To cite package ‘openPrimeR’ in publications use: Kreer C, Döring M, Lehnen N, Ercanoglu M, Gieselmann L, Luca D, Jain K, Schommers P, Pfeifer N, Klein F (2020). “openPrimeR for multiplex amplification of highly diverse templates.” _Journal of Immunological Methods_, 112752. . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {{openPrimeR} for multiplex amplification of highly diverse templates}, author = {Christoph Kreer and Matthias Döring and Nathalie Lehnen and Meryem Ercanoglu and Lutz Gieselmann and Domnica Luca and Kanika Jain and Philipp Schommers and Nico Pfeifer and Florian Klein}, journal = {Journal of Immunological Methods}, year = {2020}, pages = {112752}, publisher = {Elsevier}, url = {}, } Döring M, Kreer C, Lehnen N, Klein F, Pfeifer N (2019). “Modeling the Amplification of Immunoglobulins through Machine Learning on Sequence-Specific Features.” _Scientific Reports_, *9*(1), 1-11. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {{Modeling the Amplification of Immunoglobulins through Machine Learning on Sequence-Specific Features}}, author = {Matthias Döring and Christoph Kreer and Nathalie Lehnen and Florian Klein and Nico Pfeifer}, year = {2019}, journal = {{Scientific Reports}}, volume = {{9}}, number = {{1}}, pages = {{1--11}}, publisher = {{Nature Publishing Group}}, }