--- title: "Creating a pool set for matchRanges" author: "Eric S. Davis" date: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%m/%d/%Y')`" bibliography: library.bib output: rmarkdown::html_document: highlight: tango toc: true toc_float: true fig_width: 5 fig_height: 3 vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{5. Creating a pool set for matchRanges} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ## Introduction `matchRanges()` performs subset selection on a pool of ranges such that chosen covariates are distributionally matched to a focal set of ranges. However, the generation of a set of pool ranges is not a trivial task. This vignette provides some guidance for how to generate a pool of ranges. For this analysis, we use DNase peaks as a measure of open chromatin, and ChIP-seq for JUN peaks as a measure of JUN binding. Suppose we are interested in the properties of chromatin accessibility, but suspect that JUN-binding impacts accessibility. We can use `matchRanges()` to control for the DNase signal and the length of the site so we can compare our JUN-bound sites (i.e., our `focal` set) to sites where JUN is not bound (i.e., our `pool` set). ## Obtaining example data First, we use `AnnotationHub` to access `GRanges` for DNase and JUN narrowPeaks in human (hg19) GM12878 cells: ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(AnnotationHub) ah <- AnnotationHub() dnase <- ah[["AH30743"]] junPeaks <- ah[["AH22814"]] dnase ``` Since we want to control for accessibility, we can use the `signalValue` from the DNase peaks as a covariate. DNase sites are also different lengths. If we suspect length might impact accessibility differently at JUN-bound sites, we can include it as a covariate as well. For visualization, let's convert these to log-scale using `mutate()` from `plyranges`: ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(plyranges) dnase <- dnase |> mutate(log10_signal = log10(signalValue + 1), log10_length = log10(width(dnase) + 1)) ``` ## Creating the `focal` and `pool` sets Next we define our focal and pool sets. The `focal` set contains the feature of interest (i.e., DNase peaks bound by JUN), whereas the `pool` set lacks this feature (i.e., unbound DNase peaks). `matchRanges()` is designed to handle datasets that can be binarized into these two distinct groups. With `plyranges` it is easy to filter DNase sites by overlap (or lack of overlap) with JUN peaks: ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} ## Define focal and pool focal <- dnase |> filter_by_overlaps(junPeaks) pool <- dnase |> filter_by_non_overlaps(junPeaks) ``` The focal set must be smaller than the pool set for matching to work correctly. Matching is most effective when the pool set is much larger and covers all values in the focal set. ```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} length(focal) length(pool) length(pool)/length(focal) ``` Before matching, the focal set shows a different distribution of length and signal than the pool set: ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} ## Before matching, focal shows higher ## signalValue than pool library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) bind_ranges(focal=focal, pool=pool, .id="set") |> as.data.frame() |> pivot_longer(cols=c("log10_length", "log10_signal"), names_to="features", values_to="values") |> ggplot(aes(values, color=set)) + facet_wrap(~features) + stat_density(geom='line', position='identity') + ggtitle("DNase sites") + theme_bw() + theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5)) ``` ## Obtaining the matched set with `matchRanges()` To control for these differences, we can use `matchRanges()` to select a subset of unbound DNase sites from the pool that have the same distribution of length and signal. ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(nullranges) set.seed(123) mgr <- matchRanges(focal=focal, pool=pool, covar=~log10_length + log10_signal, method='rejection', replace=FALSE) mgr ``` ## Assessing covariate balance Now let's use the `plotCovariate()` function with `patchwork` to visualize how similar our matched distribution is to focal: ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(patchwork) lapply(covariates(mgr), plotCovariate, x=mgr, sets=c('f', 'm', 'p')) |> Reduce('+', x=_) + plot_layout(guides="collect") + plot_annotation(title="DNase sites", theme=theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.40))) ``` An important part of propensity-score matching, is assessing similarity, or balance, between the focal and matched sets. One way is to visually examine the distributions as we have done above. Another way is to report summary statistics about the two sets. `cobalt` is a package designed to specifically address covariate balance after covariate matching. Below, we demonstrate how to use `cobalt` to calculate the standardized mean differences and visualize these statistics with a love plot. For more information about assessing covariate balance, refer to the detailed documentation in the `cobalt` vignette: `vignette("cobalt", package = "cobalt")`. ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(cobalt) res <- bal.tab(f.build("set", covariates(mgr)), data=matchedData(mgr)[!set %in% 'unmatched'], distance="ps", focal="focal", which.treat="focal", s.d.denom="all") res plot(res) + xlim(c(-2, 2)) ``` The "focal vs. matched" comparison shows much lower standardized mean differences than "focal vs. pool", indicating that the matched set has been successfully controlled for covariates of DNAse site length and signal.