If you are following our online
course, the following vignette will be useful as a complementary
learning tool. This vignette also covers the essential use cases of
various methods in this package for the general mixOmcis
user. The below methods will be covered:
As outlined in 1.3, this is not an
exhaustive list of all the methods found within mixOmics
More information can be found at our
website and you can ask questions via our discourse forum.
Different types of analyses with mixOmics (Rohart, Gautier, Singh, and Le Cao 2017).The biological questions, the number of data sets to integrate, and the type of response variable, whether qualitative (classification), quantitative (regression), one (PLS1) or several (PLS) responses, all drive the choice of analytical method. All methods featured in this diagram include variable selection except rCCA. In N-integration, rCCA and PLS enable the integration of two quantitative data sets, whilst the block PLS methods (that derive from the methods from Tenenhaus and Tenenhaus (2011)) can integrate more than two data sets. In P-integration, our method MINT is based on multi-group PLS (Eslami et al. 2014).The following activities cover some of these methods.
is an R toolkit dedicated to the exploration
and integration of biological data sets with a specific focus on
variable selection. The package currently includes more than twenty
multivariate methodologies, mostly developed by the
team (see some of our references in 1.2.3). Originally, all methods were designed for
omics data, however, their application is not limited to biological data
only. Other applications where integration is required can be
considered, but mostly for the case where the predictor variables are
continuous (see also 1.1).
In mixOmics
, a strong focus is given to graphical
representation to better translate and understand the relationships
between the different data types and visualize the correlation structure
at both sample and variable levels.
Note the data pre-processing requirements before analysing data with
Types of data. Different types of biological
data can be explored and integrated with mixOmics
. Our
methods can handle molecular features measured on a continuous scale
(e.g. microarray, mass spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics)
or sequenced-based count data (RNA-seq, 16S, shotgun metagenomics) that
become `continuous’ data after pre-processing and
Normalisation. The package does not handle normalisation as it is platform-specific and we cover a too wide variety of data! Prior to the analysis, we assume the data sets have been normalised using appropriate normalisation methods and pre-processed when applicable.
Prefiltering. While mixOmics
methods can handle large data sets (several tens of thousands of
predictors), we recommend pre-filtering the data to less than 10K
predictor variables per data set, for example by using Median Absolute
Deviation (Teng et al.
2016) for RNA-seq data, by removing consistently low counts
in microbiome data sets (Lê
Cao et al. 2016) or by removing near-zero variance
predictors. Such step aims to lessen the computational time during the
parameter tuning process.
Data format. Our methods use matrix decomposition techniques. Therefore, the numeric data matrix or data frames have n observations or samples in rows and p predictors or variables (e.g. genes, proteins, OTUs) in columns.
Covariates. In the current version of
, covariates that may confound the analysis are not
included in the methods. We recommend correcting for those covariates
beforehand using appropriate univariate or multivariate methods for
batch effect removal. Contact us for more details as we are currently
working on this aspect.
We list here the main methodological or theoretical concepts you need
to know to be able to efficiently apply mixOmics
Individuals, observations or samples: the experimental units on which information are collected, e.g. patients, cell lines, cells, faecal samples etc.
Variables, predictors: read-out measured on each sample, e.g. gene (expression), protein or OTU (abundance), weight etc.
Variance: measures the spread of one variable. In our methods, we estimate the variance of components rather that variable read-outs. A high variance indicates that the data points are very spread out from the mean, and from one another (scattered).
Covariance: measures the strength of the relationship between two variables, i.e. whether they co-vary. A high covariance value indicates a strong relationship, e.g. weight and height in individuals frequently vary roughly in the same way; roughly, the heaviest are the tallest. A covariance value has no lower or upper bound.
Correlation: a standardized version of the covariance that is bounded by -1 and 1.
Linear combination: variables are combined by multiplying each of them by a coefficient and adding the results. A linear combination of height and weight could be 2 * weight − 1.5 * height with the coefficients 2 and −1.5 assigned with weight and height respectively.
Component: an artificial variable built from a linear combination of the observed variables in a given data set. Variable coefficients are optimally defined based on some statistical criterion. For example in Principal Component Analysis, the coefficients of a (principal) component are defined so as to maximise the variance of the component.
Loadings: variable coefficients used to define a component.
Sample plot: representation of the samples projected in a small space spanned (defined) by the components. Samples coordinates are determined by their components values or scores.
Correlation circle plot: representation of the variables in a space spanned by the components. Each variable coordinate is defined as the correlation between the original variable value and each component. A correlation circle plot enables to visualise the correlation between variables - negative or positive correlation, defined by the cosine angle between the centre of the circle and each variable point) and the contribution of each variable to each component - defined by the absolute value of the coordinate on each component. For this interpretation, data need to be centred and scaled (by default in most of our methods except PCA). For more details on this insightful graphic, see Figure 1 in (González et al. 2012).
Unsupervised analysis: the method does not take into account any known sample groups and the analysis is exploratory. Examples of unsupervised methods covered in this vignette are Principal Component Analysis (PCA, Chapter 3), Projection to Latent Structures (PLS, Chapter 4), and also Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA, not covered here but see the website page).
Supervised analysis: the method includes a vector indicating the class membership of each sample. The aim is to discriminate sample groups and perform sample class prediction. Examples of supervised methods covered in this vignette are PLS Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA, Chapter 5), DIABLO (Chapter 6) and also MINT (Chapter 7).
If the above descriptions were not comprehensive enough and you have some more questions, feel free to explore the glossary on our website.
Here is an overview of the most widely used methods in
that will be further detailed in this vignette,
with the exception of rCCA. We depict them along with the type of data
set they can handle.
FIGURE 1: An overview of what quantity and type of dataset each method within mixOmics requires. Thin columns represent a single variable, while the larger blocks represent datasets of multiple samples and variables.
List of methods in mixOmics, sparse indicates methods that perform variable selection
Main functions and parameters of each method
The methods implemented in mixOmics
are described in
detail in the following publications. A more extensive list can be found
at this link.
Overview and recent integrative methods: Rohart F., Gautier, B, Singh, A, Le Cao, K. A. mixOmics: an R package for ’omics feature selection and multiple data integration. PLoS Comput Biol 13(11): e1005752.
Graphical outputs for integrative methods: (González et al. 2012) Gonzalez I., Le Cao K.-A., Davis, M.D. and Dejean S. (2012) Insightful graphical outputs to explore relationships between two omics data sets. BioData Mining 5:19.
DIABLO: Singh A, Gautier B, Shannon C, Vacher M, Rohart F, Tebbutt S, K-A. Le Cao. DIABLO - multi-omics data integration for biomarker discovery.
sparse PLS: Le Cao K.-A., Martin P.G.P, Robert-Granie C. and Besse, P. (2009) Sparse Canonical Methods for Biological Data Integration: application to a cross-platform study. BMC Bioinformatics, 10:34.
sparse PLS-DA: Le Cao K.-A., Boitard S. and Besse P. (2011) Sparse PLS Discriminant Analysis: biologically relevant feature selection and graphical displays for multiclass problems. BMC Bioinformatics, 22:253.
Multilevel approach for repeated measurements: Liquet B, Le Cao K-A, Hocini H, Thiebaut R (2012). A novel approach for biomarker selection and the integration of repeated measures experiments from two assays. BMC Bioinformatics, 13:325
sPLS-DA for microbiome data: Le Cao K-A*, Costello ME *, Lakis VA , Bartolo F, Chua XY, Brazeilles R and Rondeau P. (2016) MixMC: Multivariate insights into Microbial Communities.PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160169
Each methods chapter has the following outline:
Other methods not covered in this document are described on our website and the following references:
regularised Canonical Correlation Analysis, see the Methods and Case study tabs, and (González et al. 2008) that describes CCA for large data sets.
Microbiome (16S, shotgun metagenomics) data analysis, see also (Lê Cao et al. 2016) and kernel integration for microbiome data. The latter is in collaboration with Drs J Mariette and Nathalie Villa-Vialaneix (INRA Toulouse, France), an example is provided for the Tara ocean metagenomics and environmental data.
First, download the latest version from Bioconductor:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Alternatively, you can install the latest GitHub version of the package:
The mixOmics
package should directly import the
following packages:
igraph, rgl, ellipse, corpcor, RColorBrewer, plyr, parallel, dplyr, tidyr, reshape2, methods, matrixStats, rARPACK, gridExtra
For Apple mac users: if you are unable to install the
imported package rgl
, you will need to install the XQuartz software first.
Check that there is no error when loading the package, especially for
the rgl
library (see above).
The examples we give in this vignette use data that are already part
of the package. To upload your own data, check first that your working
directory is set, then read your data from a .txt
format, either by using File > Import
Dataset in RStudio or via one of these command lines:
# from csv file
data <- read.csv("your_data.csv", row.names = 1, header = TRUE)
# from txt file
data <- read.table("your_data.txt", header = TRUE)
For more details about the arguments used to modify those functions,
type ?read.csv
or ?read.table
in the R
Each analysis should follow this workflow:
Then use your critical thinking and additional functions and visual tools to make sense of your data! (some of which are listed in 1.2.2) and will be described in the next Chapters.
For instance, for Principal Components Analysis, we first load the data:
Then use the following steps:
This is only a first quick-start, there will be many avenues you can take to deepen your exploratory and integrative analyses. The package proposes several methods to perform variable, or feature selection to identify the relevant information from rather large omics data sets. The sparse methods are listed in the Table in 1.2.2.
Following our example here, sparse PCA can be applied to select the
top 5 variables contributing to each of the two components in PCA. The
user specifies the number of variables to selected on each component,
for example, here 5 variables are selected on each of the first two
components (keepX=c(5,5)
MyResult.spca <- spca(X, keepX=c(5,5)) # 1 Run the method
plotIndiv(MyResult.spca) # 2 Plot the samples
You can see know that we have considerably reduced the number of
genes in the plotVar
correlation circle plot.
Do not stop here! We are not done yet. You can enhance your analyses with the following:
Have a look at our manual and each of the functions and their
examples, e.g. ?pca
, ?plotIndiv
, …
Run the examples from the help file using the
function: example(pca)
, …
Have a look at our website that features many tutorials and case studies,
Keep reading this vignette, this is just the beginning!
studyTo illustrate PCA and is variants, we will analyse the
case study available in the package. This
pharmacogenomic study investigates the patterns of drug activity in
cancer cell lines (Szakács
et al. 2004). These cell lines come from the NCI-60 Human
Tumor Cell Lines established by the Developmental Therapeutics
Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to screen for the
toxicity of chemical compound repositories in diverse cancer cell lines.
NCI-60 includes cell lines derived from cancers of colorectal (7 cell
lines), renal (8), ovarian (6), breast (8), prostate (2), lung (9) and
central nervous system origin (6), as well as leukemia (6) and melanoma
Two separate data sets (representing two types of measurements) on
the same NCI-60 cancer cell lines are available in
(see also ?multidrug
: Contains the expression of 48 human ABC
transporters measured by quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCR) for each
cell line.
: Contains the activity of 1,429 drugs
expressed as GI50, which is the drug concentration that induces 50%
inhibition of cellular growth for the tested cell line.
Additional information will also be used in the outputs:
: The names of the 1,429
: Information on the cell line names
) and the cell line types
In this activity, we illustrate PCA performed on the human ABC
transporters ABC.trans
, and sparse PCA on the compound data
The input data matrix X is of size N samples in rows and P variables (e.g. genes) in columns.
We start with the ABC.trans
## [1] 60 48
Contrary to the minimal code example, here we choose to also scale
the variables for the reasons detailed earlier. The function
calculates the cumulative proportion of
explained variance for a large number of principal components (here we
set ncomp = 10
). A screeplot of the proportion of explained
variance relative to the total amount of variance in the data for each
principal component is output (Fig. @ref(fig:03-screeplot)):
(ref:03-screeplot) Screeplot from the PCA performed on the
data: Amount of explained variance for
each principal component on the ABC transporter data.
From the numerical output (not shown here), we observe that the first two principal components explain 22.87% of the total variance, and the first three principal components explain 29.88% of the total variance. The rule of thumb for choosing the number of components is not so much to set a hard threshold based on the cumulative proportion of explained variance (as this is data-dependent), but to observe when a drop, or elbow, appears on the screeplot. The elbow indicates that the remaining variance is spread over many principal components and is not relevant in obtaining a low dimensional ‘snapshot’ of the data. This is an empirical way of choosing the number of principal components to retain in the analysis. In this specific example we could choose between 2 to 3 components for the final PCA, however these criteria are highly subjective and the reader must keep in mind that visualisation becomes difficult above three dimensions.
Based on the preliminary analysis above, we run a PCA with three components. Here we show additional input, such as whether to center or scale the variables.
final.pca.multi <- pca(X, ncomp = 3, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# final.pca.multi # Lists possible outputs
The output is similar to the tuning step above. Here the total variance in the data is:
## [1] 47.98305
By summing the variance explained from all possible components, we would achieve the same amount of explained variance. The proportion of explained variance per component is:
## PC1 PC2 PC3
## 0.12677541 0.10194929 0.07011818
The cumulative proportion of variance explained can also be extracted (as displayed in Figure @ref(fig:03-screeplot)):
## PC1 PC2 PC3
## 0.1267754 0.2287247 0.2988429
To calculate components, we use the variable coefficient weights
indicated in the loading vectors. Therefore, the absolute value of the
coefficients in the loading vectors inform us about the importance of
each variable in contributing to the definition of each component. We
can extract this information through the selectVar()
function which ranks the most important variables in decreasing order
according to their absolute loading weight value for each principal
## value.var
## ABCE1 0.3242162
## ABCD3 0.2647565
## ABCF3 0.2613074
## ABCA8 -0.2609394
## ABCB7 0.2493680
## ABCF1 0.2424253
We project the samples into the space spanned by the principal
components to visualise how the samples cluster and assess for
biological or technical variation in the data. We colour the samples
according to the cell line information available in
by specifying the argument
(Fig. @ref(fig:03-pca-sample-plot)).
comp = c(1, 2), # Specify components to plot
ind.names = TRUE, # Show row names of samples
group = multidrug$cell.line$Class,
title = 'ABC transporters, PCA comp 1 - 2',
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Cell line')
(ref:03-pca-sample-plot) Sample plot from the PCA performed
on the ABC.trans
data. Samples are projected into
the space spanned by the first two principal components, and coloured
according to cell line type. Numbers indicate the rownames of the
Because we have run PCA on three components, we can examine the third
component, either by plotting the samples onto the principal components
1 and 3 (PC1 and PC3) in the code above (comp = c(1, 3)
) or
by using the 3D interactive plot (code shown below). The addition of the
third principal component only seems to highlight a potential outlier
(sample 8, not shown). Potentially, this sample could be removed from
the analysis, or, noted when doing further downstream analysis. The
removal of outliers should be exercised with great caution and backed up
with several other types of analyses (e.g. clustering) or graphical
outputs (e.g. boxplots, heatmaps, etc).
# Interactive 3D plot will load the rgl library.
plotIndiv(final.pca.multi, style = '3d',
group = multidrug$cell.line$Class,
title = 'ABC transporters, PCA comp 1 - 3')
These plots suggest that the largest source of variation explained by the first two components can be attributed to the melanoma cell line, while the third component highlights a single outlier sample. Hence, the interpretation of the following outputs should primarily focus on the first two components.
Correlation circle plots indicate the contribution of each variable
to each component using the plotVar()
function, as well as
the correlation between variables (indicated by a ‘cluster’ of
variables). Note that to interpret the latter, the variables need to be
centered and scaled in PCA:
plotVar(final.pca.multi, comp = c(1, 2),
var.names = TRUE,
cex = 3, # To change the font size
# cutoff = 0.5, # For further cutoff
title = 'Multidrug transporter, PCA comp 1 - 2')
(ref:03-pca-variable-plot) Correlation Circle plot from the
PCA performed on the ABC.trans
data. The plot
shows groups of transporters that are highly correlated, and also
contribute to PC1 - near the big circle on the right hand side of the
plot (transporters grouped with those in orange), or PC1 and PC2 - top left and
top bottom corner of the plot, transporters grouped with those in pink and yellow.
The plot in Figure @ref(fig:03-pca-variable-plot) highlights a group
of ABC transporters that contribute to PC1: ABCE1, and to some extent the group
clustered with ABCB8 that
contributes positively to PC1, while ABCA8 contributes negatively. We also
observe a group of transporters that contribute to both PC1 and PC2: the
group clustered with ABCC2
contributes positively to PC2 and negatively to PC1, and a cluster of
ABCC12 and ABCD2 that contributes negatively to both
PC1 and PC2. We observe that several transporters are inside the small
circle. However, examining the third component (argument
comp = c(1, 3)
) does not appear to reveal further
transporters that contribute to this third component. The additional
argument cutoff = 0.5
could further simplify this plot.
A biplot allows us to display both samples and variables simultaneously to further understand their relationships. Samples are displayed as dots while variables are displayed at the tips of the arrows. Similar to correlation circle plots, data must be centered and scaled to interpret the correlation between variables (as a cosine angle between variable arrows).
(ref:03-pca-biplot) Biplot from the PCA performed on the
data. The plot highlights which
transporter expression levels may be related to specific cell lines,
such as melanoma.
The biplot in Figure @ref(fig:03-pca-biplot) shows that the melanoma cell lines seem to be characterised by a subset of transporters such as the cluster around ABCC2 as highlighted previously in Figure @ref(fig:03-pca-variable-plot). Further examination of the data, such as boxplots (as shown in Fig. @ref(fig:03-pca-boxplot)), can further elucidate the transporter expression levels for these specific samples.
ABCC2.scale <- scale(X[, 'ABCC2'], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
boxplot(ABCC2.scale ~
multidrug$cell.line$Class, col = color.mixo(1:9),
xlab = 'Cell lines', ylab = 'Expression levels, scaled',
par(cex.axis = 0.5), # Font size
main = 'ABCC2 transporter')
(ref:03-pca-boxplot) Boxplots of the transporter ABCC2 identified from the PCA correlation circle plot (Fig. @ref(fig:03-pca-variable-plot)) and the biplot (Fig. @ref(fig:03-pca-biplot)) show the level of ABCC2 expression related to cell line types. The expression level of ABCC2 was centered and scaled in the PCA, but similar patterns are also observed in the original data.
In the ABC.trans
data, there is only one missing value.
Missing values can be handled by sPCA via the NIPALS algorithm .
However, if the number of missing values is large, we recommend imputing
them with NIPALS, as we describe in our website in www.mixOmics.org.
First, we must decide on the number of components to evaluate. The
previous tuning step indicated that ncomp = 3
sufficient to explain most of the variation in the data, which is the
value we choose in this example. We then set up a grid of
values to test, which can be thin or coarse depending
on the total number of variables. We set up the grid to be thin at the
start, and coarse as the number of variables increases. The
data includes a sufficient number of samples to
perform repeated 5-fold cross-validation to define the number of folds
and repeats (leave-one-out CV is also possible if the number of samples
N is small by specifying
folds =
N). The
computation may take a while if you are not using parallelisation (see
additional parameters in tune.spca()
), here we use a small
number of repeats for illustrative purposes. We then plot the output of
the tuning function.
grid.keepX <- c(seq(5, 30, 5))
# grid.keepX # To see the grid
set.seed(30) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
tune.spca.result <- tune.spca(X, ncomp = 3,
folds = 5,
test.keepX = grid.keepX, nrepeat = 10)
# Consider adding up to 50 repeats for more stable results
## comp1 comp2 comp3
## 15 15 10
(ref:03-spca-tuning) Tuning the number of variables to select
with sPCA on the ABC.trans
data. For a grid of
number of variables to select indicated on the x-axis, the average
correlation between predicted and actual components based on
cross-validation is calculated and shown on the y-axis for each
component. The optimal number of variables to select per component is
assessed via one-sided t−tests
and is indicated with a diamond.
The tuning function outputs the averaged correlation between
predicted and actual components per keepX
value for each
component. It indicates the optimal number of variables to select for
which the averaged correlation is maximised on each component. Figure
@ref(fig:03-spca-tuning) shows that this is achieved when selecting 15
transporters on the first component, and 15 on the second. Given the
drop in values in the averaged correlations for the third component, we
decide to only retain two components.
Based on the tuning above, we perform the final sPCA where the number
of variables to select on each component is specified with the argument
. Arbitrary values can also be input if you would like
to skip the tuning step for more exploratory analyses:
# By default center = TRUE, scale = TRUE
keepX.select <- tune.spca.result$choice.keepX[1:2]
final.spca.multi <- spca(X, ncomp = 2, keepX = keepX.select)
# Proportion of explained variance:
## PC1 PC2
## 0.1171694 0.1004163
Overall when considering two components, we lose approximately 1.1 % of explained variance compared to a full PCA, but the aim of this analysis is to identify key transporters driving the variation in the data, as we show below.
We first examine the sPCA sample plot:
comp = c(1, 2), # Specify components to plot
ind.names = TRUE, # Show row names of samples
group = multidrug$cell.line$Class,
title = 'ABC transporters, sPCA comp 1 - 2',
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Cell line')
(ref:03-spca-sample-plot) Sample plot from the sPCA performed
on the ABC.trans
data. Samples are projected onto
the space spanned by the first two sparse principal components that are
calculated based on a subset of selected variables. Samples are coloured
by cell line type and numbers indicate the sample IDs.
In Figure @ref(fig:03-spca-sample-plot), component 2 in sPCA shows clearer separation of the melanoma samples compared to the full PCA. Component 1 is similar to the full PCA. Overall, this sample plot shows that little information is lost compared to a full PCA.
A biplot can also be plotted that only shows the selected transporters (Figure @ref(fig:03-spca-biplot)):
(ref:03-spca-biplot) Biplot from the sPCA performed on the
data after variable selection. The plot
highlights in more detail which transporter expression levels may be
related to specific cell lines, such as melanoma, compared to a
classical PCA.
The correlation circle plot highlights variables that contribute to component 1 and component 2 (Fig. @ref(fig:03-spca-variable-plot)):
plotVar(final.spca.multi, comp = c(1, 2), var.names = TRUE,
cex = 3, # To change the font size
title = 'Multidrug transporter, sPCA comp 1 - 2')
(ref:03-spca-variable-plot) Correlation Circle plot from the
sPCA performed on the ABC.trans
data. Only the
transporters selected by the sPCA are shown on this plot. Transporters
coloured in green are discussed in
the text.
The transporters selected by sPCA are amongst the most important ones in PCA. Those coloured in green in Figure @ref(fig:03-pca-variable-plot) (ABCA9, ABCB5, ABCC2 and ABCD1) show an example of variables that contribute positively to component 2, but with a larger weight than in PCA. Thus, they appear as a clearer cluster in the top part of the correlation circle plot compared to PCA. As shown in the biplot in Figure @ref(fig:03-spca-biplot), they contribute in explaining the variation in the melanoma samples.
We can extract the variable names and their positive or negative
contribution to a given component (here 2), using the
## value.var
## ABCA9 0.4510621
## ABCB5 0.4184759
## ABCC2 0.4046096
## ABCD1 0.3921438
## ABCA3 -0.2779984
## ABCD2 -0.2255945
The loading weights can also be visualised with
, where variables are ranked from the least
important (top) to the most important (bottom) in Figure
@ref(fig:03-spca-loading-plot)). Here on component 2:
(ref:03-spca-loading-plot) sPCA loading plot of the
data for component 2. Only the
transporters selected by sPCA on component 2 are shown, and are ranked
from least important (top) to most important. Bar length indicates the
loading weight in PC2.
The data come from a liver toxicity study in which 64 male rats were exposed to non-toxic (50 or 150 mg/kg), moderately toxic (1500 mg/kg) or severely toxic (2000 mg/kg) doses of acetaminophen (paracetamol) (Bushel, Wolfinger, and Gibson 2007). Necropsy was performed at 6, 18, 24 and 48 hours after exposure and the mRNA was extracted from the liver. Ten clinical measurements of markers for liver injury are available for each subject. The microarray data contain expression levels of 3,116 genes. The data were normalised and preprocessed by Bushel, Wolfinger, and Gibson (2007).
liver toxicity
contains the following:
: A data frame with 64 rows (rats) and 3116
columns (gene expression levels),$clinic
: A data frame with 64 rows (same rats) and 10
columns (10 clinical variables),$treatment
: A data frame with 64 rows and 4 columns,
describe the different treatments, such as doses of acetaminophen and
times of necropsy.We can analyse these two data sets (genes and clinical measurements) using sPLS1, then sPLS2 with a regression mode to explain or predict the clinical variables with respect to the gene expression levels.
As we have discussed previously for integrative analysis, we need to ensure that the samples in the two data sets are in the same order, or matching, as we are performing data integration:
## rownames.X. rownames.Y.
## 1 ID202 ID202
## 2 ID203 ID203
## 3 ID204 ID204
## 4 ID206 ID206
## 5 ID208 ID208
## 6 ID209 ID209
We first start with a simple case scenario where we wish to explain one Y variable with a combination of selected X variables (transcripts). We choose the following clinical measurement which we denote as the y single response variable:
Defining the ‘best’ number of dimensions to explain the data requires
we first launch a PLS1 model with a large number of components. Some of
the outputs from the PLS1 object are then retrieved in the
function to calculate the Q2 criterion using
repeated 10-fold cross-validation.
tune.pls1.liver <- pls(X = X, Y = y, ncomp = 4, mode = 'regression')
set.seed(33) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
Q2.pls1.liver <- perf(tune.pls1.liver, validation = 'Mfold',
folds = 10, nrepeat = 5)
plot(Q2.pls1.liver, criterion = 'Q2')
(ref:04-spls1-ncomp) Q2 criterion to choose the number of components in PLS1. For each dimension added to the PLS model, the Q2 value is shown. The horizontal line of 0.0975 indicates the threshold below which adding a dimension may not be beneficial to improve accuracy in PLS.
The plot in Figure @ref(fig:04-spls1-ncomp) shows that the Q2 value varies with the number of dimensions added to PLS1, with a decrease to negative values from 2 dimensions. Based on this plot we would choose only one dimension, but we will still add a second dimension for the graphical outputs.
We now set a grid of values - thin at the start, but also restricted
to a small number of genes for a parsimonious model, which we will test
for each of the two components in the tune.spls()
using the MAE criterion.
# Set up a grid of values:
list.keepX <- c(5:10, seq(15, 50, 5))
# list.keepX # Inspect the keepX grid
set.seed(33) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
tune.spls1.MAE <- tune.spls(X, y, ncomp= 2,
test.keepX = list.keepX,
validation = 'Mfold',
folds = 10,
nrepeat = 5,
progressBar = FALSE,
measure = 'MAE')
(ref:04-spls1-tuning) Mean Absolute Error criterion to choose
the number of variables to select in PLS1, using repeated CV
times for a grid of variables to select. The MAE increases with the
addition of a second dimension comp 1 to
2, suggesting that only one dimension is sufficient. The optimal
is indicated with a diamond.
Figure @ref(fig:04-spls1-tuning) confirms that one dimension is
sufficient to reach minimal MAE. Based on the tune.spls()
function we extract the final parameters:
choice.ncomp <- tune.spls1.MAE$choice.ncomp$ncomp
# Optimal number of variables to select in X based on the MAE criterion
# We stop at choice.ncomp
choice.keepX <- tune.spls1.MAE$choice.keepX[1:choice.ncomp]
## [1] 1
## comp1
## 15
measure = 'MSE
, the
optimal keepX
was rather unstable, and is often smaller
than when using the MAE criterion. As we have highlighted before, there
is some back and forth in the analyses to choose the criterion and
parameters that best fit our biological question and
interpretation.Here is our final model with the tuned parameters:
The list of genes selected on component 1 can be extracted with the command line (not output here):
We can compare the amount of explained variance for the X data set based on the sPLS1 (on 1 component) versus PLS1 (that was run on 4 components during the tuning step):
## comp1
## 0.08219477
## comp1 comp2 comp3 comp4
## 0.11079101 0.14010577 0.21714518 0.06433377
The amount of explained variance in X is lower in sPLS1 than PLS1 for the first component. However, we will see in this case study that the Mean Squared Error Prediction is also lower (better) in sPLS1 compared to PLS1.
For further graphical outputs, we need to add a second dimension in
the model, which can include the same number of keepX
variables as in the first dimension. However, the interpretation should
primarily focus on the first dimension. In Figure
@ref(fig:04-spls1-sample-plot) we colour the samples according to the
time of treatment and add symbols to represent the treatment dose.
Recall however that such information was not included in the sPLS1
spls1.liver.c2 <- spls(X, y, ncomp = 2, keepX = c(rep(choice.keepX, 2)),
mode = "regression")
group = liver.toxicity$treatment$Time.Group,
pch = as.factor(liver.toxicity$treatment$Dose.Group),
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Time', legend.title.pch = 'Dose')
(ref:04-spls1-sample-plot) Sample plot from the PLS1
performed on the liver.toxicity
data with two
dimensions. Components associated to each data set (or block)
are shown. Focusing only on the projection of the sample on the first
component shows that the genes selected in X tend to explain the 48h length of treatment vs the earlier
time points. This is somewhat in agreement with the levels of the y variable. However, more
insight can be obtained by plotting the first components only, as shown
in Figure @ref(fig:04-spls1-sample-plot2).
The alternative is to plot the component associated to the X data set (here corresponding to a linear combination of the selected genes) vs. the component associated to the y variable (corresponding to the scaled y variable in PLS1 with one dimension), or calculate the correlation between both components:
# Define factors for colours matching plotIndiv above
time.liver <- factor(liver.toxicity$treatment$Time.Group,
levels = c('18', '24', '48', '6'))
dose.liver <- factor(liver.toxicity$treatment$Dose.Group,
levels = c('50', '150', '1500', '2000'))
# Set up colours and symbols
col.liver <- color.mixo(time.liver)
pch.liver <- as.numeric(dose.liver)
plot(spls1.liver$variates$X, spls1.liver$variates$Y,
xlab = 'X component', ylab = 'y component / scaled y',
col = col.liver, pch = pch.liver)
legend('topleft', col = color.mixo(1:4), legend = levels(time.liver),
lty = 1, title = 'Time')
legend('bottomright', legend = levels(dose.liver), pch = 1:4,
title = 'Dose')
## comp1
## comp1 0.7481029
(ref:04-spls1-sample-plot2) Sample plot from the sPLS1
performed on the liver.toxicity
data on one
dimension. A reduced representation of the 15 genes selected
and combined in the X
component on the x−axis with
respect to the y
component value (equivalent to the scaled values of y) on the y−axis. We observe a separation
between the high doses 1500 and 2000 mg/kg (symbols + and ×) at
48h and 18h while low and medium doses cluster in
the middle of the plot. High doses for 6h and 18h have high scores for both
Figure @ref(fig:04-spls1-sample-plot2) is a reduced representation of a multivariate regression with PLS1. It shows that PLS1 effectively models a linear relationship between y and the combination of the 15 genes selected in X.
The performance of the final model can be assessed with the
function, using repeated cross-validation (CV).
Because a single performance value has little meaning, we propose to
compare the performances of a full PLS1 model (with no variable
selection) with our sPLS1 model based on the MSEP (other criteria can be
set.seed(33) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
# PLS1 model and performance
pls1.liver <- pls(X, y, ncomp = choice.ncomp, mode = "regression")
perf.pls1.liver <- perf(pls1.liver, validation = "Mfold", folds =10,
nrepeat = 5, progressBar = FALSE)
## feature comp mean sd
## 1 Y 1 0.7291478 0.05028769
# To extract values across all repeats:
# perf.pls1.liver$measures$MSEP$values
# sPLS1 performance
perf.spls1.liver <- perf(spls1.liver, validation = "Mfold", folds = 10,
nrepeat = 5, progressBar = FALSE)
## feature comp mean sd
## 1 Y 1 0.5981092 0.03518744
The MSEP is lower with sPLS1 compared to PLS1, indicating that the
X variables selected
(listed above with selectVar()
) can be considered as a good
linear combination of predictors to explain y.
PLS2 is a more complex problem than PLS1, as we are attempting to fit a linear combination of a subset of Y variables that are maximally covariant with a combination of X variables. The sparse variant allows for the selection of variables from both data sets.
As a reminder, here are the dimensions of the Y matrix that includes clinical parameters associated with liver failure.
## [1] 64 10
Similar to PLS1, we first start by tuning the number of components to
select by using the perf()
function and the Q2 criterion using
repeated cross-validation.
tune.pls2.liver <- pls(X = X, Y = Y, ncomp = 5, mode = 'regression')
set.seed(33) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
Q2.pls2.liver <- perf(tune.pls2.liver, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 10,
nrepeat = 5)
plot(Q2.pls2.liver, criterion = 'Q2.total')
(ref:04-spls2-ncomp) Q2 criterion to choose the number of components in PLS2. For each component added to the PLS2 model, the averaged Q2 across repeated cross-validation is shown, with the horizontal line of 0.0975 indicating the threshold below which the addition of a dimension may not be beneficial to improve accuracy.
Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-ncomp) shows that one dimension should be sufficient in PLS2. We will include a second dimension in the graphical outputs, whilst focusing our interpretation on the first dimension.
nrepeat = 1
.Using the tune.spls()
function, we can perform repeated
cross-validation to obtain some indication of the number of variables to
select. We show an example of code below which may take some time to run
(see ?tune.spls()
to use parallel computing). We had
refined the grid of tested values as the tuning function tended to
favour a very small signature. Hence we decided to constrain the start
of the grid to 3 for a more insightful signature. Both
measure = 'cor
and RSS
gave similar signature
sizes, but this observation might differ for other case studies.
The optimal parameters can be output, along with a plot showing the tuning results, as shown in Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-tuning):
# This code may take several min to run, parallelisation option is possible
list.keepX <- c(seq(5, 50, 5))
list.keepY <- c(3:10)
# added this to avoid errors where num_workers exceeded limits set by devtools::check()
chk <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "")
if (nzchar(chk) && chk == "TRUE") {
# use 2 cores in CRAN/Travis/AppVeyor
num_workers <- 2L
} else {
# use all cores in devtools::test()
num_workers <- parallel::detectCores()
set.seed(33) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
tune.spls.liver <- tune.spls(X, Y, test.keepX = list.keepX,
test.keepY = list.keepY, ncomp = 2,
nrepeat = 1, folds = 10, mode = 'regression',
measure = 'cor',
# the following uses two CPUs for faster computation
# it can be commented out
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = num_workers)
(ref:04-spls2-tuning) Tuning plot for sPLS2. For
every grid value of keepX
and keepY
, the
averaged correlation coefficients between the t and u components are shown
across repeated CV, with optimal values (here corresponding to the
highest mean correlation) indicated in a green square for each dimension and data
Here is our final model with the tuned parameters for our sPLS2 regression analysis. Note that if you choose to not run the tuning step, you can still decide to set the parameters of your choice here.
#Optimal parameters
choice.keepX <- tune.spls.liver$choice.keepX
choice.keepY <- tune.spls.liver$choice.keepY
choice.ncomp <- length(choice.keepX)
spls2.liver <- spls(X, Y, ncomp = choice.ncomp,
keepX = choice.keepX,
keepY = choice.keepY,
mode = "regression")
The amount of explained variance can be extracted for each dimension and each data set:
## $X
## comp1 comp2
## 0.19672006 0.08439464
## $Y
## comp1 comp2
## 0.3650005 0.2177547
The selected variables can be extracted from the
function, for example for the X data set, with either
their $name
or the loading $value
(not output
The VIP measure is exported for all variables in X, here we only subset those that were selected (non null loading value) for component 1:
vip.spls2.liver <- vip(spls2.liver)
# just a head
head(vip.spls2.liver[selectVar(spls2.liver, comp = 1)$X$name,1])
## A_42_P620915 A_43_P14131 A_42_P578246 A_43_P11724 A_42_P840776 A_42_P675890
## 22.40370 20.66500 15.29651 14.68876 13.81364 13.12778
The (full) output shows that most X variables that were selected are important for explaining Y, since their VIP is greater than 1.
We can examine how frequently each variable is selected when we
subsample the data using the perf()
function to measure how
stable the signature is (Table @ref(tab:04-spls2-stab-table)). The same
could be output for other components and the Y data set.
perf.spls2.liver <- perf(spls2.liver, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 10, nrepeat = 5)
# Extract stability
stab.spls2.liver.comp1 <- perf.spls2.liver$features$stability.X$comp1
# Averaged stability of the X selected features across CV runs, as shown in Table
# We extract the stability measures of only the variables selected in spls2.liver
extr.stab.spls2.liver.comp1 <- stab.spls2.liver.comp1[selectVar(spls2.liver,
comp =1)$X$name]
x |
0.90 |
0.98 |
0.76 |
0.76 |
0.78 |
0.78 |
0.70 |
0.58 |
0.40 |
0.38 |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
We recommend to mainly focus on the interpretation of the most stable selected variables (with a frequency of occurrence greater than 0.8).
Using the plotIndiv()
function, we display the sample
and metadata information using the arguments group
and pch
(symbol) to better understand the similarities
between samples modelled with sPLS2.
The plot on the left hand side corresponds to the projection of the samples from the X data set (gene expression) and the plot on the right hand side the Y data set (clinical variables).
plotIndiv(spls2.liver, ind.names = FALSE,
group = liver.toxicity$treatment$Time.Group,
pch = as.factor(liver.toxicity$treatment$Dose.Group),
col.per.group = color.mixo(1:4),
legend = TRUE, legend.title = 'Time',
legend.title.pch = 'Dose')
(ref:04-spls2-sample-plot) Sample plot for sPLS2 performed on
the liver.toxicity
data. Samples are projected
into the space spanned by the components associated to each data set (or
block). We observe some agreement between the data sets, and a
separation of the 1500 and 2000 mg doses (+ and ×) in
the 18h, 24h time points, and the 48h time point.
From Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-sample-plot) we observe an effect of low vs. high doses of acetaminophen (component 1) as well as time of necropsy (component 2). There is some level of agreement between the two data sets, but it is not perfect!
If you run an sPLS with three dimensions, you can consider the 3D
by specifying style = '3d
in the
The plotArrow()
option is useful in this context to
visualise the level of agreement between data sets. Recall that in this
plotArrow(spls2.liver, ind.names = FALSE,
group = liver.toxicity$treatment$Time.Group,
col.per.group = color.mixo(1:4),
legend.title = 'Time.Group')
(ref:04-spls2-arrow-plot) Arrow plot from the sPLS2 performed
on the liver.toxicity
data. The start of the arrow
indicates the location of a given sample in the space spanned by the
components associated to the gene data set, and the tip of the arrow the
location of that same sample in the space spanned by the components
associated to the clinical data set. We observe large shifts for 18h, 24 and 48h samples for the high doses, however
the clusters of samples remain the same, as we observed in Figure
In Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-arrow-plot) we observe that specific groups of samples seem to be located far apart from one data set to the other, indicating a potential discrepancy between the information extracted. However the groups of samples according to either dose or treatment remains similar.
Correlation circle plots illustrate the correlation structure
between the two types of variables. To display only the name of the
variables from the Y
data set, we use the argument var.names = c(FALSE, TRUE)
where each boolean indicates whether the variable names should be output
for each data set. We also modify the size of the font, as shown in
Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-variable-plot):
(ref:04-spls2-variable-plot) Correlation circle plot from the
sPLS2 performed on the liver.toxicity
data. The
plot highlights correlations within selected genes (their names
are not indicated here), within selected clinical parameters,
and correlations between genes and clinical parameters on each
dimension of sPLS2. This plot should be interpreted in relation to
Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-sample-plot) to better understand how the
expression levels of these molecules may characterise specific sample
To display variable names that are different from the original data
matrix (e.g. gene ID), we set the argument var.names
as a
list for each type of label, with geneBank ID for the X data set, and
for the Y data set:
var.names = list(X.label = liver.toxicity$gene.ID[,'geneBank'],
Y.label = TRUE), cex = c(3,4))
(ref:04-spls2-variable-plot2) Correlation circle plot from
the sPLS2 performed on the liver.toxicity
data. A
variant of Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-variable-plot) with gene names that
are available in $gene.ID
(Note: some gene names are
The correlation circle plots highlight the contributing variables that, together, explain the covariance between the two data sets. In addition, specific subsets of molecules can be further investigated, and in relation with the sample group they may characterise. The latter can be examined with additional plots (for example boxplots with respect to known sample groups and expression levels of specific variables, as we showed in the PCA case study previously. The next step would be to examine the validity of the biological relationship between the clusters of genes with some of the clinical variables that we observe in this plot.
A 3D plot is also available in plotVar()
with the
argument style = '3d
. It requires an sPLS2 model with at
least three dimensions.
Other plots are available to complement the information from the correlation circle plots, such as Relevance networks and Clustered Image Maps (CIMs), as described in Module 2.
The network in sPLS2 displays only the variables selected by sPLS,
with an additional cutoff
similarity value argument
(absolute value between 0 and 1) to improve interpretation. Because
Rstudio sometimes struggles with the margin size of this plot, we can
either launch X11()
prior to plotting the network, or use
the arguments save
and name.save
as shown
# Define red and green colours for the edges
color.edge <- color.GreenRed(50)
# X11() # To open a new window for Rstudio
network(spls2.liver, comp = 1:2,
cutoff = 0.7,
shape.node = c("rectangle", "circle"),
color.node = c("cyan", "pink"),
color.edge = color.edge,
# To save the plot, unotherwise:
# save = 'pdf', name.save = 'network_liver'
(ref:04-spls2-network) Network representation from the sPLS2
performed on the liver.toxicity
data. The networks
are bipartite, where each edge links a gene (rectangle) to a clinical variable (circle) node,
according to a similarity matrix described in Module 2. Only variables
selected by sPLS2 on the two dimensions are represented and are further
filtered here according to a cutoff
Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-network) shows two distinct groups of variables. The first cluster groups four clinical parameters that are mostly positively associated with selected genes. The second group includes one clinical parameter negatively associated with other selected genes. These observations are similar to what was observed in the correlation circle plot in Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-variable-plot).
R package Csardi, Nepusz, et
al. (2006)).The Clustered Image Map also allows us to visualise correlations between variables. Here we choose to represent the variables selected on the two dimensions and we save the plot as a pdf figure.
# X11() # To open a new window if the graphic is too large
cim(spls2.liver, comp = 1:2, xlab = "clinic", ylab = "genes",
# To save the plot, uncomment:
# save = 'pdf', name.save = 'cim_liver'
(ref:04-spls2-cim) Clustered Image Map from the sPLS2
performed on the liver.toxicity
data. The plot
displays the similarity values (as described in Module 2) between the
X and Y variables selected across
two dimensions, and clustered with a complete Euclidean distance
The CIM in Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-cim) shows that the clinical
variables can be separated into three clusters, each of them either
positively or negatively associated with two groups of genes. This is
similar to what we have observed in Figure
@ref(fig:04-spls2-variable-plot). We would give a similar interpretation
to the relevance network, had we also used a cutoff
threshold in cim()
To finish, we assess the performance of sPLS2. As an element of comparison, we consider sPLS2 and PLS2 that includes all variables, to give insights into the different methods.
# Comparisons of final models (PLS, sPLS)
## PLS
pls.liver <- pls(X, Y, mode = 'regression', ncomp = 2)
perf.pls.liver <- perf(pls.liver, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 10,
nrepeat = 5)
## Performance for the sPLS model ran earlier
perf.spls.liver <- perf(spls2.liver, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 10,
nrepeat = 5)
plot(c(1,2), perf.pls.liver$measures$cor.upred$summary$mean,
col = 'blue', pch = 16,
ylim = c(0.6,1), xaxt = 'n',
xlab = 'Component', ylab = 't or u Cor',
main = 's/PLS performance based on Correlation')
axis(1, 1:2) # X-axis label
points(perf.pls.liver$measures$cor.tpred$summary$mean, col = 'red', pch = 16)
points(perf.spls.liver$measures$cor.upred$summary$mean, col = 'blue', pch = 17)
points(perf.spls.liver$measures$cor.tpred$summary$mean, col = 'red', pch = 17)
legend('bottomleft', col = c('blue', 'red', 'blue', 'red'),
pch = c(16, 16, 17, 17), c('u PLS', 't PLS', 'u sPLS', 't sPLS'))
(ref:04-spls2-perf2) Comparison of the performance of PLS2 and sPLS2, based on the correlation between the actual and predicted components t, u associated to each data set for each component.
We extract the correlation between the actual and predicted components t, u associated to each data set in Figure @ref(fig:04-spls2-perf2). The correlation remains high on the first dimension, even when variables are selected. On the second dimension the correlation coefficients are equivalent or slightly lower in sPLS compared to PLS. Overall this performance comparison indicates that the variable selection in sPLS still retains relevant information compared to a model that includes all variables.
The Small Round Blue Cell Tumours (SRBCT) data set from (Khan et al. 2001)
includes the expression levels of 2,308 genes measured on 63 samples.
The samples are divided into four classes: 8 Burkitt Lymphoma (BL), 23
Ewing Sarcoma (EWS), 12 neuroblastoma (NB), and 20 rhabdomyosarcoma
(RMS). The data are directly available in a processed and normalised
format from the mixOmics
package and contains the
: A data frame with 63 rows and 2,308 columns.
These are the expression levels of 2,308 genes in 63 subjects,
: A vector containing the class of tumour for
each individual (4 classes in total),
: A data frame with 2,308 rows and 2
columns containing further information on the genes.
More details can be found in ?srbct
. We will illustrate
PLS-DA and sPLS-DA which are suited for large biological data sets where
the aim is to identify molecular signatures, as well as classify
samples. We will analyse the gene expression levels of
to discover which genes may best discriminate
the 4 groups of tumours.
We first load the data from the package. We then set up the data so that X is the gene expression matrix and y is the factor indicating sample class membership. y will be transformed into a dummy matrix Y inside the function. We also check that the dimensions are correct and match both X and y:
X <- srbct$gene
# Outcome y that will be internally coded as dummy:
Y <- srbct$class
dim(X); length(Y)
## [1] 63 2308
## [1] 63
## 23 8 12 20
As covered in Module 3, PCA is a useful tool to explore the gene expression data and to assess for sample similarities between tumour types. Remember that PCA is an unsupervised approach, but we can colour the samples by their class to assist in interpreting the PCA (Figure @ref(fig:05-plsda-pca)). Here we center (default argument) and scale the data:
pca.srbct <- pca(X, ncomp = 3, scale = TRUE)
plotIndiv(pca.srbct, group = srbct$class, ind.names = FALSE,
legend = TRUE,
title = 'SRBCT, PCA comp 1 - 2')
(ref:05-plsda-pca) Preliminary (unsupervised) analysis with
PCA on the SRBCT
gene expression data. Samples are
projected into the space spanned by the principal components 1 and 2.
The tumour types are not clustered, meaning that the major source of
variation cannot be explained by tumour types. Instead, samples seem to
cluster according to an unknown source of variation.
We observe almost no separation between the different tumour types in the PCA sample plot, with perhaps the exception of the NB samples that tend to cluster with other samples. This preliminary exploration teaches us two important findings:
The perf()
function evaluates the performance of PLS-DA
- i.e., its ability to rightly classify ‘new’ samples into their tumour
category using repeated cross-validation. We initially choose a large
number of components (here ncomp = 10
) and assess the model
as we gradually increase the number of components. Here we use 3-fold CV
repeated 10 times. In Module 2, we provided further guidelines on how to
choose the folds
and nrepeat
plsda.srbct <- plsda(X,Y, ncomp = 10)
set.seed(30) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
perf.plsda.srbct <- perf(plsda.srbct, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 3,
progressBar = FALSE, # Set to TRUE to track progress
nrepeat = 10) # We suggest nrepeat = 50
plot(perf.plsda.srbct, sd = TRUE, legend.position = 'horizontal')
(ref:plsda-ncomp) Tuning the number of components in PLS-DA
on the SRBCT
gene expression data. For each
component, repeated cross-validation (10 ×3−fold CV) is used to evaluate the PLS-DA
classification performance (overall and balanced error rate BER), for
each type of prediction distance; max.dist
and mahalanobis.dist
. Bars show
the standard deviation across the repeated folds. The plot shows that
the error rate reaches a minimum from 3 components.
From the classification performance output presented in Figure @ref(fig:plsda-ncomp), we observe that:
There are some slight differences between the overall and
balanced error rates (BER) with BER > overall, suggesting that
minority classes might be ignored from the classification task when
considering the overall performance (summary(Y)
shows that
BL only includes 8 samples). In general the trend is the same, however,
and for further tuning with sPLS-DA we will consider the BER.
The error rate decreases and reaches a minimum for
ncomp = 3
for the max.dist
distance. These
parameters will be included in further analyses.
) as a ‘compounding’ model (i.e. PLS-DA with component
3 includes the trained model on the previous two components).Additional numerical outputs from the performance results are listed and can be reported as performance measures (not output here):
We now run our final PLS-DA model that includes three components:
We output the sample plots for the dimensions of interest (up to
three). By default, the samples are coloured according to their class
membership. We also add confidence ellipses
(ellipse = TRUE
, confidence level set to 95% by default,
see the argument ellipse.level
) in Figure
@ref(fig:05-plsda-sample-plots). A 3D plot could also be insightful (use
the argument type = '3D'
plotIndiv(final.plsda.srbct, ind.names = FALSE, legend=TRUE,
comp=c(1,2), ellipse = TRUE,
title = 'PLS-DA on SRBCT comp 1-2',
X.label = 'PLS-DA comp 1', Y.label = 'PLS-DA comp 2')
plotIndiv(final.plsda.srbct, ind.names = FALSE, legend=TRUE,
comp=c(2,3), ellipse = TRUE,
title = 'PLS-DA on SRBCT comp 2-3',
X.label = 'PLS-DA comp 2', Y.label = 'PLS-DA comp 3')
(ref:05-plsda-sample-plots) Sample plots from PLS-DA
performed on the SRBCT
gene expression data.
Samples are projected into the space spanned by the first three
components. (a) Components 1 and 2 and (b) Components 1 and 3. Samples
are coloured by their tumour subtypes. Component 1 discriminates RMS + EWS vs. NB + BL, component 2 discriminates RMS + NB vs. EWS + BL, while component 3 discriminates
further the NB and BL groups. It is the combination of all
three components that enables us to discriminate all classes.
We can observe improved clustering according to tumour subtypes,
compared with PCA. This is to be expected since the PLS-DA model
includes the class information of each sample. We observe some
discrimination between the NB and
BL samples vs. the others on the
first component (x-axis), and EWS
and RMS vs. the others on the
second component (y-axis). From the plotIndiv()
the axis labels indicate the amount of variation explained per
component. However, the interpretation of this amount is not as
important as in PCA, as PLS-DA aims to maximise the covariance
between components associated to X and Y, rather than the variance
We can rerun a more extensive performance evaluation with more repeats for our final model:
set.seed(30) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
perf.final.plsda.srbct <- perf(final.plsda.srbct, validation = 'Mfold',
folds = 3,
progressBar = FALSE, # TRUE to track progress
nrepeat = 10) # we recommend 50
Retaining only the BER and the max.dist
, numerical
outputs of interest include the final overall performance for 3
## comp1 comp2 comp3
## 0.54443841 0.23543478 0.06827899
As well as the error rate per class across each component:
## comp1 comp2 comp3
## EWS 0.2260870 0.1217391 0.13478261
## BL 0.8250000 0.4250000 0.00000000
## NB 0.3666667 0.3000000 0.03333333
## RMS 0.7600000 0.0950000 0.10500000
From this output, we can see that the first component tends to classify EWS and NB better than the other classes. As components 2 and then 3 are added, the classification improves for all classes. However we see a slight increase in classification error in component 3 for EWS and RMS while BL is perfectly classified. A permutation test could also be conducted to conclude about the significance of the differences between sample groups, but is not currently implemented in the package.
A prediction background can be added to the sample plot by
calculating a background surface first, before overlaying the sample
plot (Figure @ref(fig:05-plsda-bgp), see Extra Reading material, or
). We give an example of the code below
based on the maximum prediction distance:
background.max <- background.predict(final.plsda.srbct,
comp.predicted = 2,
dist = 'max.dist')
plotIndiv(final.plsda.srbct, comp = 1:2, group = srbct$class,
ind.names = FALSE, title = 'Maximum distance',
legend = TRUE, background = background.max)
(ref:05-plsda-bgp) Sample plots from PLS-DA on the
gene expression data and prediction areas based on
prediction distances. From our usual sample plot, we overlay a
background prediction area based on permutations from the first two
PLS-DA components using the three different types of prediction
distances. The outputs show how the prediction distance can influence
the quality of the prediction, with samples projected into a wrong class
area, and hence resulting in predicted misclassification. (Currently,
the prediction area background can only be calculated for the first two
Figure @ref(fig:05-plsda-bgp) shows the differences in prediction
according to the prediction distance, and can be used as a further
diagnostic tool for distance choice. It also highlights the
characteristics of the distances. For example the max.dist
is a linear distance, whereas both centroids.dist
are non linear. Our experience has shown
that as discrimination of the classes becomes more challenging, the
complexity of the distances (from maximum to Mahalanobis distance)
should increase, see details in the Extra reading material.
In high-throughput experiments, we expect that many of the 2308 genes in X are noisy or uninformative to characterise the different classes. An sPLS-DA analysis will help refine the sample clusters and select a small subset of variables relevant to discriminate each class.
We estimate the classification error rate with respect to the number
of selected variables in the model with the function
. The tuning is being performed one component
at a time inside the function and the optimal number of variables to
select is automatically retrieved after each component run, as described
in Module 2.
Previously, we determined the number of components to be
ncomp = 3
with PLS-DA. Here we set ncomp = 4
to further assess if this would be the case for a sparse model, and use
5-fold cross validation repeated 10 times. We also choose the maximum
prediction distance.
We first define a grid of keepX
values. For example
here, we define a fine grid at the start, and then specify a coarser,
larger sequence of values:
# Grid of possible keepX values that will be tested for each comp
list.keepX <- c(1:10, seq(20, 100, 10))
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
# This chunk takes ~ 2 min to run
# Some convergence issues may arise but it is ok as this is run on CV folds
tune.splsda.srbct <- tune.splsda(X, Y, ncomp = 4, validation = 'Mfold',
folds = 5, dist = 'max.dist',
test.keepX = list.keepX, nrepeat = 10)
The following command line will output the mean error rate for each
component and each tested keepX
value given the past
(tuned) components.
# Just a head of the classification error rate per keepX (in rows) and comp
## comp1 comp2 comp3 comp4
## 1 0.6081069 0.3165399 0.09135870 0.005507246
## 2 0.5433786 0.3144112 0.05288949 0.008632246
## 3 0.5469293 0.2927446 0.04525362 0.006548913
## 4 0.5384149 0.2926540 0.03692029 0.004510870
## 5 0.5326993 0.2848098 0.03375000 0.005760870
## 6 0.5200634 0.2848098 0.03041667 0.004673913
When we examine each individual row, this output globally shows that the classification error rate continues to decrease after the third component in sparse PLS-DA.
We display the mean classification error rate on each component,
bearing in mind that each component is conditional on the previous
components calculated with the optimal number of selected variables. The
diamond in Figure @ref(fig:05-splsda-tuning-plot) indicates the best
value to achieve the lowest error rate per
(ref:05-splsda-tuning-plot) Tuning keepX
for the
sPLS-DA performed on the SRBCT
gene expression
data. Each coloured line represents the balanced error rate
(y-axis) per component across all tested keepX
(x-axis) with the standard deviation based on the repeated
cross-validation folds. The diamond indicates the optimal
value on a particular component which achieves the
lowest classification error rate as determined with a one-sided t−test. As sPLS-DA is an iterative
algorithm, values represented for a given component (e.g. comp 1 to 2) include the optimal
value chosen for the previous component (comp 1).
The tuning results depend on the tuning grid list.keepX
as well as the values chosen for folds
. Therefore, we recommend assessing the performance
of the final model, as well as examining the stability of the
selected variables across the different folds, as detailed in the next
Figure @ref(fig:05-splsda-tuning-plot) shows that the error rate
decreases when more components are included in sPLS-DA. To obtain a more
reliable estimation of the error rate, the number of repeats should be
increased (between 50 to 100). This type of graph helps not only to
choose the ‘optimal’ number of variables to select, but also to confirm
the number of components ncomp
. From the code below, we can
assess that in fact, the addition of a fourth component does not improve
the classification (no statistically significant improvement according
to a one-sided t−test), hence
we can choose ncomp = 3
# The optimal number of components according to our one-sided t-tests
## [1] 3
## comp1 comp2 comp3 comp4
## 9 9 100 8
Here is our final sPLS-DA model with three components and the optimal
obtained from our tuning step.
You can choose to skip the tuning step, and input your arbitrarily
chosen parameters in the following code (simply specify your own
and keepX
# Optimal number of components based on t-tests on the error rate
ncomp <- tune.splsda.srbct$choice.ncomp$ncomp
## [1] 3
# Optimal number of variables to select
select.keepX <- tune.splsda.srbct$choice.keepX[1:ncomp]
## comp1 comp2 comp3
## 9 9 100
The performance of the model with the ncomp
parameters is assessed with the perf()
function. We use 5-fold validation (folds = 5
), repeated 10
times (nrepeat = 10
) for illustrative purposes, but we
recommend increasing to nrepeat = 50
. Here we choose the
prediction distance, based on our results obtained
with PLS-DA.
The classification error rates that are output include both the overall error rate, as well as the balanced error rate (BER) when the number of samples per group is not balanced - as is the case in this study.
set.seed(34) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
perf.splsda.srbct <- perf(splsda.srbct, folds = 5, validation = "Mfold",
dist = "max.dist", progressBar = FALSE, nrepeat = 10)
# perf.splsda.srbct # Lists the different outputs
## $overall
## max.dist
## comp1 0.43174603
## comp2 0.20634921
## comp3 0.00952381
## $BER
## max.dist
## comp1 0.51573370
## comp2 0.27326087
## comp3 0.00701087
We can also examine the error rate per class:
## $max.dist
## comp1 comp2 comp3
## EWS 0.03043478 0.01304348 0.01304348
## BL 0.56250000 0.37500000 0.00000000
## NB 0.92500000 0.55000000 0.00000000
## RMS 0.54500000 0.15500000 0.01500000
These results can be compared with the performance of PLS-DA and show the benefits of variable selection to not only obtain a parsimonious model, but also to improve the classification error rate (overall and per class).
During the repeated cross-validation process in perf()
we can record how often the same variables are selected across the
folds. This information is important to answer the question: How
reproducible is my gene signature when the training set is perturbed via
# For component 1
stable.comp1 <- perf.splsda.srbct$features$stable$comp1
barplot(stable.comp1, xlab = 'variables selected across CV folds',
ylab = 'Stability frequency',
main = 'Feature stability for comp = 1')
# For component 2
stable.comp2 <- perf.splsda.srbct$features$stable$comp2
barplot(stable.comp2, xlab = 'variables selected across CV folds',
ylab = 'Stability frequency',
main = 'Feature stability for comp = 2')
(ref:05-splsda-stab) Stability of variable selection from the
sPLS-DA on the SRBCT gene expression data. We use a by-product
from perf()
to assess how often the same variables are
selected for a given keepX
value in the final sPLS-DA
model. The barplot represents the frequency of selection across repeated
CV folds for each selected gene for component 1 and 2. The genes are
ranked according to decreasing frequency.
Figure @ref(fig:05-splsda-stab) shows that the genes selected on component 1 are moderately stable (frequency < 0.5) whereas those selected on component 2 are more stable (frequency < 0.7). This can be explained as there are various combinations of genes that are discriminative on component 1, whereas the number of combinations decreases as we move to component 2 which attempts to refine the classification.
The function selectVar()
outputs the variables selected
for a given component and their loading values (ranked in decreasing
absolute value). We concatenate those results with the feature
stability, as shown here for variables selected on component 1:
# First extract the name of selected var:
select.name <- selectVar(splsda.srbct, comp = 1)$name
# Then extract the stability values from perf:
stability <- perf.splsda.srbct$features$stable$comp1[select.name]
# Just the head of the stability of the selected var:
head(cbind(selectVar(splsda.srbct, comp = 1)$value, stability))
## value.var Var1 Freq
## g123 0.6492205 g123 0.44
## g846 0.4482897 g846 0.44
## g1606 0.3064160 g1606 0.42
## g335 0.3003149 g335 0.42
## g836 0.2639253 g836 0.44
## g783 0.2202262 g783 0.26
As we hinted previously, the genes selected on the first component are not necessarily the most stable, suggesting that different combinations can lead to the same discriminative ability of the model. The stability increases in the following components, as the classification task becomes more refined.
function on
.Previously, we showed the ellipse plots displayed for each class.
Here we also use the star argument (star = TRUE
), which
displays arrows starting from each group centroid towards each
individual sample (Figure @ref(fig:05-splsda-sample-plots)).
plotIndiv(splsda.srbct, comp = c(1,2),
ind.names = FALSE,
ellipse = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
star = TRUE,
title = 'SRBCT, sPLS-DA comp 1 - 2')
plotIndiv(splsda.srbct, comp = c(2,3),
ind.names = FALSE,
ellipse = TRUE, legend = TRUE,
star = TRUE,
title = 'SRBCT, sPLS-DA comp 2 - 3')
(ref:05-splsda-sample-plots) Sample plots from the sPLS-DA
performed on the SRBCT
gene expression data.
Samples are projected into the space spanned by the first three
components. The plots represent 95% ellipse confidence intervals around
each sample class. The start of each arrow represents the centroid of
each class in the space spanned by the components. (a) Components 1 and
2 and (b) Components 2 and 3. Samples are coloured by their tumour
subtype. Component 1 discriminates BL vs. the rest, component 2
discriminates EWS vs. the rest,
while component 3 further discriminates NB vs. RMS vs. the rest. The combination of all
three components enables us to discriminate all classes.
The sample plots are different from PLS-DA (Figure @ref(fig:05-plsda-sample-plots)) with an overlap of specific classes (i.e. NB + RMS on component 1 and 2), that are then further separated on component 3, thus showing how the genes selected on each component discriminate particular sets of sample groups.
We represent the genes selected with sPLS-DA on the correlation
circle plot. Here to increase interpretation, we specify the argument
as the first 10 characters of the gene names
(Figure @ref(fig:05-splsda-variable-plot)). We also reduce the size of
the font with the argument cex
as an object to output
the coordinates and variable names if the plot is too
cluttered.var.name.short <- substr(srbct$gene.name[, 2], 1, 10)
plotVar(splsda.srbct, comp = c(1,2),
var.names = list(var.name.short), cex = 3)
(ref:05-splsda-variable-plot) Correlation circle plot
representing the genes selected by sPLS-DA performed on the
gene expression data. Gene names are
truncated to the first 10 characters. Only the genes selected by sPLS-DA
are shown in components 1 and 2. We observe three groups of genes
(positively associated with component 1, and positively or negatively
associated with component 2). This graphic should be interpreted in
conjunction with the sample plot.
By considering both the correlation circle plot (Figure
@ref(fig:05-splsda-variable-plot)) and the sample plot in Figure
@ref(fig:05-splsda-sample-plots), we observe that a group of genes with
a positive correlation with component 1 (‘EH domain’, ‘proteasome’ etc.)
are associated with the BL samples.
We also observe two groups of genes either positively or negatively
correlated with component 2. These genes are likely to characterise
either the NB + RMS classes, or the EWS class. This interpretation can be
further examined with the plotLoadings()
In this plot, the loading weights of each selected variable on each
component are represented (see Module 2). The colours indicate the group
in which the expression of the selected gene is maximal based on the
mean (method = 'median'
is also available for skewed data).
For example on component 1:
(ref:05-splsda-loading-plot) Loading plot of the genes
selected by sPLS-DA on component 1 on the SRBCT
expression data. Genes are ranked according to their loading
weight (most important at the bottom to least important at the top),
represented as a barplot. Colours indicate the class for which a
particular gene is maximally expressed, on average, in this particular
class. The plot helps to further characterise the gene signature and
should be interpreted jointly with the sample plot (Figure
Here all genes are associated with BL (on average, their expression levels are higher in this class than in the other classes).
to only
display the top selected genes if the signature is too large.contrib = 'min'
interpret the inverse trend of the signature (i.e. which genes have the
smallest expression in which class, here a mix of NB and RMS samples).To complete the visualisation, the CIM in this special case is a
simple hierarchical heatmap (see ?cim
) representing the
expression levels of the genes selected across all three components with
respect to each sample. Here we use an Euclidean distance with Complete
agglomeration method, and we specify the argument
to colour the samples according to their
tumour type (Figure @ref(fig:05-splsda-cim)).
(ref:05-splsda-cim) Clustered Image Map of the genes selected
by sPLS-DA on the SRBCT
gene expression data across all 3
components. A hierarchical clustering based on the gene
expression levels of the selected genes, with samples in rows coloured
according to their tumour subtype (using Euclidean distance with
Complete agglomeration method). As expected, we observe a separation of
all different tumour types, which are characterised by different levels
of expression.
The heatmap shows the level of expression of the genes selected by sPLS-DA across all three components, and the overall ability of the gene signature to discriminate the tumour subtypes.
if you wish to
visualise a specific set of components in cim()
.In this section, we artificially create an ‘external’ test set on
which we want to predict the class membership to illustrate the
prediction process in sPLS-DA (see Extra Reading material). We randomly
select 50 samples from the srbct
study as part of the
training set, and the remainder as part of the test set:
set.seed(33) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
train <- sample(1:nrow(X), 50) # Randomly select 50 samples in training
test <- setdiff(1:nrow(X), train) # Rest is part of the test set
# Store matrices into training and test set:
X.train <- X[train, ]
X.test <- X[test,]
Y.train <- Y[train]
Y.test <- Y[test]
# Check dimensions are OK:
dim(X.train); dim(X.test)
## [1] 50 2308
## [1] 13 2308
Here we assume that the tuning step was performed on the training set
only (it is really important to tune only on the
training step to avoid overfitting), and that the optimal
values are, for example,
keepX = c(20,30,40)
on three components. The final model on
the training data is:
We now apply the trained model on the test set X.test
and we specify the prediction distance, for example
(see also
The $class
output of our object
gives the predicted classes of the
test samples.
First we concatenate the prediction for each of the three components (conditionally on the previous component) and the real class - in a real application case you may not know the true class.
## mahalanobis.dist.comp1 mahalanobis.dist.comp2 mahalanobis.dist.comp3
## Truth
## EWS.T15 EWS
## EWS.C10 EWS
## BL.C8 BL
## NB.C6 NB
If we only look at the final prediction on component 2, compared to the real class:
# Compare prediction on the second component and change as factor
predict.comp2 <- predict.splsda.srbct$class$mahalanobis.dist[,2]
table(factor(predict.comp2, levels = levels(Y)), Y.test)
## Y.test
## EWS 4 0 0 0
## BL 0 1 0 0
## NB 0 0 1 1
## RMS 0 0 0 6
And on the third compnent:
# Compare prediction on the third component and change as factor
predict.comp3 <- predict.splsda.srbct$class$mahalanobis.dist[,3]
table(factor(predict.comp3, levels = levels(Y)), Y.test)
## Y.test
## EWS 4 0 0 0
## BL 0 1 0 0
## NB 0 0 1 0
## RMS 0 0 0 7
The prediction is better on the third component, compared to a 2-component model.
Next, we look at the output $predict
, which gives the
predicted dummy scores assigned for each test sample and each class
level for a given component (as explained in Extra Reading material).
Each column represents a class category:
## EWS.T7 1.26848551 -0.05273773 -0.24070902 0.024961232
## EWS.T15 1.15058424 -0.02222145 -0.11877994 -0.009582845
## EWS.C8 1.25628411 0.05481026 -0.16500118 -0.146093198
## EWS.C10 0.83995956 0.10871106 0.16452934 -0.113199949
## BL.C8 0.02431262 0.90877176 0.01775304 0.049162580
## NB.C6 0.06738230 0.05086884 0.86247360 0.019275265
In PLS-DA and sPLS-DA, the final prediction call is given based on
this matrix on which a pre-specified distance (such as
here) is applied. From this output, we can
understand the link between the dummy matrix Y, the prediction, and the
importance of choosing the prediction distance. More details are
provided in Extra Reading material.
As PLS-DA acts as a classifier, we can plot the AUC (Area Under The Curve) ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) to complement the sPLS-DA classification performance results. The AUC is calculated from training cross-validation sets and averaged. The ROC curve is displayed in Figure @ref(fig:05-splsda-auroc). In a multiclass setting, each curve represents one class vs. the others and the AUC is indicated in the legend, and also in the numerical output:
## $Comp1
## AUC p-value
## EWS vs Other(s) 0.3891 1.453e-01
## BL vs Other(s) 1.0000 5.586e-06
## NB vs Other(s) 0.8088 9.391e-04
## RMS vs Other(s) 0.6547 4.955e-02
## $Comp2
## AUC p-value
## EWS vs Other(s) 1.0000 5.135e-11
## BL vs Other(s) 1.0000 5.586e-06
## NB vs Other(s) 0.8840 3.900e-05
## RMS vs Other(s) 0.8081 9.120e-05
## $Comp3
## AUC p-value
## EWS vs Other(s) 1 5.135e-11
## BL vs Other(s) 1 5.586e-06
## NB vs Other(s) 1 8.505e-08
## RMS vs Other(s) 1 2.164e-10
(ref:05-splsda-auroc) ROC curve and AUC from sPLS-DA on the
gene expression data on component 1 averaged
across one-vs.-all comparisons. Numerical outputs include the AUC and a
Wilcoxon test p-value for each ‘one vs. other’ class comparisons that
are performed per component. This output complements the sPLS-DA
performance evaluation but should not be used for tuning (as
the prediction process in sPLS-DA is based on prediction distances, not
a cutoff that maximises specificity and sensitivity as in ROC). The plot
suggests that the sPLS-DA model can distinguish BL subjects from the other groups with a
high true positive and low false positive rate, while the model is less
well able to distinguish samples from other classes on component 1.
The ideal ROC curve should be along the top left corner, indicating a high true positive rate (sensitivity on the y-axis) and a high true negative rate (or low 100 - specificity on the x-axis), with an AUC close to 1. This is the case for BL vs. the others on component 1. The numerical output shows a perfect classification on component 3.
N-Integration is the framework of having multiple datasets which measure different aspects of the same samples. For example, you may have transcriptomic, genetic and proteomic data for the same set of cells. N-integrative methods are built to use the information in all three of these dataframes simultaenously.
DIABLO is a novel mixOmics
framework for the integration
of multiple data sets while explaining their relationship with a
categorical outcome variable. DIABLO stands for Data
Integration Analysis for
Biomarker discovery using Latent
variable approaches for Omics studies. It can also be
referred to as Multiblock (s)PLS-DA.
Human breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease in terms of molecular alterations, cellular composition, and clinical outcome. Breast tumours can be classified into several subtypes, according to their levels of mRNA expression (Sørlie et al. 2001). Here we consider a subset of data generated by The Cancer Genome Atlas Network (Cancer Genome Atlas Network et al. 2012). For the package, data were normalised, and then drastically prefiltered for illustrative purposes.
The data were divided into a training set with a subset of 150 samples from the mRNA, miRNA and proteomics data, and a test set including 70 samples, but only with mRNA and miRNA data (the proteomics data are missing). The aim of this integrative analysis is to identify a highly correlated multi-omics signature discriminating the breast cancer subtypes Basal, Her2 and LumA.
The breast.TCGA
(more details can be found in
) is a list containing training and test sets
of omics data data.train
and data.test
: A data frame with 150 (70) rows and 184 columns
in the training (test) data set for the miRNA expression levels,$mRNA
: A data frame with 150 (70) rows and 520 columns
in the training (test) data set for the mRNA expression levels,$protein
: A data frame with 150 rows and 142 columns in
the training data set for the protein abundance (there are no proteomics
in the test set),$subtype
: A factor indicating the breast cancer
subtypes in the training (for 150 samples) and test sets (for 70
samples).This case study covers an interesting scenario where one omic data set is missing in the test set, but because the method generates a set of components per training data set, we can still assess the prediction or performance evaluation using majority or weighted prediction vote.
To illustrate the multiblock sPLS-DA approach, we will integrate the expression levels of miRNA, mRNA and the abundance of proteins while discriminating the subtypes of breast cancer, then predict the subtypes of the samples in the test set.
The input data is first set up as a list of Q matrices X1, …, XQ
and a factor indicating the class membership of each sample Y. Each data frame in X should be named
as we will match these names with the keepX
parameter for
the sparse method.
# Extract training data and name each data frame
# Store as list
X <- list(mRNA = breast.TCGA$data.train$mrna,
miRNA = breast.TCGA$data.train$mirna,
protein = breast.TCGA$data.train$protein)
# Outcome
Y <- breast.TCGA$data.train$subtype
## Basal Her2 LumA
## 45 30 75
The choice of the design can be motivated by different aspects, including:
Biological apriori knowledge: Should we expect mRNA
and miRNA
to be highly correlated?
Analytical aims: As further developed in Singh et al. (2019), a compromise needs to be achieved between a classification and prediction task, and extracting the correlation structure of the data sets. A full design with weights = 1 will favour the latter, but at the expense of classification accuracy, whereas a design with small weights will lead to a highly predictive signature. This pertains to the complexity of the analytical task involved as several constraints are included in the optimisation procedure. For example, here we choose a 0.1 weighted model as we are interested in predicting test samples later in this case study.
design <- matrix(0.1, ncol = length(X), nrow = length(X),
dimnames = list(names(X), names(X)))
diag(design) <- 0
## mRNA miRNA protein
## mRNA 0.0 0.1 0.1
## miRNA 0.1 0.0 0.1
## protein 0.1 0.1 0.0
Note however that even with this design, we will still unravel a correlated signature as we require all data sets to explain the same outcome y, as well as maximising pairs of covariances between data sets.
res1.pls.tcga <- pls(X$mRNA, X$protein, ncomp = 1)
cor(res1.pls.tcga$variates$X, res1.pls.tcga$variates$Y)
res2.pls.tcga <- pls(X$mRNA, X$miRNA, ncomp = 1)
cor(res2.pls.tcga$variates$X, res2.pls.tcga$variates$Y)
res3.pls.tcga <- pls(X$protein, X$miRNA, ncomp = 1)
cor(res3.pls.tcga$variates$X, res3.pls.tcga$variates$Y)
## comp1
## comp1 0.9031761
## comp1
## comp1 0.8456299
## comp1
## comp1 0.7982008
The data sets taken in a pairwise manner are highly correlated, indicating that a design with weights ∼ 0.8 − 0.9 could be chosen.
As in the PLS-DA framework presented in Module 3, we first fit a
model without variable selection to assess the
global performance of the model and choose the number of components. We
run perf()
with 10-fold cross validation repeated 10 times
for up to 5 components and with our specified design matrix. Similar to
PLS-DA, we obtain the performance of the model with respect to the
different prediction distances (Figure @ref(fig:06-ncomp)):
diablo.tcga <- block.plsda(X, Y, ncomp = 5, design = design)
set.seed(123) # For reproducibility, remove for your analyses
perf.diablo.tcga = perf(diablo.tcga, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 10, nrepeat = 10)
#perf.diablo.tcga$error.rate # Lists the different types of error rates
# Plot of the error rates based on weighted vote
(ref:06-ncomp) Choosing the number of components in
using perf()
with 10 x 10-fold CV
function in the breast.TCGA
study. Classification
error rates (overall and balanced, see Module 2) are represented on the
y-axis with respect to the number of components on the x-axis for each
prediction distance presented in PLS-DA in Seciton 3.4 and detailed in
Extra reading material 3 from Module 3. Bars show the standard deviation
across the 10 repeated folds. The plot shows that the error rate reaches
a minimum from 2 to 3 dimensions.
The performance plot indicates that two components should be sufficient in the final model, and that the centroids distance might lead to better prediction. A balanced error rate (BER) should be considered for further analysis.
The following outputs the optimal number of components according to the prediction distance and type of error rate (overall or balanced), as well as a prediction weighting scheme illustrated further below.
## max.dist centroids.dist mahalanobis.dist
## Overall.ER 3 3 3
## Overall.BER 3 3 3
Thus, here we choose our final ncomp
We then choose the optimal number of variables to select in each data
set using the tune.block.splsda
function. The function
is run with 10-fold cross validation, but repeated
only once (nrepeat = 1
) for illustrative and computational
reasons here. For a thorough tuning process, we advise increasing the
argument to 10-50, or more.
We choose a keepX
grid that is relatively fine at the
start, then coarse. If the data sets are easy to classify, the tuning
step may indicate the smallest number of variables to separate the
sample groups. Hence, we start our grid at the value 5
avoid a too small signature that may preclude biological
# chunk takes about 2 min to run
set.seed(123) # for reproducibility
test.keepX <- list(mRNA = c(5:9, seq(10, 25, 5)),
miRNA = c(5:9, seq(10, 20, 2)),
proteomics = c(seq(5, 25, 5)))
tune.diablo.tcga <- tune.block.splsda(X, Y, ncomp = 2,
test.keepX = test.keepX, design = design,
validation = 'Mfold', folds = 10, nrepeat = 1,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SnowParam(workers = 2),
dist = "centroids.dist")
list.keepX <- tune.diablo.tcga$choice.keepX
.The number of features to select on each component is returned and stored for the final model:
## $mRNA
## [1] 8 25
## $miRNA
## [1] 14 5
## $protein
## [1] 10 5
and keepX
parameters (as a list
for the latter, as shown below).The final multiblock sPLS-DA model includes the tuned parameters and is run as:
## Design matrix has changed to include Y; each block will be
## linked to Y.
A warning message informs us that the outcome Y has been included automatically in the design, so that the covariance between each block’s component and the outcome is maximised, as shown in the final design output:
## mRNA miRNA protein Y
## mRNA 0.0 0.1 0.1 1
## miRNA 0.1 0.0 0.1 1
## protein 0.1 0.1 0.0 1
## Y 1.0 1.0 1.0 0
The selected variables can be extracted with the function
, for example in the mRNA block, along with
their loading weights (not output here):
function, similar to the example given in the
PLS-DA analysis (Module 3).plotDiablo
is a diagnostic plot to check whether the
correlations between components from each data set were maximised as
specified in the design matrix. We specify the dimension to be assessed
with the ncomp
argument (Figure
(ref:06-diablo-plot) Diagnostic plot from multiblock sPLS-DA
applied on the breast.TCGA
study. Samples are
represented based on the specified component (here
ncomp = 1
) for each data set (mRNA, miRNA and protein).
Samples are coloured by breast cancer subtype (Basal, Her2 and LumA) and 95% confidence ellipse plots
are represented. The bottom left numbers indicate the correlation
coefficients between the first components from each data set. In this
example, mRNA expression and protein concentration are highly correlated
on the first dimension.
The plot indicates that the first components from all data sets are highly correlated. The colours and ellipses represent the sample subtypes and indicate the discriminative power of each component to separate the different tumour subtypes. Thus, multiblock sPLS-DA is able to extract a strong correlation structure between data sets, as well as discriminate the breast cancer subtypes on the first component.
The sample plot with the plotIndiv()
function projects
each sample into the space spanned by the components from each
block, resulting in a series of graphs corresponding to each data set
(Figure @ref(fig:06-sample-plot)). The optional argument
can output a specific data set. Ellipse plots are
also available (argument ellipse = TRUE
(ref:06-sample-plot) Sample plot from multiblock sPLS-DA
performed on the breast.TCGA
study. The samples
are plotted according to their scores on the first 2 components for each
data set. Samples are coloured by cancer subtype and are classified into
three classes: Basal, Her2 and LumA. The plot shows the degree of
agreement between the different data sets and the discriminative ability
of each data set.
This type of graphic allows us to better understand the information extracted from each data set and its discriminative ability. Here we can see that the LumA group can be difficult to classify in the miRNA data.
block = 'average'
that averages the components from all
blocks to produce a single plot. The argument
is a weighted average of the
components according to their correlation with the components associated
with the outcome.plotArrow
In the arrow plot in Figure @ref(fig:06-arrow-plot), the start of the arrow indicates the centroid between all data sets for a given sample and the tip of the arrow the location of that same sample but in each block. Such graphics highlight the agreement between all data sets at the sample level when modelled with multiblock sPLS-DA.
(ref:06-arrow-plot) Arrow plot from multiblock sPLS-DA
performed on the breast.TCGA
study. The samples
are projected into the space spanned by the first two components for
each data set then overlaid across data sets. The start of the arrow
indicates the centroid between all data sets for a given sample and the
tip of the arrow the location of the same sample in each block. Arrows
further from their centroid indicate some disagreement between the data
sets. Samples are coloured by cancer subtype (Basal, Her2 and LumA).
This plot shows that globally, the discrimination of all breast cancer subtypes can be extracted from all data sets, however, there are some dissimilarities at the samples level across data sets (the common information cannot be extracted in the same way across data sets).
The visualisation of the selected variables is crucial to mine their associations in multiblock sPLS-DA. Here we revisit existing outputs presented in Module 2 with further developments for multiple data set integration. All the plots presented provide complementary information for interpreting the results.
The correlation circle plot highlights the contribution of each selected variable to each component. Important variables should be close to the large circle (see Module 2). Here, only the variables selected on components 1 and 2 are depicted (across all blocks), see Figure @ref(fig:06-correlation-plot). Clusters of points indicate a strong correlation between variables. For better visibility we chose to hide the variable names.
plotVar(diablo.tcga, var.names = FALSE, style = 'graphics', legend = TRUE,
pch = c(16, 17, 15), cex = c(2,2,2),
col = c('darkorchid', 'brown1', 'lightgreen'),
title = 'TCGA, DIABLO comp 1 - 2')
(ref:06-correlation-plot) Correlation circle plot from
multiblock sPLS-DA performed on the breast.TCGA
study. The variable coordinates are defined according to their
correlation with the first and second components for each data set.
Variable types are indicated with different symbols and colours, and are
overlaid on the same plot. The plot highlights the potential
associations within and between different variable types when they are
important in defining their own component.
The correlation circle plot shows some positive correlations (between selected miRNA and proteins, between selected proteins and mRNA) and negative correlations between mRNAand miRNA on component 1. The correlation structure is less obvious on component 2, but we observe some key selected features (proteins and miRNA) that seem to highly contribute to component 2.
These results can be further investigated by showing the
variable names on this plot (or extracting their coordinates available
from the plot saved into an object, see ?plotVar
), and
looking at various outputs from selectVar()
You can choose to only show specific variable type names,
e.g. var.names = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
(where each argument
is assigned to a data set in X). Here for example, the
protein names only would be output.
The circos plot represents the correlations between variables of
different types, represented on the side quadrants. Several display
options are possible, to show within and between connections between
blocks, and expression levels of each variable according to each class
(argument line = TRUE
). The circos plot is built based on a
similarity matrix, which was extended to the case of multiple data sets
from González et al. (2012) (see also Module 2 and Extra Reading
material from that module). A cutoff
argument can be
further included to visualise correlation coefficients above this
threshold in the multi-omics signature (Figure
@ref(fig:06-circos-plot)). The colours for the blocks and correlation
lines can be chosen with color.blocks
circosPlot(diablo.tcga, cutoff = 0.7, line = TRUE,
color.blocks = c('darkorchid', 'brown1', 'lightgreen'),
color.cor = c("chocolate3","grey20"), size.labels = 1.5)
(ref:06-circos-plot) Circos plot from multiblock sPLS-DA
performed on the breast.TCGA
study. The plot
represents the correlations greater than 0.7 between variables of
different types, represented on the side quadrants. The internal
connecting lines show the positive
(negative) correlations. The outer
lines show the expression levels of each variable in each sample group
(Basal, Her2 and LumA).
The circos plot enables us to visualise cross-correlations between data types, and the nature of these correlations (positive or negative). Here we observe that correlations > 0.7 are between a few mRNAand some Proteins, whereas the majority of strong (negative) correlations are observed between miRNA and mRNAor Proteins. The lines indicating the average expression levels per breast cancer subtype indicate that the selected features are able to discriminate the sample groups.
Relevance networks, which are also built on the similarity matrix,
can also visualise the correlations between the different types of
variables. Each colour represents a type of variable. A threshold can
also be set using the argument cutoff
@ref(fig:06-network)). By default the network includes only variables
selected on component 1, unless specified in comp
Note that sometimes the output may not show with Rstudio due to
margin issues. We can either use X11()
to open a new
window, or save the plot as an image using the arguments
and name.save
, as we show below. An
argument is also available for the
argument, see details in ?network
# X11() # Opens a new window
network(diablo.tcga, blocks = c(1,2,3),
cutoff = 0.4,
color.node = c('darkorchid', 'brown1', 'lightgreen'),
# To save the plot, uncomment below line
#save = 'png', name.save = 'diablo-network'
(ref:06-network) Relevance network for the variables selected
by multiblock sPLS-DA performed on the breast.TCGA
study on
component 1. Each node represents a selected variable with
colours indicating their type. The colour of the edges represent
positive or negative correlations. Further tweaking of this plot can be
obtained, see the help file ?network
The relevance network in Figure @ref(fig:06-network) shows two groups of features of different types. Within each group we observe positive and negative correlations. The visualisation of this plot could be further improved by changing the names of the original features.
Note that the network can be saved in a .gml format to be input into
the software Cytoscape, using the R package igraph
(Csardi, Nepusz, et al.
visualises the loading weights of each
selected variable on each component and each data set. The colour
indicates the class in which the variable has the maximum level of
expression (contrib = 'max'
) or minimum
(contrib = 'min'
), on average
(method = 'mean'
) or using the median
(method = 'median'
(ref:06-loading-plot) Loading plot for the variables selected
by multiblock sPLS-DA performed on the breast.TCGA
study on
component 1. The most important variables (according to the
absolute value of their coefficients) are ordered from bottom to top. As
this is a supervised analysis, colours indicate the class for which the
median expression value is the highest for each feature (variables
selected characterise Basal and
The loading plot shows the multi-omics signature selected on component 1, where each panel represents one data type. The importance of each variable is visualised by the length of the bar (i.e. its loading coefficient value). The combination of the sign of the coefficient (positive / negative) and the colours indicate that component 1 discriminates primarily the Basal samples vs. the LumA samples (see the sample plots also). The features selected are highly expressed in one of these two subtypes. One could also plot the second component that discriminates the Her2 samples.
The cimDiablo()
function is a clustered image map
specifically implemented to represent the multi-omics molecular
signature expression for each sample. It is very similar to a classical
hierarchical clustering (Figure @ref(fig:06-cim)).
cimDiablo(diablo.tcga, color.blocks = c('darkorchid', 'brown1', 'lightgreen'),
comp = 1, margin=c(8,20), legend.position = "right")
## trimming values to [-3, 3] range for cim visualisation. See 'trim' arg in ?cimDiablo
(ref:06-cim) Clustered Image Map for the variables selected
by multiblock sPLS-DA performed on the breast.TCGA
study on
component 1. By default, Euclidean distance and Complete
linkage methods are used. The CIM represents samples in rows (indicated
by their breast cancer subtype on the left hand side of the plot) and
selected features in columns (indicated by their data type at the top of
the plot).
According to the CIM, component 1 seems to primarily classify the Basal samples, with a group of overexpressed miRNA and underexpressed mRNAand proteins. A group of LumA samples can also be identified due to the overexpression of the same mRNAand proteins. Her2 samples remain quite mixed with the other LumA samples.
We assess the performance of the model using 10-fold cross-validation
repeated 10 times with the function perf()
. The method runs
a block.splsda()
model on the pre-specified arguments input
from our final object diablo.tcga
but on cross-validated
samples. We then assess the accuracy of the prediction on the left out
samples. Since the tune()
function was used with the
argument, we examine the outputs of the
function for that same distance:
set.seed(123) # For reproducibility with this handbook, remove otherwise
perf.diablo.tcga <- perf(diablo.tcga, validation = 'Mfold', folds = 10,
nrepeat = 10, dist = 'centroids.dist')
#perf.diablo.tcga # Lists the different outputs
We can extract the (balanced) classification error rates globally or
overall with perf.diablo.tcga$error.rate.per.class
, the
predicted components associated to Y, or the stability of the
selected features with perf.diablo.tcga$features
Here we look at the different performance assessment schemes specific to multiple data set integration.
First, we output the performance with the majority vote, that is, since the prediction is based on the components associated to their own data set, we can then weight those predictions across data sets according to a majority vote scheme. Based on the predicted classes, we then extract the classification error rate per class and per component:
## $centroids.dist
## comp1 comp2 comp3
## Basal 0.03111111 0.04666667 0.08444444
## Her2 0.21666667 0.12333333 0.18333333
## LumA 0.05466667 0.01333333 0.07466667
## Overall.ER 0.08000000 0.04533333 0.09933333
## Overall.BER 0.10081481 0.06111111 0.11414815
The output shows that with the exception of the Basal samples, the classification improves with the addition of the second component.
Another prediction scheme is to weight the classification error rate from each data set according to the correlation between the predicted components and the Y outcome.
## $centroids.dist
## comp1 comp2 comp3
## Basal 0.01555556 0.04666667 0.08222222
## Her2 0.15000000 0.10333333 0.15666667
## LumA 0.05466667 0.01333333 0.07333333
## Overall.ER 0.06200000 0.04133333 0.09266667
## Overall.BER 0.07340741 0.05444444 0.10407407
Compared to the previous majority vote output, we can see that the classification accuracy is slightly better on component 2 for the subtype Her2.
An AUC plot per block is plotted using the function
. We have already mentioned in Module 3 for PLS-DA,
the interpretation of this output may not be particularly insightful in
relation to the performance evaluation of our methods, but can
complement the statistical analysis. For example, here for the miRNA
data set once we have reached component 2 (Figure
(ref:06-auroc) ROC and AUC based on multiblock sPLS-DA
performed on the breast.TCGA
study for the miRNA data set
after 2 components. The function calculates the ROC curve and
AUC for one class vs. the others. If we set print = TRUE
the Wilcoxon test p-value that assesses the differences between the
predicted components from one class vs. the others is output.
Figure @ref(fig:06-auroc) shows that the Her2 subtype is the most difficult to classify with multiblock sPLS-DA compared to the other subtypes.
The predict()
function associated with a
object predicts the class of samples from an
external test set. In our specific case, one data set is missing in the
test set but the method can still be applied. We need to ensure the
names of the blocks correspond exactly to those from the training
# Prepare test set data: here one block (proteins) is missing
data.test.tcga <- list(mRNA = breast.TCGA$data.test$mrna,
miRNA = breast.TCGA$data.test$mirna)
predict.diablo.tcga <- predict(diablo.tcga, newdata = data.test.tcga)
# The warning message will inform us that one block is missing
#predict.diablo # List the different outputs
The following output is a confusion matrix that compares the real
subtypes with the predicted subtypes for a 2 component model, for the
distance of interest centroids.dist
and the prediction
scheme WeightedVote
confusion.mat.tcga <- get.confusion_matrix(truth = breast.TCGA$data.test$subtype,
predicted = predict.diablo.tcga$WeightedVote$centroids.dist[,2])
## predicted.as.Basal predicted.as.Her2 predicted.as.LumA
## Basal 20 1 0
## Her2 0 13 1
## LumA 0 3 32
From this table, we see that one Basal and one Her2 sample are wrongly predicted as Her2 and Lum A respectively, and 3 LumA samples are wrongly predicted as Her2. The balanced prediction error rate can be obtained as:
## [1] 0.06825397
It would be worthwhile at this stage to revisit the chosen design of the multiblock sPLS-DA model to assess the influence of the design on the prediction performance on this test set - even though this back and forth analysis is a biased criterion to choose the design!
We integrate four transcriptomics studies of microarray stem cells (125 samples in total). The original data set from the Stemformatics database1 (Wells et al. 2013) was reduced to fit into the package, and includes a randomly-chosen subset of the expression levels of 400 genes. The aim is to classify three types of human cells: human fibroblasts (Fib) and human induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSC & hESC).
There is a biological hierarchy among the three cell types. On one hand, differences between pluripotent (hiPSC and hESC) and non-pluripotent cells (Fib) are well-characterised and are expected to contribute to the main biological variation. On the other hand, hiPSC are genetically reprogrammed to behave like hESC and both cell types are commonly assumed to be alike. However, differences have been reported in the literature (Chin et al. (2009), Newman and Cooper (2010)). We illustrate the use of MINT to address sub-classification problems in a single analysis.
We first load the data from the package and set up the categorical
outcome Y and the
## [1] 125 400
## [1] 125
## Fibroblast hESC hiPSC
## 30 37 58
We then store the vector indicating the sample membership of each independent study:
## 1 2 3 4
## 38 51 21 15
## study
## Y 1 2 3 4
## Fibroblast 6 18 3 3
## hESC 20 3 8 6
## hiPSC 12 30 10 6
We first perform a MINT PLS-DA with all variables included in the
model and ncomp = 5
components. The perf()
function is used to estimate the performance of the model using LOGOCV,
and to choose the optimal number of components for our final model (see
Fig @ref(fig:07-plsda-perf)).
mint.plsda.stem <- mint.plsda(X = X, Y = Y, study = study, ncomp = 5)
set.seed(2543) # For reproducible results here, remove for your own analyses
perf.mint.plsda.stem <- perf(mint.plsda.stem)
(ref:07-plsda-perf) Choosing the number of components in
using perf()
with LOGOCV in the
study. Classification error rates
(overall and balanced, see Module 2) are represented on the y-axis with
respect to the number of components on the x-axis for each prediction
distance (see Module 3 and Extra Reading material ‘PLS-DA appendix’).
The plot shows that the error rate reaches a minimum from 1 component
with the BER and centroids distance.
Based on the performance plot (Figure @ref(fig:07-plsda-perf)),
ncomp = 2
seems to achieve the best performance for the
centroid distance, and ncomp = 1
for the Mahalanobis
distance in terms of BER. Additional numerical outputs such as the BER
and overall error rates per component, and the error rates per class and
per prediction distance, can be output:
## max.dist centroids.dist mahalanobis.dist
## comp1 0.3803556 0.3333333 0.3333333
## comp2 0.3519556 0.3320000 0.3725111
## comp3 0.3499556 0.3384000 0.3232889
## comp4 0.3541111 0.3427778 0.3898000
## comp5 0.3353778 0.3268667 0.3097111
While we may want to focus our interpretation on the first component,
we run a final MINT PLS-DA model for ncomp = 2
to obtain 2D
graphical outputs (Figure @ref(fig:07-plsda-sample-plot1)):
final.mint.plsda.stem <- mint.plsda(X = X, Y = Y, study = study, ncomp = 2)
#final.mint.plsda.stem # Lists the different functions
plotIndiv(final.mint.plsda.stem, legend = TRUE, title = 'MINT PLS-DA',
subtitle = 'stem cell study', ellipse = TRUE)
(ref:07-plsda-sample-plot1) Sample plot from the MINT PLS-DA
performed on the stemcells
gene expression data.
Samples are projected into the space spanned by the first two
components. Samples are coloured by their cell types and symbols
indicate the study membership. Component 1 discriminates fibroblast vs. the others, while
component 2 discriminates some of the hiPSC vs. hESC.
The sample plot (Fig @ref(fig:07-plsda-sample-plot1)) shows that fibroblast are separated on the first component. We observe that while deemed not crucial for an optimal discrimination, the second component seems to help separate hESC and hiPSC further. The effect of study after MINT modelling is not strong.
We can compare this output to a classical PLS-DA to visualise the study effect (Figure @ref(fig:07-plsda-sample-plot2)):
plsda.stem <- plsda(X = X, Y = Y, ncomp = 2)
plotIndiv(plsda.stem, pch = study,
legend = TRUE, title = 'Classic PLS-DA',
legend.title = 'Cell type', legend.title.pch = 'Study')
(ref:07-plsda-sample-plot2) Sample plot from a classic PLS-DA
performed on the stemcells
gene expression data
that highlights the study effect (indicated by symbols). Samples are
projected into the space spanned by the first two components. We still
do observe some discrimination between the cell types.
The MINT PLS-DA model shown earlier is built on all 400 genes in X, many of which may be uninformative to characterise the different classes. Here we aim to identify a small subset of genes that best discriminate the classes.
We can choose the keepX
parameter using the
function for a MINT object. The function performs
LOGOCV for different values of test.keepX
provided on each
component, and no repeat argument is needed. Based on the mean
classification error rate (overall error rate or BER) and a centroids
distance, we output the optimal number of variables keepX
to be included in the final model.
set.seed(2543) # For a reproducible result here, remove for your own analyses
tune.mint.splsda.stem <- tune(X = X, Y = Y, study = study,
ncomp = 2, test.keepX = seq(1, 100, 1),
method = 'mint.splsda', #Specify the method
measure = 'BER',
dist = "centroids.dist",
nrepeat = 3)
#tune.mint.splsda.stem # Lists the different types of outputs
# Mean error rate per component and per tested keepX value:
The optimal number of variables to select on each specified component:
## comp1 comp2
## 24 1
(ref:07-splsda-tuning-plot) Tuning keepX
sPLS-DA performed on the stemcells
gene expression
data. Each coloured line represents the balanced error rate
(y-axis) per component across all tested keepX
(x-axis). The diamond indicates the optimal keepX
value on
a particular component which achieves the lowest classification error
rate as determined with a one-sided t−test across the studies.
The tuning plot in Figure @ref(fig:07-splsda-tuning-plot) indicates the optimal number of variables to select on component 1 (24) and on component 2 (1). In fact, whilst the BER decreases with the addition of component 2, the standard deviation remains large, and thus only one component is optimal. However, the addition of this second component is useful for the graphical outputs, and also to attempt to discriminate the hESC and hiPCS cell types.
values.Following the tuning results, our final model is as follows (we still choose a model with two components in order to obtain 2D graphics):
The samples can be projected on the global components or alternatively using the partial components from each study (Fig @ref(fig:07-splsda-sample-plots)).
plotIndiv(final.mint.splsda.stem, study = 'global', legend = TRUE,
title = 'Stem cells, MINT sPLS-DA',
subtitle = 'Global', ellipse = TRUE)
plotIndiv(final.mint.splsda.stem, study = 'all.partial', legend = TRUE,
title = 'Stem cells, MINT sPLS-DA',
subtitle = paste("Study",1:4))
(ref:07-splsda-sample-plots) Sample plots from the MINT
sPLS-DA performed on the stemcells
gene expression
data. Samples are projected into the space spanned by the first
two components. Samples are coloured by their cell types and symbols
indicate study membership. (a) Global components from the model with 95%
ellipse confidence intervals around each sample class. (b) Partial
components per study show a good agreement across studies. Component 1
discriminates fibroblast vs. the
rest, component 2 discriminates further hESC vs. hiPSC.
The visualisation of the partial components enables us to examine each study individually and check that the model is able to extract a good agreement between studies.
We can examine our molecular signature selected with MINT sPLS-DA. The correlation circle plot, presented in Module 2, highlights the contribution of each selected transcript to each component (close to the large circle), and their correlation (clusters of variables) in Figure @ref(fig:07-splsda-correlation-plot2):
(ref:07-splsda-correlation-plot2) Correlation circle plot
representing the genes selected by MINT sPLS-DA performed on the
gene expression data to examine the
association of the genes selected on the first two components. We mainly
observe two groups of genes, either positively or negatively associated with component 1
along the x-axis. This graphic should be interpreted in conjunction with
the sample plot.
We observe a subset of genes that are strongly correlated and negatively associated to component 1 (negative values on the x-axis), which are likely to characterise the groups of samples hiPSC and hESC, and a subset of genes positively associated to component 1 that may characterise the fibroblast samples (and are negatively correlated to the previous group of genes).
argument to show gene name
ID, as shown in Module 3 for PLS-DA.The Clustered Image Map represents the expression levels of the gene signature per sample, similar to a PLS-DA object (see Module 3). Here we use the default Euclidean distance and Complete linkage in Figure @ref(fig:07-splsda-cim) for a specific component (here 1):
# If facing margin issues, use either X11() or save the plot using the
# arguments save and name.save
cim(final.mint.splsda.stem, comp = 1, margins=c(10,5),
row.sideColors = color.mixo(as.numeric(Y)), row.names = FALSE,
title = "MINT sPLS-DA, component 1")
(ref:07-splsda-cim) Clustered Image Map of the genes selected
by MINT sPLS-DA on the stemcells
gene expression data for
component 1 only. A hierarchical clustering based on the gene
expression levels of the selected genes on component 1, with samples in
rows coloured according to cell type showing a separation of the fibroblast vs. the other cell types.
As expected and observed from the sample plot Figure @ref(fig:07-splsda-sample-plots), we observe in the CIM that the expression of the genes selected on component 1 discriminates primarily the fibroblast vs. the other cell types.
Relevance networks can also be plotted for a PLS-DA object, but would
only show the association between the selected genes and the cell type
(dummy variable in Y
as an outcome category) as shown in Figure @ref(fig:07-splsda-network).
Only the variables selected on component 1 are shown
(comp = 1
# If facing margin issues, use either X11() or save the plot using the
# arguments save and name.save
network(final.mint.splsda.stem, comp = 1,
color.node = c(color.mixo(1), color.mixo(2)),
shape.node = c("rectangle", "circle"))
(ref:07-splsda-network) Relevance network of the genes
selected by MINT sPLS-DA performed on the stemcells
expression data for component 1 only. Associations between
variables from X and
the dummy matrix Y are
calculated as detailed in Extra Reading material from Module 2. Edges
indicate high or low association between the genes and the
different cell types.
The selectVar()
function outputs the selected
transcripts on the first component along with their loading weight
values. We consider variables as important in the model when their
absolute loading weight value is high. In addition to this output, we
can compare the stability of the selected features across studies using
the perf()
function, as shown in PLS-DA in Module 3.
## value.var
## ENSG00000181449 -0.09764220
## ENSG00000123080 0.09606034
## ENSG00000110721 -0.09595070
## ENSG00000176485 -0.09457383
## ENSG00000184697 -0.09387322
## ENSG00000102935 -0.09370298
The plotLoadings()
function displays the coefficient
weight of each selected variable in each study and shows the agreement
of the gene signature across studies (Figure
@ref(fig:07-splsda-loading-plot)). Colours indicate the class in which
the mean expression value of each selected gene is maximal. For
component 1, we obtain:
plotLoadings(final.mint.splsda.stem, contrib = "max", method = 'mean', comp=1,
study="all.partial", title="Contribution on comp 1",
subtitle = paste("Study",1:4))
(ref:07-splsda-loading-plot) Loading plots of the genes
selected by the MINT sPLS-DA performed on the stemcells
data, on component 1 per study. Each plot represents one study,
and the variables are coloured according to the cell type they are
maximally expressed in, on average. The length of the bars indicate the
loading coefficient values that define the component. Several genes distinguish between fibroblast and the other cell types, and
are consistently overexpressed in these samples across all studies. We
observe slightly more variability in whether the expression levels of
the other genes are more indicative of hiPSC or hESC cell types.
Several genes are consistently over-expressed on average in the fibroblast samples in each of the studies, however, we observe a less consistent pattern for the other genes that characterise hiPSC} and hESC. This can be explained as the discrimination between both classes is challenging on component 1 (see sample plot in Figure @ref(fig:07-splsda-sample-plots)).
We assess the performance of the MINT sPLS-DA model with the
function. Since the previous tuning was conducted
with the distance centroids.dist
, the same distance is used
to assess the performance of the final model. We do not need to specify
the argument nrepeat
as we use LOGOCV in the function.
set.seed(123) # For reproducible results here, remove for your own study
perf.mint.splsda.stem.final <- perf(final.mint.plsda.stem, dist = 'centroids.dist')
## $BER
## centroids.dist
## comp1 0.3333333
## comp2 0.3320000
## $overall
## centroids.dist
## comp1 0.456
## comp2 0.392
## $error.rate.class
## $error.rate.class$centroids.dist
## comp1 comp2
## Fibroblast 0.0000000 0.0000000
## hESC 0.1891892 0.4594595
## hiPSC 0.8620690 0.5517241
The classification error rate per class is particularly insightful to understand which cell types are difficult to classify, hESC and hiPS - whose mixture can be explained for biological reasons.
An AUC plot for the integrated data can be obtained using the
function auroc()
(Fig @ref(fig:07-splsda-auroc-plots)).
Remember that the AUC incorporates measures of sensitivity and specificity for every possible cut-off of the predicted dummy variables. However, our PLS-based models rely on prediction distances, which can be seen as a determined optimal cut-off. Therefore, the ROC and AUC criteria may not be particularly insightful in relation to the performance evaluation of our supervised multivariate methods, but can complement the statistical analysis (from Rohart, Gautier, Singh, and Lê Cao (2017)).
We can also obtain an AUC plot per study by specifying the argument
(ref:07-splsda-auroc-plots) ROC curve and AUC from the MINT
sPLS-DA performed on the stemcells
gene expression data for
global and specific studies, averaged across one-vs-all
comparisons. Numerical outputs include the AUC and a Wilcoxon test p−value for each ‘one vs. other’
class comparison that are performed per component. This output
complements the sPLS-DA performance evaluation but should not be
used for tuning (as the prediction process in sPLS-DA is based on
prediction distances, not a cutoff that maximises specificity and
sensitivity as in ROC). The plot suggests that the selected features are
more accurate in classifying fibroblasts
versus the other cell types, and less accurate in distinguishing
hESC versus the other cell types or
hiPSC versus the other cell
We use the predict()
function to predict the class
membership of new test samples from an external study. We provide an
example where we set aside a particular study, train the MINT model on
the remaining three studies, then predict on the test study. This
process exactly reflects the inner workings of the tune()
and perf()
functions using LOGOCV.
Here during our model training on the three studies only, we assume
we have performed the tuning steps described in this case study to
choose ncomp
and keepX
(here set to arbitrary
values to avoid overfitting):
# We predict on study 3
indiv.test <- which(study == "3")
# We train on the remaining studies, with pre-tuned parameters
mint.splsda.stem2 <- mint.splsda(X = X[-c(indiv.test), ],
Y = Y[-c(indiv.test)],
study = droplevels(study[-c(indiv.test)]),
ncomp = 1,
keepX = 30)
mint.predict.stem <- predict(mint.splsda.stem2, newdata = X[indiv.test, ],
dist = "centroids.dist",
study.test = factor(study[indiv.test]))
# Store class prediction with a model with 1 comp
indiv.prediction <- mint.predict.stem$class$centroids.dist[, 1]
# The confusion matrix compares the real subtypes with the predicted subtypes
conf.mat <- get.confusion_matrix(truth = Y[indiv.test],
predicted = indiv.prediction)
## predicted.as.Fibroblast predicted.as.hESC predicted.as.hiPSC
## Fibroblast 3 0 0
## hESC 0 4 4
## hiPSC 2 2 6
Here we have considered a trained model with one component, and compared the cell type prediction for the test study 3 with the known cell types. The classification error rate is relatively high, but potentially could be improved with a proper tuning, and a larger number of studies in the training set.
## [1] 0.3809524
## [1] '6.31.4'
## R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.26.so; LAPACK version 3.12.0
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## [5] knitr_1.49 BiocStyle_2.35.0
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## [4] stringi_1.8.4 digest_0.6.37 magrittr_2.0.3
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## [13] Matrix_1.7-2 jsonlite_1.8.9 ggrepel_0.9.6
## [16] RSpectra_0.16-2 gridExtra_2.3 BiocManager_1.30.25
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## [46] bslib_0.9.0 gtable_0.3.6 rARPACK_0.11-0
## [49] glue_1.8.0 Rcpp_1.0.14 xfun_0.50
## [52] tibble_3.2.1 tidyselect_1.2.1 sys_3.4.3
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