The ambitions of collaborative single cell biology will only be achieved through the coordinated efforts of many groups, to help clarify cell types and dynamics in an array of functional and environmental contexts. The use of formal ontology in this pursuit is well-motivated and research progress has already been substantial.
Bakken et al. (2017) discuss “strategies for standardized cell type representations based on the data outputs from [high-content flow cytometry and single cell RNA sequencing], including ‘context annotations’ in the form of standardized experiment metadata about the specimen source analyzed and marker genes that serve as the most useful features in machine learning-based cell type classification models.” Aevermann et al. (2018) describe how the FAIR principles can be implemented using statistical identification of necessary and sufficient conditions for determining cell class membership. They propose that Cell Ontology can be transformed to a broadly usable knowledgebase through the incorporation of accurate marker gene signatures for cell classes.
In this vignette, we review key concepts and tasks required to make progress in the adoption and application of ontological discipline in Bioconductor-oriented data analysis.
We’ll start by setting up some package attachments and ontology objects.
library(BiocStyle) # for package references
cl = getOnto("cellOnto", "2021") # for continuity -- has_high_plasma_membrane_amount: list
go = getOnto("goOnto", "2021") # if updated, some assertions will fail...
pr = getOnto("Pronto", "2021") # important case change
As of 1.99.0, facilities are present to import any valid OWL ontology. We use basilisk to incorporate functionality from owlready2 and bioregisty. One way of identifying a large number of ontologies available for ingestion is to query bioregistry.
## + /github/home/.cache/R/basilisk/1.19.0/0/bin/conda create --yes --prefix /github/home/.cache/R/basilisk/1.19.0/ontoProc/2.1.4/bsklenv 'python=3.10.14' --quiet -c conda-forge --override-channels
## + /github/home/.cache/R/basilisk/1.19.0/0/bin/conda install --yes --prefix /github/home/.cache/R/basilisk/1.19.0/ontoProc/2.1.4/bsklenv 'python=3.10.14' -c conda-forge --override-channels
## + /github/home/.cache/R/basilisk/1.19.0/0/bin/conda install --yes --prefix /github/home/.cache/R/basilisk/1.19.0/ontoProc/2.1.4/bsklenv -c conda-forge 'python=3.10.14' 'h5py=3.6.0' --override-channels
We can use the URLs given in this table to explore ontologies of interest. For example, the AEO (anatomical entity ontology) extends CARO (the common anatomy reference ontology). What sorts of terms are regarded as extensions?
aeo = owl2cache(url="") # localize OWL
aeoinr = setup_entities2(aeo)
suppressWarnings({ # zero-length angle
onto_plot2(aeoinr, sample(grep("AEO", names(aeoinr$name), value=TRUE),12))
So CARO is already using some of the extensions.
Use a search facility in owlready2 to check the UBERON ontology (check the table above for references) for terms involving the substring ‘vein’:
ub = owl2cache(url="")
allv = search_labels(ub, "*vein*")
## [1] 363
## AEO_0000209
## "vein"
## CL_0002543
## "vein endothelial cell"
## CL_0002588
## "smooth muscle cell of the umbilical vein"
## CL_0002618
## "endothelial cell of umbilical vein"
## CL_0009094
## "endothelial cell of hepatic portal vein"
## CL_1001052
## "kidney cortex vein cell"
It is interesting to note that owlready2 includes the ability to provide relevance measurement for search results using the BM25 index. We need to add some code to capitalize on this in ontoProc.
The following table describes the most up-to-date resources available
with getOnto
name | nclass | nprop | nroots | datav |
caro | 751 | 57 | 30 | caro/releases/2022-02-18/caro-full.owl |
cellLineOnto | 43596 | 204 | 110 | NA |
cellOnto | 17371 | 229 | 102 | releases/2023-02-15 |
cellosaurus | 144570 | NA | 144571 | 44.0 |
chebi_full | 163735 | 34 | 13 | 218 |
chebi_lite | 163735 | 32 | 13 | 218 |
diseaseOnto | 13680 | 26 | 3 | doid/releases/2023-01-30/doid-non-classified.obo |
efoOnto | 40514 | 93 | 60 | |
goOnto | 47427 | 41 | 10 | releases/2023-01-01 |
hcaoOnto | 22821 | 259 | 161 | releases/2022-12-16/hcao.owl |
mondo | 44707 | 249 | 116 | releases/2022-08-01 |
patoOnto | 2813 | 45 | 16 | releases/2022-12-15/pato.obo |
PROnto | 334873 | 48 | 49 | 68.0 |
uberon | 25836 | 245 | 138 | releases/2023-02-14 |
Pronto | 315957 | 6 | 53 | 57.0 |
Other resources are listed in packDesc202x
Definitions, semantics. For concreteness, we provide
some definitions and examples. We use ontology
to denote
the systematic organization of terminology used in a conceptual domain.
The Cell Ontology
is a graphical data structure with
carefully annotated terms as nodes and conventionally defined semantic
relationships among terms serving as edges. As an example,
lung ciliated cell
has URI . This URI includes a
fixed-length identifier CL_1000271
with unambiguous
interpretation wherever it is encountered. There is a chain of
relationships from lung ciliated cell
up through
ciliated cell
, then native cell
, then
, each possessing its own URI and related interpretive
metadata. The relationship connecting the more precise to the less
precise term in this chain is denoted SubclassOf
Ciliated cell
is equivalent to a native cell
that has plasma membrane part
. Semantic
characteristics of terms and relationships are used to infer
relationships among terms that may not have relations directly specified
in available ontologies.
Barriers to broad adoption. Given the wealth of
material available in biological ontologies, it is somewhat surprising
that formal annotation is so seldom used in practice. Barriers to more
common use of ontology in data annotation include: (i) Non-existence of
exact matching between intended term and terms available in ontologies
of interest. (ii) The practical problem of decoding ontology
identifiers. A GO tag or CL tag is excellent for programming, but it is
clumsy to co-locate with the tag the associated natural language term or
phrase. (iii) Likelihood of disagreement of suitability of terms for
conditions observed at the boundaries of knowledge. To help cope with
the first of these problems, Bioconductor’s ontologyProc
package includes a function liberalMap
which will search an
ontology for terms lexically close to some target term or phrase. The
second problem can be addressed with more elaborate data structures for
variable annotation and programming in R, and the third problem will
diminish in importance as the value of ontology adoption becomes
manifest in more applications.
Class vs. instance. It is important to distinguish the practice of designing and maintaining ontologies from the use of ontological class terms to annotate instances of the concepts. The combination of an ontology and a set of annotated instances is called a knowledge base. To illustrate some of the salient distinctions here, consider the cell line called A549, which is established from a human lung adenocarcinoma sample. There is no mention of A549 in the Cell Ontology. However, A549 is present in the EBI Experimental Factor Ontology as a subclass of the “Homo sapiens cell line” class. Presumably this is because A549 is a class of cells that are widely used experimentally, and this cell line constitutes a concept deserving of mapping in the universe of experimental factors. In the universe of concepts related to cell structure and function per se, A549 is an individual that can be characterized through possession of or lack of properties enumerated in Cell Ontology, but it is not deserving of inclusion in that ontology.
The 10X Genomics corporation has distributed a dataset on results of sequencing 10000 PBMC from a healthy donor . Subsets of the data are used in tutorials for the Seurat analytical suite (Butler et al. (2018)).
One result of the tutorial analysis of the 3000 cell subset is a table of cell types and expression-based markers of cell identity. The first three columns of the table below are from concluding material in the Seurat tutorial; the remaining columns are created by “manual” matching between the Seurat terms and terms found in Cell Ontology.
grp | markers | seurTutType | formal | tag |
0 | IL7R | CD4 T cells | CD4-positive helper T cell | CL:0000492 |
1 | CD14, LYZ | CD14+ Monocytes | CD14-positive monocyte | CL:0001054 |
2 | MS4A1 | B cells | B cell | CL:0000236 |
3 | CD8A | CD8 T cells | CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CL:0000625 |
4 | FCGR3A, MS4A7 | FCGR3A+ Monocytes | monocyte | CL:0000576 |
5 | GNLY, NKG7 | NK cells | natural killer cell | CL:0000623 |
6 | FCER1A, CST3 | Dendritic Cells | dendritic cell | CL:0000451 |
7 | PPBP | Megakaryocytes | megakaryocyte | CL:0000556 |
Given the informally selected tags in the table above, we can sketch
the Cell Ontology graph connecting the associated cell types. The
ontoProc package adds functionality to ontologyPlot with
. This allows use of all
Rgraphviz and igraph visualization facilities for graphs derived from
ontology structures.
Here we display the PBMC cell sets reported in the Seurat tutorial.
The CLfeats
function traces relationships and properties
from a given Cell Ontology class. Briefly, each class can assert that it
is the intersection_of
other classes, and
, lacks_part
can be asserted as relationships
holding between cell type instances and cell components. The components
are often cross-referenced to Protein Ontology or Gene Ontology. When
the Protein Ontology component has a synonym for which an HGNC symbol is
provided, that symbol is retrieved by CLfeats
. Here we
obtain the listing for a mature CD1a-positive dermal dendritic cell.
tag | prtag | cond | entity | SYMBOL | name |
CL:0000451 | PR:000001002 | lacksPMP | CD19 molecule | CD19 | dendritic cell |
CL:0000451 | PR:000001003 | lacksPMP | CD34 molecule | CD34 | dendritic cell |
CL:0000451 | PR:000001020 | lacksPMP | CD3 epsilon | CD3E | dendritic cell |
CL:0000451 | PR:000001024 | lacksPMP | neural cell adhesion molecule 1 | NCAM1 | dendritic cell |
CL:0000451 | PR:000001289 | lacksPMP | membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A member 1 | MS4A1 | dendritic cell |
CL:0000451 | GO:0042613 | hasPart | MHC class II protein complex | NA | dendritic cell |
CL:0000000 | GO:0005634 | hasPart | nucleus | NA | cell |
CL:0000000 | GO:0005634 | hasPart | nucleus | NA | cell |
The ctmarks
function starts a shiny app that generates
tables of this sort for selected cell types.
The sym2CellOnto
function helps find mention of given
gene symbols in properties or parts of cell types.
sym | cond | cl | type |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000037 | hematopoietic stem cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000547 | proerythroblast |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000553 | megakaryocyte progenitor cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000558 | reticulocyte |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000611 | eosinophil progenitor cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000613 | basophil progenitor cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000765 | erythroblast |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000831 | mast cell progenitor |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000836 | promyelocyte |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000837 | hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000872 | splenic marginal zone macrophage |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000941 | thymic conventional dendritic cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000942 | thymic plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000989 | CD11c-low plasmacytoid dendritic cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0000998 | CD8_alpha-negative CD11b-negative dendritic cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0001000 | CD8_alpha-positive CD11b-negative dendritic cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0001029 | common dendritic progenitor |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0001060 | hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell, lineage-negative |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0001066 | erythroid progenitor cell, mammalian |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0002010 | pre-conventional dendritic cell |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0002089 | group 2 innate lymphoid cell, mouse |
ITGAM | lacksPMP | CL:0002679 | natural helper lymphocyte |
## lacksPMP
## 22
sym | cond | cl | type |
FOXP3 | hasPart | CL:0000902 | induced T-regulatory cell |
FOXP3 | hasPart | CL:0000903 | natural T-regulatory cell |
FOXP3 | hasPart | CL:0000919 | CD8-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell |
FOXP3 | hasPart | CL:0000920 | CD8-positive, CD28-negative, alpha-beta regulatory T cell |
The task of extending an ontology is partly bureaucratic in nature
and depends on a collection of endorsements and updates to centralized
information structures. In order to permit experimentation with
interfaces and new content that may be quite speculative, we include an
approach to combining new ontology ‘terms’ of structure similar to those
endorsed in Cell Ontology, to ontologyIndex-based
For a demonstration, we consider the discussion in Bakken et al. (2017), of a ‘diagonal’ expression pattern defining a group of novel cell types. A set of genes is identified and cells are distinguised by expressing exactly one gene from the set.
The necessary information is collected in a vector. The vector is the set of genes, the name of element i is the tag to be associated with the type of cell that expresses gene i and does not express any other gene in the set.
The cyclicSigset
function produces a data.frame instance
connecting cell types with the genes expressed or unexpressed.
## [1] 100 3
## gene type cond
## 1 ARHGEF28 CL:X09 hasExp
## 2 GRIK3 CL:X09 lacksExp
## 3 NTNG1 CL:X09 lacksExp
## 4 BAGE2 CL:X09 lacksExp
## 5 MC4R CL:X09 lacksExp
## 9 SNCG CL:X09 lacksExp
## 10 EGF CL:X09 lacksExp
## 11 BAGE2 CL:X03 hasExp
## 12 GRIK3 CL:X03 lacksExp
## 13 NTNG1 CL:X03 lacksExp
## hasExp lacksExp
## 10 90
It is expected that a tabular layout like this will suffice to handle general situations of cell type definition.
The most complicated aspect of novel OBO term construction is the proper specifications of relationships with existing ontology components. A prolog that is mostly shared by all terms is generated programmatically for the diagonal pattern task.
makeIntnProlog = function(id, ...) {
# make type-specific prologs as key-value pairs
sprintf("id: %s", id),
sprintf("name: %s-expressing cortical layer 1 interneuron, human", ...),
sprintf("def: '%s-expressing cortical layer 1 interneuron, human described via RNA-seq observations' [PMID 29322913]", ...),
"is_a: CL:0000099 ! interneuron",
"intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron")
The ldfToTerms
API uses this to create a set of strings
that can be parsed as a term.
pmap = c("hasExp"="has_expression_of", lacksExp="lacks_expression_of")
head(unlist(tms <- ldfToTerms(cs, pmap, sigels, makeIntnProlog)), 20)
## [1] "[Term]"
## [2] "id: CL:X01"
## [3] "name: GRIK3-expressing cortical layer 1 interneuron, human"
## [4] "def: 'GRIK3-expressing cortical layer 1 interneuron, human described via RNA-seq observations' [PMID 29322913]"
## [5] "is_a: CL:0000099 ! interneuron"
## [6] "intersection_of: CL:0000099 ! interneuron"
## [7] "has_expression_of: PR:000008242 ! GRIK3"
## [8] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000011467 ! NTNG1"
## [9] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000004625 ! BAGE2"
## [10] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000001237 ! MC4R"
## [11] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000012318 ! PAX6"
## [12] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000016738 ! TSPAN12"
## [13] "lacks_expression_of: PR:B8ZZ34 ! hSHISA8"
## [14] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000015325 ! SNCG"
## [15] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000013942 ! ARHGEF28"
## [16] "lacks_expression_of: PR:000006928 ! EGF"
## [17] "[Term]"
## [18] "id: CL:X02"
## [19] "name: NTNG1-expressing cortical layer 1 interneuron, human"
## [20] "def: 'NTNG1-expressing cortical layer 1 interneuron, human described via RNA-seq observations' [PMID 29322913]"
The content in tms can then be appended to the content of the Cell
Ontology cl.obo as text for import with
Aaron Lun has produced a mapping from informal terms used in the Human Primary Cell Atlas to Cell Ontology tags. We provisionally include a copy of this mapping in ontoProc:
hpca_map = read.csv(system.file("extdata/hpca.csv", package="ontoProc"), strings=FALSE)
## uncontrolled controlled
## 1 DC:monocyte-derived:immature CL:0000840
## 2 DC:monocyte-derived:Galectin-1 CL:0000451
## 3 DC:monocyte-derived:LPS CL:0000451
## 4 DC:monocyte-derived CL:0000451
## 5 Smooth_muscle_cells:bronchial:vit_D CL:0002598
## 6 Smooth_muscle_cells:bronchial CL:0002598
We will rename columns of this map for convenience of our
## loading from cache
## Monocyte Monocyte:CD14+
## 27 3
## Monocyte:CD16+ Monocyte:CD16-
## 6 7
## Monocyte:CXCL4 Monocyte:F._tularensis_novicida
## 2 6
## Monocyte:MCSF Monocyte:S._typhimurium_flagellin
## 2 1
## Monocyte:anti-FcgRIIB Monocyte:leukotriene_D4
## 2 4
## CL:0000576 CL:0001054
## 57 3
## T_cell:CD4+ T_cell:CD4+_Naive
## 12 6
## T_cell:CD4+_central_memory T_cell:CD4+_effector_memory
## 5 4
## T_cell:CD8+ T_cell:CD8+_Central_memory
## 16 3
## T_cell:CD8+_effector_memory T_cell:CD8+_effector_memory_RA
## 4 4
## T_cell:CD8+_naive T_cell:Treg:Naive
## 4 2
## T_cell:effector T_cell:gamma-delta
## 4 2
## CL:0000624 CL:0000625 CL:0000798 CL:0000895 CL:0000900 CL:0000904 CL:0000905
## 12 16 2 6 4 5 4
## CL:0000907 CL:0000911 CL:0000913 CL:0001062 CL:0002677
## 3 4 4 4 2
Using the ontoDiff function, you can visually identify which related terms exist in the newest provided version of an ontology but not in the old version.
## downloading 1 resources
## retrieving 1 resource
## loading from cache
## downloading 1 resources
## retrieving 1 resource
## loading from cache
cl3k = c("DOID:0040064","DOID:0040076","DOID:0081127","DOID:0081126","DOID:0081131","DOID:0060034")
The Experimental Factor Ontology is available and integrates information among diverse ontologies. Here we check on terms likely related to asthma.
## downloading 1 resources
## retrieving 1 resource
## loading from cache
alla <- grep("sthma", ef$name, value=TRUE)
aa <- grep("obso", alla, invert=TRUE, value=TRUE)
onto_plot2(ef, names(aa))
However, the Human Disease Ontology seems more developed in terms of defining asthma subtypes. We have not integrated that ontology into ontoProc yet, but it can be retrieved conveniently as follows:
hdo_2022_09 = get_OBO(
extract_tags = "everything"
With this resource, we can see finer-grained handling of asthma subtyping: