netDx 1.5.3
- Moved RCy3, scater, clusterExperiment and netSmooth to "Suggests" to reduce dependency burden
- Sped up vignettes by limiting all to binary classification and limiting number of layers
- Removed TL;DR from vignettes as usefulness in question but maintainance high.
Developers notes:
- Added Dockerfile and Github Actions for automated testing
- GHA auto-generates a Docker image with netDx which gets pushed to shraddhapai/netdx_devenv
netDx 1.5.2
- Added wrapper functions for ease-of-use. Includes:
- getResults() to plot results of running the predictor
- getPSN() for creating and visualizing integrated PSN
- confusionMatrix() to visualize confusion matrix
- tSNEPlotter() to visualize tSNE of integrated PSN (doesn't require Cytoscape)
- Added CITATION file with citations to netDx methods and software paper
netDx 1.5.1
- Adding support for Java 16.
- Disabling CNV-based vignette to allow other three vignettes to run without causing build timeout on devel system
netDx 1.1.4
- New functionality to smooth mutations over interaction, starting from sparse
somatic mutations
- BiocFileCache usage update
netDx 0.99.0 (2019-11-11)
- Submitted to Bioconductor