omicplotR 1.7.1
- bug fix to cause by Shiny 1.4.0 (renderDataTable causes error in jquery). solution is to import DT package and specify DT::renderDataTable and DT::dataTableOutput.
- ensured that ALDEx2 dependency for aldex.plot feature is correctly implemented
- added Brandon Lieng as author
omicplotR 1.7.0
- bioconductor dev version 3.11, no changes since 1.5.4
omicplotR 1.5.4
- explicitly calling some functions to prevent conflicts (jsonlite::fromJSON)
- corrected namespace and description
- removed "require(libraries") from ui.
- bug fix for calculating aldex object. sometimes would need to click generate effect plot twice.
- version bump
- changed T to TRUE in rab_script and server.R
omicplotR 1.5.1
- choice of pseudocount or CZM
- changed how conditions are selected manually for effect size. now, you input the column number
- added ability to download GO slim annotated feature tables directly from MGNify database by inputting a Study ID
- added density plots for interactive effect sizes
- currently depends on specific version of ALDEx2 (temporary)
omicplotR 1.1.2
- bug fix for CZM in RAB plots. if not zeros, plots would fail.
- updated install instructions to use 'BiocManager'
omicplotR 1.1.1
- added slider inputs to change size and opacity of sample names for biplot and coloured biplot
- changed UI for filtering page
- added downloadable scripts for PCA biplots, dendrogram/barplots, and effect plots (simple effect plot script).
omicplotR 0.99.4
- changed vignette to html instead of pdf.
- edited vignette.
omicplotR 0.99.3
- bug fix. extrainformation.rmd changed to extrainformation.Rmd.
omicplotR 0.99.0