Package 'paircompviz'

Title: Multiple comparison test visualization
Description: This package provides visualization of the results from the multiple (i.e. pairwise) comparison tests such as pairwise.t.test, pairwise.prop.test or pairwise.wilcox.test. The groups being compared are visualized as nodes in Hasse diagram. Such approach enables very clear and vivid depiction of which group is significantly greater than which others, especially if comparing a large number of groups.
Authors: Michal Burda
Maintainer: Michal Burda <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=3.0)
Version: 1.45.0
Built: 2025-02-17 03:13:58 UTC

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Multiple comparison test visualization


This package provides visualization of the results from the multiple (i.e. pairwise) comparison tests such as pairwise.t.test, pairwise.prop.test or pairwise.wilcox.test. The groups being compared are visualized as nodes in Hasse diagram. Such approach enables very clear and vivid depiction of which group is significantly greater than which others, especially if comparing a large number of groups.


Michal Burda <[email protected]>


paircomp(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, test="t")

Artificial dataset that suffers with broken transitivity of the pairwise t-test comparisons


This is a dataset of artificial data created to demonstrate that there exists a data sample such that pairwise comparisons using t-test break transitivity of the results, i.e. that if treatment 1 is significantly lower than 2 and treatment 2 is lower than 3, it is not always the case that also treatment 1 is significantly lower than 3.




A data frame of two columns:

  1. x is the measured value,

  2. g is the treatment group.



  # For \alpha = 10^{-9}, we obtain significant difference
  # between 1-2, 2-3, but not 1-3.
  tapply(brokentrans$x, brokentrans$g, mean)
  pairwise.t.test(brokentrans$x, brokentrans$g,

Visualization of Hasse diagram specified by an adjacency matrix


Given an adjacency matrix, this function displays the corresponding Hasse diagram. This is a wrapper function for graph creation using the Rgraphviz package.


      main=paste("Hasse Diagram of", deparse(substitute(e))),



An adjacency matrix, with ei,je_{i,j} indicating the edge size between vertices ii and jj (ei,j=0e_{i,j} = 0 means no edge between ii and jj). The matrix must be rectangular with non-negative non-missing values.


Vector of names of the vertices. If null, the vertex names will be obtained from column names of adjacency matrix ee.


Labels of the edges. If it is a scalar value, all edges would have the same label. Otherwise, elabelab must be a rectangular matrix (similar to adjacency matrix ee). A value on ii-th row and jj-th column is a label of the edge between vertex ii and vertex jj.


Edge label color. If scalar, all edge labels have the same color. Otherwise, ecolecol must be in the form of adjacency matrix: a value on ii-th row and jj-th column is a color of the label of the edge between vertex ii and vertex jj.


Edge line color. If scalar, all edges have the same color. Otherwise, ebgebg must be in the form of adjacency matrix: a value on ii-th row and jj-th column is a color of the edge between vertex ii and vertex jj.


Vertex label color. If scalar, all vertices have the same label color. Otherwise, vcolvcol must be a vector of the size corresponding to the number of vertices.


Vertex background color. If scalar, all vertices have the same background color. Otherwise, vcolvcol must be a vector of the size corresponding to the number of vertices.


Vertex sizes. If scalar, all vertices have the same size in the image. Otherwise, vsizevsize must be a vector of the size corresponding to the number of vertices.


Labels of "dot" vertices. Must be scalar.


"dot" vertex label color. Must be scalar.


"dot" vertex background color. Must be scalar.


"dot" vertex size. Must be scalar.


Color of edges introduced by edge compression. Must be scalar.


Thickness of edges introduced by edge compression. Must be scalar and non-negative.


Main title of the diagram.


TRUE if the edges should be compressed, i.e. if the maximum bi-cliques have to be found in the graph and replaced with a "dot" vertex. (See examples.)


This function depicts a Hasse diagram specified with an adjacency matrix ee. Hasse diagram is a visualization of partially ordered set, by drawing its transitive reduction as an oriented graph. Each vertex corresponds to an element of the set. There is an edge between vertex ii and vertex jj iff i<ji < j and there is no zz such that i<z<ji < z < j.

The function is also capable of edge compression via introducing the "dot" edges: Let UU, VV be two disjoint non-empty sets of edges, such that for each uu from UU and vv from VV, there exists an edge from uu to vv. (The number of such edges equals UV|U| \cdot |V|.) Starting from U>2|U| > 2 and V>2|V| > 2, the Hasse diagram may become too complicated and hence confusing. Therefore a compress argument exists in this function that enables “compression” of the edges in such a way that a new “dot” node ww is introduced and UV|U| \cdot |V| edges between sets UU and VV are replaced with U+V|U|+|V| edges from set UU to node ww and from node ww to set VV.




Michal Burda

See Also



# linear order
  e <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)

  # prepare adjacency matrix
  m <- matrix(0, byrow=TRUE, nrow=5, ncol=5)
  m[3, 1] <- 1
  m[3, 2] <- 1
  m[4, 1] <- 9
  m[4, 2] <- 1
  m[5, 1] <- 1
  m[5, 2] <- 1

  mc <- m
  mc[mc > 0] <- "red"
  ms <- m
  ms[ms > 0] <- "blue"

  # view m with default settings
  hasse(m, ebg="black")

  # view m WITHOUT edge compression and some fancy adjustments
  hasse(v=c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), 
             vcol=c(gray(0.5), gray(1), rep(gray(0), 3)), 
             vbg=gray(5:1/5), vsize=1:5, e=m, ecol=mc, ebg=ms, elab=m,

  # view m WITH edge compression and some fancy adjustments
  hasse(v=c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), 
             vcol=c(gray(0.5), gray(1), rep(gray(0), 3)), 
             vbg=gray(5:1/5), vsize=1:5, e=m, ecol=mc, ebg=ms, elab=m,

Visualization of multiple pairwise comparison test results


This function performs multiple pairwise comparison tests on given data and views the results in the form of Hasse diagram.


         test=c("t", "prop", "wilcox"),
         visualize=c("position", "size", "pvalue"),



either a vector or an object of class glht as returned from the glht function of the multcomp package.

If obj is an object of class glht, then arguments grouping and test may be arbitrary, because they will be not used. Otherwise, if test equals "t" or "wilcox", obj should be a numeric vector of responses, and if test equals "prop", obj should be a vector of 0's and 1's.


a grouping factor. If obj is a numeric vector, grouping must be a factor. If obj is an object of class glht, grouping should be NULL.


a name of the test to use. If obj is an object of class glht, the value of test does not have any effect. Otherwise, the values determine the type of the pairwise comparison test procedure. Allowed values "t", "prop" or "wilcox" imply internal call of pairwise.t.test(), pairwise.prop.test() or pairwise.wilcox.test(), respectively.


the maximum p-value that will be considered as significant; i.e. pairwise test results with p-value lower than the specified level will be represented with an edge in the resulting Hasse diagram.


main title of the diagram.


TRUE if the edges should be compressed, i.e. if the maximum bi-cliques have to be found in the graph and replaced with a "dot" vertex. (See examples.)


vector of additional information to be included in the diagram: "position" enables vertex background color to be derived from the treatment's proportion ("prop" test) or mean value (otherwise); "size" enables vertex size to correspond to the treatment's sample size; "pvalue" sets the edges' line thickness accordingly to p-value (lower p-value corresponds to thicker line).


whether to return test results as a return value.


whether to render the diagram.


other arguments that will be passed to the underlying function that performs pairwise comparisons (e.g. pairwise.t.test, pairwise.prop.test or pairwise.wilcox.test.


All treatments in a set are compared in pairs using a selected statistical test. If the results form a partially ordered set, they can be viewed in a Hasse diagram.

Hasse diagram is a graph with each treatment being represented as a vertex. An edge is drawn downwards from vertex yy to vertex xx if and only if treatment xx is significantly lower than treatment yy, and there is no such treatment zz that xx was lower than zz and zz lower than yy. Each edge is connected to exactly two vertices: its two endpoints. If there does not exist a path between some two treatments, it means that these two treatments are incomparable (i.e. the difference among them is not statistically significant).

The function accepts two types of inputs: either an instance of class glht or a vector obj of measured values and a factor grouping of treatments.

The glht object may be obtained from function glht of the multcomp package and set as the obj argument. Argument grouping must be NULL, in that case.

If obj is a numeric vector of measured values, grouping must not be NULL and also a type of statistical test must be selected by setting test argument.

Edge compression (introducing "dot" edges):

Sometimes, pairwise comparison tests may yield in such bipartite setting that each pair of nodes of some two node subsets would be inter-connected with an edge (without any edge between nodes in the same subset). More specifically, let UU, VV be two disjoint non-empty sets of edges, such that for each uu from UU and vv from VV, there exists an edge from uu to vv. (The number of such edges equals UV|U| \cdot |V|.) Starting from U>2|U| > 2 and V>2|V| > 2, the Hasse diagram may become too complicated and hence confusing. Therefore a compress argument exists in this function that enables “compression” of the edges in such a way that a new “dot” node ww is introduced and UV|U| \cdot |V| edges between sets UU and VV are replaced with U+V|U|+|V| edges from set UU to node ww and from node ww to set VV.


If argument result is TRUE, the function returns everything that is returned by the underlying test function (pairwise.t.test, pairwise.prop.test or pairwise.wilcox.test accordingly to the test argument), or a copy of the obj argument, if obj is an instance of class glht.


Michal Burda

See Also

pairwise.t.test, pairwise.prop.test, pairwise.wilcox.test, glht hasse


# Example of test="prop":
  o <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 10), rep(c(0,1), 5))
  g <- c(rep(1,10), rep(2, 10), rep(3, 10))
  paircomp(o, g, test="prop")

  # Example of test="t" and test="wilcox":
  paircomp(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, test="t")
  paircomp(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, test="wilcox")

  # Example of t-test with non-pooled SD and Bonferroni adjustment
  # for multiple comparisons:
  paircomp(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, test="t",
 , p.adjust.method="bonferroni")

  # Compare diagrams with and without compressed edges:
  paircomp(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, test="t",
  paircomp(InsectSprays$count, InsectSprays$spray, test="t",

  # perform Tukey test:
  library(rpart) # for car90 dataset
  library(multcomp) # for glht() function
  aovR <- aov(Price ~ Type, data = car90)
  glhtR <- glht(aovR, linfct = mcp(Type = "Tukey"))

Remove transitive edges from an adjacency matrix


This function removes transitive edges from an adjacency matrix.





an adjacency matrix, i.e. a rectangular matrix with value ei,je_{i,j} above zero indicating an edge between vertices ii and jj of the corresponding graph.


This function takes an adjacency matrix as the argument e. Both rows and columns correspond to graph vertices, with value ei,je_{i,j} above zero indicating an edge between vertices ii and jj. The function removes all transitive edges, i.e. sets to zero corresponding elements of matrix ee. The transitive edge is such an edge between vertices ii and jj that after removing it from the graph, there still exists a path from ii to jj.


An adjacency matrix ee with transitive edges being removed.


Michal Burda

See Also

paircomp, hasse


e <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)