parglms: fitting generalized linear and related models with parallel evaluation of contributions to sufficient statistics


The main concern of the parglms package is supporting efficient computations for modeling with dispersed data. The motivating use case is an eQTL analysis as exemplified in geuvStore2. A BatchJobs Registry mediates access to collections of millions of statistics on SNP-transcript association. We want to use statistical modeling to perform inference on features of SNPs contributing to various phenotypic conditions through effects on gene expression.

Formally, let y denote an N vector with mean function μ(β) and variance function V(μ). The parameter vector of interest, β, is of dimension p, satisfying g(μ) = Xβ, where X is N × p. In conventional use of generalized linear models (GLMs), functions μ and V have simple forms and are programmed in the family elements for stats::glm. The models are fit by solving equations of the form DtW[y − μ(β)] = 0 where W is diagonal with elements prescribed by the reciprocal variance function, and D = ∂μ/∂β.

The key motivation for this package is the recognition that steps towards the solution of the equation can often be arithmetically decomposed in various ways, and neither holistic nor serial computation is required for most of the calculations. We can therefore accomplish the model fitting task in a scalable way, decomposing the data into parts that fit comfortably in memory, and performing operations in parallel among the parts whenever possible.

Illustration with a data.frame: dispersal and analysis

We use BatchJobs to disperse data into small chunks.

## Loading required package: BBmisc
## Attaching package: 'BBmisc'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     isFALSE
## The development of BatchJobs and BatchExperiments is discontinued.
## Consider switching to 'batchtools' for new features and improved stability
## Sourced 1 configuration files:
##   1: /github/workspace/pkglib/BatchJobs/etc/BatchJobs_global_config.R
## BatchJobs configuration:
##   cluster functions: Interactive
##   mail.from: 
##   mail.start: none
##   mail.done: none
##   mail.error: none
##   default.resources: list()
##   debug: FALSE
##   raise.warnings: FALSE
##   staged.queries: TRUE
## Inf
##   fs.timeout: NA
##   measure.mem: TRUE
data(anorexia)  # N = 72
myr = makeRegistry("abc", file.dir=tempfile())
## Creating dir: /tmp/RtmpJBo71X/file177039629988
## Saving registry: /tmp/RtmpJBo71X/file177039629988/registry.RData
chs = chunk(1:nrow(anorexia), n.chunks=18) # 4 recs/chunk
f = function(x) anorexia[x,]
batchMap(myr, f, chs)
## Adding 18 jobs to DB.
## Status for 18 jobs at 2025-02-19 05:46:14.60973
## Submitted:  0 (  0.00%)
## Started:    0 (  0.00%)
## Running:    0 (  0.00%)
## Done:       0 (  0.00%)
## Errors:     0 (  0.00%)
## Expired:    0 (  0.00%)
## Time: min=NAs avg=NAs max=NAs

We are now poised to rewrite the data.frame contents into chunks.

## Syncing registry ...
##   Treat Prewt Postwt
## 1  Cont  80.7   80.2
## 2  Cont  89.4   80.1
## 3  Cont  91.8   86.4
## 4  Cont  74.0   86.3

The parGLM method will fit the model specified in the formula. The task of iterating over chunks is left to the BiocParallel bplapply, and this will implicitly use whatever concurrent computing approach has been registered.

pp = parGLM( Postwt ~ Treat + Prewt, myr,
   family=gaussian, binit = c(0,0,0,0), maxit=10, tol=.001 )
## Warning: executing %dopar% sequentially: no parallel backend registered
## [1] "coefficients"    "eff.variance"    "robust.variance" "s2"             
## [5] "niter"           "converged"       "formula"         "N"              
## [9] "theCall"
##                   [,1]
## (Intercept) 49.7711090
## TreatCont   -4.0970655
## TreatFT      4.5630627
## Prewt        0.4344612

Illustration with geuvStore2

In this application we model the probability that a SNP has been identified as a GWAS hit, as a function of aspects of its genomic context and its association with expression as measured using RNA-seq in GEUVADIS.

In the decorate function, we emend the outputs of gQTLstats cisAssoc after applying storeToFDR and enumerateByFDR, as serialized in a GRanges (demoEnum) with information on GWAS hit status and enclosing chromatin state. This is intensive; the litdec function simply computes GWAS hit status and chromatin state.

litdec = function(grWithFDR) {
 tmp = grWithFDR
 if (!exists("hmm878")) data(hmm878)
 seqlevelsStyle(hmm878) = "NCBI"
 ov = findOverlaps(tmp, hmm878)
 states = hmm878$name
 states[ which(states %in% c("13_Heterochrom/lo", "14_Repetitive/CNV",
      "15_Repetitive/CNV")) ] = "hetrep_1315"
 levs = unique(states)
 tmp$hmmState = factor(rep("hetrep_1315", length(tmp)),levels=levs)
 tmp$hmmState = relevel(tmp$hmmState, "hetrep_1315")
 tmp$hmmState[ queryHits(ov) ] = factor(states[ subjectHits(ov) ],
 if (!exists("gwrngs19")) data(gwrngs19)
 seqlevelsStyle(gwrngs19) = "NCBI" 
 tmp$isGwasHit = 1*(tmp %in% gwrngs19)

decorate = function(grWithFDR) {
# the data need a distance/MAF filter
 if (!exists("hmm878")) data(hmm878)
 if (!exists("gwrngs19")) data(gwrngs19)
 if (!exists("gwastagger")) data(gwastagger) # will use locations here
 seqlevelsStyle(hmm878) = "NCBI"
 seqlevelsStyle(gwrngs19) = "NCBI" 
 seqlevelsStyle(gwastagger) = "NCBI" 
 tmp = grWithFDR
 tmp$isGwasHit = 1*(tmp %in% gwrngs19)
 tmp$isGwasTagger = 1*(tmp %in% gwastagger)
 #levs = unique(hmm878$name)
 ov = findOverlaps(tmp, hmm878)
 states = hmm878$name
 states[ which(states %in% c("13_Heterochrom/lo", "14_Repetitive/CNV",
      "15_Repetitive/CNV")) ] = "hetrep_1315"
 levs = unique(states)
 tmp$hmmState = factor(rep("hetrep_1315", length(tmp)),levels=levs)
 tmp$hmmState = relevel(tmp$hmmState, "hetrep_1315")
 tmp$hmmState[ queryHits(ov) ] = factor(states[ subjectHits(ov) ],
 tmp$estFDR = getFDRfunc(filtFDR)( tmp$chisq )
 tmp$fdrcat = cut(tmp$estFDR, c(-.01, .01, .05, .1, .25, .5, 1.01))
 tmp$fdrcat = relevel(tmp$fdrcat, "(0.5,1.01]")
 #tmp$distcat = cut(tmp$mindist, c(-1,0,1000,5000,10000,50000,100000,250000,500001))
 tmp$distcat = cut(tmp$mindist, c(-1,0,1000,5000,10000,25000,50001))
 #tmp$distcat = relevel(tmp$distcat, "(2.5e+05,5e+05]")
 tmp$distcat = relevel(tmp$distcat, "(2.5e+04,5e+04]")
 tmp$MAFcat = cut(tmp$MAF, c(.049, .075, .1, .25, .51))
 tmp$MAFcat = relevel(tmp$MAFcat, "(0.25,0.51]")
 kp = c("seqnames", "start", "probeid", "snp", "estFDR", "fdrcat", "hmmState",
  "distcat", "MAFcat", "isGwasHit", "isGwasTagger")
 names(tmp) = NULL
 as(tmp, "data.frame")[,kp]

We’ll try this out here:

prst = g17transRegistry()

Now we can fit a very simple model for SNP phenorelevance. We set the extractor component of the registry to the litdec function defined above.

prst$extractor = function(store,i) litdec(loadResult(store,i)[[1]])
p1 = parGLM( isGwasHit ~ hmmState, prst, 
   family=binomial, binit=rep(0,13), tol=.001,
   maxit = 10 )
#ans= list(coef=p1$coef, s.e.=sqrt(diag(p1$eff.var)))
#ans$z = ans[[1]]/ans[[2]], ans)