its read position (column 7) as each of the 5 possible bases (A, T, G, C, and N) is given in columns 2 through 6, respectively. So for example, at position 8 in mate 1 of a read where the true base is A, the probability of correctly calling that base an A is 0.9995, the probability of making an error by sequencing a T is 0.00017, the probability of making an error by sequencing a G is 0.00023, the probability of making an error by sequencing a C is 6.02e-05, and the probability of reading an 'N' at position 8 is 1.15e-05. This can be seen by looking at model2[model2$pos == 8,]. Note that position indexing is 1-based, though a 0 position is included as described in the GemSIM documentation.


data frame named model2, 7 columns, 505 rows


processed from the Illumina v4 error model that ships with GemSIM (see references)


McElroy KE, Luciani F, Thomas T (2012). GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

Empirical error model for Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx with Illumina Sequencing Kit v4 chemistry, single-end read


for each position in a single-end read generated with the specified Illumina chemistry, this data frame contains the probability of not making a sequencing error, and of making each of the 4 possible types of sequencing errors. The reference base (truth) is in column 1, and the probabilities of sequencing that base given its read position (column 7) as each of the 5 possible bases (A, T, G, C, and N) is given in columns 2 through 6, respectively. So for example, at position 8 in mate 1 of a read where the true base is A, the probability of correctly calling that base an A is 0.9998, the probability of making an error by sequencing a T is 2.95e-05, the probability of making an error by sequencing a G is 1.27e-04, the probability of making an error by sequencing a C is 1.85e-05, and the probability of reading an 'N' at position 8 is 0. This can be seen by looking at model3[model3$pos == 8,]. Note that position indexing is 1-based, though a 0 position is included as described in the GemSIM documentation.


data frame named model3, 7 columns, 505 rows


processed from the Illumina v4 error model that ships with GemSIM (see references)


McElroy KE, Luciani F, Thomas T (2012). GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

Empirical error model for Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx with TrueSeq SBS Kit v5-GA chemistry, read mate 1 of a pair


for each position in mate 1 of a paired-end read generated with the specified Illumina chemistry, this data frame contains the probability of not making a sequencing error, and of making each of the 4 possible types of sequencing errors. The reference base (truth) is in column 1, and the probabilities of sequencing that base given its read position (column 7) as each of the 5 possible bases (A, T, G, C, and N) is given in columns 2 through 6, respectively. So for example, at position 8 in mate 1 of a read where the true base is A, the probability of correctly calling that base an A is 0.9998, the probability of making an error by sequencing a T is 4.00e-05, the probability of making an error by sequencing a G is 1.58e-04, the probability of making an error by sequencing a C is 1.46e-05, and the probability of reading an 'N' at position 8 is 0. This can be seen by looking at model4[model4$pos == 8,]. Note that position indexing is 1-based, though a 0 position is included as described in the GemSIM documentation.


data frame named model4, 7 columns, 505 rows


processed from the Illumina v5 error model that ships with GemSIM (see references)


McElroy KE, Luciani F, Thomas T (2012). GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

Empirical error model for Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx with TrueSeq SBS Kit v5-GA chemistry, read mate 2 of a pair


for each position in mate 2 of a paired-end read generated with the specified Illumina chemistry, this data frame contains the probability of not making a sequencing error, and of making each of the 4 possible types of sequencing errors. The reference base (truth) is in column 1, and the probabilities of sequencing that base given its read position (column 7) as each of the 5 possible bases (A, T, G, C, and N) is given in columns 2 through 6, respectively. So for example, at position 8 in mate 1 of a read where the true base is A, the probability of correctly calling that base an A is 0.9992, the probability of making an error by sequencing a T is 0.0002, the probability of making an error by sequencing a G is 0.0002, the probability of making an error by sequencing a C is 0.0001, and the probability of reading an 'N' at position 8 is 0.0002. This can be seen by looking at model5[model5$pos == 8,]. Note that position indexing is 1-based, though a 0 position is included as described in the GemSIM documentation.


data frame named model5, 7 columns, 505 rows


processed from the Illumina v5 error model that ships with GemSIM (see references)


McElroy KE, Luciani F, Thomas T (2012). GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

Empirical error model for Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx with TrueSeq SBS Kit v5-GA chemistry, single-end read


for each position in a single-end read generated with the specified Illumina chemistry, this data frame contains the probability of not making a sequencing error, and of making each of the 4 possible types of sequencing errors. The reference base (truth) is in column 1, and the probabilities of sequencing that base given its read position (column 7) as each of the 5 possible bases (A, T, G, C, and N) is given in columns 2 through 6, respectively. So for example, at position 8 in mate 1 of a read where the true base is A, the probability of correctly calling that base an A is 0.9998, the probability of making an error by sequencing a T is 3.04e-05, the probability of making an error by sequencing a G is 1.36e-04, the probability of making an error by sequencing a C is 1.27e-05, and the probability of reading an 'N' at position 8 is 0. This can be seen by looking at model6[model6$pos == 8,]. Note that position indexing is 1-based, though a 0 position is included as described in the GemSIM documentation.


data frame named model6, 7 columns, 505 rows


processed from the Illumina v5 error model that ships with GemSIM (see references)


McElroy KE, Luciani F, Thomas T (2012). GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

Empirical error model Roche/454 FLX Titanium, single-end read


for each position in a single-end read generated with the specified chemistry, this data frame contains the probability of not making a sequencing error, and of making each of the 4 possible types of sequencing errors. The reference base (truth) is in column 1, and the probabilities of sequencing that base given its read position (column 7) as each of the 5 possible bases (A, T, G, C, and N) is given in columns 2 through 6, respectively. So for example, at position 8 in mate 1 of a read where the true base is C, the probability of correctly calling that base a C is 0.9994, the probability of making an error by sequencing a T is 0.0002, the probability of making an error by sequencing a G is 0.0001, the probability of making an error by sequencing an A is 0.0002, and the probability of reading an 'N' at position 8 is 0. This can be seen by looking at model7[model7$pos == 8,]. Note that position indexing is 1-based, though a 0 position is included as described in the GemSIM documentation.


data frame named model7, 7 columns, 505 rows


processed from the Roche 454 error model that ships with GemSIM (see references)


McElroy KE, Luciani F, Thomas T (2012). GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.

Draw nonzero negative binomial random numbers


Draw nonzero negative binomial random numbers


NB(basemeans, size, seed = NULL)



vector of means, one per draw


vector of size parameters (controlling the mean/variance relationship); one per draw


optional seed to set before drawing


vector of negative binomial draws from specified distributions, where any zero draw is replaced with a 1. Length of return vector is equal to length(basemeans).


randomNBs = NB(c(100, 4, 29), size=c(50, 2, 4), seed=21)
  randomNBs  # 115, 5, 15

Polyester: simulating RNA-seq reads including differential expression


Polyester is an R package designed to simulate an RNA sequencing experiment. Given a set of annotated transcripts, polyester will simulate the steps of an RNA-seq experiment (fragmentation, reverse-complementing, and sequencing) and produce files containing simulated RNA-seq reads. Simulated reads can be analyzed using any of several downstream analysis tools.


A single function call produces RNA-seq reads in FASTA format from a case/control experiment including biological replicates. Differential expression between cases and controls can be set by the user, facilitating comparisons of statistical differential expression methods for RNA-seq data. See detailed documentation for simulate_experiment and simulate_experiment_countmat.

See the vignette by typing browseVignettes("polyester") in the R prompt.


Alyssa Frazee, Andrew Jaffe, Rory Kirchner, Jeff Leek


Alyssa C Frazee, Geo Pertea, Andrew E Jaffe, Ben Langmead, Steven L Salzberg, Jeffrey T Leek (2014). Flexible isoform-level differential expression analysis with Ballgown. BioRxiv preprint:

reverse-complement some fragments


randomly reverse-complement half of the sequences in a DNAStringSet


reverse_complement(tObj, seed = NULL)



DNAStringSet representing sequences.


optional seed to set before randomly selecting the sequences to be reverse-complemented.


DNAStringSet that is the same as tObj, but with about half the sequences reverse-complemented.


  srPhiX174_halfrc = reverse_complement(srPhiX174, seed=174)

Model of positional bias that can arise when RNA-seq is performed using protocols relying on RNA fragmentation.


This positional bias model was estimated in Li and Jiang (2012). With RNA fragmentation, reads are more likely to have come from the middle of the transcript than either end. The probabilities included in this dataset were estimated from Supplementary Figure S3 in Li and Jiang's manuscript. Data points from the figure were inferred and exported as CSV files using WebPlotDigitizer. The CSV files and the code used to process them and create the datasets are available in the Polyester GitHub repository (


data frame with 100 rows and 2 columns. Column 1 is position along a transcript (in percent), while Column 2 is the probability of getting a fragment at that position. Column 2 sums to 1.


Li W and Jiang T (2012): Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads. Bioinformatics 28(22): 2914-2921.

Rohatgi A (2014): WebPlotDigitizer: Version 3.4 of WebPlotDigitizer. ZENODO. 10.5281/zenodo.11835

Get transcript sequences from GTF file and sequence info


Given a GTF file (for transcript structure) and DNA sequences, return a DNAStringSet of transcript sequences


  feature = "transcript",
  exononly = TRUE,
  idfield = "transcript_id",
  attrsep = "; "



one of path to GTF file, or data frame representing a canonical GTF file.


one of path to folder containing one FASTA file (.fa extension) for each chromosome in gtf, or named DNAStringSet containing one DNAString per chromosome in gtf, representing its sequence. In the latter case, names(seqs) should contain the same entries as the seqnames (first) column of gtf.


one of 'transcript' or 'exon' (default transcript), depending on desired return.


if TRUE (as it is by default), only create transcript sequences from the features labeled exon in gtf.


in the attributes column of gtf, what is the name of the field identifying transcripts? Should be character. Default "transcript_id".


in the attributes column of gtf, how are attributes separated? Default "; ".


If feature is 'transcript', DNAStringSet containing transcript sequences, with names corresponding to idfield in gtf. If feature is 'exon', DNAStringSet containing exon sequences from gtf, named by exon location (chr, start, end, strand).



## Not run: 
  chr22_processed = seq_gtf(gtf_dataframe, chr22seq)

## End(Not run)

simulate RNA-seq experiment using negative binomial model


create FASTA files containing RNA-seq reads simulated from provided transcripts, with optional differential expression between two groups


  fasta = NULL,
  gtf = NULL,
  seqpath = NULL,
  outdir = ".",
  num_reps = c(10, 10),
  reads_per_transcript = 300,
  size = NULL,
  paired = TRUE,
  reportCoverage = FALSE,



path to FASTA file containing transcripts from which to simulate reads. See details.


path to GTF file containing transcript structures from which reads should be simulated. See details.


path to folder containing one FASTA file (.fa extension) for each chromosome in gtf. See details.


character, path to folder where simulated reads should be written, with *no* slash at the end. By default, reads are written to current working directory.


How many biological replicates should be in each group? The length num_reps determines how many groups are in the experiment. For example, num_reps = c(5,6,5) specifies a 3-group experiment with 5 samples in group 1, 6 samples in group 2, and 5 samples in group 3. Defaults to a 2-group experiment with 10 reps per group (i.e., c(10,10)).


baseline mean number of reads to simulate from each transcript. Can be an integer, in which case this many reads are simulated from each transcript, or an integer vector whose length matches the number of transcripts in fasta. Default 300. You can also leave reads_per_transcript empty and set meanmodel=TRUE to draw baseline mean numbers from a model based on transcript length.


the negative binomial size parameter (see NegBinomial) for the number of reads drawn per transcript. It can be a matrix (where the user can specify the size parameter per transcript, per group), a vector (where the user can specify the size per transcript, perhaps relating to reads_per_transcript), or a single number, specifying the size for all transcripts and groups. If left NULL, defaults to reads_per_transcript * fold_changes / 3. Negative binomial variance is mean + mean^2 / size.


Matrix specifying multiplicative fold changes between groups. There is no default, so you must provide this argument. In real data sets, lowly-expressed transcripts often show high fold changes between groups, so this can be kept in mind when setting fold_changes and reads_per_transcript. This argument must have the same number of columns as there are groups as specified by num_reps, and must have the same number of rows as there are transcripts in fasta. A fold change of X in matrix entry i,j means that for replicate j, the baseline mean number of reads (reads_per_transcript[i]) will be multiplied by X. Note that the multiplication happens before the negative binomial value (for the number of reads that *actually will* be drawn from transcript i, for replicate j) is drawn. This argument is ignored if length(num_reps) is 1 (meaning you only have 1 group in your simulation).


If TRUE, paired-end reads are simulated; else single-end reads are simulated. Default TRUE


whether to write out coverage information to sample_coverages.rda file in the outdir. defaults to FALSE


any of several other arguments that can be used to add nuance to the simulation. See details.


Reads can either be simulated from a FASTA file of transcripts (provided with the fasta argument) or from a GTF file plus DNA sequences (provided with the gtf and seqpath arguments). Simulating from a GTF file and DNA sequences may be a bit slower: it took about 6 minutes to parse the GTF/sequence files for chromosomes 1-22, X, and Y in hg19.

Several optional parameters can be passed to this function to adjust the simulation. The options are:

  • readlen: read length. Default 100.

  • lib_sizes: Library size factors for the biological replicates. lib_sizes should have length equal to the total number of replicates in the experiment, i.e., sum(num_reps). For each replicate, once the number of reads to simulate from each transcript for that replicate is known, all read numbers across all transcripts from that replicate are multiplied by the corresponding entry in lib_sizes.

  • distr One of 'normal', 'empirical', or 'custom', which specifies the distribution from which to draw RNA fragment lengths. If 'normal', draw fragment lengths from a normal distribution. You can provide the mean of that normal distribution with fraglen (defaults to 250) and the standard deviation of that normal distribution with fragsd (defaults to 25). You can provide a single number for each, or a vector with length equal to the total number of samples. If 'empirical', draw fragment lengths from a fragment length distribution estimated from a real data set. If 'custom', draw fragment lengths from a custom distribution, which you can provide as the custdens argument. custdens should be a density fitted using logspline.

  • error_model: The error model can be one of:

    • 'uniform': errors are distributed uniformly across reads. You can also provide an 'error_rate' parameter, giving the overall probability of making a sequencing error at any given nucleotide. This error rate defaults to 0.005.

    • 'illumina4' or 'illumina5': Empirical error models. See ?add_platform_error for more information.

    • 'custom': A custom error model you've estimated from an RNA-seq data set using GemErr. See ?add_platform_error for more info. You will need to provide both model_path and model_prefix if using a custom error model. model_path is the output folder you provided to This path should contain either two files suffixed _mate1 and _mate2, or a file suffixed _single. model_prefix is the 'prefix' argument you provided to and is whatever comes before the _mate1/_mate2 or _single files in model_path.

  • bias One of 'none', 'rnaf', or 'cdnaf'. 'none' represents uniform fragment selection (every possible fragment in a transcript has equal probability of being in the experiment); 'rnaf' represents positional bias that arises in protocols using RNA fragmentation, and 'cdnaf' represents positional bias arising in protocols that use cDNA fragmentation (Li and Jiang 2012). Using the 'rnaf' model, coverage is higher in the middle of the transcript and lower at both ends, and in the 'cdnaf' model, coverage increases toward the 3' end of the transcript. The probability models used come from Supplementary Figure S3 of Li and Jiang (2012). Defaults to 'none' if you don't provide this.

  • gcbias list indicating which samples to add GC bias to, and from which models. Should be the same length as sum(num_reps); entries can be either numeric or of class loess. A numeric entry of 0 indicates no GC bias. Numeric entries 1 through 7 correspond to the 7 empirical GC models that ship with Polyester, estimated from GEUVADIS HapMap samples NA06985, NA12144, NA12776, NA18858, NA20542, NA20772, and NA20815, respectively. The code used to derive the empirical GC models is available at A loess entry should be a loess prediction model that takes a GC content percent value (between 0 and 1) a transcript's deviation from overall mean read count based on that GC value. Counts for each replicate will be adjusted based on the GC bias model specified for it. Numeric and loess entries can be mixed. By default, no bias is included.

  • frag_GC_bias Either a matrix of dimensions 101 x sum(num_reps) or 'none'. The default is 'none'. If specified, the matrix contains the probabilities (a number in the range [0,1]) that a fragment will appear in the output given its GC content. The first row corresponds to a fragment with GC content of 0 percent, the second row 1 percent, the third row 2 percent, etc., and the last row 100 percent. The columns correspond to different probabilites for each sample. Internally, a coin flip (a Bernoulli trial) determines if each fragment is kept, depending on its GC content. Note that the final library size will depend on the elements of the matrix, and it might make sense to scale up the lib_size of the samples with low probabilites in the matrix in the range of the transcriptome GC content distribution. Note that the count_matrix written to outdir contains the counts before applying fragment GC bias.

  • strand_specific defaults to FALSE, which means fragments are generated with equal probability from both strands of the transcript sequence. set to TRUE for strand-specific simulation (1st read forward strand, 2nd read reverse strand with respect to transcript sequence).

  • meanmodel: set to TRUE if you'd like to set reads_per_transcripts as a function of transcript length. We fit a linear model regressing transcript abundance on transcript length, and setting meanmodel=TRUE means we will use transcript lengths to draw transcript abundance based on that linear model. You can see our modeling code at

  • write_info: set to FALSE if you do not want files of simulation information written to disk. By default, transcript fold changes and expression status, replicate library sizes and group identifiers, and an R data object of the counts matrix (before application of fragment GC bias) are written to outdir.

  • seed: specify a seed (e.g. seed=142 or some other integer) to set before randomly drawing read numbers, for reproducibility.

  • transcriptid: optional vector of transcript IDs to be written into sim_info.txt and used as transcript identifiers in the output fasta files. Defaults to names(readDNAStringSet(fasta)). This option is useful if default names are very long or contain special characters.

  • gzip: pass gzip=TRUE to write gzipped fasta files as output (by default, fasta output files are not compressed when written to disk).

  • exononly: (passed to seq_gtf) if TRUE (as it is by default), only create transcript sequences from the features labeled exon in gtf.

  • idfield: (passed to seq_gtf)in the attributes column of gtf, what is the name of the field identifying transcripts? Should be character. Default "transcript_id".

  • attrsep: (passed to seq_gtf) in the attributes column of gtf, how are attributes separated? Default "; ".


No return, but simulated reads and a simulation info file are written to outdir. Note that reads are written out transcript by transcript and so need to be shuffled if used as input to quantification algorithms such as eXpress or Salmon.


't Hoen PA, et al (2013): Reproducibility of high-throughput mRNA and small RNA sequencing across laboratories. Nature Biotechnology 31(11): 1015-1022.

Li W and Jiang T (2012): Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads. Bioinformatics 28(22): 2914-2921.

McElroy KE, Luciani F and Thomas T (2012): GemSIM: general, error-model based simulator of next-generation sequencing data. BMC Genomics 13(1), 74.


## simulate a few reads from chromosome 22

  fastapath = system.file("extdata", "chr22.fa", package="polyester")
  numtx = count_transcripts(fastapath)
  fold_change_values = sample(c(0.5, 1, 2), size=2*numtx,
     prob=c(0.05, 0.9, 0.05), replace=TRUE)
  fold_changes = matrix(fold_change_values, nrow=numtx)
  # remove quotes from transcript IDs:
  tNames = gsub("'", "", names(readDNAStringSet(fastapath)))

  simulate_experiment(fastapath, reads_per_transcript=10,
     fold_changes=fold_changes, outdir='simulated_reads',
     transcriptid=tNames, seed=12)

Simulate RNA-seq experiment


create FASTA files containing RNA-seq reads simulated from provided transcripts, with optional differential expression between two groups (designated via read count matrix)


  fasta = NULL,
  gtf = NULL,
  seqpath = NULL,
  outdir = ".",
  paired = TRUE,
  seed = NULL,



path to FASTA file containing transcripts from which to simulate reads. See details.


path to GTF file or data frame containing transcript structures from which reads should be simulated. See details and seq_gtf.


path to folder containing one FASTA file (.fa extension) or DNAStringSet containing one entry for each chromosome in gtf. See details and seq_gtf.


matrix with rows representing transcripts and columns representing samples. Entry i,j specifies how many reads to simulate from transcript i for sample j.


character, path to folder where simulated reads should be written, without a slash at the end of the folder name. By default, reads written to the working directory.


If TRUE, paired-end reads are simulated; else single-end reads are simulated.


Optional seed to set before simulating reads, for reproducibility.


Additional arguments to add nuance to the simulation, as described extensively in the details of simulate_experiment, or to pass to seq_gtf, if gtf is not NULL.


Reads can either be simulated from a FASTA file of transcripts (provided with the fasta argument) or from a GTF file plus DNA sequences (provided with the gtf and seqpath arguments). Simulating from a GTF file and DNA sequences may be a bit slower: it took about 6 minutes to parse the GTF/sequence files for chromosomes 1-22, X, and Y in hg19.


No return, but simulated reads are written to outdir.


Li W and Jiang T (2012): Transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation from biased RNA-Seq reads. Bioinformatics 28(22): 2914-2921.


fastapath = system.file("extdata", "chr22.fa", package="polyester")
  numtx = count_transcripts(fastapath)
  readmat = matrix(20, ncol=10, nrow=numtx)
  readmat[1:30, 1:5] = 40

    readmat=readmat, outdir='simulated_reads_2', seed=5)

Simulate RNA-seq experiment based on abundances from a data set


Create fasta files representing reads from a two-group experiment, where abundances and differential expression are estimated from a real data set


  bg = NULL,
  fpkmMat = NULL,
  mean_rps = 5e+06,
  grouplabels = NULL,
  decut = 1.5,
  outdir = ".",



Ballgown object containing estimated transcript abundances in FPKM. Reads will be simulated for the same number of replicates that are in bg. Must provide exactly one of bg and fpkmMat.


transcript-by-sample matrix containing abundances (in FPKM) estimated from a real data set. MUST have row names identifying transcripts. The number of columns is the number of samples that will be simulated.


Number of reads per sample to use in converting FPKM measurements to counts. Should be somewhat close to the number of reads per sample in the experiment that generated the estimated FPKMs. Defaults to 5 million (5e6).


vector indicating the group labels for each replicate in the experiment. Must be convertible to a factor with exactly 2 levels.


A transcript will be recorded as truly differentially expressed if its fold change between the two groups is more extreme than decut, in either direction.


character, path to folder where simulated reads should be written, without a slash at the end of the folder name. By default, reads written to the working directory.


Additional arguments to pass to simulate_experiment_countmat


No return, but reads are written to outdir.


## Not run: 

  bg = subset(bg, "chr=='22'")
  # load gtf file:
  gtfpath = system.file('extdata', 'bg.gtf.gz', package='polyester')
  gtf = subset(gffRead(gtfpath), seqname=='22')
  # load/download chromosome sequence (just for this example)
  names(chr22seq) = '22'

  # simulate reads based on this experiment's FPKMs
  simulate_experiment_empirical(bg, grouplabels=pData(bg)$group, gtf=gtf, 
     seqpath=chr22seq, mean_rps=5000, outdir='simulated_reads_3', seed=1247)

## End(Not run)

write sequencing reads to disk


given a DNAStringSet representing simulated sequencing reads, write FASTA files to disk representing the simulated reads.


write_reads(reads, fname, readlen, paired = TRUE, gzip, offset = 1L)



DNAStringSet representing sequencing reads


file path/prefix specifying where sequencing reads should be written. Should not contain ".fasta" (this is appended automatically).


maximum length of the reads in reads.


If TRUE, reads are assumed to be in pairs: i.e., read 1 and read 2 in reads are the left and right mate (respectively) of a read pair; same with read 3 and read 4, etc. The odd-numbered reads are written to fname_1.fasta and the even-numbered reads are written to fname_2.fasta. If FALSE, reads are assumed to be single-end and just one file, fname.fasta, is written.


If TRUE, gzip the output fasta files.


An integer number greater or equal to 1 to start assigning read numbers at.


The get_reads function returns a DNAStringSet object representing sequencing reads that can be directly passed to write_reads. If output other than that from get_reads is used and paired is TRUE, make sure reads is ordered properly (i.e., that mate pairs appear together and that the left mate appears first).


No return, but FASTA file(s) containing the sequences in reads are written to fname.fasta (if paired is FALSE) or fname_1.fasta and fname_2.fasta if paired is TRUE.

See Also



  data(srPhiX174) # pretend srPhiX174 represents a DNAStringSet of *reads*
  readlen = unique(width(srPhiX174)) #35
  write_reads(srPhiX174, fname='./srPhiX174', readlen=readlen, paired=FALSE,

## If the file is too big, you can subset it and write it in chunks.
## Here we split our 'reads' into two chunks and save them to the same file.
write_reads(srPhiX174[1:100], fname='./srPhiX174-offset', readlen=readlen,
   paired=FALSE, gzip=FALSE, offset = 1L)
write_reads(srPhiX174[101:length(srPhiX174)], fname='./srPhiX174-offset',
   readlen=readlen, paired=FALSE, gzip=FALSE, offset = 101L)

## We can verify that we get the same results
srPhi <- readDNAStringSet('./srPhiX174.fasta')
srPhiOffset <- readDNAStringSet('./srPhiX174-offset.fasta')
identical(srPhi, srPhiOffset)